
Escaping Hell!

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Kai had managed to fight his way through most of Level 6, but something was bothering him. He couldn't just leave without seeing who the other prisoners were. He went down the dark corridor and peered into each cell. One after another he saw faces distorted with hatred, malice, and pure evil. These weren't just criminals; they were monsters. People so despicable in nature that the world had opted to forget. At the thought of releasing them into society, his stomach began to twist into knots.

'What am I even thinking?' Kai grimaced, shaking his head in disgust. 'These people don't deserve freedom. Helping them would only make things worse. They'd burn the world down just for fun.' He clutched his hand a little tighter at every cell he passed, his determination solidifying with each look he gave to the inmates.

But finally, he reached the last cell; his footsteps slowing down, he noticed the air felt different in here. Down, deep inside, but restrained with an eerie calmness, was Shiryu of the Rain.....one of the most dangerous men Impel Down had ever housed. The former head jailer sat casually, awaiting whatever would be happening.

Kai's eyes narrowed as he weighed his options. 'If I kill him now. I'd be doing the world a favor' he thought 'And I'd get a ridiculous amount of XP. enough to jump levels, maybe even enough to make dealing with Magellan easier'

He stepped toward Shiryu's cell, his Estoc held in a death grip and ready to strike in a flash. Then, just as he was reaching the cell, his system suddenly turned on.

A huge red health bar appeared above Shiryu's head.


Kai jumped backwards as he though 'Boss Battle!' Shiryu turned to look at him, his eyes freezing his, cold and calculating, as if he'd been waiting for Kai's murderous intent since the moment he stepped into the room. There was no fear in Shiryu's eyes, just amusement. Kai's heart raced as he reassessed in a heartbeat.

'Yeah....Thank god this is an Elden Ring system, and not a Dark Souls System, one could always Avoid a Strong Boss... This guy. isn't normal. I could try, but. not worth the risk' Kai concluded, backing away. He knew the fighting of Shiryu could mean his death before he even got a chance to help Luffy, and no XP was worth that gamble when he didn't understand exactly how strong Shiryu was.

Just as Kai was about to leave the cell block, a sudden voice echoed through the level and resounded through it, breaking the eerie silence.

"Ah, I knew this day would come," the smug voice of Hannyabal said over the comm system. "You must've thought you could cause chaos and get away with it. Well, let's see how you handle this!" His voice was redolent with confidence and just a hint of sadistic glee.

Before Kai could even react, the walls hissed. Secret compartments opened up all over Level 6, and white clouds of Sleeping gas started seeping into the air. Full on panic broke out as prisoners one of them Shiryu realized the danger that was about to befall them.

"Sleeping Gas!… damn it!"* Kai cursed, his mind racing. He needed to act fast or this could be the end for all of them.

But just as the gas started to spread, there was a shrill noise heard in the air. Inazuma now quick on his actions sprang into motion. In one swift movement, he pulled out his scissors and snipped at the walls where the poison was issuing from. Each clip successfully shredded through the compartments holding the poison and closed them up, trapping the gas inside.

Within instants, the room was no longer filling up with poison. The threat had been neutralized, at least for now. Inazuma mopped his brow, turned to Kai, and nodded. "We need to move. Now."

Kai blew out a sigh of relief but was still wired. He turned once more to Shiryu, who was smirking just barely, as if the man had enjoyed the display. 'Definitely not worth it....'

As the group huffed and puffed behind, escaping the trap of poison by a hair, Inazuma continued to cut into the walls with his scissors, sealing off any remaining fragments of the gas. Ivankov was able to tower over him with his large figure, a wide grin on his face as he clapped his hands in admiration.

"Oh-hoho! Inazuma, darling! Your powers are FANTASTICO! How you sliced through that deadly poison, you're such a lifesaver! Fabulous!" exclaimed Iva with his ever-dramatic voice that echoed within the corridors.

Always modest, Inazuma shrugged the praise off. "It's nothing, Iva-sama. It's still not enough. We need to get to Level 5 as soon as possible. The gates are totally sealed, so our only option is to carve up our way."

Without hesitation, Inazuma sprang to the nearest wall. Extended scissors sliced through thick stone as if it were paper: each snip created a smooth path upwards. In minutes, a stairway was revealed spiraling up to Level 5.

"We don't have time to waste," Inazuma stated, stepping aside and gesturing for the group to ascend.

The tension was palpable as the escapees rushed up the newly carved staircase in a hurry. Still incensed, Luffy anxiously wanted to rescue Ace, turning to look at Crocodile with an unpleasant scowl, who confidently strode beside him.

Luffy barely paid attention to their banter, as his fists were clenched, storming up the steps, eyes locked on Crocodile. "Oi, Crocodile! I haven't forgiven you for Alabasta! When we get out of here, I'm gonna-"

Crocodile blew a fume of smoke from his cigar, looking sideways and raising an eyebrow. "What's that, Straw Hat? Gonna give me another friendship speech? Save it. You're lucky I'm even putting up with you right now."

Luffy growled. "You're lucky I don't punch you into the next sea right now!"

Before things could escalate, Kai jumped between the two, waving his arms. "Okay, okay, time out! Can we NOT start a brawl inside a death prison? We've got enough problems without you two punching each other into a wall."

"Tell him to stay out of my way," Crocodile scoffed, clearly enjoying the irritation he was causing Luffy.

He took a step forward, and in another instant Kai lifted a finger. "Listen, I get it. Really, I do. But unless you two are going on vacation in Magellan's poison bath, I'd recommend we save grudges for AFTER we have escaped this place."

Jinbei, always the rational one, spoke in a grave nod. "Kai is right. We must hurry. Ace's execution is set at 3 PM. We've barely got time to reach the surface as it is. Let alone Marineford. And I owe it to him… I must go with Whitebeard's crew and help save Ace."

Crocodile let out a low chuckle, his smirk spreading. "Whitebeard, eh? That old man… you can try, Fish-Man. But when we get to Marineford, I'll be taking his head."

Luffy, upon hearing Crocodile's casual declaration, looked ready to attack him again, when Kai stepped in, practically waving the white flag. "Guys, for fuck sake! Focus! Crocodile, no one's taking anyone's head until we survive this shit hole, all right? Luffy! Hello? You've just been brought back from the land of the dead because of Magellan!want to go through that shit again?

I, at least, do not want to stay here for the rest of my life! come one Move your assess"

Luffy crossed his arms. His glare was still cold but reined in. "Tch, whatever. But don't think that means I'm going easy on him!"

Crocodile snorted, looking over at Kai. "Good Kid. You're lucky you have some sense in your head.

"Don't call me kid," Kai muttered, shaking his head. "Right now, we need to focus on getting out of here in one piece." But as he kept running

Kai had a thought: 'Damn....I was just shouting at Crocodile and shit! I cant believe this shit is all real, talking to these characters like this, its really setting in.'


As they were nearing the stairway that finally went up to Level 5, Ivankov suddenly stopped and turned to Inazuma with a gleam in his eye. With a wide grin, he puffed out his chest and then bellowed, "Inazuma! It's time, darling! Let us finally give what those good people have been waiting for in Newkama Land! The revolution has begun!

Already expectant of the order, Inazuma nodded briskly. "Understood, Iva-sama." With his wrist quick and agile, he revealed his trademark giant scissors with a flick and cut into the walls to reveal a cunningly hidden communicational system that was connected with Newkama Land below. He flicked it on quickly, his voice steady and urgent. "Attention all Newkama Land! This is Inazuma. Our jailbreak is now activated. Take along the riot plan discussed!

The comms crackled with the cheering of high-spirited cheers, and Ivankov didn't let a single second go to waste, snatching the receiver from Inazuma, speaking into it dramalically. "My beautiful people! It's time for us to rise! Let's make this prison our stage! Cause a ruckus they'll never forget! Ohohohoho!"

Already behind one's back, the sounds of chaos could be heard: screams, clashing metal, and the unmistakable energy of a full-scale riot brewing. The residents of Newkama Land were rallying, spirits lifted by the long-awaited call to action.

Inazuma smiled faintly at Ivankov. "They have been waiting for this moment."

Ivankov winked. "And now, my dear Inazuma, they will shine brighter than ever! A riot like Impel Down has never seen! Let's give them a show Magellan can't handle!" He then turned to the rest of the group, his face aglow with excitement. "Everyone, prepare yourself! The revolution of Newkama has begun!"

Kai shook his head, a slight grin spreading across his face. "Well… this is about to get fun! It's Farming time"

Puffing his cigar, Crocodile grinned. "Yeah, let's just hope we don't run into that damn Warden....He's not an Easy opponent"

Jinbei placed a reassuring hand on Luffy's shoulder his eyes stared down at Ace's Vivre card that Luffy regularly checked on with worry, as his calm tone reassured him. "We'll save Ace, Straw Hat. Do not worry, But first, we have to make it out of Impel Down."


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