
Level 5.5: Newkama Land

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Kai took a deep breath as he entered the Newkama party room, finally feeling sure things were going his way. 'I can finally relax here,' he thought. 'Wait for Luffy, let the story unfold, and then I'll escape when the time is right.'

No sooner was he inside than three Okama warriors flew at him, feet-first, in a knockout blow. Kai's eyes went wide; his reflexes engaged. With a fluid roll, he dodged the attack by a hairbreadth, narrowly escaping a deadly hit. 'Wait, are they testing me?' he thought, but that assumption was blown to pieces when one of them hurled a rain of knives right at him.

"Whaaa, seriously?!" Kai yelled, immediately summoning his Estoc. He skillfully deflected the knives with sharp clinks of his blade. "Hey, relax! I'm on your side!!!" But it was too late; he was already surrounded. Dozens of Newkama warriors closed in on him, all hostile, their once-friendly expressions now replaced by menacing grins.

From behind the crowd, a tall figure in striking purple makeup and wearing a flamboyant cape strode forward. Kai recognized them in an instant: Emporio Ivankov, one of the leaders of the Revolutionary Army. "Soooooooo you're the one claiming to be part of the Revolutionary Army, huh?" Ivankov yelled, with the exaggerated flair of drama. "How unfortunate for you! I, the great IVA, know every member of the Revolutionary Army! GET HIM!!!"

The room was suddenly a battleground as Okama plunged towards him. Without choice, Kai had to move.

A fist whirred at Kai's head; he ducked. The wind of the strike ruffled his cheek. With Estoc in hand, he deflected an incoming kick. The power of the kick ran up his arm and into his shoulder. Kai counterattacked, thrusting his sword forward. The tip bit into the shoulder of one. The Okama warrior wailed, falling back and clutching at his wound. Two more were there immediately, unyielding.

Kai whirled on his heel, raising the Glintstone Staff. He chanted under his breath, and the familiar sigil shone in the air beside him. "Magic GlintBlade," he whispered firmly. A spectral blade of blue light appeared in the air before him, hovering menacingly until it shot forward to strike an enemy down in mid-leap. Slicing the air, the delay gave Kai just enough time to sidestep another attack.

A sideways-springing Okama swung a greataxe down in a deadly arc. Kai tumbled backward, avoiding by a hair's breadth the heavy blade that cracked the floor where he had stood a moment before. Kai counterattacked before the foe could raise its axe for another swing-Glintstone Arc. From his staff flew a wave of glinting blue magic, arcing outward to catch the attacker off guard. The arc hit them squarely, sending them crashing into the crowd with a cry.

He couldn't stop. They kept coming. "Is this what it looks like to be canceled? I didn't even miss gender them!"

A fist connected with his side before he could block it, sending a sharp pain through his ribs. He gasped but didn't have time to dwell on it as he parried another strike with his Estoc, the sound of clashing metal filling the air. Soon, the amount of enemies began to weigh him down; the attacks would just not cease. Kai's arms progressively became heavier in his defense against them, one after the other, as their precision and strength seemed endless.

"You're tougher than you look, cutie!" one Okama joked as the movement swirled into a torrent of kicks. Kai managed to block the first few with his sword, but one finally landed in his stomach and sent him backward. He hit the wall hard and grunted, pushing himself up. His breathing quickened because he wasn't done yet.

Kai raised his staff once more and summoned another Magic GlintBlade this time, sending two blades forward and weaving through the glow of their forms as they impaled two enemies. He moved in to follow up but suddenly, the ground beneath him cracked open with a deafening sound.

Inazuma had entered.

With one swing, the revolutionary with scissors for hands carved into the floor and sent a fissure snaking towards Kai. Kai's heart jumped, and he leaped to the side, barely, as the sudden chasm split the room in two. The precision of Inazuma sent shivers down Kai's body-knowing too well this was no ordinary enemy.

"Shit this is the first time I fight an actual devil fruit user!"

Ivankov was laughing on the sidelines, as he watched with an arrogant smile on his face. "Mmmmfufufu, you're in over your head, BOOYA!! But I must say-I'm impressed! Let's see how long you can last!"

Kai gritted his teeth as fatigue seeped into his muscles. He wasn't going down yet. "Glintstone Arc!" he shouted again, sending another wall of blue energy surging out of him. The arc spread wide as it crossed the room, sending several of the Okama scattering who had closed in too fast.

But he also had Ivankov ready to counter him. "WINK!" And with that, as theatrically as possible, Ivankov's eye bulged out and unleashed a powerfully strong shockwave directly at Kai. He brought up his Rift Shield, bracing himself for the oncoming impact. The shockwave bit into his shield and sent Kai backward, his boots skidding across the floor.

It was a power too big. Kai struggled and struggled, trying to keep his ground, but in a flash, Inazuma struck, darting with incredible speed. It cut down at him, and Kai barely had enough time to raise his Estoc against it. There was a screeching of metals as the two clashed, but the power that came with Inazuma's strike sent him flying across the room.

Kai hit the floor hard and just about rolled until he crashed into a pile of crates. His entire body screamed in protest; his vision blurred with the repeated impacts. He tried to use his Flask of Crimson Tears, gulping down the healing liquid, feeling it stitch his wounds together. But the respite was short-lived. The Okama weren't giving him any breathing space.

Ivankov leaped into the air, unleashing another deadly attack "Hell Wink". The shockwave slammed into Kai's chest before he could react, forcing the air from his lungs and sending him sprawling once more. His Estoc slipped from his hand, clattering uselessly out of reach.

Panting, Kai struggled to push himself up. He was surrounded, being tied down by fatigue and outmatched in all ways. Inazuma's figure towered over, scissors glinting perilously as they pinned him to the floor. Thick ropes were wrapped around his wrists and ankles tight.

Ivankov swaggered over, towering over him with a wicked grin. "Mmmmfufufu, what a fight! But now, it's time to get some answers. Let's find out who you really are, darling."

The other Okama's tied him up and placed him in a chair facing Ivankov "Lie to me," Ivankov said, their voice dripping with exaggerated threat, "and I'll change you into a woman! Not that it's a bad thing, of course! I help people discover their true selves!"

Kai blinked, caught off guard for a moment. His mind suddenly wandered, imagining what he'd look like as a woman. 'Wouldn't be too bad,' he thought absently, picturing himself with long hair and softer features. 'I'd look kind of cute...'

But then, his eyes flicked down, and panic surged through him. His hand instinctively twitched toward his crotch—his most prized possession, The Dragon King


 Ivankov burst into laughter, their voice echoing through the room. "MmmmFUFUFUFU! So that's your weakness! How delightful! Speak the truth, and I'll let you live as a man. But if you lie to me... well, you'll become a lovely new addition to our crew, won't you?"

Kai's mind raced. He had to come up with something convincing—something that would keep him from becoming Ivankov's next experiment. He felt the pressure mounting, sweat beading on his forehead. He couldn't afford to mess this up.

"I... I lied, okay!" Kai blurted out, trying to sound as desperate as possible. "I'm not part of the Revolutionary Army! But I'm an ally! I swear it! I have this ability... it lets me see some parts of the future!" He struggled in his chair, trying to make his story sound believable. "I'll prove it! You had a new prisoner brought here recently, right? Portgas D. Ace! I knew he'd be here!"

Ivankov raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "Mmmfufufu, that doesn't prove a thing! We all have ways of getting information about the prisoners here. That's hardly a vision of the future, darling."

Kai's heart sank. He had hoped that would be enough, but Ivankov wasn't buying it. He could see the wheels turning in the commander's head, and the gleam in their eyes told him he was running out of time.

Before Ivankov could continue, one of the Okama stepped forward. "Iva-sama... Portgas D. Ace was put in Level Six about a week and a half ago... Kai here was unconscious back then. He just woke up this morning."

Ivankov paused, tapping a long, manicured finger against their chin. "Hooo? Interesting..." They turned their attention back to Kai, eyes narrowing. "So you knew about Ace... despite being unconscious?"

Kai swallowed hard, trying to hide the relief surging through him. He had caught a break, but he wasn't out of the woods yet. Ivankov's gaze bore into him, and Kai knew this was the critical moment. If he didn't convince them now, there was no telling what would happen.

"Tell me more, boy," Ivankov said, their voice suddenly quieter, more serious. "Depending on your words, I might consider keeping you a man."


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