
My Harem in Galactic Quest

Author: HaremKing777
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  • 101 Chs
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Once in a Lifetime Promotion is now LIVE!!!!!!! Please see details below! It runs from now to October 31st at midnight. The promotion has three parts to it: Part 1: All privileged chapters are 90% off! That's hundreds of coins in savings if you buy during the promotion period. Part 2: Anyone who donates a Magic Castle or higher will have a character or person of their choice appear in future chapters of their selected series I created. They also will have their name placed in a special chapter dedicated to those who donated during the promotion period. You will be honored for all time. Part 3: All powerstones carry DOUBLE their weight! Which means you only need 25 powerstones to unlock level 1, and 50 to unlock level 2, etc. Do not miss this once in a lifetime promotion and be apart of history! Please share this as much as you can to spread the word. ***Discord is open!*** https://discord.gg/cR2KY2R4sF Ethan Warren, a self-deprecating, pop culture-loving gamer, finds himself unexpectedly thrust into the adventure of a lifetime when he is hit by a bus and wakes up aboard the Ark, a highly advanced starship from his favorite video game, "Galactic Quest". Suddenly, Ethan is the captain of a crew that includes Prella, a seductive green-skinned alien, and Nova, a cold but alluring android. As Ethan struggles to adapt to his new reality, he must lead his crew on a mission to investigate a distress signal from a remote mining colony in the Karonis System. What starts as a routine rescue quickly spirals into a deadly encounter with an unknown and terrifying threat. With no backup and the fate of the colony, and potentially the galaxy, on the line, Ethan must embrace his new role as captain, despite his fears and insecurities. Blending epic space battles, mysterious alien forces, and a harem of beautiful women vying for his attention, "Galactic Quest: Ark of Destiny" is a sci-fi adventure filled with humor, tension, and the ultimate test of one man’s ability to rise to the occasion. This novel series includes: No NTR! No Yuri! Unique Alien Women! Plenty of plot! Epic Space battles! Weak to Strong! Overpowered! Creating a fleet of the deadliest aliens imaginable. ***Update #1: I update twice a day. Once at noon and once at 7pm est.*** ***Update #2: My Harem in Galactic Quest can now accept gifts!*** BONUSES: Level 1: 50 power stones = 1 bonus Chapter per week. Level 2: 100 power stones = 2 bonus Chapters per week. Level 3: 200 power stones = 3 bonus Chapters per week. Level 4: 250 power stones + 1,000 coins of gifts = 1 bonus Chapter per day + 1 Chapter per week of an Alternate world story that you vote for. Level 5: 300 power stones +2,000 coins of gifts = 2 bonus Chapters per day + 2 Alternate world Chapters + 1 fully illustrated photo of your favorite character.

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Chapter 1Chapter 1: One Fateful Evening

Chapter 1: One Fateful Night

Ethan Warren was having one of those days, you know the kind where everything that could go wrong, did. It started with a cold shower because his ancient water heater finally gave up the ghost, and it didn't get any better from there. By the time he spilled coffee all over his favorite Star Wars T-shirt, he was seriously questioning why he'd bothered to get out of bed in the first place.

"Of course it's one of those days," he muttered to himself, scrubbing at the stain with a paper towel that did more spreading than cleaning. His apartment, a tiny, cluttered shoebox that doubled as a shrine to all things nerdy, was silent except for the hum of his gaming PC. Posters of his favorite video games, movies, and comics covered every inch of the walls, and a bookshelf groaned under the weight of countless action figures and collectibles. It was a comforting chaos, one that Ethan had cultivated over years of living alone, and it suited him just fine.

"Yeah, just another day in paradise," he grumbled as he grabbed his jacket and headed out the door, locking up behind him. The rain started as soon as he stepped outside, of course, a light drizzle that promised to turn into a full-blown downpour by the time he made it to work. He pulled his hood up, hunching his shoulders against the cold, and began the trudge to the bus stop, his sneakers already soaking through.

As he waited, Ethan couldn't help but glance down at his watch, calculating just how late he was going to be this time. The bus was, naturally, nowhere in sight, and he resigned himself to another lecture from his boss about punctuality. Not that it mattered much. His job, a mind-numbing data entry position at a faceless corporation, was just a means to an end, a way to pay the bills and fund his true passion: gaming.

Ethan's life revolved around his gaming rig and his current obsession, Galactic Quest. It was an epic space exploration game with complex mechanics, a sprawling universe to explore, and a rich narrative that drew players in with promises of heroism and adventure. Ethan had spent countless hours piloting his virtual starship, the Ark, battling alien threats, and forming alliances with NPCs that felt more real than most of the people he interacted with daily. In the game, he was the captain of the Ark, a hero, a legend, the savior of galaxies. In real life… well, not so much.

The bus finally lumbered into view, splashing through a puddle and sending a wave of dirty water crashing against the curb. Ethan stepped back just in time, muttering under his breath as the doors creaked open. He climbed aboard, fumbling for his bus pass, and shuffled to the back, where he could slouch into a seat and lose himself in his thoughts.

The ride was uneventful, giving him plenty of time to stew over the day's mishaps. He couldn't help but think about how much better his life would be if he could somehow swap places with his in-game character. Captain Zephyr Blackstone, now there was a guy who had it all: courage, charisma, and a harem of beautiful alien women vying for his attention. Meanwhile, Ethan couldn't even muster the courage to ask the cute barista at the coffee shop for her number, and his love life was about as barren as the deserts of Tatooine.

As the bus rolled to a stop near his office, Ethan sighed heavily, pulling himself from his daydreams. He stepped off the bus, only to find the rain had intensified, pelting him with fat, icy drops that soaked through his jacket in seconds. By the time he reached the entrance to his office building, he was drenched, cold, and in no mood for the day ahead.

The hours dragged on, each keystroke feeling like a tiny nail being hammered into his brain. The hum of fluorescent lights, the clatter of keyboards, and the occasional cough from a nearby cubicle were the only sounds in the office, a monotonous symphony that only served to deepen his sense of discontent. He glanced at the clock, willing the hands to move faster, but time seemed determined to crawl at a snail's pace, mocking him.

Finally, the end of the day arrived, and Ethan all but bolted from his desk, eager to get back home, back to his sanctuary. The rain hadn't let up, and by the time he made it to his apartment, he was once again soaked through, his mood as stormy as the weather outside.

He shrugged out of his wet clothes, tossing them into a corner, and immediately booted up his computer, the familiar hum and glow of the screen bringing a sense of comfort. As the title screen of Galactic Quest loaded, Ethan allowed himself to relax, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Here, at least, he could escape. Here, he was Captain Zephyr Blackstone, hero of the galaxy.

Hours passed in a blur of space battles and interstellar diplomacy, with Ethan completely losing track of time. The game had a new update adding in the terrifying race of the Vrak. Tall insectoid aliens that were equally as deadly as they were hideous.

It wasn't until his stomach growled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten since lunch, that he reluctantly tore himself away from the game. He glanced at the clock, it was late, far too late to be thinking about food, but his hunger wouldn't be ignored.

With a resigned sigh, he grabbed his wallet and decided to make a quick run to the corner store for something edible. He barely noticed the rain as he stepped outside, his mind still half in the game, plotting his next move in the quest to save the galaxy.

The streets were nearly empty, the late hour and the weather keeping most people indoors, and Ethan hurried down the sidewalk, eager to get back to his game. As he reached the intersection, he glanced up, only to see a bus careening down the street, its tires skidding across the rain-slicked pavement.

He barely had time to react before the bus slammed into him, the impact sending him flying, his world spinning in a blur of pain and confusion. For a brief moment, everything went dark, the sounds of the city fading into nothingness.

When Ethan opened his eyes, he wasn't lying on the wet pavement, wasn't surrounded by the shattered remains of the bus. Instead, he found himself staring up at a bright, unfamiliar ceiling, the sterile scent of metal and disinfectant filling his nostrils. He blinked, trying to make sense of his surroundings, but his brain was slow to catch up, still reeling from the shock.

"What the hell…?" he muttered, his voice hoarse. He pushed himself up on his elbows, wincing at the dull ache in his ribs, and looked around. The room was sleek and futuristic, with smooth metal walls and panels that glowed softly with a bluish light. It was like something straight out of Galactic Quest, and then it hit him.

"No way… this can't be real." Ethan's heart pounded in his chest as he swung his legs over the side of the bed, his feet touching the cool metal floor. He stood, a little unsteady, and took a few cautious steps forward, half-expecting to wake up from what had to be a dream. But the sensation of the floor beneath his feet, the smell of the air, the faint hum of machinery, all of it was too real, too vivid to be a figment of his imagination.

Before he could fully process what was happening, a door slid open with a soft hiss, and a woman stepped into the room. She was unlike anyone Ethan had ever seen, her skin a vibrant shade of green, her features sharp and alien, yet undeniably beautiful. Her eyes, a striking shade of blue, locked onto his, and a smirk tugged at the corner of her full lips.

"Well, well," she purred, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked him up and down. "If it isn't Captain Ethan Warren."

Ethan could only gape at her, his mind racing, trying to come up with something clever to say. But all he managed was a choked, "Uh… what?"

The woman chuckled, a low, throaty sound that sent a shiver down Ethan's spine. "Did you hit your head this morning Captain? Come on! We have a lot to do and little time to do it!"

Ethan swallowed hard, his mouth suddenly dry. "Wait… where am I? What's going on?"

Prella's smirk widened as she took a step closer, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "You're being hailed on the command deck Captain. The crew of the Ark require your undivided attention."

Ethan's thoughts spun as he tried to make sense of her words. "The Ark? Like… in Galactic Quest?"

Prella's eyebrows lifted in surprise. "Galactic Quest? What are you talking about? Maybe you did hit your head."

Ethan felt his face heat up in embarrassment, but before he could respond, Prella reached out and gently lifted his chin, forcing him to meet her gaze.

"Don't worry," she said, her voice dropping to a seductive whisper. "I'll make sure you're well taken care of… Captain."

Ethan's mind raced as he tried to process what Prella was saying. The Ark? His brain was having trouble catching up. This had to be some kind of mistake, or maybe he was still unconscious, lying on the street after the bus hit him. That had to be it. This was all just some weird, vivid dream his brain had cooked up while he was knocked out cold.

But then again, everything felt so real. The cool metal floor beneath his feet, the sterile scent in the air, the soft, rhythmic hum of machinery. And then there was Prella, standing impossibly close, her vibrant blue eyes watching him with a mix of amusement and something else that made his heart race. If this was a dream, it was a damn convincing one.

"Don't make me drag you along Captain, unless that's your thing," Prella teased, her smirk widening as she continued to study him. "Tell me, Captain… are you ready to save the galaxy?"

Ethan blinked, his mouth opening and closing as he struggled to find words. "Uh… save the galaxy? I think you've got the wrong guy. I'm not a captain. I'm just… I mean, I was just heading to the store for some snacks." He winced inwardly at how lame that sounded, but it was the truth.

Prella chuckled, a low, throaty sound that sent another shiver down Ethan's spine. "I'll make sure the cooking crew send up an order of food later, now come along, we're late!"

Ethan opened his mouth to argue, but before he could get a word out, the door behind Prella slid open again, and a new figure stepped into the room. This one was even more unusual, and Ethan's eyes widened in disbelief.

The newcomer was a tall, imposing figure, with a sleek, silver body that gleamed under the soft lighting of the room. It took Ethan a moment to realize that this was no ordinary person, but rather an android, her movements fluid and precise as she approached. Her eyes, a brilliant shade of blue, were cold and calculating, and her expression was unreadable.

"Prella," the android said in a voice that was smooth, almost musical, but with a hint of something mechanical beneath the surface. "You're wasting time. We need to brief the Captain and prepare him for the mission."

Ethan couldn't help but gape at the android, his mind once again struggling to keep up with everything that was happening. "An android? Seriously? What the hell is going on here?"

Prella turned to the android, a playful glint in her eyes. "Nova, you're always so serious. Can't you see the poor Captain's in shock? Let him adjust before we hit him with the heavy stuff."

Nova's eyes flicked to Ethan, her expression unchanging. "He'll have to adjust quickly. Time is of the essence."

Ethan finally found his voice, though it came out as more of a squeak than he would have liked. "Wait, hold on. Just… just hold on a second. Can someone please explain what's going on? Where am I? How did I get here? And why does everyone keep calling me 'Captain'?"

Prella sighed dramatically, crossing her arms as she leaned against the wall. "Fine, fine. I suppose I can indulge you for a bit. You're on the Ark, the most advanced exploration vessel in the galaxy. And you my lovely Captain are the Captain of the Ark. Now please get your head together and get to Captaining."

Ethan stared at her, trying to process what she was saying. "But… I'm not a captain. I'm not even close. I'm just some guy who plays video games all day. I don't know the first thing about commanding a ship or exploring the galaxy or… or anything like that."

Prella shrugged, as if that minor detail didn't concern her in the slightest. "Well, you'd better learn fast, because we've got a job to do. The galaxy isn't going to save itself, you know."

Nova stepped forward, her gaze fixed on Ethan. "The Ark's systems require recalibration before our next jump into Hyperspace. Shall I proceed Captain?"

Ethan felt a surge of panic rising in his chest. This was insane. None of this made any sense. But as he looked from Prella to Nova, and then down at his own hands, which were trembling slightly, he realized that he didn't have much of a choice. Whether this was some kind of elaborate prank, a bizarre dream, or a twisted reality, he was in it now.

He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "Okay," he said slowly, "Let's say I believe you. What exactly does this 'job' entail?"

Prella's smile returned, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Now you're talking. Come with me, Captain. It's time you saw the rest of the ship."

Without waiting for a response, she turned on her heel and strode out of the room, her hips swaying with each confident step. Ethan hesitated for a moment, then glanced at Nova, who was still waiting for his response.

"Shall I calibrate Captain? Captain?"

"Uh, sure, yeah, whatever." Ethan replied as he was dragged along by Prella.

The hallway was just as sleek and futuristic as the room he'd woken up in, with smooth metal walls and soft lighting that seemed to come from nowhere in particular. As he walked, Ethan couldn't help but feel like he'd stepped into one of his gaming sessions, except this time, there was no screen separating him from the action.

Prella led him through the ship, pointing out various rooms and features along the way. "This is the med bay, where we patch up any injuries or illnesses. Over there is the engineering section, where we keep the Ark running smoothly. And down that hall, you'll find the crew quarters, where we sleep, eat, and relax when we're not on duty."

Ethan tried to take it all in, but it was overwhelming. Everything was so… advanced, so unlike anything he'd ever seen in real life. It was all straight out of a sci-fi movie or, more accurately, out of Galactic Quest. His head spun with questions, but he barely had time to ask them before they reached a large set of doors at the end of the corridor.

"Wait, who pays for all this?" Ethan asked as they continued down the corridor.

"Why the Galactic Federation of course. They pay your paycheck too you know." Prella replied as she eyed him suspiciously.

Ethan tried desperately to wrap his mind around his current situation. He wasn't Ethan Warren the normal nerd from Earth. He was the titular Captain Ethan Warren from the video game, Galactic Quest.

"Holy shit!" Ethan squeaked.

"Captain?" Prella asked as she eyed him with concern.

"Uh, uh, nothing. Just forgot something was all. C,carry on!" Ethan suddenly shifted his voice to sound more manly and it didn't impress Prella at all.

Prella rolled her eyes and shook her head as they continued.

Prella paused, turning to face him with a serious expression. "Beyond these doors is the bridge, the heart of the Ark. This is where you'll command the ship and make the decisions that could mean the difference between victory and defeat. Are you ready, Captain?"

Ethan's mouth went dry as he stared at the doors. "Ready? No. But I guess I don't have much of a choice, do I?"

Prella's serious expression softened slightly, and she reached out to pat his shoulder. "You'll do fine. Besides, you've got me and Nova to back you up. And trust me, we're more than capable."

Before Ethan could respond, the doors slid open with a soft hiss, revealing the bridge of the Ark. The room was spacious, with sleek consoles and holographic displays that filled the air with a soft, bluish glow. In the center of the room was a large captain's chair, facing a massive viewscreen that displayed a breathtaking view of the stars.

Ethan felt a lump form in his throat as he stepped onto the bridge. This was it, the place where everything happened, where the fate of entire worlds could be decided. And for some inexplicable reason, it was now his responsibility.

Prella gestured to the captain's chair. "Go on, Captain. Take your seat."

Ethan hesitated, then slowly made his way to the chair, his heart pounding in his chest. He lowered himself into the seat, the cool material conforming to his body, and stared at the viewscreen in front of him. The stars seemed to stretch out infinitely, each one a distant point of light in the vast darkness of space.

For a moment, he just sat there, trying to wrap his mind around everything that had happened in the last hour. He'd gone from a mundane, rainy night on Earth to sitting in the captain's chair of an advanced starship, surrounded by alien women and androids, with the fate of the galaxy resting on his shoulders.

It was insane. It was impossible. And yet, here he was.

Prella leaned against the console beside him, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "So, Captain, what's your first order of business?"

Ethan stared at the viewscreen, his mind blank. He had no idea what to do, no idea how to be a captain. But as the silence stretched on, he felt a strange sense of calm wash over him. Maybe it was the fact that he was already in so deep that there was no turning back, or maybe it was the sight of the stars, reminding him of all the hours he'd spent exploring virtual galaxies in Galactic Quest.

"First order of business…" he muttered to himself, then louder, "Let's… uh… let's run a systems check. Make sure everything's in working order."

Nova, who had been standing quietly off to the side, nodded approvingly. "A wise decision, Captain. Running a systems check now."

Ethan watched as Nova moved to a nearby console, her fingers dancing over the holographic controls with a speed and precision that left him in awe. He could see various readouts and displays lighting up on the console, showing data that he barely understood, but which Nova seemed to interpret effortlessly.

Prella leaned closer to Ethan, her voice low and conspiratorial. "See? You're already getting the hang of it. Don't worry, Captain, we've got your back."

Ethan managed a weak smile, though his heart was still pounding in his chest. "Thanks, I'm gonna need all the help I can get."

As the systems check continued, Ethan took the opportunity to glance around the bridge, trying to familiarize himself with his surroundings. The layout was sleek and efficient, with every console and display perfectly positioned for maximum accessibility. He could see that the bridge was designed for a small crew, just enough to run the ship without overcrowding the space.

Nova's voice interrupted his thoughts. "All systems are operational, Captain. The Ark is fully functional and ready for your command."

Ethan swallowed, trying to keep his nerves in check. "Great, uh… what's our current status? Are we just floating around out here, or do we have a destination?"

Prella stepped forward, tapping a few commands into the console nearest to Ethan. The viewscreen shifted, displaying a star chart with a highlighted path leading to a distant planet. "We were on our way to investigate some unusual activity in the Karonis System. A distress signal was detected from one of the outlying colonies, and we were en route to check it out when you arrived."

Ethan frowned, his mind racing. "A distress signal? What kind of activity are we talking about?"

Nova's eyes narrowed as she studied the data. "It's unclear. The signal was heavily garbled, and we weren't able to get a clear message. However, the Karonis System is known for being a relatively peaceful region, so any sort of distress signal is highly unusual."

Prella crossed her arms, her expression serious. "Could be pirates, could be something worse. Either way, we need to investigate. If there are people in trouble, it's our duty to help."

Ethan nodded, trying to push down the rising tide of anxiety in his chest. "Right, okay. Let's… let's set a course for the Karonis System, then. How long until we arrive?"

Nova tapped a few commands into her console, and the viewscreen shifted again, displaying a countdown timer. "At our current speed, we should arrive in approximately twelve hours."

"Twelve hours," Ethan repeated, feeling the weight of that time pressing down on him. It wasn't a lot of time to prepare, especially when he had no idea what to expect once they got there. But he couldn't let his crew see how nervous he was. He had to project confidence, even if it was all an act.

"Alright," he said, trying to sound more confident than he felt. "Let's use that time to go over everything we know about the Karonis System and the colony. I want to be as prepared as possible."

Prella gave him an approving nod. "Good plan, Captain. I'll pull up all the data we have on the system and the colony, and we can go over it together."

As Prella and Nova got to work, Ethan sat back in the captain's chair, trying to absorb everything that was happening. The sheer insanity of the situation kept crashing over him in waves, threatening to drown him in a sea of doubt and fear. But he couldn't afford to let that happen. Not now.

He forced himself to focus, to think like a captain, whatever that meant. He had spent countless hours playing Galactic Quest, making decisions that affected entire star systems, leading virtual armies into battle, and strategizing against impossible odds. This wasn't so different, was it? It was just… real.

He could do this. He had to do this.

As the minutes ticked by, Ethan immersed himself in the data that Prella and Nova provided. The Karonis System was a relatively small and isolated part of the galaxy, with only a handful of colonized planets. The colony that had sent the distress signal was located on Karonis IV, a mining outpost that supplied valuable resources to nearby systems. The colony itself was small, with a population of only a few thousand, most of whom were miners and their families.

The more Ethan learned about the colony, the more uneasy he became. The distress signal was so garbled that it was impossible to tell what had caused it, and the lack of clear communication made the situation even more ominous. The colony was far enough from the main trade routes that it wasn't a likely target for pirates, but there were other threats out there,worse threats.

"Do we have any other ships in the area?" Ethan asked, hoping for some backup.

Nova shook her head. "Unfortunately, the Karonis System is too remote. The nearest friendly vessel is several days away. We're on our own."

Ethan's stomach tightened, but he forced himself to nod. "Okay, we'll just have to be ready for anything. How's our weapons system? Are we equipped to handle a fight if it comes to that?"

Prella grinned, a hint of mischief in her eyes. "Don't worry, Captain. The Ark is more than capable of holding its own. We've got a full complement of plasma cannons, energy shields, and a few other surprises up our sleeves. Anyone looking to pick a fight with us will be in for a rude awakening."

Ethan tried to match her confidence with a smile of his own. "Good to know. Let's just hope it doesn't come to that."

As they continued to prepare, Ethan couldn't help but notice how natural Prella and Nova were in their roles. They moved with confidence and purpose, their every action reflecting years of experience. Meanwhile, he still felt like an imposter, a guy who had been plucked out of his normal life and thrown into a situation that was way over his head.

But he couldn't let that stop him. If he wanted to survive, if he wanted to protect the people on Karonis IV,he had to step up and be the captain they needed him to be.

With a deep breath, Ethan pushed aside his doubts and focused on the task at hand. "Alright, let's go over the approach to the colony. I want to know every possible angle of entry and exit, in case we need to make a quick getaway."

Prella brought up a holographic map of Karonis IV, highlighting the colony's location and the surrounding terrain. "The colony is located in a mountainous region, which makes it difficult to approach from the ground. There are a few clear landing zones nearby, but they're all heavily monitored by the colony's security systems. If we want to get close without being detected, we'll need to come in from orbit and drop down directly onto the colony."

Nova nodded in agreement. "We can use the Ark's cloaking system to avoid detection on the way in, but we'll need to drop our cloak once we're within range of the colony's sensors. At that point, we'll be visible, so we'll need to move quickly."

Ethan studied the map, trying to commit the layout to memory. "Alright, sounds like a solid plan. We'll go in under cloak, get as close as we can, and then drop down fast. Prella, I want you on the weapons system, ready to engage if we run into any hostiles. Nova, you'll handle navigation and keep an eye on the colony's sensors. If anything looks off, I want to know about it immediately."

Both women nodded, and Ethan felt a small surge of confidence at their trust in his leadership. Maybe he was starting to get the hang of this captain thing after all.

The hours passed quickly as they continued to prepare, going over every detail of the mission. Ethan's nerves were still there, gnawing at the edges of his mind, but he forced himself to stay focused. This was what he had always wanted, wasn't it? A chance to be the hero, to lead a team on a mission to save lives. It was the stuff of video games and movies, except now it was real, and the stakes were higher than he had ever imagined.

As the countdown timer on the viewscreen ticked down to the final minutes, Ethan felt a sense of calm settle over him. He had done everything he could to prepare, and now it was time to act. Whatever awaited them on Karonis IV, he would face it head-on, just like Captain Zephyr Blackstone would.

"Alright, team," Ethan said, his voice steady. "Let's do this."

Prella flashed him a grin, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "You got it, Captain. Let's go save the galaxy."

Nova brought the ship out of warp, and the viewscreen filled with the image of Karonis IV, a small, rocky planet with a dull, reddish hue. The colony's coordinates appeared on the screen, a blinking dot on the surface far below.

Ethan's heart pounded as they approached the planet, the Ark's engines humming quietly as Nova activated the cloaking system. The ship shimmered briefly, and then the stars and space around them seemed to fold in, wrapping the Ark in an invisible shield.

"We're in cloak," Nova reported, her voice calm. "Approaching the colony now."

Ethan leaned forward in his seat, his eyes fixed on the viewscreen as the planet grew larger and larger. As they neared the planet's surface, the tension on the bridge was palpable. Ethan could feel the weight of the mission pressing down on him, but he forced himself to stay focused. The Ark's systems hummed quietly, and the soft blue light from the consoles illuminated the determined faces of Prella and Nova as they carried out their tasks with precision.

"We're approaching the drop zone," Nova announced, her fingers flying over the holographic controls. "Prepare for atmospheric entry."

The Ark trembled slightly as it breached the planet's atmosphere, the hull glowing faintly as it sliced through the upper layers of Karonis IV's atmosphere. Ethan gripped the armrests of his chair, his knuckles white. The viewscreen showed the reddish, rocky surface of the planet rushing up to meet them, with the colony's location marked as a blinking dot.

"Dropping cloak in three… two… one…" Nova's voice was steady as she deactivated the cloaking system. The Ark shimmered back into visibility, and the viewscreen displayed the colony in more detail, a cluster of metal buildings nestled in the mountainous terrain, surrounded by jagged rocks and deep crevasses.

"We're visible now," Prella said, her voice tight with anticipation. "No signs of hostiles on the scanners, but stay sharp."

Ethan nodded, his eyes glued to the viewscreen. "Take us in, Nova. Let's get down there before anyone notices us."

Nova expertly guided the Ark toward the colony, bringing the ship down in a smooth, controlled descent. The landing gear deployed with a soft thud as the ship touched down on the rocky surface, and Ethan let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding.

"We're down," Nova reported, glancing at Ethan. "No immediate threats detected, but the colony's security systems are active. We'll need to move quickly if we want to avoid triggering any alarms."

Ethan stood, trying to project the confidence he didn't entirely feel. "Alright, let's head out. Prella, Nova, you're with me. We'll need to get inside the colony, find out what happened, and help anyone we can."

Prella grinned, clearly eager for some action. "You got it, Captain. Let's see what's going on out there."

The three of them made their way to the ship's exit, the door hissing open to reveal the harsh, rocky landscape of Karonis IV. The air was thin and cold, with a sharp, metallic tang that made Ethan's nose wrinkle. He stepped out onto the surface, feeling the crunch of gravel under his boots, and looked around. The colony was eerily silent, the only sound the faint hum of the Ark's engines cooling down.

"This place gives me the creeps," Prella muttered, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of movement. "Too quiet."

Ethan agreed, though he didn't say it out loud. The quiet was unnerving, especially after the garbled distress signal they had received. There should have been some sign of life, people moving around, lights in the buildings, anything, but the colony appeared deserted.

"Let's move," Ethan said, his voice hushed. "We'll head for the main building and see if we can find out what happened."

They made their way across the rocky terrain, the looming mountains casting long shadows over the colony. As they approached the main building, a large, reinforced structure that appeared to serve as the colony's command center, Ethan couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong.

Nova reached the door first, her fingers hovering over the control panel. "The security system is still active. I'll bypass the lock."

Ethan and Prella stood guard as Nova worked, their eyes scanning the surrounding area for any sign of movement. The longer they stood there, the more uneasy Ethan became. It felt like they were being watched, though he couldn't see anyone around.

"There," Nova said quietly as the door slid open with a soft hiss. "We're in."

They slipped inside the building, the door closing behind them with a heavy thud. The interior was dimly lit, the harsh fluorescent lights flickering occasionally. The walls were lined with control panels, monitors, and equipment that hummed softly in the background. But just like the outside, the inside of the building was deserted.

"Where is everyone?" Prella whispered, her voice echoing slightly in the empty hallway.

Ethan shook his head, his unease growing. "Let's find the control room. Maybe we can access the colony's logs and figure out what happened."

They moved cautiously through the building, the silence oppressive. Every step seemed too loud, every breath too harsh. Ethan could feel his heart pounding in his chest as they reached the control room, a large chamber filled with monitors and control panels. But like the rest of the colony, it was empty.

Nova immediately moved to one of the consoles, her fingers flying over the controls as she accessed the colony's systems. "I'm pulling up the logs now. Let's see what we're dealing with…"

Ethan and Prella watched as the monitors flickered to life, displaying data and footage from the colony's security cameras. At first, everything seemed normal, just miners going about their daily routines, people working, chatting, and living their lives. But then, something changed. The footage showed people suddenly panicking, running, shouting, and then… nothing. The screens went dark, the footage cutting off abruptly.

"Whatever happened, it hit them fast," Nova said, her voice tense. "There's no record of what caused the panic. The system cut out just before the event."

"Could it have been a system malfunction?" Ethan asked, though he knew it was unlikely.

Nova shook her head. "The logs indicate that the system was fully operational until that point. Whatever happened, it wasn't a malfunction. Something caused it."

Prella frowned, her hand resting on her holstered weapon. "I don't like this. We need to be ready for anything."

Before Ethan could respond, a loud crash echoed from somewhere deeper within the building, followed by the sound of something heavy being dragged across the floor. The three of them froze, their eyes darting to the hallway behind them.

"What the hell was that?" Ethan whispered, his heart racing.

Nova's eyes narrowed as she scanned the hallway. "Something's here. We need to move, now."

They hurried out of the control room, the tension in the air thick enough to cut with a knife. The sound of dragging continued, growing louder as they approached a large door at the end of the hallway. Whatever was behind that door, Ethan knew they were about to find out.

"On my mark," Ethan said, taking a deep breath to steady himself. "One… two… three!"

Prella hit the door controls, and the door slid open with a loud hiss. The room beyond was dark, save for the faint glow of emergency lighting. The dragging sound stopped abruptly, leaving an eerie silence in its wake.

Ethan stepped into the room, his eyes straining to adjust to the dim light. As he moved forward, his foot hit something heavy and cold. He glanced down and felt his stomach lurch, there, lying on the floor, was a body, the miner's face twisted in a rictus of fear.

"Oh god…" Ethan breathed, his voice barely a whisper. "What happened here?"

Prella crouched beside the body, her expression grim. "This wasn't an accident. Look at the marks on the floor. Whatever got him, dragged him here."

Ethan felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead. "We need to get back to the Ark. Now."

But as they turned to leave, the door suddenly slammed shut, sealing them inside. A low, rumbling growl echoed through the room, sending a chill down Ethan's spine.

"Looks like we've got company," Prella muttered, drawing her weapon.

The growl grew louder, reverberating off the walls as something massive shifted in the darkness. Ethan's pulse quickened, and his hand instinctively went to the weapon Prella had given him earlier. His mind raced, trying to think of a plan, an escape, anything that would get them out of this alive.

But before he could react, a pair of glowing red eyes appeared in the darkness, followed by a flash of movement. The creature lunged, and all hell broke loose.

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Table of Contents
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :Book 1
Volume 2 :Season 2

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