
Chapter 36: Draxis Prime

The distant world of Draxis Prime loomed ahead, a jagged orb covered in spires of dark metal and shimmering with hostile energy. The skies above the planet were crisscrossed with patrols of Shadow Council fighters, their sleek black forms cutting through the dull, cloud-covered atmosphere. Ethan stood on the bridge of the Ark, watching as they approached the planet. The tension in the air was palpable.

"Hard to believe this place exists," Nova murmured, standing beside Ethan as she surveyed the planet on the main screen.

"More like hard to believe we're actually going down there," Vala added, her voice steady but her eyes betraying a hint of concern. "This place is crawling with Shadow Council forces."

Prella crossed her arms and nodded. "We've been through worse, but this is different. They know how important Draxis Prime is to their operation. This is going to be a fight."

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