
Chapter 5: Race Day

It's me again. Time to meet Mother's Milk and Elena. Also it's Race Day, or is it. Let's see who wins the Race of the Century.

With Ben

Upgrade floated down the alley where a couple of kids were picking on someone and asked. "Do we have a problem here?" Then the three bullies took off, but Ben just walked to the downed kid with glass. "You ok?" He asks, helping him up.

"Fine." The kids replies in a sad tone, then looks to his destroyed project.

Upgrade notices this and grabs it, it had some electrical parts on it so he absorbed it momentarily. Then seconds later gave it to the now smiling kid as he fixed it. "Let's get you home." Ben tells him and they start walking.

"I'm Andrew." The kid introduces as they start walking to his house.

"I'm Upgrade." Ben introduces as they exit.

Scene cut

Homelander was waiting for Maeve so they could defeat this gunman together. When she stepped off she saw Homelander waiting patiently. But as they went inside they saw Stinkfly flying away with their target.

"Fuck!" Homelander grunted, the gunfire must've masked the buzzing of the wings.

"Great." Maeve groaned. "Stealing our shit again."

Down on the ground Ben hand the criminal to the local authorities. "Make better life choices." Stinkfly said before going up as News reporters tried to crowd him. However they were distracted when Homelander came down, and being the show hog he gladly accepted their attention.

Meanwhile Stinkfly looked down and saw a college kid holding up his camera at him. And not Homelander. So he flew down and said. "Trade, an interview in exchange for you covering something of my choice."

"What?" The stunned kid replied.

"You're a journalist or a reporter right?" The bug alien asked, and the kid nodded. "You get an exclusive of me and in return I want you to do a report on something of my choosing."

"Yeah sweet. Totally." The kid agreed.

"Time for take off." Stinkfly say's as he picks up the kid to have a conversation elsewhere.

With Butcher

"Big lump of C-4,packed right up his fudger. Boom. Claret everywhere, fucking diabolical." Butcher explains how they killed Translucent, using a pen to help. "But before the fireworks, he coughed up a solid lead. Spilled the beans in a big way. Now, we play this right, we could shake up the whole hornets' nest, bring down Seven and Vought at the same time." He tells Mother's Milk.

"This is about Homelander and Becca." M.M. correctly. "Always is."

"It's different this time." Butcher tells him.

"How so?" The prison worker asks.

Instead of telling him, Butcher notices the TV and points to the display of the news. "Ya see him." Points to a recording of an interview Stinkfly did for some blogger.

"The new supe that's kicking Vought's ass on a daily basis?" M.M. bgins then shakes his head. "Nope."

"He's my latest recruit." Butcher told him.

"Now that's some mother fucking bullshit if I ever heard it." Mother's Milk calls out.

"That's what Susan said." Butcher tells.

"The Fuck!" M.M gasps. "You got her back?"

"What no." Butcher denies. "Tried to get the whole CIA but since we killed the cunt they can't help until we get some evidence."

The family man looked at him skeptically. "Susan told you that?"

"Her boss did." Was the answer.

"So no lies and secrets?" Milk asked for confirmation. Between learning about Translucent, Shifter and the CIA he was seriously considering it.

"Slight wrinkle there mate." Butcher said, making the larger man groan. "Shifty don't know that the cunt's in pieces."

"And why the Hell not." Mother's Milk ask's, leaning back. "He'll kill you?"

"Nah." Butcher shakes his head. "He'll just go off on his own is all." He theorizes. "Which we can't have."

"He's the howitzer you've been looking for." M.M guesses.

Butcher laughs and leans on the table. "He's the entire fucking arsenal." Pauses. "He can be slimey, fast or strong or any fucking shape and size."

"You writing his theme song now?" M.M. asks, jokingly then adds. "But I ain't lying for you, least not if we're supposed to work together again."

"Tell you what." Butcher begins. "You take a one look at him, even just a glance and if you still think I should spill the beans, I'll dump the whole shit." He offers.

"Just a look?" Milk questions, and Butcher nods. "Alright." Agree's.


Butcher with the newly re-recruited Mother's Milk were in a truck outside Popclaw's building. Though only one was satisfied with the accommodations. "A rental, you cheap bastard?" M.M. tells the Brit.

"Who do you think I am, some double-O wanker?" Butcher asks as they ready the equipment. "In case you hadn't noticed, we ain't exactly rolling in it." He reminds him.

"And you don't think this is conspicuous?" The prison worker points out.

"Conspicuous? No, I don't think it's conspicuous." Butcher tells him before adding. "I think a big black van with fucking "Flowers" on the side is conspicuous. This is just another truck on the street." He finishes.

Suddenly a series of knocks were heard and two more people entered. Hughie who went to the new guy. "Uh, hi. Hughie." The green horn introduced himself to the veteran.

However M.M. noticed Frenchie and the two immediately began going at it. With Butcher keeping the two apart, even as Frenchie pulled a knife. "Butcher, who is this guy?!" Hughie exclaimed not knowing the history as he was pushed up against the wall.

"You'll give the game away!" Butcher tells them.

"Not until this frog gets what's coming." M.M replies.

"Only thing that is coming is me on your mother's titties!" Frenchie shoots back.

"Let me at him, bitch!" Milk urges and the two try to get closer but Butcher keeps them apart.

"Hey!" Butcher calls out.

"We had an agreement about him." Mother's Milk reminded him. Especially since Butcher commented about not seeing Frenchie in years.

"We agreed to put a pin in it, all right?" Butcher tells him.

"What agreement?" Frenchie asks at the same time Mother's Milk say's. "There was no pin. I don't trust this French whore."

Offended by that comment, in anger Frenchie replies. "I am more American than you, you racist piece of shit!"

"Why are they fighting?!" Hughie wants to know.

"Nothing. It is water under the bridge." Butcher tries to play off.

"You tell that to Mallory's grandkids." Mother's Milk reminds the Brit. The incident in question being replayed in his head as if it happened yesterday instead of years ago. "Tell them it's water under the bridge." He adds.

Frenchie then had a mixture of hurt and horror on his face. "That wasn't my fault." He tells him, knife dropping slightly.

"Who's Mallory?" Hughie say's, asking his third question.

"All right, the both of you, knock it on the head, now!" Butcher orders.

Taking deep breath's M.M and Frenchie dropped their hands and knife and backed up. "So where's Shifter? The only mother fucker you actually told me was part of this." The (semi former) prison worker asks. "Cause all I see is you (points to Butcher), a French Whore and a Stephen fucking Hawking."

"Well it was Stephen fucking Hawking that dusted the Supe." Butcher informs a now shocked M.M. Another pattern of knocks, this time longer and unnecessary, is heard. "Here's ya chance mate." Butcher tells him before opening the door.

"Sup." Ben greets as he enters with a bag in tow. "Sorry I'm late needed to get snacks and had to check out something." That something was the Mount Rushmore file he got at the CIA. He hoped it meant there was Plumber technology to send him home, but upon further inspection it just an idea started in the late 40's by Wrench. Never even got to a board, let alone stopped alien attacks.

M.M looks at Ben then at Butcher. "You can't be fudging serious." He say's, watching his language in the presence of a child.

"Kid's the real deal." Butcher tells him.

"Show him petit Benny." Frenchie said, gesturing to Ben's wrist. Ben lifted it and pulling back the Adidas sweatshirt revealed the Omnitrix.

Seeing M.M stare at Ben, Butcher asks. "Something you wanna say?"

"This is low Butcher." The newest member says. Which Butcher interprets as for them keeping Ben in the dark.

"Hughie, Benji meet Mother's Milk." Butcher introduces.

"That like a nickname?" Hughie wonders.

"No, my mother actually named me Mother's Milk." Was the reply.

"I can't tell if he's serious or not." Ben comments, after hearing the seriousness of his tone. "What are your actual names again?" He asks, seeing as how they've been calling each other by nicknames.

"She's home." Frenchie informs them as they go to one of the cameras.

"That's Popclaw right? A-Train's Girlfriend?" Hughie asks, not being a huge fan of her, even before the A-Train incident.

After watching her enter the building and commenting Ben asks. "Why is he watching her leave like that." Seeing the landlord stare at her like a kid in a candy store.

"Cause like A-Train he want to play bury the Bishop with her." Butcher answers, ignoring Ben's age.

"What?" Ben asks, not knowing what that means.

"It mean's-" Frenchie begins to clarify but Mother's Milk interrupts him.

"He's a kid." The parent reminds them.

"So." Frenchie replies not seeing a problem. "I was his age when I saw my first naked woman."

"Gross." Ben say's, his face twisting in disgust.

"Oi!" Butcher calls, getting their attention.

"We got a job to do all right. Let's get the bugs sorted, and see for ourselves what we can dig up."

"Where'd you even get this shit, Circuit City?" Hughie asks examining the so called 'spy gear' they had.

"Right? He's cheap." Mother's Milk agree's.

"You know, we don't actually need to sneak in anything." Hughie say's coming up with and idea, peaking the interests of the others. "Look, all I need's her IPv6 number. Every desktop, every smart TV in the house has a camera on it. They probably have one in every room." He informs, this plan being easier than putting a bunch of cameras and microphones. And being slightly less risky.

"Even in the toilet?" Frenchie asks, out of the blue.

"Dude gross." Ben comments.

"No, Frenchie, not in the toilet." Hughie replies, deflating the Frenchman slightly. "Look, I just need five minutes inside. I mean, home service is my specialty." He reminds, since his job just a few days was working at an electronic store.

A few minutes later Hughie and Mother's Milk were putting on name tags and getting equipment. "Remember he's Hughie, you're Gary." Ben points out adjusting the name tags.

"Why can't I be Hughie?" Hughie wonders, since he is Hughie.

"Cause she can't know your real name." Butcher explains.

"Also he does not look like a Gary." Ben points out.

"But I look like a Hughie." M.M replies.

"Well Milk Man do you wanna use your name cause I don't think there's a lot of Mother's Milk's out there." Ben counters, making Butcher snort slightly.

"You know my name isn't actually Mother's Milk." He tells the kid.

"What is it then?" Ben asks, but before he gets an answer Butcher orders them to go.

A minute or two after they leave the sound of "Never Gonna Give You Up!" is heard.

"Fuck!" Butcher say's realizing it's M.M.'s phone that he forgot about. "The cunt forgot his phone."

"So? Let it ring, he'll call her back." Frenchie replies not seeing a problem.

"If he don't answer she'll call his place of work next. Where he ain't at." Butcher informs.

"Answer it." Frenchie suggests.

"Can't she know's my voice." Butcher tells him.

"She knows mine too." Frenchie replies.

A green flash interrupts them and Upgrade takes the phone along with some of the other circuit city tech. "Hello?" Upgrade answers on speaker, sounding like Hughie.

"Who is this?" Monique demands, in an aggressive tone.

"I'm Sam, it seems there's been a mix up." Upgrade answers.

"Why do you have Marvin's phone?" Monique asks suspiciously.

"Oh well I'm the filling in for the IT guy and I'm upgrading the camera's." Upgrade answered. "Yeah I was just in his office, I guess I grabbed the wrong phone after showing each other pictures of our kids."

"Oh he loves showing off Janine." Monique replies, her anger subsiding a bit.

"Yeah mine is awesome too." Upgrade says with pride. "Oh no." He adds with faux worry.

"Something wrong?" Monique asks, worried about her husband.

"Nothing per say, but he's really laying it on some guys." Upgrade then hisses. "I almost feel bad for those kids, glad I'm not one of them." Pause. "Looks like it's gonna be a while want me to give a message?"

"Yeah tell him he forgot to turn the damn tilapia." Monique tells him.

"Can do." Upgrade says, before they hang up. "Boom." He comments before changing back in human. "Lucky I was here."

Butcher smiles and looks at both Ben and the screens, now lighting up with video of Popclaw's apartment. "These kids are full of surprises." Butcher compliments.

After a few more minutes Mother's Milk and Hughie enter the truck. "Oh your wife is mad you forgot to turn or flip some Fish." Ben informs.

"What!?" The husband asks.

"Forgot this." Butcher says tossing the cellphone. "Wasn't for Benji you'd be in a bigger dog house."

"Also call her back." Ben says. "And Hughie is the new guy, named Sam, for IT and your phones got mixed up."

"And you gave a few kiddies a speech." Frenchie reminded.

"That too." Ben added.

"Fudge all y'all." Mother's Milk told them, only gaining snorts and laughter.


Elena was running in an unknown corridor of one of Vought's floors. Security was looking for her, but no Hero's, if they were she would've been caught already.

Seeing shadows ahead of her she stopped and ran back. Only to stop shortly realizing she was trapped. Looking around she saw a steel door that had all sorts of security.

Passcode, fingerprint and even retinal scan. Not having any other choice she knew what to do.

"Pequeño a la hora del espectáculo. (Showtime little guy)." She spoke softly holding her hand out.

Suddenly a small diamond shape bug like device began crawling on her palm. Once it was at her fingertips it flew to the security systems. Eyes glowing blue she asked her little friend to open the door. After a minute or two, that felt like a life time the red lights indicating it was locked glowed green.

"Thanks." She appreciated politely as the little device came back to her.

The door was quite heavy but Elena managed to open it and immediately shielded her eyes. The room was white, like bright white, and it was brightly lit with a lot of lights. Putting up her hood up and putting a hand above her eyes she made out a table in the middle of the room. It had the only bit of darkness and it was occupied by something.

"Who's there?" A voice asked in a creepy voice.

"Hi." Elena greeted, closing the door and having it locked. She did not want to be caught. "I'm Elena. Who are you."

"I-I don't know." The things replied unsure. "I don't remember." It said, and despite the constant menace in his tone, he sounded sad.

"Sorry." Elena apologized, even though she did nothing. "What are you doing here?" She asked, then added. "And what's with all the lights?"

"I'm a prisoner." The replied. "These simulate sunlight, which burns me." He informs, then gives a demonstration by poking out a grey finger. A loud sizzle is then clearly heard.

"Why?" Elena asked, going closer.

"Because they see me as a threat." It answers.

"Who?" The human asks, stepping even closer.

"I don't know." The thing groans, grabbing it's head. "It's all... fuzzy. Where am I?"

"Vought." Elena answers simply.

An audible gasp is heard.

Flashback, years ago

A man wearing a lab coat, glasses was looking at something. "What a unique specimen." He comments in a German accent, exposes the top of something a sizzling sound is heard, as if eggs are being cooked or burned. "However a fatal flaw, and the Supermen of Vought have none." He comments, placing back the cover.

"Mr. Vought?" A new voice comes in. "Wrench is here and he is very upset."

"I'll be with him shortly." Frederick Vought, CEO and founder of Vought America said.

Flashback over

The thing rose up and Elena got a good look finally. It had the appearance of a ghost with claw-like hands, grey skin with black lines running all over him and pink eye with a black slit. "FREE ME!" He shouted terrified.

This made Elena step back in shock. "What?"

"PLEASE!" The being begged. "FREE ME!"

"Um I." Elena stuttered and sounds came from the door. Indicating someone was trying to come in. "Oh no." Elena said scared.

"LET ME OUT!" The thing urged. "And I'll help you escape." It offered, but Elena still wasn't sure. "I can't go back." It pleaded, it's one eye filled with fright, something Elena remembers feeling.

"How?" Elena asked.

"The lights." The ghost like being informed. "Shut them off."

Elena's eyes glowed and the chip like device flew into one of the light panels. Just then the door opened revealing two Vought Security gaurds. "You!" One shouted making the young girl jump.

Just then the lights came off and the small chip flew back to her. The former prisoner was the only one to see in the dark and went to the girl in question and grabbed her. The two then became intangible and began passing through floors, avoiding sunlit sections, and disappeared.

"Oh we're so fucked." One guard groaned turning on a flashlight.

With The Boys

As the Boys, except Ben, watched the interaction between A-Train and Popclaw Mother's Milk asked. "What the heck is Compound V?"

"Translucent said A-Train might've been carrying it." Hughie said.

"Sounds like some kind of performance enhancer." Butcher theorized.

"Like steroids for supes." Hughie compared.

"And Train was on that stuff when he ran through your firl." Mother's Milk added.

"What are you smiling for huh?" Frenchie asked the smiling Butcher.

"Oh, I don't know, mate." The Brit shrugs.

"Maybe it's 'cause The Seven might just be a squad of manky 'roid heads." He adds with a smile, knowing full well that he was right.

Elsewhere in the city

Ben, as Heatblast, was fire surfing around New York when doing his patrol when he spotted a familiar figure. Touching down on the roof an a building he stood across Homelander. Again (que Eyeroll). "Great what do you want now?"

"Nothing." Homelander said, pacing slightly.

"Just enjoying the fresh air, taking a small stroll."

"Are we gonna fight or is this another one of your stern talking to's?" The fire hero asked.

"An invitation actually." Homelander replies. "Shockwave and A-Train are having their race tomorrow. I want you to show up after it's done, so that we can be done." He clarified, expression turning serious.

This makes Heatblast bellow out in laughter, much like when they first met. "Just when I think you couldn't be more pathetic." Wipes a fired tear. "Then here you show up, trying to schedule our final battle." Pauses to laugh. "Like it's just some doctor's appointment."

"So you won't show?" Homelander asks, feeling insulted but keeping his cool.

"I didn't say that." Heatblast responds. "After all It's the race of the afternoon, of course I want to wait hours waiting to watch two badly named guys run in circle for a half a second." He jabs.

"You won't be so lucky next time." Homelander simply says before flying off.

Next Day

The Boys and Ben were getting out of the press Van they were using and readying their covers to get in. Ben meanwhile went with Butcher who was walking amongst the other fans, leaving M.M and Hughie to talk.

"Ok kid so here's your role." Butcher begins. "Cause something tells me you're already gonna be doin' it."

"Show up, ruin the race and embarrass the Seven and Vought." Ben guesses.

"Well I was gonna say after those cunts finish their lap, but I like your idea better." Butcher comments. "Still keep them, and the camera's on you for as long possible." He adds. "Really give the fuckers their money's worth. More bad publicity for the Seven means less support for supes in the army."

"How much is a bad ticket here? 1,000 bucks?" Ben questions then looks to the concession. "Also ten bucks for a foam finger that was made for like 10 cents in Vietnam." He comments. "And their names make no sense."

"Like I said before." Butcher begins. "Amazing what kind shit cunts will buy." Points to a group of A-Train fans decked out in memorabilia. "Like those bunch of wankers. They don't even know the cunt and they wanna worship the fuckin' ground for him."

"Until they find out the truth." Butcher adds.

"Everyone loves their hero, until they meet them and realize the truth." Ben says.

Butcher smirks. "Well look at you." He says. "Read that off a fuckin' fortune cookie?" He asks jokingly.

"My Grandpa Max told me that once." Ben corrects. "In my dimension he was kind of a secret hero before he retired. I asked why they never went public and he told me that was one of the reasons why."

"Huh no kidding." Butcher says. "Well I say fuck what everybody else thinks. Worry too much about other peoples opinions you forget who you are." He tells him. "Plus you'll save yourself a lot of stress."

Just as the announcer was calling out the contestants Ben took that as his que to go change. Seconds later the same time Hughie stopped Starlight from discovering Frenchie snooping around.

With Hughie and Annie

As Hughie awkwardly asked Annie on a semi date someone else was watching. With her hood up and hiding behind a standee Elena saw this with sad eyes. Starlight was another sellout. She was just like Maeve and the others.

If Starlight couldn't help her hide from Vought and her mom who would? Deciding it was better to leave she began to leave only to stop when she spotted security talking to her mom! Quickly turning and taking off her sweater she walked into the bleachers and found a bit of empty space next to a guy with a beard.

"Oi you lost or somethin'?" The man rudely asked with a foreign accent.

"Um I." Elena stuttered, however her eyes briefly flashed blue. It was chip telling her 'behind you' so she looked back to see her mother directing some Vought people.

Butcher looked at the girl then at the new comers, who were clearly Vought. "Stay close and don't look." He ordered, and the girl responded to literally, clutching his leg and turning her face into his pant leg. "Fucking hell." He muttered.

As the people were walking through one was heading towards Butcher and was close when. "Oi who are you?" Butcher demanded in an accusing tone. "You're scaring my niece, and she got anxiety disorder, but she wants to see the race. So fuck off or you're gonna get clobbered."

"Something wrong?" A random citizen asked.

"Yeah this pedo was eyeing my niece like she was milk at a grocery store." Butcher tells him and soon the Vought employee walks away apologizing furiously. After thanking the other citizen Butcher stares back to the field as the tacky entrance music of Shockwave comes on.

"You must be important or did some real shit." The Brit comments in low tone. Elena loosened her grip slightly, but still not letting go and said thanks.

With Ben

After M.M mentioned something about checking out a new lead Ben looked for a place to change. He needed a place with no cameras, luckily the bathrooms were free. After all nobody wanted to miss the race so they were empty. Going inside he checked the stalls just to be safe.

"Hero Time." He said, as he dialed through and pressed on the one he wanted.

Race Track

"Ladies and gentlemen, please turn your attention to the track."The announced spoke. "Please, clear the track."

"Ready." Both supes got down into their ready positions.

"Set." Both briefly stare at each other, confident they were gonna win.

A gunshot was heard and they both took off. Beginning the race that was gonna last less than a second. But in reality it was gonna last longer, and the event changed.

As they were on their tenth steps, with A-Train in a slight lead, neither of them looked behind to see XLR8 zooming in. First shoving Shockwave then tripping A-Train with tail. Shockwave fell to his side and rolled, A-Train fell on his back. All while XLR8 ran the lap.

"What's my time?" The Kineceleran asked, lifting up his visor after crossing the finish line. Ignoring the shocked murmurs and shouts the world saw the alien clock nearly 400 meters per second.

"Boom baby." XLR8 said, doing the Usain Bolt victory pose. He got a mixture of cheers and boo's. "Who's the fastest? I'm the fastest." He said doing a dance, ignoring the negative reactions he got.

The alien then looked at the two downed supes and said. "Look everybody!" He shouts, the camera pointing at him and his face on the Jumbotron. "Shocklame and Lame-Train are back up, to give you your main event!"

"Instead of a half second race, it's a showdown!" XLR8 added, getting some cheers, thinking this was a good surprise. "But not just me against them, no." The alien tells them. "I invite any members of Vought or the Seven to take me on!" This got a bunch of murmurings thinking he was suicidal.

"After all I know I'm the only real hero, but might as well show you all!" Pauses to turn back at an angry Shockwave and an angrier (and roid raged) A-Train. "Catch me if you can." Lowers the visor and begins running around with the other two following a bit behind.

Ben had to hand it to them, they were pretty fast, but he was moving faster and thanks to practice was more in control. So in a fraction of a second he hit the breaks and went from over 800 miles to 0 in a second. This allowed for the other two speedsters too miss and pass him.

Realizing their mistake A-Train and Shockwave slowed to a stop and tried to turn back. Only to be met with XLR8 running at them giving them each a lariat, sending them both back to the ground. When XLR8 stopped he told them. "Quick feet, slow brains." Then runs off as the two get back up and chase after him.

Only difference was they were slightly slower, in fact this allowed the Kineceleran to slow down and conserve his energy. XLR8 could reach 1,000 miles per hour and it put a strain on his muscles after a while. But still that was after a while, so why were they slowing down after just a short time.

Realization just hit him. They're human. Sure they may have powers, but the human body isn't built to go that fast without some drawback. XLR8's species was built and evolved to go this fast for whatever reason, humans no. Sure they had powers, but that came from a drug, no magic or technology of any kind involved. And drugs have limits and side effects.

So the longer they ran, the slower they became. Unfortunately that was technically true for Ben, so he needed to keep them running while conserving his own energy.

XLR8 turned around, then after dodging their hits ran to the center of the turf. "I wonder how many steps I got in today?" He wonders aloud.

A-Train and Shockwave then run to XLR8, with the Seven speedster getting their first. Waiting at the last second the alien moved to the side."Too slow." The Kineceleran comments looking to where A-Train stopped.

Thinking he had his ticket to the Seven Shockwave took a bit more time to try and sneak up on XLR8's back. Expecting this Ben moved out of the way just like with A-Train, moving back to his previous position.

The cycle of the two supes charging at the alien, with their blows connecting air continued. It naturally became easier for Ben since he only moved a little bit at the last moment. Meanwhile A-Train and Shockwave got progressively slower with each failing blow. Like boxers who throw all their punches with maximum force only to hit air.

Homelander gripped the handrail with an angry expression, Maeve mimicked this though with less obviousness, Noir was stoic. Starlight, after giving Hughie her number, just looked in shock before making her way to the field. Frenchie and Hughie were smiling as if they were watching a cartoon. Butcher too. Elena was in awe, A-Train was the one who kicked Marathon Man off his throne, now here he was losing to some alien lizard. Admittedly with a much better name though.

Back to the fight

XLR8 was still dodging with ease moving just out of reach at the last moment each time. After a while he began doing poses. "Olé!" XLR8 said, pretending he was a matador after Shockwave missed another attack. Then came A-Train and Ben did a ballerina pose on one leg. "So ungraceful." A-Train came again and when XLR8 dodged he began moving his arms like a train. "You think you can, you think you can, you think you can, but won't."

Thanks to Ben's they were now much slower and it was much easier to dodge. Thanks to the combination of their lowering glucose levels, increasing exhaustion and their own incompetence they were now slower by a few hundred miles per hour.

Dodges Shockwave. "I'm bored." The Kineceleran say's with a yawn before taking off. At first the two speedsters didn't know where he went. But soon in a star like formation XLR8 tan at them and delivered a series of blows. Neither one could move as each hit kept them both off balance. In fact XLR8 was going so fast there was a constant black and blue blur of a star.

Until finally Ben did a kangaroo like kick to Shockwave's abdomen and sent him flying into A-Train. The two only stopped after hitting the ground multiple times, like stones skipping water. A-Train got back up, Shockwave stayed down, though only one was on something.

"Two supes, two losers." XLR8 taunted and A-Train runs at him at full speed. However due to Ben's actions and the V wearing off this was half his earlier speed from the beginning. And he was slower than Ben then.

XLR8 again moved to the side as the Seven hero stopped about 20 feet away from where Ben was standing before. The supe looked back and saw XLR8 lift his visor. "A-Train huh more like A-Train wreck." The alien shot, getting some "Oooo's" from the crowd.

Angry A-Train tried to run at him again only for XLR8 to beat him to the punch, or well kick. This is because XLR8 ran at him, jumped and unleashed a series of rapid kicks to the supe's chest. "Let's kick it up a notch." He spoke before delivering the last ones and breaking the reinforced plastic chest piece.

Ben however didn't get to celebrate, since he had to move out of the way of Homelander's heat vision. Looking up he saw Homelander coming down, with the sun at his back, like he was trying to be some sort of deity or savior. He then heard thuds around him and saw Queen Maeve and Black Noir had opted to jump down. While Starlight simply walked through one of the entrances to the track, not having flight or major jumping capabilities.

With Butcher

The Brit was glaring at Homelander intensely, that it looks really did kill he'd be committing multiple murders and then sum. "Butcher he's not really gonna fight them all, right?" Hughie asked, having turned on his mic again.

"Petit Benny is crazy if he does this." Frenchie commented.

"Unless one of you wankers can tell him to back off then leave him be." Butcher said. "Trust him." Elena looked up surprised by his confidence in Shifter. Could the Seven really lose?


"Well well well." XLR8 dragged on looking around. "Five overpriced wannabe's against one hero." He added. "You wanna shut the cameras off? After all if I was about to get a beat down I wouldn't want that all over YouTube and social media."

"You think you're so tough." Homelander begins as he walks forward. "But we're the Seven." He adds gesturing to his other members, mainly Noir and Maeve. "Apart we're strong, together we're in-"

He never finished because XLR8 ran off out of his vision. After first he seemed like he ran away, but in reality he ran to the outside of the stadium so fast not even A-Train knew until it happened. Once outside he kept going and ran back in at a different entrance. Doing this he built up speed and momentum and ran to Homelander's back. Instead of punching or kicking him he slid under him while grabbing his cape. This caused the Seven leader to be backflipped, face first into the turf.

The Kineceleran then positioned himself back up and said. "Sorry I didn't quite catch that last part." This angered Homelander who, from his downed position, flew straight at the alien who easily moved around him.

A-Train tried to again attack at XLR8 and ran up to try and punch him. Only ducked and delivered an uppercut and a quick series of jabs. Which hurt even more without the chest piece of A-Train's suit.

Next up was Queen Maeve, who tried to attack XLR8 from behind as he was delivering his high speed jabs. But this proved to be a failure as the alien saw this coming and sidestepped at the last moment so Maeve punched her teammate instead. That did not deter Maeve in the slightest as she kept to trying, and failing, to punch or kick her opponent.

XLR8 then ran away from her and headed towards Black Noir. The dark supe took out a collapsible sword and swung it. However a second later it was out of his hands. "Uh uh uh you'll poke your eye out." The alien said, waving the sword in a disapproving manner.

Noir just pressed a button on his belt and the sword exploded. A small explosive had been placed on the handle in anticipation of such an event. But due to the size the bomb and XLR8's reflexes it only caused the alien to fall on his back. It was still the only successful hit that was made by the Vought sponsored hero's.

"That smarts." XLR8 commented, rubbing his head. Only to have to move out of the way as Homelander then tried to crush him. Then ran back and jumped to deliver another barrage of kicks to Homelander, only with visibly less effect. "Gotta be quicker than that." He comments before running again.

This time back to Noir, only to run in a different as the Kevlar clad supe threw marbles to try and trip the alien. XLR8 then found himself running towards A-Train who was running at him. When they got close enough A-Train to again punch him, only for XLR8 to grab his arm, spin and toss him at Black Noir.

XLR8 didn't have time to celebrate as he had to dodge a heat vision blast from Homelander. The patriot supe then flew up and kept firing down at the Kineceleran. Who just kept moving out of the way until he could figure out how to bring down Vought's greatest supe.

"I can do this all day." XLR8 say's with a shrug, trying to bait Homelander.

"Forget about me?" XLR8 hears behind him. Turning around he leans back from a punch just in time. Not wanting to be ignored Queen Maeve decided to attack again with the same result. "Afraid to hit a girl?" Maeve taunted, seeing as how he hasn't directly attacked her or Starlight.

"Well if you're okay with it." XLR8 shrugs then puts his hands up like a boxer. As Maeve tried to punch him XLR8 ducks and delivers a right cross. This didn't hurt much but it still made her head turn. "You do know being strong does not mean you'll win all the time right?"

"Too bad you guys are to arrogant to learn, I really wanted a workout." XLR8 continues as he dodges more hits and delivers quick jabs. Tired of this game Maeve slams her bracelets together to create a small shockwave that sent XLR8 back some distance. However she ignored the fact that Homelander's enhanced hearing made it painful for him too.

As XLR8 was getting back up he found himself light blasted by Starlight who found her opportunity. Earlier XLR8 had either been to fast, engaged or simply to far for her. But as he seemingly ignored her she took her shot.

However he was back up and glared at the two female supes of the Seven. "Well this isn't the first time I had to fight a couple of girls, at least one of you is skilled." The alien shapeshifter comments, looking towards Starlight.

Maeve then looks at Starlight, who feels her stare. This momentary lapse of focus is all XLR8 needs as he starts running around the two in circles, delivering a series a blows to them.

Starlight fires randomly and misses before she is hit again. Maeve tries to make a small earthquake to throw him off balance, but the ground isn't pavement, it's a synthetic rubber. So the result is a fist size hole with her hand barely reaching the ground that is half an inch below. This does make XLR8 stop to cross his arms and shake his head. "You do realize an important part of a fight is environment right?"

Maeve then swings at him and he leans back. "You're supposed to be this great fighter, but here's what I see." Maeve grunts in frustration and tries another punch. "I see a lazy quitter who's just accepted her role as a pawn in Vought's little game." Maeve tries again to hit him, but he just moves back some distance. "Who could be a great hero, but is too afraid of some corporate sleezballs. I'm on the money aren't I?"

Starlight then tried to fire another light blast, only XLR8 moved out of the way again. This time he runs behind her and begins psychoanalyzing her. "And you started to go down the path of a sellout." Moves to avoid a swing. "You want to be a hero, but Vought just wants to use you for their Nazi like propaganda." Backs up to avoid another hit.

"Don't be the hero they need you to be." XLR8 tells her, lifting his visor. "Be the person you want to be." Starlight then stops the light blast she was about to fire, realizing he has a point. They stuck her in some ridiculous gimmick costume and threatened to kick her off the Seven if she didn't comply.

XLR8 put his visor down and ran by Starlight to slide right at Maeve's feet making her fall forward. "Or do wanna end up like that?" XLR8 asked, before running to Homelander's location.

The Kineceleran repeated his earlier move on a recovered Homelander. Running around in circles and hitting him from different angles, only Homelander was able to just stand there and take it with no problem. All while trying to use his heat vision with no effect.

Eventually XLR8 stopped several feet directly in front of Vought's God. "Is that all you got?" Homelander asks. "Cause you can't hurt me like that."

"Well then." XLR8 replies before taking off as quickly as possible.

"Guess that's that." Homelander says, confident he just won. Turns to a mostly cheering crowd and waves.

"Aren't you gonna go after him?" Starlight asks, as she walks forward.

"Relax I-" Homelander begins then cuts himself off when he hears and distinctive voice saying. "Peekaboo." Turning around he was just in time to see XLR8's mask as the alien super tackled Vought's most iconic hero at speeds over Mach 1. The impact created a giant boom as Homelander was sent flying through the wall of stadium. Starlight, who was nearby, was also sent flying. Luckily no civilian was injured.

"Oh." XLR8 groaned as he fell on his knees and grabbed his head. "I'm definitely gonna feel that in the morning." Rubs his helmet covered head as he regrets his decision. It didn't work at Mount Rushmore with Vilgax, but Homelander was no Vilgax.

Struggling to get in his feet XLR8 saw Homelander rising from the hole he was sent through. "Uh you got a little something." The alien say's gesturing to his own face.

"What?" Homelander say's then wiped his face to and feels something on his normally perfect skin. He felt something, like a bump of some sort, then looking down at his finger he saw red. Not the shade of red on his gloves, it was a different shade. It couldn't be.

"Homelander." Maeve says, having recovered and went over to her leader with a shocked look. "You're bleeding." She says, as if she discovered a long lost horrible secret.

"I can't be." Homelander chuckles, denying it. Then wipes his cheek and is satisfied when he finds nothing besides the bump and no blood.

"She's not." Starlight says, coming over.

Indeed he was. It wasn't a major bleed, or even that serious, not even a paper cut was that bad. But it was enough to draw just a single small drop of blood. Homelander's blood.

Nearby Noir and Train were recovering. A-Train's metabolism accelerating his recovery. As Noir got up, thanks to his enhanced vision, he saw the small cut on Homelander's cheek. This drew an audible breath of shock from him.


When the Brit saw XLR8 ram into Homelander and people began clearing he followed. It would look suspicious if he stayed, so still holding onto the kid he walked towards the exit. But when the Jumbotron showed a surprised Homelander he took a glance.

To his immense shock and joy the angle was of Homelander's scratched cheek. This made him pause his movements and stare. "Fuck me the cunt can bleed." He spoke then laughed in joy. Good thing people were in a rush to notice. He then walked with a confused Elena to the van.


XLR8 just stared as the supe's examined Homelander's 'injury' like it was the 8th wonder of the world. "I'm just gonna go." He say's to nobody as nobody was paying attention to him now. You would think they'd wanna get revenge after the humiliating beatdown.

XLR8 then ran back to the van where Hughie and Frenchie were waiting. Transforming back he looked and asked. "Where's Butcher?" He asked.

"I don't know he should be here." Frenchie replied.

"Maybe he had to pick something up?" Hughie wonders.

"Like what?" Frenchie asks, then the door to the back of the van opens.

"Sorry mates picked up a souvenir." Butcher says before placing Elena inside then closes the van. The other three stars at her as Butcher hops in and starts driving.

"So, how the hell do you know Starlight?" Butcher questions, breaking the silence after a few minutes.

"I don't really know her know her." Hughie responds. "Just, uh... we met on a park bench." He clarifies. "She gave me her number." He adds

"Huh good." Butcher comments with a smile. Things were looking up for them and looking down for the cunts.

"Are we just gonna ignore the you know?" Ben asks, gesturing to other 10 year old in the vehicle.

"I'm Elena." She introduces. "You guys aren't with Vought right?" She questions.

"Is she Vought?" Frenchie asks Butcher.

"How should I fucking know I barely know anything about Benji and I tried to track him down." Butcher replies, keeping his eyes on the road.

"You brought her here." The Frenchmen reminds him.

"Hughie." Hughie introduces then gestures to Ben. "He's Ben."

"What's your story?" Ben asked.

"I kinda messed up something and released a Ghost." Elena answers. "You?"

"I got sucked into a portal with two of my arch enemies and ended up in this dimension." Ben answers casually.

"This sounds like a movie." Hughie comments.

"More like a Fanfiction." Ben answers. "Who would ever read that story?"

"Good work Benji." Butcher comments out of the blue. "You showed those cunts they ain't shit and they Homelander is just another one of those cunts."

"What about A-Train?" Hughie asks, since a large portion of the fight was XLR8 showing up the worlds fastest man. Plus he still has his vendetta against him.

"Fuck them all." Frenchie says.

"Four and one." Elena comments, then seeing Frenchie's confused look clarifies. "You said bad words."

"We doing a sweat jar now?" Hughie asks.

"If so Butcher is gonna be in deep debt." Ben adds.

"Oi kid." Butcher calls then gets the attention of both Ben and Elena. "Not you Benji. You're gonna stay with us, for free and get our protection. So unless you wanna pay rent with that chunk of change me and me mates are gonna fucking say whatever fucking shit we wanna say."

"Can we get KFC?" Ben questions randomly. "All of that running around made me hungry."

"Oh I love their Mac & Cheese!" Elena says excitedly, then crawls up to between Frenchie and Butcher. "Can we please please please!" She begs.

"What does this look like!" Butcher asks incredulously. "A family road trip, no. We have somewhere to be."

"Come on please?" Elena asks again, bringing out puppy dog eyes.

"No." Butcher says again. "That is final."

Scene cut

"Here you go sir." A KFC worker says handing a stern faced looking Butcher two large bags.

Butcher takes it and hands the kid a bill. "Keep the change." The drives off.


"Overall that could've gone worse." Stillwell comments as 6 of the Seven are sitting at the table of the Seven. After XLR8 left they were called by Stillwell to do an assessment of their perform. "Starlight, Noir you're points went up quite a bit for getting some of the only hits on Shifter." Turns to Deep. "You Deep stayed where you are for obvious reasons."

"And me?" A-Train asks, expecting to be kicked out since he technically didn't beat Shockwave.

"Up 3 points actually." Madelyn told him. "It was clear you were faster than Shockwave, not to mention you took more hits than him."

"Maeve." Stillwell said with grimace. "You're down a point." She tells the female warrior like her pet just died. "It would've been more but people came to your defense saying he just had speed and he was sexist." Maeve just nods.

"Homelander." Madelyn says with a bit of dread.

"How bad?" Homelander questions.

Just as Stillwell was about to answer a new voice does. "4 points." Turning they all saw Stan Edgar walk in as if he was on a mission. "That's only because of similar reasons to Maeve and the fact that the last hit was a surprise attack."

Homelander accepts that and nods.

"I assume you're all wondering why I came down here personally." The CEO begins. "I only have a bit of good news, and large amount of bad news." He tells them.

"What's the good news?" Starlight asks.

"Apart from the points we stand to gain a large amount of profit from the footage of that embarrassing display." Edgar answers to Starlight.

"The bad news is this." Edgar continues. "Apart from Starlight, and to a lesser extent Noir, you've all proven incompetent in dealing with Shifter." He tells them plainly. "Not just in heroics but also in combat, case in point today's fight."

"From now on unless Shifter attacks you then none of you are to engage him at all." Edgar adds. "It's a miracle he hasn't sued us for slander or assault, which he has grounds to do."

"We can't just leave him alone." Homelander says. "He's our enemy."

"No he's just a competitor." Edgar corrects. "A competitor who has bested you at every turn and you can't accept the fact that he does his job better than you do." He tells him, intentionally digging into his skin.

After a bit of silence Edgar clears his throat. "Either way I'm taking full operational control of the Shifter situation. Until I deem it necessary when it comes to Shifter, you must be engaged to engage." Pause. "That is the strict policy am clear?"

"Crystal." Homelander grits.

"Good." Stan replies with a smile then turns to Stillwell. "Now for you I am seriously reconsidering your employment here." He adds out of the blue.

"Wait." Homelander says, anger subsiding slightly.

"Excuse me?" Stillwell responds with surprise. "I have been nothing but an asset to you."

"Where's the father chip?" Edgar asks. "Cause it's not where it's supposed to be. Neither is Elena nor one of Fredrick's last projects." Madelyn stays silent. "That's what I thought. Find them and fix this." He orders then walks away like the boss he is, leaving the others to their thoughts.

With the Boys, plus Girl

Ben and Elena were eating their KFC Mac & Cheese while the Boys watched Popclaw. Right now she just finished writing the check to her landlord and was staring at a vial. "She's been eyeballing at that all day like it's made of snickers." M.M tells them.

"How'd you know to keep an eye on her?" Butcher asks.

"You see that red case over there?" Mother's Milk begins. "I've been around long enough to know a fix kit when I see one. And she told A-Train that V's a slippery slope. So she's got experience." Pauses. "I figured if you wait around long enough, two plus two equals nasty."

"Sherlock fucking Homie." Butcher cheers. "Now admit it. This beats babysitting delinquents any day, don't it?" He adds.

"So we wait for her to go to sleep then steal then V?" Frenchie asks.

"Actually." Hughie says, looking over Popclaw's file. "Probably not the best idea. She's no Homelander, but she has some pretty good hearing." Closes the Mallory file. "Do we wait for her to take it, I mean she is an addict."

"Nah." M.M says, turning to the new kid. "Who knows what'll happen if she does. Somebody could get hurt."

"Not to mention we'll lose the V." Butcher adds.

"Ask for it." Ben suggests finishing his food.

"We got nothing on her." Butcher reminds him.

"You have her and A-Train together." Ben replies. "Vought doesn't like that right?" Takes a sip of his soda.

"Bloody hell." Butcher chuckles. "Their little sex tape, we'll threaten to pull a fucking Kardashian on them." He adds referring to the celebrity's infamous Sex Tape that helped blast her stardom.

"We still gotta ask for the V." Mother's Milk reminds him. "And she'll know about us."

"I'll go." Ben offers. "I don't exist in this dimension so."

"No way." Butcher orders. "You've done more than enough. Sides Hughie is gonna do it."

At the mention of his name he looked at Butcher in surprise. "What?" He asked.

"Well it's either you or M.M since she seen your faces and you look way less suspicious." Butcher explains. "Plus we need to start breaking you in more cause what happened with Translucent was a lucky break." Butcher adds, silently messaging that killing Translucent is easier than Blackmail a B-lister.

"Okay fine." Hughie relents after a breath. "How is this gonna work?"

"Just follow these steps." Butcher begins. "Go up there, be blunt, show the shit we have, ask for the shit she has and come back." He advises, handing him a phone with a video earlier in the day and a slight shove to the door.

As Hughie leaves to go to Popclaw Elena asks. "So you guys are like some boys club dedicated to taking down Vought?"

The Boys look at each other with mixed expressions. "More or less." Butcher answers.

"And none of you have powers?" She questions, thinking it suicide for them without.

"Well I kinda do." Ben answers, showing the Omnitrix. "Fell from space and now I can turn into a bunch of super cool alien dudes." He informs.

"You really from space or are just faking it like Jack from Jupiter?" Elena asks with skepticism.

"I'm from another earth." Ben clarifies. "The watch is from space." The dimensional traveler decided to ask his question. "Why are you running from Vought?"

"Cause of this." Elena answers, holding up Chip who floated around her palm. "I was bored so I was snooping around my Mom's room and found two of these glass case and this guy was in one."

"So you took that?" Butcher asked.

"No." Elena answered. "It just kinda jumped and started following me."

"On it's own?" Mother's Milk questions.

"Yup." Elena replied. "My mom found out and she was happy at first, but then I heard she was gonna put stuff in me again. And I said no and when they were taking me to the doctor in Spanish I prayed for help." Holds her hand up higher as Chip crawls on her hand like a pet. "This little guy flies around and begins doing stuff."

"What kind of stuff?" Frenchie asks.

"Like it stabbing my mom's hand so I could run." She explains, drawing some looks. Before she could continue they heard Hughie and Popclaw speaking.

Scene Cut

Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves before knocking. When he opened it he was met with an enticing view of Popclaw in shorts and a small white shirt, exposing large amounts of skin. "Oh you. Come back for an autograph?" She asks.

"So you and A-Train, how long has that been going?" Hughie asks. "Also who's Stillwell and why doesn't she want you guys together?"

"Who the fuck are you?" The former child star asks with an annoyed tone.

"They guy who has a sex tape of you two and knows about Compound V." Hughie answers, making the Supe bring out namesake. "Kill me and that video will trend on Pornhub." He threatens.

Walking into the apartment Hughie follows and closes the door. "You want money or something?" The clawed supe asks.

"No." Hughie answers. "I want the V." Points to the red kit.

"I used it." She tells him.

"That's a lie." Hughie says. "Cause from that angle." Points to her TV. "You were basically staring at that thing like some weight obsessed lady stares at ice cream on a diet."

"So either hand that vial to me or we'll see how deep your career takes a dive this time." Hughie threatens. "I mean that last one got you kicked off Teenage Kix and now your basically making movies that just go straight to DVD. Who even watched those nowadays." He adds reminding her of that video where she was caught half naked doing drugs and two guys. Since then her career took a dive until finally stagnating as a B-Lister at best.

"Your choice." Hughie says.

Scene cut

Hughie let out a breath he was holding as he walked back in the van with the vial of V. "Holy shit that was terrifying." He says. Sure he was in a more intense position with Translucent, but he was in a cage and he had a way to kill him. With Popclaw he could've been an obese deer during open season at any second. "Please never make me do that again." Hands the vial to Frenchie.

"All over the world people see them as Gods." Frenchie says. "Turns out they are just a bunch of toxicomanes."

"Now what?" Hughie asks.

"Now I get outta here." M.M says, getting up. "Unlike y'all I got a wife and kids."

"Well Butcher has some kids now." Frenchie jokes. Referring to Ben and Elena.

"Fuck you." Butcher responds. "Frenchie will run tests, M.M does what he says meanwhile the rest of us can sleep easy." Butcher says.

"I know I need a nap." Ben admits, still tired from fighting the Seven.

"Um where do I sleep?" Elena asks, not having planned for this.

"Bunk with Benji." Butcher suggests.

"Wait. Where are they staying?" Mother's Milk asks.

"Ben's got his own place." Butcher answers as if it's no problem.

"So you've been letting a 10 year old live by himself?" Hughie ask's.

"I met the tike a couple days ago." Butcher reminds them. "Sides they'll be fine, I was left home alone and look at me."

They do and know immediately it's a bad idea, so Hughie says. "Yeah..." He drags. "You know what I need a place to stay since I moved out of my dad's. Um maybe I can stay with them keep an eye on them." He offers.

Butcher smiles. "There we go, problem solved." He says.

"Let's just get outta here." Mother's Milk say's, wanting to get home to his family. Lately his daughter was having tough time making friends so he wanted to be there for her.

Scene Cut

"Whoever did this just declared war." Homelander tells Stillwell as he shows the remnants of Translucent in a zinc lined box.

"You think this was Shifter?" Madelyn asks.

"No." Homelander says with a shake of his head. "He's not a killer. But I know he's involved somehow."

"There's uh one more thing Homelander." Deeo says. "A friend of mine, his name is Sam, he's a shark." He begins. "Said that one of he friends saw something in the Puerto Rico Trench Trench."


Sam the Goblin Shark was swimming around looking for his next meal. As it was looking for rattails he spotted something. Something Big!

It looked almost like a big octopus with red eyes.

Not wanting to be prey Sam swam away as fast as he could. Then quickly warned his brethren of what he saw.

Flashback over

Homelander chuckles. "So?" He questions. "We worried about Krakens now?"

"I just think it's something we need to look out for." Deep tells him. "First Shifter, then this Chimera shit happening in South America and now this. I think it might be a pattern Sir."

"Don't worry your little fins in this." Homelander says for reassurance. Then goes to pat Deep on the shoulder. "Look I'll think of something, but for now let's focus on how we can take down Shifter."

"Okay." The Deep agreed, believing Homelander and not having the spine to speak up.

San Salvador, El Salvador

Kevin, or La Quimera, was raiding another wealthy mansion, this time there was no big party. This time he interrupted a business man who purchased multiple prostitutes for himself as well as a large amount of cocaine and security. When Kevin burst into the house he saw the terrified man run for his life in his underwear, giving him a good laugh.

He paid little attention to women in the master bedroom that all huddled together terrified. In fact he didn't stop until he passed one of the living rooms that had a TV on. While he couldn't understand what the broadcaster was saying entirely he recognized the form of XLR8.

"Tennyson." Kevin growled. Then hearing something behind him he turned and aimed his Diamondhead fist at it. It was one of the girls the owner of the house hired that was brave enough to see if he left. Putting his fist down he pointed to the TV. "Where is that?"

"Donde es eso?" Kevin growled, thinking she didn't understand him.

"New York." The women answered, terrified.

"New...York." Kevin hummed with a smile. Then chuckled. "Where it all began." Referring to when the two first met at the arcade.

Looking at the girl Kevin raised an eyebrow. "You want a picture or something? Go!" He told her and she scattered. Then ignoring his original plan to look for loot, he broke through a wall and headed north east. Originally he was gonna take his time getting back to the states, but revenge was a great motivator.


Isabella Validus was fuming in her lab. Years and years of work to replicate her bastard of a late husband's work had gone down the drain. Without the father chip their was no way the chips would work. They thought they got lucky when they found some of the original programming and schematics, but that was just hubris.

Turns out Victor left them a trap. The program they used for the Father chip actually gave their daughter, Elena Validus total master control of the chips. Including a self destruct feature should she say a code word. Whatever that was. Not to mention it only responds to her specific mental commands, and reacts when she's in supposed danger.

Like when she found her daughter using the chip to upgrade her video game. She wanted to drag her to the lab and run some tests and when they were almost there she tried to run. Isabella grabbed her daughter and next thing she knew her hand was being stabbed. Followed by others getting scratches while Elena ran.

Then she breaks inside project Wraith's containment unit and free's him. Manages to survive and escape all the way to A-Train's race where she disappears.

Audibly growling Isabella looked at the glass tube of active, but unguided chips. They were useless without BOTH master chips. "You fucking shit." She says, before using her bandaged hand to pull out the mother chip. It was active and under their control, but the Hive mind feature was only active with the father chip.

Putting the mother chip in a secure container Isabella left the lab to deal with her frustration. This included wine and fucking some innocent lab assistant. However when she left she did not notice the chips shifting around all of the sudden before stopping.

Ben's apartment

As Hughie finished settling into his new room he goes to check on the kids. Going into the livening room he saw them on the couch watching some Disney show.

"So she likes the model dude, who's also the cat guy, but he likes bug girl who's actually her?" Ben asked, pointing to the screen displaying Ladybug and Cat Noir.

"Yup." Elena answers eating some popcorn.

"They're the same person." Ben tells her, thinking it crazy how the writers made this weird love square.

"They don't know it yet." She says.

"Can we watch Bad Batch now?" Ben requests.

"Hey you lost the coin toss." Elena reminds him. "One episode of my show then yours." She adds making Ben groan.

"Don't you guys have school or something?" Hughie asks, seeing it's late.

"I never have school." Elena answers.

"Summer vacation." Ben says. Since he was barely in the middle of summer when he dragged here.

"It's not summer." Hughie informs him. (A/N what exactly is the timeline in the Boys universe. They never really mention seasons, months or stuff like that.)

"I'm still on my dimensions time." Ben reminds him.

"Well still go to bed soon." Hughie says. "Butcher need is gonna need us." He tells them before leaving them to their show.

"How is that a lucky charm? It's a pipe." Ben wonders.

"Just watch." Elena says.

Mother's Milk House

Marvin was checking his daughter's room for the third time and saw like before she was sleeping soundly. Breathing a sigh of relief he gently closed the door to be with his wife and watch their show.

Shortly after he did though, Janine opened her eyes and sat up. "You can come out now." She spoke softly and a grey something came through the doors of her closet.

"Thank you." A voice said in a creepy voice.


Earlier Wraith, remembered the project designation Vought gave him, eventually dropped the girl who freed him in some old tunnels. He then proceeded to get as far away from Vought as possible, but had to wait until the sun went down.

When it did he popped out and got a look at the world, likely for the first time. Staying invisible curiosity got the better of him as he began wandering around New York. He did try to make contact with some humans but many were scared. So he kept moving.

Eventually finding himself in a more suburban neighborhood he saw the sun was starting to rise. Panicking he went inside the first house and closed the blinds to hide the light.

Breathing a sigh of relief he turned and another girl. But instead of being asleep she was wide awake and her jaw dropped. "Are you a ghost?" She asked.

"No I'm an Ectonurite." Wraith answers.

"Baby you up already?" A large masculine voice asked through the door. Then began jiggling the handled.

Wraith immediately turned invisible and hid in the corner of the room.

"Gotta get that handle fixed." The father said when he finally opened the door. "You ok baby, how come you up so early?"

"Sorry." Janine replied. "I had a weird dream and woke up."

"What kind of dream baby?" The dad asked, concerned for his little girl.

"Not sure." She answers then adds. "I think it involved a Ghost. Freaky right?"

"Well since your up get ready. We'll get Dunkin Donuts if we have time." He tells her with a smile.

"Double chocolate?" Janine asks.

"With sprinkles." Her father whispers before closing the door.

Flashback over

After that Janine told Wraith to hide until he can leave. Unfortunately that had to be when the sun went down again. He entertained himself by exploring the house, where the sun wasn't shining. Including watching a show called New Amsterdam that Janine's mother watched.

When Janine got home she spent pretty much the whole day hanging with Wraith. He even helped her with a creative writing assignment.

"You sure you can't stay?" Janine asked. "It would be cool to have a ghost friend." She added.

"I can't let Vought find me." Wraith tells her.

"Vought isn't here." Janine tells him. "Plus this has to be the last place they would look. Where are you even going?"

"I'm not sure." Wraith answers honestly.

"Well you can always come back if you change your mind." Janine says, as Wraith leaves.

There you go. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, this is partially why I wanted to write this story. I'd just been thinking of Ben fighting the Seven and blowing them out of the water. Then next thing I was writing it.

I suppose you're wondering why Popclaw didn't kill her landlord. Well she only did that cause she was on V, she was on V because A-Train upset her. Instead now she felt different cause there was no press conference afterwards where Train pissed her off. That's what gave her the push to inject it and then kill Aleksei (I think his name is) so he lives. Also I find it weird that Butcher didn't think to use their hidden relationship as Blackmail, seems obvious that Vought doesn't want it so.

Next you're wondering what is going on with Ghostfreak and how is he tied in. Well that will be explained in the future. What is gonna be explained in the next chapter is how Elena got to the race. Also I am bringing the Nanochips like in Alien Swarm but not exactly like in Alien Swarm you'll see.

Also now Kevin knows that not only did Ben survive the trip, but where he is. Also to explain why he knows some Spanish remember he grew up in New York and on the streets, lot of Spanish speaking people there. Also he has Grey Matter's brain, well just 1/10 of it but still a lot more than any human. P.S. I just figured out that Grey Matter is the outer part of the brain.

Also I hinted at Vilgax. And like you I am so looking forward to his fight.

Speaking of fights let me know your thoughts on this one, was it good, bad, realistic or not. Because I know XLR8 can clock 500 miles easy and go almost 900 when he's pushing it. But I decided to round his speed to 1,000 since he's Ben 10. Also XLR8 can dodge lightning and that goes 270,000 MPH so not entirely sure what his speed is. I know Vought claims A-Train can run 1,000 miles an hour but on the show it was only above 800 when he was on the V for the race. Shockwave was slower and he has a terrible name, it doesn't even really reference speed at all.

Noir got in his hit because he's not stupid, same thing for Starlight, only her's had a little more luck to it. I hope I wasn't too hard on Maeve, I get she's not entirely a bad character but she's no saint either, especially in season 1. Deep doesn't do well on land of course, plus he was looking for Translucent and sidenote: I don't know if Goblin Sharks are in that part of the ocean, if not sorry. I just know they leave deep under water.

A big thing is that Homelander BLEEDS. I had him bleed, remember only like a tiny little bit like roughly around Thanos in Infinity War. Maybe even less. A. Because if you've seen Flash or Beyblade you'll know accelerating increases Attack Power. B. Because if Homelander is like a middle finger of Superman than they have similar attributes for their powers.

I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you think. Next up while the Adult Boys deal with the Female of the Species, Ben and to a lesser extent, Elena are gonna dealing with some Teenage Kix.

This story was stolen from me on Fanfiction.Net and the the theif known as ‘GenV’ is taking credit for it. Was actually but he’s still profiting off of Patreon so I figured I’d jump the Gun. Please report his Patreon and other accounts.


An idea I had after watching Season 3 of the Boys while also stumbling across some old Ben 10 clips. I rewatched the end of Season 2 when Ben unlocked the ability to stay hero for as long as he wanted and had to fight Kevin and Vilgax. What if when all three went through the portal to the Null Void something happened, sending them to another dimension.

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