
Chapter 6: Sick Kix

I'm back. Now some of you have mentioned that Frenchie and M.M are taking the whole Shifter being a child well. Well for Frenchie he was stressed out about Translucent already and he does drugs. M.M was a soldier, so he's good at hiding his emotions until they boil over. So while Frenchie is gonna do drugs and smoke we won't get a giant reaction from him. But we will from Mother's Milk, eventually. Plus a kid being supe is not so abnormal.

Now this chapter is gonna be mostly OC since Ben can't go on Hughie's date nor do the Boys want him to see Kimiko kill people. Which means we won't see his Spice Girls speech.

He and Elena are gonna be left to their devices, where they learn a bit more about how bad Supes actually are. Remember Elena knows them as greedy sellouts, not killers and Ben as attention seeking money grabbers. Neither have seen them do real killing and the such. But they get a hint of that when fighting the knock-off Teen Titans a.k.a Teenage Kix as well some others during the most inappropriate event for them.

WARNING: This chapter will include some R rated descriptions that is more suitable for a more mature audience. Pretty sure that's gonna be ignored though.

I am not very good at that kind of writing stuff so bear with me.


Susan Raynor was entering her place of work like she does everyday. However when she entered her office she was met with a familiar and unwelcome sight. Butcher, who was going through her files, perked up. "Good morning Deputy Director." He greets.

"How did you get in here?" Susan asks, but then she hears snoring to her right. Looking to her desk she see's the kid Shifter and another kid, a girl. The girl was sleeping in her chair and Shifter in one the guest chairs at the desk.

"Sorry the kids were tuckered out and I couldn't just leave them alone." Butcher explains, concealing the fact that he brought Ben here to remind Susan of his arsenal. Elena was there because Butcher couldn't leave her alone on the off chance Vought might find her.

"You running a daycare or just felt like adopting?" Susan says. Then gestures to Elena. "What can she do, read minds?"

"You'll find out." Butcher answers, taking advantage of her thinking Elena was a supe. Even if she was her power comes from a tiny chip. "Oi!" Calls out to wake them up.

The two kids immediately jerk up in surprise. "Peacocks!" Ben shouts in slight fear, getting some stares. "Sorry, weird dream."

"Did we miss it?" Elena asks with a yawn, rubbing her eyes.

"Oh right." Butcher says, then gestures to Susan. "Could you do us a favor luv and get out so they can look more intimidating for the entrance." He requests.

"You fucking piece of shit." Susan comments.

"Forget it moment is gone." Ben says, stretching with a yawn.

"What do you want?" Susan asks, heading her desk. Taking the hint the kids back away from it.

"We can stop 'em getting Supes in the military." Butcher answers.

"What makes you think I care?" Raynor tells him. "Personally, I can't wait until they're in Syria."

"Why are we in the Middle East?" Ben asks. "I mean I don't get it." He adds getting their attention. "Can't we just leave them alone cause it seems the more we get involved the worse it gets and the more people die."

"9/11, Oil, Russia, Colonialism." Elena lists off, but before she list more reasons Susan interrupts.

"This isn't a history class." The Deputy Director tells them. "Unless you have something then leave."

"We do." Butcher say's. "Last week. A-Train, mainlining before the big race. His fuck buddy, Popclaw, pinning the same stuff." Puts pictures of the two supes on the desk. "They call it Compound V. It's some kind of booster or steroid for Supes. Jacks 'em right up." Smirks. "Now, word gets out that Supes are nothing but a bunch of juice junkies, no one's gonna want 'em in national defense." He adds with confidence.

Susan, slightly impressed, nods with a hum. "You got a sample?" She asks.

"Slight bump there." Ben comments, then his stomach growls. "I'm gonna hit the vending machine, the good one is on the Director's floor." Walks out, then before closing the door turns back. "You guys want anything? Butcher, Sussie, E?"

"Wait we can have like chips and Twix and stuff for breakfast?" Elena asks. Growing up in the tower her mom gave her a set diet. In fact when Ben brought the popcorn on her first night she asked why.

"They also have Oreo's." Ben add.

"I'm coming." Elena then follows him out.

When they leave Susan turns to Butcher. "You're such a responsible parent." She comments, then adds. "So what's the bump the kid mentioned?"

"First off I ain't their daddy." Butcher begins then cringes his face. "Second."

Flashback, Frenchie's Hideout

Butcher, Mother's Milk, Hughie, Ben and Elena were all looking at the Frenchmen as he explained what he found.

"What do you mean it's fucking nothing?!" Butcher demands.

"It's a mix of drugs liquified and dyed to look blue." Frenchie explains. "It's a fake." He adds.

"He right." M.M say's going over some footage on a tablet, zooming in on the vials of V. "The one A-Train is a different texture, this one is more like watery." He adds.

"Also you see this." Hughie say's, rewinding and playing back the same second of footage. In it there was a small blur around A-Train's hand. "Looks like he swapped it with something."

"So the cunt knows she nicks some of it." Butcher say's.

"Well he still doesn't know you guys have it." Elena reminds them.

Butcher then takes out a phone and hands it to Hughie. "Call the clawed cunt, ask where A-Train gets the shit." He orders.

"Me!?" Hughie responds.

"Course you." Butcher say's as if it's obvious. "You did it before you can do it again." He reminds him.

"Before I had leverage, but she's not gonna give us the location if all we have is a video of her sucking his toe." Hughie counters.

"Honey!" Ben exclaims with excitement. "Instead of threatening her offer her something she wants." He suggests, a reference to the saying about catching more flies with honey than with vinegar.

"Like her and A-Train being a public couple." Elena say's, seeing where this was going.

So after calling Popclaw back and offering to leak a more tasteful photo of A-Train and her, like her screen saver, she gave them the location. Sort of.

She just told them that he comes back with noodles from a restaurant so it had to be around there. And for the past week Hughie, Frenchie and Mother's Milk had been watching the noodle shop.

Flashback over

"So you got nothing." Susan simply say's when he done.

"Only for right now." Butch replies.

"This could be heroin." Susan say's, pointing to the pictures. "It could be anything."

"You don't trust me." Butcher replies, looking offended. "Susan, I am shocked and saddened by that."

"Really? I'm sure." The CIA worker says. "Speaking of which I caught the fight at the race."

"Oh yeah, what was you favorite part?" Butcher asks, but before she could answer he informs. "Cause mine was the end, when I say America's favorite red, white and blue wanker getting nicked on the cheek."

"I'll bet." Susan say's. "If it was real and not staged."

"What are you saying?" The Brit questions, anger seeping in.

"For all we know that fucking kid works for them." Susan whispers.

"Shut you fucking mouth." Butcher tells her. "Cause unlike you he actually keeps his word, maybe I outta start branching elsewhere."

"Like where, the IRS?" Susan jokes. "Anyone you worked with anywhere else has either retired, been demoted if they haven't been killed yet that is." She reminds him.

"Well it wasn't long ago when aliens didn't exist, now we got a whole lot of 'em." Butcher tells her. "And according to the kid there might be some secret agency for that." He adds.

"Really, you wanna take down the supes that badly you hope to find some secret organization that doesn't exist?" Susan says. If it did exist why haven't they tried to stop the supes before?

"I'll try anything, you think Supes are cunts now You just wait till they're wearing camo." Pauses. "I mean, what's to stop Sergeant Homelander from killing a couple hundred thousand Chinese? How are you gonna try him for war crimes? He's gonna murder the bloody lot of us before he steps one foot in The Hague." He points out. "I mean, you might as well hand the bloody launch keys over to Vought right now." He concludes.

With Ben and Elena

The two were heading back to Butcher and Susan carrying several snacks each. Thanks to Chip they didn't have to pay. "So your telling me your mom had you on one of those ridiculous model diets?" Ben asked, munching on a Kit Kat.

"Yeah." Elena replies, eating a Twix, the left one. "She wanted me to be some singer, model or whatever. Which seemed cool, but if that means not eating then no thank you."

"What about you?" Elena questions.

Just as Ben is about to reply he see's something on the wall that makes him stop in his tracks. Looking to the wall he saw it was an old black and white photograph of two men accepting medals. One was wearing a mechanic's uniform with a large wrench in his belt. The second one though was what had Ben stop. It was his grandpa, well a younger version of him, wearing a military uniform.

Dropping the food he quickly went over to pull it off. After staring at it for a minute he began rushing back to Susan's office.

Scene cut

"Say you fucking understand." Susan orders, just then the door opens.

"Why do you guys have a picture of my grandpa?" Ben demands to know, holding the picture up.

"Listen kid." Susan begins to say. "I don't have time for your bullshit."

Ben realizes that he's not gonna get answers like this. So activating the Omnitrix he changed into Ripjaws and charged.

"Oi Ben!" Butcher tried to stop, but was pushed to the side.

The Piscciss Volann then knocked the gun out of Raynor's hand, shoved the picture in her face while keeping his plainly visible. "Who's in this picture?"

"That's Wrench." Susan begins. "Being decorated by the CIA during the Vietnam War for Valor." She informs, having expected him to know about that.

"NOT HIM!" Ripjaws told her. "MAX TENNYSON!" He shouted. "WHY IS MY GRANDPA IN THIS PICTURE, WHAT DID HE DO, WHY IS HE WITH THE CIA!?" He asks, but before she could answer he adds. "WHERE IS HE?"

"I don't even know a Max Tennyson." Raynor tells him. In fact nobody knew who the other guy was. Until her, right now.

Putting the picture down Ripjaws leans forward. "You're gonna find my grandpa." He tells her. "Cause I can't find him, but he exists or at least did. Which means he's not supposed to be found." He says.

"I can't just go around asking about someone from over 50 years ago." Susan tells him.

"Rah!" Ripjaws roars punching the desk, breaking through it. "Either you find everything you can on him or next time we see each other it's gonna be loud and your family is gonna ask questions."

"You'd threaten my family, my kids?" Susan asks, thinking that Shifter is just like the other supes.

"No." Ripjaws tells her. "I don't roll like that."

"That's your threat?" Susan asks, incredulously with a laugh.

"Well what is your family gonna think when I barge in on family dinner as Fourarms, talking about Butcher and Vought." He adds. "Or if I go XLR8 during a CIA meeting and steal a bunch of secrets and blast them on the internet." This gets Susan worried slightly.

"Find him." Ripjaws say's again. "Otherwise I start becoming to you guys what I am to Vought." Changes back to human, still holding onto the picture with the most menacing look at 10 year old can muster. "I'm keeping this."

"That's government property." Susan say's as he walks away.

"You dweebs gonna arrest me?" Ben replied as he walks about. Elena follows, not sure what went on.

Butcher stays. "Fuck me." Butcher say's with a bit of surprise. "I'm liking this kid more and more." He adds impressed, before he begins to leave. "Don't you worry. Kid's a still a house cat compared to Vought cunts." Leaves.

Susan then sits down and sighs at her broken desk. "Fucking shit." She exhaled then groans when her phone rings. It's her husband.


As Butcher drove with the kids in the back he asked. "So what was that back there? Never seen you pissed like that."

"Right after I got a computer here I used Upgrade and Grey Matter to see if I could find my family. This dimensions version of my family." Ben recounts. "No Tennyson's in all of the U.S at least not officially, so I thought they just didn't exist. You know maybe my parents or grandparents or their grandparents never met so."

"Then I saw my grandpa in the photo-" Ben cuts himself off.

"Meaning that someone doesn't him found." Butcher concludes.

"And you might find more of your family." Elena, who has been quite until now, says.

"Hopefully." Ben admits then changes the subject. "So what now?"

"Now I drop you back home." Butcher say's. "Then I go join the Boys and see what they got." He explains.

"And what about us?" Elena asks.

"He can do whatever the fuck he wants." Butcher answers. "You can't get caught, so be like Rapunzel stay in that nice tower and don't come out unless some fucking cunt who ain't supposed to be there tries to get in." He orders.

"What happens if they find me?" Elena asks, a little in fear.

"If it's a supe press panic and call Benji." Butcher replies. "Anyone else use your little flying fucker to fuck up those twats and hide 'til we get there."

"You said you were gonna protect me." Elena reminds him.

"Well I can't be everywhere at once." Butcher reasons. "Sides between getting their arses kicked last week by our little shifty here." Smiles and gestures to Ben. "That's gonna be top priority over you, unless you got other powers."

"No." Elena tells him.

"Great." Butcher says.

With the Boys.

Mother's Milk just finished talking to his wife and lying about his whereabouts. Then he and Frenchie got into a discussion about with one person or other people.

"Speaking of lying to people." Hughie speaks up. "How do you guys feel about hiding what happened with Translucent and everything." This earned silence from the two. "I mean shouldn't we tell him something?"

"Last year..." M.M began. "My daughter said Santa Claus wasn't real, cause he never showed himself. So what did I do?" He begins to recount. "I paid an actor 1500 bucks to break in our home and leave presents and wake my daughter. Now she believes in him again."

"First off wow." Hughie says, impressed. "Second what does that have to do with this?" He asks, not seeing the correlation.

"I protected her innocence a bit longer, before she has to grow up in the mother fucking shit hole called being an adult." Mother's Milk tells him. "Now Ben may have lost some of that, but he still a kid. Butcher may just want to make sure he doesn't go ballistic, but he'll have plenty of time to get scarred for life. If he hasn't already." He finishes, just as Frenchie see's a man carrying noodles was packing.


Isabella Validus just finished another failed attempt at replicating her husband's work. Slamming her computer she went to the copy of the father chip she made and wondered why it wasn't working. They had the same programming, they had the same build, same environment. What was she missing? And why did the father chip only respond to Elena? What did Victor do to screw up his own life's work to the point where he destroyed all his video logs and take his own life?


A younger Isabella walking into her house so late it was nearly early. She told her husband it was because she was working, in reality she was cheating on him. Their marriage was more of a business transaction, anyways, it was a miracle their daughter was actually their daughter.

But when she got to her room she saw blood splattered and her husband's lifeless corpse. It was a shot to the head where an instant death was guaranteed. Only it wasn't a bullet that went through it was the Father chip, he ordered it to kill him.

Flashback over

Looking over her notes she noticed that the Mother Chip was trying harder to command the other chips. Like a queen bee. Even without the father chip. Perhaps she could adjust it so the chips respond to a single centralized command, rather than a dual command system.

As she got up to refill her coffee she did not take notice of the brief, small yellow glow of the mother chip.


Big Game was outside giving a speech as he and his teammates accepted medal from the police for stopping a major arms and drug shipment. His team consisted of him, Novablast, Gadget, Wildkid and Dove. All were in their mid to late teens, hence their name Teenage Kix.

(A/N Big Game is a knockoff Nightwing, Novablast is a knockoff Starfire, for gadget just picture a teen size Gizmo, Wildkid is Beast Boy just with regular skin, and becomes naked after changing, Dove is a knockoff Raven, with a white cloak instead of purple and white colored powers)

"Thank you for this honor." The leader spoke. "But the reason we do this is because we love this country and the people in this country." He continues. "And we will continue working to track down these unwanted criminals and bring them to Justice." He finishes getting some applause.

In reality they knew where they were, they just needed another headline for next week. Also the drugs they reported finding was only 3/4 of the actual amount.

Meanwhile in Midtown

Outside a large public hospital a medical director was trying to prevent Law Enforcement from arresting dozens of undocumented Filipino's who came in after the church they were hiding in went ablaze. To him they were patients, to his boss and the government criminals.

"This is a Public Hospital!" The medical director again reminded. "We treat patients no matter who they are, whether their criminals, drug dealers, cops, rich or poor, or just an average citizen. And they did nothing wrong."

"Except cross the border without a green card." His boss says.

"Not to mention some have committed robberies." The officer told him.

"I know, where the total amounted to what?" The Medical Director asked. "50 dollars."

"Be that as it may I'm under orders to search for those and make sure the ones that can move, get moved." The officer told him. "So either bring them out, or I raid the place and we search top to bottom." He offered.

Just then a distant thud was heard. Then another thud, only a bit closer. Until finally Fourarms literally jumped right in front of the ICE cars and trucks. Then walked to the hospital entrance and turned, his back facing it. "For any of you doughnut eating dweebs who wanna get inside there's only two ways!" Punches one of his hands into one of his fists. "And that's through me." Punches the other into his other fist. "Or on a gurney. Your choice."

What followed was a tense stand-off. The officers couldn't go in cause they were not prepared to fight a supe. And Four Arms just waited with his arms crossed. He, and several others, were expecting the Seven or Vought to show up and stop him. However nobody came. Not that Ben was complaining, it just seemed odd.

The medical director then went back inside and as he did the Tetramand passed him a small piece of paper. On it were instructions to sneak the patients at risk out.

"Well?" Fourarms asked after a while of no action. All the while the head officer was on the phone with his superior. After about 30 minutes or so the medical director came back out and nodded. "My work is done." The Alien spoke as he jumped away.

3 hours later

Ben was at his place eating while Big City Greens played on the TV. Elena was on her computer trying to figure out where Ben should go next. Over the past week the Boys discovered Elena was pretty good with a computer, even without Chip. So she's been helping throw the Seven of of Ben's trail, be focusing his efforts on other parts of the city.

"So you were in Midtown, Manhattan and Long Island." Elena reviewed. "Do you wanna patrol still, or crash that Herogasm thing Teenage Kix is hosting?" She asks. Since just before Ben fought Ironcast a few days ago, he overheard something about that.

"Herogasm." Ben said, as he finished his cereal. "Butcher said bad stuff goes on there." He reminds her.

"Actually his exact words were." Elena began before her eyes glowed blue and she asked Chip to do something. The little flying bug flew into the computer and made it say. "A whole fucking pile of shite goes on in that supe hole that you ain't ready for. So don't go unless you're prepared for a bunch of cunts and twats plugging it out like it's the last day on earth. Okay."

Naturally this only made Ben, and Elena, want to go more.

"Did you find out where it is?" Ben asks.

"It's at the Kix cave." Elena answered without any problem. Despite what Vought portrays, the Kix cave was not a secret base in a mountain. It was a large secluded mansion upstate with top of the line amenities. Elena was disappointed when she found that out over a year ago.

"So how are we gonna get there, Yuber?" Ben asks.

"It's Uber." Elena corrects. "But not we need a way to get there without drawing major attention and those can be tracked."

"Train?" Ben offers and Elena shrugs.

Scene Cut

One hour later Ben and Elena stepped off the train they rode to upstate New York. They each had backpacks with supplies. Elena had a laptop, frequency scrambler, portable charger and Chip with her, Ben packed mostly snacks. Both were wearing dark clothing to better blend in.

"So now what?" Ben asked.

"Well now we walk." Elena simply says and they do. Until after ten minutes they get tired and Ben offers to fly them there on Stinkfly.


Kevin landed on a secluded area after booking it from Cuba. He was back on US soil. With one destination, New York. "I'm coming Tennyson." He said to nobody and using his XLR8 speed took off.

With Maeve

She and Homelander watched as the people of Flight 37 were about to die. She knew Homelander could hear their screams and those kids faces were gonna haunt her. As the plane went down she prayed that Shifter would come in to make them look like idiots. Just this one time.

But he never came and those lives were lost.

Milk Household

Monique just woke up from a nap she took and was about to do the laundry. Only when she went to the laundry room to take the clothes out of the dryer it turns out the wash load was in there. Further more the clothes that were dried were neatly folded.

'Janine is really stepping up.' The mother thought. Sure her daughter did her chores, but she wasn't asked to do the laundry, nor the dishes or alphabetize their DVD's. She also seemed really happy lately, a stark contrast when she came home last week after her friends made fun of her.

Monique then went to her daughter's room, and found the door was closed. Normally it was opened, but at least it wasn't locked. "Janine sweetie." She said knocking as he opened the door.

She found her daughter on the laptop with some papers around her, and her blinds closed. Another small new development. "Hey mom." She greeted with a toothy smile.

"Sweetie did you do the laundry?" The mother asked.

"No." She denied. "Maybe a ghost did." She suggested and Monique took it as a joke.

"Well Ghost or not thanks. You earned yourself a treat for dinner." Monique told her.

"Ice Cream?" Janine asked with wide hopeful eyes.

"For desert. 3 scoops." The mother told her daughter, then asked. "What you doing, school work?"

"School project." Janine answered. "We're supposed to pick an unknown topic in history and do a project on it." Turns the computer to show a power point with black and white photos and a map of 1914 Africa. "A friend suggested I do World War I in Africa. Did you know the Allies sent like 250,000 guys to beat a group of Germans and Africans that were like 20,000 and only won two weeks after the war was over."

"That is interesting baby." Monique answers. "But who is this friend?"

"He's new and really really shy." Janine answers. "His name is Wr-Raph."

"Well good baby." Monique tells her only child as she walks out. However per her daughters instructions she closed the door.

When she left Janine waited before whispering. "She's gone." Then Wraith came out from the bed with several books. "What was that German Generals name again?"

"Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck." Wraith answered. "His other name is 'The Lion of Africa." He adds as he opens the book to speed read it. "This says he told some human named Hiter to go Fuck himself, is that something you'd need?"

"It's definitely going in." Janine answered as she typed in a few keys. "What else?"

(A/N I'm pretty sure that happened, but not 100 percent.)

With Ben and Elena

Elena was set up by some rocks and tree's some distance from the Kix Cave (Mansion) and had her laptop up. Monitoring police scanners, phone calls from the house and the video feed via Chip.

Ben, who changed into Fourarms, was outside the house. There was a ton of cars parked, personal and serviced. "Weird." Ben comments.

"Yeah you'd think they would have security but they've literally been letting anyone walk in." The girl comments in the earpiece Fourarms wore.

"Maybe they're all in on it?" Ben suggested.

"Doubt it." Elena replied.

Ben then went up to the door and knocked. The door soon opens to a supe he doesn't recognize wearing an open bathrobe and underwear. Freely showing his hairy chest and beer belly. "Come on in, pick is great." He says simply and walks away while grabbing a drink from a nearby waitress.

Fourarms walks in and soon immediately wishes he hadn't. In fact he, and Elena who was watching via Chip, wanted to leave so they could hurl their guts out. But couldn't, something bad has to be going on.

All around him were people in various stages of undress, supe and civilian. The kids didn't know it but they just walked into the biggest supe orgy of the year. Fourarms walked through and looked around, despite every instinct telling him to look away.

First he saw two guys going at it, one having his nipples electrocuted. "Ooooooh yeah." One said, eyes rolling in the back of his head. Next he nearly bumped into another guy as he was going down on a woman who lied down on a table with her legs spread. "Yeah, fuck!" She moaned, while reaching to push his head deeper into her.

"I'm gonna puke." Ben heard Elena say.

"How do you think I feel." Ben uttered, as he passed a semi clothed supe snorting a white powder in her nose. "Yeah come on my hump!" A female's voice was heard in the distance.

"Is this legal?" Elena wondered.

"What is this even?" Ben asked.

Fourarms then looked to see Ironcast, drinking a large red liquid, children's blood, while staring at three naked girls kissing. Meanwhile next to him Termite, in his shrunken down state, leaped inside a man's ass. On the other side a woman was bobbing up and down on a male supes crotch while the supe stretched his arms down to the women's crotch while wrapping it around her body.

Ben then went into another room and saw a familiar face. Ice Prince. He was with a girl who was not Ice Princess. He had a girl pinned up against the wall and was choking her, while thrusting into her. Ben was gonna look away, when he heard her beg. "Please stop." But he kept going and his hands started to turn blue. Meaning he was gonna freeze her.

"Hey!" Ben shouted, before pulling him off her.

"You piece of-." Ice Prince was cut off when Fourarms sent a two armed punch, sending him through the wall and landing outside.

Ben looked around the room and saw they all paused their rated R activities and said. "Anyone with powers get out." And they all did, leaving Ben with 5 undressed women.

He then closed the sliding doors to the room and heard some cheers for him. "You okay?" He asked the girl who he just saved, but she didn't respond.

"So you want us all to yourself?" A girl wearing nothing but heels says. Trying to seduce him.

"Look lady, I'm not here for whatever this is." Fourarms tried to explain.

"So many hands." Another girl said. "What do you plan to do with them?" She asks, as they start walking closer to him.

"You know what." Fourarms says, then taps the Omnitrix to turn himself back to human.

"Oh God fuck!" One of the girls said in disgust and horror, while trying to cover herself up.

Ben was about to speak, but something came up, his lunch. The grossness of the events finally caught up with him and Ben puked on the hard wood floors. One of the other girls soon followed, only she managed to grab a trash can.

After picking up a discarded cape and using it to wipe his mouth Ben took a few breaths. "What is this place and what's going on?" He wanted to know.


"It's a supe orgy."

"I can't believe we almost did a kid."

"We still get paid right?"

"Are we still supposed to get him off?" They all replied.

"Wait wait wait." Ben told them, keeping his eyes closed to their relief. "You're being paid to do this?" He ask's and they say 'yes'. "And people get hurt?"

"Sometimes." One answered, though Ben couldn't tell. "A friend of mine got paralyzed because of Whackjob a few months ago."

"Scorch gave one of my friends third degree burns and now she can't feel anything down there."

"Mine is in a coma from Mind Breaker and she only just starting getting function back into her body."

"Mine almost died."

At the last one Ben reacted. "Died?" He asked, opening his eyes ignoring the situation. "How?"

"She um well Novablast and Big Game threw her out of a window." The girl explained.

"Novablast." Ben repeated. "But this is-."

"We need the money, and it pays well. Plus if we do get hurt or killed Vought pays for it." They explain, making Ben feel upset for their situation and angry at the supes.


More scandalous activities were taking place from the moans and curses being made. Gadget was using his tech control abilities to control electric sex toys being used on several women who were tied up. In another room Great Wide Wonder was floating above the bed as another supe rode on him. Meanwhile Wildkid was a tiger and was going down on Dove who leaned against the wall.

All while Novablast and Big Game were in their own private room. While the world know them to be the ideal cutesy innocent teenage couple they were not. Especially passed their door. Inside Novablast was the leader, not Big Game and she was not the bubbly girl America loved.

"Oh that's it?" Novablast said disappointed, then pulled her whip up which was tied tightly around Big Game's neck. "I told you that you need to do better. Why are you so fucking stupid?!" Kicks him across the room into the reinforced wall.

"Now!" Novablast class out. Then girl wearing nothing but tall black stiletto heels and stockings rushed over carrying a glass of red liquid. She also sported several bruises and whip cuts.

Novablast aggressively took the glass with a. "About time bitch." Then sipped it before spitting it at the girl. "I wanted O negative this is O positive!" She told her, revealing the content in the glass was blood. While Ironcast enjoyed dead kids blood, Novablast had a different kind of autohemophagia, a taste for blood. She liked the taste of those who were alive, or at least not dead for long.

"Sorry ma'am." The girl replied, looking down in fright.

"Dumb Bitch." Nova orders, throwing the rest of the blood at her. She then gets up and grabs her by the throat. "That was your third mistake." She says through her teeth then throws her down, in doing so the girl got a small cut on her cheek.

Sniffing Novablast ordered her to get back up. And the girl did on wobbly legs. "Hmmm." Novablast hummed then licked the cut and moaned. "AB negative. You said you were O positive!"

"I thought I was." The girl told her, but that earned her a slap, and a shove to the wall.

Before Novablast could kill her for her blood she heard a commotion. "What the fuck is going on?"

She got her answer when Fourarms broke down the reinforced door. "You the Vampire?" He asked, referring to her taste for blood.

"You have some balls." Nova comments, last supe to interrupt her was Robokid, and now he was KIA.

"You hurt innocent people." Fourarms states. "Just for their blood."

"No." Nova answers. "Those fuckers also deserved it. I gave them all chances, yet they were never grateful. They're just bitches who are to stupid to follow orders and to stupid to know who the superior being is."

"You're crazy." Fourarms says, then looks to see the girl backing up to the wall. He immediately notices her wounds and is appalled by it, but little does he know that this is what Novablast does in one of her better moods. "You're gonna pay for that."

"How much do you want?" Novablast asks, thinking she could buy him off. She's done it with others. "Or do you wanna have a couple rounds with her?"

"I want your face." Fourarms starts.

"Oh really?" Novablast replies with a smile, slightly turned on.

"Pounded into the pavement." Fourarms finishes, narrowing his eyes.

"Well that's disappointing." Novablast says, then her eyes glow red and she fires a blast of fire at the Tetramand.

Fourarms crossed his arms and to block the attack, but gritted his teeth. The flames were hotter than Heatblast's. Seems like what she lacked in sanity she made up for it in power. Lifting one leg up and slamming it, Fourarms created a wave of wood going towards her. When it reached her legs she became unbalanced and Fourarms shoulder tackled her into the wall.

"Run!" Ben shouted to the girl and she did.

Big Game, after getting out of the restraints Nova made him wear, tried to attack Fourarms. Tried being the operative word as Fourarms easily used his left hands to grab both his fists. Then used him as a shield to block Nova's next fire attack.

"Fucking stop!" Big Game shouted as his teammate kept up the attack, despite burning her comrades skin.

Feeling sorry for him Fourarms threw the leader of Teenage Kix then with his arms up ran to Nova. He tackled her through the wall into another room, with large amounts of blood as if it were a blood bank. This action caused some to drop and spill onto the floor.

Novablast could smell it and tried to struggle to break free. "Do you know how rare that is!?" The literal blood thirsty supe told the alien shapeshifter.

"Rah!" Fourarms shouted as he lifted her up and threw her onto the ground. "Ye-Oh!" He shouts when he jumps up and punches her in the stomach so hard he breaks the floor.

Lower floor

As people were committing acts of debauchery they stood when they saw the ceiling crack. They then moved out of the way just in time as Novablast and Fourarms came down. Though not because of sexual intercourse, but because they were fighting. Immediately the civilians took off, forgetting their clothes.

The supes stayed and stared as Novablast had the wind knocked out of her and she couldn't move. "Anybody wanna wrestle?" Fourarms asked with smile.

Minutes later

"Rah!" Fourarms shouts throwing off the tiger that was trying to claw at him. Only it turned into a bird before hitting the wall. Shoutout then rubbed his hands like a defibrillator and shocked Fourarms in the back, making the Tetramand cry out in pain. Until he turns around and swings his arm to send the Electrokinesis user flying.

Jetstreak and Blarney Cock then try to double team Ben, but he see's that a mile away. When they get close enough he pulls off two simultaneous double uppercuts on them. Sending the two former members to the next level.

However shortly after that Dove comes in and wraps her white shadows around his body immobilizing him. "You piece of shit!" She shouts, as her white shadows start to crawl up his throat with the intention of choking him.

However Chip flies around her face and pokes her in all sorts of places. Like a pest she tries to smack it with her hands. But this distracts her and Ben forces his way out of those bindings then throws one of those weird swings at her knocking her back.

He then hears something charging behind him. Looking he see's a bull and just manages to grab the horns before he's stabbed with them. But he's tackled from the side by Ironcast before being hit by flames from Torch, a female fire based super. Piercer then comes in and fires his green eye beams.

As Fourarms gets back up Novablast, who recovered, comes in and fires. Crossing his arms he tries to hold his ground but he's slowly being pushed back. Whack job and Shoutout then come into fire their electricity and together the five blast him outside.

"That stung." Ben groans as he gets back and turns to see the supers, most of whom wearing little to no clothing, we're coming outside. Looking to his right he saw an orange Lamborghini and to his left was a red Ferrari.

Lifting the two luxury cars he tosses them both like they were disks. The supes easily blast them, but this creates a cover of dirt and smoke. Finder then tries to his vision to find him. "Look out below!" The hear above as they see the Tetramand coming down from above them.

Before they can scatter Fourarms does a double thunder clap and causes them to fly in multiple directions. Except Novablast who was at the center, she just gets pushed down to the ground. And again further as Fourarms lands on her.

"Had enough?" Fourarms asks, but receives a blast of fire instead. He leans back to avoid it but soon gets inside the mansion by Ironcast. It quickly turns into a dog pile as more and more supes joined in to hold him down.

Eventually Novablast gets up again and saunters over to where Fourarms is struggling and failing to get up. She can see his face and left shoulder where the Omnitrix is on. "Who are you?" She asks.

"The guy who's gonna take you down." Fourarms answers, but grunts as he fails to get up.

Novablast then looks to the Omnitrix. "What's that?"

"No! Don't touch that!" Fourarms responds, with fear.

"You mean like this." Nova says, lighting her hands up and grabs it. She tries to turn and pull it to now avail. But then it starts to glow green.

"The shit." She says, just before a green pulse explodes sending all the supes flying and destroying a section of the house.

When the dust cleared Fourarms got up and jumped away. Not noticing Novablast's fire like hair was turning blonde.

With Ben and Elena

After spilling the contents in their stomachs again they slowly made their way back to the train station. As they were waiting they got a call.

"Oi kid where the fuck are ya?" Butcher asks Ben.

"Waiting for a train." Ben answers.

"Why? Just run with that speedy guy of yours and be here lickety split." Butcher tells him.

Ben then recaps what happened while the Boys were out.

With the Boys

As Mother's Milk was tying up the crazy supe female of the species, Butcher was on call with Ben. "Fucking hell Benji!" Butcher says to the phone. "I told you not to go there."


"I don't give a flying fuck that you stopped some Vamp Supe cunt, I told you not to go."Butcher says in the phone.


"Well just be glad we didn't need you for this." Butcher says, then adds. "Come back and help us figure this shit out."

"What happened?" Mother's Milk asks, finishing the job.

"The two little rugrats went to Herogasm." Butcher informs.

"They went there without me." Frenchie says, having woken up just a short while ago. He then swears in French before asking. "Did they get a video?"

"How should I fucking know?" Butcher replies.

"Before you two mother fuckers forget let me remind you-" Mother's Milk begins. "Ben and Elena just went into a supe orgy."

"So?" Frenchie replies not seeing a problem.

"They're 10 years old." M.M points out.

"Again your point?" Frenchie asks.

Mother's Milk sighs. "You one messed up Mother Fucker Frenchie, you know that." Turns to Butcher. "What were they doing there?"

"Apparently they found out Novablast has a taste for blood, like a bloody fuckin' Dracula." Butcher begins. "They fucked her up, the other supes and blew apart of their house and then puked their guts out. Now they coming here."

"What do we tell them about her?" Mother's Milk asks, referring to the sleeping Female.

"The truth." Butcher explains. "Just leave out the killing parts."

"Those are pretty important parts." Mother's Milk reminded.

"They're kids." Butcher tells him.

"Exactly." Mother's Milk replies, taking a few steps forward.

"You got something to say, just fucking say it." Butcher tells him, but M.M just walks away.


Stand Edgar just finished watching the news about Homelander and Flight 37. He looked at the chanting crowd the camera zoomed on and sighed in disappointment. "Of course he messes this up." He say's then turns back to the report he got about the incident at the 'Kix Cave' and Shifter's latest assault

The report mentioned the usual, damaged, supes and who needs to be paid off. But it had one detail that was crucial. It talks about how Novablast lost her powers and they had to inject her with twice the amount of V necessary to get her powers back. This cause him to raise an eyebrow and smirk. He reads further and says. "Well this is a pleasant surprise."

South Carolina

Kevin was taking a break at an hunting cabin he broke into. There was nobody there, not that it would've mattered, but at least he could hopefully keep his element of surprise. He didn't wanna give Ben any warning so he's been staying on the down low.

"I'm almost there Tennyson." He growls at the TV showing Shifter news. Then it changes to something about a plane crash and terrorists. "Some heroes they are." He comments. "Bet I could take 'em." He says to nobody, a little later he gets up and resumes his trek.

With Ben

He and Elena were at Frenchie's hideout where they saw the tied up Female. Butcher and the Boys were just recapping them with events and they in turn did the same.

"So she was smuggled from the pacific and used as lab rat." Ben says as he looks at the female, who looks at him like a snake about to devour it's prey. "She doesn't or can't talk?"

"We don't know." Frenchie replied.

"Any idea with what to do with her?" Elena asks.

"Nope." Mother's Milk answers. "We were supposed to find the V, Frenchie messed that up."

"She was trapped, I thought she was a prisoner." Frenchie, once again reasons.

"Oi shut it." Butcher tells them, and they continue to discuss what to do with the Female.

Meanwhile Chip, of his own accord, flies aroun the Female in an attempt to do something. Elena see's this and tries to call Chip back, but before he can the Female grabs him. "No!" Elena calls out running to her.

The Female then immediately tries to charge at Elena, who stops just at the line, inches out of reach. Ben immediately goes for the Omnitrix, but Frenchie stops him. "Wait." The points to the female who retracted a bit. Before she would keep trying to reach out, this time after a moment she withdrew. So either she was learning or she didn't want to attack Elena.

"Don't hurt him, my father made that." Elena asked, a tear breaching her eyes. When meeting Chip it explained her father made him.

The female, then reaches her hand out and unclenches her fist. Chip then crawls around a bit before flying back to his owner, undamaged. "Thanks." Elena replies honestly. "I'm Elena." She introduces, but gets no response.

Frenchie then takes out the blue nail polish he found in her cell earlier. As he steps forward, the Female reaches out to strangle him, but he doesn't flinch. Instead he gives the bright blue polish to Elena. "Give this to her." He says.

Elena takes it and examines it. She then crosses the circle slightly to hand it to their prisoner, if that's the right word. After eyeing her suspiciously the Female quickly snatched it.

"Guess we just needed our own female." Butcher points out. "Well now that this fuck up is done I gotta go see Susan." Collects his jacket.

"But we got no V." Mother's Milk replies.

"This 'bout something else." Butcher tells him cryptically as he walks out.

With Wraith

"And done." Janine say's finishing her report. She now knew basically everything about Africa in World War I from Togoland to the East Africa Campaign. Thanks in large part to Wraith who was able to speed read with ease and absorb the knowledge. "Thanks again." She tells him.

"No need. It is my pleasure." Wraith answered.

"Any luck on your memories?" Janine asked. After leaving the other night he didn't know where to go so he came back by the morning. Since then he's been studying earth and it's history thinking that something might trigger his memory. But nothing so far.

"No." Wraith answers honestly, then looks in the mirror. "It's strange. I know what I am, what I can do, but not who I am or how I got here." Pauses. "Do I have a family? Do I have a purpose?"

This made Janine feel a little sad for the Alien. She'd seen stuff like this on shows, but in real life it's a different story.

As Wraith continued his soul searching he heard a beep. It was a notification on Janine's IPad. An Instagram notification showing that Shifter posted something. But what made his eye go wide was the hourglass insignia.

Getting a headache he grabbed his eyes and concentrated.


Rosewell, New Mexico, 1947

From his perspective Wraith was surrounded by debris, metal scattered and he heard noises. He tried to move, but couldn't. Eventually though a man with a large wrench on his belt stopped by. But before he could pick him up, Wraith jumped at his wrist.

Only it wasn't Wraith it was an arm band with Shifter's logo.

"What the!?" The voice called out.

"Whatcha got there Wrench, anything good?" A voice asked.

"Go pretend to be a soldier somewhere else Ben!" Another voice spat back, with venom in his tone. He then walked away, and lifted his arm up and Wraith saw a caucasian man with slick back brown hair. "Where did you come from?" He says, before tinkering with the device.

Flashback over

With a grunt Wraith let go of his head, accidentally knocking down some books. He then used the desk to keep himself steady.

Janine then quickly went to lock her door, before her mother could come in. "Janine baby you alright?" Her mother asked through the door.

"Yeah mom just dropped some books." She answers.

"Why is this door locked?" Monique asks, trying to jiggle it.

"Is it?" Janine asks, faking ignorance as she stares at Wraith in panic. He had a 1,000 yard stare and is completely visible. "Maybe it's broken." She then pretends to unlock it.

"I told your father he should've hired a professional." Her mother says believing the lie. "I'll call him now, don't worry baby."

"I'm fine mom don't worry." Janine tells her.

Once the mother leaves, Wraith tells her about his flashback. So now their mission is to find Shifter.


"Please I just think this is something we should look into." Deep tells Homelander, following him as he walks away.

"Deep please." Homelander says, stopping. "I have the Believe Expo and the memorial to prepare for. Not to mention A-Train's old team, Teenage Kix was attacked and a few of those guys are gonna be out of commission." He explains. "So it's up to us to pick up the slack. So find something real and then handle it." He dismisses and walks away.

All the while Deep watches, still seeing the scared expression on Lucy's face.

With Butcher

It was night, the Brit was in his car on a random street waiting for Susan. Eventually another car arrived and pulled right next to his. The window rolled revealing the deputy Director he'd been waiting for. "What now Butcher?" She asked.

"You're gonna get the information." Butcher simply says.

"What information?" Raynor asks, then Butcher gives her a look and she realizes. "That kids Grandpa. Look I don't have time to chase around some random shit head from decades ago."

Butcher remains silent.

"You're not even gonna say pretty please?" Raynor taunts.

"Your kid has sleepover tomorrow." Butcher tells her.

"What?" She asks.

"Your son, he's gonna go to some kids house, play fucking Call of Duty and the fuck." Butcher reiterates. "Your daughter to, she and some other little kiddies plan to have a real ball, doing TikTok dances and whatever shit." He adds. "And your dearly beloved (pause) is setting up a romantic evening for ya."

Raynor remains silent.

"First I'll go to you, then after knocking both of your sorry asses out I'll wake you up and tell dear old dad about all the times we shagged up." Butcher continues. "Then after I go and find your little kiddies, I'll tell them about all the fucked up shit you did that you don't want them to know. Then if by some miracle you make it through that, I'll stomp all of them one by one, except you. Make you bury each one week by week."

"You'd threaten my family, all for some random fucker?" Susan asked, not believing it. She knew he did messed up stuff when it came to Homelander, but this wasn't Homelander. It was a kid's grandpa.

"You know I've done worse." Butcher reminds her. "Get the info or else." Drives off.

Boom. Another chapter done. How's that? I felt really uncomfortable writing the more R rated part, but it's the Boys you have to have that.

Had to use parts of the season 3 episode for that. I also hope you liked what I did with the Titans knockoff, and Novablast. I was gonna give her a more lame name, but like Stormfront she needed a good name for a bad supe. I was originally gonna have some more death in this, but that's too much for Ben right now.

Yes Ben and Elena went to Herogasm, they're slowly getting exposed to the nasty side. Also Ben may have shown his identity to some random sex workers, but the human mind isn't gonna remember every detail of his face after a brief meeting. Plus they'll wanna keep shut about it cause he saved them so they owe him.

Kevin is getting closer and closer. Who's looking forward to his fight? I know I am.

For Flight 37 part of me wanted to have Ben be on that and as Upgrade leads a giant chase all over the pacific. Maybe goes in space for part of it and makes some jokes. "Going up." "Ladies and Gentlemen please stay in your seats as a crazy caped weirdo is trying to shoot us down." "On your left is outer space and on your right is the sun." "Attention passengers please remain seated as we re-enter Earth's atmosphere." "Ladies and Gentlemen don't be alarmed as we take a steep dive because we've lost a wing, I'm turning this into a giant speedboat." "Can anyone read a map, cause I have no idea where to go?" "I need all First Person Shooter gamers to raise you hands. Okay please man the turrets and remember we don't have extra lives." "Thank you for flying Air Upgrade, please never come again unless you do not value your safety and because that was exhausting on my part."

But I couldn't figure out how to get him there. Also it makes Vought and the Seven look bad too soon. So yeah, sorry. Instead I'm gonna be playing with the guilt Maeve is gonna feel if you can't tell.

Also Kimiko is nice-ish to Elena. This is cause so far she doesn't trust men, I mean it was men who kidnapped her and her brother, then trained her, then injected her with the V. Plus Elena is a little innocent girl, like Kimiko was so.

Last bit of Big News is Ben threatening Raynor, like WTF, for information on Grandpa Max. Also who is this Wrench guy and why did I mention Africa in WWI, we'll find out.

Next Chapter, Believe Expo and another big fight.

This story was stolen from me on Fanfiction.Net and the the theif known as ‘GenV’ is taking credit for it. Was actually but he’s still profiting off of Patreon so I figured I’d jump the Gun. Please report his Patreon and other accounts.


An idea I had after watching Season 3 of the Boys while also stumbling across some old Ben 10 clips. I rewatched the end of Season 2 when Ben unlocked the ability to stay hero for as long as he wanted and had to fight Kevin and Vilgax. What if when all three went through the portal to the Null Void something happened, sending them to another dimension

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