
Chapter 4: New Friends and a Busy Ben

Hey everyone. Back again, glad you enjoyed the last chapter. Now we get to meet Frenchie and Ben is gonna be busy.

Hughie's Workplace

"So, you're-you're not a Fed?" Hughie asks, still in shock.

Sirens are then beginning to be heard some distance away. "Do you hear that? That's the old bill." Butcher points out. "So unless you want to explain why you've got America's favorite invisible wanker on the floor, give us a fucking hand, will ya?"

"I'm not touching a naked guy." Ben steps back, then goes to the office. "Gonna go destroy some evidence." He casually adds while tinkering with Omnitrix.

Scene cut

After putting Translucent in the trunk and replacing the footage of what happened the three were now in Butcher's car. "All right, listen, I have worked for the Feds." The Brit began to explain.

"I've worked for loads of people. I'm what you might call an independent contractor. You got a problem, you call me, I solve the problem." He finishes.

They then heard banging from the back. "Well someone woke up." Ben commented.

"Okay, pull over." Hughie say's, immediately wanting to get of the situation he somehow managed to get into.

"No, no, no, Hughie, you don't fucking get it." Butcher replies. "He's seen all our faces." Gestures to everyone. "We need to figure out a to ki-keep his mouth shut." He adds, trying to hide his intentions about Translucent from Ben. He may be an asshole but even he knows not to talk about that in front of a child.

"Can't you call one of those government people for help?" Ben asked.

"They'd arrest us faster then they can take a piss unless we have a solution." Butcher explains. "Remember all of those cunts are terrified of Vought, only thing stopping Supes from taking DC is themselves. For now." He adds.

"Look you two can fucking do whatever." Hughie tells them. "Just stop and I'll-I'll uh."

"Hughie, you walk away now, and you will never get payback for Robin. You'll spend the rest of your life sitting on your ass with fucking regret." Billy tells him then asks. "Now, is that what you want?"

"Not to mention you might be able to stop what happened to Robin to other people." Ben points out. "You can be a hero for all those people who think dweebs like Homelander and Transtupid are." He reasons.

"Ok." Hughie reluctantly agree's then gestures to the banging. "How do we stop that, I mean he's not tied up or?"

"First let's find a nice place to knock his balls again." Butcher tells them and glances to the rear view mirror. "You got a bloke that can knock the cunt's melon to make him hush?"

"If you mean I got a guy to punch him hard then yes." The ten year old answers, dialing his hero.

Minutes later

In an abandoned alley in a deserted part of town Butcher and Hughie stood next to the car. Butcher had his crowbar and Hughie an electric baton. In front of the trunk stood Diamondhead who was limbering up a bit.

"Ready." He said with a thumbs up.

Butcher then unlocks the trunk and the partial yellow form of Translucent jumps out. "Mother fuck!" He shouts running at the transformed hero.

Thanks to the remnants of yellow paint Diamondhead was immediately able to easily find him. When he got close enough the crystal like alien delivered a hard right cross, sending him tumbling to the wall. Diamondhead then gave a few more punches before grabbing the fake hero in a choke hold. "Do it."

Hughie nervously stepped forward and was reluctant. "You can't do it ya pussy."

Translucent comments, becoming visible and visibly naked thankfully Ben only got to see the head.

"For fucks sake." Butcher then pushed Hughie into shocking the Seven hero in the face. After several moments he became unconscious and invisible.

Diamondhead then dropped him and noticed his knuckles had a bit of blood with cracks on them. "Guess I hit him too hard." He comments has his crystal skin repair's itself.

Butcher then looks down at the green bits of crystal littering the ground. "Seems like it." Looks back to Hughie and tosses him some military grade rope. "Tie the cunt."

"Will this hold him?" Hughie asks.

"The cunt's a supe but he'd lose a fucking arm wrestling match to you and your noodle limbs." Butcher answers, before getting a plastic bag and scraping up the small Diamondhead shards. When he see's the other two look at him he replies. "Evidence. Can't have anyone know who did this."

"Yeah cause you'd have to kill them right." Ben replies lightheartedly, knowing who true he was. The transformed ten year old then puts a tied up Translucent into the trunk before turning back human. "Now what?"

"I know a bloke." Butcher answers, pocketing his desired contents. "Top man. He'll know what to do." They then hopped back into the car and began a trek to New Jersey.

Thanks to his SAS experience Butcher stayed up easily as Hughie nodded off and Ben knocked out. As the morning sun crept up Ben woke and yawned. "We there yet?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Be there soon mate." Butcher answers.

"Can we get some waffles or something?" Ben asks as they start passing by some restaurants.

"Can't need to get to my man ASA fucking P." Butcher answers.

"Come on please, I'm starving." The child begs.

"I could eat." Hughie adds, causing Butcher to sigh and pull over to a bakery.

Scene Cut

Hughie, Butcher and Ben step outside some old warehouse like buildings that look suspiciously not up to code. The park in between two of them even though there is parking a short distance away with a van. Ben is still eating a croissant when the two adults head for a door.

"Bup bup bup." Butcher holds his hand signaling Ben to stop following them. "Stay here and babysit. We'll be back in a jif." He orders and the two continue to walk.

Short while later

After meeting Cherie at the door Hughie and Butcher go inside to talk to a man named Frenchie. Who is skeptical of Butcher's business offer.

However Ben walks in interrupting. "This is sick!" He exclaims seeing all the guns.

The two new faces then turn to him. "Who is this?" Frenchie asks with confusion. "You bring a fucking kid in here huh."

"Oh him." Butcher casually gestures. "He's uh the reason this job is possible."

"Him?" Frenchie asks then looks over.

Ben is lifting one of the empty rifles with intrigue. "Hey lady can you take get a picture for me?" Holds his phone out for Cherie who takes it and a few photos. "Wait is this stuff legal?" He suddenly asks, the excitement wearing off, but nobody answers.

"No then." Ben realizes then puts the rifle down and takes his phone. He then looks at French and waved. "He the dude?"

"Yea he is." Butcher answers, turns to Frenchie. "Wanna at least hear us out."

Frenchie glances between the two then to Cherie who shrugs before smoking her cigarette. "Not until I get my 40K." He replies.

"Here ya go." Ben answers as he tosses a lump of cash, whether or not it's 40,000 is unknown. Frenchie catches it and is a bit wide eyed. "So we gonna get this started or did we drive to Jersey just for a breakfast bagel?"

Scene cut

Outside everyone, except Cherie, was looking at Butcher's trunk. "Open it." The owner commented.

"Who is in there?" Frenchie asks, finding this suspicious.

"Where's your sense of adventure, Frenchie?" The Brit answers, activating the electrical baton.

"It's Translucent." Ben say's just as Frenchie is about to open it.

"You got Translucent in your trunk huh?" The Frenchman says, before pulling a small revolver and putting the barrel directly under Butcher's jaw.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Hughie calls out.

"Go away. Get him out of here." Frenchie orders. "He's chipped. The Supes could be on their way. Homelander could be on his way right now." He tells them.

"Wait, he's chipped?" Hughie asks, panicking slightly.

"Like a poodle?" Ben wondered with curiosity.

"You bring this to my doorstep? This is not my problem, huh?" Frenchie tells the Brit, gun still aimed.

"Look French fry." Ben say's, getting a smirk out of Butcher. "What's it gonna take?"

"100 times what you gave me." Frenchie answers. "Plus double all in advance and a bonus." He adds, knowing that they don't have that kind of money.

"Done." Butcher answers.

"Bullshit." Frenchie calls out, turning back to Butcher.

"Oh yeah, bullshit?" Butcher replies, then pulls out the bag full of small Diamondhead shards and dirt. "How's this? Gotta be worth at least what you asking? How rare is the stuff Oi Benji?"

"None on earth." Ben answers. "Make a knife of that stuff, cuts through steel like it's butter." He adds.

Frenchie puts the gun down to grab the bag and pull out a small shard. "Where'd you get this?" He asks, while examining the shard and even holding it to the sun.

"Benny boy is the Shifter that kicked the Seven right in their fucking little balls." Butcher informs him.

Frenchie glances to Ben who rolls up his Adidas sweater sleeve, revealing the Omnitrix. "Next time lead with that." He simply says before they pack it to another location. "I know a place, follow me."

Seven Tower

"Black Noir. We haven't properly met yet. I'm Starlight." The wide eye blonde from Des Moines introduced to the silent hero who just walks away. "I look forward to working with you." She calls out as he keeps walking.

As Annie turns forward she spots a small figure that ducks back into the doorway. The newbie goes over and looks inside but see's nobody inside a standard looking office.

"Something I can help you with?" A man's voice asks behind Starlight, startling her. "Apologies, I didn't mean to scare you Starlight." He tells her, holds out his hand. "Stan Edgar, nice to finally meet you."

"Oh the Stan Edgar wow nice to meet you." Annie replies shaking his hand. "Sorry is this your office?" She asks.

"No, but I'm meeting a colleague here. But they seem to be hiding." He informs her.

"Oh you gonna fire them?" Starlight asks with worry, even for just a stranger.

"Nonsense." The CEO shakes his head. "Just some personal matters, nothing serious."

"Well I have to go meet Ashley, but it was nice to meet you." Starlight say's noticing she was running late.

"Of course." Edgar replies, stepping out of the way. "Have a nice day."

After Starlight walks away Edgar looks inside the office and then walks away himself.

New Jersey

In the old remnants of an empty and dirty restaurant Hughie was putting up foil to block Translucent's signal. Meanwhile Butcher and Frenchie put Translucent in a cage meant for a large dog. However a bunch of cables and wires were connected onto the bars.

"Do hurry up." The form of Grey Matter requested as he did some tinkering with some spare parts. "I calculate he'll wake up soon."

"Fuck off." Butcher replied, before locking the cage with a padlock.

"That stuff really blocks the chip's signal?" Frenchie ask, gesturing to Hughie.

"Yeah. It's just R.F. Shielding Foil." Hughie answers plainly, installing the last of said foil. "You can get it at Fry's."

"You in Tech intelligence?" Frenchie wonders, before Grey Matter directs him to place a small panel.

"Uh, sales and installation." Hughie corrects a little awkwardly.

"Ah..." Frenchie responds, not unimpressed with that information.

"That should do it." Grey Matter say's getting out of the inside of the car battery he had them bring inside. "I suggest we back away from the containment unit as it will activate in 3.7 seconds.

Just then Translucent starts to slowly get up. "Oh, what the fuck? Where am I?" He asks, as his vision clears.

"Oi. Morning, sunshine." Butcher greets with a smile.

"You know who I am?" The Supe tells them.

"Not sure." Frenchie begins to reply, as Grey Matter crawls onto his shoulder. "I know so many invisible assholes." He adds, picking up his tools.

"You fucking amateurs!" The invisible man tells them before trying to rip open the cage. "Fuck!" He yelps as he shocked with hundreds of volts of electricity, courtesy of Grey Matter boosting the charge. Downside is eventually the battery will wear out in a few days max.

"Ooh, mind them bars, son. You'll only bollocks yourself again." Butcher comments before he begins closing the door.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Uh, okay, what do you guys want? Money?" Translucent offers.

"We don't want your fuckin' money." Butcher replies with venom in his voice. All the money in the world and then some multiplied by a hundred won't buy him what he really wants. He then closes the door.

"What do you think, Frenchie?" The Brit asks.

"You just dropped the Moby fucking Dick of problems on my plate." The Frenchman replies smoking a cigarette. Inhales then blows. "That's what I think. Okay?"

"He can re-order his carbon on his skin into metamaterial. It's hard as diamonds." Frenchie informs.

"Only on his external skin ." Grey Matter corrects as he jumps on the table. "It is likely that he'll still suffer effects from things such as toxic gas or starvation."

"In case you haven't noticed there's no supply of Mustard gas and we don't got time to fuckin' starve the bastard." Butcher replies.

"You're planning to kill him?" Hughie asks.

"What no no no." The former SAS replied with a horrified look. "We just need something to kill him so we can leverage information out of him. Otherwise the bloke will tell us to fuck off cause we can't kill him."

"I can." Grey Matter reminds them. "Just not in this form. Diamondhead would be much better suited." Thinks. "I shall need some time before I can become him though." Grey Matter then hops off the table and becomes human in a red flash.

"Oi Benji." Butcher begins. "You can't stay here." He say's.

"What why?" The ten year old asks.

"Cause the Seven are gonna know soon that Translucent is missing. Normally they wouldn't care, but when they can't find a chip signal they'll know something is up." Pauses. "I need you to distract those cunts so we can deal with this cunt." Gestures to Translucent.

"Is that what I am?" Ben asks. "The distraction guy, like Shaggy and Scooby?" He compares since they exist in both dimensions.

"Listen." Butcher starts. "Of the four of us only you can take on the Seven and get away without a scratch." He reminds him. "Personally I don't wanna send you, but I gotta. Unless you wanna hand me your little alien costume shop on your wrist there?" Points to the Omnitrix.

Ben looks down at his wrist. "Ok fine." Sighs. "Anything specific?"

"Just show them up." Butcher simply says. "Save a life, instagram it and what the fuck."

"A gala." Frenchie points speaks. "Vought is hosting a little gala maybe you can crash it?" He suggests.

"Grownup party lame." Ben whines, before walking away. A minute after he leaves Butcher and Frenchie get back to talking.

"You heard the kid." Butcher say's. "Those little diamonds can break his skin."

"Yes, but those are small to make into effective bullets." Frenchie answers. "I could mix them into a grenade but I don't know if it will be powerful enough."

"Well what about a shotgun?" Butcher suggested. "Aim it at the head and boom he's off."

"Could work." Frenchie admitted. "But we'd only get one chance. And I'd lose all my payment, if it was for that."

"Course it fuckin' wasn't just needed you to say yes." Butcher answers.

Hughie watched this interaction with shock. "You're gonna kill him?" He asks.

The two foreigners look at the American and the Brit says. "Well we didn't bring him here for a fucking Happy Meal." He points out.

"But-but you told him." Hughie tries to reply, gesturing to where Ben walked.

"Would you tell a child you're about to commit murder?" Frenchie say's inhaling his cigarette.

"Still I don't... I thought we'd question him or something." Hughie replies. "I don't know, you get a... you get ahold of someone this big..."

"At Gitmo, we had to water board Khalid Sheikh Mohammed 183 times over six months to get him to talk just once." Butcher tells Hughie about the man who is charged with helping to orchestrate the 9/11 attacks. "Now, we ain't got six months. Heck if Benny boy wasn't here I would've doubted if we even got six hours."

Hughie processed this before replying. "There are so many crazy things about what you just said, but right now, you're talking about randomly killing one of the most famous men on the planet." Pauses. "A goddamn national treasure. I mean... people tend to notice that kind of thing."

"And if we let him go." Butcher begins to reply. "What do you think the Seven are gonna do to us?" Pauses. "You can't get A-Train if you're a greasy smear on the pavement." He reminds him.

"I'm not a murderer." Hughie says.

"That's all right." Butcher pats Hughie on the back. "I am."

As Butcher and Frenchie were about to get to work Hughie gets an idea. "What about a small test to get him scared?" He suggests, the two then turn to the rookie. "Like use a small one to show we can kill him and maybe he'll talk."

"The small bits won't do a fuck." Butcher points out. "You heard Frenchie."

"No but it will still pierce the skin a bit." Frenchie corrects.

"And if it does." Hughie adds.

"You think he'll be scared of a little paper cut?" Butcher asks.

"If you thought you were indestructible wouldn't you?" Hughie replies.

Butcher smiles and nods. "Alright we'll try it your way. Then we'll off is arse."

Seven Tower

As Stillwell and Homelander discussed the Baltimore mayor a news broadcast came up as The Deep was finished with his report of the downed plane. "Fucking him again." Homelander grits.

Since it was muted he only went by the headline. 'Shifter saves apartment building full of family's.' The video shows Heatblast running inside and then the subsequent flames disappear slowly. Another video shows him visibly absorbing the fire.

Stillwell then grabs the remote to I mute it as a live feed of Heatblast comes on. "Can you answer a few questions?" A reporter asks.

"I'm a Hero, I save lives can't waste time like Vought posers." He jabs before running and taking off.

"Another critical remark of Vought's Heroes as Shifter continues to save lives." The news caster said. But the noise fades as Homelander grinds his teeth in anger.

Scene cut

In another part of the city a teenage blonde girl was standing on top of a building and was working up the nerve to jump. "I wouldn't do that." A deep voice tells her from behind. The girl turns around and see's the Hulking form of Diamondhead.

"Go away." She tells him.

"Sorry can't." Diamondhead replies, taking a few steps forward. "Hero." Gestures to himself then to her. "Life in danger."

"So you're gonna catch me or something?" She asks.

"No, otherwise you're gonna do it again." Diamondhead replies, taking some more steps until he's next to her. "I'm just here to listen."

"To-to what?" The girl say's.

"Whatever you're gonna say. Though I'd like to know why you wanna, you know." The alien answers before pointing to the ground.

"I don't wanna talk about it." She say's defiantly.

"Ok." Ben relents. "Name's Diamondhead." He introduces but gets no reply. "And you are?..."

"Julia." She answers, quietly.

"Julia." Diamondhead say's. "People call you Jules or J or something?"

"Jules sometimes."

"So..." The rock like alien drags. "What do you want to talk about?"

Julia then turns to him with a baffled expression. "Do you even know what you're doing?" She asks.

"Not really." Diamondhead admits. "This is honestly my first time stopping a Suicide, before the attempt." He informs.

Then Julia begins to lift her leg to take the last final step, except. "I can only imagine what you're going through right now." The Alien tells her, making her stop. "I mean it must be really bad, I'm lucky I only landed in a kind of unknown world and likely won't see my family again, but that's just me." He shares.

"Are you trying to make me feel more like shit?" Julia asked incredulously. "Cause I don't need your help with that."

"I'm just being honest." Diamondhead replied. "You probably have a better reason than me to jump off." Julia doesn't reply causing Ben to ask. "Riiiiiight?"

"No actually." Julia finally admits before taking a step back then a few more. "Great now I feel stupid. Obviously a hero has more important stuff and shit than I do." Gestures to him before she starts crying.

"Hey hey hey don't be like that." Diamondhead tells here. "There's always gonna be someone hurting more than you, it doesn't mean your pain or you don't matter." In informs, while she wipes her tears and sniffs.

"I don't know how to help you after this." Diamondhead admits. "But the first step in dealing with a problem is talking about it."

Eventually Julia takes a deep breath and starts to walk away, but turns back to give Diamondhead a hug. "Careful!" He urges before she hits him full force. "Or you'll end up like Road Runner." He informs her and she slowly wraps her arms around him.

He then reciprocates this with an awkward pat. After a few seconds she starts to leave but before she goes through the door she turns back. "Thanks." She simply say's before closing the door.

Diamondhead smiles satisfied with the results. "Should've let her jump first." A new, but familiar voice comments and Ben's crystal face turns sour. Turning around he see's Homelander float down and on to the roof. "Would've made for a better show." He adds.

"I helped her." Diamondhead replies. "That's what a hero does, not for the fame."

"But you like the attention." Homelander points out taking a few steps to the side. "It's only natural, after all it comes with the job."

"Yeah but unlike you I don't think I'm God." Diamondhead tells him.

"To them we are." Homelander replies, referring to the civilians without powers. "They build us statues, make art, songs and even food too." He reasons. "Have you tried a Homelander Burger with freedom Fries? Dellllllllicious." He adds, exaggerating the 'L'.

"You mean all that dumb stuff Vought pays people to do in order psychologically manipulate idiots."

Diamondhead responds. "The only reason you're close to getting in the military is because there's hardly been anyone saying no. That and bureaucracy."

"Nothing is gonna stop us." Homelander tells the alien. "And nothing will."

"Except me." Ben points out.

"You're one guy."

"Who has beaten at least a half dozen of Vought's little trick-or-treaters." The Petrosapien reminds him. "Let's go over the list." The two then begin walking in a circle.

"First day I made a fool of A-Train, Maeve and Noir as Wildmutt. Then as Heatblast took on the Cold Couple, then Upgrade stopped Noir and Wildvine pounded Bluehawk into the dirt." Ben lists off.

Diamondhead snaps his fingers. "Oh and Fourarms gave you a run for your money." Points at Homelander.

"And then you ran." Homelander recalls.

"You didn't beat me." Diamondhead says. "Only one of the Seven I haven't fought is Starlight and that's cause she's new."

This causes Homelander to stop. "Starlight but."

"Yup." Diamondhead says. "Transloser and I had a nice little chat." He informs him.

Hopefully by telling him this Homelander will focus on him rather than finding Translucent.

As Homelander's eyes lit red with anger and was about to attack he heard a drone. Looking back he saw it was filming them but couldn't tell who's it was. "Wanna go another round?" The alien asks his arm turning into a blade.

"This isn't over." Homelander says before flying off.

As he leaves the drone comes close and Ben looks at it strangely. "Thanks." He simply say's before walking through the door Julia entered. He couldn't change here so hopefully he could in the complex.

New Jersey

"Wallah." Frenchie comments holding up a green tipped bullet. "Enough to penetrate the skin, but not to hurt him much." Gives the bullet to Butcher who examines it before loading it into a pistol.

"Here ya go." Swings the gun to Hughie.

"Me" Hughie exclaims, then points to himself. "Why?"

"Cause it was your fucking idea." Butcher reminds him. "You got until Frenchie is done with the shotgun and then we off him."

Hughie stutters and say's. "Look I've never even held a gun before okay. Except a Nerf gun."

"That's what this is." Butcher lifts up the gun to eye level. "A fucking Nerf Gun. So just point, shoot and if it works it works and if it don't then it don't. Either way." Walks to Hughie. "That Supe is going into the ground tonight." He adds in a hushed tone, thrusting the gun to his chest.

Hughie then hesitantly takes it before walking into Translucent's 'cell' and shutting the door. Frenchie glances at Butcher before working into turning the remaining shards into into shotgun ammunition.

In the defunct cooler

"So, listen, um, I need to ask you some questions about A-Train." Hughie begins, holding the gun with the barrel pointed down. "When he, uh, burst through that woman the other day, Robin Ward." He say's with a pause trying to play it nonchalant. "I-I need to know why. Where was he going? What was he doing?"

"Why? Was she your sister?" The currently invisible man asked. "Girlfriend?" He then asked, which caused Hughie to look away slightly. "Girlfriend. That's what all this is about? Christ. What makes you think I know anything about it?"

"I know you and A-Train were tight. You guys came up together." Hughie remembers growing up.

"What are you, a fucking fan?" Translucent retorts.

"Listen, those guys in there, they want to kill you, okay?" Hughie informs. "So you give me something, maybe I can..." He drifts off.

"What? Hold 'em off?" Translucent says with total skepticism. "'Cause they hang on your every word. You're the big man around here." He remarks sarcastically. "With that little pussy gun in your hand huh?"

Hughie shakes his head with a sigh. "Look you're-" He was cut off when he used his gun hand to point at Translucent and accidentally fired it. "Oh shit!" He drops it after hearing the large bark of the gun firing.

"Fuck!" Translucent exclaims as he becomes visible and Hughie can see him pressing his hand on his right cheek. There Hughie can see a stream of blood coming out. "The fuck is that?" The Seven member asked.

"Like that?" Hughie asked. "Cause that was the smallest piece of Diamondhead we had." Translucent then has a look of realization. "In about 5 minutes one of them is gonna take a shotgun of that shit to your face." He tells him.

"Bullshit." Translucent replies, seeing it as a bluff.

Just then the door opens revealing a smiling Butcher holding a pump action shotgun. "You wish cunt." He say's, then loads a shell. "Hold still." Pumps it with a single hand motion like in a movie. "Wait for the flash." Aims. "Say cheese." He finishes with a smile.

"Woah woah woah hey! Stop!" Hughie tries but with a single hand to the chest Butcher stops him.

"You had your chance." Butcher tells him. "Cunt ain't talking and now he's never gonna talk again." Re-aims the Gun.

"Popclaw!" Translucent suddenly shouts, just as Butcher is about to pull the trigger.

A tense silence follows.

"Keep talking." Butcher tells him.

"I-I-I-I don't know where A-Train was going that night he killed the girl." Translucent resumes. "Okay, but I know where he was coming from."

"Popclaw." Butcher finishes.

"Her place." Translucent clarifies. "He fucking loves her. He doesn't think anyone else knows, but I know. I know a lot of things. But he-he's there every night. Maybe... now, even."

"What was he carrying?" Butcher asks, gun still pointed at Translucent.

"I don't know." Translucent admits, then adds. "But I have a good idea."

"What?" Butcher asks.

"Compound V." Translucent answers, getting some raised eyebrows.

"The fuck is that?" Butcher wants to know.

"Look I'm not saying anymore shit until I'm not in some fucking dog cage." Translucent negotiates.

Butcher then smiles cheerfully, but somehow still menacingly. "Well let's see if we can do something 'bout that." Walks out with Hughie.

As Hughie closes the door he lets out a sigh of relief. "That was...fuck." Hughie says.

"Good work." Butcher compliments, before turning to Frenchie. "How's plan B Frenchie?" He asks. The gunrunner then swears in French.

"So what now?" Hughie asks. "Call your FBI friends or CIA, NSA, the IRS?" He wonders.

"And tell 'em what?" Butcher replies. "That the only thing we got on this cunt is an empty threat?" He tells him.

"Empty?" Hughie replies confused.

"The shards are too small." Frenchie informs.

"But I just." Gestures inside where the shard tipped bullet grazed Translucent's cheek.

"Gave him a cut, but won't go much deeper." Butcher clarifies.

"Now we're back to square 1." Frenchie say's.

"Fuck!" Hughie gasps running his hands through his hair. "Well what about what Ben said. About his insides being vulnerable?" He suggests.

"And like I said, we got no poison or whatever the fuck that will kill him." Butcher reminds him.

Frenchie then grabs the electric baton and sparks it. "What are you doing?" Butcher asks.

"Shocking our invisible friend. I need him unconscious." Frenchie explains before going inside.

With Starlight and Deep

As the newest member of the Seven finished threatening the Deep a man was tossed out of the warehouse. The warehouse they were supposed to be in. "The fuck?" Deep gasps, beforing diving into the water.

Inside the warehouse Ben was Ripjaws and began knocking the drug dealers left and right. He caught them by surprise by shooting out of the wooden floors as they were inspecting the shipment. As he was tossed the last goon on the ground the doors opened revealing Starlight who looked flabbergasted.

"Well well well..." Ripjaws drags. "If it isn't the Seven's newest Super Star." Chuckles. "Get it? Super Star." Laughs harder.

Starlight shakes her head in confusion. "You're Shifter." She realizes seeing the Omnitrix insignia.

"Ripjaws actually." Ben clarifies.

As Starlight's eyes light up to use her powers Deeo shoots out of the hole Ripjaws made earlier. "Hey punk." He calls out, getting Ripjaws attention. "You're about to get washed up." He says walking towards the alien.

Deep then winds for a punch, but Ripjaws throws a right jab to his face. Deep reels back from this and touches his cheek not believing what transpired. He then goes for another punch and manages to swing it, but Ripjaws merely steps to the right so he can deliver a left punch to the gut.

This knocks the wind out of Deep who clutches his torso as he struggles to breath. "Wow you're lame." Ripjaws say's totally unimpressed and very underwhelmed. "I mean couldn't you have at least tried to make me do your bidding? I'm a fish." He points out.

"I talk to them." Deep wheezes out. "Not control them." He informs.

Then Starlight fires her light blasts sending Ripjaws crashing into some crates. The fish alien shakes his head and says. "Well you seem to know what you're doing." He compliments as he gets up. "Just wish I was Fourarms."

Starlight then advances intending this to be a close range fight. With limited electricity she has to rely on her reserves to fight, especially at night.

She goes for a punch but Ripjaws leans back getting out of her range. Annie then uses her other hand to fire another blast of light, this one more powerful. Which sent the fish like alien through the wall. "Ouch." Ben comments as he gets back up.

"Had enough?" Starlight asks, her eyes lighting up as she drains powers from the lights outside. So suddenly the illuminated side of the warehouse was considerably darkened.

Ripjaws then laughs. "2.5" He simply says.

"What are you talking about?" Starlight asks.

"How many of you Vought dweebs actually have any skill." Ripjaws answers. Then like with Homelander earlier the two circle each other. "You and Black are the only ones that actually give me a challenge. Princess could, but she doesn't care enough, hence the 0.5."

"Should I take that as a compliment?" Starlight asks.

"Yeah." Ripjaws answers. "I mean out of anyone on this earth." Gestures all around him. "I'm the only one who faced anyone with powers. Name one bad guy with super powers here."

Before Starlight could reply, a hand shoots from under Ripjaws. "Wha?" He utters before Deep pulls him down. Starlight runs to the hole and looks down into the dark waters with a squint hoping to see something. Nothing happens.

Until the two water breathers shoot up and Deep punches Ripjaws into a wooden post. This caused the floor under Annie to be unstable and she falls, but saved herself by grabbing onto the remaining part of the wood not broken with her fingertips.

In the water Ripjaws recovered and forming his fish tail swam down and charged Deep. The supe was distracted looking up Starlight's skirt so Ben easily tackled him into another support pillar. The shock of which caused Starlight, who was trying to climb back up, to fall back down to her original spot.

Ripjaws kept swimming and smashed Deep through multiple pillars. Eventually this caused a large section of the wooden ground above them to fall. Ripjaws easily got out of the way but the discombobulated Deep was hit by all of that debris and sank.

Smirking Ripjaws began swimming away when he noticed Starlight was sinking with some debris that her cape got caught on. And unlike Deep she couldn't breath underwater. The light hero pulled furiously and even though she could punch through brick walls and lift a car, under water it's a whole different law of physics. Eventually she managed to rip off some debris and began to swim. However growing up in land locked Iowa she wasn't much of a swimmer so she couldn't swim fast and she was low on air.

Soon the newest member of the Seven began blacking out and her strokes became less and less strong. Until finally she couldn't go anymore and the last thing she saw was something swimming at her.

The next thing she felt was her being placed on the ground. Annie soon began coughing up water and tried to rise up but fell back down. She was able to catch a glimpse of Ripjaws legs walking back into the water. However she could do little except let her eyes close.

Scene Cut

At a Gala in Vought Madelyn Stillwell and other employees were busy trying to charm the pants off the people who could get them what they wanted. Supes in the U.S armed forces. Except there were some problems, referring to the Shifter situation.

"Why should we pay you a fortune when some guy is doing your job better than you for free?" One Chairman asked.

"Cheaper isn't better." Stillwell commented.

"It is to the voters." The chairman replies. "Especially cause he took down at least five of your guys."

Stillwell chuckles. "Exaggerations."

"So him blowing up Bluehawk as a plant was an exaggeration." The senator tells her.

"Still nothing like the Seven." Stillwell tries. "They're the best."

"Didn't Homelander and Maeve get their asses handed to them the other day?" He reminds her as the bartender hands a drink. "Plus according to him he has a whole arsenal at his disposal."

"He's still one person." Stillwell points out, her smile on the brink of faltering. "Can't be everywhere at once."

"Well he's here now." The Chairman says, pointing up to the stage where the band has just stopped playing as XLR8 ran on stage. Stillwell see's this and mentally curses.

"Hello." XLR8 greets as he tests a microphone to make sure it's working. "Greetings political lamo's of America. If I can have your attention for a bit."

Homelander looks to Stillwell, who shakes her head. The last thing they needed was casualties amongst the group of people they needed on their side.

"Now Vought invited you here to kiss up to all of you so they can do possibly the worst thing in history. Or at least one of the worst." XLR8 begins. "Put their sorry excuse of Heroes into the military, that's like giving Hitler the atomic bomb plans in 1942. A stupid, terrible, horrible bad idea that should not happen."

"Obviously none of you really want that, but they have resources and Hero's (does air quotes) to blackmail or threaten you." XLR8 continues. "Including their own shapeshifter." He reminds them. "And I know this is gonna be very hard for you, but have some common sense and say no to Vought. Because last I checked privatizing an army is against what the founding fathers wanted."

"With that I'm gonna go." He adds before looking into the audience. "Homeloser looking forward to our next round. Same for Maeve and Noir on Round 3, maybe you'll actually win." With that XLR8 leaves leaving the mic to drop.

"How are you gonna top that?" The Senator asks, before walking away.

"Fuck." Madelyn say's under her breath.

With The Boys

"We can't kill him." Hughie urges after they inform Translucent of the bomb up his ass.

"Sure we can." Butcher says joyfully. "Just push the button and bang." Holds up the device. "Weren't you listening?"

"We have like a treasure trove of information from him, on Vought, Seven and A-Train." Hughie reminds him.

"The longer he's around gives Homelander and the Seven more time to find us." Butcher counters. "And all that information we'll be useless if we're dead."

"What are we going to tell Petit Benny?" Frenchie asks.

"Well we tell Benji-" Butcher begins.

"Tell me what?" Ben interrupts entering the old kitchen.

"Tell you...that our favorite invisible cunt sung like a canary." Butcher lies.

"Sweet." Ben smiles. "Now let's call your fed friends." He suggests.

"Let's do that." Butcher agree's. "In fact one lives not to far, but we ended things sour."

"Plus we need to make sure the asshole stays." Frenchie reminds them.

"Oh don't worry about that." Ben shrugs. "Grey Matter made it so even if he goes to the bathroom on that a backup will turn on. And if he touches the bars after that he'll be knocked out." Looks to a screen monitoring the cage. "Like right now, so glad he's staying invisible."

They all turned to the screen and saw sparks on the battery then heard a loud. "FUCK!" As Translucent tried to exit the cage.

"See." Ben say's.

"Right." Butcher nods then grabs his jacket. "Listen Boys, Benji and I will meet up our Fed friend and you take care of the cunt." He directs. "All works well we won't have to be back."

"Why do I need to come?" Ben asks.

"Cause they're gonna want to know who our biggest gun is now." Butcher informs. "And I need a kid to meet the contact, it'll look weird without it."

As they leave Frenchie and Hughie look to each other. "You have the night." Frenchie says putting out the remainder of his cigarette. "Then we blow his asshole."

Hughie just stares at the trigger then at the sign that says to 'keep your hands clean.'"

Scene Cut, Morning 

Susan Raynor hoped today would be a good day. Thanks to her new position she had greater control of her schedule, she has weekends off to spend with her two kids. Which she was doing in a park with her husband at work. However it was about to turn sour, because of a frisbee.

As the three were walking a frisbee hit her son's head. "Ow." He exclaimed, hand going to the spot it hit.

"You okay?" The concerned mother asked.

"Fine." Her son replied, rubbing the spot where it stung.

"Sorry!" A new voice called and they turned to see a boy around her son's age coming over. "Sorry about that. My uncle is a terrible catcher, no wonder he never played baseball."

Just as Susan was about to play it off knowing it was an accident she saw the 'uncle' and knew it was done on purpose. "Fuck." She whispered in a low tone.

"That's cause I play Cricket, none of which is same." The British uncle said. "Now say you're sorry." He orders.

"He already did." The daughter said.

"Well I again do apologize." He says politely to the kid, then notices Susan. "Sussie is that you?" He asks with a smile, using a nickname she knows he never uses.

"You know him mom?" The son asks.

"Of course we do." The 'Uncle' replies with the biggest smile. "Names William Butcher, we go way back. It's been years."

"Too long." Susan replies with a fake smile. "You have a nephew."

"Yeah, sort of." Butcher answered. "His Dad is an old friend of mine and the parents wanted some adult time you know. His name is Benjamin, I call him Benji." Places his hand on Ben's shoulder.

A few moments of silence follows until Butcher says. "Hey why don't we catch up for a bit and let the kiddies play." Butcher suggests then covers Ben's ears. "Plus I'm really tired of hearing his video game idea over and over." Uncovers the ears.

"Heard that." Ben tells him.

"Can we mom?" The daughter asks, wanting to play.

"Yeah can we?" The son also asks.

"Ok." The mother reluctantly agree's and the three children go off to play. When they do Susan's face turns cold. "You got some fucking balls on you." She tells Butcher.

"Thank you." Butcher accepts. "But they're really quite average, but it's the other part that's impressive and you know it."

"What do you want?" Susan asks getting to the point. "If it's the Mallory files I told you to fuck off." She adds.

"Thanks for the reminder." Butcher replies. "I will be needing those, but first ask me what's news." He tells her.

"I don't have time for games Butcher." Susan tells him, crossing her arms and regretting she didn't bring her gun.

"Too bad I do." Butcher says to cheerfully.

"What's new?" The deputy director asks with venom.

"Oh not much." Butcher replies with a shrug. "Just have Translucent by the balls."

"Bullshit." Susan replied.

"And." Butcher continues. "My newest recruits is the only Supe who can and has taken on the Seven and won."

"Bull-Shit." Raynor repeated slowly. "You're telling me you have the Shifter in one pocket and Translucent in the other. If you had either Translucent would either be dead and there'd be a Godzilla fight."

"You can ask him yourself if you don't believe me." Gestures to Ben, who was talking with her kids.

"No way that fucking kid is Shifter." Susan replies.

"The reason he's a kid is the only reason I'm here." Butcher tells her. "I can't kill Translucent in front of him and I can't just fire him like a howitzer at Homelander. And because he's a kid that gives us an edge."

"You're fucking messed up." Susan tells him. "You wanna turn an impressionable kid into your hitman."

"No." Butcher denies. "The kid was already going after Vought like it was his fucking dream. Only difference is we're aiming him and he actually follows all that crap TV spews on Justice and all that nobody follows."

"You made it suicide to go after the Supes." Susan reminds him. "The Director will not go for this."

"If you don't bring it to him, we will." Butcher threatens. "And imagine what he'll say if you didn't bring this to him?"

Susan chuckles, while glancing to her kids. "Now you're just desperate."

"First day Shifty took on Train, Maeve and Noir as a fucking dog and won." Butcher informs her. "If he wanted to he'd barge straight through the doors and ask his secretary for a meeting."

"If he does that and you actually give us something I'll agree to all your little fucking demands you were gonna make." Susan tells him, calling his bluff.

"Here are the demands then." Butcher replies then takes out a folded piece of paper.

The deputy director grabs it and unfolds it. "Funding, security of loved ones, Mallory files, Homelander on a silver platter." She reads like it's a grocery list then raises an eyebrow. "Sit at the big desk, a badge and a helicopter?" Looks at Butcher with a baffled expression.

"Kid added those last ones." Butcher answers.

The CIA worker then crumbles it up before tossing it in a nearby recycling. (A/N recycling is important) "Fuck you and stay away from my family." She orders the walks away to get her kids.

When the three leave Ben turns to his 'Uncle' and asks. "So was that good or do we go with the fun way now?"

Butcher looks down at him and replies. "Fun way it is."

"Saweet." Ben cheers. "Let's bust into the CIA." Starts running to the car, which causes Butcher to chuckle. "Fucking kid."


Susan Raynor sighed as she walked to her bosses office. She this, no doubt just being seen in public with Butcher made her superior's angry. Still she hoped she would have at least until tomorrow morning, but no it was just 2 hours later. Thankfully her husband was home and her kids were understanding, at least for now.

"You wanted to see me sir." Susan said as she walked in and saw the chair was turned out to face the city.

"Hello there Susie." The voice of XLR8 said, turning around in the chair, surprising the deputy. "So nice to see you again."

"Believe me now?" Butcher asked, from an obscure corner of the room, nearly giving Susan a heart attack.

"You fucking prick." She called him.

"Careful now." Butcher replied with an disappointed look, before pointing to the alien. "We have a child present."

At the Ben tapped the insignia and in a blinding red flash he became human. "Boom!" He cheered as only CIA employee went slack jawed. "FYI I'm adding to my demands." He informs before leaning back on the chair and putting his feet up like he owned it.

Jersey, Translucent Holding Cell

"Look just tell us!" Hughie urged the invisible Supe.

"I told you, when I'm not in a fricking bitch cage." The Seven member said.

Hughie has been at it for hours trying to get more information from Translucent. He even has the detonator in his hands, but Translucent saw that as an empty threat. Hughie didn't have the nerve, at least not yet.

"Start talking or I'll do it." Hughie demands, holding up the trigger.

"Enough of that fucking shit." Translucent said with annoyance. "You're too much of a pussy to do it."

"Come on, you can still walk out of this as the guy who saved Translucent." The Supe suggested. "No looking over your shoulder if we're coming after you. Cause we will. But free me you'll be on the fucking news, you'll getting a fuck ton of money and bitches will be all over you."

"Any of them gonna be Robin?" Hughie asks.

"Fucking Christ." Translucent groans. "She ain't coming back, that's reality. Move on. Honestly if she was doing you then that bitch got-" He was cut off with splat as Hughie pressed the button. Exploding Translucent from the inside out and getting covered in his blood and guts.

Hughie just stared with a blank expression.


Butcher, Raynor and the CIA Director were discussing the finer details of the arrangement in the directors office. "Slight complication. Cunt's actually dead now." He informs casually.

"Fucking shit Butcher." Susan tells the Brit.

"Now Susan." The Director tries to calm her.

"This is even fucking worse than before." Susan reminds him. "We could've managed a witness statement, but now we got shit. We should be arresting his ass."

"You think Vought is gonna be okay with that?" Butcher asks. "They'll track me and if they find me they'll make me spill the fucking beans. If they don't kill me first."

"I'll send an edible arrangement to your funeral." The deputy director replied.

"She has a point Butcher." The Director adds. "When you and velocity-raptor-"

"XLR8." Butcher corrected.

"Broke in." The Director continued. "I'd agree to your demands if you gave me something solid."

"Told you we got a lead." Butcher reminds him.

"A lead isn't evidence in a court of law." The Director reminded. "We need actual shit, like Translucents statement, which you no longer have."

"Deathbed confession." Butcher counters.

"Except nobody gives a fucking shit about something they don't know and we don't either." Susan tells him, looks back at the Director. "Sir I worked with fucker and it's like a kid with a grenade, if he doesn't blow himself up he'll blow all of us up."

"Except I got Shifter." Butcher reminds. "And he wants no casualties."

"Except you got a dead supe." Susan points out.

"That he ain't gonna know about." Butcher assures. "Why do you think I brought him here? If I really needed those files I'd have just taken 'em."

"So this was also a diversion?" The Director asks.

"Only if you say no." Butcher tells him. "With this kid we can take down Vought, and make sure it stays down. And unlike with your average supe the worst thing he'll do is stop helping us."

"How can you be sure?" Susan asks with total skepticism. After learning Ben was the Shifter she was tempted to shoot him for being near her kids.

"Here." Butcher say's pulling up footage on his phone showing Heatblast's fight with Ice Prince and Ice Princess. Particularly the pyronite holding back because of civilians and leaving when the two Vought Supes were down. Despite having an opportunity to do more damage.

"Kid's a genuine Hero." Butcher says with a soft tone, neither of the other two heard before. "Despite whatever crap he's gone through he still has that naïve innocence about doing the right thing because it's the right thing. Including helping me, of all people." He tells them.

"Wow." Susan say's impressed. "Did you rehearse that or does crap naturally flow from your mouth?"

Butcher ignores her and focuses. "Your choice. Yes or No. But either we're going after Vought and when we beat those cunts, you're gonna wish you were a part of it."

A moment of silence follows before the director says. "What happens when Homelander comes in. I remember your obsession with him."

"So if it was anyone else you'd say yes?" Butcher asks.

"It's a no either way." The Director tells him.

Before they can go any further Ben comes in with a soda. "Remember tell Jerry that if he doesn't take you to that parade you'll go with someone else who can." Walks to one of the chairs. "Hey what parade are they talking about?" He asks. "Cause your gate keeper has been really frustrated about it with her husband."

"Parade?" Butcher asks.

"Something to do with Trojan." Ben adds.

"What is a Trojan?"

The three then understood.

"So did they say yes?" Ben asks with a smile, thinking they said yes. But he see's the look in Butcher's eyes and realizes. "Ah come on, we literally have one of Vought's favorite dweebs trapped like a dog."

None of them mention his death.

Ben gets up and goes up the desk. "What's it gonna take for a yes?" He asks.

The Director then averts Ben's gaze and replies. "Look you seem like a nice kid." Looks up with a weird look in his eye. "But there's factors here you don't understand-"

Ben looks at the laptop and dials an alien. "Kid!" Butcher calls, knowing what Ben might do. But before he could do anything Ben transforms into Upgrade.

"Let's see what you're hiding." Ben says as he grabs the laptop and begins hacking into it. Raynor on instinct pulls out her gun, but Ben is faster and he knocks it out of hand. "That's not nice."

As the director reaches for his gun, Butcher points one of his own. "Please go ahead." He dares.

Upgrade through the Laptop and see's nothing out of the ordinary. However he found a file on Mount Rushmore, he sent that to his phone and began searching other documents. After a few moments he put down the laptop. "Okay looks like you're not dirty. But I still got the location of the Mallory files." Upgrade informed.

"Now what?" Susan asked, slowly reaching for her backup piece.

"Well we take them, obviously." Ben tells her plainly. "You guys take Translucent and I don't blurt to the world I broke into your files and compromised your security." Turns to the director. "FYI I changed your password to I'm a Dweeb in all caps."

"Fine." The director agreed. "But no contact after this."

"Deal." Upgrade assured. "I thought you guys would be cool. But you're just lame." Starts to walk to the door. "Smell ya later." Walks out.

Butcher gets up a moment later, but before he leaves he says. "Thanks." Then walks out.


Starlight just got out of the bathroom after getting ready and getting hounded by Ashley. After being saved by Ripjaws last night Annie woke up in a trailer for a movie set. Turns out the crime was supposed to filmed as if it were a TV show. After changing into plain clothes she headed back to the tower, but stopped a possible rape.

Unfortunately she did it wrong. So now she has to meet Stillwell, possibly to get fired. As she was walking back to her room she heard a presence behind her thanks to her slightly enhanced hearing. Turning around she saw a kid, around 10 years old, wearing black pants, a red zip up hoodie with black hair down to her shoulders.

"Hi." Starlight greeted. "You lost?" She asked and the girl shook her head, but smiled.

"You're Starlight." The girl simply says.

"Well..." Annie answers gesturing to her sleepwear. "Not right now."

"I'm Elena, Elena Validus." The girl introduces.

"I'm Annie January." Starlight reciprocates. "What are you doing here."

Elena answers. "I heard you joined the Seven." She answers. "You're my favorite and I wanted to meet you."

"Oh." Annie replied feeling flattered.

Before they could talk any further the girl said. "Sorry gotta go." Then took off, moments later a security guard came and asked about her whereabouts. To which Annie pointed in the opposite direction.

Scene Cut

Stillwell sighed as she got off the phone with Doppelgänger. Apparently the senator wasn't okay with being blindfolded or tied up so now they had nothing on him. What's worse is Ashley informed her of the mission that Shifter decided to crash. Whatever crime team he has must have been paid double. On the bright side they got footage of Starlight kicking Ripjaws ass and saving Deep, so there was that at least. Plus minimal damage meaning nothing out of pocket, this time.

Still it was clear the Shifter was going to be an enemy of Vought. An enemy who has equal footing against their heroes. "Fuck." She swore as drone footage showed Diamondhead prevented a girl from committing suicide. Without using reasons like religion, duty and other Vought like Ethos, Pathos and Logos.

Scene Cut

In another part of the building there was room. It was lit up entirely by SAD lamps and was empty. Except in the middle was a large table with a grayish form on it. It opened it's single eye and jerked up slightly.

Outside Vought

Ben was running around the city as XLR8 helping people and stopping crime. Suddenly he heard a cry. "Helllllp me." 

With a sudden stop the Kineceleran looked around frantically. "What the heck was that?" Looks around and see's no signs of trouble, except maybe some potential paparazzi. With that he continued his patrol.

Quito, Ecuador, Bellavista neighborhood

In one of the cities wealthiest neighborhoods a mansion was abandoned, seemingly after a party. Only it wasn't abandoned, the people attending fled in terror as La Quimera raided another place. The beast as per usual was stuffing his face his face when his Wildmutt senses kicked in.

"Hmmm." The former New Yorker said as stepped in front of a door. "I wonder what's behind door number 1." Opens it and see's two young boys clinging onto each other.

"Oh kids." Kevin lamented in a bored tone. "Laaaame." He complains then goes back to food.

The two kids then slowly peer out and seeing that he's not gonna attack them try to leave. Only instead of leaving the house they go to a door that's locked and struggle to open it. La Quimera see's this and raises an eye brow. "What's down there!?" He demands to know.

"El sótano." The elder one says, backing away. "Tesoro." He adds pointing to the frantically hiding his brother behind his back.

"Treasure huh." Kevin smiled, having grown up in New York City he knew a bit of Spanish. "Me likey." He says then goes the door and punches it open. The stairway down is narrow so it would be annoying for him to go through, so he just punched the ground under him.

Once down there he illuminated the basement with his fire arm. He turned and saw large, expensive and state of the art safe. "Jackpot." He spoke then heard a sound behind him.

Turning around he aimed his arm and was ready to shoot a fire ball. Only to see a cage containing four women, all dirty and huddled at the back, terrified. "What?" Kevin asked then the lights turned on.

The two boys then came down and shouted several names and the girls responded.

"Whatever." Kevin scoffed and tore open the safe with ease. Inside was a stockpile of Ecuadorian and American bills. "Such hospitality." The mutated child said as he filled a bag of it.

Once he got a few bags he planned to burn it, like what he did to others. But then looked at the kids struggling to open the safe, then back to the still, large pile of money. 'They did help.' A small voice spoke in the back of his, sounding suspiciously familiar.

Walking up to the cage he grabbed the lock and pulled it, breaking it. The stunned children and occupants stared at him as he walked to a wall and broke down a hole.

"Thanks for the help." He commented before walking out as the six of them went to grab the cash and leave before the police or military came.

How's that? I wasn't gonna let Ben see a killing, that's a big no no for Ben. I hope you enjoyed the Starlight and Deep fight, the reason Starlight beat Ripjaws so easily is because Ben was expecting another half assed poser, like Deep, so he didn't take her seriously.

I thought about making Ben and Homelander fight again, but I don't wanna overdo that, so they just had a chat. Originally they were gonna get into it at the Gala, but Ben made his speech. Obviously he didn't directly stop Stillwell from blackmailing the Senator, but you know butterfly effect. Ben's mere presence changed everything.

I hope you enjoyed by sneak peeks at Kevin, he'll be here soon, but he doesn't have XLR8 speed and weighs a lot more so he's slower. Also he's not in a rush and in South America he's unchallenged. I know I made seem a little good at the end there but I like this quote I heard that just is so true. "Sometimes good guys do bad things and sometimes bad guys do good things." 

The other sneak peek is gonna be a familiar character but from the Boys dimension though. 

For the suicide part I wanted to show that being a Hero is more than just powers or daring feats. Obviously Ben could've turned into Stinkfly and saved her, but like I mentioned there was a chance she could do it again. 

Oh and Elena is in it. Again Ben is NOT gonna have a love interest. 10 year olds don't have that, they're 10, they don't know what that is.

This story was stolen from me on Fanfiction.Net and the the theif known as ‘GenV’ is taking credit for it. Was actually but he’s still profiting off of Patreon so I figured I’d jump the Gun. Please report his Patreon and other accounts.


An idea I had after watching Season 3 of the Boys while also stumbling across some old Ben 10 clips. I rewatched the end of Season 2 when Ben unlocked the ability to stay hero for as long as he wanted and had to fight Kevin and Vilgax. What if when all three went through the portal to the Null Void something happened, sending them to another dimension.

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