
Chapter 3: First Mission

Hello everyone. Thanks for all the reviews, so glad you're enjoying the story. Here's today's chapter, Hughie sneaks inside Vought Tower and Ben does hero work in both New York and even New Jersey.

New York

A criminal who just stole a lady's purse was running, hoping to get away fast. Suddenly a giant ball of goo hit him, making him stick to the window of a store. Just then a smelly four-eyed alien with buzzing wings came down. "Guess you're snot as quick as you think you are."

The criminal was too grossed out to do anything anything, instead he just dropped the purse into the aliens hand.

"Does this belong to anyone?" Stinkfly shouted, not knowing what to do now. This was always the problem with purse snatching, if you caught the criminal there was a chance the victim was not nearby.

Thankfully this was not the case.

"Oh thank you so." A voice said. Just then a large dark skinned women came into his view. She then turned to the criminal. "You lucky he got you. Otherwise I woulda whooped your ass so far you woulda landed in upstate. Then I'd whoop your ass back here, then back there like a Serena Williams match."

"Uh lady." Stinkfly reminded her, holding her purse.

"Oh thank you so much sweetie." She said, gratefully with a sudden change of demeanor. Then covered her nose once the smell got to her. "Boy you nasty." She spoke, before reaching in her purse.

"Sorry, it just comes with cough." Ben began to speak, only to start coughing when she began spraying air freshener on him. "Stop that." He requests, trying to block it.

"As soon as you don't smell like my husband from that time he worked at the fish market." She replies, not stopping. "I swear cats thought we were hosting a bed and breakfast."

Eventually she stops and Stinkfly takes a whiff. "Huh that does smell better." He comments.

"You're welcome." She tells him, hoisting her purse securely, then turns to the crowd around them. "Someone get this nasty bug outta here!" She calls out.

"We'll that's a little rude." The hero comments.

"She was talking about me man." The criminal tells him.

The woman turns back to him in sudden realization. "Andre!" He exclaims.

"Hey aunt Grace." He greets solemnly.

"You tried to rob your aunt. Not cool." Stinkfly comments.

"Oh forget the cops." The now identified Grace begins. "I am calling your mother." Reaches for her phone. "No I'm calling you're grandmother."

"Fuck." Andre swears.

Grace gasps. "Don't you use that language with me. That's only for when someone hits the lottery" Starts dialing. "And I mean like big lottery. Seven figures at least."

"I'm just gonna." Stinkfly say's gesturing his thumb behind him before flying off.

At the Bar

Ben walked in and before he could sit down the bar tender stopped him. "Yo this ain't a Chuck-e-Cheese."

Before Ben could even ask what that was, someone else intervened. "Don't get your pantyhose in a twist, kid's with me." Butcher calls from a booth, across from Hughie. As Ben walks towards Butcher the Brit keeps talking. "Don't worry. Not like you got any good shit to give him anyway." This earns a few chuckles from some of the early patrons.

As Ben slides next Hughie he asks. "So what happened last night?"

"Hughie's in." Butcher simply say's, not mentioning the supe club or Hughie's uncertainty from last night. Wasn't that important anyway.

"In on what though?" Ben asks. All he knows is that they're going after Vought, but not how.

"He wants me to sneak a bug into Seven tower." Hughie explains.

"Bug like James Bond?" Ben asked.

"Yeah." Hughie simply say's.

"Cool." Ben shrugs.

"Yeah, exactly. He get's it." Butcher say's with a smile, knowing how against the idea Hughie was. Butcher and Hughie then rehash to Ben, what Butcher told Hughie last night. Ben had no opposition.

"Where do I fit in this?" He asks.

"So glad you asked." Butcher said, before pulling a picture in his phone. It was of Nubian Prince and Nubia. A Supe celebrity couple. "We need a distraction. But a more... discreet one."

"You want me to fight them?" Ben asked.

"Fuck yes, but not now." Butcher replied. "They married ya see, but they fucking hate one another."

"What no way." Hughie denied. "They're like Kim and Kanye." (Show was made before they split)

"Just an act mate. Vought doesn't want them to split otherwise it makes them look like Fuck." Butcher tells them. "It's why they have a big house and only just hate fuck each other when they ain't fucking other people."

"Should you really be talking like that?" Hughie reminds him, gesturing to the kid.

"What am I supposed to do." Ben wondered.

"You're gonna drum up a media shit storm for Vought." Butcher simply explains, ignoring Hughie. "This way they'll be focused on fixing another problem they won't care when this one fixes itself."

"You want him to destroy a family?" Hughie asks. "That's insane."

"Hugh. The family is already fucked up." Butcher answers. "They're each fucking other people, then going home to yell at each other about shit. And it's only gonna get worse. Especially for the kid."

"Kid?" Ben asks.

"They got a daughter. So far no powers. But she's been sneaking out of the house to go to Ground Hawk's." Butcher informs, switching the picture over to a girl walking into a small family home. Holding up the door is a man wearing a green outfit with a bird like mask and silver hands. (I gave him hands that morph into hammers)

"I'll do it." Ben agree's. (No pairing, he just wants to help)

"This is crazy." Hughie tells them.

"Crazy's the game. Better get used to it." Butcher tells Hughie.

"To me that's crazy." Ben speaks, gesturing to two men on the other side of the establishment kissing briefly.

"You never seen a gay couple?" Hughie asks.

"Gay means kissing a guy?" The 10 year old replies.

"It means whatever the fuck." Butcher comments. "You can worry 'bout that later. For now get that shit, so we can put that bug and get Vought." He orders.

"So where do they stay?" Ben asks.

Aman Resorts

Ben watched as a limo pulled up and exited 3 individuals, 2 wearing costumes made by Vought and a little girl trailing wearing a backpack and headphones. They all had stoic expressions as they walked into the luxury hotel, showing little emotion.

"Okay how do I get in?" Ben wondered.

The girl then had a reaction all of the sudden and looked to her right and waved. This caught the Shapeshifter's attention so he followed her line of sight to Ground Hawk, who was also approaching the hotel. Which was strange since Butcher told him he wouldn't be leaving California. This gave Ben an idea idea.

Minutes later

Ground Hawk just finished getting a room for 950 a night, but on his pant leg he didn't notice a tiny grey being clinging to it. It was a good thing there was a line otherwise Grey Matter wasn't sure he would've made it. Thankfully New York traffic always meant slow or still cars so crossing the street was so much easier.

In the elevator Ground Hawk took out his phone and answered a call. "Yeah I saw ya." Pause. "I'm in room (rattles off a room number) for when you sneak away." Longer pause. "Why not just tell them?" Pause. "Kid I hate to break it to ya, but that's gonna keep happening." Pause. "Cause it's true." Pause. "Well your choice. See ya in a bit." Hangs up and walks to his room when the he reaches the floor.

1 hour later

Maya Nubian placed her Knight to take out her opponent's rook. "Dammit." Ground Hawk grumbled. "I hate this game."

"That's only cause you're losing." Maya points out. "I actually like it."

"Ya cause you win." Ground Hawk reasons.

"Actually I played against my parents and they always beat me." The young Nubian points out. "Before they started fighting."

"Well if you were me what should I move next?" The supe asks.

"This here." Maya demonstrates, the continues for several more moves until she 'loses.' "Ya see. Easy." She say's with a cheeky smile.

Ground Hawk remained clueless. "Why can't we play Battlefield V on your VS5?" He asks.

"Cause you broke my last 2. And if I ask for another one they'll get suspicious." Maya answers, resetting the board.

As Ground Hawk was about to speak, he spotted a shadow in the curtains. "Rat! Yes!" He jumps and cheers. "Room is free." Runs at the curtain, silver hands morphing into hammers. (Picture the hammers a bit bigger than in the comics)

"I am not a rodent!" A voice calls out, but it does little to stop the supe. Who when he gets close enough hammers a large hole into the wall of the next room. There a maid glances at him holding a broom. "Sorry. Thought I saw a rat!" He explains. The maid just continues to clean the room, not caring at all.

"Where are you ya rat?" Ground Hawk say's looking around.

"Um he's not a rat." Maya calls out. The Supe turns and see's she trapped a tiny grey skinned alien under a glass on the chess board. "He's that Shifter guy Homelander fought."

"That tiny shit?" Ground Hawk ask's, pointing to Grey Matter with his hammer hands.

"Jar." Maya sternly tells him while pointing her finger.

Ground Hawk sighs as he morphs his hammers back to hands. He then walks over to the table by the kitchen, pulling out a dollar from his pocket and placing it in a jar. The jar was labeled 'Swear Jar' with cute decorations but on a sticky note it was written 'Ground Hawk's' on the side. "Can we at least use this for room service or something? I'm starvin'" He laments.

The young girl then clears her throat and holds up their prisoner. The supe then glances back and forth between the overflowing jar and Grey Matter. "Yeah I still think this is more important." Gestures back to the jar. "It's like five hundred bucks."

"Fine." Maya agreed

"If I may I have a proposal you should consider." Grey Matter offered.

15 minutes later

Ground Hawk and Maya just finished listening to Grey Matter's plan. "So what do you think?" He asked, still in the glass.

"I'm in." Ground Hawk agreed and Maya simply nodded.

"So in about an hour post the photo and call Miss Choi. She's a great lawyer and will fight for you." Grey Matter responded.

"One second." Ground Hawk spoke. "What's in it for you? Why do you need a media fuck storm on this?" The Former G-Force supe asked.

"Can't tell ya." Grey Matter answers.

Ground Hawk then brings his face to within centimeters of the glass. "Why the fudge not?" He asked, using an alternative to a swear.

"Plausible deniability." Maya answers.

"Exactly." Grey Matter agreed. "Just know you'll get the money and new identities."

"Great cause I hate being a Nubian. Every friend I make is just a fake." The little girl whines.

"What about me?" The green supe say's offended slightly.

"You're like old though." Maya explains, before adding. "Plus people think you're a pedo (pedafile)."

"Ahem." Grey Matter clears his throat, getting their attention back. "As much as I enjoy your strange relationship, I must remind you I have somewhere to be so if you would mind." Gestures to the cup.

"Oh right." Maya say's, lifting the glass.

"Thank you." The Galvan before exiting through the hole in the wall. "You might wanna call a guy." He say's before going past the still unfazed maid.

With Hughie

Hughie was at his job, which at this time was slow. A good thing because all of his attention was focused on the TV that displayed the latest celebrity news. "In latest news Nubian Prince and Nubia are splitting. This comes after their daughter Maya Nubian posts a picture with the divorce papers in the background." Screen shows a plate pancakes with divorce papers peaking from the top corner.

"Rumors are also circulating that this has been in the works for a while now. But both refuse to give a statement at this time." The news caster says.

At that moment a bell rang signaling someone entered the store. "Hi can I help yo-" Hughie began to automatically greet, but upon turning around he saw it was Butcher.

"Fucking kid works fast." He simply say's.

"How long have you been out there?" Hughie asks, noticing how creepy his timing was.

"One hour. The bar. Meet us there mate." Butcher simply orders, before walking out.

"The fuck." Hughie mutters, before going back to the counter. He then went on his phone, but as he was about to message his boss he saw a news notification about A-Train's new A-Trainers (Sneakers). He quickly started to have a panic attack and began hyperventilating.

"Hey man I was-" A customer begins to speak, then see's Hughie's state. "You okay?"

After a few seconds Hughie gets his breathing under control. "Yeah I'm-I'm good." He tells him with a stutter.

1 hour later, Bar Bathroom

"Okay, it's ringing." Hughie tells the two of them, standing outside the two stalls of the mens bathroom.

"Why are we in the bathroom?" Ben asks.

"Yeah, hello?" Hughie greets when the call is picked up. "Hi. Hi. Yes, hello. Hello, Mr. Friedman. It's Hughie Campbell. I got your message, and-and 45K, it's just..." Turns to Butcher who makes a face with an 'ok' sign. " It's just... it's bingo, like, life-changing." Mimics the sign.


"Um, but I just need one thing before I-I sign anything. I need an apology from A-Train." Hughie requests.


"Well no and a no." Hughie replies, Butcher signals to hurry up. "Yes, he sent his... he sent his regrets and his sympathies on... on TV." Ben then makes a sad face and pretends to wipe his eyes like he's crying. Butcher points the finger gun at him, before signaling Hughie to roll with it. Hughie then changes his tone to that of him crying. "But I-I... if I could just get an apology face-to-face, that would be fantastic. Just to... just for closure, just to put... just to put a b-button on it."


"All right, in that... in that case, can you just give me..." Stops. "Uh, hello?" He asks, then with realization he say's. "I think... They hung up. I don't think they're gonna go for it." He assumes.

"Just wait." Ben tells him.

"Oh, yes, they will." Butcher adds with a fiendish smile.

"If you excuse me. I gotta go to New Jersey." Ben tells them out of the blue.

"For what?" Hughie asks.

"Best Food trucks there." He say's. "Least that's what that yelp thing tells me." He adds as he's out the door.

"So he just does whatever until you call him?" Hughie asks.

"Don't get your balls worried for nothing." Butcher shrugs, before leaving himself.

Trenton New Jersey

Near a public park a food truck serving hot dogs was having a good business day. Weather was great, people tipped good and there was a long line of customers. Most of the patrons were African-American except for 1, Ben who was in the middle.

He had his hands in the pockets of his Champions sweater. This was because after being pointed out by Butcher he should conceal his Omnitrix. Which made him wonder why nobody back home noticed it. Still weather was starting to get cold anyway.

A hand suddenly taps his shoulder, making the kid turn around. He saw a guy in his mid to late 20's wearing sweats and smiling at him. "Yo you lost bro?"

Ben then points to the food truck. "This is Trenton Tray's Trailer right?" He asks.

The man laughs and turns behind him to say to his friends. "Finally a white boy with good taste." This earns him a laugh from his compatriots.

"Uh thanks." Ben say's, unsure if it was a compliment. As the line shortens a bit Ben asks. "You come here a lot?"

The man chuckles. "Bro I be coming here more than I go to church."

"What's the Trenton surprise?" Ben then asks, when there close enough to see the writing.

"If I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise." Came the reply. "But it's good." He assures him.

Just then cops pull up as well a Vought labeled van and another sleek looking car. Police immediately stepped out of the car, but a camera crew came out of the van and Blue Hawk came out of his own car.

"Shit." People mumbled.

"It's Blue Hawk." One person added.

"Sorry for the inconvenience folks." The Police modeled supe called out. "If everyone cooperates I'll be outta here in like 10 minutes." He tells everyone, but only gets silence in response.

Soon Blue Hawk and the cops began going person to person to ask about drugs. As Blue Hawk approached a middle schooler Ben heard the man talk nervously with his friends.

"Shit we gotta get outta here."

"You crazy man, then they'll shoot us."

"We get caught we're dead."

"We don't keep the package we dead."

"Just need to get him away from us."

Ben didn't know why they were so scared, but he knew that they were scared for a good reason. He then looked and picked up a rock. Then looking to make sure that neither the cops, supe or cameras were pointing at him he threw it at the car. He aimed for the cop car, but it hit Blue Hawk's, cracking the glass and sounding an alarm.

This got everyone's attention, including Blue Hawk's. Ben took this opportunity to run and find a safe place unnoticed.

Turning off the alarms the Police Sponsoring supe asked. "Now fucking who threw that?!" In a loud tone. Starts marching around, looking for any signs. "Was it you?" Points to one person. "You?" Points to another. "Well someone had to have seen it."

When nobody responded, the supe chuckled. "Looks like we're gonna be here longer than I thought." He tells them, getting a few groans.

"What's going on here?" A new voice called out. It was Wildvine, who jumped on top of the food truck and looked around.

The cops immediately began reaching for their guns as Blue Hawk looked at the plant alien with confusion. "The fuck you supposed to be?"

"Wildvine." Ben introduced before jumping down in between Blue Hawk and the civilians. "Now." Narrows his eye. "Leave." He simply orders.

The Supe chuckes at this. "That's not how this work numb nuts." He replies.

"What are you guys even doing here?" Wildvine asked.

"Police business." Blue Hawk tells him.

"Then why are you here?" Ben asked.

Blue Hawk takes a moment to respond, looking left and right in the meantime. "We got a call saying that it looked like someone here was holding a couple of kilo's of coke in a car." He informs.

The confused Ben, wondering what the problem was with having soda. Maybe they stole it but it just seems like a petty crime. "First of all, having soda isn't that big of a crime."

"The fuck?" Blue Hawk laughs, but Ben does not stop speaking.

"Second of all you don't know for sure if they have it." Wildvine continues. "Now leave."

"Not until we find which one of these gangsters has the drugs." Blue Hawk counters. "Now fuck off ya house plant. Or we'll have a problem." Tries to walk past him, only to be stopped by an extended vine arm.

"Then let's get to the root of the problem." Wildvine quips before giving the supe a shove, making take several steps back.

Immediately people started reacting in different ways. One cop saw a teenager began to reach in their back pocket, assuming it was a weapon he pulled out his gun. Seeing this Wildvine quickly swung one of his arms, smacking the weapon out of hands. Good thing too since it turns out the teenager was just reaching for their phone.

Blue Hawk charged at the alien while he was distracted and delivered two back to back punches. However before he could swing the the third one Ben did a spinning jump, delivering multiple slap like kicks to his opponent. Then he reached to his back and threw a few of his plant grenades.

Immediately the cops, nearby camera crew and Blue Hawk starting coughing. "Go!" Wildvine urged the civilians, knowing if the fighting escalated they could be in danger.

Like deer sensing danger they all began running, though a few souls stayed to document what was happening or were too shocked to move.

"Son of cock sucker." Blue Hawk grunted marching out of the smoke with a police baton. He swung it when he got close enough, but Wildvine grabbed it. He then wrapped his arm around Blue Hawk's torso, before swinging him at his car. Then before he could recover threw the rest of his plant grenades at him. These ones exploded like actual grenades, rather than smoke. The result was him and his car blowing up.

Satisfied with the results the Flourana wiped his hands then went for the thing he came to New Jersey in the first place. Walking over to the truck he knocked on the side and a middle aged man with a beard slowly rose up. "Yeah?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah is the Trenton surprise good, or is the surprise that it's terrible?" Wildvine asked.

"What?" The man asks, more confused.

"The Trenton surprise. Is it good?" The plant alien repeats.

"Uh yeah." The man nods. "Not a lot of people get it, cause it's a lot but those that do love it." He adds, less nervous.

"I'll take one." Ben request's, and when the guy tells 'coming right up' before making it he feels like he's forgetting something. It's only when he turns around and everyone is still staring and filming at him he remembers. "Oh right." Glances to the passed out cops and camera crew and then the burning wreckage. "Crime happened."

"Is anyone here a criminal?!" He bluntly shouts, then people starting looking at each other, some looked pretty scared. One guy starts to even reach for something. Seeing as people were on the verge of wetting themselves Ben decided to let it slide.

So he turned around. "My back is now turned!" She shouts out. "I can't see anyone. So if someone left I likely would never know who they were! Especially if those leaving committed a crime! Because that would be unfortunate!" He adds and those who haven't taken the hint immediately scattered.

"Here ya are man." The cook tells him. "On the house."

"Gee thanks." Wildvine appreciates, then takes the styrofoam container. "Later." Flings his arm in a direction and swings away.

Scene cut

"In latest news another heinous crime against Vought has been committed." Cameron Coleman says, beginning his segment. "In Trenton, New Jersey beloved Blue Hawk was assaulted while while trying to make the streets safer. Fortunately he, and the two officers have not sustained any serious injuries. But this just shows again that this 'Shifter' is nothing more than a glory hound who wants all the credit for himself even at the cost of criminals getting away."

"But don't just take my word for it." The biased News Caster adds.

"Victoria Neuman herself tweeted that 'Although I admire Shifter's desire to help the city his actions have caused many to feel unsafe as his not affiliated with any organization. He also refuses repeated public requests to just sit down and talk. People like that usually just do whatever they want with complete disregard for the rules.'" He finishes.

"You see." Coleman continues. "Even biased ignorant politicians see he's a danger. Fortunately Homelander has vowed to make bringing him in his top priority, while also assuring that this will not interfere with his duties to protect the rest of this great country." He finishes with a smile.

Scene Cut

"Hey, hey, hey, guys, come on. Stop." Homelander urges as The Seven hero's argue over money. "What's Starlight gonna think?" Gestures to their newest member. "Listening to us haggling over nickels. We're The Seven, for God's sake. Whether we're out there or we're in here." Pause for dramatic effect.

"Now let's talk about our more important situation." Looks at Starlight. "Starlight. What do you think we should do about this Shifter guy?" He ask's.

"Um." The female blonde stutters. "I'm not sure, I mean I just got here and he's still new." She replies.

"Come on." He urges. "If anything you two are a lot a like." Pauses. "You're new, in different ways, you both want to make your mark, and you both want to help people." He tells her.

"Well I guess." Starlight drags on. "If it were me I would help out wherever I was however I could." He finishes.

"Like in Des Moine if I was on my way to the store, but someone was getting car jacked I'd stop him." She adds.

Homelander then has a look of realization on his face. "What about... on your way from the store?" He asks.

"Yeah that too." Starlight agree's.

"That's it." Gives her the finger gun. "You're brilliant."

"How?" Annie wonders.

Black Noir clears his throat getting everyone's attention. He then holds up a map of New York with several dots on it. On the top it's labeled plainly as 'sitings' for Shifter siting's.

"Thanks Noir." Homelander appreciates. "We'll just wait a bit then have our analysts triangulate his home base." Looks to Starlight. "Good first impression."

"Thank you." Starlight smiles with pride.

"Now..." Homelander drags on. "Let's talk about how many lives we saved today."

Scene cut 

Ben laughs in the back of Butcher's car watching Phineas and Ferb on Disney on his phone. "How did they build that rollercoaster that big so fast?" He asks, as he watches the characters zoom around a building labeled Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated. He then laughs as the scientist is being beaten by a teal Platypus with a fedora. "These guys are geniuses." He wheezes out.

"Yeah I uh used to love that show." Hughie tells him.

Eventually they stop close to Vought Tower, when they do Hughie ask's. "Do you have a dog."

To which Butcher replies. "No" despite evidence to the contrary.

All right, give us your phone." The Brit requests. "There's fuck-all security to worry about." He assures, before pulling out a small listening device. "In fact, they're a bunch of muppets. And the metal detector won't pick this up. Right? And what they'll probably do is take you through the security and then up into the boardroom. Sit down. Be nice, congenial. Then, real polite-like, tell 'em you're gonna take a fake shit." He explains.

Ben laughs.

"Go into the bog, take the bug out. Peel back the plastic bit to reveal the sticky side. Put the plastic bit in the bog. Flush it." Butcher continues and sticks up the middle finger at Hughie, who looks on with surprise and nervousness. "Then go back into the boardroom, sit down... big smiles... plant the bug underneath the table. Easy peasy Japanesey. Bob's your uncle. That's that."

"Isn't lemon squeezey?" Ben aked, never hearing that version. "Also who's Bob?"

"That's that? That was... that was a lot." Hughie replies to Butcher, both ignoring Ben's comments.

"Th... I've... Hold on, can you just... can you repeat it again? Just a little bit slower?" He requested. "Because I...Fuck." He adds, getting cold feet again.

"Listen Hughie calm down, all right." Butcher requests then takes a moment to think. "This is like that scene in The Matrix." The Brit begins to explain. "Now, you could take the fucking red pill, right? Spend the rest of your life jacking off, crying into your chai tea green latte, what the fuck. Or..." pauses. "You could take the blue pill."

"Or is it the red pill?" Butcher wonders unsure.

"Just take the other pill." Ben tells Hughie.

"Right." Butcher agree's before adding. "And quit being a cunt."

"Which pill am I supposed to take?" Hughie asks, having gotten lost in the conversation.

"Just quit being a cunt. That's what I'm saying." Butcher replies.

"Fuck me. Okay." Hughie agree's taking the bug and exits the car.

"Good luck." Ben calls out as he heads inside the tower. The two are then left to their own devices as they wait for Hughie to return.

"So how'd you get the kid to post the shit?" Butcher wonders aloud.

"Oh I said you'd get them money and new identities." Ben explains, checking out this TikTok thing. A lot of the stuff he saw seemed to be just pretty people doing a song and dance to music they didn't even write. People watched this why?

"You did what?" Butcher asks with a bit of anger in his tone as he looked at Ben through the rear view mirror.

"Said I knew I guy in the FBI who would help them." Ben reiterates, then looks up from his phone. "Right?"

"Listen kid." Butcher begins, as he turns around. "Don't go throwing favors like it's candy coming out of fuck-ñata. And no, they on their own."

"But I promised them." Ben tries to convince.

"Well I don't give a fat fuck. Tell the kid and her supe cunt thanks but I can't help them." Butcher tells him. "And let's get one thing clear you don't make any promises at all period."

"Well we have to do something." Ben counters.

"No your it's your shit you choose how to flush it." Butcher replies.

A few moments of silence followed until Butcher broker it. "So how'd you come about that doodad in the first place?" He wondered.

"Oh about a month ago it fell from space and latched onto my arm while I was camping." Ben simply explained.

"No offense mate, but if some shit fell outta the sky that'd be on the news." Butcher told him, not believing. Not even Vought could hide a meteor or satellite crash.

"Well it happened in my dimension so." Ben informs him.

"What the fuck." Butcher replies simply, trying to absorb the knowledge.

Just then Hughie enters the car. Unlike before he has a smile on his face and is full of confidence and bravado. "Woooooh!" He exclaims. "That was awesome!"

Butcher smiles. "You get the job done?" He ask's already knowing the answer.

"Yeah I fucking got it done!" Hughie replies. "And I look him right in the eye, and I smiled. And that was awesome, man, just getting to stare that asshole down. I get why you dig this job."

"Yeah, you know, it has its moments, doesn't it?" Butcher say's.

"You were right. Fuck A-Train." Hughie adds.

"Good." Butcher say's then starts. "Now here's another fun part. Benji was just about to tell us how he got to this dimension."

"The fuck?" Hughie asks with a smile.

Scene Cut

"So you're from another dimension?" Hughie asks, as Butcher drives. Normally the former SAS soldier would tell the annoying passenger to shut up, but Hughie was asking all the questions he needed answers too.

"Yes." Ben answered.

"And because of some space watch you can become aliens?"


"And you can be like 10 of them?"

"At least."

"How long can you stay an alien?"

"Used to be for a short time." Ben begins to reply. "But ever since I got zapped here I can be a single hero for a while. But the watch needs longer to recharge the longer I go hero." He informs glancing down at the Omnitrix.

"Ok, 20 questions is over." Butcher announces as the car pulls to a stop.

"What are we, uh...what are we doing here?" Hughie asks, seeing they stopped outside his workplace.

"Well, you got to go to work, don't you?" Butcher tells him.

"Yeah, but, um, I don't, uh..." Hughie stutters, his face deflating.

"Well, I mean, that's all I need you for right now, yeah?" Butcher explains.

"Yeah, I mean, but I-I can... I can help with other stuff, you know? I could... I could be, like, your tech guy." Hughie tries to convince, not wanting to go back to his ordinary life. "You know? Like, I could be in the van with the thing and, like, you know, "He's down the hall to the left." Like, I can..."

"Yeah, look, son, I, uh..." Butcher begins, looking like he's about to tell a kid there's no Santa Claus. "I think it's best that I take it from here. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah, but I-I can...I can really help." Hughie say's.

"I know you can help and you did. But we got it now." Butcher explains, gesturing to him and Ben.

As Hughie get's out of the car he turns back and say's. "Oh, w... Oh, hey, wait. You ever see an asshole tear up 45K?"

"Don't do that!" Ben calls out, halting the man's action. "They see you don't cash it they're gonna wonder what's up."

"Yeah you kinda got a point." Hughie agree's pocketing the check for 45,000 before heading back inside.

"Hughie!" Butcher calls out one last time, making him turn around. "You're a good lad." He compliments, then drives off.

"Well that was a success, now what?" Ben asks.

"Hughie's fucked." Butcher simply say's.

"Wait what?" Ben ask's, not understanding.

"On our way here at least two people bumped into somethin' that wasn't there." Butcher explains. "Kid was caught and Translucent followed him."

"Who?" Ben wondered.

"The Seven's invisicunt." He clarifies. "He's the only supe with that kind of power that has access to the Seven boardroom, unless he was peeping in the John, which is also likely."

"Or he went to the girl's bathroom?" Ben suggested.

"Either way." Butcher starts. "We have a window until Hughie is alone which is when he'll strike. So let's figure a plan."

Ben shrugs. "We could hit him really hard?" He suggests.

Butcher smiles as he parks around the corner, not to far from the store, but still not within view. Not only was there was risk of revealing his position but Translucent was invisible so there's a good chance he could get the jump on them. "I'm good with that." He say's agreeing with Ben's so called 'plan' for stopping Translucent.

Scene Cut

Madelyn Stillwell was again not having a good day. First the Shifter was already making a name for himself known in New Jersey and was getting support in the African American community. Especially since he took down two cops, blue hawk and let suspected criminals off the hook without even a warning. To top it off he ordered food from a local food truck, boosting his reputation as someone the people can relate too.

Then Nubian Prince and Nubia's divorce got announced, by their fucking kid. So she and Ashley had to work fast to make it seem like a peaceful break up and not the shit show it was. It was a good thing that Hugh guy came to his senses. She had to threaten to drop A-Train in order to meet the kid's demand of an in person apology.

Now she waiting for a meeting with the Mayor of Baltimore Steve Nunes. She was supposed to meet with him earlier but he had to delay it, a family emergency up. Which was fine since she was originally gonna propose Moonshadow to go to Baltimore, but could now pitch Nubian Prince which her analysts said was gonna earn him higher approval ratings.

Ashley then announced her appointment was here and she allowed them to come in.

With Hughie

It was almost the end of Hughie's shift when Translucent came in. Naturally he wanted to know about the bug and Butcher, but Hughie told him he was an Uber driver.

"We're The Seven." A voice spoke as a flat screen television was pulled from the wall and lifted into the air. "Earth's most mighty." The voice continues as the TV got closer. "Champions of the innocent motherfucker!"

As Translucent was about to smash Hughie into submission a car drove through the store window and crashed into him, sending him flying to the wall across the room. The driver's side door opened and Butcher stepped out. "Sorry about the mess." He apologizes casually, as if driving into a store was a normal thing.

"That was awesome!" Ben cheers as he steps out, despite having been on spaceships.

"You should fuck off, Hughie." Butcher say's pulling out a crowbar.

"Yeah cause it's Hero Time." Ben explains then slaps down the Omnitrix. In a blinding green flash he became Wildmutt and roared.

"Well fuck me." Butcher gasped in marvel.

Thanks to his senses Wildmutt easily knew where Translucent was. So charging to the right side of the store the dog like alien tackled an invisible form into the wall. "Shit fuck!" The Seven member cried out.

He didn't have long to recover as Wildmutt jumped on him and bit into his shoulder.

"Fuck off ya bitch!" The supe spoke in annoyance, since his skin was carbon the Vulpimancer's teeth couldn't pierce the skin. So Ben settled for tossing him to the other side of the store.

"Well, well, well, if it ain't the invisible cunt." Butcher spoke (Love that line) as grabbed some spray paint he had Ben get and sprayed it.

"Fuck!" Translucent cried, covering his eyes in pain while parts of his body was now in a visible bright yellow.

"There you are sunshine." The Brit comments before swinging his crowbar to the face. He kept swing until Translucent got wise enough to catch it. Unfortunately he forgot about his second furry opponent.

Which he was reminded of when Wildmutt came back and bit into his torso. He then was shaken around like a chew toy.

"Over here!" Hughie called out, earlier he tried to leave but after second thoughts turned back. Seeing the cable sparking and remembering what he saw on Jimmy Fallon he knew how to stop him.

Wildmutt threw the Supe towards Hughie, landing face down in front of him. However when he tried to pull the cable to shock him it didn't reach. Panicking he kept pulling it, even as Translucent was getting up. "Shit." He cursed.

"You fucking... prick." Translucent spoke slowly, yellow paint indicating he was facing Hughie.


Wildmutt charged and nudged Translucent forward. What followed was the cable making contact with his crotch shocking him with a large amount of voltage. "OH OH OH FUCK!" Hughie shouts in terror as the sparks fly.

Eventually the supe falls down and with heavy breaths Hughie asks. "Is he... is he dead?"

Butcher then gives the semi-invisible hero a good hard kick. "Well, he ain't moving." Butcher replies seeing the lack of response. Wildmutt then sniffs him after.

"Oh, fuck. Oh, shit." Hughie say's, feeling terrified and in shock.

Wildmutt then taps the Omnitrix on his shoulder and the device begins blinking red. Eventually in a red flash he becomes Ben again. "Actually he's just unconscious." He informs, then asks. "Why is he naked?"

"Fuck is why." Butcher answers, before asking Hughie. "How'd you know the electric could do the job?"

"Skin's carbon. Highly conductive." Hughie answers with deep breaths. "Saw it on, uh, Jimmy Fallon." He finishes.

"Would've taken me forever to work that one out. Good job." Butcher compliments, then goes to one end of Translucent's body. "Let's get him in the boot." He orders.

"Wait, wait, what?" Both Ben and Hughie asked.

"The Trunk." Butcher answers, thinking they just didn't understand the British slang.

"No, no, I mean, what are we... what are we..." Hughie stutters.

"What are we gonna do with him?" Ben finishes.

"Well, you basically just tried off one of The Seven, mate." Butcher answers, holding up the head.

"Me? I..." Hughie replies flabbergasted. "You-you hit him with a fucking car!" He points out, then turns to Ben. "You used him like chew toy!"

Butcher then drops the head with a thud and say's. "Look, potato, fucking po-tah-to. We're all in a shitload of trouble."

"No, no, no, we're not! It's... It..." Hughie once again stutters. "He-he attacked us, okay? And you're-you're a federal officer, you know. Just-just call the fucking FBI!" He points out.

"Yeah, o-okay, so, look." Butcher begins before sheepishly adding. "Technically, I'm not a Fed."

"What?!" Hughie shouts, stunned by this.

Ben's eyes widen momentarily before saying. "So you lied to us?"

"Then who the fuck are you?!" Hughie shouted.

La Paz, Bolivia, South America

In a large mansion outside of the city a family was eating dinner outside. A husband, wife, 2 sons and a daughter were enjoying a feast while chatting about the day's events. Gunfire was soon heard followed by screams.

"Qué fue eso?" The husband asks then proceeds to direct his family inside into an emergency bunker.

Before they can get to the door a huge thud was. "Well what do we have here?" A voice asks. "Thanks for setting the table." The family then runs inside as sort of chimera begins to gorge their food.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm almost done with my Justice Matrix chapter but so just couldn't wait to write this. All the feedback got me pumped. Also remember Ben is 10 years old and in this he can stay alien for however long he wants but can't shift into another form. The longer he's hero the longer he needs to be Ben in order to recharge it. Take care.

Next Chapter figuring out the Translucent problem.

This story was stolen from me on Fanfiction.Net and the the theif known as ‘GenV’ is taking credit for it. Was actually but he’s still profiting off of Patreon so I figured I’d jump the Gun. Please report his Patreon and other accounts.


An idea I had after watching Season 3 of the Boys while also stumbling across some old Ben 10 clips. I rewatched the end of Season 2 when Ben unlocked the ability to stay hero for as long as he wanted and had to fight Kevin and Vilgax. What if when all three went through the portal to the Null Void something happened, sending them to another dimension.

AUfan62creators' thoughts
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