
Chapter 2


" sup Nubis " Nefra nudged me, "my homie " Pharaoh hugged me " hey you guys " I responded after chatting

for about 5 minutes the bell rung and we had to go to class, first on the list is my least favorite subject yeah ,

you named it Math, " formulas, geometry, substitution method you name it , but I wouldn't say it's was worse

then Set betraying his brother Anubis but anyways it was worse because Mr Beerus decided to give us a

surprise" drumroll " quiz as if my day couldn't get any worse  , however it wasn't so bad since Nefra was a

math whiz so she kinda "helped me in this test" (well Miss Nubus) Mr Beerus's voice rumbled ( I hope this

time to get a better grade) "sure thing sir" I muttered, 2mins into the test Pharaoh and Nefra found a way to

help me with scoring a perfect 100% cause that would be bad NGL ( not gonna lie)  so Nefra placed a small

mirror right beside my desk and she had one as well, which didn't make sense to me at all but later on it did 

30 minutes into the test I was flowing like no other, hoping that mister Beerus was not looking at my

somewhat " full proof" plan ,towards the end of the test Mr Beerus in a commanding tone told us to put our

pens down and pass our papers to the front , Pharaoh and Nefra were quite at ease when the plan worked out

, Mr Beerus gazed at my paper and surprisingly he was quite pleased at " the effort"  I had put in the bell rang

and it was time for gym.


Physical fitness is a key component here at GEC because the king and queen needed a strong army to protect

the pyramids and the whole of Egypt, with low stamina and moral the army would be useless and anyone

would have taken the throne away from the great Pharaoh.

Today, coach Duse had something planned for us he wanted to boost our capabilities in terms of fitness

because he gots to give impractical scenarios like what if the Nile river erupts or 10,000 scorpions crawl and

rule the world and in my head I'm like " coach even if something like that were to happen Amon Ra would

never abandon his people even if believers were to stop worshipping him" .

I was flipping from rope to rope, my moves were as swift as a sand viper,  avoiding each and every obstacle ,

"come on Ms Nubus you can beat this time " shouted coach Duse with motivation in his tone and a slight hiss

wonder way but I really didn't bother, I was now neck and neck the only obstacle between me and that bell

was the wall climb " not gonna lie I hate wall climbing and not because of the waterfall scene of the movie

Abandonment law but it really wasn't my typa of thing " so I decided to suck it up and climb that big bad wall

surprisedly I was cruising my arm , leg coordination was on point 10 mins left I was almost at the top of the

ball and before the count..... " guess what I reached the top of the wall and rang that bell" I was confused

whether coach Duse was happy that I made it or if that someone finally reached the top anyways it was so

elating, I felt ecstatic after that win an achievement for myself what a great way to get the adrenaline pumping

" oh I forgot to tell y'all that I'm an adrenaline junkie it's a gift and a curse 😐 ... anyways" I dropped down and I

nailed the spider man landing with a little Nubis twist everyone cheered for me and even the ones that disliked

me the most even wishing bad on me we became pretty tight, but there was only one person that hated me

the most like she had level 100 beef with me was non other than Cleo of the Patra family " she snouty , poshy ,

bougie ratchet and clank is how she loves to describe herself but I call her a total cow or Marshy  anyways

coach told us to hit the chambers ( the showers ) after that intense workout at the gym I grab my gym bag

with my stuff and went with Nefra, ' wow that was amazing Anubis' she said jokingly and impressed ' you've

got some skill ' said Nefra ' well I didn't know how I did that I said sheepishly ' "honestly I didn't know how I

managed to do all those athletic maneuvers , I mean yes I'm an athlete but I'm not the athlete 😅..."

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