
Prelude/ The fight

(Prelude )

" as the three powerful gods of Egypt descend from above they land on earth Ra's domain where he created all

creations now their conversations start as the plan how to achieve and navigate a way to find their kin and

destroy Set"

' Set must stopped ' grumbled Anubis ' be patient god of death ' said Ra in stoic tone ' patience is a virtue that

one should observe ' while bickering Anubis and Ra had noticed that the son of the sky was awfully quiet "

lord of the sky , ruler of air and my grandson " noted Ra, Horus looked up and was quite devastated at the fact

that Set had caused all the commotion within the whole of Egypt and the immortal realm with only one eye

and his father's spear Horus could only hope that they would find their kin and whoever gains their abilities

will become a demigod " we need more than patience ...., We need a solution Ra" said Anubis.


While the conversation with Nefra on how I managed to pull all that off , Cleo was there at the corner glaring

at me like a slithering sand serpent " ooooh I'm so scared will she turn me to stone" I said mocking to myself

entering the shower I took off my sweatshirt" ' wow Shakeer you are fit as hell ' one of the girls commented "

yeah Shakeer you workout " puzzled by their comments I looked into the mirror and saw that I had a toned

physique I mean I do workout but I had the physique of the Egyptian soldiers I mean I was astonished by my

appearance, anyways I entered the shower the cool liquid washing away my stresses and pressure as soon as

I stepped out of the showers Cleo tripped me and I fell lucky no one saw what happened "oops my bad "

gawked Cleo and her crew started giggling " just ignore them " Nefarious telling me calmly, sigh I guess your

right I said calming but as soon as I turned my head immediately Cleo shouted trying to provoke me by

saying " Nubus is a noob " her words echoed in my head and I told Nefra that. I had enough of her , I turned

around facing Cleo and her gang and looked at her dead in the eye I stepped slowly towards but she felt

threatened and decide to call one of her " friends" to prevent me from hurting her " okay to be honest Aunt

Joyce always told me never to take shit from anyone so her advice kinda got stuck in my mind so I acted a bit

rashly" one of Cleo's friend was called Liana she was twice as big as mister Beerus and she was fierce and the

best MMA fighter in the college, " Shakeer just drop it " Nefra said in concern gripping my arm slightly 

however I refused to listen to reason

" bring... It .... on " i said with a burst of confidence , why i said that " I knew I could take Liana down because

she only had one weakness well she has others but the main weakness is , yes motility, she has weak reaction

time and slow to defend herself so with my nimble agility and fast reflex's I knew I could take her down "

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