
Flying Thunder God (Flying Raijin)

Logan and Natasha sat across from each other in the living room, the tension between them thick as they delved into the conversation.

Logan sat on his chair, leaning back, his voice calm but firm, "So, you're saying you and your little band of mercenaries were hired to kill me?"

Natasha replied without hesitation, "Yes. That's exactly what happened."

Logan let out a deep laugh, clapping his hands slowly in a sarcastic manner.

"You're good. Really... really good. If I didn't know the truth, I might have believed you." his eyes narrowed slightly, "So, why don't you tell me—what does Dreykov really want? Why'd he send you after me?"

Natasha's face remained impassive, but her mind raced. How does he know about Dreykov?

Before she could respond, Logan continued, "And how's your mother, Melina, right? Is that her name?"

Natasha exhaled deeply, realizing the game was up. She couldn't bluff her way through this,"What do you want from me? You already know everything."

Logan leaning forward slightly, "I want to know why Dreykov wants me dead."

Natash shook her head, "We didn't have the full details. All I know is that Dreykov was paid—compensated by someone—to kill you. That's it."

Logan's eyes narrowed as he tried to process the information. Who would pay Dreykov to have him killed?

"Alright." Logan then stood up abruptly, "You're free to go."

Natasha blinked in confusion. She hadn't expected that. "I'm sorry, what?"

Logan then clapped his hands. Immediately, a man appeared in the room—a tall, handsome figure with dark hair, dressed impeccably in a butler's uniform. He knelt before Logan with his right hand placed on his chest. "You called for me, sir?"

"Yes, Sebastian. Escort Miss Romanoff outside."

Sebastian nods respectfully, "As you wish, sir."

With a wave of Sebastian's hand, a portal opened in the room. He gestured towards Natasha, and the portal swiftly enveloped her, sending her outside before she could fully comprehend what had just happened.

Logan turned to Sebastian, explaining the situation with Laura and delegating more responsibilities to him regarding Whitehaven.

"You'll be handling the pack's affairs in Whitehaven. I trust you'll take care of it."

Though saddened by the prospect of being away from his master, Sebastian understood the importance of his new role. Bowing his head, he accepted the task.

"As you wish, Master Logan. I won't let you down."

"And also look into this Red Room for me, the man named Dreykov should be the master mind. I want everything on him."

Sebastian nods with fury in eyes, "Consider it done, Master Logan."

With that settled, Logan shifted his focus to Jack, the Zeta werewolf handling the other widows. He already send a message to Jack to gather all the widows in the meeting room.

Unlike Natasha, he had no intention of releasing the others, Natasha will come to his side, it's only a matter of time.

His plan was to convince them to join his pack.

He left to meet Jack, who had already arranged a meeting with the freed widows.

Logan meeting Jack outside the meeting room, "How's the situation with the other widows?"

Jack says "They're all gathered, ready for your word."

Logan entered the room where the rest of the widows stood, newly freed from the mental chains Dreykov had bound them with. As they stared at him, Logan could see the confusion and doubt in their eyes.

Logan then addressing the group, "You've been through hell. I know what was done to you, and I want to help.

I want to offer you a choice—join my pack. I can promise you that what happened before will never happen again under my watch."

Among the group, Yelena, Natasha's sister, raised her hand, clearly not entirely convinced.

Yelena: "Some of us just want to live a normal life. Do we have to fight?"

Logan gave her a reassuring smile and shook his head, "You don't have to fight if you don't want to. You're free to choose your own path, and I'll support whatever decision you make."

Some of the women were hesitant, filled with doubt, but most chose to stay, wanting to see if Logan's promise held any truth.


Meanwhile, outside, Natasha found herself standing in the same alley where she had been before. She quickly tried to contact her sister, Yelena, but before she could make a connection, someone approached her from the shadows.

The figure moved fast, attempting to knock her unconscious. Natasha, ever the skilled fighter, blocked the attack and countered with a swift strike.

The man smiled, unbothered by her resistance.

"Well, well. Hello there. Mind telling me what just happened?"

Natasha gritting her teeth, "Screw off."

But the stranger wasn't about to back down, "Oh, I think you and I have more to discuss than that."

Natasha's eyes flickered with annoyance as she prepared herself for the next fight, knowing this wouldn't end easily. The fight was far from over.


**Logan's House**

The widows, though initially skeptical, gathered to ask questions.

Logan patiently addressed each of their concerns, with Jack providing additional reassurance.

Logan emphasized that they would not be forced into anything, and they were free to live how they wished. The promise of freedom and autonomy intrigued many of them, and after some convincing, they agreed to stay for a while and see if Logan's words held true.

Satisfied, Logan instructed Jack to make arrangements for their stay. But in his mind, he had bigger plans—plans to gain their trust fully, then turn them into werewolves.

He envisioned an army of empowered warriors, not mind-controlled like the Red Room widows had been, but loyal to him.

He needed to prepare for the inevitable confrontation with Thanos, and a werewolf army would tip the scales in his favor.

Once the arrangements were made, Logan asked Jack to teleport him to Selene's house.

He arrived at her doorstep and knocked several times but received no response.

Growing impatient, Logan opened the door himself. To his surprise, Selene emerged from the shower, wrapped in a towel, her damp hair clinging to her shoulders.

She smiled playfully. "You're about five hours early if you're looking for Laura and Jean."

Logan stood by the door as Selene wrapped in her towel, explained, "Laura needed some rest, and Emily's taking good care of her. Jean went back to your place—she's got a lot of work to do. You know how she is with teaching, and Midtown High isn't going to run itself."

Logan chuckled as he closed the door and went inside. "Yeah, Jean takes her role as principal seriously. But that's part of why I love her."

Selene smiled, her tone teasing. "She keeps you grounded."

Logan nodded and then leaned against the wall. "But I didn't just come to check on them. Is it done?"

Selene's expression became more focused as she crossed the room, taking a seat on the sofa. "Yes, it's done. I've developed the spell you wanted. You'll be able to mark any object or person, and no matter where you are—different dimensions or otherwise—you can teleport back to that marked place."

Logan's eyes gleamed with interest. "Permanently marked, right? No one can undo it?"

Selene nodded confidently. "Once marked, it's permanent. The only way it'll stop is if the target is destroyed. And the best part? You can activate it using your own energy. No need to rely on others to open portals for you anymore."

Logan leaned forward. "That's exactly what I needed. I'm tired of asking someone else every time I need to get somewhere. It's been a real pain."

Selene laughed softly, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "I gathered that. So, what's the name you came up with for this little trick of yours?"

Logan smirked. "Flying Thunder God. Or Flying Raijin."

This world doesn't have Naruto, so it's alright to steal the name. Speaking of anime, Logan got the idea to go into the anime and film industry as some movies which are popular in his old world doesn't exist here.

Selene raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Catchy. Sounds like you've put some thought into this."

Logan shrugged. "Let's just say I've had enough time to think about how to make things more efficient."

Logan can't learn magic because of his Mysterium claws, as they always negates the magic. But with this technique, he can teleport to wherever he wants.

Selene placed her hands gently on either side of his head. "Now, lower your mind shields, just enough for me to transfer the information about the spell. It'll take a moment."

Logan took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he lowered his mental defenses just enough for Selene's magic to work.

He could feel her weaving through his consciousness, transferring the intricate details of the spell into his mind.

After a few moments, Selene withdrew her hands, satisfied. "It's done. You now have the knowledge to use the Flying Thunder God technique whenever you need it."

Logan opened his eyes, a small grin forming on his face. "Perfect. This is going to make things a lot easier."

Selene stood up, adjusting her towel. "Just don't go marking everything in sight. You only need a few important places."

Logan laughed. "I'll keep that in mind."

As Selene left to change, Logan sat back, thinking she can just change her clothes with magic but ignored it.

Then he recalled the technique settle in his mind. Things were about to get a whole lot more interesting.


(A/N: Guys, do you have any name for the child of Logan. He will have a daughter and I need a name for her.

Also should I make her a reincarnated person or just normal one.

Do comment your ideas.)

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