"your life is our entertainment, bla-ba-bla-bla" have you read those kind of fics? where there is gods that just sends someone off for 'entertainment' ? yeah I find some flaw in that logic. these 'Gods' on those stories are also nothing but an entertainment, for us. so I decide to pull a pro-gamer move and raise the Meta level one floor up the 'gods' are you. your blessing are your power stones. Fate? that's me. I decide what kind of scenario will the mc get into but how they come out depends on you. welcome to the first interactive power system in webnovel. also Yuji and Megumi are girls becaaaaaause. look at the first auxiliary chapter for my justification
(daily meme)
"One... more... round!!!!!" My eyes are heavy; I can feel the bags under them growing larger.
It's been... I don't know, two days? Yeah, probably. As soon as the weekend started, I've been grinding nonstop for this special event where you're guaranteed to get 5-star characters.
"Ow, f*ck, the headache," or more accurately, the headache has resurfaced. I've been dealing with it since the first day.
"Good thing I have this." I pop a pill into my mouth and continue gaming.
Shut up; I don't have a problem.
I heard a slight muffled noise from the door. I don't know who it was, and I don't care.
I just really need this character.
"Tohsaka!" Suddenly, someone yelled in my ear so loudly that I winced from the pain of the high-pitched noise.
I looked to my left and saw my apartment neighbor and childhood friend, Rin Takanashi.
Yes, I know, our names together are quite famous. That's why she's friends with me—she got roped into my bullying.
I feel bad, actually. Without my existence, her name would be perfectly fine. But since I'm here, she became a target for teasing too.
No, not really bullying—more like teasing. The kids from back then teased us because of our names.
My name is Makiri Tohsaka... I have no idea what my parents were thinking when they named me, but that's what they came up with.
F*cking weebs. It's like they wanted me to get bullied.
"Good... I don't know, afternoon? Rin, why are you wearing the school uniform?" I asked groggily. My mind isn't in the right place right now; I've been up for two days.
"It's been three. days. Today is Tuesday. You missed school yesterday, and the teacher asked me to check on you. And this is what you've been doing?!"
"It is?"
"YES, IT IS!" I winced again as she raised her voice.
"Be a bit quieter, can you? I haven't slept since Saturday," I told her, but she got even more pissed.
"Well, too bad, because you're coming with me!" She suddenly grabbed my hands and dragged me away from my computer.
"No! The event!" I pleaded with all my might, but my muscles were too stiff to do anything other than let her drag me around.
"Oof!" She threw me onto the bed. What is she doing?
"Here!" She suddenly threw something at my face. I looked up, and it was my uniform.
"Go take a bath and put these on. You can't miss any more school, or our parents will drag us back home." How did that happen, you might ask? Because we're currently living in an apartment in Sendai while our parents are in Shibuya.
They let us live alone only if we could actually be independent.
Why are we here? Because she was rejected from almost every high school in Shibuya, and this was the only one that accepted her.
Her parents have a shop in Shibuya and are perfectly fine with her running it, but she's quite ambitious despite scoring below average on the final tests in junior high.
I'm just here to make sure she's safe... though I can't help but feel like I don't really need to do that.
She's fine on her own.
"Don't fall asleep in there!" I heard her high-pitched voice from behind the bathroom door.
What a mess.
"I'm telling Auntie about this."
"Do what you want; she's already numb to it."
We're now walking toward our school. Damn, my body feels like I'll fall over any second now.
"I can't believe you stayed up for three whole days just for some video games."
I can, what part of this is not a linear progression?
I didn't tell her that, of course.
"Uh-huh," was all I said to her.
"You have all this brilliant mind, and you wasted it on trivial stuff like this."
Every mind is a brilliant mind if you compare it with yours, Rin.
Again, I didn't tell her that.
"Imagine what I could do with that brain of yours. Oh, I would have cured cancer by now."
Sure you are, Rin. Sure you are.
"Stop saying 'uh-huh'!" She finally got fed up with my half-assed answers and yelled again.
She likes to yell.
"Huh uh?"
"That's the same thing!"
What's her problem?
"Look, Rin, I'm tired. I haven't slept in three days. Can you at least be gentle with me today?" I heard a collective gasp from the nearby students as I said that.
"I mean, you've been so energetic all this time that I can't sleep," I added, earning more gasps. I was kind of enjoying this.
"At least let me have a rest after what happened last night." GAAAASP
"STOP SAYING WEIRD THINGS!" She finally blew a fuse and punched my shoulder as hard as she could, making me wince in pain.
This is one of the reasons she was rejected; she's a delinquent who resorts to violence in every scenario.
"Rin Takanashi." Suddenly, as I laughed on the ground while holding my punched shoulder, I saw a red jersey in front of my face. I looked up to see Mr. Takayama standing in front of us.
"To the principal's office, right now." Did I get her into trouble?
She glared at me after the teacher's announcement. I kind of felt bad, so I stood up and tried to explain.
"It seems like there's a misunderstanding here, Mr. Takayama. I'm just joking around with her. She did nothing wrong," I said.
"Tohsaka, you can't keep vouching for her mistreatment toward you." I never vouch for her; everything I've said about her is true.
But the school sees me as a diligent and innocent boy, and her as a delinquent from Shibuya. So, yeah, this problem happens almost every other week.
"No, no, no, Mr. Takayama, we really are just joking. You saw me laughing a few minutes ago." Even though I was down on the ground, I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction.
"You... are you an M?"
A what?
That's sexual harassment, right? Or is it verbal harassment? You can get arrested for that, you know?
"I don't know what you're talking about, sir, but if there are no more issues here, let us get to our classroom. We're going to be late, so please excuse us, Mr. Takayama." And just like that, we slipped past him. Clearly, my negotiation skills are perfect.
"You're welcome, by the way."
"What?! You're the one who got me into trouble!"
"Yeah, and I got you out. So you're welcome."
"That should be even!"
"So, based on the Pythagorean theorem, the base of the triangle is always bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla." I am so tired, man.
I can't even hear what the teacher is saying. I just watch her mouth move up and down. I'm sure words are coming out, but I have no idea what they are.
Something about spaghetti?
There were sounds, for sure. But I'm too distracted by my tired mind and her big... personality.
Oh god.
"What's the formula to calculate the base of an isosceles triangle?"
That a made-up words.
I looked at the picture on the projector—it was a triangle in the shape of an L, with the base and the side being the same size.
"The same as the side," I muttered tiredly, trying my best not to fall asleep at my table.
"Well... yes, but how can you get the number if you only have the hypotenuse?"
Another set of made-up words.
"Multiply it against itself. Since the base and the side are the same size, you can just cut it in half and then square root them."
Oh my god, my head is spinning.
'You know what? I give up. I'm gonna sleep; I don't care.'
And with that, I fell asleep at my desk. I heard someone trying to wake me up, but I was too far gone in my consciousness and ignored them.
I'll deal with it when my brain can function again.
"He is out cold," a boy said after checking the person sleeping at the desk. The student, with short raven-colored hair, was resting quietly on his table.
No, fainted is a much more appropriate word in this situation because he's pretty much out of it for the time being.
"Sigh Someone get him to the nurse's office. Let him stay there until he wakes up," the teacher instructed. The two boys closest to the student stood up and began carrying his lifeless body out of the classroom.
"How is he so heavy?" one of them asked, holding the fainted boy by the arm.
"When people get unconscious, they get heavier," the other person answered with a strangely experienced tone.
"How did you know that?" the first person asked.
"Don't worry about it." And he didn't worry about it.
They continued to carry the unconscious boy, while people around watched with curious and concerned gazes as they carried him like a lifeless corpse.
"So, uh," one of the boys decided to break the silence again, "do you like anime?" he asked.
"I do," came the reply with a nod.
"Oh, cool," the other responded with a nod as well and asked, "Did you watch the anime for this season?"
"I did. The new episode of My Hero Academia just got released yesterday."
"Oh yeah! It's great, isn't it? I wonder what will happen in it."
"Bakugo's going to get kidnapped. I read it in the manga."
"Dude! Spoiler!"
"Sensei~ I brought an innocent victim, ready to be slaughtered." The door swung open, and two boys entered, carrying an unconscious person.
A girl sitting on the counter looked at them with confusion as they kicked the door and began saying strange things.
"What?" she could only respond with a question.
"Oh, Senchou, where is the nurse?" the boy in front asked before dropping the unconscious boy on the floor. "Man, he is heavy!"
"She's absent because of a cold. I'm just here until lunch is over—no, wait a minute, who are you and what did you do to him?" The girl began to step back and grabbed a stapler as a weapon in case the boys tried to do something to her.
"Relax, we're just joking. Anyway, he was knocked out cold this morning. No idea why, so the teacher told us to bring him here and let him rest," the boy explained to the girl. She nodded in understanding.
"I see."
"Then put him on the bed. Why are you dropping him on the floor?" she instructed. The boys grumbled in response.
"Can't we rest a bit? He's heavy, you know?" the boy in front said.
"How heavy can one person be?" she asked skeptically. The boy in the back answered, "People get heavier when they're unconscious."
"How did you know that?"
"Don't worry about it."
Let's stop worrying about it.
Soon, the boys put the unconscious one on the bed, letting him rest while they also took a short break before returning to class.
This left the girl in charge alone.
"Lunch break is going to be over soon." She looked at the clock, muttering the time as she realized her current duty in the nurse's office was coming to an end.
She looked at the still-unconscious boy, wondering when he would wake up, and shrugged her shoulders.
"He'll wake up soon enough." She cleaned up her stuff and proceeded to leave the boy alone. As the school student council president, she couldn't afford to be late for class.
And so she left, leaving the unconscious boy alone in the nurse's office.
"I'm sure everything is going to be fine."
"Mmm." I felt myself waking up. My head was still heavy, and my body sore from the nonstop all-nighters I'd been pulling.
Did my body finally give up?
I groaned, "What time is it?" and tried to check the time on the computer.
But the computer isn't there. In fact, where is the table?
Wait a minute, I'm lying on a bed?
"Did I sleepwalk into the bed?" I opened my eyes. The surroundings were still as dark as ever, but why is there a curtain? I don't remember my bed having a curtain.
I finally sat up, groaning as I stretched my body after sleeping for who knows how long.
After a good 5-6 seconds, I looked around and realized this wasn't my room.
Did I get kidnapped? Nah, who'd kidnap someone like me?
"This looks like the school nursery," I thought.
Well, with the white covers, the curtain, and the medical cabinet, it does look like a school nursery.
"Oh right, I fainted in class." Memories finally resurfaced, and I remembered how I just gave up and fell asleep at my table.
"That's what I get for pulling three all-nighters, I guess. But did they really just leave me here all day?" It's so dark right now that I assume it's about 7-9 p.m.
Wait, there's a clock over there.
"7:28. Yup, they left me behind." I sighed and looked outside. It was dark as anything. Usually, at this time, it wouldn't be this dark, but maybe it's cloudy?
"Alright, let's just get my stuff and get out of here." I got off the bed and began walking to my class. Today has been more of a pain in the ass than usual.
I blame Rin for this.
As I walked through the dark and empty hallways of the school, I noticed a yellow silhouette of a person hiding behind a wall.
'Someone's here?' I thought. I looked closer to see who it was, and it turned out to be a girl with neck-length black hair and glasses, wearing the school's uniform.
Is she doing a dare or something?
I walked up to the girl, my steps suddenly becoming quiet as I approached her slowly, one step at a time.
"Boo." I grabbed her shoulder.
"AAA!!!" She suddenly jumped and screamed as if she had seen a ghost. I know I tried to scare her, but isn't this a bit of an overreaction?
She looked back, her eyes full of fear—and are those tears? Is she crying?
Well, now I feel bad (no, I don't).
"Hey." I didn't know what to say, so I just greeted her in an attempt to calm her down.
I'm great at socializing.
"M-e-e-e-e," I interrupted her stuttering with a ridiculous one of my own to surprise her brain and calm her down.
She took a deep breath, and finally, she looked ready to talk.
"You are not—" She stopped, looking me up and down. "—a ghost, are you?"
I raised an eyebrow at her question and looked at my feet. Yup, still attached to the ground.
"Not that I know of, no," I answered her question the best way I could. "Do I look see-through or something?" I checked my arm. Nope, still solid.
"N-no, it's just—" As she was about to answer, I noticed someone else walking towards us from the darkness of the night.
He looked tall, about the same height as me. Is he here with her?
"Iguchi!" Oh, so she does know him. "Where were y—" I pulled her back as quickly as I could.
That boy—there's something wrong with him.
"H-heeelp," he groaned in pain, as if something was hurting him, but even so,
I can't see it.
'What a mess.'
~~~~~~~~~~ [To be continued] ~~~~~~~~~
Hello! welcome to the first chapter of this story
yes I send him to the first day of the canon, no he is not alone, infact the two world just got merged into one so yes his family and everyone he knows is here.
Why now? because I want to give him no times to adjust and so he is now forced fight against a school full of grade 4s and even grade 2 curses
again, remember that he is now still a normal human being with no special power whatsoever
how is he not seeing the curse? in an emergency situations normal humans can see curses BUT that was only if the human was scared
the fear and all of their negative emotions went overdrive and it gave them a temporary ability to see curses
but sadly, he is not feeling any of that, he is annoyed more than anything. so because of that he can only sense the danger and not what it actually is.
how can he sense the danger? because he can
maybe he'll get scared later, Idk. but for now he is not
anyway, It's time for you to take those powerstones of yours and put it to good use!
Makiri Tohsaka
Strength : 40 (comment here)
Cursed energy : 40 (comment here)
dexterity : 40 (comment here)
undistributed stones : 0 (comments here)