
Chapter 52: Eden: Dawn of the First Day

"Mrgh…" Shidou slowly opened his eyes to the familiar sight of his bedroom ceiling. What happened? Why am I back in my room? A shiver ran through his entire body, accompanied by a dull pain. Ow! And does everywhere hurt so much?

"Shi… dou…?" A worried voice came from behind him. A purple-haired girl suddenly clutched his arm, hugging it to her chest in worry. "Shidou! Are you ok? Mou, you really have to stop falling down the stairs so much, ok?"

"Ow! OW! Tohka, that hurts!" Shidou howled. The girl leapt backwards, setting his throbbing arm back down hastily.

"S-sorry…" She whimpered, unintentionally displaying a wonderful example of puppy-dog eyes.

The girl looking at me with such worry was Yatogami Tohka. Despite her human appearance, she is actually a Spirit, a being with great powers- wait, what the hell am I doing? Who am I even explaining this to? 

Shidou shook his head a little, ignoring the pain in his neck while doing so. "No, it's fine. Thanks for worrying about me, Tohka." At his response, the girl quickly recovered her bright expression. "By the way, how long have you been here?"

"Ever since we brought you back this morning," a new voice said. "Which was at approximately 5:30am, or about two hours ago now."

Shidou turned his glance to the door of his room, where Kotori stood leaning against the doorway with her arms crossed. "Morning, Kotori. Say, could you maybe explain what happened to me?"

"Seriously?" She muttered. "Maybe we should've done a few extra brain tests last night for early Alzheimer's."

"That's a bit harsh…" Shidou smiled weakly.

"Ugh," Kotori sighed. "Sorry, Tohka. Could you please go grab Yoshino and Yoshinon while I explain a few things to my dear big brother?"

"Eh?" Her head perked up at the sound of her name. "But I want to stay by Shidou…"

"Please, Tohka?" Shidou flashed her a small smile.

"…umu. Don't worry Shidou, I'll be back before you know it!" She quickly nodded her head and rushed out of the room, leaving the two siblings alone.

"Alright then." Kotori sat down and stuck a lollipop in her mouth. "Here's what we know."

——————I am the dividing line that shifts perspectives——————


Kyo's eyes shot open as he masterfully threw his necklace at the alarm clock, hitting the "cancel" button with pinpoint accuracy. Ugh. Waking up always sucks. Did I fall asleep on the couch or something? He motioned to get up before feeling a weight on his shoulder. What the-

Turning his head slightly, he found Nia's head leaning onto him from the side. Oh. Right. She ended up falling asleep mid-round. Reaching his hand out, he gently tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, chuckling as it immediately moved back into its original position. Now that I think about it, her hair is basically the same length as mine-

"Down-special again, I dare you…" Nia suddenly muttered. Kyo jumped back in panic, causing her to topple sideways onto the couch. Holy fudge what was I just doing what do I do now holy forking help-

"Oomph!" She blinked rapidly, turning her head side-to-side in an attempt to ascertain her position. "What the hell…"

"G'morning, Nia," Kyo called from the kitchen, breathing a bit more heavily than normal. Never before have I been so thankful that I can move so quickly. "Sleep well?"

"Uh… yeah…" She replied with a hint of confusion as she rubbed her eyes. 

"Great, great." He laughed, a hint of uneasiness still present in his voice. "So… do you prefer pancakes or waffles?"

————————I am the dividing line that skips time————————

"We're almost out of eggs," Kyo announced as he set down a plate of waffles on the table. "And syrup, too. I'm actually surprised that you had any in the first place. When did you buy it?"

"Sometimes I used to eat syrup on toast for breakfast- hey, don't give me that look! Syrup on toast is perfectly valid!" Nia argued, grabbing the bottle of maple syrup and drenching her waffles. "Ah, shoot. Too much."

"I… I think you're thinking of French Toast," Kyo sighed. "And that's made with eggs and milk before being fried in oil."

"Same difference." Nia waved off his complaint before grabbing her fork with a flourish. "Thank you for the food!"

Not the same. Kyo shook his head helplessly. "Thanks for the-"


"The doorbell? This early?" Nia tilted her head.

"Just eat; I'll get it." Kyo briskly walked over to the door and swung it open, his expression shifting to one of bewilderment. "Huh?"

"Good morning, Mr. Kyo." The half-obscured face of Fraxinus Officer Hinako Shiizaki bowed slightly. "I'm sorry to disturb you this early, but there's something we need your help with."

"Ugh…" Kyo groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "What, did Kurumi come back or something?"

Shiizaki's eyes widened. "Yes, actually. Shidou met her on his way to school today."

"…what?" Kyo's eyes immediately narrowed. What if she was responsible for that massive surge of- wait, but Nia already confirmed it was Fraxinus' doing. What the fork is going on?

"...Mr. Kyo?" Shiizaki prompted lightly, fiddling with her fingers.

"Yeah, yeah." Kyo turned back to Nia, who was busy stuffing her face with her waffles. "Nia, our favourite time-manipulating people-eating Spirit is back in town. Can you locate her please?"

"Mm!" She called back, hastily swallowing her food as she hastily flipped through [Raziel]. "Uh, Raizen High School."

"Great, thanks. You can have my waffles if you want," Kyo offered as he threw open the balcony door. "I'll see you- WHOA!" He froze. "What the help is that thing?!

"What is what thing?" Nia jumped up from her seat, rushing over to his side.

"That damn thing!" Kyo pointed to a large tower-like structure constructed out of what appeared to be giant blue-ish green vines affixing a giant pink orb near the top.

Upon seeing what he was pointing at, Nia tilted her head in confusion. "You mean… Neo Tengu Tower?"

"You actually know what that is?" Kyo's mouth dropped in bafflement.

"Uh, yeah. The new attraction that's supposed to open up to the public in August," Nia explained with a doubtful expression. "Are you alright, Kyo?"

"I swear that thing wasn't there yesterday," he staunchly insisted, a feeling of unease settling over him.

"Er, if I may…" Shiizaki called from the front entrance. "There's still the matter of Kurumi…"

"Tch. Nia, let's talk later." Without another word, Kyo jumped from the balcony and flew off into the sky.

————————I am the dividing line that skips time————————

"Mmm-hm-hmmm~" Kurumi hummed along to herself as she watched the students below her from the school roof. A warm gust of wind sent her hair flying up behind her as she leaned against the railing, enjoying the bright midsummer sun.

"Enjoying yourself, Kuru-Kuru?" A voice called from behind her. 

Kurumi whirled around to see Kyo, the tip of the sheathed [Naught] already pointed at her head. "Oh my. Such a warm welcome," she chuckled disarmingly. "Rest assured, I'm not here to cause any trouble today."

"Riiight," Kyo drawled, his grip on his sword unwavering. Her being in a school uniform does support this narrative, but still… "Then what exactly are you here for?"

"Well, that's a girl's secret." She smiled softly. "Don't tell me you won't let me keep this small little dignity, especially after all those times you ravaged my body~"

"What a very interesting way to phrase that," Kyo retorted dryly. "But from what I remember, all the bodies I 'ravaged' were trying their darndest to kill me." 

Kurumi's eyes opened in mock surprise. "My my, were they? Surely you're mistaken?"

"...I swear to the Aeons…" he grumbled. "Fine. I've got no intention of playing parent for you, so on account of how well our first deal went, I'll give you a chance this time. But if you go and start eating innocent people again…"

"Don't you worry," Kurumi smiled. "Like I said, I'm not here to eat anyone here."

"Oookay, and suddenly your suspicion level has been promoted," Kyo scowled, prodding her with the edge of [Naught]. "What are you here for? And I'm not accepting any vague answers this time."

"Oh my," Kurumi pouted, puffing out her cheeks. "You're so direct, Kyo- but I don't dislike that about you~"

"Could you just answer the damn question, Kurumi?" Kyo groaned with utter exasperation. "What's the point in putting on a cutesy act at this point, anyway?"

"Kihihihi…" Kurumi laughed. "Fine, then. I'm here to search for whatever created that surge of Reiryoku last night… and take its power for myself."

"...ah." Kyo paused awkwardly. I suppose the motive checks out, but… what she just said basically amounts to declaring her intent to eat the Fraxinus. Unless [Raziel] is wrong of course, but that really shouldn't be possible… "Uh, I think you may have your work cut out for you, then."

"Oh? Do you perhaps know something about what happened?" Kurumi walked closer, moving to grab Kyo's hand.

The latter quickly slipped past her fingers and jumped a few feet back. "Well, based on the results from a certain magical book, I think it's quite safe to say that you might as well give up now."

"Oh, Kyo." Kurumi smiled widely, her exposed eye seemingly shining with crimson light. "I think you should have a little more faith in me."

"...well, as long as you're not trying to kill innocent people, good luck." Kyo shrugged before activating [White] and fading from her vision.

As he turned to leave, he heard the door of the rooftop opening and the sound of a flock of pigeons landing nearby.

Pigeons? Did this dog author finally go cuckoo? Ahahaha… no. I think, at least.

The pigeons are actually part of the first event that Shidou encounters when doing the Kurumi route of Rinne Utopia.

Anyway, if you believe you've found an error or typo, please comment and I'll do my best to remedy it. Thanks for reading!

Falling_Mountainscreators' thoughts
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