
Chapter 36: Kuru-Kuru~

"My name is Tokisaki Kurumi. I'm a Spirit." 

Shidou nearly fell over in his seat from shock, staring at the black-haired transfer student standing innocently at the front of the class. Quickly glancing over to his side, he saw Origami's eyes turn increasingly hostile. 

"Er… well, that's one of the more unique self-introductions we've had…" His homeroom teacher, Okamine Tamae, laughed nervously. "Go ahead and take a seat in that empty desk over there."

"Sure, before that, there's a favor I'd like to ask." Kurumi smiled shyly. "Since I've only recently transferred, I'm not quite familiar with the campus just yet. I was wondering if someone could show me around after school."

The teacher nodded. "I see… in that case, could-"

However, Kurumi ignored her and walked away, stopping at Shidou's desk. "What about you? Would you care to show me around?"

"Eh? Me?" Did she pick me by chance, or does she know something already? Come to think of it, Kurumi's exactly who Kyo was talking about, isn't she? Does that mean…

"Is that a no?" Kurumi's expression morphed into one of hurt, drawing glares from nearby classmates both male and female alike.

Shidou quickly waved his hands. "N-not at all! I'd be happy to show you around!"

"Wonderful. I look forward to it." A pleasant smile blossomed on her face once again.

————————I am the dividing line that skips time————————


As the bell that signaled the end of school rang, Shidou fished his earpiece out of his pocket. "Kotori? Have you managed to find anything out?"

A small bit of static sounded in his ear before giving way to a familiar voice. "Although I still find it hard to believe, Reine has managed to confirm Kurumi's identity as a Spirit."

"R-really…" His brows furrowed nervously. "Have you sent word to Kyo yet?"

"You're really planning on doing what he said?" Kotori didn't bother hiding the suspicion in her tone. 

"Well… he did say that lives were at stake…"

"The mere existence of Spirits puts lives at stake," Kotori scoffed. "But if you really insist, we'll send someone to alert him after your little school date. Speaking of, Kurumi is approaching you right now."

"Eh?" Shidou quickly glanced around. Indeed, Kurumi was slowly weaving through the crowd of students towards his desk.

"Now then." Kotori's voice gained an edge of severity. "Let's begin our date."

—————I am the dividing line that shifts time and perspective—————

"Third one's the charm… third one's the charm… YES!" Kyo cheered as the omelet landed gracefully back onto the frying pan, the thin layer of completely cooked egg successfully sealing the slightly-raw egg inside. 

"Yay!" Nia clapped her hands and cheered. "And you only wasted one omelet in the process!"

"Yeah… only." Kyo purposefully kept his eyes from looking up, where the remnants of the first omelet he'd tried to flip still remained splattered over the ceiling. That's gonna be a pain to get clean… "Ahem. Well, then, on to the final step."


"Ah, that's probably for me." As Nia stepped away to answer the door, Kyo grumbled internally. What kind of delivery service sends their workers at sunset? Nevertheless, he quickly plated the omelet onto a bed of fried rice and spooned some demi-glace sauce on top before setting it on the dinner table. His own portion sat to the side, the omelet looking far more deformed. It's not like it'll taste any different, after all.

"Ahem, Mr. Kyo?" A vaguely familiar voice called from the doorway. Me? Who would be looking for me? Don't tell me… Kyo made his way over to the entrance, where Nia was greeting a long, black-haired woman.

"You… from the Fraxinus." He clutched his pendant for a moment, internally sorting through his memories. "Hinako Shiizaki, correct?"

"Yes." Shiizaki bowed her head. "Since you never left a phone number, the Commander sent me here to tell you that 'she' transferred over to Shidou's school."

"..." Kyo stared at her with a deadpan expression. "Firstly, let's not play the pronoun game, You're talking about Tokisaki Kurumi, right?"

"Um, yes."

"And you mean to tell me that she transferred over… after the school day ended?"

"Er, no, she officially joined the class in the morning…" She looked away as Kyo stared at her in disappointment.

"You know what? I can't even blame you. And neither can the four people who've probably died by now." Kyo shrugged. "At least they were terrible people. If everything is playing out the same as I know it, anyway."

Shiizaki's eyes widened. "I- what?"

"Newsflash, I've seen the future," Kyo explained impatiently. "But whether you believe that or not isn't something I particularly care about."

As the Fraxinus officer struggled to process his words, Nia summoned [Raziel] and quickly flipped through it. "Uh… yep. Four people died by Kurumi's hand today."

"And for everyone's sanity, let's just assume they are the girl-abducting scum that I think they are," Kyo finished with a tone of finality. 

Shiizaki shuffled uncomfortably. "Er, is that information reliable?" 

"About the people dying? If Nia says so, then yes. About their criminal history? Well, like I said, that's just wishful thinking." Kyo exchanged glances with Nia, sharing a quick conversation with their eyes.

Wanna take a look?

Not particularly.

Your call.

With a sigh, he returned his attention to Shiizaki. "Starting tomorrow, I'll be making sure she doesn't kill any more people. As for today… well, I'm not exactly capable of raising the dead. Now please leave; dinner's getting cold."

Still looking mildly disturbed, Shiizaki quickly bowed her head and left. As Nia closed the door behind her, she gave Kyo an appraising look.

"You don't seem all that concerned about those people dying," she pointed out. "Are you certain that they deserved it?"

"No comment. Technically, I was never responsible for their life or death anyway. Maybe if I had gone, one of them would've claimed that instead of saving their life, I ruined their death," Kyo laughed self-mockingly. "As long as the people I care about aren't involved, I refuse to feel any responsibility."

"Oh…" Nia's voice trailed off, her eyes looking a bit worried.

Kyo patted her shoulder. "Don't think about it too hard. Now, c'mon. Nine eggs were sacrificed to finally make your omelet; the least you could do is have a taste."

"Ah, right." She took a seat and clapped her hands. "Well then, thank you for the food!"

——————I am the dividing line that shifts perspectives——————

"Tch. [Nightmare]'s kills are always so messy." Mana sighed as she examined her now blood-stained shoes. Beside her, a few members of the AST concentrated on cleaning up the bloodied alleyway. "Hey Leader, looks like I guessed right after all; [IX] is uninterested in [Nightmare]'s affairs."

Ryouko nodded, her face still looking a bit pale from worry. "That was some impressive control over your Personal Territory. It looks like you were holding back during training."

"Ahaha…" Mana looked for someone, anyone to distract her new boss. "Oh, right! Master Sergeant Tobiichi!" 

She quickly ran over to the inexpressive white-haired girl, who tilted her head in confusion. "Yes? Do you need something?"

"About my brother, the one you call Itsuka Shidou… could you show me to his house today?"

"Don't forget, Origami, you still have to supervise some more drills after this!" Ryouko called from behind. The girl's expression shifted just a smidge.

"Unfortunately, I'll be unable to join you. But rest assured, I can help you find him." A detailed report suddenly appeared in her hands, which she handed to a slightly-overwhelmed Mana. "Here's a report of his daily schedule, including the most frequent roads he takes, the most frequent detours, the most frequent underwear brand he buys…"

"I don't think I need to know the last one!" Mana's face reddened. This girl who claims to be my big brother's girlfriend… she's a little scary, isn't she?

And that's my second chapter... for last weekend. Geez, my update schedule is starting to look like two chapters per week between Saturday and Monday rather than between Saturday and Sunday.

Anyway, if you believe you've found an error or typo, please comment and I'll do my best to remedy it. Thanks for reading!

Falling_Mountainscreators' thoughts
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