
Superbabes Commissioned: Prime - Catwoman

Brought to you by Prime

I don't own DC

We find ourselves once again in Gotham and as usual at Superbabes-we aren't at Superbabes… huh. That always feels kinda weird… okay, let me try again.

We're at Mike's Comics and Games shop, Mike Conroy was sleeping in so his employees were working hard… it's not that hard to believe, despite his usual snark and dismissal of Kyle 8's shenanigans they do tend to do a good job minding the shop.

Mike II and his coworker branded by Mike I, 'Kyle 8' (who wasn't actually named Kyle, nor were there eight of them working simultaneously at the shop) were busy behind the counter doing inventory… well Kyle was doing inventory. Mike was catching up on his issues of Two-piece, as he had seniority and Kyle once again annoyed Mike I, he get to do inventory.

DINGLE-DINGLE the front doorbell jingled, alerting the two to a client as Mike casually said, "Welcome." Before eyeing the buxom white-haired beauty who entered. "Oh. Hey Joy." He said as their boss's girlfriend. Joy Toyoda, aka Superbabes' 'White Rabbit'. Walked into the store and casually looked around.

"Hey, other Mike. Where's my Mike?"

"Upstairs." Said Mike II as Kyle 8 peaked his head up over the counter. Glaring, one might say, suspiciously at Joy. As she nodded her understanding.

"Ah… I see." She smiled, "Such a lazy bones I'll go wake him up."

She waved and walked right out and Mike II went back to his manga, only for Kyle to abruptly declare once she was definitely out of sight and hearing. "You know what I don't get?"

"No. What?" replied Mike, obviously, to his credit, he was legitimately curious, and having some sort of conversation was preferable to awkward silence and Kyle justifiably hard at work doing inventory alone.

"How did Mike get a super babe like her!?" he replied indignantly. And, to be clear he wasn't calling Joy by her profession 'Superbabe' but as an adjective and a noun: A 'Super babe…" Kyle was unaware of Joy's night job, or former JAV career, he's barely talked to her without a very cold Boss Mike looking over his shoulder. "I mean. Have you SEEN Mike?! He's not exactly the best-looking guy in Gotham! He's like a 4 on a good day and Joy is like an 11, maybe a 12 On a bad one."

Mike II just sighed, looking away from his manga. "You see man, it's saying stuff like that is keeping you as 'Kyle 8'."

"Come on Mike it's super suspicious isn't it!?" Mike rolled his eyes, "How did he get a chick like that?!"

"Izzy set them up." Replied Mike bluntly as Kyle reacted to this news with shock. "They're coworkers. They both work at Superbabes-why are you looking at me like that, didn't you know?" he replied confused as Kyle poked his dark-haired head out from beneath the counter, shaking it indignantly.

"No. I didn't know that. Superbabes? That maid café place but with Superheroines?"

"Dude this is why you should come to our DnD games, Izzy brought a whole gaggle of girls to play with us… there's Mel, Leslie, Darcy."

"…Do you think Izzy could set me up?" Kyle asked rather shyly but Mike scoffed.

"Not while you're still a 'Kyle'." he noted wisely. "You know if you came to our games you'd actually me a few of them. Be bold."

Kyle sighed, shook his head, and went back to work. "So that's a no then? We both know I'm not really a DnD guy. I'd come off like a creeper, just hanging out for the girls."

"Why do you work in a game store but hate DnD?" asked Mike but Kyle glared at him indignantly.

"Just because I like comics, and games, doesn't mean I have to like playing DnD! I like Battleax and I have my own comic." Mike just stared at him blankly as Kyle sighed and went back to work. "Okay fine. I have an idea for a comic and some really crappy drawings… I really need to find an artist. You'd think I'd be able to find one in a comics shop." He mumbled as Mike shrugged.

"They're mostly just here to buy them or read them."

Kyle finished up, standing back up as the front doorbell jingled again. "Hey, welcome to Mike's comics and… Games." Kyle and Mike stared in awe at the beautiful Asian woman who entered, and it wasn't Joy the previously beautiful Asian woman, who was Japanese, this one was Chinese. Wearing a neatly pressed pantsuit and matching jacket she entered, checking her phone, but briefly looked around.

"Can we help you miss?" asked Kyle hopefully as she smiled politely at them before shaking her head.

"No thanks, I'm just here to see." She replied with a handwave, and as if summoning her, Joy reappeared from the elevator with a yawning Boss Mike. "Hey, Joy."

"Oh Hey!" she replied cheerily, as Mike waved. "What are you doing here?"

"Orders." Replied the woman with an eye roll, Joy hesitated for a moment and sighed, before nodding.


"So I got this gallery thing I'm going to. It's showing off my art but I hate going to these things alone and everyone I would ask is working, so she sent me here. So want to go to an art gallery tonight?"

"I was going on a date." Replied Joy sourly, patting Boss Mike's arm.

"Bring him along, there's free food, or we could always go out for pizza after." The woman replied as Joy frowned. "The more the better."

"Can I come?" Joy and the beautiful lady suddenly turned on Kyle. Boss Mike, however, glared at him with his usual 'Shut up Kyle' face. "…I like art." He replied hesitantly.

…Joy and the lady shared a look. It was an odd one. But they both seemed to have a silent, perhaps psychic conversation. "Sure." Replied the lady. "Upper East's Gotham art gallery, the event starts at 7:00." She replied, "You're welcome to come… whoever you are." She smiled prettily, and playfully as Kyle decided that maybe he SHOULD introduce himself to the mysterious lady.

"Oh uh my name's-"

"KYLE." Boss Mike declared as Mike II and Joy snorted with laughter, the lady took it in stride as poor Kyle groaned quietly.

"See you there Kyle." She said quickly, "Joy, please come?" Joy looked at Boss Mike who's angry Kyle glare melted under Joy's look and he shrugged as the woman's phone texted, and she looked at it. "…I'll buy Pizza?" she asked almost confused as Mike seemed to nod.

"I like Pizza."

"…Okay I guess we're coming." Replied Joy with a laugh. "Mike let's go dig out your suit."

"…Sure. Be right there." He said before turning on Kyle and Mike II who was suppressing his laughter behind the counter. His shoulders shook with mirth as Joy got back into the elevator heading up. He then turned on Kyle. "Don't be a dick to Joy's friend Kyle." He warned coolly as Kyle melted nervously.

"…Sure Mike." Mike gave him an 'I'm watching you' gesture before heading to the elevator.

"…When I said be bold Kyle?" declared Mike II once Boss Mike went upstairs. "That's not what I meant."

"Maybe." Kyle noted, then looking at the silver lining, "But now I've made an impression!"

"Yeah. As a creeper." Declared Mike. "…Hope you at least have a nice suit."

Time: 7:40 PM. Place: Upper-east Gotham (Gotham Art Gallery)

He rode his moped into Upper-east Gotham and parked in the lot next to Mike's raggedy car. He might have been late but at least Kyle DID have a nice suit. But he still felt a little out of place, less so once he saw Boss Mike and Joy in her SUPER hot glamorous form, next to him in a magnificent figure-flattering dress. "Hey, Kyle." She smiled at him glamorously as he stared at her.

"You look good… Joy." He noted as Mike glared at him.

"Kyle." He said firmly as Kyle sighed. "Late as usual."

"You're really going to do that here?"

"Kyle you pretty much invited yourself to this." Mike noted but Joy lightly slapped his chest and he sighed, rolling his eyes. "…Fine. I'll be nice." He replied quietly as Joy smiled. "Still going to call him Kyle."

"He promised to be nice." Noted Joy conspiratorially as Kyle coughed, clearing his throat.

"Sure… so uh. Which one is-"

"Those. The photographs." Said Joy, pointing to a section of the art gallery that was mainly photos, "I'd say there are only about 20% butts this time. But those were arguably the most popular ones."

"…What?" Sure enough, there were a LOT of nude photos of beautiful women, most of them with big plump asses. "…That is a lot of booty."

"Yeah, Tasha is pretty built," Joy noted, which only confused Kyle further who was obviously not in on the joke. The beautiful lady friend of Joy, who Kyle still didn't know the name of, was dressed in a one-piece shoulderless black dress that hugged her amazing figure. She bounced towards Mike and Joy, her black heels click-clacking quickly as her impressive Asian girl bust wobbled majestically.

"Ha Ha! I totally sold out!" she said winking at Joy and Mike.

"That's great!" replied Joy, Mike glanced at the photos.

"No kidding, you sold all of them?"

"Oh yeah!" She replied with a wink. "With me and Joy here it was natural that Sexy bitches get to win! Dinner is on me." She said cheerfully, "We need to celebrate!"

"We do?" replied Mike surprised but Joy slapped him again, smiling playfully as he blinked at her indignantly.

"She's my best friend we need to be supportive." Replied Joy firmly.

"Yeah alright. I was promised Pizza." Mike replied as Kyle tried to finally introduce himself to her.

"Hey, congratulations," he said as she smirked at him.

"Thanks, Kyle."

"It's actually-" he tried, he failed, but at least he was still involved.

"Now let's go!" she cheered, wrapping her arms not only around Joy's shoulder, but Kyle's as well. Somewhat surprised. "I know a GREAT place!" she said, as Mike followed behind them, "And don't worry Mike they have pizza."

"But I just got here." Kyle noted, but again, he was at least involved.

"Should have gotten here earlier, Kyle." Replied Mike wisely.

"I got all the big art collectors tonight." She declared happily as they went to Mike's car. Kyle heading to his moped "Follow us, Kyle."

"Got it." Joy smiled at him as Mike frowned but didn't say anything. Driving into traffic with Kyle right behind him. They parked outside a dive bar, but while Joy's friend hopped out of the car and rushed in, Mike and Joy stayed in their seats, making Kyle go over to ask.

"Hey. Aren't we going in?"

"Oh. No, we're going to her place." Smiled Joy patiently, "Want to come?"

"I… mean… yes?" Mike shook his head, trying not to smile. "I am very confused."

"Just wait until we start drinking her Nana's homemade wine," Joy noted hesitantly.

"Kyle!" Kyle turned as she suddenly shoved a pair of large pizza boxes into his chest.

"Ooof!" before opening the back door and taking them from him. "My place! Follow us!" she said happily. Before shutting the door. "Onward!" she pointed as Joy raised her hands and cheered, the car speeding off. Kyle quickly got back onto his moped to follow, because he was FAIRLY certain Mike did that on purpose to try and lose him.

"Welcome to Casa De Zhang!" she declared, leading them into a pretty nice two-bedroom, one bath. "Well, Joy has been here before." Kyle had to carry the boxes as she walked into the apartment, grinning at them cheerfully.

"Should I get the huangjiu?" Joy asked as her friend, 'Zhang' apparently, kissed her cheek.

"You just want to drink some of Nana Zhang's good stuff."

"You're acting like you've already had a taste." Noted Joy

"I may have for the nerves." She replied as the two men in the room looked at each other concernedly. Joy walked away into the kitchen with Zhang, and when they returned, Zhang was carrying the plates and Joy was carrying a large cyan ceramic jar, it had a large Chinese character stamped on it, along with a lucky cat beneath it.

"Nana Zhang's homemade huangjiu boys!" declared Zhang as she put the plates down and the small old-fashioned china drinking cups. "Always best to drink-" she said, uncorking the sweet-smelling bottle easily and pouring a good helping in each cup. "-with guests. Lucky, tasty, and the best time in your life. Nana Zhang guaranteed!" she cheered as Kyle blinked at Mike who seemed... resigned?

"Might as well enjoy it Kyle." He mumbled, before clinking his cup with Joy, grinning at him. "Down the hatch." He said before they all raised the cups.

"Ganbei!" cheered Zhang, before they all drank… the cups slamming onto the table… like door knocks.


Time: 8:16 PM. Place Third floor (Zhang's Apartment)

… Time: 9:34 PM.

Ganbei! Ganbei! The words echoed around the room as they cheered and drank… and the next thing Kyle knew he was buried in a pair of big, soft pillowy breasts.

Kyle's eyes rolled in his sockets as his head rose up and down with Zhang's breathing as she drank the rest of the wine. Cheerfully grinning as his red face heated her chest… Mike was on his back on the floor, drunk and asleep after just a couple of glasses he apparently couldn't handle his beer. Makes sense he was a root beer man. But lying on top of him using his husky body like a pillow was a cooing, K-pop humming Joy… Hugging Mike like he was a big teddy bear, her huge breasts bulging on his stomach as she draped her body across him.

"And that's when I had to drag Nana out of the wrestling ring… she really hurt that guy when she suplexed him." Zhang said rather drunkenly, "You're a really good listener." She noted sweetly, ignoring the fact that his face was buried in her cleavage.

"You're really pretty." He declared drunkenly, "…That is some GOOD wine."

"Yeah. Nana feeds it to her tiger to make it purr like a kitten."

"Your nana has a TIGER." He asked in childish awe, "I LOVE tigers." He declared.

"…I can't remember." She laughed prettily, rubbing his head as he lay on top of her on the couch, between her very nice, soft TITS. "…I'll remember when the huangjie wears off. She might have a tiger."

"Tigers are cool." He purred happily, rubbing his face on her breasts as her gravity-defying dress gave up the ghost and her breasts popped out, but Kyle was so out of it he didn't even notice… that's some damn good wine.

"That's what she says!" Replied Zhang adorably, "That's why she might have one!" she put the cup to her lips, tilted it back to drink, and was slightly disappointed that there was no more in her cup before dropping the cup on the floor. "Want to watch a movie with me?" she asked as Kyle moaned happily in her chest.

"SURE…" he said excitedly as he got off of her, and together followed her into her bedroom… stepping over her dress as it fell to the floor, leaving her unaware of her own nudity, despite still being in a sexy black thong. It took him a full ten minutes sitting on her bed, facing a large TV hooked up to a laptop for him to realize that- "You're naked." He breathed in awe.

"…Oh yeah look at that." she replied casually, looking down. "…Eh. I'm used to it." Kyle laughed as she smiled prettily at him. Her own face was red as she bent back over her laptop and wiggled her hips. Kyle's erection trying to escape his pants as he watched her pick a movie…

"Oh, that's porn." He said blearily, and out loud as she dropped her ass onto her bed, crossing her legs as they watched. "…That's pretty hot." They nodded together as the attractive black woman, a 'Bonnie Brownie' was rigorously pounded by a pair of bodybuilders in double penetration. Shrieking in orgasmic pleasure as she was folded in half like a pretzel with her legs behind her head.

"I know right? I've been practicing."


"Oh Yeah. Putting my legs behind my head want to see?"

…A mostly naked, hot, busty, hot, curvy Asian girl, who is also hot… is asking if he wants to see her put her legs behind her head like a pretzel?

You know, it might be the extremely strong Chinese wine, but- "…YES." He said determinedly, looking right at her breasts and nodding firmly. Like this was the most important decision he would ever have to make. And it was. Because she is hot.

Zhang turned around and crawled catlike across the bed, lying directly in the middle as she lay on her back, her large breasts pushing towards the ceiling as she swung her legs up, sliding her hands between them. She opened them up and first pulled her left leg, then her right, hooking her feet behind her head as she rubbed her thighs, smiling prettily at him. Her toes wiggled behind her head… then gyrating her lower body. "Impressive right?"

"YES." He said, nodded dazedly again.

"Looks like it…" She ran her hands down her thighs, gazing at his crotch and slipping towards her own crotch. "…So… hey… quick question. Are you as turned on as I am or is it just me?"

…That Huangjiu is GOOD stuff.

Whatever sense Kyle had was abruptly tossed out her window as he fell forward, maybe drunkenly, but his face landed into her crotch as she moaned excitedly, keeping her legs up behind her head as he then applied an amateurish tongue to her quickly dampening crotch.

Kyle's hands grabbed onto her shapely rear as she cooed, shaking excitedly as he licked her crotch through her underwear. His hands were on her thighs and continuing to lick her. Kyle never had a woman before, but he was finding that he enjoyed the taste. Zhang bucked her hips towards his face, cooing softly, then purring like a kitten as she wrapped her hands around his head. "Haah. Haah!" she panted excitedly, watching Bonnie-Brownie getting gangbanged on screen as Kyle experimented with his newfound favorite flavor.

Zhang shuddered as Kyle's fingers moved her thing aside, getting direct access to her pussy, slipping her tongue between her lower lips as she clawed his hair, bucking her hips towards his face as he pushed her back down moaning softly as his tongue curled against her insides. "Ha! Aah!" her eyes suddenly rolled up into her head as she squirmed, shaking excitedly as she climaxed but Kyle seemed to ignore her, continuing to eat her out before swatting her rear lightly. "ME-OW…" she purred suddenly, "Oh! Oooh!" coming down from her orgasm as Kyle kept licking away. "Oh. Oooh…" she laughed her eyes spinning slightly before focusing on Kyle. "Alright come on pound this kitty…"

Kyle, tongue dripping with Zhang's arousal pulled away from her wet slight and managed a bleary- "What?"

"Want to fuck?" she asked, rubbing herself as he stared at her and nodded again.

"YES." He said, then as if rejuvenated, he speedily removed his pants.

"Whoa record time!" she laughed, remaining submissively as a pretzel as Kyle fell onto her. "Ooh!" feeling his average length against her slit as Kyle lost his virginity, piercing into Pretzel Zhang. Kyle put his hands on her calves, which were by her breasts which is what he was aiming for. But he didn't have time to adjust because he quickly and eagerly began pounding down into her and Pretzel Zhang seemed more than happy to comply with his amateurish virgin thrusts… "Ugh! Ugh! YES!"

In fact, she seemed to be enjoying it more than he did. And he was enjoying it A LOT. He fell onto her and started grinding, pounding away at her body, her hands wrapping around him to rake her fingers playfully across his back as he kept pressing down on top of her. His hips instinctively rose and fell onto her waist, squeezing her legs firmly as he quickly, and rapidly approached his first-time orgasm.

"Ha! Ah! Ah! AAH!" encouraged by her erotic moans, her beautiful face, and her bouncing breasts he fell onto the pretzel lady and groaned as his entire body tensed up and he bucked his hips… he had tried to pull out. But his brain was late in telling his crotch to do so. "Ooooh yeah, Mmngh!" she shuddered in orgasm again, going slightly limp beneath him. "That's the STUFF… Nana Zhang's huangjiu makes it SO much better…" She massaged his back, "…Oh… get off me my legs are cramping." She moaned as Kyle managed to roll off her body. Her legs unhooked from the back of her head to flop onto the bed. She sat up, rubbing her legs. "Don't know how they keep that up." She mumbled, watching Bonnie take two dicks again in the same position. "Oh well."

She then rolled over, and hung over Kyle's lap. Lying across it she fondled his sack and length, lifting up his limp length to wrap her lips back around the tip, slurping off her juices, mingling with the sweetened taste of Nana Zhang's huangjiu, moving her head steadily up and down as he moaned happily, his hand sliding down her body to squeeze at her rear as she moaned around his shaft. "Mmn. Mmn…"

Kyle, his gaze moving from the beautiful woman sucking him off and the beautiful woman getting gangbanged, focused more on the real one. His hand slid from her ass to her head, pushing her faster, and faster into his crotch, bucking his hips up against her face as she continued to loudly slurp on his cock. "Ha-AAH!" he groaned, bucking his hips up against her face before going stiff. Pushing up into her mouth as she moaned, taking his load as he released it into her mouth. She pressed her lips to his base, massaging his shaft with her tongue as she slurped out his load. "Mmn. Mmmn. Aah…" she gasped, pulling her face from his lap. "Haah…" she shot up, sitting on her bed and tossing her head, running her hands over her breasts as she shuddered slightly. "Mmgh!"

Zhang licked her lips, wiggling her rear as she then crawled over him again, facing away before lifting herself on her knees, guiding his cock up towards her as she slowly lowered herself down. "Mmngh!" taking him inside her once again before leaning forward and riding him hard. Zhang's body rose up and down, her head rolling back as she grunted louder and louder, "Ugh! Ugh! MMGNH!!" shaking on top of him as he reached for her waist. Holding on tightly as he began bucking up into her. "Ugh! UGH!! Fuck me, that's it right there. Right THERE…"

Slamming down onto him, gripping her bedding tightly as her shapely rear bounced up and down, rippling against his thrusting hips, her back arched as her head rolled back. "Haah! Aah! YEAH… Mmnngh!" she shuddered, "Oh fuck-fuck-fuck." She hissed, shaking in orgasm, watching Bonnie Brownie taking multiple cum shots on her beautiful ebony skin as she gazed into the camera…

"…Whoa!" Zhang fell forward, ass in the air as Kyle pressed down on her back and began rapidly pumping into her raised rear. "Oh-oh-oh! Ho-ho!" she laughed, "Mmmgh! Get it, get it, go for it!" Face down ass up, Kyle pounded away at her body as she threw her ass back on him, whap-whap-whap!" he pressed his hands on her back, rapidly hammering away into her raised-up ass. "Haah-aah! Aah!!" her gaze drifted to watching Bonnie Brownie's thick caramel ass wobbling wildly as she twerked it, practicing her own attempt under a driven Kyle.

"UGH! UGH! Oooh!" Kyle holding her waist steadily and firmly slammed into her. Once, twice, three times… before he pulled out of her and flipped her over, before resting his length between her soft breasts. Kyle held her breasts together, squeezing his cock tightly between them before a thick, dollop of cum shot from his tip onto her chin, her neck… She pushed her breasts together, wrapping her lips around his tip and briefly slurping on it. "Mmn-mnn…" before letting her head fall backward to watch the movie finally go to black on a cum covered Bonnie Brownie.

"…Huh. I forgot to turn the sound on again." she mumbled drearily as Kyle fell over and faceplanted happily on the floor. "…Whoops." She mumbled, and almost in a trance she got up and rolled off the bed, stumbling off as she wobbled to her bathroom. "Oh, that's cute." She mumbled sleepily, watching Joy continue to sleep off the Huangjiu on her beached whale of a boyfriend…

That was mean, he was a big guy but he actually looked like he's lost some weight… probably regular sex with Joy. Sex-aerobics. Give Orders a week to set it up, OH! And with Lucy teaching! Shame Zhang wasn't going to remember most of her brilliant ideas. Nana Zhang Huangjiu had that effect.

Zhang had enough energy and leftover Huangjiu to slip into her bath, rinse, wash, and rinse again before getting out, drying herself off, and tossing on a sexy silk bathroom. Walking back into her bedroom and, with a stroke of some kindness she managed to haul Kyle awkwardly onto her bed, before flopping on herself across his legs… snoring instantly. Nana Zhang's Huangjiu finally wore off.

Time: 7:23 AM. Place: Yaya's Apartment (Yaya's bedroom)

"Ugh… what hit me?" mumbled Kyle, his eyes blinking open and his face slightly sore. "Oh, my head." He sat up and blinked down at the sexy bath-robed-dressed woman snoring contentedly over his legs. "…What-"Then it hit him. He stared blankly into space as the events of what happened came back to him… the fact that he wasn't wearing pants was a big hint. "YES." He hissed happily as Zhang suddenly woke up.

"No Orders! I'll cut you in!" she declared sleepily, before blinking at Kyle. "Oh hey. How's your face?" she asked casually.

"…Kinda sore." He noted now that his brain was back on task and his sense of shame returned, scrambling to get his pants but Zhang seemed unconcerned at what they did.

"Yeah, you did eat my carpet last night." She noted, then laughed at her unintentional joke. "Oh! Well, you did do that AND you face-planted my floor. Should've said that." she laughed again, "Ha-ha… oh don't look at me like that Kyle it was the Huangjiu… and the 'Bonnie Brownie'… AND my good mood, you're welcome." She smiled as Kyle sighed reluctantly before finally, he managed to say.

"…Actually Zhang, my name isn't Kyle."

"That's okay. My name is Yaya." She replied casually, hands on her hips. "…So wait, your name isn't Kyle?"

"It's sort of a 'title' thing until Mike deems you worthy." He mumbled. She blinked at him for a moment before asking curiously.

"Speaking of worthy… are you rich?"

"What?" he asked as she raised an eyebrow at him.

"Are you rich?" she repeated.

"…No? Comfortably middle class." He replied nervously. "…Why?"

"…No reason." She replied, frowning as if the size of his wallet now offended her. "Just wondering why my boss… never mind." She shook her head. "…Heir to a fortune?"

"Middle Class." He repeated.

"…Budding inventor?"

"No, but…." Kyle said hesitantly, finally getting his pants on. "I do have some comic ideas." He said, but shrugged, "…But I'm no artist I'm just a writer, I have been looking for one though while working at Mike's." Yaya suddenly had a look of 'huh' on her face, then she was thoughtful.

"Well, my art is photography but I do have some old art school friends who dabble in comics. I could talk to a couple if you like." Before adding in as a joke. "For a small finder's fee."

"Whoa seriously?"

"Yeah… I did kinda take advantage of you under the effects of my Nana's Huangjiu, it's only fair." She said sheepishly as Kyle was not going to complain but she apologized anyway. "Sorry about that Kyle-… actually. What is your real name?"

"Humphrey." He replied as Yaya coughed, smiling.

"…Stick with Kyle." She noted as he frowned at her.

"Hey!" he replied indignantly.

"Hey!! Some of us are trying to sleep!" shouted Joy irately from the living room as Mike moaned in response.

"Not anymore… and NEVER AGAIN." he added his huangjiu oath as Yaya and… Humphrey… walked out of her bedroom to find Joy curling back up on Mike's stomach.

"Shush… I'm sleepy." Joy replied, nuzzling him again contentedly as Yaya raised an eyebrow.

"…Want breakfast?" she asked Humphrey casually, as if Joy snoozing drunkenly on her floor was nothing new.


"I'll get you those contacts later." Replied Yaya as Humphrey watched her backside, almost peeking out from beneath her silky robe. "And get your eyes off my ass, Kyle." She ordered as Kyle sighed.

"…Great." He mumbled. "That's just going to be a thing forever." It wasn't, but it was for now…

Nobody who worked under Mike was a Kyle forever… except the first Kyle. That guy was a dick.


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