
Superbabes Commissioned: Definitely Not Dio - Raven

Brought to you by Patreon Supporter Definitely-Not-Dio

I don't own DC

She was absolutely, completely, and utterly… sore… Superbabes' own big titty Goth girl Raven just woke up from a seemingly LONG sleep but thought that maybe it might have been better just to stay up all night anyway, she'd be less tired.

"Fuuuuuuck." She groaned tiredly rubbing her head before trying to sit up, then realizing there was a collection of men surrounding her, and two on top of her, one lay across her chest with his large olive-skinned cock nestled limply between her big Goth Girl titties. The other was draped across her lap, in the opposite direction, his upper body hanging off the bed as she mumbled irately, feeling the cock between her tits twitch playfully as if greeting her…

It didn't help that it was nice and Raven approved. She scowled at the bulging tip before groaning again, trying to push him off her body as he rolled down like a lumbering boulder. "What the fuck…?" she groaned, rubbing her head… she didn't remember drinking anything… actually, the last thing she remembered was… was…

A gorgeous woman, NOT her best friend, tapped her on the forehead and all of a sudden she was a horny freak of nature orgasming over and over without any control, crawling into the tub to try and control her raging arousal with cold water but it didn't help… Then after an hour of orgasmic torture, Veronica finally showed her pretty face and-

"Oh, we had a fucking Orgy." She grumbled tiredly, looking around the hotel room and, sure enough, it was like someone raided a greek model convention, stripped them naked, and shoved them into their room to work out some sexual issues. At least a dozen beautiful bodies lay draped over or tangled up together, sleeping contentedly… there was a short hair fitness goddess with a cock still in her mouth, sleeping as if she was sucking on her tongue. Raven only made note of this because there was a familiar redhead buried in the beautiful female's fit Olympically athletic ass… evidently, she didn't need to breathe, it's possible she could survive only on sex.

"V." Raven groaned, shoving the sleeping big dicked Greek men off her body. "V!!" she shouted again as a majority of the naked orgy participants groaned, rolled over, or smothered themselves into the body parts of their partners regardless of sticky or wet conditions. She glared at her best friend with her face buried in sexy ass, her long red hair hanging matted out the back of her head…

It kinda made her look like a horse's ass. But Raven scowled and finally pried her leg out from beneath the adonis on top of her and accidentally treading on a young Spanish woman lying between a very African-looking woman and a distinctly Asian-looking man.

"Hey watch where you're stepping."

"Aye some of us are trying to sleep!" the Asian man groaned in an oddly thick Scottish accent, his thick Raven-approved cock resting between her Spaniard's legs and prodding the black woman's crotch as Raven growled in increasing anger as her aching, sore ass and pussy throbbed with wonderful memories that she couldn't remember and tried to avoid treading on people.

"V!" Raven scowled as the metaphorical and perhaps literal horse's ass finally moaned between the fantastic ass cheeks she was using as a face warmer. "V!!!" Raven shrieked angrily, grabbed her best friend by the hair and yanked her out and FINALLY woke her up as well as most of the other orgy participants. Who groaned irately at being disturbed after a quite honestly epic night of debauchery… and a lot of them couldn't even remember most of it.

"Good morning!" Veronica smiled with pussy juice, and perhaps other fluids, sticking to her lips as the woman whose holes were intimate with those very same lips moments before orgasmed excitedly. Still sucking that cock in her mouth like a pacifier.

"Get them out V." she mumbled angrily before letting go of Veronica's hair. She rubbed her eyes, "God fucking damn it." she stumbled over a few more bodies before finally snapping. "OUT! EVERYONE OUT! EXO!" she shouted as everyone began groaning and mumbling, rising like a mass of naked and tired zombies before shuffling over to a discarded pile of clothes. Bras, shirts, dresses, a kilt… just shoved in a corner as the orgy participants began dressing themselves.

Raven however went straight into the bathroom, groaning tiredly as she looked herself in the mirror and sighed at the signs of sticky, dried cum all over her body. "Fuck…" she groaned, stumbling towards the shower and turning on the water letting it heat up as she, irately, combed her fingers through her dark hair to pull apart the dried cum matted spots. "Ow… Ow. Oww.." she grumbled tiredly.

She was used to orgies, and walking up under or around bodies. When you've lived with Veronica long enough you expect it… but she really, REALLY wished, they'd stop fucking her unconscious and getting cum in her hair, it hurt to get it out when it dried… She wondered if the ancient Greeks had this problem.

"Bye! Bye, guys! And Girls! See you around Angus!" Veronica cheered before slamming the door and entering the bathroom smiling at the irate Raven. "Want breakfast?" Raven glared at her, but Veronica just continued. "We might be out of luck the kitchen staff just woke up after all." she noted knowingly, her green eyes glancing out the bathroom door to imply that most of the orgy participants were hotel staff… makes sense…

Giving Room service a whole new yet somehow very familiar feeling.

"God Damn it V." Raven groaned tiredly, "We were supposed to go to the theater!" she finished yanking out some of her hair before hopping into the steaming hot shower, hosing down her big goth girl titties and her shapely body before she was quickly joined by Veronica. "God damn it." she groaned as the redhead's skilled hands began casually washing her best friend's body as Raven pouted irately, slapping away her hands once only for Veronica to continue her playful, self-satisfying groping… Veronica loved huge tits after all. Especially big natural ones like Raven's…

Though she'll still fuck just about anything with a pulse.

"Damn it V cut it out I'm mad at you!" Raven scowled slapping away Veronica's hands again as the redhead pouted, Raven turned to face the taller girl, letting the water spray onto her head from behind to soak out the dried cum still in her hair. "We were supposed to go to the theater!" she repeated, "Instead we had a damn orgy!"

"I didn't know we were going to have an Orgy!" Veronica replied with a quivering lower lip.

"We. ALWAYS! HAVE! AN ORGY!!" Raven noted accurately. Veronica buried her beautiful face into Raven's titties… always a favorite spot of hers, Raven growled angrily while Veronica wiggled her rear suggestively.

"Don't be mad…" cooed Veronica pleadingly. "You were so happy to get all those dicks in you!"

"Why are you a bigger pain in my ass than a giant cock up it!?" snapped Raven as Veronica whimpered like a puppy before putting Raven's nipples into her mouth and sensually suckling on them. Raven blushed, feeling Veronica's hands on her sore ass, squeezing it possessively as Raven groaned again.

"Mmngh-mmn! Mmgn-mnn Mmn mmngh…" Veronica mumbled with a tit-filled mouth.

"Damn it V, stop talking with your mouth full!" Raven scowled as Veronica's mouth popped off her tit, and it wobbled back into place elastically… Raven's big soft goth girl titties were amazing like that. Firm, but with plenty of squishy bounce. Veronica rested her chin back between them gazing up at her bestie.

"You didn't take that many giant cocks."

"God. damnit. V." Raven scowled, "I wanted just ONE damn night where you didn't start an orgy! I wanted to go to a real Greek theater! But NOoooooo…" she frowned, "I have to be best friends with the sluttiest slut that ever slut!"

"So we're still friends?" Veronica asked cutely as Raven sighed.

"Yes… you nymphomaniac bitch." If she hasn't stopped being her friend after everything they have already been through together there was no way they were going to stop now… "But those tickets were non-refundable. I'm still mad at you!"

"Oh! Well, I might already have a fix for that!" Veronica smiled, "I'll tell you about it in a minute."

"What? GOD DAMN IT!" hissed Raven as Veronica dropped to her knees and buried her face into Raven's crotch, making the big titty goth girl moan loudly, shuddering against Veronica's face as the redhead's tongue slithered snakelike against her inner walls, scraping and writhing excitedly inside her as she licked out any leftover cum, as well as swallowing Raven's yummy arousal. Her hands slid up Raven's thick hips, clawing to her big breasts and squeezing firmly as Raven's head rolled back and moaned loudly.

"You… FUCKING…" moaned Raven, "Red-headed… SLUT…!"

"MMmngh!" Raven's knees buckled as she clung desperately to Veronica's head to stay standing, only for Veroncia to rip away from her quivering pussy, laughing as Raven flopped onto her and Veroncia cuddled Raven in the tub. Giggling as water hosed down onto them, swatting Raven's rear playfully as the big titty goth bestie orgasmed again.

"Fuck fuck FUUUUCK…" Veronica shoved her tongue into Raven's mouth and moaned excitedly, grinding on Raven's thighs. "you horny bitch." Raven groaned once Veronica pulled away, wriggling against her only for Raven to slip her hands under Veronica and haul her out of the tub.

"AH!" bouncing on her but and pouting at Raven as she glared down at her. they stuck out their tongues at each other. Veronica laughed as Raven slid the curtain shut.

The buxom goth girl eventually, after many MANY minutes of showering, turned off the shower and got out of the bath. Feeling squeaky clean, if not still a little wobbly. She ignored Veronica and walked right into her room to get a change of clothes… thankfully it DID NOT smell like it suffered through a 24-hour sex orgy. That was just Veronica's room… she finally got some clothes on before returning and finding Veronica sitting naked at her table, casually reading her phone.

"…Well?" asked Raven as Veronica looked up and smiled.

"Oh! Right. Hang on." She put her phone down. "Where did I put it?" she said curiously, kneeling by her bed. "…I hope nobody took them." She said as Raven stared at her.

"Took what?" she asked hesitantly but then Veronica triumphant cheered.

"Ah! Found them!" she produced a pair of golden tickets, glistening in her hand and embroidered with purple lettering. Immediately Raven was suspicious… she's grown to be suspicious of ANYTHING Purple…

"Achoo!" Orders looked around, frowned, then went back to her crosswords. "If you're going to be like that no help from me."

"I got these from a friend!" Veronica said, "She was SUPER nice." She said slipping into a valley girl-like air as she smiled, Raven stared at her… she didn't remember much about what happened yesterday except for the magic orgasm woman… but if she had heard her speak she might have noticed a similarity. "She dropped by during the Orgy after her date but then after a few blowjobs she had to leave again. BUT! She gave me these!"

"WHAT are those?" Raven asked suspiciously.

"They're tickets to some big invite-only party!" replied Veronica. "A real Greek Bacchanal!"

"Fffff-UCK no!" declared Raven with a hiss of finality, pointing irately at Veronica and walking away.

"Wait-wait-WAAAAAIT!" Veronica moaned pleadingly, clinging to Raven's waist as she tried to walk away and failed… Veronica could be an efficient deadweight when she felt like it.

"NO way in hell! You? Me? A bunch of drunk partiers? No fucking way. We just HAD an orgy!"

"Come Oooooon!" Veronica cooed pleadingly. "Please?! A lot of famous people will be there! Movie Stars! Rockstars! Pornstars!"

"How exactly is that supposed to convince me?!" Raven replied as Veronica pouted up at her.

"…If you don't go. I'm going to end up going by myself." Veronica replied, "My new friend said this is the party of the year!" Raven glared down at her. "Pretty please? You know I can't have fun at parties without you there!"

Raven continued to glare down at her as her puppy dog eyes watered and her bottom lip quivered, she then took a deep breath and held out her hand. Pinky out. "SWEAR to me. A V.N.A. pinky promise right now. You WON'T start an orgy!" Veronica stared at her friend for a minute, before embracing Raven's pinky with her own.

"I swear not to start an orgy." She declared, pinky promising her bestie.

A V.N.A. pinky promise was an unbreakable oath between them with horrifying consequences. She shook their pinky hands up and down, once, twice, three times before letting go and slapping their hands together in a high five and embracing in another, firmer handshake.

"You've sworn to me V. Don't you forget it!" Veronica saluted seriously, although she was still naked, but she quickly got up.

"Yep Yep YEP!" Veronica replied cheerfully. "Breakfast? I think the guys must have recovered enough by now."

"Yeah Sure…" she then took one of the golden tickets… and stared at it curiously. The letters kept changing like some sort of mechanical hologram…

First was 'Bacchanal' then it was a location. 'Mount Pelion.'… and then finally a Time-

Time: 8:45 PM. Place: Mount Pelion (Bacchanal Party)

"I can't believe we drove 300 miles to some woods out in the middle of nowhere." Raven declared dressed in a sexy, black shoulder-less corset and matching black skirt, and laced-up black boots. She looked like a Goth ready to party with her black lipstick and eyeliner.

"360 kilometers." Veronica, who always looked ready to party no matter the occasion or what she dressed in, replied knowingly. Stupid, highly intelligent Math Polymath. She was dressed in a purple tube top, miniskirt, and high heels.

"Don't be math smart with me right now V." Raven declared as they walked out of their rental car and through the parking lot FILLED with other vehicles of various sizes to what seemed to be a massive natural forest with a line of people out front.

But it was odd. There was a large, towering man in a golden suit by a path through the trees that lead to a strobe-lights-filled grove of partiers… but everywhere else on either side of the path was black as pitch, which was weird because the lights from the grove could probably have helped airplanes land.

Still, the girls walked past the line of people standing beside the dark parts of the forest, Raven briefly wondered what was stopping them from just going through past the bouncer into the party. Apart from the ominous feeling from the darkness... "Don't we have to get in line?"

"Nope!" Veronica replied cheerfully as the people looked at them jealously, or lustfully… many of them were wearing weird fur pants. "My friend says those with tickets are VIPs!" she declared cheerfully as they approached the golden man.

He towered over them, with a stone face… which was ironic because it was so bronzed it looked like it could've been literally made of metal. "Tickets." He held out his right-hand palm up… he didn't even move his lips and his voice sounded mechanical and hollow.

Veronica held up both tickets, her arm around Raven's shoulder "She's with me!" and she placed them longways on the metal-looking man's hand and-SLOOP! The tickets shot up his huge wrist like there was a vacuum in his suit.

"…Stick to the Path." He said warningly, gesturing them inside as Veronica cheered. "Enjoy."

The girls walked down the forest path… then entered the grove which was a LOT bigger than expected.

It was more like a football field and an open nightclub mixed together, with a live band on a stage that somehow they didn't see from outside the grove. "The Satyrs? Never heard of them." Raven noted frowning as the hairy-chested men wearing fur pants rocked out on drums, a lyre, a pan flute, and an electric guitar. They weren't even all men, a gorgeous green-haired woman was playing the lyre in a toga.

"PARTY!!!" cheered someone in the crowd as everyone else shouted. "PARTY!!" back. Followed by

"Di-O! Di-O! Di-O!" though it was mostly women. Veronica and Raven watched through the crowd as a guy in a toga put his lips to a giant mason jar and tilted it back. "CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!"

"…We just got here." Sighed Raven as suddenly Veronica squealed delightedly as she was snatched from Raven's side by beautiful girls, equally as beautiful as Veronica herself, who was freakishly gorgeous, to begin with.

"Sister! Dance with us!" the beautiful girls said as Veronica happily obliged…

"Hey, there SEXY you come here often?!" Raven, slightly disoriented from the smells of wine, the party atmosphere, and the smell of sex recoiled at the hairy man beside her dancing suggestively in his fur pants, winking at her with his long billy goat beard. "Names Billy Goat. Because I'm the greatest!" he joked as Raven stared at him, turned, and walked away. Shoving her way through the crowd she managed to get to some sort of bar.

"This was a mistake." She declared as a bartender seemed to slide in front of her. She could hear Veronica laughing in the dance crowd, making new friends as Raven rubbed her eyes. That was usually how it went, Veronica had fun and Raven hung out on the side waiting to spray off her admirers and take her home…

"Usually you have a drink first." Replied the bartender as Raven looked up, "But no judgements." He said.

…He was an older man, with a neatly groomed beard and shortly cut hair… He could've been in his late fifties, or early sixties… but he also was in far better shape than his completely white hair would imply... He smiled almost fatherly at her, "Might I offer you one? I'm afraid the Bacchanal has a 'must drink something' minimum." He noted almost tiredly as Raven groaned.

"…Give me something small."

He chuckled, then poured her a very, VERY small cup of bright red wine that smelled like honey and strawberries… which was weird, but still tantalizing. Raven took the small cup and examined it, before pouring it down her throat. It burned all the way down but in a good way, warming her insides delightfully.

"Wow. What was that?"

"The host's special blend. He comes up with a new one every Bacchanal." Replied the suave older man. "If you don't mind me prying… but this doesn't seem like the sort of thing you attend." He noted politely as Raven sighed, then rolled her eyes.

"What gave it away."

He chuckled, "I'm an… excellent judge of character." He replied, "…Comes from years of being a full-time teacher and part-time bartender."

Raven stared at him, before jerking her thumb over her shoulder right at Veronica. She always seemed to know where she was. "…See the pretty redhead on the dance floor?"

"I'm afraid you're going to have to be-"

"She's the one that looks ready to strip and bang everyone in her arm's reach?"

"How does that- Oh… huh… yes." He smiled at Raven and nodded. "I see what you mean."

"That woman." Raven cooed, her lips liberally loosened after merely one drink. "Is my best friend in the WHOLE world. And a complete and utter slut. We can't go anywhere without her having SEX."

"Hmn." He noted, listening to her problems politely like a proper bartender. Noticing hesitantly. "I do happen to know people like that."

"Don't tell her this. I love her… but she's a fucking Nympho, just once I'd like to do best friend things that don't end with me taking a massive, thick COCK inside me. Pardon my french Mr. Teacher." She noted, wagging the empty glass. "Can I get another? Do I have to pay?"

"I'm not that kind of teacher… and no." he said cheerfully, pouring her another. "All drinks are provided by the host."

"Why the hell isn't everyone drinking this stuff?!" she asked amazed.

"They're waiting for my… cousins to arrive." He noted, "Anyway… if she's such a problem child… why do you put up with her?" he asked sagely, as Raven glared at him.

"…Because she's my best friend and I love her." Raven repeated honestly. "That crazy bitch and I are going to be stuck together no matter what we say… and… I know she means well…" The bartender poured himself a small drink, putting it to his lips as Raven added completely filter-free, drinking her own glass. "She knows I like big fucking horse cocks."

SPLIIIT! He coughed, spitting his drink onto the floor. "…Beg pardon?"

"Oh…" Raven replied, her face very red and finishing her drink. "I like big dicks and I can't lie."

"…Ah…" he said with a light laugh." Evidently Not. "Well if that is the case. Then you should meet my cousins… rowdy as they are."

"FUCK I don't want a rowdy fucking dick." moaned Raven drunkenly, "Sometimes a girl just wants to worship a fucking cock we don't want to get railed over and over!" she grabbed the bottle from his hand and downed it in one quick gulp as he watched her curiously. Raising a white eyebrow. "…Cousins?" she asked as he cleared his throat. Grabbing another bottle.

"My cousins…" he repeated, opening the new bottle as she slammed the one she had on the counter.

"…Is it genetic?" she asked as he chuckled.

"Well yes, that's actually very complicated but genetically we are-"

"Want your big dick sucked?" she breathed, face read and body gyrating to the music which seemed to have… an effect on her wine-addled mind.

He stared at her with big blue eyes before noting politely. "My dear girl I don't think you understand-" but Raven suddenly scrambled over the counter. "Oh!" he mumbled as she flopped onto the other side of the counter. "Are you alright?!" he noted as she pushed herself…

Huh… that's unexpected.

She grabbed his long, THIN front legs, covered in snow-white hair…

"…Did you know you have hooves?" she asked curiously.

"I am aware of it… yes." She crawled between his legs… and her face tapped against a growing, thick, cock… "…Miss. Oh my…" he groaned as her hands wrapped around the smooth, leathery girth and firmly began stroking him, sitting on her knees as she focused ONLY on the big monster dick before her…

And not the hole 'he has a horse's lower body' thing. She double-fisted his thick, girthy horse dick, sliding her hands up and down his throbbing girth as he instinctively bucked towards her face, punching his bulging head towards her as she pressed her lips to it. "Mmmgh!" shoving her tongue into his urethra as he clopped awkwardly over her.

"That is… you could teach a LOT of nymphs something…"

"I'm not a fucking nympho." She noted, miss hearing him, "I'm a god damn SIZE QUEEN." She declared proudly, opening her mouth and sucking his bulbous head between her lips. "MMGH! MMngh!"

It might have looked like a horse dick but it tasted like a human enough to not impede Raven's size queen lust. Though not even a size queen like her could comfortably take a cock his size into her throat without unhinging her jaw. Bobbing her head back and forth, sliding her hands up and down his shaft and practically punching her own face as she slid her lips up and down.

The horse man bartender held the counters as he clopped awkwardly above Raven, trying not to destroy her mouth by suddenly thrusting towards her face in a lust-filled haze… he had higher standards than that… but his balls tensed eagerly, ready to spurt into the big titty goth's mouth as she continued to moan around his girth. "Mmgnh! Mmngh!"

"Ugh! Young lady! I suggest!" he tried, but he failed…

Raven moaned, cum flooding so quickly into her mouth it burst from her nose, her eyes rolled up into her head as she swallowed the thick salty goo, pulling off his shaft and gasping for breath as it twitched in her hands. She gasped… cum oozing from her lips into her bulging breasts as she almost mechanically moved… and removed her clothes. "Still fucking hard? Let's fix that." she cooed, taking her big goth girl titties and engulfing his meat.

"oh that's new!" he declared with rather depraved laughter.

"YO! CHIRON! Can we get a refill?!" 'Chiron' slammed his hand twice on the counter and a pair of giggling beauties approached.

"Yes, Mr. Chiron?" Raven cooed around his shaft, squeezing her big goth girl tits around his cock, sliding it up and down as he tried to give orders without interruption.

"Refill the host's drink. Get another barrel from storage."

"Yes Sir!" cheered one of them, but the other looked over the counter and giggled sweetly.

"Good for you Mr. Chiron!" she cheered before they pranced away in their togas as Chiron groaned, bucking toward Raven's face as she continued to stroke his cock with her massive goth girl titties.

"You have a gift for this!" he groaned as Raven moaned around his bulging cock tip as it pushed against her face from between her cleavage, moaning delectably around his Horse dick. "It's going to cum out again!" he warned, "It's cumming!"

Bop. Bop. Bop.

The flat tip of his horse dick slammed against her face, then bulged between her tits as she opened her mouth and moaned drunkenly. BLUURRT! A firehose of semen sprayed onto Raven's beautiful pale goth girl face…

She might have been concerned for her makeup if she wasn't already super drunk and her black lipstick was smeared all over the tip of Chiron's girth and her black mascara running down her cum covered face. Then covered in cum she applied the rest of it to his shaft, smearing black lines along his leathery member as she slowly peeled her cum covered clothes from her body. Then turned around, lifted her hips up, and pressed her quivering pussy lips to his tip, on her hands and knees she rubbed her pussy against his shaft as he awkwardly tried to push toward her. but then stop.

"No! no wait a moment now." He mumbled, seemingly collecting himself as Raven moaned… then stopped trying to take his cock like a bitch and rolled over. "What-Oh… oh my." He mumbled as she wrapped her arms around his underside, clinging to him like a koala, shimmying down his body, rubbing her clit, and her stomach on his shaft as she gyrated and writhed beneath him. "MMgh!"

"I want… this big. Fucking. HORSE COCK." growled Raven excitedly, before finally. "HAah… AAAH…"

It stretched her insides to CAPACITY… one wrong move and she was bleeding internally, she rocked and writhed on him, his tip scraping her inner walls as he bucked JUST enough for her to feel it, but not DIE by it…

The benefit of not fucking an actual horse and just half of one: They tend to have some control… at least this one does.

"Ugh. UUGH!" groaned Chiron as Raven continued to slide his big dick in and out of her tight slippery pussy, shuddering, and shaking around him like an expensive flesh light as she buried her face in his underfur and tried not to scream in orgasmic bliss. Shuddering, shaking as she slammed herself onto his shaft… feeling his cock bulging, throbbing, and finally… filling.

"MMMNGH!!" she howled into his white fur, her pussy EXPLODING with thick horse man dick pulling down beneath him before her fingers slipped and she flopped down onto the floor with a thump. Her pussy gaping as she gasped, cum oozing out of her before another thick dollop of semen sprayed from his tip onto her naked body… pooling on her big tits and face, oozing into her skin as she lay splayed drunkenly beneath him before climbing up his legs… pressing her gooey face back to his cock, and wrapping her lips back around him. "Mmngh…"

"You are… very liberated… are you related to a nymph?" he chuckled.

"She's a nympho…" moaned Raven whorishly as her body trembled in pleasure. Legs spread apart and pussy oozing his load and worshiping the thick horse dick before she once again turned around, and raised her ass up. Feeling him back against her raised pussy before riding her doggy style, "Ugh! Ugh! UGH!! SLUTTY! WHORE…" groaned Raven, taking that Horse dick like a CHAMP. Chiron barely holding on…

Meaning he was trying not to utterly destroy her insides AND resisting the urge to thoroughly coat her womb again. lifting Raven's toes off the floor with each thrust but getting no deeper than her pussy would allow, Chiron groaned quietly, reared his head back… and had enough. Sighing resignedly, and contentedly, spraying her insides with his pulsating girth unto she flew off from the sheer firehose force of his cum. She flopped onto the ground with a groan, legs spread out, ass slightly upright and twitching… her big breasts pressed to the floor as she moaned whorishly, eyes rolling up into her head and letting dollops of cum pour out of her like a geyser…

"PHEW! That's…" Chiron sighed, "…Wow." He noted, accidentally giving Raven one more spurt across her body. "I can't remember the last time I did that…" he laughed. "And I remember a LOT."

"Blluurugh…" Raven replied tiredly, eyes rolling up in her head and cum bubbling from her mouth.

"Ooooooooh… shit." He flinched, "…Young Lady? Young miss?"

"ALICE!" Veronica loomed over the counter, frowning down at her. "There you are! I've been looking all over for you! Meet my friends! Though they think I'm a distant cousin or something…"

"Bluuurgh…" Alice moaned as the two pretty girls also looked down at her, grinning cheekily.

"Oooh she took a CENTAUR… I love it when that happens." Said one.

"Hey, Chiron how come you don't play with us like that?" cooed the other. "It's always boring lectures."

He cleared his throat, his aged face furiously red. "Ah… Daphne? Sinope? Would you mind terribly taking this young lady, and her clothes, and cleaning her up in the bathing River?"

"OH! Which one's Daphne?! I know a Daphne she is AWESOME." Beautiful girl One, apparently Daphne, winked at Veronica before they both grabbed Alice between them, hauling her from the floor and carefully carrying her away… "They're really nice."

"Well you caught them on a good day, Naiad's are a little unpredictable sometimes." He said quietly, watching them go. He then turned back to Veronica, his eyes narrowing suspiciously. "…Are you part nymph?" she blinked at him.

"Don't think so. My family's Scottish…" she replied frowning, "Anyway. Are you a horse man?"

"My dear girl I am a Centaur." He said with a charming smile, "…And I have done your friend a large disservice."

"Oh trust me she'll complain about it later but she loved EVERY second of that." smiled Veronica happily. "She loves big dicks… me too, actually all dicks." She drummed the counter cheerfully. "And if I didn't promise my bestie I wouldn't start an orgy I'd have my turn with that thing too!" she said but winked at him. "But a promise is a promise." Before adding with an adorably serious look. "V.N.A. for life."

Chiron raised an eyebrow at her. "…Hmn… well are you at least enjoying the party?"

"I am!" she smiled, and he nodded.

"…Then between you and me. Do me a small favor, my dear. When your friend gets back, take her out of here…" he said concernedly, "…You need to go before my cousins get here… or you WILL break your promise and she WILL… probably, die… she'd die happy. But she will die…" he said seriously as Veronica pouted.

"…Well I don't want her to die." She said, seriously. "…Thanks Mr. Kairon."

"You are quite welcome, my dear." He poured himself some more wine as Veronica ran off… he took a sip and poured out another. "…Did you enjoy that?" he asked as a beautiful woman in a glossy outfit appeared suddenly opposite him and took a drink from the glass.

"I did that poor girl a disservice… I felt it was only fair. Plus I LOVE my new friend, like… she's awesome."

"And the fact that you had her have sex with a practically celibate old man like me had nothing to do with it, Aphrodite?" he asked as the beautiful woman shifted into ANOTHER beautiful woman, her glowing eyes twinkling mischievously.

Time: 9:33 PM. Place: Road to Athens (Rental Car)

"UUGH… what happened?" Alice moaned exhaustedly. "…Feels like I fucked a horse…"

"Funny thing… you DID!" Veronica replied excitedly as Alice pulled her face from the window to look at Veronica.

"…I did what?"

"He was a CENTAUR." She replied excitedly, "We just parted with a centaur, and some nymphs! And satyrs! And-" she paused as… what seemed to be a herd of collage boys on horses cheering rode past them… except they weren't ON horses… they WERE Horses. "…That's a lot of horse cock." she said, pulling to the side of the road to let them pass. "…That Kai guy was right." She noted, "…We probably would've died from being fucked to death."

"…V." mumbled Alice quietly, watching the rowdy horde of partying horsemen ride by.

"Yes Alice?" smiled Veronica.

"…No more parties please." She sighed lying tiredly on the window again. "…Wait until we're back in Gotham." She then held out her pinky again as Veronica looked at it. "…V.N.A?"

"…V.N.A." replied Veronica sweetly as they did their oath…

Besties for life.


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