
Superbabes Commissioned: Skymouse - Rampage

Brought to you by Skymouse

I don't own DC

'Rampage' is Skymouse's personally created Superbabe. Check out their story for her and other fun (semi-non-canon) romps on Hentai Foundry HERE or at the link below 

Orders rubbed her purple eyes, trying to restrain the headache that has been increasingly growing all night, now technically early morning. She opened one eye and got an eyeful of thick blue bombax, twitching and twerking as its owner bent over the couch, struggling to stay standing up as she tried to… calm herself. "Mmmng!" Livewire shuddered in pleasure as a look of ecstasy appeared on her beautiful blue features.

"…Is she going to be alright?" asked relative new girl and sexy seven-foot-tall buxom Rampage just finishing changing into her purple leotard uniform, curious at the sight of Livewire evidently having hardcore sex with an invisible man.

Rampage originally wasn't supposed to be on shift tonight, but Orders needed a bit of sexy muscle and her usual selection of sexy muscle was unavailable. Ronnie-Bell was off tonight because she got off a day shift, steroid-enhanced muscles or not, even she needed some sleep. And Rebecca had a family emergency so she couldn't work tonight… sure there was still Ashley, but fuck Ashley… So that left Rampage, who more than graciously accepted not only a chance for extra hours but maybe the opportunity for a roll or two in the hay with whoever decided to order her tonight.

Her sex-fiend Greek magic infused body was aching for a good time. Certainly not in an uncontrollable way, like Starfire stuck in a sex addict meeting or anything like that. Or in a blue half-alien currently orgasming by one of the couches right now sort of way. But in a regularly normal way… as normal as infused magic bodies can be of course.

"Haaah!" she blinked as Livewire released a shuddering gasp and her thick blue bombax wobbled majestically as it displayed a spasmodic twerk that would've gotten her at least fifty bucks in tips on the floor… and a hundred on potentially any stripper stage. "Joder, hijo de puta, estúpido... Oh, Dios!" her bombax wobbled majestically then she dropped to her knees, face down in the couch cushions and nobody banging her from behind… not her usual Friday night.

"…That was mostly just her swearing." Noted the multi-lingual Rampage concernedly.

"I'm aware." Orders replied also multi-lingual, not concerned about Livewire in the least, but Rampage continued.

"Lo-Livewire are you alright?" Livewire raised a trembling blue 'one-moment' finger. Hissing and breathing heavily on the couch as she rode her orgasm.

"…Noooo." Moaned Livewire with an exotic whimper that said the opposite, before letting her hand drop and smiling wistfully, eyes rolled up into her head.

"Uhh…" Rampage began but Livewire continued with fluttering eyes as another orgasm rippled through her.

"Time… of the month!... Mierda!" she hissed but seemed to still be enjoying herself.

Rampage licked her lips, both in thought and slightly jealous before turning to Orders. "…Is this a half-alien thing?" Orders just shrugged before replying casually.

"I'm not an expert. But her body is an enigma wrapped in a mystery and packed into that phat bombax of hers…" She finally sighed, "But she does have these occasions when she body likes to act up… Lori, go home."

"N-no-I… got this!" Lori replied but Orders' eyes flicked up and she rolled them.

"No sex on the premises. Go home." Orders' eyes flicked, "…Huh." She frowned, "Ugh I didn't need to see that." she rubbed her head, "Fuck that's going to throb for a bit." Rampage wasn't entirely sure how Orders' powers really worked, other than it caused her some measure of pain. "Mierda." Grumbled Orders before taking a breath. "…One Rampage meal." she ordered into the kitchen as Rampage blinked at her.


"First off. Rampage. Take Livewire home…" she then wrote on a receipt, "Then go to this address and handle this delivery… take your time, and by that I mean have fun and don't come back for a couple of hours because traffic back is going to be murder because of the joker bomb threat."

"What?!" Rampage replied surprised as Orders spoke of a supervillain attack so casually, then she laughed melodiously. "You're kind of wild boss."

"Might as well make the most of it. I'm merely taking the better of several options. This way we're not committing potential incest, Lori doesn't start, and is the focus of, an orgy in my restaurant, and I still get paid despite that fucking clown driving down my deliveries for the night. Win-win…"

"Incest?" Rampage asked in some confusion, Lori herself wasn't really listening she was orgasming again from her alien biology acting up, and there were far too many girls working tonight with a potentially uncontrollable urge to fuck. Lori being a genetic slut off the leash is only profitable if they can ACTUALLY send her out on deliveries… the Joker makes that difficult.

"Don't worry about it he's not related to you despite your extensive family background." Orders replied dismissively as Rampage laughed jovially again.

"Okay?" the Rampage meal of 16 chicken pieces and mega spicy buffalo sauce, slid across the counter. She approached and took the food back, and the receipt, eyeing it over. "Oh neat. Gotham Heights, I've always wanted to check it out."

"MMn." Orders mumbled, "Take the company car, I don't want Lori holding onto you on that monster bike you ride. Mostly for safety, and also because I don't want her eating you out on the highway."

"A company car?" asked Rampage hesitantly, before seemingly gesturing to her big, muscular, and still very sexy and curvaceous body.

"…Take the van." Orders mumbled, "We'll just have to hope no parties call while you're gone." Orders noted as Rampage pointed out, correctly.

"You're clairvoyant." She noted as Orders mumbled dismissively. "And you want me to just… stay? I'm not going to break him am I?" she teased excitedly as Orders glared at her.

"Don't worry about it. It will work itself out." The phone rang and her hand grabbed the phone.

Time: 9:21 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Superbabes, we Delivery… uh-huh. ONE RAMPAGE MEAL." she said deliberately loud, and Rampage took that as her cue to leave. Rampage, however, couldn't help but admit that anyone that could potentially keep up with her new magic-enhanced body, was somebody to know.

"So… Lori." Rampage loomed over her, "Can you walk, or… should I wait for you to get changed?..." she asked sweetly, but Lori only groaned. "That… um. Should I just carry you to the van then?"

"We expect her back… well we expect her back. You've ordered before, you'll be charged upon completion of delivery. She'll be there soon." Orders hung up. "Pick her up and take her home." she ordered, "She'll come back tomorrow when she's more in control."

"Oh-kay… sure, I got this…" Rampage then reached down and easily hauled Lori's beautiful body up and onto her shoulder. Lori's thick blue bombax wobbling right by Rampage's cheek… Lori REALLY smelled nice. Sweat, and oh… she was leaking-Yep that was the smell. Rampage didn't mind, it was probably the pheromones. Lori's and hers…

"Stay off the highway. And go around the back. I wrote it on the receipt." Orders noted as Rampage pinched the catered party van keys off the keys hook, and walked out the back door. Despite Lori being draped over her shoulder like a sack of rice she seemed to be clinging tightly to Rampage's body like a horny monkey while the big lady was heading to the van to open up the back, putting down the food, and the thick blue cake as Lori's rear wobbled enticingly.

"Okay, Lori hold on." She was about to shut the door when she opened it hesitantly back up with a smile. "Um… quick question where, do you live?" Lori groaned. After getting an address out of Lori, carrying her thick bombax up the stairs, and the poor half-alien girl on the couch, Rampage returned to the van and was off to Gotham Heights.

She parked the van outside the gate of an expensive, dark-windowed mansion… it looked like nobody was home. If she wasn't a seven-foot-tall hunk of sexy magic muscle, she might be just a little concerned-


"…Oh." She saw a small cloud of bright green fire erupt in the distance, but just as quickly it dissipated. "Right… Joker bomb." she should still be a little concerned but, at least it was WAY over there in what she believed was the diamond district and the Iceberg lounge, and not here where the old money was… She walked right up to the old iron gates, and easily pushed them open… the chill of the Gotham night air tickling her thick thighs as she strutted towards the front door of the darkened mansion and paused. "Right. I should go around the back…" She smiled, remembering Orders words.

Though maybe a seven-foot supervillain sneaking around a mansion wasn't such a good thing. Even though she was only technically and briefly a supervillain when she went toe to toe with Wonder Woman herself that one time… magic is complicated. Still, she took her big beautiful self around to the back door, easy enough… but there were no signs of life, not even a sound coming from inside… she was almost certain this was some sort of elaborate prank, or Orders was somehow wrong… but something in the back of her brain and the subtle excitement in her heart told her that wasn't the case.

She rather liked the RUSH of being on deliveries… getting a steady supply of very eager men, and sometimes women. And it was lucrative working for Orders…

Still… she looked around, there was nobody here. No party or drunken laughter, or heavy breathing of somebody eagerly eyeing her powerful, beautiful, and leotard-clad body. She looked up and her eyes focused on a small crack in the curtains and low flashing lights flickering out of it Finally some signs of life. So she raised her hand and knocked on the door, and her impressive voice carried the Superbabes slogan in mostly silent Gotham night, apart from the sirens.


Time: 9:50 PM. Place: Gotham Heights (Seemingly empty mansion)

"Special Delivery Service." She finished, though she could probably break the door down herself. She didn't know why she knocked, and briefly wonder if they heard her upstairs and debated knocking again only for the door to suddenly BANG! Back at her… someone had fallen against the door. She wasn't an easily startled woman but that did catch her off guard. She released a rather girlish scream followed quickly by a laugh. "AH! Ha-ha! Woo! Got me." She laughed but then the door managed to swing open and someone shorter than her fell out right between her generous cleavage. "Oh, you're pretty forward." She laughed teasingly. "I know I'm supposed to do whatever you want but maybe let me get inside first."

The young man, because it was a young man, rubbed his face into her cleavage, breathing heavily as she felt his surprisingly impressive girth on her thigh. It was then of course she realized not only was he naked but he was also leaking. She looked down and in the low light, she noticed that his hair was a familiar white color. "Hold on!" She wobbled slightly as his hands started exploring her body. "Oh... Hold on…" she purred a bit more sultrily and excitedly as he immediately began fondling her firm, but meaty ass.

She wrapped an arm around him, and carried him into the mansion, kicking the door shut behind her as he continued to molest her unabated. "Kind of dark in here." She noted and continued walking in the darkened mansion as the young man between her breast and squeezing her ass for dear life.

"Upstairs." He managed to groan pitifully as she blinked down at him. "Room with… the open DOOR!" she felt pre-cum oozing onto her leg as his 8-inch erection wobbled excitedly as if the very idea that soon it would get relieved by a beautiful woman of its unbelievable pressure almost did the job alone.

"Alright handsome give me a moment." with his legs swinging between hers as he dangled off her body she found then walked him up the stairs guided by the light of a cracked open door. She chuckled as he continued to massage his face with her breasts, "You are just a sweetheart." She teased with a sultry purr as she finally arrived at the door and pushed it open. Whistling at the sight of the man-boy cave before her… everything a young man could want from gaming systems, books, and look at that hardcore pornography on the big screen TV…

A Heather Hottie gangbang: Excellent Choice, even though it was on mute, and you could not hear Laura getting rigorously double penetrated… Also, it explains the flickering lights. "Mmn! Not even going to wait until I'm out of the costume?" she chuckled as he wrapped his mouth around her right tit and quickly found her nipple. Sucking on it through the leotard's material, his hips bucking instinctively against her body, dry humping her and unable to control himself, eager to pierce immediately into her bigger body, latched onto her like a horny monkey.

Funny. Now she had a sudden case of déjà vu.

"Uh! Aah…" she moaned slightly as he nursed off her big tit, but she didn't want him to ruin the suit excitable as he was and trying to thrust through her costume iron rod of a dick to her already damping pussy. "Okay hold on a second I want this just as much as you do." She pulled him away only for his head to slam back onto her tit. "Oh. Kay! You are very clingy!" she giggled as he slurped noisily. "It's very cute, and I love it. But don't ruin the costume it comes! Ooh." She shuddered slightly, that suck felt pretty good, "Out of my paycheck…" she purred. "Mmn-okay we'll do this the hard way." She then grabbed him, then like peeling off a particularly sticky band-aid she pried him easily from her body and hurled him onto the bed. Taking the opportunity to at least get out of her costume.

The young man landed on the bed like a cat, but moved like a spider, crawling rapidly across the bed with a MAD look in his eyes. She had just managed to peel off her costume when he practically slammed his face into her crotch. "Oh! Oh-hoo! You're a dirty boy!" she moaned, shaking slightly as a VERY talented tongue shot into her pussy and scrapped her inner walls, and slurped out her arousal like he was nursing off a tit. "Oooh… you are… REALLY! NNGh!" she quivered, holding his head and making SURE she stayed standing up. Didn't want to crush his spine or anything. "MMn!" her eyes rolled upward as he continued to eat her out like SHE was the meal.

Always a pleasant surprise

"Fuck-FUUCK." She moaned, pushing her hips against his face and trying to restrain herself from snapping his neck. Massaging his white hair, with only the light of the TV and the sexy coworker's past fucking on it to guide her she hardly got a good look at the sex-crazed freak currently trying to lick all the way to her womb. Rubbing his face inside her like a dog with a bone. "Oooh you little SHIT." She growled through clenched teeth but with a broad smile. "Oooh! You're going to eat your way to my heart aren't you?!" she cooed excitedly before her body tensed up. Standing on her tiptoes she arched her back threw back her hair and howled her shuddering climax as her new favorite client drank her arousal like fine wine.

Her body spasmed, flexing and posing like a professional bodybuilder on display. "Woo baby… if you fuck as good as you eat we're going to have a good-OH!" the eager little fellow clawed his way up her body and QUICKLY pierced into her. "Ngh! Ugh! Ugh! Ha! Ha! HA!" she laughed as he rapidly humped away at her insides, his legs wrapping around her body and his face once again buried into her tits as she wobbled about curiously, grabbing onto his rapidly bucking hips. Her breasts bounced with his rapid movements as she rubbed his hairless body.

The guy was completely smooth all over apart from his hair. It felt pretty good against her body. Sure she's had some hairless people against her before but it was like a different texture with this kid. Like a warmed-up vibrating dildo, it was as if he was designed specifically for sex. The echoing smacks of his hips against hers drove them desperately closer and closer to release, slamming against her harder and harder. She knew just as well as any other Superbabe the signs of an oncoming climax… so like a good girl and a better Superbabe, she brought him there whispering sweet nothings of encouragement in his ear.

"Come on baby fuck me. Fuck me just like that. Harder. Harder baby! Oh! Oh! Yeah… come on sexy almost there pound that snug little hole as hard as you WANT! Ohh yeah! MMN! HMN! Tight hugger!" she moaned as he squeezed against her and shot thick hot loads of cum into her like he was firing a cannon, felt like it too. "Oh SHIT keep cumming that feels fucking good. Fill that pussy up." She ruffled his hair as he did just that.

Filling, and spraying into her like he was a broken hose. The little spider monkey's body finally untensed, he took a deep breath between her cleavage before letting his legs slide down her body to touch on the floor. Then slipped slowly out of her, as Rampage cooed softly as he groaned slowly, then released a deep sigh.

"I… really needed to do that." he breathed, "Ejaculating on my own was NOT doing it for me."

"I bet you eager little fuck machine." She teased, ruffling his hair as he pulled away from her huge body and headed over to the light switch by the door. "MMn… I think you pump a month's worth of cum into me. When was the last time you got your rocks off?"

"This morning." he replied dejectedly before turning the lights on. Rampage blinked at him, now in actual light… the blue hue of his skin was obvious.

"You're blue." She said frankly as he blinked at her and sighed, his cheeks a little purple as he blushed.

"Yes. I'm blue. It's a genetic condition."

Rampage stared at him and the realization hit her HARD. "…Ooooh." This guy was similar to Lori. His 'genetic condition' is that he's part alien… but apparently doesn't know it. Then, because she's as intelligent as she is sexy, she realized that he was experiencing what Lori was experiencing, 'that time of the month' as she put it. And, now that she thought about it… was this guy ACTUALLY related to Lori? Orders did mention something about 'incest' earlier so it couldn't be a coincidence. Orders doesn't really do coincidences apart from the phone constantly ringing as if on cue.

"…You are a very big woman." He said, now getting a good look at her. "That is… exciting." He said gazing at her with an erection.

"I can see that." she chuckled, running her hands over her shapely muscular frame. "Alright, come on over here let me take care of that." she curled a finger invitingly at him. "It's what I'm here for after all…"

"Superbabes is very convenient." He said, running his hands on her body as she did the same to him, her hand wrapping around his erection, steadily stroking him as he wrapped his lips back around her nipples and slurping loudly as his tongue flicked on her nipple before he quickly pulled away.

"Ooh." Her tit wobbled as significant saliva dripped off her nipple as he rubbed her chest again. "How does that taste?" she teased as he moaned.

"Great." He squeezed her again, "Doing it with someone else feels way better."

"Is it just you here?" she said, lifting him suddenly and putting him onto the bed as he stood over her.

"…There are normally attendants." He frowned, "And they would help me handle my urges… but my family took them on the yacht and left me here alone."

She stared up at him, casually stroking his dick as she frowned. "…They just left you here all alone?"

"I don't know if you notice but I am BLUE." He said, "The rest of my relatives are not." he added dejectedly.

"I work with a couple of green girls." She replied smiling, "And a real-life furry. You're not that surprising." But seeing the look on his face told her it was deeper than that… and she honestly shouldn't pry. She's not Kathy working on a thesis. She could figure it out herself anyway, good thing she wasn't here to do that, she was here to help him with THIS. "Alright… how about instead we do something fun again…" She then licked her hips, wrapped them around his hard throbbing member, and began deep-throating him. Practically throwing her face into his crotch and getting him to forget ALL about his abusive family…

…It's pretty easy to do when your dick is in an attractive woman's mouth.

Fully engulfing his cock in her warm mouth, her tight wet lips slurping loudly and messily as she sucked her own juices off of him, his surprisingly sweet pre-cum oozing onto her tongue as she continued to bob her head up and down. His hands clinging to her head, bucking his hips towards her face eagerly as headed butted him over and over.

"MMn! MMn! Ah!" she threw her head off his length as he kept bucking his hips on her, rubbing his erection against her cheek as it quivered and throbbed. She ran her tongue along his shaft, up and down like playing a flute as she smirked up at him. "Better? Face fucking me turning you on?"

"My libido is always in a high-tension sort of position." He groaned, his length twitching on her extended tongue as she wrapped her powerful hand on his rear, pulling him towards her face. "But you feel exceptionally good."

"Well, don't you say the sweetest things." She then kissed the tip of his cock before she quickly began deepthroating him again, slamming him into the back of her throat over and over as his sweet pre-cum oozed onto her tongue.

"Ugh! NNgh!!" he held her head, pulling her into his crotch before swinging one leg over her shoulder.

"Mmgnh?" she chuckled as he leap onto her face and just kept GOING. "Mmhg! Mmn! Mmn!" she smiled up at him as he kept sliding back and forth into her face, riding her shoulders as she stood up, holding her ass and guiding him into her mouth.

"I'm! It's cumming!" he declared, thrusting deep into her mouth. Clenching his teeth before roaring dramatically and sending a sweet torrent of his cum into her mouth. "Ugggh!" shuddering and twitching in her hands as she moaned… savoring her new favorite flavor.

"MMn!" Her eyes twinkled as he wrapped his arms and legs around her head and kept pumping. She kept her lips pressed to the base of his shaft, moaning softly as she swallowed and slurped out his come. "Mmn." She pulled her head slowly out of his crotch, then pulled him from her face.

"Ugh…" he steadily trembled onto the bed, before flopping down and sitting on the end of it. Rampage ran her tongue across her lips. However, the second she DID… his blue cock was erect again. He groaned as she giggled, his hand seemed to appear back on her body, squeezing her hip.

"You just keep going, huh?" she cooed, rubbing his head as he pressed his face to her tits.

"That is… yes." He mumbled dejectedly. He suckled her tits against as she cooed, rubbing his hair as his cock twitched. "I am not easily relieved…"

"Good… now how about you let me drive, Hmmn?" she tossed him onto the bed and he lay on his back, she loomed over him, grabbing his ankles and lifting them up so his knees touched his chest and aligned his erection with her pussy as she swiveled her hips. "Now…" she sighed as he slid back into her. "Mmn…" pressing down on him, as she mounted him. "Let's have a little fun, and I promise not to break you." She chuckled, "Ugh!"

And started riding him… to little blue's credit he seemed to enjoy it.

"Ugh! Ha! Aah! Haa!" panting adorably as she pounded his hips with her own. Springing off his body over and over as she tensed on top of him, writhing and swiveling her hips as she planted his cock inside her.

"MMn… I'll let you have your turn on top soon enough." She began pounding down into him again, "You like it like this? Huh? Being riding by a big girl like me?"

"Uggh!" he groaned happily. "Yes!"

"That's good! You got to enjoy yourself more! Ugh! UGH!!" slamming down onto him as her hands tightened around his ankles. "Almost there! Almost! YES! FUCK!!!" her hips gyrated sensually as she felt her new blue friend spasming underneath her and sending another thick LOAD into her as she laughed. "Ha! Ha! Aaaah…" she sighed, standing up abruptly and letting his legs flop over as she twitched and trembled above him, her lower body dancing in a rippling movement. Her insides warmed by the young blue man's seeming unending loads of jizz.

A trickle of cum oozed out of her as her hips wiggled, sending a stream of cum and arousal swinging from her body and onto his still-twitching erection. "Huh…" she flopped down onto the bed, hitting it so hard he bounced up and down awkwardly. She flicked his cock with a finger before licking up a glob of their mixture with her tongue. "Mmn…" smacking her lips. "…You're just all kinds of fun aren't you?" she chuckled excitedly, gazing at his shaft as he groaned uncomfortably.

"Ugh!" his body twitched, pre-cum oozing from his tip as she blinked at him curiously, he sat up suddenly and pushed her onto her back falling over her. "Huugh!"

"Oooh-ohh!" she groaned, lying on her back now with him grinding on top of her, tongue lolling from his mouth as he licked at her tits again. "Yeah! Fuck me hard just like that! Keep filling me up!" his hands squeezed at her body as she moaned whorishly, putting in the work and working on putting him in. "Ah-ah-ah-ah AH! AH! AH!!" she laughed melodiously as she writhed under him, pounding away at her body like a little jackrabbit. Her body tensed as his hips rapidly slapped away against her ramming her body with his throbbing girth as he squeezed at her big soft breasts. "I want it! I want it! I want you to cum in me! Fill me! I love being filled with cum!"

"So good! So good!" he chanted, "I… need! To cum!" he moaned as if in a trance-like daze, his tongue slathering over her tits as he drove his hips so hard into her, it actually hurt a little. "Inside! Inside!" he moaned desperately, his cock pulsating against her inner walls, more than ready to burst as he slurped longingly on her nipples again. "I need to cum inside!"

"Do it! Do IT! Keep doing it! fucking fill me! Fill me up! Knock me up! Blow your wad inside me, use me as a cum dump! You own it! Own this pussy!" she hissed grabbing tightly to him. "Put your blue babies into me! I need it! I fucking want it! Yes! Oh! YES…" she howled, shaking in orgasm as he clung to her body and stuffed her with yet more sweet-tasting and boiling hot blue boy cum, pumping it desperately and eagerly into her as he clung to her sticky body. Breathing heavily into her cleavage as his hips bucked tiredly against hers.

She shuddered, trembling beneath him like a waterbed as she wiggled her hips slowly, her eyelids fluttering as she rode her orgasm, her toes curling in blue boy's sheets as she gently stroked his head. Blue Boy moaned, nuzzling her soft cleavage. "Mmn…" balls deep in her muscled body she wasn't sure how long he laid on top of her. But his hands, resting on her big breasts, eventually got to be a bit more squeezy… after a few unnecessary but tolerable 'honk-honks' she chuckled softly.

"…You know if you're going to keep using my body as a pillow you can at least tell me your name so I can give you a wake-up call." She teased, rubbing his head as his not-so-little blue cock twitched expectantly still inside her. He raised his head from her cleavage and abruptly wrapped his mouth around her nipple…

"…Mermen…" he mumbled with a mouthful of tit. Rampage laughed.

"What? Try saying it when you're not trying to suck my tits." He mumbled, looking legitimately irate but he popped off her pudding-like wobbling tit with a wet pop before repeating, sourly.

"…Herman." He mumbled as she chuckled.

"You're a blue sex fiend who lives in a big rich mansion and your name is Herman?"

"I didn't always look blue. I apparently grew into it." he began sucking on her tits again, sighing contentedly as he gummed and licked her nipples. Rampage relaxed under 'Herman's' tongue, but he just as quickly popped off again, glancing at the TV.

"You've been here over one hour and 8 minutes." He said concernedly.

"What?" Rampage replied, then remembered that technically she was supposed to be on a timer.

"Oh right. Joker attack."

"What!?" he replied this time and for the FIRST time she felt his not-so-little Herman wiggled softer.

"There was a Joker attack so I may stay longer-how did you know I've been here over an hour?"

"The movie is over…" he said, pulling out of her and sitting on his knees as she sat up and remembered that one of Laura's old movies was playing on the TV. Sure enough, it was on a Redray menu screen with a sexily lounging Heather Hottie in a Police Woman's uniform. The 'play' button was aesthetically placed over her crotch… fitting.

"Watched this one a lot, huh?" she teased as Herman sighed.

"I do not get out much." He replied bluntly.

"Well!" she then shifted off the bed, "MMn!" stretching and flexing her powerful exotic body. "Again, my boss told me to take my time… so how about we have a quick bath." She wrapped her arms under his and lifted him from the bed, burying his face back into her cleavage before giggling and jogging towards what looked like a private bathroom and shower. "Hee-hee!" she chuckled as she opened the glass door of the shower. Walking inside with him as she put him down and turned to turn the water on, hosing her muscled body down with a blast of cold water that had no effect on her.

Herman however gripped onto her from behind, his hands reaching up to cup her big breasts, bouncing them in his hands as he pressed his blue body to her back and his throbbing cock tip back to her pussy from behind before pounding hers. "Oh! Oh, you like that?!" she planted her hands on the wall as the water sprayed her tits, pushing her ass back against his thrusts, bending her knees slightly so he could get a better angle ramming into her body. "Fucking me from behind like a bitch?" she growled, her body tensing up and feeling a little intoxicated…

…Oh it's probably his alien pheromones, like Lori… feels pretty fucking GREAT. She should have Lori eat her out later to compare… for science.

"Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!" she grunted excitedly, slamming back against his thrusts until she was fully bent in half, pressing her thick backside against him stretching across the whole shower as Herman continued rapidly pushing into her, springing off the wall into her body, squeezing her breasts firmly as she rolled her head back, rapidly chanting in a husky, pleading growl. "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me… Cum in me! Keep cumming! Cum as much as you fucking want!" she clenched her teeth, shaking excitedly as she pressed her ass to him and felt Herman's cock tremble and burst again "Fuck… YEAH." She shuddered, her body tensing as she felt his hot load spray into her body again, shaking excitedly as Herman gasped softly for breath.

His hands squeezed her body, then her ass as she rubbed it against him, grinding her meaty cheeks on him with a smile on her face. Finally relenting and letting him breathe clearly by standing upright but he still clung tightly to her frame as she began soaping herself up, with his help. Squeezing at her soapy frame, feeling his cock against her thigh as he continued sinking his hands into her tits. She hummed, as she rinsed her body, resting a hand on his shoulder as she guided him back out of the shower. Taking a towel to wipe herself down…

She had just managed to dry off her breasts but they were suddenly wet again as he dazedly wrapped his lips back around her nipple. "Ha! Ha! Ha!" she laughed melodiously, just tossing the towel aside and carrying him again back to the bed with a running leap. One might be concerned for their safety being body slammed by a seven-foot woman onto a bed… but Herman was too busy burying himself back into her body to care about broken bones. Rampage certainly was appreciative of it. Throwing herself upright, mounting his lap as she wiggled her hips on top of him before looming up and dropping back down.

"Ah. Ah. AAH!" her big breasts springing up and down on her chest as she enjoyed riding cowgirl on the blue boy and enjoying his seemingly endless stamina and lust for lust… Herman despite his smaller and seemingly frailer body bucked rapidly up into the big beautiful woman, not even chaffing with his constant steady thrusts up into her bouncing body and reaching up from her thick waist to her bouncing breasts, sinking his hands into her breasts as she howled wildly in pleasure. "Yes! Yes, Fuck me harder! Put all that cum into me! Fuck me-e-e!!" she slammed her hips down onto him as he kept jackhammering into her tensed-up body.

Herman howled happily in relief when he shot yet another THICK, burning load of sweet-smelling semen directly into her body, gluing his hips to hers as she gyrated on top of him. Rolling her hips back and forth slowly on his hairless blue body before leaning forward and resting her breasts on his face as he clung to her body. Her ass wiggled on top of him as she smiled, writhing her body on top of him and rubbing his hairless body against hers…

Their sensitive bodies eventually untensed breathing a heavy sigh of collective relief as she rolled over, lying beside him before stretching her body comfortably like a pinup model and then going slack. "Woooo… better?"

Herman groaned, then sighed happily. "So much better."

"How do you usually handle this?" she teased, rolling over and playing with his hair.

"There are certain employees that I'm allowed to relieve myself with. But my family took them with them on the yacht." He groaned, "…I'd blame them but these moments are often unpredictable…"

"Mmn…" she noted, watching him as he closed his eyes sleepily. "Hmmn?" she watched him for a minute… he didn't pass out, he was just tired... well good for him for keeping up with-

Rampage suddenly and blearily shot upright. She blinked around, rubbed her eyes, and took a moment to collect herself… she blinked, then laughed. "Oh my god I fell asleep!" she laughed again, "Oh man what time-" she looked around, and found no clock. She sighed but then leaned over Herman. Resting a hand on his hairless chest and giving him a shake. "Hey… hey Herman. Handsome Herman…" Look at that she was giving him a wake-up call. She cooed at him as he moaned adorably, trying to roll over but she smiled, grabbed his wrists, and yanked him upright, swinging him awake.

"No I don't like kielbasa!" he blinked, "…Well that's just not true." He rubbed his eyes and blinked at her big naked body and opened his mouth, "…Oh… right hold on." He shifted off the bed, looking around blearily.

"Alright." Taking the opportunity to stuff her beautiful body back into the leotard as Herman walked out of the room. "Uh…" she watched him vanish before following after him as he walked into another room. She frowned, but after a minute Herman walked out with WAY too much money… he held it out to her as she blinked at him. "…Herman that is a LOT of-"

"Yes, it is. Here you go. You were exceptional." He said with a straight face and only a slight rush. "It is also my mother's money so who cares?"

…Considering he just paid her for a whole NIGHT of deliveries, every hour on the hour, for what was a very fun hour's work and a nice nap. Nobody she knew. "Alright." She winked at him and ruffled his hair. "…I usually work on Saturdays." She winked as he cleared his throat, his little Herman twitching excitedly at the thought as her big sex body bounced down the stairs with him behind her. "Order again." she smiled and walked out the back, hearing it click behind her as she made her way back to the van… and back to Superbabes.

Time: 4:33 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Rampage walked into the back of Superbabes, Orders casually doing a crossword as her purple eyes flicked up towards her and back down. "Not a word to Lori, Demitria." She said immediately as the big lady laughed nervously.

"Seriously? You don't want Lori to know that she has a half-brother in Gotham?"

"She has 80-some-odd half-siblings, she doesn't need to know about another." Orders replied, "…Unless of course, she asks me specifically… besides he might not be-" Demitria stared her down. "…Fair enough." She replied admittedly. Orders took the money she put on the counter and passed her back her cut with a broad smile on her face. Counting the money openly as the big girl chuckled.

"…You totally knew he was going to overpay when you sent me."

"Obviously. We pride ourselves on excellent service after all." her eyes flashed at her, "Take another shower, and assume the position."

"Orders I didn't think you saw me that way." She replied with a cheerful grin heading to the locker room, Orders rolled her purple eyes.

"The counter. We're going to get an early morning rush of happy hour drunks. I'm going to use those muscles for their intended purpose."

"Funny. Herman did the same thing." She said with a wink, before heading right to the showers.


Now before everyone gets excited and wants me to create a NEW Superbabe for them: I'm not going to do that. I accepted the commission to do Skymouse's Rampage because they have actually made their own Superbabe and did the writing for her and everything in her own chapter, as far as I'm concerned she is their OC and I was asked to write something around her using Lori's potentially secret half-brother Herman.

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