
Delivery Girl: Raven Order #6

I don't own DC

"Haaaah…" Raven sighed loudly as she walked into the back of Superbabes. She rolled her head on her neck, rubbing the back of it like it was sore. "Another day another shift." She mumbled heading into the locker rooms.

Giganta, working the bouncer position tonight watched her walk into the locker rooms before asking playfully. "Vacation with Veronica didn't work out?" she asked playfully as she heard the groan of irritation echo out.

"It wasn't a vacation. I was still on the job trying to keep that crazy Nympho from causing some international incident! Do you know what I got for my trouble? A freaky weird woman with orgasm powers knocked me out for an hour, then we spent the rest of THAT day banging half the Ffffff-fucking hotel!" she spat irately with a hiss, walking out in uniform as the other girls taking a break, Killer Frost and White Rabbit, tried not to burst out laughing. "Then! When I finally stop being affected by orgasm bitch, we go out and I got intimate with a fucking-"

"Keep it down." Orders snapped angrily, "You're mad. I get it." she noted bluntly, already heading to her desk past the angry, big titty Goth girl. "But this is a place of business and I don't need your illicit tales riling up the customers. Save it for the deliveries... and leave the illicit tales to your 'best friend'."

"Hold on... Did you KNOW?" Raven asked suspiciously but skeptically as Orders put her things in place before turning on Deliveries, looking at Raven with a raised eyebrow her purple eyes gazing into Raven's soul.

"You're going to have to be specific."

"Magic Orgasm lady, did you know she'd show up?" Raven sneered. Orders scratched her chin, before replying almost scathingly.

"You go to Greece, with VERONICA, and you have several clear examples of Grecian myths being true. Wonder Woman herself being a main one. And you ask me if I knew that Aphrodite herself would show up at your hotel room? I'll be honest. No. Did I expect it? Maybe." She replied calmly. "But I'm going to have to point something out. YOU should have expected it WITH Veronica. Metaphorically Aphrodite's avatar herself." she said sarcastically as Raven fidgeted… but she couldn't fault Orders for her clear logic. "Did you not have fun?"

"That's not the point!"

"That is entirely the point." Orders noted as Raven scowled at her, "Because it's hard to deny that you ENJOY yourself in the right circumstances. Otherwise, you would've washed your hands of this place and Veronica and called it a life. But you keep crawling back for more…" Orders added as Raven scowled at her. "Not that I don't appreciate your lighthouse of sanity in this sea of sexual madness."

"Yeah. But I ended up having sex with-"

"I've seen you fuck weirder things." Noted Orders as Raven, tried to argue.

"I certainly have not!"

"You're welcome." Orders noted practically as Raven opened her mouth, closed it, and looked confused for a moment. Giganta snorted with laughter as Raven rolled her eyes.

"Future sight stuff doesn't count."

"Says the woman who doesn't have to see it happen. I'VE SEEN SOME SHIT." Orders replied seriously pointing at her purple eyes, then tilting her head to the floor adding in her usual casual deadpan. "Now get to working before you get called on a delivery and end up walking funny the rest of the night." Raven grunted but obeyed walking onto the floor and pushing out her big goth girl titties as Orders casually started doing her crosswords. "It'll happen sooner than you think."

"Doesn't it always." Snapped Raven irately, but she walked onto the floor as Giganta collected herself, cleared her throat and got her composure back.

"Ahem." She smiled playfully at Orders, "…So. what happened in Greece?"

"Apart from the love goddess?" Orders replied casually as Giganta blinked at her.

"Yeah… apart from that." she replied.

"I'll tell you later." Orders noted, and after a few more minutes she reached for the phone.

Time: 7:22 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes. We deliver."

"Mmn-mmn-mmn! Lot of good-looking choices. But the Raven meal, three please."

"Three orders of two wings and two thighs, extra crispy, and your choice of fries or a salad."

"Sure. And Raven right?"

"…And Raven. Yes."


"Anything else?"

"Nope. That's good… unless we can get more girls?"


"They yeah that's fine. Sorta."

"Very well, we expect her back within 60 minutes or the police will be informed, you will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please."


"Raven it's time." Orders declared, finishing up the receipt and hanging up as Raven's bitterly replied.

"It's barely been five minutes!" she shouted irately as Orders shrugged, but the big titty goth girl returned, yanking out a single dollar bill from her leg band and slapping it on the counter. "You couldn't wait a few seconds?"

Orders tried to give her a mechanical tried and true response. "I'm Clairvoyant, not a-"

But Raven finished it for her. "A fucking Genie yeah. I know… but I wouldn't be surprised at this point considering what happened in Greece." She added irately, snatching the receipt from Orders' fingers as the food soon slid across the counter.

"Seriously what Happened in Greece?" asked Giganta curiously as Raven picked up the food and walked out the back with Orders repeating patiently.

"I'll tell you later."

Big titty goth girl Raven jiggled quickly to the company car, almost throwing the food into the passenger's seat before walking around the front and sliding into the driver's, getting the car and the heat going before checking the receipt and pulling out of the lot before turning slowly into traffic.

A nice old fashioned Hotel rendezvous, cheating husbands or out of town travelers looking for entertainment, company or a good time. Nothing fucking weird. Nice and simple, desensitized to the madness as she might be sometimes she wanted simple and easy. Not fucking Greece.

She drove down Hotel Street and found the Morton hotel she was heading too, pulling into the parking lot structure and heading inside, it was busy tonight, which was unsurprising even in Gotham, so nobody noticed what she was wearing… just her big goth girl titties… and her legs, and her face.

Honestly, how does Superbabes keep getting away with just walking around as costumed heroines and villainesses? Raven walked right into the open elevator, as if it was waiting just for her, and rode it up to the 10th​ floor. Checking the receipt and not looking up as she walked out into a rather rowdy hallway… teenagers to college boys: burly, big, lithe, athletic… they apparently occupied the whole floor. Must be an out of town sports team of some kind.

"HO!" declared one of them in his underwear, she glared at him sharply but that one word suddenly alerted the rest of the boys to her sexy presence.

"Oh baby look at her!"


"Hey there sexy how's about you save me from boredom?" the offender stood in the doorway to her immediate right, so she put her hand on his face and shoved him back into his room with a confidently smug smile as the rest of the boys laughed at his misfortune but he seemed to take it in stride, laughing on the floor while she walked to the end of the hallway, and found the room number 106. Raising her fist, and knocking loudly on the door ignoring the catcalls.


Time: 7:44 PM. Place: Morton Hotel (Room #106)

"Special Delivery Service."

"How about giving us some service?" said someone behind her, whistling sharply as she raised her knocking hand and extended her middle finger as they laughed again, the door soon opening as soon as it did she popped right in, making him stumble backward as she kicked the door shut behind her.

"Yeah. Sorry, I can only deal with that for so long right now." She said, before getting a good look at him.

"Nah it's cool. He's still in the shower." He was just a little taller than her but twice as broad, muscular and dark skinned wearing boxers and a tank top. "Damn look at you." He cheered leading her further into the bedroom as she heard the shower. There were a set of beds in the neat apartment, on of them was occupied by a dark haired stocky guy, wearing the same boxers and tank top…

Actually, everyone on the floor was wearing the same clothes was it some sort of uniformed underwear? Whatever, that's a little weird.

He eyed her lecherously and grinned as the dark skinned guy led her further into the room and took the food from her as the stocky guy got off the bed, took one of the boxes of food from the bag, and sat at a table, eating the food excitedly as she removed her cap. Letting it flop to the floor before sitting on the bed.

"Alright… let's get this over with." She said, pushing out her big goth girl tits as they stared at her grinning.

"Got to wait." Said the dark skinned guy casually as she saw his pants twitch slightly. "Newbie needs to have his cherry popped. It's team tradition: No virgins." He said matter of factly.

"Oh fucking God one of THOSE…" Raven sighed, crossing her arms under her chest. "Seriously? We have girls specifically for that. I am not one of them." She added tiredly.

"Eh. He likes goth chicks." The guy replied with a shrug. "But it's a proven fact that once a guy gets his cherry popped, he plays better."

"I… don't… fucking believe that." Raven replied tiredly glaring at him.

"It works for us." Stocky guy noted.

"Yeah. Because you're having sex-Never mind. Tell him to hurry it up will you?" Stocky guy and Dark skinned guy looked at each other as she groaned. "What?"

"Nothing." Stocky declared as Other Guy nodded quickly.

"Yep. This is good."

"God Damn it. What?"

"Well… back in Michigan there's this chick, she's a tough girl bully's him into doing her homework and stuff."

"Cause he used to be a nerd, but now he's one of us." Stocky noted.

"So Brainy has got some brains. And now he's going to get some more." Other Guy noted before high-fiving Stocky.

"Oh… so what? Want me to bully him?" she teased dismissively as they shrugged.

"Just saying… it might be something to think about." Replied Other Guy, "Might get out some… repressed ideas." He then gyrated his hips with a broad grin as the shower finally turned off. "Hey BRAINY! It's time!" he declared, stepping aside as a young man, thin and a little scrawny but still muscular appeared in a towel at the door.

"Wow…" he breathed, red-faced as he fondled the nearby side table for some glasses and put them on. "WOW." He repeated as Raven spread her legs, leaning back and sighing.

"Hey, big boy. Ready for a good time?" she said, with intense sarcastic disinterest that Brainy clearly ignored… more interested in her sexy goth body than how into it this she was.

"I get to lose my virginity with her?!" he replied excitedly, clearly enjoying the idea even more now that he saw her.

"YEP! Lucky you! And she's sarcastic and cranky! Just like Liza." Brainy looked less enthused. "Now get to it we only have an hour!"

"…Are you two… going to watch?" he asked hesitantly as Other guy, who Raven will now refer to as Mastermind. Nodded with Stocky.

"That's right. I'm paying so I want a piece when the deed is done. And Steve is here to witness."

"And for food." Said Steve.

"And for food."

"Right and for food." Noted Mastermind before grabbing Brainy's towel and YANKING. "YOINK! Get on with it Brainy. He said as Brainy tried to cover himself on reflex… and his thick hanging dong. DING!

Hear that? That's the sound of Raven approving… she stared at him as Mastermind grabbed him by the shoulders and shoved him forward toward Raven.


"No time for stage fright Brainy, get on with it!" he cheered as Steven hooted half-heartedly and went back to eating.

"But-nngh…" he fidgeted as Raven's hands, now eager as her Size Queen switch was flipped, gripped his cock with both hands and stroked it firmly to life. Pressing his 8-inch but girthy cock between her big goth girl titties and began stroking him encouragingly.

"Shut up." She gasped, thoroughly stroking his cock as she opened her mouth, resisting the urge to immediately gulp down his cock, it wouldn't do to succumb to her slutty size queen nature when she spent the last five minutes being an untouchable bitch that they would be lucky to fuck…she'll wait a few more minutes. Jerking his shaft as her big tits rubbed around his member, opening her mouth and running her tongue around the tip as Brainy groaned excitedly… resting his hands on her head as she wrapped her lips fully around him and began to suck. Letting go of his shaft to grab his waist before bobbing her lips up and down his cock with a seductive moan humming from her mouth as she buried him into her throat, sliding off the bed and squatting on the floor, spreading her legs apart and rubbing her pussy through the leotard as Mastermind and Steve hooted encouragingly.

Brainy bucked against her face, feeling his lips press around his shaft as he held her head and let instincts take over, just like her. Sliding her hand through her leg holes to rub her pussy directly as Brainy buried his cock into her mouth savoring the warm feeling of her throat before pulling slowly from her mouth with a wet pop as she gasped dazedly, tongue slicking up his thick girth as drool oozed from the corner of her lips. "Haaah…" she sighed, breathing heavily on his twitching wet cock before wrapping her lips back around it and slurping loudly. Steve and Mastermind having a laugh.

"Blowjobs don't count Brainy!" declared Mastermind cheerfully, "You got to bust a nut with the other holes."

"But it feels sooooo good." Brainy groaned as Raven slurped loudly, but despite his clear enjoyment of her mouth he finally managed to resist the siren song of her throat and rip his cock back out again, grabbing her arms and pulling her up… she climbed up his body rubbing her big goth titties on him, before slowly removing the leotard as he tugged away at her suit, revealing her supple and definitely not a teen titan body.

Fascinated by her big goth girl titties his hands grabbed and sunk into her big chest, she moaned as he squeezed firmly, groping her chest as his cock twitched against her silky pussy. He flicked her nipples before curiously having a taste of her right nipple… but, unfortunately for him.

"Brainy! Dude get a girlfriend if you want lovey-dovey, but pound that chick man! Gotham girls are great for it." Brainy's cock seemed to agree with Mastermind, twitching between Raven's supple thighs before finally she groaned, and pushed him off.

"Fuck. Come on already." She snapped, compressing her excitement at the prospect of big dick before crawling onto the bed, lying on her back in the middle, spreading and lifting her legs up, holding them open with her arms behind her knees and her tits pushed together by her upper arms. Brainy crawled onto the bed after her, crawling between her body, before pressing his cock awkwardly against her quivering slit. "Hurry up!" she ordered firmly, but eagerly, bucking her hips towards his sliding dick before her lower lips finally caught his tip. "Uh. UGH!!" Raven moaned loudly as Brainy popped his cherry, slamming abruptly into Raven, burying his cock into her warm little sleeve.

Of course then Brainy, being a virgin and not having sex with Wonder Woman, quickly devolved into using speed over skill, not that Raven cared, she was already turned on so her body reacted to his rapid pounding quickly. "UGH! UGH! AAH!!" her toes curled in the air as Brainy POUNDED that body. Her big breasts wobbled between her arms as her legs tensed up. Her hands wrapped onto Brainy's ass, seemingly pulling him into her deeper and faster as she howled in pleasure. "AH! AH! Ah!! Ah!?" she gasped as Brainy… finished.

He buried his face into he breasts as she panted, feeling his balls against her body quivering as he pumped out his virgin load. Raven sighed, shaking slightly as her insides were goo'd.

"YEAH!" Cheered Steve and Mastermind as Brainy groaned between her cleavage, Raven sighing disappointedly as he stayed inside her. Sighing contentedly. "That a boy! Virgin no more!" he then dropped his pants, "Alright my turn come on."

"What?" he moaned pulling his face from Raven's tits.

"Cheery popped man, my turn." Extracting his 9-inch cock out and stroking himself excitedly. "I don't mind sloppy seconds as long as the girl's hot."

"Come on that was hardly anything." He mumbled.

"No kidding." Raven replied callously as Brainy glared at her.


"Brainy. Shut up and lie down on the bed." Mastermind replied with an eye roll, pointing at the other bed as Brainy, scowling, crawled onto the other bed, lying down on his back as Mastermind grabbed Raven and pulled her up, and off the bed. Taking her to the end of the other bed before throwing her onto it between Brainy's legs. "There. Mouth and tits girl, be practical." He said excitedly as Raven crawled further up between Brainy's legs.

Cupping her breasts with her hand she rested her big goth tits around his Brainy's limp cock, before opening her mouth and wrapping her lips around his tip, bobbing her head mechanically into her tits, up and down, engulfing his cock over and over as Mastermind grabbed her waist and abruptly, and wildly, began slamming away into her body. "MMgn! MMGH!!" she moaned pleasurably as Brainy relaxed under her mouth, and with his hands on her head. "MMGh!"

Her thick backside wobbled wildly as Mastermind pounded away at her body, gripping tightly to her curvy waist as she tried to focus on sucking dick only to shudder in orgasm as their Raven-approved cocks slid into her holes. Her head pulled firmly into her own cleavage as Brainy began moving her head up and down faster and faster. Stretching her lips around his cock as he squeezed her tits around his cock… "MMGN!"

"AH!" Brainy groaned, cum oozing down his shaft as Raven continued to jiggle pleasantly with Mastermind ramming into her body.

"Hah. Ahh…" he grabbed her thick ass cheeks, jackhamming loudly against her rear and pulling her onto his cock as he grabbed her head, pulling her off Brainy's cock and moaning as cum oozed out of her mouth.

"Uugh! Ugh! Uggh!" her eyes crossed as she was rapidly fucked by Mastermind's Raven approved dick, her body approving in orgasm as she squeezed her tits around Brainy's shaft and miraculously squeezed out a final spurt up into the air and onto her face and cleavage as she drooled cum from her mouth like a horror movie ghost. Flopping onto her sticky tits as she howled in pleasure. Mastermind planted his cock into her gooey hole and swatted her ass firmly as she felt his cock pulsating inside her. Dropping his load into her body before pulling fully out of her…

"Ah… man that was GOOD. No wonder you popped so quickly Brainy." He absently got off the single bed swatting Raven's porcelain pale skinned booty as Brainy groaned between her tits, sitting upright. He put his hands on a slightly trembling Raven's shoulders before hauling him up and pushing her over as she flopped onto her back. Raven's big goth titties wobbled on her chest as her head hung over the edge of the bed.

"Ha? AH!" she gasped as Brainy went for another round inside her, slamming hard into her body again, lifting her legs up as Mastermind chuckled, "That a boy!" standing over Raven's upside down, mouth open and howling as he grabbed her ankles, holding them up before dropping his sack into her squealing mouth.

"MMNGH!" shuddering as she got a nose full of heavy college boy taint. "Mmg!" he pulled his sack from her mouth, sliding his cock down her lips before pushing his tip between them and trying to meet Brainy in the middle, both of them pounding and pushing away into her body as her goth titties bounced wildly up and down with their thrusting hips. Sticky with cum and sweat while she salivated over Mastermind's cock sliding into her throat over and over. "GUCK. GUCK! GUCK!" scrapping out saliva by the glob, oozing down her face over her eyes and nose as they plunged into her holes.

"MMgh! MNG!!" she shuddered, shaking in pleasure as she was used rigorously by their Raven approved cocks. Planting into her above and below before flooding her holes with another sudden spray of cum. "MMNGH!!"

"Ugh! Oh SHIT…" sighed Mastermind happily, "Well spent!" he joked slowly pulling out of her mouth as she gasped for breath only to 'vomit' a dollop of cum from her mouth with a cough, feeling Brainy pulling out of her quivering pussy as it oozed out and down between her ass cheeks as they let go of her.

Her legs flopped to the bed as she groaned, shaking and clinging to her big, soft goth girl titties, before being dragged trembling from the bed. "Brainy grab her legs!" he ordered as Brainy hesitated but grabbed her ankles, they carried her like a hammock into the bathroom before lowering her into the bathtub, then turned on the water. Raven spluttered as cold water splattered onto her body and she sat up…

Getting hosed by water she spat out more fluid before cupping her tits under the shower, catching water between her sticky tits as Mastermind squirted what was left of the soap in the tiny bottles and squirting it onto her chest as she groaned, soaping herself up and washing away the cum from her body. "Alright… she's all clean." He then slapped Brainy's back. "Now get in there!"

Brainy blinked at him and then Raven before clambering into the shower as she sighed, but wrapped her tits back around his shaft. Wetly fapping around his cock as she titty fucked him, gazing up at him irately, opening her mouth as she sat on her knees in the tub, taking his cock between her bulging soft breasts, his tip poking in and out of her cleavage as she opened her mouth, tongue lolling out. "Ahhh…" Mastermind watched eagerly as Brainy rested his hand on her shoulders pushing her back against the wall and rapidly fapping away as she squeezed her chest firmly together, cooing and moaning erotically as she felt his shaft throbbing between them… then his cum on her face and tongue.

"Ah!?" she groaned, mouth open as the ropes of former-virgin seed sprayed onto her recently cleaned face as she groaned, spiting out the rest to ooze and drip onto her tits as he slowly pulled out from between them. Gasping softly as she cupped her tits and lifted them up and down arousingly, alternatingly jiggling them and rubbing his cum between them before suddenly Mastermind shot ropes of cum onto her face. "Mgh!" she squirmed as Mastermind accurately fired onto her face. "Fuck." She spat, sealing her lips close as she took the facial.

"AH…" sighed Mastermind, swatting Brainy again, "Congratulations on your de-virgining! Now you really are one of us."

He walked casually out of the bathroom as Brainy, now wet and a little sticky stood over her with his cock on her cleavage before she pushed him aside and stood up. "Ugh… is there any more soap?" she asked but Brainy tentatively and apologetically wiggled the tiny, empty bottle of soap. "…Oh god damn it." she mumbled tiredly… then literally shoved him out of the tub and swung the shower curtain closed.

"Ow." He mumbled dejectedly, rubbing his butt and walking out of the bathroom after Mastermind as Raven used what little soap-like fluids she had left… but resigned herself to smelling like cum all the way back to Superbabes…

…Just like fucking GREECE.

Eventually, Raven walked out of the shower as clean as she was going to get and dried herself off, throwing the towel onto the wet floor before heading back into the room to grab her clothes, jiggling back into her clothes before looking at the trio of guys. "Alright… pay up." She said holding her hand out as Mastermind slapped a thick roll of bills into her hand, "Order again." she said mechanically.

"Thank you for your service!" he saluted as she rolled her eyes and opened the door to be met with a collection of guys outside her door hooting and whistling cheerfully as she sighed and slammed the door shut.

"…God Damn it." she groaned. "Just like Greece."

Time: 9:22 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"And that's why Veronica has been banned from Greece for three months. The moral of the story is that even if you CAN swim naked in Greece you really shouldn't." Orders noted practically as Giganta laughed.

"I don't think that's the moral of the story at all Orders." Giganta cooed but Orders shrugged.

"Hard to apply morals to the immoral." She noted but looked to the door as Raven returned, walking funny, and tossed the money onto the counter. And before Orders could say anything-

"I KNOW I smell! You try dealing with a pack of college soccer players! Using all the fucking soap." she snapped angrily, "Bunch of fucking animals!" she growled as she marched into the locker rooms for a thorough cleaning.

"And thanks you me you'll never know what that's actually like… sort off. You have been to Greece."

"Okay. Sugar, you need to stop saying that or actually tell me what happened in Greece."

"I'll tell you later." Orders noted casually again. "Use the good soap!"

"I fucking know!" Raven replied angrily as Orders went back to her crosswords.

"Touchy touchy…" Orders replied sarcastically as Giganta chuckled.


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