
Delivery Girl: Big Barda Order #6

I don't own DC

If you stood the Smulders siblings side by side you'd see a family resemblance but experience a distinct curiosity about how the 5 siblings genetic traits were separated between them. Looking at Big Barda who was a couple of inches taller than her oldest sibling and voted most 'Dead Sexy' Sgt Caleb, she towered over her younger brothers, cutie pie Danny and standardly handsome Alan. Metaphorically, she was not as tall as Giganta after all. She was also well over her parents in height though her father was pretty close to her, she had to get it from someone. You may be wondering if the beautifully muscular and glamorously model-like tall Roller Derby girl Big Barda, aka 'Royal Rampart', might be the biggest member of her immediate family.

Nope. That would be ruggedly handsome pro boxer: Bernard 'Burning Bernie' Smulders… who beat his sister out in height and width though not by much of each. Built like Superman but not nearly as strong, Burning Bernie was a heavyweight, all-muscle juggernaut in the boxing ring… and an idiot outside of it.

"Come on Ya BUM!" snapped Popeye-looking trainer Rocko Meredith. With a squinty eye and a corncob pipe in his mouth, he watched the powerful Burning Bernie pounding away at the bag, braced by a younger, fitter trainer and having difficulty keeping his footing as Bernie's fist SLAMMED into the bag… and even though he wasn't being directly punched the shock still kinda hurt.


"BERNIEEEEE!!!" the front doors to the gym were suddenly kicked open by roller skates. "MY FOOT AND YOUR ASS HAVE A MEETING!" a familiar woman declared loudly

Bernie was so shocked and instinctively terrified he missed the bag and knocked out his training partner as he jerked about nervously to look at the intruder. Though he knew who it was… despite being the older brother and theoretically stronger, bigger, and a professionally trained boxer… Big Barda scarred the FUCK out of him when she was pissed off… which she clearly was.

"Ah ya bum!" Rocko groaned irately, looking down at the unconscious training partner before taking off his baseball hat and slapping his face with it. "This is why you're not in the big leagues! Ya got a glass jaw. Ya bum!"

Bernie, who would normally be concerned about accidentally knocking out his training buddy, had other things to worry about right now. Trying to hide behind his punching bag as his muscular, tall, and gorgeous and younger sister marched/rolled ominously across the gym towards him, distracting many from their own training regimens because, again, she was fucking gorgeous. She was also apparently fresh off a workout of her own as she was soaked with sweat and wearing tight red yoga pants and a sports bra.

"Hey! He's busy! He's got no time for dames right now!" Rocko tried to cut Big Barda off but she grabbed the comparatively tiny older man by clapping both of her hands on his upper arms lifting him up to glare at him at eyelevel, and carefully put him aside out of her way.

"Shut up Rocko." and continuing on unimpeded.

"Hey! I ain't never had a dame talk to me like that in my own gym!" he pointed angrily at her but Big Barda ignored her brother's long-time trainer and continued to single-mindedly stare Bernie down.

"What's this I hear about you never calling my friend back?!" she shouted, "I gave you her number ages ago!" Bernie blinked at her surprised.


"No! NOT FUCKING ASHLEY!" she raised her fist and slammed the punching bag as Bernie instinctively held it steady, feeling the impact of Big Barda's punch. "Laura! Why haven't you called her?!" BAM! The bag trembled with another punch. The only thing protecting Bernie from Big Barda's wrath.

"I've been training." He said, meekly, for such a normally aggressive brawler.

"SO? At least call her and let her down easy you big lummox!" BAM! BAM! Big Barda seemed to be venting her aggression intended for her brother on the bag… but with how hard she was slamming against it she might as well have just punched him directly and saved the repairs on the bag…

"Rocko told me to focus on my training, not on dames." He said nervously "...Girls. I meant girls." then Big Barda turned on Rocko.

"I stand by it." he said grumpily as Big Barda turned back onto her brother.

"Listen here, Bernard." She said coolly, "You are going to CALL Laura, you are going to be nice…" she began pounding the bag. "You are going to take her to dinner and have a good time. And then if you don't like her, you let her down easy. But you're going to like her. Because she! is! awesome!" emphasizing with punches as the bag groaned under Big Barda's pounding fists. "And you are never going to be a rude ghosting dick again, no matter what Rocko tells you, you hear me!?"


A devastatingly, powerful haymaker slammed into the bag and sent it, and Bernie to the floor as the straps holding it up broke. Bernie stared up at the ceiling, before meekly replying. "…Kay."

"GOOD!" Big Barda then turned, and marched/rolled out… she was long gone before Rocko loomed angrily over a nervous Bernie.

"Pick yourself up ya Bum, training ain't over and NOW we got to double time it cause you're taking some dame out to dinner!"

"Kay Rocko." Bernie mumbled as the other gym goers watched Big Barda's big sexy muscled body march out of the gym.

Later that night shift at Superbabes.

"You should've just told me he was being a dick!" Big Barda declared as Huntress sighed exasperatedly, "We could've solved this a lot sooner."

"I was okay with him not calling me." Huntress noted, exasperated as Big Barda making a big deal out of this but still appreciative. "It's not the first time I haven't been called."

"Ooh-ho!-HO!" Big Barda said warningly, "Sure, other guys can do that. But not MY brothers! MY brothers know better than to ghost my girlfriends when I give them their numbers…" She paused for a moment and smirked, "Except for Ashley they can ghost her as much as they want, especially Danny." She added jokingly.

"Fuck you, big bitch!" Snapped Silver Banshee from the floor.

"Seriously it's not a big deal if your brother never called me for a blind date." Replied Huntress tiredly, "He is busy right?"

"Yes. But NOT busy enough for his little sister!" she declared from the bouncer position as Orders looked up from her crosswords to glare at her with her purple eyes, Huntress adjusted her suit biting into her beautiful backside as she walked out of the locker rooms.

"You're not going to win this conversation Huntress, you might as well stop before you give me a headache." Before addressing Big Barda. "And you need to let it go."

"Smulders boys aren't assholes!" Big Barda declared, "Not if I have anything to say about it. A successful boxing career is no excuse!"

"The number of blows he's taken to the head might be a good one though" Orders mumbled sarcastically making Big Barda and Huntress chuckle.

"Alright you got me there. And he wasn't the sharpest hammer in the toolbox, to begin with. But I'm just saying he could have at least politely declined rather than never even call her."

"I think you're taking this more personally than she is." Harley Quinn joked, tilting her jester's cap head towards the buxom huntress, joining in and heading out onto the floor.

"As the only Smulders girl, it is my divine right to set my brothers up, and they will like it! Bernie's boxing career is no excuse."

"Funny thing." Orders noted, her purple eyes flickering. "…It kinda is."

"What is?" Big Barda asked as Orders reached for the phone.

Time: 9:21 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Ring Click

"Superbabes, we deliver. This is on you."

"Yeah, the-wait, what?"

"Three Big Barda meals with a side of big barda.

"How did you-?"

"We expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please."


"Here." Orders ripped off the receipt, waving it like a fan to Big Barda. "You got a few." Big Barda tentatively took the receipt, frowning at Orders for a moment.

"…Is this going to be weird?"

"It's going to be funny." Orders replied as Big Barda raised an eyebrow. "Trust me. Now go get me money. Whatever happens after that is your choice."

Big Barda laughed, "Okay…" she said slowly as food slid across the counter. "Sometimes I forget that you're a pimp boss-OW!" Orders threw a small stuffed animal accurately at Big Barda's forehead. "Why does that hurt?"

"I don't like that word. Out…" she jerked her head to the back door as Big Barda chuckled, with an eye roll, checking the receipt, before slipping onto her skates and rolling out the back door.

The building wasn't far away, it was part of a collection of brownstone townhouses. She casually rolled to the stoop of the building, double checking the receipt and shrugging putting it into the SUperbabes branded bag and hopping dexterously up the stairs to the surprise of everyone on the street watching the big hot chick on roller skates. She then raised her fist and knocked loudly on the door. "Superbabes!"

Time: 9:49 PM. Place: Lower-East Gotham (Brownstone Townhouse #36)

"Special Delivery Service." The door soon popped open and, she tried hard not to laugh. The guy in front of her was bulky and athletic with shortly cut blonde hair… and sporting a HUGE bruise and swollen black eye. "What happen to you?" she asked with a pretty smile as he stared at her and turned his head to shout inside.

"It IS her!" he said.

"Let her in dumbass!" came a voice as he stood aside and she raised an eyebrow, but rolled gracefully into the house, kicking off her skates almost casually, letting them roll across the floor towards the side of the door… they both landed neatly together as she walked barefoot into the house.

"I told you!" said another voice. "Bernie's sister!" Big Barda blinked at the two other men in the room, each sporting injuries similar to the guy at the door. She frowned for a second, somewhat taken off guard that they knew who she was… but she recognized one of them.

"…Aren't you the guy my brother knocked out at the gym today?" she said as her brother's training partner, sporting the least terrible of the injuries of just a blackened eye. The other guy in the room was a Puerto Rican looking man… sporting the worst. Recently tended to cuts and bruises… "…And you're the guy whose ass he kicked recently right?..." she frowned. "Yeah… I don't remember your name." she said simply as the first guy suddenly cupped her big breasts from behind, squeezing them roughly. "Aren't you frisky!" she replied with a dismissive and almost cruel laugh.

"We can do what we want with her right?" asked the Worst injured. Getting up from the chair and immediately dropped his pants, grabbing his thick Raven-approved girth and stroking it slowly as her Brother's training partner began to strip eagerly. "We're going to make this bitch pay for what her brother did to us."

"Pfft!" Big Barda suddenly snorted, restraining her laughter. "Ha-ha-ha!" she laughed out loud to their confusion as she coughed, "Ha-ha… haa… okay. I get it now." She tossed aside the food and slapped away the first guy's hands from her breasts, before stripping down… then dropping down onto her knees before them. "You can't beat my brother in a fight so you want to bully his younger sister is that right?"

"…She's younger?" replied the First Guy legitimately surprised. "She's huge."

"So am I!" said the worst injured, taking his erection and slapping her pretty face with it, grabbing her long dark hair as she opened her mouth and immediately wrapped her lips around him. "That's it. What a slut…" yanking her head down his shaft, over and over, feeling her tongue firmly against his length as she submissively sat before him. Encouraged by their fellow 'Burning' victim, the other two stroked themselves waiting for their turn as Big Barda slurped louder.

"MMn-hmmn." She cooed encouragingly, her eyes gazing up 'innocently' at them as she buried his cock into her throat. He held her head with both hands, yanking her head up and down his shaft, furiously bucking his hips on her face as she roughly faced fucked her. "Mgh! Mgh! Mgh!" he jammed his cock faster and faster into her mouth, her eyes watering as she looked up at them… before he threw her off his shaft.

"BWAH!" she gasped, mouth hanging open before the knocked-out training partner loomed in front of her, grabbing her head and slamming into her open mouth. "Gawk! Gawk! Gawk! Gawk!" rapidly jamming into her throat now as the Worst Injured let his cock dribble saliva on the floor.

"Look at this whore."

"What a slut." Declared the first guy, "Does Bernie know his sister is a whore?"

"MMn-hhmn!" she shook her head pleadingly, eyes wide and watery like she was crying, but knocked out training partner slamming her throat was the main cause. "Gawk! Gawk!" he buried his shaft into her throat, tasting his pre-cum oozing into her throat.

"Let me get in this." Said the First guy, Training Partner ripping from her throat only for it to fill again.


"She sucks dick pretty guy for a muscle chick." He sighed, plunging into her mouth as they other two watched evilly, stroking themselves wildly as he jammed his cock into her throat.

"Obviously." Replied Worst injured, "If she's a professional whore she needs to know how to suck a dick." He reached down to smack her ass hard, "Suck on that dick." SMACK! "Suck louder whore!"

"Mgh! MNGH! MMGH!!"

"YEAH!" First guy growled, wrapping his hands around her head, planting his cock into her throat before pulling her forward onto her hands and knees, walking backward as he kept his cock in her throat. The other two guys swatted her ass as it wiggled side to side.

"MNgh! MMN!!" Big Barda moaned as they spanked her before Worst Injured smacked her ass and shoved the Training partner aside, hunching behind her and smacking her ass again before pushing his cock into her ass. "MMGNH!"

"THIS… fucking loose hole!" he groaned excitedly, ramming up her tight ass and trying to demean her… hard to do so when he desperately wanted to stay up inside her. "FUCK-ing… SLUT!" sliding out of her to ram hard into her body. Split-roasting her together, pounding her face and her ass as if they were trying to pummel her with their cocks.

"Mgh! Mngh! Mnngh! Hmmn!" she moaned, wiggling her rear behind her as he smacked her ass again, leaving bright red handprints on her backside as the First guy sighed, and pulled his hips back, shooting his cum into her mouth.

"Ugh! Uuugh…" his cock pulsating between her lips as she gazed up at him his cock pumping loads into her mouth as she flicked her tongue over his spurting tip with Worst Injured railing away at her ass as she quickly gulped the First guy's load as he popped out of her mouth and smacked her face with his limp cock.

"Ah!" she gasped, mouth open and tongue lolling out before Training Partner wobbled in front of her and immediately slammed into her mouth as she rocked back and forth between them.

"Fu-Fuck! Fuck fuck!" groaned the guy in her ass, slamming deep into her and groaning as big Barda chuckled on the dick in her mouth, slathering it in saliva before feeling the Training Partner deposit his own load on her tongue. "This bitch is tight!"

"I thought you said she was loose." Replied First guy as Big Barda's lips sealed shut once Training Partner pulled out of her lips and Worst Injured slammed his hand on her ass before ripping out of her.

"Well I thought she would be but that ass is TIGHT…" he smacked it again as Big Barda moaned whorishly, First guy grabbed her hair and dragged her toward the couch before sitting down, pulling her head to his crotch and shoving his cock back into her mouth, furiously and roughly jerking her head up and down on his shaft.

"GAWK. GAWK. GAWK." Her eyes watering again as she gazed up at him, letting him face-fuck her easily, kneeling on the floor as the other two watched her head rapidly bob up and down into his lap. Training Partner soon getting hard enough to try her other holes himself grabbing her waist and lifting her up, her ass presenting itself behind her as he slid quickly into her pussy. "MMng…" her mouth still wrapped around the first guy's shaft.

"You know…" Training Partner groaned as he savored the feeling of Big Barda's silky hole, "This is a nice ass." He slapped it himself before rapidly slamming his cock into her.

"Mmgh! Mgn! Mgh!" Big Barda half laughed around the First Guy's cock in her mouth as Training Partner absolutely tried to pummel her body with his cock, reaching deep inside her and slamming against her cervix as her ass cheeks rippled beautifully.

"And this is good pussy! Bernie's whore sister is a great fuck. Who could've guessed!?"

"OOOH FUCK! FUCK!! Get down on it!" First guy squealed happily before depositing another serving into her mouth. "Ohh!... shit, yeah…" he grabbed her dark hair in a fist slowly pulling her tight mouth off his cock with a loud wet pop. "Fuck man I never thought I'd nut in a bitch's mouth, thought that was just fucking porn."

"Hmn-hmn-hmn…" Big Barda purred sultrily before Training Partner grabbed the back of her hair with both hands and pulled her upright. "AH! Ah! Ha! SHIT!" she hissed seductively as Training Partner loudly bounced off her ass, pushing her forward onto the couch, pressing her big fit body onto the First guy, she knelt on the couch now, resting on his limp cock, rubbing against her silky pubes as her back and neck arched back by her yanked hair, her big breasts bouncing around First guy's bruised face… he might have complained if he didn't have a face full of big breasts.

"Haah! Ah! AHH! FUCK!!" Training Partner jackhammered her body harder and harder before burying his cock into her. "YEAH… FUCK you Bernie I screwed you sister!" he slapped her ass. "Dumb bastard! Stupid cock-sucking bitch…" he smacked her ass again, and she suddenly laughed sultrily.

"If you can only hit that hard no wonder you got knocked down." She teased, SMACK! SMACK!! "Fu-FUCK…" she gasped softly, as Training Partner swatted her ass like a speed bag, but Worst Injured shoved him aside.

"Hey stop hitting her." he declared angrily, "FUCK her! for fuck sake we're not wife-beating hillbillys.

"MMaah!!" he rammed up her ass as First guy grabbed her waist, lifting her off his lap and sliding up into her slit. "NNgh! Ah! AH! Haah!" she moaned as they pounded away at her again, double-penetrating her as Training partner walked around the couch, grabbing her head and yanking her down to cock level once more sliding it between her lips.

"Shut up whore." Effectively silencing her by plugging her mouth with dick. Standing on his tiptoes behind the couch and sliding his shaft back and forth.

"Mmgn! Mmgh! Mnmn!-Mmn!-Mmn!!" moaning louder and louder as they railed away at her powerful but supple body. Regardless of her bigger form and athletically toned muscles she was still a sensual woman with warm holes to stuff with dick… and boy did she take it… giving these assholes the best fuck of her life.

Appropriately the one in her asshole was the first to drop his load into her. With a cry, and a groan he planted his hips on her ass, smacked it, then ripped out of her before shooting a final rope onto her rear that started a chain reaction for the other two. First guy came next, his hands still on her waist, pumping her full of cum, a wet gooey heat rushing into her as she moaned around the training partner, who then ripped his cock from her gasping mouth and shot ropes onto her face.

"Haaah…" tongue hanging out and moaning like a proper slut as he coated her face and then shoved her away… she flopped off the couch, bouncing on her slightly reddened ass. She immediately adjusted herself as First guy and Worst Injured stood over her, circle jerking over her face as they were joined by training partner, jerking and stroking themselves with the wet smacking of their cocks to the point where she was certain they were going to chaff themselves for their one last chance to blow their loads over their hateful target's beautiful sister…

"Cum all over my face…" she hooked the corners of her mouth and pulled them apart, sticking out her tongue. "I want you to degrade me more… use my holes as a cum dump. Use me for your sperm storage! Cover me with cum!" she begged, "Aaah… AAaaaah… AH!" A rain of cum sprayed onto her face, into her mouth, her lips and chin, "Haaah… I'm such a slutty whore. Cum feels so good on my face…" she moaned as they groaned excitedly, sending out final spurts of ropes onto her as she let her tongue wag all over the gooey parts. "I love being a nasty fuck hole…" she purred as they finished. "Mmn…" she smiled up at them as they all breathed a collective sigh…

"…Times up boys." She said seductively, "…Where's my money?" she said as Worst Injured scoffed with a grin.

"See? Fucking whore… just wait until we till that fucking moron Bernie." Big Barda just smiled at them, tongue still wagging under a face filled with cum. "It's right there." He said, gesturing to the table where sure enough there was a stack of cash. "We got some more for you if-"


Standing up with a speed that surpassed her brawler brother Bernie, Big Barda stood up and uppercutting the Worst injured one HARD in the jaw… lifting him from the floor as the other two gazed awed at his flying body as he hit the floor and didn't move.

"What the-" WHOOSH-WHAM!!

She moved quickly and gut-checked the First guy, slamming her fist into his stomach before grabbing the back of his head and RAMMING into a nearby wall and threw him on top of Worst Injured before grabbing a now terrified training partner as she lifted him bodily in the air by the neck, and balls, holding him high above her.

"Wait-wait! WAIT!!"

"Shout-out to Ronnie-Bell!" she declared with a sweet cum covered smile before body slamming him to the floor with a gorilla press. BOOM! Followed by a perfectly executed elbow drop to his back.

"GACK!" he groaned in pain as Big Barda stood up, and cracked her knuckles loudly.

"Okay, boys… I am NOW going to demonstrate who taught Bernie to originally defend himself, and I'm going to do it covered in your cum… so that by the time you get out of the hospital and are able to TALK again… she grabbed First Guy by the hair. "You're not going to WANT to." she grinned almost horrifically at them… and went to work. "I love my Job." She grinned, before 'working' them over…

"Roller derby Queen... Hmmn hmmn-hmmn…" she hummed, walking naked down the stairs after a nice hot shower to finally wash off the cum… and the blood. Grabbing her clothes from the living room, stepping over the battered bodies, and redressing herself as she walked out the front door. "Order again boys!" she declared playfully… "Or not. Let me know when you get out of the hospital!" she shut the door to terrified whimpering as she hopped down the steps and skated off, around the time the ambulances began to show up. At least she was nice enough to call…

Time: 10:37 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Round and Round. Oh Round and Round." Big Barda slid into Superbabes, stopping in front of Orders and dropping off the cash. "You're right it WAS funny." She said with a pretty smile.

"I know right? Do I know you or what Rebecca?"

"You do. You really do… anyway, are they going to be a problem, Boss?"

"No." Orders said coolly. "…I'll take care of it, if necessary." She said ominously, "Speaking of taking care of it… I hate to trouble you so early but this one's all you." She said dismissively as the front door of Superbabes opened them.

"Hey, Dame! Table for two." said a grouchy Rocko, followed by-

"Uh Rock? That one you really shouldn't-" said Bernie uncertainly as he RECOGNIZED the 'dame' in question.

"Who you calling a dame you fecking old arsehole?!"

"Ashley he didn't mean it!" Bernie replied, trying to protect his elderly trainer from her wrath with his own body as Rebecca sighed and walked out to catch Ashley.

"Let it go!" she said, getting the angry Irish girl in a headlock, "Let it go!!" she said, dragging her away as Rocko grinned.

"…Actually ya bum I'm kinda growing on this place! These dames got some fire!" Rocko grinned eyeing Mel lecherously.

"And while she deals with it…" Laura said, not realizing this guy was Rebecca's brother. "How about I seat you two?"

"Uh… Kay." Bernie said rather goofily as the sexy woman led him and his increasingly eager trainer to an empty table. Orders' purple eyes followed them briefly as Rebecca dragged Ashley through the doorway.

"Toss her in the shower." Orders replied Rebecca kept going.

"Yep! I love my job." she grinned dragging cursing Ashley.


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