
Delivery Girl: Supergirl II Order #4

I don't own DC

Supergirl (II) was currently DD Dallas. Or at least her sexy phone voice was, the rest of her was wrapped in a silky soft bathrobe as she made arrangements with her current 'date'. Her natural Texas drawl was being laid on thick, like her hips.

"I hope you're ready for me tonight because I do enjoy a good ride, hon." She purred, "…And I WILL bring the hat." She added with a seductive chuckle. "Just make sure everything's ready on your end and I promise you the ride of your life!" BOOP. Her phone buzzed, someone else was calling her. She quickly checked who it was and cursed softly to herself. It was Orders. "Could you hold on, sweetheart?" she cooed, "I need to take this…" She took Orders call, sighing softly. "Yes?"

"I need you to work tonight."

Supergirl sighed again but louder and exasperatedly, getting out of her chair and tossing her soft robe onto it as she walked naked towards her bedroom with one of her slutty cowgirl costumes already laid out and ready to play. "Orders I got a professional date, can't anyone else handle it?"

"No. I need a blonde. Sierra is with Tom visiting his parents, Kathy is babysitting Violet's daughter. Mel's got laryngitis and Brielle is out of town until tomorrow. That just leaves you."

"What about Jenny?"

"She's doing a thing. Can't come." Orders replied cryptically as Supergirl sighed exasperatedly.

"Orders this guy is BIG MONEY." Supergirl begged.

"What did I say the night of your first delivery?" Orders asked sternly as Supergirl sighed reluctantly.

"…Superbabes takes priority over my usual business." She admitted, with a groan. "If I CANCEL on him Orders that is a big paycheck I'm going to lose."

"He'll still be in town for the next two days, promise to give him an extra hour on the house… or on top of you, it'll be fine." she said frankly as Supergirl sighed again, "He won't even be able to use all of it."

After a pondering moment "…Fine I'll be there…" she replied abruptly, and half a second before she hung up to inform her date he'd have to wait she asked. "…What exactly is Jenny doing?"

"You'll see tonight." Orders replied hanging up as Supergirl sighed, and reconnected to her date, putting on the Texas charm as she broke the bad news with promises of a longer date…

Just because Orders was right didn't mean she had to like it.


"I don't believe that…" chuckled Supergirl (II) as she, Volcana, Huntress and Giganta watched the TV in the lounge. Uncertainty, the popular quiz show played its theme on screen, its recognizable theme ringing out from the TV as the host of the show Alex Griffin, introduced the three contestants… the first two were your generic smarty pants looking people, however last, and certainly not least, was a familiar and beautiful blonde woman standing at podium 3 with 'Jennifer Winters' written in elegantly signed cursive upon it.

"How did Jenny of all people get on Uncertainty?" asked Huntress surprised. "She doesn't seem the type to watch this show much less be on it." However Black Canary cleaned up nicely in a very figure-flattering suit that enhanced her generously iconic bust… She was certainly going to raise Uncertainty's ratings just by being on screen.

"You know Jenny's a smart girl." Volcana replied, curious about the show but preferring to get back to work. "Let me know how badly she does."

"That's contradictory." Replied Giganta smiling as Volcana shrugged.

"I said she is a smart girl. Not a genius."

"She has an excellent memory when she needs it." Orders declared casually from her counter, crosswords today, she tapped her pen on the paper before glancing up at the TV, muting it dismissively as Jenny began to charm everyone on the stage as Alex asked her questions about herself like he always did for every new contestant.

Dressed slutty or dressed professionally, Black Canary was still a charming, beautiful woman… admittedly when she wasn't snarking and bitching.

"You still haven't answered my question about how she got on Uncertainty…" Huntress replied knowingly as the gameshow began in earnest. "Isn't it really hard?"

"You have to take a quiz, score high enough, go to a live audition and score high enough there…" Orders rubbed her head, "…And from that point, they have to like you enough to let you on TV." She sighed through her nose as her eyes flashed slightly.

"Okay… just how smart is Jenny?" Huntress asked curiously, "That she could do all that?"

"Getting her there was the easy part, getting her picked just needed her to be in short-shorts…" Huntress and Supergirl both turned away from the screen and stared at Orders suspiciously as Giganta sighed exasperatedly, still watching the TV.

"…Hon. you didn't…" the Giant woman asked in humored disbelief.

"…Did you sneak Jenny onto Uncertainty to get the prize money?" Supergirl asked with exaggerated shock, "Whatever happened to 'You DO NOT gamble'?"

"It's not gambling… it's knowing all the answers." Orders replied frankly, taking a pain pill. "…I'm going to have recurring headaches for a week... Don't look at me like that…" the girls grinned exasperatedly at her, "…It would ONLY work with Jenny." She declared firmly, tapping the counter. "Jenny is the only one with a good enough memory to remember a majority of the questions AND get picked to be on TV."

She held up her hand tapping her fingers as she listed off her other choices, "Zoey would've made it and she has a good memory too but then someone would've recognized her as an ex-pornstar and got her disqualified. Elizabeth is smart enough to answer most of the questions on her own, but she would've been HEAVILY censored." She rolled her eyes. "And do NOT get me started on Lindsey. She would've made it to air but-HA…" she laughed derisively, "Thank god she's pretty" she shook her head at Lindsey's 'catchphrase', "And I certainly can't do it myself, so… It only would've worked with Jenny." She repeated.

Supergirl just laughed, shaking her pretty blonde head, "Wow Orders… wow…" she replied, "You're scamming Uncertainty."

"I'm not scamming them. Jenny still needs to remember the answers I gave her…" she leaned back and watched the TV, "…There's always a chance she'll fuck this up… now." She gestured to the floor, "Go on. It's going to be an active night for everybody."

And leaving her and Giganta watching the TV Huntress and Supergirl strutted onto the floor. "So how well is she going to do?"

"Well enough…" Orders sighed, rubbing her head as her eyes flashed. "NNgh!..." she ground her teeth at the sudden pain, "Either way, any amount she wins I need to split with her 50-50, so she better do well for herself…" then she reached for the phone as it rang and Jenny hit the buzzer.

Time: 8:32 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Superbabes. We deliver."

"Hello I'd like the… hold on let me… the… the Supergirl Sandwich? Two of them."

"Two club sandwiches, anything else?"

"Delivered by… Supergirl? That's how this works right?"

"Yes. Now say please."


"Very well. We expect her back around 60 minutes or the police will be informed, you will as usual be charged on completion of delivery. Name and address, please."


"What is Croatia." Declared Jenny on the TV.

"And that is! right again! Another 400 dollars to Ms. Winters… it IS Miss, right?" Orders muted the TV.

"Supergirl, I have one for you."

"You better." Supergirl snarked mostly good-naturedly, walking back in from the floor as she withdrew a crisp ten-dollar bill from her thigh band, under her red skirt. "Making me come in so Jenny can get 30 minutes of fame."

"More along the lines of 22 to 26." Giganta noted, watching the blonde score another 300 dollars. Supergirl sighed and shook her head, her blue eyes rolling. "…Although considering what happened when Brielle was an unknowingly recorded extra in that music video this is probably going to be a heavily re-watched episode." She laughed as the food slid out, "And all she did was walk behind the singer when they recorded on the street."

"She was barely on for 2 seconds, and that garbage country song got over One-million views." Orders shook her head, "…I should've made her wear the costume." GIganta laughed as Supergirl walked out the back checking the receipt. She slid into the company car, dropped the Superbabes bag in the driver's seat, and drove off into Gotham.

It wouldn't be her first trip to Gotham Heights but it might be her first time as Supergirl, and alone… and she didn't get too deep into the Heights where all the big-time rich boys play. The company car zoomed casually on through the well cared for roads, possibly the best cared for roads in Gotham thank you classism. And slowly, she came to an ominous stop outside a fenced-off manor with a security post at the gate.

One manor generally looked the same as another, so she double-checked the address, then the receipt, shrugged and got out of the car leaving it parked along the curb. Her boots echoed on the sidewalk as she approached the security post. Glancing at the manor but every window was black, not a single light.

"Wooo look at YOU…" praised one of the occupants inside as she came into view. One had dirty blonde hair, young, clean shaven and fit, the other was dark brown haired with five o'clock shadow, also young and fit… and both dressed handsomely in generic Gotham security uniforms.

The blonde watching her approach elbowed his inattentive dark-haired friend reading a fitness magazine with one Lucia (Green Lantern I) Lopez on the cover… must be a recent addition. But he glanced up and raised a bushy eyebrow as she swayed her shapely hips and leaned over, resting one arm against the glass.

"Hey there boys." She purred through the glass before knocking against it sassily, with her leaning arm. "Superbabes."

Time: 8:55 PM. Place: Gotham Heights (Outside dark manor)

"Special Delivery Service." She glanced at the tiny security box. It was barely big enough for two, and she imagined adding a third, even one as sexy as her, would be somewhat awkward. "Did you boys order food?"

"I did!" declared the blonde happily, practically scrambling over his dark-haired friend who smacked him with the magazine as he scrambled outside.

"Dumb ass!" grunted the other guard. As the blonde guard reached into the bag for a sandwich and tossed it back into the security post.

"Eat your sandwich Rico." Declared the blonde happily before taking the whole bag from her and tossing it in too, before wrapping his arm around her waist. "I'm taking my break!"

"You JUST started your shift!" Rico replied irately before rolling his eyes and going back to his magazine… turning it sideways to admire the picture of Lucy's ass in a bikini.

"So where are we going?" Supergirl asked as he led her to the dark manor. "Oh…" his hand reached beneath the skirt to get a firm grip of her ass.

"The owner's out of town for the week." He replied, holding a key with his other hand as he opened the front door. Pushing her in first as she skipped inside, giggling slightly as he took her by the hand and yanked her into a parlor… she's been in a few she knows the terms. Large, comfy, high-backed armchairs, stuffed animal heads, a couple of stacked bookshelves, and an empty fireplace. The only thing out of place was a widescreen TV. He hit a switch as the light blasted on…

"Oh I bet the owner wouldn't approve…" she grinned as the guard grabbed her waist from behind, swaying her hips as her skirt flopped about on her thick legs as she chuckled. "Oooh…"

"He DEFINETELY wouldn't approve…" he laughed, giving her rear a light pat before flopping onto the closest high-backed armchair. "But I'm pretty sure he's going to let us go once he gets back… so hey! Might as well have a good time before then…" he rested his arms on the arms of the couch as she approached him slowly… her hips sashaying dramatically as she brushed her short blonde hair from her pretty face and licked her lips.

"Oh… he's going to let you go huh?" she chuckled, resting her hands on his wrists and sliding them up his arms… he had some real muscle on them. "I can't imagine why…" she winked, "Inviting nasty girls to play in his house while he's away?"

He just grinned cheerfully, "How nasty?" he asked as she leaned forward, breathing heavily as her lips got inches from his.

"How nasty do you want it?" she purred as her hands slid down from his arms to his standard security guard slacks to the zipper… "MMn!" she moaned, hesitating slightly as she felt his sausage-like bulge. "That nasty…" she dropped to her knees, and opened his pants.

Nine inches of blondie dick shot free as she laughed, he wasn't wearing underwear. "Fuck me that's a big dick I need to suck!" she breathed, gripping the base of his shaft and gave him a quick couple of skilled strokes before sliding her tongue up his length and wrapping her lips around the tip.

"HolycrapholycrapHOLYCRAP…" he chanted rapidly as she just as rapidly went to the base of his cock.

"MMGH!!-GUCK! MMMn…" his fingers clawed the chair as she slid up to his tip, slowly. "Mmngh!" running her tongue swirling around his glans before diving back down. "Mmmn… mmghn…mmn…" she slumped into the chair, a hand reaching around to the back of her silky blonde hair. "Mmnghh-hmn-hmn…" she chuckled, burying her face in between his legs as she twisted her head like a dog with a bone. "Mmgh! Mmn-wah…"

She gasped as her head flung off his length, her tongue flicking off his shaft as she grinned at him and stood back up. "Let me get a little comfier." She cooed, pushing her skirt easily to the floor and leaving her in the blue 'S' leotard. "Hmm-hmm!" she giggled coyly, "You should get comfy too." She whispered before stretching it from her neck, down over her big breasts. "Hee-hee…" she twisted her upper body, letting them bounce about before wiggling the suit down the rest of the way while he unbuttoned his shirt and scrambled out of his pants. Standing up to push them to the floor as she slipped out of her boots and shoved him back onto the chair.

His raging erection wobbled upright as she stretched her majestically fit body. "Mmn!" she rubbed his arms again as she wiggled her chest once more as her breasts swung, his hands reached up to squeeze as she laughed… his length twitching against her stomach as she stood back up and rubbed her body tantalizingly.

He glanced down at the floor, "…Can you put the skirt back on?"

"…You want me to put clothes on?" she laughed teasingly.

"Just the skirt." He winked as she licked her lips, turned around, and bent over… she obviously felt his hand on her ass as she slipped in one leg then the other… pulling the skirt back up over her firm backside, and wiggling in place as he snapped to her waist.

What would the Superbabes do without elastic?

"There… better?" she pinched the sides of her skirt, lifting it up teasingly to expose her tight little pussy before shimmying her hips as he laughed.

"Yeah. Girls in skirts are hot." He reached for her slender hips, and yanked her forward.

She laughed as she fell onto the chair, her hands on the back as her big tits bounced against his smoothly shaven face. "Haa-haa! OOoh! Yeah… that a boooy." She cooed, before shifting onto the chair, sliding her knees into the cracks of the arms as she mounted him. "Hmmn-hmmn." She thrust her body forward, pressing her tits firmly against his face as she held the back of the chair.

Subtly bouncing her tits on his face, his cock twitched against her stomach as she wiggled her waist, feeling his hands squeeze her horse-riding ass as she cooed. "Ahh! Oooh!" she was about to get on him… but she had a rather kinky idea. She shifted on the chair, before standing up. She raised one leg and rested it on the arm of the chair, then the other before squatting down. "Ahaa-haa… big fucking dick…" she hissed softly, catching his tip into her pussy. "Haa!"

Her ass hit his lap and she swiveled her hips on it. He clutched at her waist before beginning to buck up against her. "Hah! AH! AH!" she twitched slightly, "MMGH!" before planting her feet and gripping the chair. "Hah! Ah! Ah YES! AAAH!" she rode him hard, up and down her body went like he was a spring. "Haa! AAH! AAAH! WOOO!!" she howled happily as her breasts jumped up and down. "OOH get it! Get it!"

"Ha-ha-ha!" he laughed, furiously thrusting up into her as she rammed down. "Oh! FUCKING WOW!" the chair seemed to jump with her springy slams, her skirt leaping up with her rapid descents.

"Haaah!" she howled, her head flying back as she held tightly onto the chair, "HAAH! AAH FUUUCK!" she cried out happily, pressing her big tits together with her upper arms as her fingers almost tore the velvet covering of the high back chair. "Aaah! AAAGH! YEAH! FUCK! ME!" she bit her bottom lip, "MMGH!!" squeezing around his thrusting length.

"OH! Oh shit!" she hissed, slipping on the arms and planting her feet into the chair but she didn't stop. "HAa! AAH! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum!"

WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Her ass slammed on his hips as she tightened up around him, her legs wobbling like jelly as her orgasm built to a crescendo.

Then… numerous things happened.

One. She climaxed: her muscles tightening as her legs threatened to shoot her off. Two, HE climaxed, his hands suddenly slamming down on her legs and pushing her down onto him. "UUGH! AAH!! NGH!"

"OH FUCK! OOOOH!" she shuddered, as his hot load rushed up into her tight tunnel. Something about the force of his and her release plus the rough planting of her hips on his lap sent her over the edge with a mind-blowing orgasm that crossed her eyes and tensed her muscles.

And Third, Rico entered the room and saw this moment of epic climax.

"HAAH! MMGh! MMMnnn!" moaned Supergirl, swinging forward and planting a twitching Blondie between her breasts as she bit the back of the chair, "Mrrgh! mMN!" she groaned eagerly, her body spasming as she rode her high, Blondie's fingers squeezing at her thighs as she drooled on the chair. "MMmnnngh…"

Her body spasmed and twitched erotically as she calmed down, Blondie relaxing beneath her as she threatened to smother him with her big breasts, a fate he would potentially welcome. "Mmngh…" her ass jutting out behind her, Blondie's cock buried deep in her body as she tossed her head back from the chair, gasping as her eyes focused on Rico. Who stared at her wide-eyed…

"…Want a turn?" she encouraged enticingly, before wiggling her ass behind her, her asshole hidden ever so slightly by the skirt. "…I have a free hole." She teased.

He'll either say 'yes' In which case she's in for a ride. Or he'll say 'no' and she can get back to it. Either way win-win. Rico stared at her like she was crazy, however, the bulge in his slacks declared that he was intrigued… Blondie was a little out of it at the moment, so she continued to wiggle on his lap…

Rico was silent for at least a couple of minutes… however he seemed to gather his resolve and quickly approach her from behind, letting down his zipper as she gasped in seductive surprise. "Oh… you got something for me? Oh…" she whimpered as his thick throbbing cock was pulled with some struggle from his pants. "…Shit." She clenched her teeth and hissed though them as he abruptly pushed his girth right up her ass. "SHIIIIIT. AAH! AAGH! Aah! oOOoh-!" her body jumped back and forth as Rico grabbed her hips and pounded away.

"Aah! UGH! Ugh! Oh! GOD! DAMN IT! OOH!!" she gasped as she was anally ridden, slamming against the back of the chair as Blondie seemed to take this moment to wake, and get, up… "NGH!" she moaned into the plush chair as he grabbed her waist despite Rico's hands and furious thrusting before he began again in earnest. "HAaa-aagh-aaah!!" Supergirl jerked back and forth, up and down, feeling Rico and Blondie greedily use her body to their own lustful desires as she was forcefully taken along for the ride.

Whether Blondie knew or not that Rico as ass-fucking her didn't seem to bother him, burying his face between her generous cleavage as she was pinned between them and plowed mercilessly. "Aagh! AH-AAH! AAAH GOD!" she cringed, tightening around them both as she came again, slapping back against Rico's hips as he continued to pound into her. "Haaa-gghngh!!" her eyes rolled as she flopped between them, worming against Blondie's body as Rico pressed his hands on her back and pinned her down. "Aha-AHaH-AAGH!!"

"MMGn-mgnh!" Blondie moaned delightedly between her breasts before rapidly bucking up into her pussy.

"Hah-aah-aah-haaah-AAAH!!" she twitched as Blondie buried himself into her once again, "Ooh Oh shit… oooooh. Ooooh!!" howling once again without a moment to rest as Rico rammed against her ass. Gripping her waist and yanking her back as she jumped, feeling his entire shaft buried up inside her ass.

"MMGH! Oh-hooooo…" he groaned contentedly as a veritable gallon of cum rushed into her body.

"Haa-haaa-haaa…" she panted erotically, tongue sliding around her dried lips as Rico slowly pulled his cock out of her ass. "Haa…" she squeaked, her skirt sliding back down to cover her gaping hole.

"Way better than a mag huh Rico?" laughed Blondie as Supergirl cooed, shaking on top of him before finally managing to steadily push off the chair. She stepped unsteadily onto the floor, spreading herself with her fingers and moaned sensually.

"Look at the mess you boys made of my holes…" she cooed, rubbing herself… and her tits. "MMGnh… Fucking me so hard you could've broken me…"

Pfft. Highly unlikely.

"Ngh…" she grunted, feeling Rico's strong hand around her neck, yanking her upright as his other arm wrapped firmly around her waist. "HAa!" he buried his throbbing half-chub up her ass, sliding back and forth until it became a full chub. "AH-Aah! Fuck my ass…" she whinned piteously as he bulged inside her. "AH-AH-AH-AH!" he rapidly bucked into her body as her breasts bounced up and down until they were promptly restrained by an eager Blondie sinking his fingers into her tits. "Haa-AGH! FUCK!"

Standing on her tiptoes the big-dicked security guards pierced mercilessly deep into her body once again. "Ha-aAHG-AAGH!!" grunting like animals together as she was occasionally lifted from the floor with their eager thrusts sinking up together. Rico went deep, hard, and deliberate, grinding rhythmically inside her as Blondie pounded away. Sometimes pumping inside her twice to Rico's one…

Didn't stop her from squealing.

"AHA! AAH! HAAH FUCK ME! OH! OOOH!" clawing the back of their heads with her hands as she struggled to find an outlet other than pleadingly begging for more. "I'm cumming! I'm fucking cumming! GAAAAGH!!" shaking between them as her eyes rolled and her tongue lolled from her mouth declaring her release to the ceiling.

They both buried themselves into her body, first Blondie, then Rico feeling her insides tighten around her before both ripped away leaving her empty. "Haaah…!" she gasped breathlessly, dropping abruptly to her knees, limp and shaking, her arms dangling at her side as her head rolled back and her tongue lolled out.

She felt Blondie's tip on her tongue as he cringed, his body tensing as he quickly stroked his cock. "Haa-AAH!" A burst of semen shot against the roof of her mouth. "Haa-haa!" followed by another, and another… at least he was an accurate shot for a security guard.

"MMMngh" POP! She slurped his tip, letting his cum pool in her mouth as her head was turned so quickly she got whiplash as Rico jerked over her mouth. "Aaah!" dazedly she opened it back up, her tongue churning the man cream like butter before a relentless torrent of jizz joined the amount she was already toying with. "Agglh… glug…" rope after rope of Rico's load emptied into her wide mouth as her tongue sloshed…

He sighed, pulling away as his cock hung limp and she shook her head, gargling their loads as bubbles popped in the back of her throat rapidly. "Guckguckguck…" before her mouth sealed shut, GULP, "Ah…" her tongue slid from her lips as she cupped her breasts smiling up at them both. "Mmn… a couple of stallions…" she purred enticingly, rubbing her nipples as she lifted and dropped her girls. Leaning over to Blondie and slurping his limp length as he laughed happily.

"Haaa…" he absently took his cock, and lightly slapped her cheek with it and shook his head. "…No I think I'm empty… Rico?"

But Rico was already slipping his dick back into his pants. "That was… unexpected."

Supergirl chuckled as she continued to tease Blondie's limp length with her face, lips and mouth. "Mmnhg…" brushing it with her fingers as she ran her tongue along it… then let it flop against his leg. "Unexpected huh?" she licked her lips, "You liked fucking my ass…" she rolled onto her back, spreading her legs wide as she fingered herself with one hand, squeezing her breasts with the other. "You didn't even touch my pussy…" she wormed on the floor as they watched. "And neither of you fucked my tits…"

Blondie's length rose up unexpectedly as he glanced down at it. "Huh…" he moaned, dropping exhaustedly back onto the chair as he gripped the base. "Look at that."

"Uh HUH! Look at that…" teased Supergirl, rolling expertly to her knees as she crawled on all fours towards him. "Looks like somebody wants a nice TIGHT hug…" she cupped her tits, and wrapped them around his cock. "You just lie back and let me milk you… yeah… you like that?" she grinned, sliding her tongue on him as her tits went up and down. "Mgh! MGh!... gonna squeeze out a load all over my big fat tits." She cooed, glancing over her shoulder as Rico rubbed his bulge, growing aggressively in his pants as she teased blonde with her tongue and tits.

Salivated over Blondie's glans as he melted into her chair, her saliva dripping down his shaft between her tits as she heard the familiar ZIP of pants being opened again as firm hands grabbed her waist once again from behind. "Ah damn it." she laughed, "AH! AAH! AH!" squeezing her tits tightly in her arms as she jerked them up and down Blondie's twitching member as best she could with Rico plowing her pussy like fertile soil. "Aah! AAH! Yeah! Break this mare!" she snarled, letting DD slip out a little as she tightened her grip. "OOOH! Milking you good?" Blondie grabbed at her breasts, holding them together as she braced herself on the chair, "AH-AH-Aah!!"

"Ugh! UGH!!" Blondie bucked wildly up into her, a last and final burst of strength as he fucked her tits so hard he almost bruised them. "AHAAGH!!"

"Cum baby! Nut all over them! FUCK YEAH!" she hissed the words like a serpent through her clenched teeth. "NGh! NGH! NGH!!"

Blondie spent the last drops of his load onto her breasts and face letting her focus all of her attention on Rico, "Fuck! Aahgh! Fuck me! OOH! OH! OH! OOOOOH!!" Rico grabbed her arms and yanked her back HARD as she hung in the air, her breasts dripping cum and jiggling pleasantly as her eyes rolled and she gasped for breath…

"Haa-haaa…" Rico yanked out of her before pulling her onto her knees and letting go. "Hoooo…" she sighed, feeling her body twitch as the boys gasped for breath. "MMGH! I need a shower…" she sighed, "Mmmn… I can't feel my legs. Oooh bad boys…" Rico and Blondie pushed themselves almost Zombie-like to their feet, slapping her face with limp dicks as she laughed and pushed their floppy cocks away. "Hee-hee… okay boys… take a breather."

She gave Blondie and Rico a lick each and a playful stroke with her hands but they weren't getting hard anymore. Supergirl carefully brushed her sweaty blonde hair from her face and sighed as she realized she just rubbed some cum onto it… at least it'll stay out of her eyes for the moment.

"Boys? Bath?"

"You shouldn't use the-

"We/you just fucked her/me!..." declared Blondie and Supergirl with a roll of her eyes as Rico shut his mouth and zipped himself up. "There's a bathroom down the hall on your right." She gathered her clothes and wobbled dangerously to the door, heading towards what she hoped was the bathroom.

She'd say she was sick of walking into bathrooms that looked more expensive than her apartment but then she would be lying. She stepped into the luxurious shower stall and rinsed down… taking her time as the water quickly heated up. "MMmnnmmmmmnn…" That moan could've been heard all over the empty house.

It was some time before she allowed herself to get out of the shower. She dried off, dressed, then made her way back down the hall to find Blondie and Rico, both fully dressed. Rico had a scowl on his face and spoke fiercely at Blondie.

"It doesn't matter if you know where the boss hides his money you can't PAY her with it!"

"Like he'd notice! He literally has 4 dozen places in this drafty place where he hides cash! I counted!" Blondie whispered back. "The guy's a dick and he's gonna fire us when he gets back!"

"You don't know that Chris!" Rico replied viciously.

Oh right. Blondie's name was Chris… she knew that. "Well boys." She interrupted as they jumped, "My boss doesn't really care where the money comes from as long as you give it to me." She said, holding out her hand as Blondie ignored Rico and gave her the money. "Thanks boys." She smiled, slipping it into her boot. "Bye-Bye." She added in her sexy Texas drawl turning to leave. "If you don't get fired call again."

She strutted her way back to the car, bouncing in all the right places, and headed back to Superbabes…

Time: 10:06 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Tina returned to Superbabes to find Orders with her head on the counter… the phone rang as she reached for it, and without lifting her head up she answered it.

"Hello… Superbabes we deliver." She said almost mournfully. "Alright… uh-huh… it'll be right over. Payment on delivery."

Ronnie-Bell stood over her, kindly smiling. "…Orders, would you like to share the order?"

"One catwoman meal, two Cheetah meals, and 3 small pixies…" Orders sighed as Tina approached the counter. "…Tell someone to take it I'm busy…" she said, face still on the counter.

"…Orders are you alright?" Tina asked with a slight laugh.

"…SHE LOST… she bet everything and she LOST…" Orders sighed mournfully as Tina turned her attention to Ronnie-Bell.

"Jenny got the wrong answer on Uncertainty. She bet over 20000 dollars." Ronnie-Bell replied then flinched as Orders groaned regretfully.

"I FUCKING HATE GAMBLING…" she yowled bitterly into the counter.

"It wasn't really betting, it was part of the game and she got it wrong…" Ronnie-Bell rested a comforting hand on Orders back and rubbed it as Tina placed the delivery money on the counter.

"…Well to be honest Orders, it was kinda cheating…" Tina noted.

"I got a headache for nothing…" moaned Orders ignoring her, "It's going to last all week…" the order slid across the counter and bopped her gently in the head. She didn't even flinch. "...Ow…"

Ronnie-Bell shook her huge head and patted Orders back before taking the delivery and the proffered receipt Orders held up. "I'll take the delivery. Be right back sugar."

"Mmmgh…" moaned Orders as her other hand slapped Tina's money and began to sort it without looking.

"Don't worry Orders there's… always next time?" Tina added. "…Although again it WAS cheating… SUPER cheating…" she added playfully and accurately as Orders head finally rose from the counter.

"…Does that mean you don't want me to sign you up for Who wants to be 1,000,000 dollars richer?"

"What?" Tina replied surprised Orders flicked the computer mouse showing the sign-up sheet. Her name, Tina Williams was typed on it. "No! I am NOT going on TV." She said frankly, "Nu-huh…"

"Haa…" Orders sighed, "…It was always a long shot…" she added. Closing the webpage to show the Superbabes website.

"…Yeah, it would never work I have wicked stage fright…" she replied frankly as Orders scoffed. "I could barely remember my lines back in the wild west shows, no way would I remember any cheating you drill into me."

"That's a shame… that one is a heck of a lot easier to rig." Orders replied sadly. "I'd be your phone a friend, I could put Leslie in the crowd for useless trivia and Veronica too for… math questions… " she frowned thoughtfully as the realization of her statement hit her "…Fuck it, that sounds like a lot more trouble than it's worth…" she sat up, seemingly recovered. "…Take your break Tina… good work, thanks for covering for Jenny."

"Sure boss." Smiled Tina going to the couch for a sit-down, "…So what are you going to do to Jenny?"

"Terrible. TERRIBLE things…" Orders replied cryptically, but in her usual no-nonsense tone showing a full recovery and making Tina chuckle.


Orders hates gambling but stacking the deck on a game show? She's apparently cool with that.

Tina's last name is Williams: I like the sound of it, and I couldn't use Armstrong it's too on the nose. And I got Jenny's in there: Jenny Winters, because she's based of ThePIT's Jenny Summers.

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