
Delivery Girl: Yellow Lantern Order #2

I don't own DC

Ladies and More Ladies it's time for another game of!...

NEVER has she EVER!!

With today's guest hosts, (B) Vixen! White Rabbit! And Yellow Lantern!

The girls sat around the poker table, currently used to play 'Never has she Ever' with Starfire already raising her hand and resting her elbow on the felt. Raven had chosen not to play, preferring to head back out onto the floor so Yellow Lantern was called to replace her. It was her first time…

"So… how do I play this… game?" asked Yellow Lantern hesitantly as Vixen smiled.

"You got to say something that Starfire hasn't done. But it's got to be grounded in reality, so you can't say tentacle porn."

"I've done that." Starfire replied smiling prettily as Vixen waved her down.

"We haven't started yet. Hush." Before turning back to Yellow Lantern. "I'll go first. Ahem." She seemed to think for a moment, then. "Never have I ever given a handjob to a dolphin."

Starfire's hand remained unmoved. "…I'm not allowed to go back to The Oceanside aquarium." Yellow Lantern stared at her with a mixture of shock and mirth.

"You're kidding." She replied as Starfire just shrugged.

"They said Danny the Dolphin was lonely… so I snuck in and-"

"Okay! Keep it civil." Declared Orders, glancing up from her magazine.

"…I might have been banned but the shows were great for a WEEK." She replied teasingly as White Rabbit shook her head, her floppy mask ears bouncing with the movement. She stopped and flicked her tongue across her teeth in thought.

"Nnhgh… Never have's she ever… had sex with a cook, while he was in a busy kitchen-oh come on." She didn't even finish as she sighed. Starfire wiggled her fingers, and Vixen raised her hand playfully.

"I was unknowingly on an episode of Limbo's kitchen… someone found out and it's banned now." She smiled as Yellow Lantern coughed with laughter.

"…I… don't believe you." She said as Raven shouted from the floor.

"Believe it… I got it on recording… unfortunately."

"Focus." Replied Orders as White Rabbit and Vixen gazed at Yellow Lantern. She took a breath, and seemed to think.

"…Never have I ever…" she raised her hand, "…Had sex with my best friend's father." Starfire turned to her, staring agape before she seemingly reluctantly lowered her hand.

"Huh… that was a quick game…" Vixen replied as she coughed, "…Hey, you don't have to raise your own hand for that unless-oh…" Yellow Lantern looked rather ashamed with herself, but she kept her hand up and finally lowered it as Starfire pouted. "Well… no judgment." Replied Vixen.

White Rabbit suddenly yanked the cards from the poker table, "Poker? Anyone?" she said quickly to change the subject as Starfire's pout… suddenly turned to a frown.

"You had SEX with your best friend's daddy?!" she asked aghast as Orders sighed exasperatedly, but Big Barda seemed to be the only one confused.

"You draw the line at having sex with your best friend's dad? YOU actually have a line you won't cross?!" asked Big Barda as Starfire scowled.

"…Do you have any idea how ANGRY Alice would be if I had sex with Mr. Amsel?!" she snarled, "She'd never let me hug her again!" she added indignantly at the almost childish punishment. "She'd divorce me!"

"You/we aren't married." Declared Orders AND Raven, although Orders sounded far more bored with the matter who promptly turned her head towards the floor. "Stop being a straight man from the floor!"

"Well… yeah." Yellow Lantern sighed. "…I was young, stupid and he was... well he wasn't a great person overall." She sighed, "I'm not PROUD of it." Starfire put her hands on the table and pushed herself up huffily.

"I am extremely disappointed in you!" she said sternly, "I am going to hug my best friend until I feel better!" she then marched onto the floor.

After a moment Raven squeaked erotically "Wha!? Ver-Starfire! Stop! No! Stop touching me there~!" she gasped as tips flowed like a river.

"Break that up." Sighed Orders rubbing her head as Big Barda obeyed, moving quickly to restrain the Sensually Seductive Starfire.

"…I can't believe I shared that…" Yellow Lantern sighed regretfully as White Rabbit and Vixen seemed to take it in stride.

"I can't believe Veronica has a line she won't cross…" noted Vixen surprised. "…Relax girl," she added comfortingly. "…This is probably the only place in the world that won't judge the things you have done."

White Rabbit nodded in agreement as she dealt the cards. "And Starfire is incapable of holding a grudge, she'll be groping you again before long, just you wait…"

Yellow Lantern sighed, Starfire WAS pretty handsy, especially towards the new girls. She's already had a few wandering hands over her Yellow Lantern's suit even during the 'game'. "…Well I won't look forward to that… how long of a breather do I have?"

"About an Hour." Orders interrupted as Big Barda with her arms under Starfire's, dragged a cheerfully limp Starfire back into the lounge. A few dollar bills heavier "Put her in the closet." Orders said casually as Big Barda did just that, before she herself reached for the phone as it rang.

Time: 9:22 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, We deliver."

"Hey. Yo. Yeah uh… damn, the Yellow Lantern meal."

"One Milanese risotto. Anything else?"

"Uh. A Pep, please? And delivered by Yellow… Lantern. Is there really a-"

"Does it really matter if there's a 'real' Yellow Lantern or not?"


"I thought not. We expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of the delivery. Name and address please."


"Orders when did you add the chair?!" Shouted a muffled Starfire cheerfully from the broom closet. "It's nice!" Orders ignored her as Yellow Lantern got up and approached hearing her 'name' for the order.

"Yellow Lantern you got one." Yellow Lantern however stared at the closet somewhat concerned. "I'll let her out in about 10 minutes after she's…" she paused trying to find the right words. "Calmer…" she held out the receipt to Yellow Lantern who took it checking the address as the brand stamped delivery bag slid out, she lifted it from the counter and headed out the back.

As she went she casually yanked her emblazoned helmet off the 'Helmet' hooks by the door. They were a recent installation by Orders (or more accurately Orders's go-to constructor Piotr) for the bike riders so they wouldn't have to walk to the locker rooms first or risk theft… She slid it onto her pretty head, and walked straight to her bright yellow sportbike. She secured the food before swinging her leg over the seat and she revved the bike speeding quickly off into Gotham.

The lights of the city sped by her helmet as she swived easily through traffic and cars… True she was being a bit of a daredevil, but her confidence about doing it was enhanced by the fact that the last time she was considering attempting such driving Orders told her in graphic detail the exact size of the PASTE she left behind after getting hit by a truck… Of course, it was THAT thought that got her to slow down, that and the patrol cars. So she drove at a more respectable speed as she headed into upper-east Gotham.

But not very far. Her daisy yellow bike came to a sudden and complete stop outside a garage… specifically an auto-repair shop. She's never really been to one before, because A: money and B: nobody touches her baby if she can help it…

She swung her leg off the bike and grabbed the food, double checking the receipt. Hank's Garage. This was the place… it was closed but there was light coming from beneath the trio of shuttered garage doors. She secured her helmet and strutted towards the far left one where there was the most light.

She raised her ring hand and knocked loudly on it as it rattled. "Superbabes."

Time: 9:46 PM. Place: Upper-east Gotham (Hank's Garage)

"Special Delivery Service." She heard the sound of power tools but it abruptly stopped. After a moment, there was a click and fwooosh! The shutters shoot opened like a popgun to reveal a tall, strapping, handsome mechanic in a jumpsuit marked with a nametag. 'TED'.

He was tall, and muscular with a dark tan. His suit didn't quite fit right, the zipper was half-done up showing off his pectorals the way her suit showed off her cleavage. His dark brown hair was short but in dreadlocks reminding her of a mop… Honestly he looked like the kind of guy you'd find in a pin-up calendar and she might remember seeing him as such, or one that looked remarkably like him.

His hands raised up like marbled pillars, holding the garage door open as he tilted her handsome head inside. "Come on in…" she walked by as he let go of the door, it slammed shut behind her as she eyed a beige station wagon, a creeper: the thing mechanics use to slid under cars, halfway out from beneath it as he took a rag from his waist and wiped his hands.

"What's wrong with the car?" she asked as he laughed.

"Busted axel." He replied, "Washer fluid has a hairline crack, and the A/C smells." He listed off rather mundane car problems. "I've already fixed the battery. But I'm working overtime tonight so…" he tossed the rag away, accurately onto a tool station. "Figured I'd spurge a little."

"…Ah…" she replied, subtly lowering the zipper of her suit as she walked over to the tool station and dropped the bag onto it. "…Got the whole place to yoursELF." She jumped as heavy, calloused hands cupped her body from behind, easily yanking her away from the station and facing the station wagon. "Haah… ah…" she squirmed against his powerful body that smelled like motor oil and sweat…

…And one of those was kind of a turn on she would admit to herself.

"Yep… the whole place."

"NNGh!" she wiggled, feeling his bulge through his jumpsuit between her buttcheek through her own suit. Benefits, or drawback, of it being skintight. Slowly his hands moved from her breasts to the insides of her suit peeling the tight leather away until her upper body was exposed to the garage. The suit hung around her waist as he pushed it down over her ass. She slipped out of her boots, standing naked as she tried to turn around only for him to shover her forward. "AH!" she flopped over the hood of the station wagon as he lifted her leg so the arch of right foot hooked onto the side mirror.

He took a powerful hand and pressed it beneath the thigh of her raised leg, keeping it up before he buried his face into her crotch. "NNGh-aah!" she moaned, his tongue sliding into her like a fleshy dildo, spreading her open as his other hand slid his index and middle finger in as well, pumping slowly back and forth as he ate her out from behind. "UUGh! Hah…" she fell forward onto the hood, pressing her breasts against the cold metal as her fingers stretched in a vain attempt to reach the other side to pull herself over the car away from his probing tongue, but to no avail.

"Mmgn… mmngh." From her thigh, he wrapped his arm around it, cracking his calloused hands onto her ass cheeks as he continued to eat her out, gripping her right butt cheek tightly. "MMng."

"Haa-aah! Ngh-ah!" her yellow eyes rolled up into her head, "Ooooh. Oh…" groaning loudly as her legs wobbled in pleasure, feeling the tiny orgasms rush through her body as his fingers began to speed up inside her. "Ah. ah… ah." Twisting inside her as she felt his knuckles punch lightly against her while getting his fingers as deep as they would go. Her arousal leaking onto the floor like she needed a tune-up. "Haa-aah!" she slipped off the mirror and twitched wildly, bucking up against the car as her eyes rolled up into her head.

Ted stood up, licking his lips as he unzipped his own suit down to his crotch, not even bothering to take it off he opened it wider as his bulge popped free… no underwear… obviously. His 9-inch girth throbbed menacingly as he hefted Yellow Lantern's legs onto the hood of the car where she squatted awkwardly, clawing at the hood as her body twitched.

Ted swatted her ass cheek with his cock until it was as firm as her ass, guiding it lower to her dripping slit as he grabbed her waist and pulled. "Haah!"

"Ooh… NGh! Ugh. Ugh…" Ted started off slowly but pierced in deep.

"Hah… ah-ahh yeah… AH-ah-ah-ah-ah!" Ted knew what he was doing, or he knew what he wanted either way she was already cumming, "Haaaaaah!" Ted raised her ass slightly into the air and pounded rapidly into her from behind.

Pap-pap-pap. Bouncing off her hard as he quickly returned over and over. Jackhammering away at her as the station wagon tested it's shocks with her body slamming against the hood.

"Haa-hah-ugh-ugh-ugh…" grunted quickly as she wiggled her ass with her spasms, his grip on her waist was like iron, even if she tried she wouldn't be going anywhere.

"Haa-haa-haa…" he panted eagerly, rapidly moving his hips. "NGh! Damn your… tight!" he clenched his teeth and-WHAM.

"NGH!" she grunted as he buried his pulsating length inside her letting it throb against her inner walls as he rolled his hips, planted his feet and pulled back. "You gonna-NGH! You-NNGH! GOnna cum!? OH! SHIT!"

His thrusts almost her he was ramming into her so hard. Boom. Boom. Boom. Knocking at her womb as he railed into her raised ass from behind with a firm look of determination on his flushed face. "Ugh! Ugh!! UGGH!!!" she grunted, going stiff as he buried his cock a final time into her pussy. She hissed through her teeth as her whole body petrified, "NNgh…" the orgasm rushed through her as he emptied his load inside her as deep as it would get.

"Haaaaaaah…" he released a long sigh and a lot more cum than she expected. He slowly pulled his member from her twitching insides until it popped free… a trail of arousal leaked from her spread pussy as he gripped her ass cheeks with both hands and opened her further, seemingly admiring his… bodywork.

Hooking his hand under her right leg, he rolled her onto the hood of the car with a thump, she lied in the middle as he walked to the front of the car, keeping her legs spread as she hooked her hands feebly under her knees, pulling her legs up as he stroked himself harder once again. It twitched imposingly as he loomed over her, pushing back inside her as he put his whole weight onto her.

"UGUh!!" she twitched, toes curling as her fingers sunk into her legs. "Fucking… DICK…" she hissed softly as he pulled back, "Ugh!" pushing deep into her, "Ugh! NGH! Aah!" the car creaking and groaning as they tested the shocks again. "Ha-hah-ah!" she glanced down over his shoulder as he rammed deep into her body. Burying his shaft inside her as she bit her lip, "MMGh! Aaah-aaah!!" squealing as he began jackhammering her again, watching his ass rise and fall on top of her…

"Oh! SHIT!" she screamed, suddenly releasing her legs to claw at the windshield, "Haa-haa!" thrashing on the hood of the car as she came hard. He lashed his hands under her legs, crawling onto the hood and mounting her in the ever popular mating press, her legs hooking on his shoulders as he planted his feet and tried to nail her to the hood of the car like and ornament. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! AAGH!"

He delved into her with deep penetrating strokes, scraping every inch of her inner walls as she clung tightly to his pulsating girth. "I'm! Gonna… CUM!"


He did cum but it took him at least five more minutes of mind melting mating press. "Haa-! UGH! AAAH… OH!" WHAM. WHAM. WHOP. He pressed down onto her twitching body as she gasped, gazing blankly up at the ceiling as thick cum flooded her insides, some gushing out around him oozing down her ass cheeks.

Resting her arm over her eyes and breathing heavily he slowly pulled out of her, a soft squelch resonated from her filled hole as cum continued to ooze. "Haa… haa… how is there… more after the first time?" she moaned in disbelief as he held her legs open, watching her pussy 'gasp' for breath as more of his load dribbled out of her and down the hood of the car.

"Hoo… Gotta clean that up." He mumbled, watching it drip in a river like trail over the radiator grill. "…Worth it." he declared, lightly swatting her ass cheek as he finally let her legs good. They flopped onto the hood as she lied there still recovering. "Try not to dent it." he teased as she raised her other hand and flipped him off.

He took her bird hand and yanked her lightly over the hood of the car… her cheeks wiping off the mixture of cum and arousal leaking out of her as she cringed, her feet landing on the floor as he put his other hand on her head and pushed down gently.

His intent obvious, she squatted on her heels gazing up at him as his cock hung down like a dead snake. "…Want me to suck your dick?" she asked sassily as his length twitched in response, but didn't rise up.

"I do in fact want you to suck my dick." he wiggled again.

"I'll suck your fucking dick…" she breathed as it got a little harder, "Haa…" she stuck out her tongue, gazing up as him determinedly as she ran it the full length of his twitching cock, slurping cum and arousal still lingering on it. "Telling me to suck this monster fucking cock." wiggle-wiggle, "It's got pussy juice all over it." she moaned, wiggle wiggle. "Mwah." Wiggle. "MMNgh!" pressing her lips firmly against it as it vibrated eagerly. "You're gonna ram this-mmgh." She pressed her lips to the tip and slurped, "Fucking dick." Throb-throb. "Into my throat aren't you?"

She sneered up at him, gripping the base of her almost erection as she ran his tip across her teeth like a combination dildo-toothbrush. "All the guys want that. Get me on my knees so I can suck out there nut." It bulged eagerly, getting hard in her grip as he rested it against her face. "Fuck me…" she growled, opening her mouth and swirling her tongue around his glans. "Mmghn-haaah-mmng." Wrapping her lips around it as she grabbed his waist.


"OOoh damn!" he cried out happily as she forced her face to fuck his cock… that doesn't sound right, but it was accurate. She yanked his hips forward and threw her head into his crotch over and over as his cock slid in and out of her throat. "Oooh!" he rested a hand on her head as she let one drop to her crotch, fingering herself furiously as she became a blur on his shaft. "No wonder all the guys want this!" he declared, "Suck on it. Suck, keep going!"

"mMNgh! MGngh! GUCK! GUCK! GUCK! GUCK!" his cock seemed to become accustomed to her throat, and piercing into it became easier, gliding smoothly in and out as her tongue vibrated beneath him, she contined to gaze determinedly up at him, maintaining eye contact as his throbbed more and more against the lining of her esophagus. "MMNGh!" burying her face into his crotch, jerking her head left and right as it rubbed around in her gullet. "Pfmmb!" she spluttered slightly but immediately began again. "MMGH! MMGH!! MMGH!! MMMmnngh!!" her lower body wobbled as she made herself cum…

Squirt, arousal, and cum leaked out of her leaving a growing puddle of fluid between her legs.

"Haa-haa!" he panted, "Look at me! Shit you're so hot!" he praised.


"You love this don't you!? You love this more than me?"

"Mmmn-hmmn!" she moaned, her throat vibrating around his girth with her noise and movement as he gripped the back of her short-haired head and pulled her down. "MMmmngh!" she shuddered excitedly as cum burst from her lips, then her nose, shooting against his pubic hairs as she moaned, slurping down the rest, gulping noisly as he gasped for breath.

"Uuugh… hah… haa-damn…" he growled, letting go of her head as she shot so quickly off his cock it flew from her mouth.


"Hah? God damn it…" she gasped breathlessly as his spent cock rested on her face over her left eye, a trickle of cum oozing from the tip onto her forehead. "…You made a mess." She pouted as he groaned, leaning over her and on the hood of the car.

"Yeah… don't worry I'll get that… no extra charge. Promise." He sighed contentedly, his cock wiggling on her face as he finally pushed off and away. He stripped off his jumpsuit, tossing it aside before walking to the back wall and retrieving a rubber hose. He grabbed a nearby handle and turned it as it began to leak water, then it began to flood as he hosed the fluid on the floor to a grate.

Then promptly turned the water on himself, hosing off his sweat and various fluids as she watched nervously, getting to her feet and leaning on the car, it then occurred to her that there probably wasn't a shower here… and she was kinda messy. "…Don't tell me."

He shook his dreadlocks flicking water everywhere, "…Want a hit?"

"Oh damn it. Fine!" she braced herself, T-posing as he gripped the hose and sprayed her and the car, "Ahaa-aah! That's fucking cold!" she hissed, tensing up but struggling to keep herself upright as he washed off her face and lower body. "Ah!" she found herself sitting on the hood, his girth slapping against her crotch as he held the hose over them with one hand, and her ass with the other.

"I'll warm you up." He grinned as he began thrusting into her again, sliding her ass on the hood of the car like a squeegee.

"Aah-aahg! FUCK! IT's! COLD!" she shrieked, as she clamped around him, clawing at his arms as she rolled her ass on the car…


"Haa-haa-haaa-haaa-haa!" she rolled back as he kept thrusting wildly, dropping the hose as he slammed his hands on the hood.

"Haaaa!" he thrust into her body and sighed, a warmth rushing into her as she cooed softly.

"Haa… fuck I'm freezing!" she hissed sitting up and pushing his grinning face away, shaking slightly. "…Do you have a towel or something?"

"Yeah got plenty." He declared strutting proudly naked towards the tool counter and opening a drawer, retrieving a few raggedy towels and tossing her one, "At least they weren't oily."

She dried off her body quickly before wrapping it around her, he went to the wall, turning off the hose. "…Okay… I think you've buffed me enough." She mumbled, "…Time to pay up while I-… ah damn it."

The hose, when he tossed it aside, landed right onto her suit… it was soaked. She grabbed a boot, turned it upside down as water splashed onto the floor. "…That's just… great." She grumbled, before turning her attention to him as he began pulling up his jumpsuit. "…Hey Ted, I'm going to need some clothes."

"What? Oh… my names Earl not Ted." He declared as she glared at him, but he grinned, "Nah just kidding I'm Ted. I'll see if we have a spare suit lying around."

"And the delivery fee!" she ordered as he nodded.

"Yep. Hold on." He said casually as she shivered.

"…This is why I don't go to garages…" she mumbled irately.

Time: 11:19 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

After the familiar VROOM of a sportbike echoed in the parking lot. 'Adam's' shapely body strutted into the back of Superbabes as the girls currently on break watched her enter. Tasha smiled, at her as she tossed her wet uniform, packed in the same plastic Superbabes bag she delivered with, into the locker rooms. "Nice suit."

"It was all he could find after he soaked my costume!" Freya declared annoyed, looking down at Adam's Jumpsuit "…It's kind of loose." She mumbled, stretching out the sides it was almost like a parachute on her athletically lithe body.

"Adam. Huh… Can I have it?" Freya eyed her as Orders wordlessly sorted Freya's cut of the delivery.

"…What are you going to do with a mechanic's jumpsuit?"

"It's my last name." she replied simply, "Addams."

"…That doesn't tell me what you'll do with it." replied Freya curiously as Tasha just smiled.

"I could come up with some ideas… or other people could. Some sharpie a bit of nip-and-tuck to make it tighter." She added confidently "Ah." Orders lightly swatted her hand with a small stack of bills.

"You're not keeping it, they'll eventually come and get it back when they eat in. Or when they order again, it's hard to say which." She pushed Freya's cut towards her, "Go get your clothes in the dryer." She added, "And take a proper shower or you'll catch a cold."

"Yes mom." Mumbled Freya walking towards the locker rooms as the closet rattle. She paused, "…Veronica are you still in there?"

"Yes." Replied Veronica, "…It's kinda cozy. But I need to use the bathroom."

"Let her out." Orders sighed, "Behave yourself." She added as Freya opened the door and Veronica shuffled out, wrapping her arms around Freya who jerked slightly in response.

"We are going to get through this together." She said solemnly, "But first we need to kiss and make up!" she puckered her dick-sucking lips and went in for a kiss as Orders groaned angrily.

"Rebecca. Closet!"

"You just had to push her." Rebecca replied exasperatedly, separating Freya and a giggling Veronica easily before tossing her back into the closet and slamming the door behind her.

"There's something wrong with that girl…" mumbled Freya nervously, grabbing the bag of wet costume as she went into the lockers.

Alice just sighed contentedly on the couch, "…Yep." She added, turning the page of her magazine.


Alice Amsel and Tasha Addams. Amsel is German for Blackbird... it just kind of fits, and I like the sound of Tasha Addams.

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