
Delivery Girl: Cheetah Order #3

I don't own DC

"Nnnngh…" groaned Red Lantern face down on the couch, her beautiful, wide ass twitching slightly as Cheetah and Supergirl exited the locker rooms.

"What happened you?" asked Supergirl as Cheetah laughed apologetically.

"Haven't you heard? Starfire tutored her…"

"Oh… I am so sorry." Supergirl replied seriously but trying very hard not to laugh. "…Did you sleep at all?"

Red Lantern grit her teeth, and pushed up, shaking slightly as she sat her big wide ass cheeks on the couch and flinched. "Well… I can honestly say I prefer Lucy…" she noted as they two chuckled.

"As do I." Orders noted flatly as the girls snorted. Trying much harder now. "Not in the way you're thinking." she added dismissively.

"The things Veronica… uh, Starfire made me do…" she moaned, "And then she brought over 'teacher aids'… they finally let me sleep at about six in the morning…" she got to her feet flinching, "NNngh! By then they were so tired they were too limp to fuck me anymore…"

"You were still conscious at the end of it?" Orders replied casually, "Hmmn… maybe I'll cut down your night tutoring then."

"Please!" Red Lantern groaned her legs wobbling as much as her big wide booty out onto the floor. Her walking lessons with Vixen and her balancing lessons with Batwoman mixing as she went to work. Forming an efficient 'sexy walk', all the girls did it but they were all just a little different… and admittedly some of them couldn't turn it off.

"…Aren't you bulling her a lot?" Supergirl asked as Orders' eyes flashed.

"…She picked my pocket." She said sternly. Cheetah and Supergirl, aware of the fact that Red Lantern had done so, chose not to argue with Orders when it came to her money. She was a greedy bitch with a heart of gold, but she was still a greedy bitch. "The fact that I'm even considering easing up is progress. Speaking of progress…" she brought up the schedule. "…Supergirl I'm going to put her on the 2 for 1 with you next week."

"Okay." Supergirl replied.

"Ease her into it. And Cheetah, Livewire said she'd cover you for Thursday so you can make your 'meet up'." Another word for one of Cheetah's furry sessions, "But I'll need you to cover for Hawkgirl later on Saturday."

"Got it." she replied casually, her tail flicking. Normally she'd just reschedule but her client was only in town for the night and she didn't want to lose the opportunity to make an impression… he was a big furry organizer from out west, and that convention money is still good money… Orders did insist on a 5% cut if she ended up going, that was fair in her opinion. Orders was essentially her pimp… I mean, 'manager'.

"Now go on." She noted, paused as her purple eyes flashed and she sighed. "Supergirl help clean up." She mumbled as a crash echoed from the floor.

"Sorry!" Star Sapphire yelped, "Did I get a lot on you?"

Red Lantern matched through the lounge covered in spaghetti, her face now as red as her suit covered in tomato sauce and noodles, heading straight to the locker room showers. "Yep…" she mumbled indignantly as Supergirl and Cheetah stifled giggles. But then Orders reached for the phone.

Time: 9:02 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Hello Superbabes, We delivered."

"*whispering* Hi! Hey! I got to be quick, two Cheetah meals please."

"…*sigh*. Two three-cheese grilled cheese sandwiches, and a fries or salad."

"Yeah yeah that please-crap losing signal. Deliveredbycheetahplease!"

"…Goddamnit. Have her back in sixty minutes, name and address. Quick."


Uh… meanwhile?

"Cheetah you got one." she mumbled, rubbing her temples, "…Alright…" her eyes flicked briefly as she wrote on the receipt. "…You're going to have to work for this one." she mumbled as Cheetah took the receipt, raising an eyebrow as her cute little cat nose twitched curiously. Reading the instructions.

"Oh… kay." She said slowly as the food slid out. She picked it up, still reading the receipt and putting it into the bag, and heading to the car. She slipped right in and sped off towards northern Gotham. Soon the concrete jungle gave way to green trees, and darkness… she sped past the road that led to the camp cabins and more towards campgrounds.

A small area located by a lake that eventually flowed towards the sea, she pulled into a nearly empty lot. A pair of vehicles, a truck, and a sedan were parked side by side not too far away. She got out of the near darkness of the campground, lit only by a lone street lamp in the parking lot, and the sight of a small campfire burning nearby. She checked the receipt in what little light she had before walking towards the campfire.

His soft pawed cat feet silently moved across the grass as she approached and soon shapes around the campfire formed. There were two large tents, a small public restroom not too far away from it, and two men around a stone pit with a raging fire. Smoke wafting up into the cold night as they snored… LOUDLY…

Sitting side by side, a thin man and a fat man dressed in a fishing vest and surrounded by empty beer bottles, snored in fold-out lounge chairs as she stared at them almost dismissively.

"Why do I always get the drunk ones?" she mumbled absently to herself, she was just about to check the receipt again on what to do, maybe she missed something. When-

"Psst… Hey!" came a harsh whispered. She glanced over at one of the large tents, it was one of those 'long house' tents, with little side rooms and a big one in the middle. She used to see them on display in big furniture stores, but never actually went camping herself. She was definitely an inside cat… before she actually became one. "Hey!" a head poked out of the massive inside tent as a small electric lamp was lit, revealing a pair of figures inside. "Over here!"

She silently approached, not even bothering to hide herself, the crackle of the flames and the snoring men pretty much overwhelmed them anyway. The zipper opened, and a younger face peeked out from the crack. "holy crap she's real." He breathed.

"Dude let her in!" came obviously the other occupant of the tent.

Cheetah sighed, then rapped a knuckle on the flap of the tent. it made no sound but regardless. "Superbabes." She noted softly.

Time: 9:30 PM. Place: Northern Gotham (Campsite tent)

"Special delivery service." The furry Superbabe purred absently as the tent flap slid all the way open showing a pair of young men, similar in features but not the same sitting in the center of the tent surrounding the electric lamp supplying the light. Adjustable apparently.

One was fit, athletic, she'd say popular with dark hair similar to the fat man outside. His son probably, the other young man was not so athletic, husky: she wasn't mean enough to say 'fat' but he had brown hair and a younger look. Both however she could tell, were probably related… cousins at least. And she was right.

"Wow." Repeated the huskier man as the athletic one, clearly the more eager of her presence waved her in.

"Come on in!" he grinned lecherously. She slithered catlike inside, in one fluid movement displaying her body and flexibility before she knelt onto the tarp floor. She left the food outside, it was cramped enough as it is.

"…Are we really going to do this right here?" she asked, glancing at the eager athletic young man, obviously his idea. He reached around her, she smirked faintly as she felt his hand on her leg for 'balance' as he zipped up the tent.

"YEAH…" he said, in that young 'obviously' sort of tone that many eager men often took in the presence of a willing and beautiful woman. Especially exotic ones like here.

"…Right here?" she repeated as the huskier one suddenly looked more nervous.

"Actually Theo… I'm not so sure-"

"Harry, we both know our dads are going to be out all night!" he replied scathingly, but not loudly she noted. "They drank a case between them, Superman fighting Metallo right in front of them wouldn't wake them up."

"…Okay…" he mumbled, a little hesitant but that hesitation obviously vanished as she stood up.

"…Alright then. If you're sure." She purred, writhing in place like a belly dancer, or a snake, she's recently been given a few tips from Catwoman II in belly dancing, and then later Batwoman because she's a very quick learner when it comes to any form of dance. "I guess I'll speed this along…" she slid her suit slowly down her arms, before freeing her furry breasts as 'Harry' stared at them in awe and Theo fidgeted eagerly in place. She purred loudly, like a cat prowling the night for prey before the suit went lower, and lower over her furry belly, then it flopped silently to the floor around her ankles.

Her tail swished behind her as her hips swayed sensually left, then right… she dropped to her knees abruptly, eyeing them mischievously one after the other before pawing across the tent to the lamp as they both got a good side view of her sexy furry body, her tail still swishing as she reached for the lamp, and turned it down to the lowest possible setting that wasn't 'Off'…

Her eyes blue cat eyes glowed in the dark, they could just see the outline of her body in the low light but they could definitely see her eyes, the twinkled predatorily in the dark as she crawled around the tent, slowly, silently… she felt Harry jump as he soft silky tail rubbed lovingly across his… admittedly kinda greasy face. She suddenly turned, her hip and soft furry behind pushing his chest as she began to 'stalk' 'Theo'.

"Man, I TOLD you those girls were wild! This is going to be GREAT!" he jumped as she circled around him, he shuddered in her grip as her hand reached between his crossed legs and grabbed his already hard cock through his shorts, he wasn't huge, but he wasn't small. They call them average sized for a reason after all.

"Suuuuuush…" she half hissed, half purred in his ear, her furry muzzle pushing against his lobe. "Nice and quiet… prey…" she purred sensually as her tail flicked. "Now… who shall I eat first?" she growled quietly, sexily, still prowling around the tent. Crawling on her hands and knees more like a stripper than a cat, her tail flicking across them as she heard Theo remove his clothes, feeling his shirt on her lower body as he tossed them away, her tail brushing it off as she sat up on her knees before him, running her hands over her furry frame as Harry stared at her.

"Whoa." Hissed Theo as she moaned, his hands running over her fur and squeezing her ass as she felt his length against her thigh, she swayed her hips and purred. "Dude this is REAL." He hissed softly at Harry, "No more internet pictures for you." His hands squeezed into her furry ass cheeks as she purred louder, writhing her body against him as his hands lowered to her thighs and he pulled her.

"Oooh!" she purred, her legs flew out behind him as she landed on his legs with a thump, before she was rolled onto her back, "Haa…" she breathed as he fell onto her, her legs rubbing his as she purred in his ear, his head burying between her furry breasts as she rubbed his back and head. "Going to make me purr?" she growled as he pushed himself into her.

"Haa-Ahhh…" he sighed, covering his mouth as his eyes rolled, he pushed into her with one thrust, her tight pussy becoming wetter by the second as she meowed softly, "MNGH! MMMn…" he panted, grinding than thrusting before he shuddered, holding himself over her as she rubbed his chest, her claws scratching the surface but not deep enough to leave a mark.

"Deeper…" she purred, "Haa-haa…" soft breathes and soothing whispers as his grunts grew louder and louder behind his hands, "Haaa… unn… unnn…" she rubbed his legs with her furry ones, soft and silky "MMmn!" her sensual bedroom eyes glowed up at him as she opened her muzzle mouth, "Haa-aaah!"

Being loud as hell, screaming your climax, that was fun. But keeping it down, secret, quiet, the fear of being caught… that was just as fun. "Haaa!" she shuddered before turning her attention to Harry, he stared at her furry body as her modestly big breasts bounced up and down on her chest with his cousin's thrusts. "Haa… haa…" he was stroking himself, staring at her body as his hand moved up and down his exposed cock… he was slightly above average, good for him.

"NNgh…mnn! Haaa!" she moaned intentionally loud as the boys flinched, "MMn…" she purred curling a hand at Harry as Theo stayed nervously still balls deep in her pussy, his cock throbbing against her tight inner walls as she licked her lips with her kitty tongue.

"…Come over here…" she cooed enticingly as Harry went stiff…er. His cock throbbing and his body frozen. "Come on…" she encouraged like she was trying to call a scared little animal. "You need to keep me quiet…" she growled softly, licking her lips again as Harry shuffled towards her. Her soft paw wrapped around his cock as he trembled, "Closer…" she whined as he was pulled towards her face as she stroked him, Theo speeding up again. "Haa-Haa… better…" she cooed up at Harry, her sensual catlike blue eyes glowing up at him as her muzzle opened. "Haaa!"

Her tongue wrapped around his trembling cock before her mouth closed lovingly around it, pre-cum immediately spurted onto her tongue but that didn't stop her, "MMmn. MMmn! MMmn…" she slid up and down his length with practiced grace and care.

"OO! MMGN!" he covered his own mouth as she slurped and licked softly, her tongue slithering up and down his trembling length as Theo sped up.

"MMgn! MMNg!! MMMNG!!" she grunted with his deep thrusts, her mouth muffled by Harry's above-average dick as she buried her face into his crotch, inhaling his scent as she slathered her tongue all around him between her lips. "Ugh! Unggh! Aaaaack!" her mouth opened around Harry's twitching cock as she orgasmed, Theo slapping roughly against her furry hips, before dropping onto her. "Aaaaghuck!" she grunted as Harry's cum suddenly burst into her mouth, "Ulck!" she garbled, but closed her mouth around him before too much dribbled out.

Theo growled into her shoulder, opposite Harry as she held her head down on his length. Theo ground his hips as his load rushed into her, it was plentiful… it had been a while for him. If ever.

"MMmng-mmmn-gulp!" she gulped Harry's cum as he slipped from her mouth trembling and shaking as his eyes adjusted, coming back down after rolling up in his head. He stared down as her tongue snaked out, "Haa-Ahhh…" lying on her back like a lazy cat as Theo pulled out of her pussy, now stuffed with plenty of milk, her tongue lolled out to lick up Harry's spilled seed as he stared at her.

"Now that was awesome." Theo declared proudly, rubbing her furry stomach as she spread her legs flexibly, rubbing her hand on her oozy pussy as she took Harry's cock in hand and slipped it back into her muzzle, licking and cleaning him as Theo chuckled under his breath. "That right there is a real pussy!" neither saw her glowing cat eyes roll.

"MMmn-mmn-aahh…" she sighed, sitting up slowly, her legs still spread and playing with herself as she eyed Harry with those bedroom eyes again… you know the ones. "…Want to give the pussy more milk?" she purred, as his cock hardened, her tail swished as she rolled over, crawling to him as she put her hand on his chest. "…Lie down for kitty…" she cooed as she pushed him onto his back with a rather ungrace thud. He stared in awe up at her as she crawled over him, her hands on his chest as she straddled his lap, feeling his husky belly against hers as she wiggled her hips.

She leaned over him, gazing into his nervous but hopeful eyes as she licked her furry face again, "…Do you think I'm a pretty kitty?" she cooed.

"Yes…" he moaned, his cock throbbing eagerly against her wet lower lips.

"MMMn…" she cooed, rubbing her body now as she slipped herself up to his tip, "I like being a pussy…" she cooed feeling his cock twitch against her lips before she engulfed him.

"HAA!" he moaned eagerly, hands lashing to her waist as she laughed softly, covering his mouth as the men outside snorted.

Her lithe furry body lied on top of him as she covered his mouth, worming and writhing slowly on his lap as her pussy oozed arousal. "No no no…" she purred sensually, "You have to make me yowl…" she cooed, beginning to worm on his body, "Uh… uhh…" she grunted softly, "I'll do all the work… you just lie back and let this pussy make you feel good." Gazing into his eyes, rocking her body back and forth over him, rubbing her silky fur on his skin.

It was like heaven for him…

"NNgh… mmn! Uh… uh!" her lower body began to 'dance' on his lap, bucking rapidly up and down as her tail swished back and forth like a whip, cracking over her body to make her go faster and faster. "Uh-uh-ugh!!" she breathed, his moaning, shaking body beneath her as his hands, originally stiff at his side lashed onto her waist. "Yes… yes…" she purred into his face sensually, "Pet the pussy, pet it with your big dick…" she leaned close, so close their foreheads almost touched, her body writhing on him as she felt him get close and closer to climax…

"MMn! MMn!!" she cooed shaking in pleasure, "Give this pussy lots of milk… I'm in heat and I want it…" she cooed softly, breathlessly. "Haa-Haa! Give me lots of kittens!"

"MMMGh!!" he moaned shaking as he pushed himself up and she slapped her hips down.

"Oh Yes!" she hissed through her teeth before pulling her hand away and silencing his gasp with her muzzle. "MMmngh-mMMN!!" she wiggled her planted hips left and right on his spraying cock as she tongue his mouth, wrestling his tongue as she finally felt him finish. "MMmn…" she pulled away, licking her lips as Harry stared up at the ceiling… she purred loudly. Deep in her chest, sensual…

"Did you like my pussy?" she purred, her tail swishing and twitching as her orgasm lessened.

"Yes… it's amazing…" he moaned, stroking his hands on her side as she giggled softly.

"Your milk is nice and thick… just how I like it." she purred, licking his nose before gasping. "Haa." She turned her head as a rock-hard Theo spread her ass cheeks, her tail coiling against his chest. She clenched her teeth in an encouraging but dangerous smile as he pushed his cock at her tail hole… she didn't cry out, her body just shivered, hissing softly through her teeth as she covered Harry's mouth, he moaned loudly as her body clenched around his softening cock, massaging it with her unintentional spasms back to life inside her as Theo groaned softly.

"Her tail hole is just as tight as her pussy!" he purred softly, grabbing the base of her tail as she shot up, slapping his chest.

"Don't pull my tail!" she hissed sternly,

"Yeah, that's bad for cats!" Harry replied his mouth briefly freed from her hand as Theo tightened his grip.

"I'm not going to pull it!"

"Haa!" she gasped, shaking as Theo slammed against her furry cheeks, he didn't tug on her tail, just kept a firm grip at the base, still… "Ha! Uh! Uh!! uHG!!" her eyes rolled as Theo railed into her tail hole from behind, then Harry began to move. "NNgh!!" she clenched her teeth as both young men began to pump in and out of her body. It spasmed and shuddered, her fur standing on end as her clawed toes curled. "NNgh! NNgh! Haaa!" she released a shuddering breath as Theo let go of her tail as it flickered about, brushing his chin he grabbed her hair, yanking it back as she hissed again, louder, but kept her voice low as she bounced herself back against his thrust, Harry pulling her hips down against his upward thrusting dick.

Moaning into her hand she gasped, feeling his cock vibrate as she clenched her teeth, her eyes rolling in her head as she opened her muzzle, "Haaaaa!" he was a soft cry from her usually dynamic roars of climax but her body tightened and she went limp on Harry's body, shaking and fidgeting as Theo's hips bounced off her furry ass cheeks before he pushed deep into her.

"NNgh! Lot's of milk for you!" he hissed, groaning softly and grinning as his cock shuddered out it's load. "Nnngh…"

"I love getting Milk in me…" she purred erotically, shaking as Harry moaned. "Yeah? Your turn?" she cooed, rolling her hips onto his bucking cock. "MMn… yeah… yeah. Uh. Uh. Uh!" she hissed in his ear, "It feels so good! Make me meow!"

Harry buried himself into her, shaking in pleasure as she "Meeeeeow…" she hissed, cooing softly right into his face, seemingly squeezing out another rope of cum as he spurted deep inside her. Theo lightly swatted her furry ass cheeks as she drained his cousin. "Holy crap…" he squeezed her furry ass cheeks as she purred louder and louder. "…I love Gotham…"

"…Not local boys?" she purred softly, absently stroking Harry's face as she grinned happily.

"Nope, Amnesty Bay…" her tail flicked, frowning slightly as he sat on his boy, shaking in bliss. "…Heard about Gotham's Superbabes from a couple of upperclassmen…" he lied on his breath, "…Worth it." she rolled off of Harry, his cock half-hard and wobbling free of her pussy as she eyed the clearly spent Theo. He stretched contentedly as she raised a long, furry leg and began to finger herself.

"Roow…rooowl…" she cooed, purring and growling as she writhed on the tent floor. Her leg straight in the air she lied on her side, both boys got a good, if a little visually dim, view of the masturbating cat-lady as her toes curled, "Nnngh! Roooowl…"

"What are you doing?" Theo asked lazily as Harry stared.

"You still got time…" she purred softly, "…And I wasn't lying…" she licked her lips erotically, "…I'm in HEAT… I want a nice, wild LION to come over her and make me roar…" her fingers squelched in her messy pussy as she licked her furry face again, watching Harry. "…How about it? want to be my tomcat?"

Harry slowly sat up, staring at her pussy as she purred, then rolled over, crawling on the floor again, facing away from him as her tail swished enticingly, wiggling her ass at him as she spread her legs, lying her upper body on the floor. "Come on… make me purr, I'll be a good pussy…"

"Better get that Harry." Laughed Theo tiredly, "When's the next time you can come to Gotham and really pet some pussy?"

Harry hesitantly ran his hands over the fur on her ass cheeks as she purred, her tail coiling against his chest and brushing his chin as he laughed, "T-tickles!" he giggled as she purred softly, smiling over her shoulder as she wiggled her hips against him.

"Roowl…" she growled, grinning knowingly at him. "Come on… I'm Purr-fectly ready…" Theo snorted at the bad joke but Harry wiggled his length against her pussy, and pushed in. "Ooh that's it. Uh. Uhh… uh…" He pumped his hips, slapping against her ass cheeks as she pushed back against him.

"Ha-haa-haaa" he panted, holding her waist as his gut wobbled over her.

"Mmn! Mmmeoooowl…" she yowled again softly, his cock trembled inside her as he slapped his hips firmly against her ass. "Roowlll…"

"…I want… to do it harder?"

She wiggled against him, "Do it as hard as you want…" he reached up, getting a firm grip on her breasts, and slammed against her. "Ha! Aarh! Rooowl!!" she covered her muzzled as his deep, thrusts rammed deep into her body, making her jump and jerk her claws rent into the tent floor "NNghmmn!!" she reached up grabbing the side of the tent, "NNGh!! nNGH!!!" RIIIP!

She tore through the tent, yowling and meowing into her hand before she slipped, falling with her face on the Floor as Harry buried his cock into her, Theo cursed slightly.

"Uh… shit…" he mumbled at the slight claw marks as she yelped, Harry mindlessly railing into her furry body as her tail straightened and she climaxed. Roaring like a jungle cat as Theo went into one of the side rooms, "Good thing I brought ducttape.

"Ugh!!" Harry fell onto her, and he was a husky boy, so that was some significant weight, "Haa! HAa!!" he panted, thrusting wildly into her body as his hand wrapped around her muzzle.

"Haa-laaaall-roowwwl!" she growled softly, her tongue slithering on his fingers as she licked them, meowing and growling her pleasure. "Rroowl! Meoww!"

"Dude! Shut up!" hissed Theo.

"It's cumming! It's cumming out again!" he pumped, "Haa-Haaa! Have my kittens!" he moaned as she purred loudly, "UUuhgh!!"

"ROWL!!!" she cried out as they fell onto the floor, both shaking as he fondled her furry body beneath him, rolling off and spooning her from behind as he pumped her full of cum. She purred happily, giggling softly as he moaned into her furry back.

"Oooooooh. Have all my kittens…" he moaned sleepily.

"Hmmn-hmmn-hmmn…" she laughed softly, before purring loudly as she slipped out from beneath him, "NNngh!!" she stretched sexily, her legs splayed out behind her as she pushed her upper body up, "MMN!" doing a cobra pose. It was a yoga thing, and it made her sexy cat body look SO good.

Both boys had been thoroughly satisfied, breathing heavily but happily, limp and tired. They used muscles they never realized felt SO good to use with another person. She pawed around in the tent again, crawling as she stretched out her body, her stick pussy dripping arousal and cum down her furry inner thighs as she purred loudly again.

"…Now then…" she pushed herself up, grabbing the dim lantern and turning it up.


"MMngh! Bright…" grumbled Harry sitting up.

"Okay boys… it's been fun being your slutty stray, but it's time to give the cat her treat and kick her out."

"…Do you do this all the time?" Theo asked as she brushed her long, black-spotted hair out of her face.

"Have sex?"

"Cat puns, and stuff like that?"

She purred sensually as his cock twitched, she was sexy in the dark, she was a lust goddess in the light. "I haven't heard a lot of complaints…" she meowed softly. "…That, and I have a coworker who's been laying it on pretty thick, I decided to step up…" she pawed his face lightly with her padded hand, "Now. Cash boys, come on…"

"Right. Harry pay the lady…" Theo grinned as Harry looked between the two, Theo's face fell. "Harry? I told you to bring the money…"

"I know… I did."


"…And Dad has it." he mumbled sheepishly

"............…Seriously?" Theo breathed, so furious that Harry flinched under his silent anger. "Why does your dad have it!?" he sneered as Harry fidgeted.

"He holds onto my wallet, so I don't lose it!"

"You couldn't have mentioned that before we bought the SUPERBABE?!" he sneered.

"Boys." Cheetah said softly, taking her suit and casually slipping it own. "…Just get the wallet." She replied simply. "You said nothing would wake them up, just go get it.

The boys stared at her, and pulled on pants, leading them outside as she stood near the Campfire, watching the thinner man as Theo and Harry searched his many fishing pockets with some care.

"Find it?"

"No! shut up Harry, keep looking."

Cheetah sighed softly, glancing up at the night sky, glancing at the full moon breathing in the fresh air… Gotham seemingly far away but not that far at all.

"Found it!" smirked Harry happily as, unfortunately… his father flinched.

"Mmmngh-mmn… Harry? What's up so-" he stared at the creature before him, framed by the fire, this otherworldly cat-being with the moon framed behind her. "Ha-AHHH!!?" he drunkenly screamed as the fatter man woke up, saw her and-

"AAAAGH!!?" he yelled in confusion as they scrambled to her feet.

"Dad wait this-"Harry began but Theo covered his mouth.

Cheetah blinked between the staring men, then raised her hands and yowled like a jungle cat, baring her teeth and claws menacingly as they got up and ran screaming off into the forest.

"Why did you do that?" Harry asked as Theo flicked his forehead.

"What the FUCK were you going to tell them? That we ordered a hooker?!"

"Delivery girl." Cheetah said warningly, absently licking the back of her hand and brushing it over her hair. "Speaking of. Pay for the delivery..." she added as a few hundreds and twenties were slipped into her other paw. "Later boys…" she waved over her shoulder, tail swishing sexily over her beautiful furry ass, "…don't try this with the girls in Amnesty Bay. They'll hurt you." She added, strutting back to the car under the lone lamplight. The screams of the drunken fathers still echoing into the forests of Northern Gotham.

Time: 11:03 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Katie strutted in as a maskless Jae-Hwa hand scrubbed her mask in the locker rooms. "It still smells like pasta!" she mumbled, "It's maddening!"

"I said sorry!" Lindsey replied apologetically, bimbo body wobbling in her Star Sapphire suit as she headed back onto the floor. "I didn't see you earlier…" and considering how in-observant and Airheaded Lindsey usually is… that's understandable. "At least it's red so it won't stain…"

Orders however flicked a pen between her fingers as Katie approached, putting the money down as Orders sorted it casually.

"Just toss it in the machine, it's washable. With the other potential stains, it has to be…" Orders replied, before she glanced up at Cheetah. "You good?"

"Yes…" Cheetah replied, purring as she stretched. "Feeling purr-fect." She added with a smirk.

"…Want to see something funny?" Orders asked curiously, ignoring the pun, as Cheetah blinked.

"…Sure?" she said nervously hesitant as Lindsey quickly returned.

"I do!" she said, bouncing back with her hand raised and her tits wobbling up and down with her as Jae walked out of the lockers, just recently tossing her mask into the wash. Putting her pruned hands on her wide hips.

"I could use a laugh."

Orders' eyes flickered, then she turned on the TV above her. It was briefly regular TV when.

"This just in! Is there a monster creature roaming Northern Gotham?" Vicki Vale declared as Cheetah went rigid. "Two camping Tourists say 'yes'." It then cut away to show the claw marks on the tent she had made earlier in an orgasm, and the two drunken men significantly more bruised after running blindly into the forest… The camera briefly caught Theo and Harry, trying desperately to look away as Harry's father blathered on to the Gotham PD who had arrived.

"I'm telling you it was six feet tall! Covered in hair! All teeth and claws! It was gonna eat us!"

"I looked like a werewolf! It leaped over our campfire and came right at us!" said Theo's dad. Miming raised claws and bared teeth, snapping left and right.

"Yeah! And it took my boy's money!"

That… legitimately made Jae snort with laughter. Cause she was observant and saw the Superbabes bag briefly on camera by the claw marks, and she could put two and two together. On the other hand…

"…That's not funny!" Lindsey pouted as the two men continued miming their 'attack' but Orders muted it. "That's dangerous! There's a monster in Gotham!"

Jae stared at her for a minute… the fact that they were in GOTHAM notwithstanding: Grundy, Clayface, Killer Croc… JOKER?... did she really not get it? "…Are you for real?" she asked, legitimately concerned. "What are you smoking?"

"…I don't smoke." Lindsey said innocently confused. "And I'm totally Real!" she declared, pushing up her big and very real bimbo tits, proudly smiling.

"MMmngh…" Orders mumbled, rubbing her forehead, once again unsure if Lindsey was causing the headache or her powers. But Cheetah snorted, crossing her arms as her tail swished playfully.

"Well… I guess I should stay out of the forest for a while." She chuckled with a purr. "What a shame, I do enjoy a good jungle romp." She added jokingly, she was still an inside cat after all, and she went to go shower. She was still a little sticky, and that was just murder on her fur.

"…Why are the showers so red?" she asked once stepping into it.

"It's tomato sauce." Jae politely informed her.

"You're cleaning that up by the way." Orders noted as Jae sighed resignedly.

"But it's in the shower, it'll clean itself." Lindsey added as Orders blinked at her, staring at her for a seemingly long time.

"…You know what? You're helping."


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