
Superbabe Shorts: Poison Ivy

I don't own DC

The morning Gotham sunrays after breaking through the seemingly constant cloudy Gotham sky spread across her body as she lied contentedly in the sheets. "MMmmn!" she cooed, feeling what little warmth Gotham suppled as her furry teddy bear snorted sleepily.

Hector, her big, friendly (to the superbabes) dog wiggled next to her as she rolled and cuddled him further. He was such a sweet boy! She regularly gave him scented baths, and by that I mean he would often curiously step into the bath with her and get some soap on him as he sniffed around. So he at least always smelled nice. Her nice, friendly (to her) kitten Bast, who wasn't really a kitten, rested in her little cat perch above her bed, her tail hanging over the edge and swishing wistfully back and forth.

She sat up in her pink nightie, that did little to hide her green nipples as she stretched in the warm sunlight, humming to herself before outright singing. "Good morning. Good morning…" she cooed, "It's great to stay up late, good morning good morning to you…" she stroked Hector's furry head as the husky/german shepherd cooed happily at her touch but remained asleep, his furry tail flicking against her leg happily. "And you." giggled Poison Ivy, rubbing Bast soft Siamese fur as she purred, "And you." She giggled again petting hector… "And you…" petting herself, running her hands over her hard nipples… "MMmn…" he sighed softly.

Something about the morning rays made her so damn HORNY… she wished she was kidding but it probably had something to do with her 'Pamela Isley' like green body… but she put down those thoughts for now and shifted over a snoozing Hector as she strutted gracefully, silently, and sexily over the floor. She brushed her fingers through her shiny, silky red hair as she went to the bathroom and did her morning girl business…

…I'm not telling you exactly what she did perverts.

One flush later and her adorable roommates had hardly shifted themselves. Still in her tight nightie that went to her sumptuously green mid-thighs she walked out of her room, still sexily. She really couldn't turn off her sexy walk anymore, before retrieving Hector and Bast's food bowls, placing them on the food 'station', and filling them up.

THAT got her sweeties to move.

Hector leapt off the bed and lumbered by her side as Bast somehow without touching the floor crawled across the top of the food 'station' watching her happily humming as she filled up their bowls, gave them their medicines (for fleas, heart health, things like that they weren't sick.) then swayed that sexy green ass towards their eating spot and put their food down. "Ah-ah!" she scolded Hector as he blinked up at her with his good eye. He just about dove right in once she put it down but a responsible dog owner didn't allow that sort of thing.

"…Okay." Then with abandon, he scarfed down the food like he hadn't eaten since… yesterday. She patted her sweeties as there was a knock at the door. She blinked, who'd come around this early? She made her way through her living room and opened the door.

A young man stood there, one of her neighbors, Arnie. He was a geeky, lanky boy with glasses and spikey brown hair like he didn't wash it often. But he was a friendly young man. "Oh uh… Ms. Jessica…" he blushed, gazing into her green face and trying DESPERATELY not to look anywhere else or risk embarrassing himself. "Uh. Dad told me to drop off your mail, we got some by mistake." He said, holding out a small pair of envelopes addressed to her. Nothing particularly important he was just being polite.

"Oh thank you…" she purred naturally, revving his engine unintentionally. She put it aside in her 'mail pile' and eyed Arnie over for a second and smiled prettily as he turned to leave. "Oh uh… Arnie… want to help me with something?"

"Uh… SURE!" she grabbed his shirt and he was yanked inside, the door shut behind him and he was pressed back against it as he stared in awe at the amazingly beautiful green woman before him. It would not be a lie to say despite her 'deformity' if you could EVEN call it that with a straight face. She was remarkably gorgeous. Nobody in the apartment building could deny this fact no matter how weird they thought she was. "M-Miss Jessica!" he gasped as he pressed her body to his chest, and she whispered sensually up into his face.

"This is just between us, Arnie." She said ever so softly, pressing a green finger to her red lips and winking sexily as she slid down his body… he stared ahead, thanking any god that listened for the opportunity… but his gaze suddenly lingered on her pets.

They were glaring warningly at him. And somehow his mind registered that when she said 'between us' they would enforce it. As if reading his thoughts Hector's hackles rose warningly as if to say 'fucking right'.

"Haaa-AHHH!" he gasped, covering his mouth as Poison Ivy's lips had wrapped around his schlong… just when did she remove his pants?!

"Mmmn… mmmn… mmmm." Her movements were slow and deliberate, sensual and focused, she made love to his length with her lips as her tongue danced around it. "MMn… mNn-HMmn?" she planted her lips on his base, her eyes slowly rolling up to look at him, and that promptly finished his morning blowjob, spraying her mouth with his morning load as she slurped it out gently. "Mmmn-mmmn…"

She gulped it down, she never considered herself a semen junkie, not like a certain OTHER red-headed semen junkie, but sometimes what she really needed in the morning wasn't a cup of coffee but a nice cock to suck…

POP. "MMMn… thanks Arnie." She said getting to her feet. Making sure every drop of cum was churning in her stomach. "I needed that!" she purred.

"A-anytime…" he cooed, hoping he'd end up finding more of her mail in their mailbox. She gave him a kiss on his left cheek and a pat on his left.

"Out you go." She said sweetly back away from his rather dejected look.


"Between us Arnie." She reminded him, putting a finger to her lips and not noticing Hector's hackles rising higher as he growled louder behind her.

"Uh… Yes. Ms. Jessica. Good Morning." he replied, showing himself out as Poison Ivy stretched.

"MMMN!! Whose up for walkies?"

"Woof!" cheered Hector happily as she (followed by Hector) went to go change into something less… arousing for other people. Jessica shouldn't take Hector on walks in her nightie… again.


The Shorts are little slices of life mini-series for the girls. To flush out their characters, but since they're so short I'll post a bunch of them to get them done before getting back to the main series

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