
Azeroth High: Warmth

I don't own Blizzard things.

I squirmed in the tent, bundling up in my sleeping bag and furs as the chill of the cold night outside bit through the tent.

"SNOOOORE! MMngh… Ms. Windrunner, you're so foreword…" Daelin mumbled in the other half of the tent sleeping only in tight boxers and on TOP of his sleeping bag despite the cold. Maybe it's something in his orc physiology…

To think a couple of hours ago we were eating hot food and watching fireworks go off. I even helped set up the grill/kitchen and the fireworks display. Outside our tent was another bigger tent with Baine and Vartara, and near that was one with Basila and Dis. And nearby Scott was sleeping warmly in his own bed in a Nexus Cabin he shared with Ms. Amari…

I sighed to myself, sitting up as I glanced at the entrance to the tent… Dis HAD invited me to spend the night with her when we were setting up the kitchen… I rubbed my arms as the chill hit me, and I was about to curl back up in my sleeping bag when Daelin's sleep-talking started to get a little awkward…

"Oh Ms Vashj… just what are you doing with that tongue?" he chuckled as I sat up again and bundled up with the fur blanket he gave me as I went to the door…

I'm not going to lie to myself… sleeping in Dis and Basila tents is suddenly a LOT more inviting than listening to Daelin's wet dreams of the Azeroth High teachers no matter how beautiful they are. I got up, and out of the tent with little sound and minimal issue making sure it was shut behind me as I stood outside…

It was quiet, calm… even beautiful at night. The whisper of the wind through the trees, the gentle breaking of waves on the sand, the sparkling stars in the sky… there were a LOT of stars in the sky and I just… looked at them all…

…You know I wasn't as cold anymore. I took a breath, letting the cold air into my lungs before turning around-MGH! A pair of lips met my face as I was suddenly warmed up. A beautiful red-skinned demon woman wrapped her arms around me and cooed into my mouth.

"Mgmnh! MMnwah! Happy new Year Jeremy!" cooed Malisis as I stared at her surprised.

"Malisis?! What-" I lowered my voice. "What are you doing here?"

"Give you a new years kiss of course!" she replied, "…And other things…" she added rubbing up against me. "MMGh! You're so COLD. Don't worry I'm nice and warm-COLD!" she shrieked scampering away as a small splash of water from a bottle lept at her. "Cold cold cold! NNGh!" she turned furiously to find Dis, wearing her furred blanket like a cloak and holding the water bottle in one hand and a phone in the other.

"Yup… right where you'd thought she'd be." She said, "…Uh huh. Cool." She pulled the phone from her head, wiggling it at Malisis as the water on her skin evaporated. She glared at her with fiery eyes. "Sybil says to get you horned ass back to Sharttrath or she'll break the contract and find a new succubus."

"...No she won't…" Malisis replied stubbornly as Dis pulled the phone to her ear.

"She says you won't… uh huh…" she yawned. "Cool." She sniffed, "Get going or she won't let you near the football team..." she stopped listening to the phone. "ANY football team. for a year."

Malisis just grinned, "I have JEREMY now…" she said almost sassily as I blushed.

"…Huh." She nodded before speaking on the phone again. "…She's calling your bluff… cool." She dropped the water bottle and pulled out a hammer from… well… hammerspace apparently. "I have permission to smash you until you poof."

Malisis looked a little unnerved, then frowned… seemingly pondering the chances she had against Dis. And while Dis was a blacksmith, she was also a dwarf… Malisis smiled, her hand encasing in a soft flame. "Oh?"

"Yep… and Basila. And Vartara…" Dis replied frankly, resting the hammer on her shoulder. "Baine too, he's particularly fond of poofing…"

Malisis sighed and accepted when she was beaten. "Boo. FINE… I'll be right there…" she pouted, blowing me a kiss. "Next time…" she cooed before her wings flapped and she flew off. I watched her go before vanishing in some sort of portal… I turned my attention to Dis as she stood beside me watching her go.


"Sup." She replied stiffly. "…So I noticed that I had to come out and get you instead of you coming to me…" she replied, eyeing me.

"…Right. Sorry. I was kinda distracted."

"Yeah, Sybil called me." She said tapping the phone. "Now… are you going to come into my tent or are you blue balling me?" I looked at her, and she looked back at me stone-faced. "…OR are you pissed I flirted with your friend? Don't take it personally, I flirt with everyone who looks at my tits…"

"You flirted with Scott?" I replied surprised, I didn't notice that.

"No." she said quickly.

"…I uh…" I fidgeted in my blanket. "…I am a little cold."

"…Yeah?" she grabbed my wrist. "…I'll warm you up."

"Whoa!" she yanked me towards her tent, easily dragging me inside behind her. Despite the rustic furred look outside the inside was surprisingly modern. Not only that but there were cots, a magical heater, and separate 'rooms'.

Basila dozed… naked, in her cot covered with half furs over her large green breasts and her mouth adorably hanging open as Dis lead me into her 'room'. She pushed me onto the cot, lying me down before resting her hand between my legs and extracting my shaft. It had a brief moment to feel the chill before nothing but warmth.

"MMmngh… mmngh. Mmmmngh…" her mouth wrapping around it, eagerly sliding up and down. Brushing her loosened red hair from her face as she almost looked… content… with my dick in her mouth. Like it was a tasty treat. "Mmgh?" she smiled around my girth as it bulged between her lips. "..Hmmn-hmmn." She laughed with a mouth full.

She buried her face into my crotch as my hips bucked up against her face. "MGh! MGh! MGh! MGh!" keeping her face firmly to my crotch as I rested my hand on her head. "Mmgh!" she cooed. "MGh! MGH! MGH!"

"Haa-aaah Dis!" I hissed warningly before she pressed me to the cot. Slurping subtly as I let it out. "Haa…"

Dis hummed softly, twisting her head as I filled her mouth with cum. "Mmgnn-mmmnwah…" she slurped out the last drops, pursing her lips as she tilted her head back. "MMn… ah.." she panted breathlessly, "…Feeling warm yet?" she hissed softly, pushing out her big breasts as she slowly took off her clothes.

Displaying her voluptuous body she crawled on top of me. Guiding my length into her pussy, "Mmngh…" I rested my hands on her thick ass cheeks, pulling her down as her breasts bulged against my chest.

"Ah…" she gasped as I instinctively bucked against her, "Oh… that's… mmgh!" she bit her bottom lip to keep herself silent as I began pushing up into her faster, and faster. "Mgh! Mngh! MMMN! Mother fucker…" she gasped into my chest. "Ooooooooooooh…" she howled as her body rippled from my bucking. "Mgh! Mmgh! MMGH!"

The cot creaked occasionally beneath us as her thick lower body slammed down against mine. She buried her face into my chest, moaning softly as she restrained her cries of pleasure. "MMgh-ngh! MMgh! MGh! MMMMGH!!" her eyes rolled up into her head. "Mmgh! Ah!... ah. Ah… MGH!" she slammed her hips down on me. "Ancestors…" she hissed, shaking as her insides clung to me shaft. "Ooooh… needed that." she sighed, lying on top of me. "MMmgh…" rubbing her cheek against my chest as she occasionally shivered…

I half thought it was the cold, but no… she was still climaxing. Shaking her hips from side to side as she stayed on top of me, yanking her fur blanket over us and snuggling against me. "MMn… nothing like a dick to help me relax… better than white noise."

"…You're welcome?"

"Hmph…" she laughed lightly as I closed my eyes. "Stay right there Wildhammer. You're comfy." She declared… I honestly did not take Dis for a cuddler. My own arms were wrapped around her but my hands were firmly glued to her soft rear… there was just so MUCH of it. She's a dwarf so she's thick but… proportionally she had Tay'Jin's booty and Vartara's breasts… She is a BIG girl for such a small girl…

"…Snore… mmnh…" I blinked, and glanced down through the mass of red hair. She was already asleep, and not only that but she was drooling on my chest!... oh well… I could be in worse predica-

I gazed up and noticed a pair of red eyes glowing in the relative dark. "Snort." Grunted a naked and irate-looking Basila as she reached down and easily hefted Dis off my body, hurling her towards the side of the tent tangled up in a furry blanket.

"…OW." Grunted Dis in the pile as Basila hefted ME from the cot and slipped me under her bulging arm, carrying me across the tent to her 'room' and hurling me onto her cot.

"HMPH!" she swung a muscled leg over me lap, taking my length in hand and guiding it inside her as she growled in pleasure, sneering slightly as she dropped her powerful body onto me. "Haaa…" she rubbed my chest with her hands, before taking mine and raising them to her green chest to touch and squeeze her big breasts.

"Whoa!" I jumped as she suddenly fell forward onto me. Her tongue extended from her mouth to slide slowly along my cheek as she gave me a sloppy kiss. "That tickles!" I laughed slightly as she began to roll her hips.

"MMgh! Mmn… if you wanted to share the warmth of a warm body you should have come to ME! Not some dwarven harlot!"

"…You say that like it's a bad thing…" Dis declared from across the tent, still naked as she walked towards us. "…Not my fault he prefers soft-bodies to hard…"

"Well that's just not true- MGh!?" I began frankly… but Basila cut me off with her lips.

For the record I… LOVE… muscled girls.

Basila drooled into my mouth, pressing her hard body against me as she raised her hips and power fucked me on the cot, slamming hard onto my body. "MGH! MGH?! MMMgnh!"

…She was going to break something and I'm pretty sure it was me…

"MGH! Mmmngh!" Basila slammed her hips hard onto my lap and spasmed, shaking in climax as she pulled away from my lips, tossing her wild hair as she panted erotically. "Haa! Haaa… nngh!" she gazed sultrily down at me, grinning like a hungry predator as she rubbed my chest with one hand and squeezed her breast with the other. "It feels so good to take my bull inside me…" she purred. "Do you like how I ride you?" she growled as my dick twitched approvingly inside her.

"Yeah but-mmgh!" suddenly a pair of soft warm breasts smothered my face.

"Hey!" snapped Basila angrily as Dis rubbed her impressive pair of breasts over my face.


"He is MY bull!" she growled possessively.

"Oh? I heard that you were HIS bitch…" replied Dis dismissively. "Besides he's a dwarf… he wants something soft… warm…" she cooed, burying me into her cleavage and making me look her in the eyes. "He wants a girl with a bit of MEAT on her…"

…I mean I'm not necessarily picky… also I'm a dwarf now?"

"NNNGh!" Basila growled furiously as Dis pulled away and crawled on the tent floor, swaying her wide hips and big soft rear to me tantalizingly.

"How about we let him pick?" Dis replied, still swaying her rear as Basila stood up off of me. Crawling on the floor beside Dis and shaking her own firm green ass.

"HMPH! He will obviously pick me! Why would he want some loosened up tauren toy like you?"

Dis placidly looked at her, "Because I'm a GOOD fuck…" she replied confidently. Before looking back at me and resting a hand on her ass, spreading herself. "Come on Wildhammer, pound me…"

"Noooo. Mount ME." Snarled Basila. Spreading herself as well as her pussy dribbled arousal down her green thigh. "…Hurry!" she snapped irately as I sat up and wobbled after them, grabbing at Basila's hips as she purred like a kitten. Grinning smugly at an uninterested Dis as she rested her head on her hands and watched as I pierced into Basila. "Haaa!"

I slapped my hips hard, but slowly against Basila… her firm ass bouncing off him thrusts as she panted. "Ha-aah-aah-aaah!" she clenched her teeth together, grinning proudly as she sneered at Dis. "S-See? He prefers… ME! NGH! AH! Ah!"

Dis raised a red eyebrow inquisitively. "…Yeah?"

"Y-YEAH ah! Ah! Yes! More!"

"Hey. Wildhammer…" Dis glanced at me, "She's YOUR bitch… treat her like one." she half-declared, half-ordered.

"Ahh…" Basila sighed as I planted my length fully into her warm orcish hole. "Mmgh?"

"But…" I began hesitantly… Basila WAS Basila, easily the most dangerous student at Azeroth High.

"Go on, pull her hair, dominate her. I dare you." She replied stoically, getting up to press her body against mine.

"H-Hey… don't stop!" snarled Basila as Dis whispered in my ear, pressing her breasts around my arm.

"I'll let you use my tits whenever you want if you do." She encouraged. "Free access to the softest dwarven goods…" she tempted. "Pound them as hard as you'd like."

…I mean… that's nice but Basila might kill me.

"And I'll introduce you to Divra… who gives the BEST head this side of booty bay." She added. "Come on Wildhammer be BOLD… make your ancestors proud. Tame that orc BITCH and get back to plowing dwarven fields…" she licked her lips, then pulled away… sliding behind me as I hesitantly reached for Basila's dark hair.

"Don't STOP…" snarled Basila as I suddenly felt Dis's forge hands grip my rear and-

"NGNH!" I jumped as something slimy slid up my hole, I thrust my hips forward in response, grabbing Basila's hair and yanking her back.

"AAARHG!" she howled, but clamped down on me as I rapidly bucked my hips into her. "Arrgh! AAGH! SHIT!" her body tightened as I kept pumping, yanking on her hair hard as Dis reappeared, walking in front of Basila and muffling her shrieks of pleasure with her breasts.

"Shut up. You'll wake the others." She said frankly, before hissing in Basila's smothered face. "Take that dick orc whore…"

"MGh! mNGh!! Mmmnngh!!" she rocked back and forth as Dis stood like a stone pillar holding her face between her huge breasts as she licked her lips slowly, gazing down at the orcess disdainfully as I rapidly slammed into her from behind. "MMGh-nmnangggh!!"

"Lick my tits." Dis moaned, "Lube them up, your bull is going to fuck them when he's done with you."

"MMMGH!!" Basila tightened around me, her hands reaching up to paw at Dis's soft body as the beautiful dwarf girl pulled Basila from her tits and shoved her tongue into her mouth. "MMGh! mMMN…"

"Haa! AAAH!" I fell against Basila, grinding roughly as she clamped down hard around my cock and milked me dry. She pushed her body up against Dis, she was as tall as her on her knees as they hungrily made out with each other… fighting for sexual dominance as Dis let go of her and she fell onto the floor. Panting for breath and twitching in orgasm.

Dis licked her lips, and seemed to be breathing heavily herself as she caressed her large breasts… and pushed them together, letting her tongue hang out as drool dribbled down her tongue between them. "MMmgn…" lifting, rubbing, bouncing them in her hands as she watched my length slowly rise up with their movements.

She approached me, pressing her tits to my chest as she rubbed my arms… gazing at me invitingly as I finally reached out and grabbed her. "MMn…" she just smiled as I tossed her to the floor of the tent… her breasts wobbling as she lied on her back and pushed them together…

She didn't say anything, she didn't tease me… she just waited for my cock to slide between her tits with a half-smile on her normally placid face. I straddled her chest, and slowly slipped it between her soft warm breasts as I rested my hands on hers, covering her nipples as she made a tight titty hug around me as I began to move. Back and forth on top of her, thrusting into her cleavage as she gazed up at me.

"…Like how that feels Wildhammer?"

"Yes." I replied quickly, bucking my hips against him harder and harder… she didn't even flinch she was like stone but soft like silk.

"MMn…" she cooed softly, the echoes of my smacking hips against her breasts increasing as she moved them back and forth with my thrusts.


"You can fuck my tits all night if you want…" she whispered sensually as my length trembled, throbbing between her warmth breasts as she smirked. "Fuck me all you want… my pussy. My ass. My mouth… I'm an easy fucking slut Wildhammer…" she grinned up at me. "Like fucking sluts?"

I gazed down at her, planting my hands over her head as she wrapped her arms fully around her tits and squeezed. Grinning proudly up at me. "Because I love getting fucked. I love getting filled… I'm a nasty fucking shortstack…" he slammed against her breasts as she mewled softly. "Yes… yes come on… fuck those tits. You get free access now… maybe when you're done with me I'll go suck your friend off…" she moaned.

"NNGH!" I gritted my teeth angrily, my cock shaking between her breasts, ready to explode.

"Cum all over my tits." She hissed, "Come on. I DARE you… pull out and shoot your hot load all over them!"

I planted my cock one last time between her breasts, ready to do what she asked… but I looked into her eyes. They twinkled mischievously, a pretty smile stretched knowingly across her face… and I KNEW what I had to do…

I grabbed her breasts, and kept going, pumping against her cleavage as she stared up at me. Smiling mysteriously. "I'm going to cum…" I declared, "Haa… Ah…"

She didn't look away, or blink as I planted my cock between them and let it out. Ropes of my load sprayed across her beautiful face as she sighed contentedly. "MMmn…" she lied back on the floor, feeling my cum pool on her neck and clavicle… oozing from my tip as I tagged her.

I sighed softly, catching my breath as she let go of her tits leaned forward, and took my spent tip into her mouth. "Mmgh… mmn…" she slid it briefly back and forth before pulling away and kissing my tip as I rolled off her body. She licked her lips slowly, scraping bits of my seed into her mouth as she hummed softly.

"…Ancestors that felt good..." She purred softly, before getting up and walking across the tent back to her room. I sighed, then jumped as Basila crawled over my body… she lied down against me, taking my hand and resting it on her ass as she licked… then kissed my cheek. She wiggled against me, grinding her hips, rubbing her leg on mine as Dis soon returned wiping herself off with wet wipes and carrying her fur blanket before she lay down on my other side pulling it over us.

"MMgh…" she snuggled against me, resting her lips next to my other ear. "You're going to have to fuck me like a pack of TAUREN to keep claim over me." She whispered sensually as my cock throbbed, "I'm looking forward to it Jeremy…" her hand resting gently on my member… soon joined by Basila as she nuzzled against me…

…To tired not to care anymore… and now nice and warm… I closed my eyes and braced myself for more Azeroth High girls.

End of Chapter

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