
Azeroth High: Valentines

I don't own Blizzard things

It all started that day as I was walking by a broom closet to head to my Warlock classes… I just got to school, I hadn't seen any of my usual friends to greet me, and I was completely unaware of what day it was…

…I mean. I KNEW what day it was. It was the fourteenth of February. But I sort of forgot it was Valentine's day. You know what I mean? You only remember part of a specific date? It was like that… but I was promptly reminded of what day it was as the broom closet opened and a large hand reached out and grabbed my shirt. Yanking me abruptly inside.

"Privet my Zaika!" and before I knew it I was hefted into the air, pinned to the abruptly shut door, and my lips were claimed by The Coach's as she smashed hers to mine in a deep, passionate kiss. Giving me a Russian kiss…

Which is when she forcefully slams her tongue into my mouth and utterly dominates it… it's like a French kiss only I know my place.

"MMngh! Mmn!" she sucked my soul out of my mouth as she pressed her huge body to mine. Pinning me to the door as she wiggled her blue shorts-covered rear. Giggling into my mouth as she finally pulled away and let me breathe. "Ah…" She rubbed her breasts against my chest, her white coach t-shirt tight on her muscles as she brushed her lips on my cheek. "Mwah… Happy Valentine's day!" she purred softly, "I want my present…" she cooed as I stared at her blankly.

"…Oh god." I breathed as she blinked patiently. "I don't have any presents!" I declared terrified at the realization. "It's valentine's day!"

"Mnn-hmmn!" she replied. kissing my cheek lovingly, "Luckily my Zaika I am easy to please…" she cooed, letting her hand slide to my crotch and rub my obviously growing erection. "I wanted to get my turn in before the little bitches come for you…" she giggled playfully.

"Your turn?-WHOA!" she easily lifted me up the door, and yanked my pants down with one hand, throwing them to the ground in this surprisingly roomy broom closet as she rested my legs over her shoulders and greeted my dick with a loving growl and rubbing her face against it. "Oooh…"

Her tongue caressed my sack as her lips opened wide, she smiled lovingly up at me, "My favorite treats are the ones with cream filling." She chuckled, before engulfing the entirety of my privates with her mouth. My hands rested on her shocking pink short hair as her head slid back and forth, my balls slipping free of her mouth to smack wetly against me as she slurped my shaft.

"Mng-SLURP-mNGH! SLURP… mMNGh…" she slid off my length gazing up at me as she bounce it on her tongue, "Ahh… my Zaika?... how does it compare to those little bitches?" she purred… How odd that she's the one that encourages me with them… but at the same time how she could make 'bitches' sound so affectionate?

I panted for breath as my length continued to bounce on her tongue, as I tightened my hands in her hair and pulled her back down my dick as she smiled, gazing lovingly up at me as sheathed my sword in her throat. My legs tensed up against her powerful back as I rolled my hips forward towards her face, she kept staring up at me as I pushed and pulled her head on my dick. Her lips stretched on but remained vacuum-tight around me as I rocked against her face.

"Mmng! MMngh! MMnn!" she moaned happily, her lips practically vibrating on me as she subtly twisted her head, her tongue spiraling around me inside her mouth as he pulled her to the base and held her there. "MMmn…" her hands on my butt as she held me up against the door, her hands caressing me as I gasped abruptly and released into her mouth. "MMng!" she closed her eyes, cooing softly around me as she sucked out my seed. "Mmnn….mmnn…" her throat pulsating as she audibly gulped it down.

Her eyes opened again, gazing up at me devotedly as she slowly pulled her head to my tip. POP… and let it slip from her lips. She kissed it, winking at me. "My Zaika…" she purred, "You have not answered…" she added teasingly as my length jumped back to life. "Oh-!" and rested against her grinning face.

"Put me down." I said as she lifted me off her shoulders and set me on my feet as my hand smacked onto that hard ass of solid Russian muscle, squeezing it in my fingers as she chuckled, flexing her glutes as I fondled it. I slid my hands slowly to the hem of her shorts, hooking my fingers into her waistband as she raised her powerful arms and rested them behind her head, posing her muscular body for me the way she KNEW I liked it…

"MMn! My little Zaika…" she purred lovingly as I pulled her shorts down, exposing her well groomed pussy, a trickle of her own arousal dripping like a clear piece of string down her thigh as she wiggled her hips slowly. "You are-OOooh!" she shuddered abruptly as I let her pants drop to her knees before spreading her silky womanhood with my thumbs and shoving my tongue into her.

She wasn't expecting it… which made her orgasm SO much more enjoyable to watch. "HAaah!!" her tongue shot from her mouth as her entire body tensed up, her muscles spasming as she squirmed. "Ooh! Oooooh…" normally as strong as a team of oxen now as easily movable as a kitten she flopped against the wall, the various tools rattling awkwardly as she trembled, biting her lower lip as my tongue coiled inside her, tasting and slapping against her inner walls as she cooed again. Pushing out her hips for more…

My hands rubbed her powerful thighs as she swiveled her hips, but I kept my lips locked to her pussy, following her lower body like a mesmerized serpent. I imagine it looked like she was trying to shake me off with just her hips… but her tightening around my tongue and her look of utter pleasure on her face told me otherwise.

"Haa-haah-haaaah…" she gasped, her knees buckling as she slid down the wall, her pussy quivering as I pulled my tongue out of her. "Ah-aah! Haa…" her hands lowered to her breasts, squeezing them firmly as my erection wobbled towards her dripping pussy. "My Zaika…" she purred happily as I shoved myself into her. "Ah-ah! Ahh.. aahh…" I wrapped my arms around her waist and thrust into her over and over, slamming my smaller body against her as she melted against the wall, "NNGh! Aah…" she rolled her body against me as I buried myself into her warm tunnel.

"My! Zai! KA!" she squealed, clinging tightly around me and shaking as she came again. I slammed abruptly into her, gasping for breath as I lay against her iron, but still soft, body. Breathing heavily as I bucked my hips against her, emptying my morning wood into her body as she licked her lips. "Haaah… I love my present…" she cooed, kissing my forehead and caressing my hair. "My little Zaika all tuckered out?" my length twitched inside her as she giggled. "You'll need your strength for the war game today."

"W-what now?" I breathed, shooting back from nirvana as I pulled out of her. "I'm not signed up for a war game today!" I replied indignantly as she easily, physically, pulled herself back upright and chipperly replied.

"No no Zaika… I saw you listed as a participant!" she smiled, ruffling my hair. "But don't worry… this will cheer you up!" she added, turning around to show me her butt, and…

I stared at the word 'Zaika' tattooed on her right ass cheek in a tiny heart, she flexed making it dance. "…Why is… what?" I blinked, very confused but blushing as she smiled down at me, pulling her pants slowly up and over her shapely muscled rear. And smacked it firmly, making me jump as she left her hand on her ass and squeezed it.

"This is Zaika's…" she replied confidently as I had no words, she leaned down, kissing my forehead before opening the broom closet. "You have fun! I like my present my Zaika…" she added walking away as I stared after her.

"But I didn't sign up for a war game!"

And I repeated that over and over to anyone who would listen. Including Daelin.

"I didn't sign up for-mgmhn?!" He covered my mouth, sitting next to me in the library as we waited for our next class.

"I heard you the first dozen times. It's not unheard of Jeremy. Sometimes people sign you up…"

"Why would they sign me up without permission?" I asked as Daelin shrugged, tapping his fingers as he listed off 'reasons'.

"Vengeance, grudges, unknown rivalries, jealousy, someone ordered them too. They thought it was funny?" he shrugged, "A bunch of reasons. But it might have something to do with the fact that you-" he lowered his voice before finishing "-TAGGED some of the hottest girls in school and their succubae!"

I blushed, and slammed my face loudly onto the table, groaning softly as Ms. Yrel hissed a 'shush' at me. "Ugh."

"Oh don't be such a DUD man, it's not that bad! You've gotten better at not dying horribly." He noted as if dying horribly was a common occurrence at Azeroth High.

"I don't want to die at all…" I replied as he patted me on the back.

"Well don't worry about it!" Daelin replied, "If whoever's in charge knows you, they'll keep you on messenger duty and as far away from the violence as possible. We won't know until it's time to fight anyway." He shrugged, as he glanced at Ms. Yrel, sighed, and got reluctantly to his feet. "I got to go help Ms. Yrel with something so you head off without me." He patted my back before heading over to Ms. Yrel as she smiled and they left together.

I sighed and pushed myself off the table before lugging myself away. Trudging down the hallways of the school and barely noticed my surroundings until once again I was yanked off my feet. "HEY JEREMY."

"AH!" I stared into Vartara's big eyes as my face tapped against her bovine nose. "Oh… hey Vartara." I said as the big Holstein patterned tauren girl put me down, resting her hand on my shoulder.

"Took you long enough, I've been saying 'hi' for the last minute…" she shook me lightly, "Something on your mind, Wildhammer?"

"KInda… someone signed me up for the War games. I'm a little worried."

"Ah…" she eyed me curiously, "You know what helps me before a war game? A little relaxation." She said as I mumbled.

"I'm more concerned with the fact that someone dislikes me so much they'd sign me up for a war game just for the chance to beat on me." She smirked, resting her hand on my head and ruffling it fondly. I sighed… I did all of a sudden feel kinda relaxed. Having my head ruffled was kinda soothing."

"Tell you what WIldhammer. I'll help you relax. Are you doing anything right now?"

"No, I-ah…" she lifted me up under her arm as I sighed, she then started carrying me down the hall. "…Where are we going?"

"Locker room." She replied casually, "…I can give you your valentine's day gift while I'm at it."

"My valentine's day gift?" I asked curiously as she buttoned her lip, smiled and carried me on.

'Locker rooms' for Azeroth high were all over the place, and there were so many that some actually didn't see any use for months at a time. She eventually carried me into one of those… a GIRLS locker room… and sat me down on a bench between a collection of lockers. "Vartara I don't think I'm supposed-" but I could only stare as her big, round, breasts bigger than my head wobbled into view as she removed her top, tossing it aside as she tossed her hair out of her bovine face.

"You need to relax Wildhammer." She smiled beautifully at me, "And lucky for you…" she cupped her breasts, SQUEEZING them notedly together as she knelt slowly to her knees, "Your present will help do that…

"My present?" I breathed as she slowly leaned against me, pressing her breasts to my chest.

"I'm going to let you titty fuck me for as much as you want…" she declared seductively as my crotch reacted appropriately to such a statement even as my brain didn't quite register it. "For as long as you can… and…" she rubbed my arms, "If you do a good job in the war games I'll let you do so for the rest of the week…" She gazed sultrily into my eyes, "Whenever and however you want them…" she leaned close, her muzzle resting against my lips briefly, "NO ONE can have any worries between them…" she said confidently as I felt my pants loosening… then a soft, warm embrace around my erection as I flopped onto my back on the bench.

"Haahh…" I sighed, melting away as I felt her heavenly chest pillows squeeze around me, and she lifted them… up. Down. Up. Down… a tight warm hug around my length as it twitched happily between them. Her soft fur, her snug titty-hug, her attentive devotion… it was like she was literally made by the gods of Azeroth themselves just for paizuri.

Vartara gazed unblinkingly at me with her big blue eyes as her breasts wobbled up and down, they were the only things that moved apart from her hands. Lifting and dropping them up and down, tightly holding them together around me as I moaned softly at the feeling of a complete, warm embrace. Completely engulfed in soft, warm furry breasts I wasn't nearly big enough to go all the way through them… I wonder if she… dislikes my overall size sometimes.

"Mmn…" she smiled, and let her head roll back, exposing her throat as she released a guttural coo that was NOT a moo but sounded like one. "Mmnnnooooh…"

"Ahh! Ah…"

Immediately she wrapped her arms around her breasts and went still as my cum spurted from the tip, oozing between her cleavage as she moaned softly, gazing at me again as she squeezed her breasts even tighter, watching my face as I pumped my hips instinctively into her cleavage. She squeezed out the last droplets of my load, letting her breasts down to rest on my trembling lap as I sighed. She twisted them slowly in her arms, watching me curiously as I groaned.

"S-sorry…" I breathed as she raised an eyebrow.

"What for? I said you can use them as much as you want… are you relaxed yet?" she asked sensually as my length twitched between her breasts again. "…No…" she raised them up and down slowly, "Not yet it seems." She began bouncing her breasts on my lap. "Don't worry… I'll relax you."

Pap. Fap. Pap. Fap…

"Few bulls aren't relaxed after putting their COCKS between a big pair of soft breasts like mine…" she breathed, "…watching them bounce, and jiggle, and squeeze around their big fat dicks…" She wrapped her arms back around them, tightly squeezing them so they bulged against her muscular limbs so they almost overflowed over them. "Can I tell you a secret Jeremy? Can I tell you?" she whispered seductively as my length vibrated between her sticky, but slippery breasts, lubricated with my semen as she licked her muzzle with her wide tongue.

"Y-Yes?" I groaned, melting under her constantly moving mammaries. "Haah…" I released a shuddering gasp as her breasts became unbearably tight around me. She smiled at me, a somewhat serious, somewhat playful smile that made me unsure if she was speaking the truth or not… but that made it more exciting.

"I LOVE the look on their faces when they see how big my UDDERS are." She smiled, "How SOFT, how WARM."

"Haa-aaah!" my length throbbing for release as my hands clawed the bench, but whether through my own will to hold on or she somehow cast magic on her breasts to prevent me from cumming again, I didn't let go.

"And I love the looks on their faces that in no uncertain terms would they get to touch them let alone fuck them. So… WILDHAMMER." She squeezed her breasts notedly as I groaned like a dying animal, a moose maybe, "Do you like how you get to stick your cock in my udders as much as you want?"

"Aaahh!" I cried out happily as she just smiled, feeling the load spray between her breasts, oozing around me like I was inside her, giving her a thick creampie. She just smiled as I lay limp on the bench, breathing heavily and soaked with sweat.

"…I think you like it a lot." She noted as a tiny dollop of cum oozed between her cleavage. Visual proof that anything was done at all as she slowly pulled her breasts off me, but kept them firmly together as I gasped for breath on the bench, shaking at the mind-blowing eruption of cum she managed to extract from me... How was there MORE the second time? "…How are you Jeremy? Relaxed yet?" she asked, standing up and sitting on the opposite bench across from me.

"…I think so…" I groaned exhaustedly.

"I don't…" she replied, falling back onto the bench, her big breasts like large furry mountains on her chest, with a little snow oozing down the center.

"What?" I replied, sitting up as she gently bounced her breasts together. "I'm the one you're asking. I feel relaxed."

"You don't sound relaxed… come here." She said softly, "…Sit on me…" she added as I blinked at her.


"Sit on me… she slid her hands down slightly beneath her breasts and patted her stomach, still managing to keep them tightly together as she hovered her hands back. "Right there…"

I stared at her, before getting up and slipping out of my pants, hanging around my ankles before crawling over her body and sitting on her warm furry stomach, feeling her muscles as I did. My erection resting back against her breasts… they were so soft yet so firm, my tip pushing against them but springing back as she smiled up at me.

"It's not very manly to let the woman do all the work…" she whispered up at me. "So why don't you have some fun yourself? Get a taste of what its like to know you can fuck my udders as much as you want…" she squeezed them together, making them bounce and jiggle. "…Stick it right back in and pound away…" she sighed erotically as I pushed my tip back between her breasts almost on instinct, "My big tauren tits are just perfect for it…" she let go and rested her hands above her head as I feebly pawed at her breasts, pushing them back together as she smiled up at me.

"Ah… ah…" sliding over her furry stomach as I rolled my hips back and forth, slapping at her breasts as they wobbled pleasantly from the motions of my hips constantly slapping against them. "haa-haah…"

"mmn…mmn…" she gazed submissively up at me, smiling warmly as I slapped against her big breasts. "MMn-ah! Isn't it better? To use them… the way you like?" she breathed erotically as I trembled between her breasts. "Can you just imagine? Anytime? Anywhere? Call me over at 1 in the morning just so we can both have a glass of warm milk?" she teased as I sped up. "Yes… YES… ah! Ah!... come on! Little Bull! Pound those fuck-udders!"


I rapidly slapped away at her breasts, before reaching over her and grabbing her horns, pinning her breasts between my elbows as I barely moved out from between her breasts, moving on pure instinct and a primal urge to cum all over what's mine.


"YES!" she moaned as a rope of cum splattered out of her cleavage across her chest and neck, tapping beneath her chin as she twisted her chest, making her udders bounce around me as I gasped excitedly, letting my cum flow between her cleavage like her breasts were a dam and she had a leak… "I LOVE satisfying my bull." She declared as I flopped backward, sighing contentedly as I lay on top of her… her legs a nice pillow.

"…You know I'm not a bull…" I mumbled dejectedly as she sat up, I slid across her waist only for her to grab my arms and heft me up so I was sitting on her lap… I came face to muzzle with her as she eyed me. "…I'm just saying there are plenty of actual bulls who-mmn…" she shoved her tongue in my mouth and kissed me before just as quickly pulling away… the smell of my own cum on her chest was suppressed by her rather sweet-smelling breath.

"If I wanted one of those giant cocked idiots, I'd have one…" she declared nuzzling my cheek and whispering in my ear. "Do you think I let just anyone pound my udders? Nuh-uh…" she lifted me off, and put me on my feet. "You might be my bull, but I like to think you're my toy…" she smirked smugly before kissing me gently again, humming softly before she stood up, resting her hand back on my head. "…Now do you want to take a shower with me? Or are you good?"

"…Are we going to do anything in the shower?" I asked suspiciously as she raised another eyebrow, caressing my hair lovingly.

"…Do you want to?"

"Not… really I have to go to class soon." I replied apologetically as she chuckled.

"Come I the shower with me anyway, I like having other people bathe me…" she declared, her tail swishing behind her as we went to shower. "Besides you owe me a valentine's day gift…"

One valentine's bath later, my hands were sore from scrubbing her so hard, but she seemed to enjoy it. I went to class without much issue… then it was time for the War Games…

I got armored up, I got my hammer… I got Daelin and Baine. Okay… now it's time to not get seriously hurt. The Host of today's War game was Chen Stormstout: the Pandaran Brewmaster. The War Game rules usually varied by whoever was the host at the time. I wasn't aware of this, but Daelin told me my first War Game was under Ms. Sylvanus Windrunner who is more 'traditional' when it comes to War Games so no extra rules… Mr. Stormstout however I'm told like to add a little fun to his…

"Okay students!" declared the big Mr. Stormstout, brushing his beard in one hand and holding a flask of probably extra frothy water in the other. He was displayed on one of the many magical viewscreens that were all over the school for just such announcements. "Today is Valentine's day. So. For a little extra fun. How about a little battle of the sexes!"

There was a collective, ominous groan from many of the single boys around me, not to mention a few not single guys who were apparently concerned that their presents and tokens of affection weren't nearly good enough to warrant a lack of a beating.

"I thought you'd like that!" chuckled Mr. Stormstout drinking his frothy water. "Hee-hee… well then. Send your representatives for command and prepare for good time!" The Screen changed to 'War Game pending' screen as Daelin, standing next to me nodded.

"…Well shit." He replied, eyeing Baine. "…Do the other guys know Basila's playing?" he asked as Baine shrugged.

"If they don't, they will soon. I heard she's one of the prospects for Command… and I don't feel like jinxing us by saying what are the chances she'd get picked?" Somethings I think Baine did things like that because he's a very selfish person.

"…Honestly if she did that might be a good thing." I said, watching the screen thoughtfully. "…Basila's a great warrior but she needs to be on the front line, commanding others to fight for her doesn't suit her." I said as they stared at me. "…Did I say that out loud?"

"You did indeed. And while it was intuitive, I highly suggest you never say that in front of Basila." Baine clapped his hand on my shoulder fondly as he led me towards the grounds. A lush southern jungle, the last War Game was in a snowy wasteland and I wasn't a part of that one although Tay'Jin says her nipple was hard for a week after that… speaking off.

"Hey Tay'jin." I declared almost instinctively as I always did upon spotting the big booty troll girl as she winked at me, walking away with Sybil off into the direction of the 'Alliance' encampment.

"Jeremy." She winked, strutting away out of sight in her tight rouge leathers as her thick troll booty still managed to bounce in them.

"…Are all my uh…" I hesitated. "…My friends who are girls playing today?" I mumbled as Daelin shook his head.

"No. Dis is in the forge today, Millie's running track and Ulsea is doing… whatever it is she does, she's not here…"

"How do you know that?" I asked surprised as Daelin shrugged.

"I'm good at keeping track of people." He said cryptically.

"Vartara is also spectating today." Baine added as our commander was selected and we were delegated to our squads. I was thankfully still a messenger. "She pulled a muscle the other day stomping some fool iron horde orc who grope her backside." he stomped his hoof on the ground twice for emphasis.

"…Oh… you mean-"

"LITERALLY stomping him. Yes. Has hoofprints all over his body like tattoos now. Needs to see the clerics daily as well." He added, "…heh…" he chuckled, before clearing his thought.

…Well… okay then… I am now very glad she likes me.

"Anyway good luck Wildhammer avoid any stray arrows. I'll probably see you in the forest…" he said lumbering off to join his squad as I went to the main camp for the messenger's orders.

Within ten minutes the war games began with the rumble of a magnified pandaran drum. And the battle cries echoed into the air. I got my orders, and I was off running through the jungle to give them out. I managed to get to two squads in a little under 8 minutes, when I got new orders flying in… literally.

"WILDHAMMER!" Cheered a gnome, using some sort of propellor pack to fly towards me. He held out a missive for me. Hovering in the air as I took it. "You're the closest. Commander says take this to squad 7 straight ahead. They're on the front lines and moving too deep into enemy territory without support. Here are their new orders." He handed them to me, saluted and almost took his own hand off before he puttered away.

"Okay Squad 7." I noted, turning and running through the jungle. I ran three minutes and I found squad 7…"

Along with the Alliance's Squad 4. An assassin team judging from Tay'Jin's presence. I could barely stop myself from skidding into view, surrounded by the fallen squad 7 pretending to be barely bored-looking 'corpses'. "Hey Jeremy." Purred Tay'Jin, spinning a knife between her dexterous fingers as I was promptly captured. "What do we have here?" she grinned, taking the missive and opening it. "Thank you Jeremy. Tie him up."

"Tie him up?" asked another troll, "…Why not just stab him?"

"Prisoners get more points." Declared a worgan. Mr. Stormstout gives more for prisoners."

"Tell you what boys I'll take him to camp." Tay'Jin crudely wrapped my hands with a loose cord, really more like strings plus an honor system. "I'll catch up."

"Alright. We need to keep moving." declared a blood elf reading the missive, "Follow me. We can surround squads 4 and 3."

…Oh I'm going to be in so much trouble for this one…

"Come along prisoner." Tay'Jin lead me along. Dragging me away from the 'massacre of jealous looks' and what I can only assume was the Alliance camp. One hand on my wrist and leading me behind her I watched her big troll booty sway before me as she hummed softly to herself. We walked away for a couple of minutes, the sounds of battle echoing but steadily they decreased… apparently my side was losing as they were being pushed back.

Tay'Jin suddenly stopped, glancing around and up at the skies before sticking her fingers into her mouth and whistling sharply. "TWEET!" after a second… a figure appeared in the sky before SWOOPING down with a gust of wind.

"Hiiii Jeremy!" cooed Malisis sweetly as her wings fluttered and her feet gently dropped to the ground. "You got cauuught." She teased as she stood beside Tay'Jin.

"I know right?" purred Tay'Jin as both of them took an arm and dragged me away into a deep cluster of trees. "So shameful…" they pressed my back to a tree, chuckling and giggling. "We'll have to interrogate him…" Tay'Jin licked her lips before leaning in close, sliding her tongue slowly into my mouth.

"Mmngh!? Aah!" I gasped as she pulled away. "Wait… why is Malisis here?!" I asked indignantly as Malisis pressed her breasts against my chest and took her turn in my mouth. "Mmn!"

"Malisis has very unique magic…" Tay'Jin replied softly, "…Unless you'd like to be watched…" she whispered in my ear as there was a noticeable hum in the air and I felt an odd chill run through my body as 'magic' echoed in the air around me.

"Mwah!" Malisis's long demon tail swished around behind her as her 'clothes' dissolved leaving her naked.

"…That's just cheating." Tay'Jin mumbled removing her armor slowly, revealing her fit blue body inch by inch, her big round breasts, her shapely blue booty.

Malisis however, winked at me as Tay'Jin's troll booty was freely displayed before darting away from me and pinning Tay'Jin against a tree, kneeling behind her as the beautiful troll girl squirmed. "Hey! Aahh-haaaah…." She gasped erotically as Malisis BURIED her face into dat ass. "Haaah!" Malisis jerked her beautiful face between Tay'Jin's wobbling ass cheeks. Smacking her ass as her mouth opened and like a serpent, her fork tongue SHOT into Tay'Jin's asshole. "OH FUCK!!"

Tay'Jin's whole body tensed her eyes rolling in her head as she shook it wildly, her red hair flopping about as Malisis's hands smacked clapped and squeezed da booty. "MMNgh! mNgh! mNNn!" it was like she was devouring Tay'Jin's ass, her tongue thrashing and squirming about inside her rear as she clawed the tree with her fingers and scrapped the floor with her toes.

"Haa-haa-aahah! You demonic biiiiitch." She whimpered happily, shaking in orgasm as Malisis kept tongue fucking her ass. "Haa-haaah! Get that tongue in there!" she sneered angrily, "Get it all the way in there! NNnngggh!!"

"Haaaaah…" Malisis laughed, opened her mouth, and let her tongue work with a mind of its own.

"Faack… Faa-aaahhh!" Tay'Jin gasped, shaking erotically as she jiggled her ass cheeks like a stripper only to realize she was cumming. "Haa-ooh fuck… I can feel it in my intestines!" she whimpered, "Fuuuck!" Malisis pressed her lips to Tay'Jin's hole and SLURPPED. "NNNGHaaaaaa-aaah!"

Tay'Jin abruptly dropped to her knees, shaking as her asshole gaped open, Malisis's freakishly long tongue coiling slowly back into her mouth as Tay'Jin's pussy leaked arousal onto the ground in a steady clear stream… like she was peeing, but that would smell…

"That should keep her for a bit." Smiled Malisis, as Tay'Jin's troll booty trembled. She hovered into the air and wrapped her legs around my waist, "Where was I?" she smiled, feeling my erection against her as she magically removed my pants. "Hmmn-hmm-hmm…" she hummed, flicking her fingers as a vibrating aura of magic guided my length slowly inside her. "There… we… goooo mmngh! Yes!" she hissed thrusting her hips slowly forward onto me. "Ah-ha-haa…"

Her long forked tongue coiled from her mouth and licked my cheek as I squirmed between her and the tree she was pounding me against, my member twitching inside her as the aura of magic continued to vibrate around me like a magical condom… and I felt everything and more through it.

"Haa-haa!" the tree shook above us as she rode me, her tail swinging around and around with the rocking of her hips as she tossed her head happily like she was riding a mechanical bull. "Ah! NHG!!"

"Ha-ha-ha!! Ahh! Ahh! Yes!"

"Ahh!!" I clenched my teeth and came, hard, her magic actively striving to drain every drop out of me as she trembled, tightening her legs around me as she shuddered.

"Ooooh… yeah…" she licked me again. "Did that feel good?"

Of COURSE it did, she's a damn succubus! But I couldn't answer her… I was tired from all the running and the previous rounds of sex!

"Wooop!" she smiled, fluttering off of me as the aura of magic around my member kept me hard, it had a green glow to it, encasing the entirety of my dick… and apparently my cum. The energy began to dissipate from the base to the tip, collecting my load like an actual condom as it hovered in the air. Malisis's tongue stretched out of her mouth as tilted her head back, and let it drop into her mouth, magic and all "MNN! MMmwah!" she gulped it all and show it to me. "Ahhhhhh-aAAH!" a blue foot slammed into her head and sent her to the floor.

"Demon BITCH!" snapped Tay'jin, wobbling awkwardly as she stumbled towards me and pressed her body against my chest, grabbing my face in both hands as she gazed at me dizzyingly, "Stop moving!" she ordered before slamming her lips against me, missing my mouth, before trying again. "Mgh! mMn…" grinding her crotch on my hands, my length rubbing against her soft silky thighs. "Haa… bitch made me cum so hard I still can't feel my legs right…" she panted before turning around and planting her big blue butt on my lap, my length between her ass cheeks like a hot dog on a bun.

Vartara's breasts can completely engulf my dick. So can Tay'Jin's troll booty and I can't honestly tell you which one I prefer…

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Her ass cheeks drummed wildly around my length, rubbing and caressing it rapidly as I rested my hands on her back, groaning painfully as she finally let me inside her. "AH…" PLAP PLAP PLAP. She slammed her ass back against me, "Ah-aah-aah-ah! I definitely prefer taking dick over a tongue up my ass…" she hissed, slamming back against me as her big blue booty rippled. "Feel like talking yet?" she laughed. Bending over to rest her hands on her knees and rolling her wonderful body against me.

"Oh right this is an interrogation-Ahh-Ah…"

"What do you mean 'oh right?'" she laughed playfully, "Ah-Ah-AH!" slamming hard against me. "Tell me how much you love my PHAT TROLL ASS…" she hissed, slamming back against me, then rolling her cheeks against my stomach like she was trying to iron out the wrinkles in my shirt. "Always looking at it… smacking it… just say it." she teased.

"I love your fat troll ass." I declared easily, feeling her squeeze around me as she froze. Her ass cheeks finally wobbled to a stop as I rubbed my bound hands on her back. "What?"

"…I didn't think I'd be that easy…" she cooed. "Ah…" she shook her rear on me, squeezing my dick as her body tensed up. "… for being such a good prisoner." She slapped her ass cheeks, "I'll suck your dick if you can make me cum…" she purred, "Mmn-mmn-aah…" bouncing off my waist as she moaned erotically. "AHH! Ah…" she gasped, falling forward with me on top of her as I bucked my hips against her body. "Haa-haa! Ahh! Yes! MMNGH!! Make me cum! Make me cum!" she chanted happily as I pushed into her tight body.

"Tay! JIN!"

"Aaahhh…" she sighed, her ass cheeks rippling as I buried myself inside her. "Ahh…" feeling my cum rush into her body as she twerked her ass cheeks. "…Such a good cooperative prisoner…" she purred, turning her head to lick my cheek as we kissed again. "…Stand up I need to suck a DICK…" she declared as my own was ready to oblige. "I need to suck YOUR dick." she declared, standing on her knees and turning around to face me as my bound arms wrapped around the back of her head and her tongue longingly ran against my length before wrapping her lips around my tip and-

"Aahah…!" I jumped as I felt SOMETHING go SOMEWHERE it shouldn't!"

"MMngh!!" Malisis's tongue coiled up my behind as it squirmed deeper and deeper inside me. Tay'Jin, apparently not wanting to be beaten out by a rectal succubus tonguing, rapidly thrust her head back and forth slurping my shaft in ways only she could… Daelin told me that Tay'Jin was a popular and 'talented' girl but I don't think I quite appreciated that warning until right now as she competed with Malisis.

"MMn!mmn!mmn!mmn!!" rapidly bobbing her face into my crotch over and over as my mind melted, my heart palpitated, and my balls quivered as a thick plentiful load rushed into Tay'Jin's mouth.

"No more…" I whined, "NNGH!!" and another shot spurted into Tay'Jin as if Malisis pushed a button somewhere deep inside me as my legs wobbled and I fell…


"OW… OW… OW… OW…" my eyes flickered open as I sat up, only to have a pair of sturdy hands slam be back down onto a set of soft thighs.

"Ooof!" I blinked up to find a rather smug looking Basila, kneeling at my hand, powerful hands on my chest and holding me down in a lap pillow on a bed as I blinked around to the sound of

"Ow… ow… Ow… Master… are you done yet? OW…" I glanced over to find Sybil, swinging a large paddle against Malisis's exposed rear, her arms, legs and wings bound with magical energy: clearly Sybil's. "OW… OW… Hi Jere-OW!!" she yelped as Sybil continued to paddle her. Until Sybil finally stopped, shaking her hand at the constant paddling.

"Alright someone else take a turn." she ordered

"DONE." Declared Tay'Jin eagerly, walking rather stiffly before taking the paddle and swatting Malisis's rear.

"OW. OW. OW." Rather rapidly in comparison.

"What happen?" I asked.

"You lost the War Games." Basila said smugly. Still keeping me on her lap.

"…More accurately." Sybil declared, her hooves clopping softly on the tiled floor of the cleric's office. "Malisis had herself a little snack and you passed out…

"Ow! Ow! Okay! OW! At least slow down!"

I sighed softly, rubbing my forehead. "…I don't have anymore valentine's presents…" I mumbled a little delirously as Sybil raised a curious eyebrow.

Basila however seemed content. "Don't worry about that. You rest. I've already got my present." She declared smugly, drumming her hands gently on my chest as she made me continue to use her lap as my pillow.

"I wasn't expecting any presents Wildhammer." Noted Sybil, glaring at Malisis as her yelps turned from pained to pleasured. "Nngh… however, if you could efficiently punish my fucking demon I'll consider it even…"

I sighed softly before my eyes opened and I seemingly got an idea. Taking a breath. "FREYA!"

Everyone in the cleric's office stared at me awkwardly as I closed my eyes, I suddenly had a headache before there was an audible SMASH!

"MASTER! I apologize for my lateness!" literally 15 seconds after I called for her. My eyes opened to reveal Freya in her winged glory who had smashed through the office door. "You have need of me!?" she demanded desperately as I pointed at a suddenly unnerved Malisis.

"…Poof her please." I noted as an almost evil grin stretched across Sybil's face.

"Yes Master." Freya replied obediently, glowing dangerously as Tay'Jin wobbled away leaving a nervous Malisis to gaze at her temporarily doom as she loomed on her.

"…Oh…" she managed to get out before my Winged Lady 'poofed' her mercilessly.

"Master are you injured?" declared Freya curiously as she dusted away the leftover magic from a poofed Malisis.

"Just tired." I sighed. "I'm going to take a long nap."

"I shall watch over you master." Freya declared as Sybil scowled at Tay'Jin.

"All's well that ends well, that's what I say…" Tay'Jin mumbled trying to escape as Sybil grabbed her arm.

"There is the matter of you distracting my Demon with the promise of cock and lechery…" Sybil warned.

"Oh there's no need to talk about that now…" began Tay'Jin as Freya's masked gaze loomed on her.

"In fact… it might be correct to say that if it wasn't for you Jeremy wouldn't have passed out on a battlefield." Tay'Jin glared FURIOUSLY at Sybil as Freya emitted an ominous aura.

"…Is this true? Thou endangered my master?" she loomed over Tay'Jin.

"…Noooo…" she said, "I mean he's-WHAT IS THAT!?" she pointed behind Freya who didn't even look as she quickly turned and ran. "ByJeremy!loveyou!Seeyounexttimefordick!" she declared quickly darting away as I groaned as Freya stoically remained by my side…

"…Next valentine's day I'm calling in sick…" I mumbled, closing my eyes and taking a nap… I pity anyone who has to deal with multiple girls on Valentine's day.

...Why do I have a sudden urge to get a drink with Scott?


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