
Lunar New Year: Ms Mei, Ms Symmetra

I don't own Overwatch and Blizzard things

I'm not going to lie we don't really formally celebrate Lunar New year in my house. It's just another day for us, a few fireworks, maybe some Chinese food. Today however it was a workday… and mom's diner got a HUGE order that I now had to deliver… because she's my mother and I love her, so covering for her lazy ass, late as all hell delivery boy was, unfortunately, now something I had to do.

If there is any small consolation to this, the person I was delivering a trunkload of food to was My Mei. Who I guess would celebrate the lunar new year. However I wasn't delivering to her house I was delivering to Overwatch High, the gymnasium to be specific.

I got to a mostly empty school parking lot, a few of the teachers were apparently still here. I parked as close to the gym as I could, wearing a 'Sarah's Diner' uniform because you got to do the branding. And made my way to the double doors pushing them open.

…Apart from the fact that I knew I was in a very western culture gym, it was currently like I stepped into a Chinese festival, with paper lanterns and elegantly painted dragons decorating the walls… granted it was a little ruined by the fact that a Cowboy, a robot, and a talking gorilla were the ones setting it up… but still.

"McCree. I think we need a few more Lanterns on the right wall. Echo, please put those dragons up higher! Mr. Winston, there are some drums in the back of McCree's truck that Ashe and Satya brought back, can you bring them in here?"

Mei was walking around with a clipboard, giving out orders to the other teachers who obeyed without complaint. She seemed to already be dressed for the party wearing an elegant and VERY tight blue Cheongsam, taking measured steps as her big breasts packed tightly in the top as her hair was decorated with cute little hairpins. She blinked at me, and smiled before waving "Hi Scott! Did you bring the food I ordered?"

"Yep." I replied, jerking my thumb over my shoulder. "It's in the car." I looked around, spying the nearby empty tables. "…Do you want me to bring them in here?"

"Yes." She smiled approaching me as I stared at her. "If you don't mind, I'm a little behind…"

She did NOT have a little behind… couldn't resist. It was nice, big, and soft.

"Sure. I'll go get it." I replied heading back out to start hauling in the food. I got back out to the car and opened the trunk.

"Mr. Snow. I did not think you were invited to the party." Satya sternly gazed me down as I blinked at her surprised. She had snuck up on me, but at least I didn't jump in shock.

"Well. I wasn't." I replied, eyeing her up and down in her usual Ao Dai, eyeing her thick thighs as she stared at me. "Mei ordered food from my mom's diner and her delivery boy's late for work again." I hefted out one of the large aluminum plates, holding at least several pounds of pulled pork judging by the smell. "I told Mom I help her out."

"Mmn." She replied sternly, before reaching into the trunk and grabbing another plate. "Let me help you."

"Thanks." We walked back towards the gym together. "…So, any plans for tonight?" I asked conversationally as she kept a stoic face.

"Socialize at this party." She said, "Most of the teachers will be in attendance along with some parents, talented students…" she continued as I chuckled.

"Well seeing as I didn't get an invitation…" we got to the table and put down the food, "I can only imagine what that means for me."

"It means you weren't invited." Satya replied frankly as I sighed, and shrugged.

"Yeah. I get that…" she followed me back out to grab more food with me. "…Fareeha's doing stuff tonight too. So I can't play with her." I said sadly as I watched Satya lean into the trunk… her thick, shapely ass pushing back as she bent over and I took an opportunity to get a nice. FIRM. Feel…

I felt her tense up as my hand slithered over her curves, crumpling the back of her ao dai as my hand slipped beneath it, feeling her soft, smooth legs as she trembled at my touch. "…So what are you doing later?" I asked teasingly, squeezing her right ass cheek.

"…Socializing at this party…" she replied slowly, before pulling herself out with more of the delivery. "I told you."

"Yeah… but not all night, right?" I took the plate from her, "…How longs it been since I put my cock in your mouth?"

Her wide hips shimmied as she bit her bottom lip, gazing into my eyes before answering meekly, "…Several weeks."

"Mmn. I thought so." I replied, leaving her at the car to stew in her dirty thoughts as I went to drop off the food, and once again come back for more, finding her still at the car, fidgeting cutely… I wanted to bend her over the hood and fuck her right there, but it was still kind of early… I wanted to take my time with her, enjoy her… spend hours with my cock in her mouth feeling her tongue salivate all over it.

I walked back to her and making sure we weren't being watched I got TWO fistfuls of her ass in my hands, making her gasp, her hands against my chest as I licked her lips and squeezed her sexy cheeks. "…How about when you're done with the party we go back to your place and I tell you what a good girl you are?"

She gasped softly, gazing into my eyes dreamily as I could sense her tight pussy dripping eagerly with excitement at the very idea. Such a horny pet…


"Ow!" I jumped as Angela stood behind me, dressed modestly in her lab coat as she glared at me.

"Stop teasing Satya." She ordered, "We still need to set up, and the food's in your car!"

'Right. Sorry. Got carried away…" I replied, grabbing more as Satya moaned. "I'll uh… let her recover."

"Angela, may I speak with you?" Satya asked tentatively like I didn't just wantonly molest her. When I dropped off the food and I went back, neither of them were in the car, there was no sign of them. I didn't even get my answer…

But I let it go, going back to work as I put the last tray of food on the table. "Thank you, Scott, that smells delicious!" Mei said cheerfully, sniffing over the plate of beef and broccoli, "MGN…"

"Mom's best." I replied, "So what's going to happen at this shindig?" I asked as she smiled.

"Oh some lion dancing, a little martial arts, drums, more dancing, a few games, fireworks. Just a good time."

"Sounds fun." I replied, "Shame I wasn't invited." I teased but then she gave me this LOOK. I imagine it was supposed to be angry, or stern, but it was just adorable on her. She couldn't pull it off. "…What?" I asked, trying not to laugh or kiss her… I was unsure of which I really wanted to do more.

Probably kiss. Satya wasn't the only one riled up earlier.

"…If you promise to behave you can c-…" she paused, "ATTEND." She said sternly as I smiled.

"…Define 'behave'?" I asked with a chuckle.

"You have to promise you won't…" before adding in a whisper, "try to have sex with me while attending."

I raised an eyebrow at that and smiled. "Really?"

"YES really…" she said in a dignified manner. "I want to have fun at a spring festival and not worry about you doing… things!" she said with an adorable pout. "We can have fun without… that." she added.

…Honestly, she can be pretty fucking cute.

"Okay. I promise when at the party I won't try and do… 'things' with you. Fun things… that make you feel good… physically." She blushed with both anger and embarrassment. "Okay?"

"…Okay." She accepted. "we officially start at 6 o'clock and will close down at 9…" she checked her own watch. "So in a half-hour or so." she said as I nodded. I guess that gives me enough time to go home and change at least after dropping off the payment to mom's diner.

"Alright. I'll see you later… maybe you'll give me a cute dance. All the good bits jiggling." I added with a whisper as she whacked me with the clipboard. "Ow!" I rubbed my ass laughing, heading back to the car to get ready for the party.

By the time I got back everything was already in full swing, tanggu drums and symbols were banging and clanging all the way from the full parking lot. I parked the car a good ways away before approaching the gymnasium to the loud music, entering to the sight of lion dancers jumping and twisting about like I was watching a classic kung fu film. Teachers, parents and a few students cheering excitedly for the lion dancers…

And honestly, the party went up from there. Good food, good entertainment, a little dancing, a little martial arts demonstration… I generally had a fun time. It was when everything was finishing up that the fun really started…

I spent a majority of the time having fun teasing Mei by NOT having sex with her… but let's be honest I need to have sex with somebody and the best choice at the moment was Satya… I watched that sexy caramel booty shaking on the dance floor. She knew I was watching her. She knew what I liked… the only thing she didn't know was that I needed her… I let her know that as soon as everyone started to head outside for the fireworks finale…

As everyone else was heading outside… I got a fist full of Satya booty, not a hard squeeze, just enough to stop her from going outside with everyone else. I gave her a look, no words, she knew exactly what I wanted… and she followed me instead of going outside, where we promptly found an unused bathroom.

I didn't even get her into a stall, I just pinned that beautiful body to the wall and shoved my tongue into her mouth as she moaned greedily, my hand slipping beneath her ao dai, sliding into her underwear and finding the moistened pussy as it easily opened to my fingers churning in and out, arousal dripping onto the tiled floor as I rubbed her.

"Mmn! Mmnn…" she moaned, her tongue wrestling with mine as my cock throbbed against her leg, I pulled her from the wall and away from her lips. "Ah…" throwing her over the sink, her thick ass pushed out behind her, ready for a deep dicking that I was more than eager to give her. Cracking my hand on her thick thigh as she wiggled her behind like a horny bitch in heat. "Ah…"

My hand reached back around her, wrapping around her waist to get my fingers back into her pussy as my other hand hooked her neck, pulling her back and twisting her head. "Nasty girl." I teased as she tightened around my fingers and I shoved my tongue back into her mouth as she moaned into my lips-

"AH HA!" Mei burst into the bathroom, pointing adorably at me as I continued to play with my pet. "I KNEW you wouldn't be able to hold out!" she declared dramatically as I frowned at her… feeling Satya climax on my fingers before I left her alone to enjoy the orgasm. Her body shook and trembled as I blinked distractedly at Mei.

"Well duh. It's me." I replied accurately as Mei looked properly smug.

"You promised me no sex!" She declared like she just solved an impossible riddle before I did. Smugly grinning with adorable pride at me

"No. I promised you no sex with YOU." I replied. ACCURATELY. "I promised not to try and have sex with you for the duration of the party." I added as that smug look slowly began to leave her. "Don't impugn my word…" I pouted teasingly as Mei's mouth opened, and closed, then opened again as her eyes widened and realized that I was totally right. "You didn't say anything about me trying to pound Satya into next year…" Which you know is technically in a few hours...

I glanced at Satya's twitching booty, before smacking it audibly as she gasped, shaking again as her inner thigh trickled with arousal. Her head flung back as she gasped erotically. "Haaah…" her knees bending as she did an erotic orgasm dance, swaying hips and enticing moans.

"Now I'm turned on, AND not fucking Satya, I hope you're happy." I teased as Mei turned red and glared at me. "Now you got to make it up to me."

"No I don't!"

"Yes you DO…" I blinked as Satya furiously collected herself. "…I am… not… HAPPY…" she said, fighting her orgasm to stare sternly at Mei. "…Mei-Ling." She pushed off the counter, approaching Mei like a tiger on a cow… see what I did there? "You will be joining me at my apartment once the party is finished… so will YOU! Mr. Snow." She declared in that stern, scary as hell teacher voice that I was compelled to obey…

"Yes ma'am." I replied as Mei squeaked adorably Satya's twitching ass cheeks were the last thing I saw as she stormed out of the bathroom. "Now look what you did. She mad."

"Well… YOU were the one who teased her and didn't do anything! EEP!" I clapped my hand on Mei's big soft ass, squeezing it through the cheongsam as I gave her a kiss.

"…You look good in that dress… I'm going to enjoy peeling you out of it." my tongue slid across her cheek, and into her mouth as she moaned. "…I'll drive you to Satya's…"

"…Okay." She purred, red-faced, before hitting me playfully on the chest and scampering out of the bathroom without another word as my erection throbbed uncomfortably. I sighed and tried to control myself before using the bathroom as Fireworks echoed outside… at least I could see them from the vent window.

The show when on for 15 minutes, ending in a spectacular picture of a tiger made with fireworks flowers. Volatile as Mei's fireworks could potentially be, they were fantastic overall…

One by one the teachers filled out of the gymnasium, parents and students heading to their cars, chattering and making small talk. Many were yawning… I, however, waited at the far end of the parking lot, watching as eventually, the lights to the gym went off, and Mei walked out with McCree who locked the doors behind her, yawned, and dragged an annoyed-looking Ashe back towards the school.

I drove up to the curb, stopping just behind Mei as she fidgeted, and leaned slightly over, fidgeting as she looked in the window. "…Come on Scott." She sighed weakly.

"You heard Satya." I reminded her, "Come on I'll drive you."

"But Angie was going to take me home what do I tell her?"

I was about to retort, but then I realized I hadn't seen Angela since Satya spoke to her earlier, in fact I didn't even see her car. "…We can call her later." I replied, "…We'll go see Satya." Mei seemed to give up, already getting into the car, "And I'll take you home right after." She shut the door and the car's internal lights turned off, leaving only the headlights on to light our way… I took the opportunity to kiss her, she moaned into my mouth warmly as I ran my hands over her soft body, the silky cheongsam felt smooth and soft on my fingers…

She blushed so furiously she glowed in the dark. I hit the gas and drove off to Satya's.

Fifteen minutes later we walked up the steps to her apartment side by side, my arm around Mei's waist as she blushed, my hand caressing her soft ass cheek both as a deterrent to make sure she didn't try to run for it and as an incentive… I love feeling her body in that Cheongsam.

I reached Satya's front door and knocked, waiting for a minute. I checked my watch as Mei fidgeted, "…Is she not home?" she asked as I scratched my head.

"…She left before us I don't see why she isn't…" I said, "She's very punctual." I added before taking Mei by the waist and pressing her back against the door as she squeaked adorably and I began kissing her.

"MMGh!? Mmn…" she moaned into my mouth and melted into my hands as they slid along her body, my cock rising to greet her, poking against her crotch as she fidgeted. "MGh! Mmgn!" she pushed me away gently, "Don't rip it! this was my mother's…" she cooed adorably. My cock briefly throbbed at the idea of TWO women with Mei's body and shoved my tongue back into her mouth as I hiked the cheongsam higher and higher… she briefly tried to push it back down, but she quickly lost interest as I got it to her mid-thighs and returned her hands to my face, moaning into my mouth as her tongue swirled around mind. "Mmmn…" she stopped to breathe pleadingly. "…Not in the hallway…" she gasped, her skirt rising higher.

"If I take you back to the car I'm going to take my time…" my cock grinding against her crotch as she whimpered, my hands slipping into her underwear, squeezing her ass cheeks. "At least in the hallway the fact we might get caught makes you just as excited as me…" I breathed as her body trembled against mine. "you'll make me cum in no time." I added as her mouth hung open, drooling a little as I licked it up and kissed her.


"That's enough Mr. Snow." I groaned angrily into Mei's lips as I was blue-balled once again. Standing in matching overcoats, Angie and Satya watched me as I thoroughly warmed up a desperately whimpering Mei.

"Stop torturing her out here Scott." Angie declared sternly as I groaned, banging my head lightly on the door as Mei squeaked.

"I'm the one being tortured, that's TWICE now I've been blue balled…" I pulled my hands off that thick soft ass and rested them on Mei's much softer tits as I licked her neck, feeling her tremble excitedly on my tongue as I gazed directly at Satya… and even in that coat she couldn't hide her shuddering body. "You better be here to fix that Satya." I groaned as my beautiful pet opened her mouth, and licked her lips tentatively before she pulled her key from her pocket and slipped it into the lock.

"Yes… I just needed to collect a few things from Angela." The door popped open and Mei squeaked, falling backward inside but catching herself, her Cheongsam crumpled up to her waist, revealing her blue underwear as Satya and Angie joined her inside, followed by me shutting the door behind me.

"What things?" I asked and was wordlessly and immediately answered as Satya and Angie opened their coats.

Both were wearing tiger print swimsuits with little distinction between the two with the exception of plush tiger tails swinging behind them. Satya wore a bikini version with the addition of a dark leather collar and pulled a pair of tiger kitty ears from… somewhere on her mostly naked body to rest them on her head. "Mew…" she purred seductively as Angie put a similar pair on her head.

She wore a one-piece with fur trimmings, around all the holes, arms, legs and neck. Along with a pair of paw-footed boots, also tiger print. "Rorrw." She pawed her hands at me like a playful anime catgirl as I suddenly realized I was naked…

When the fuck did that happen? Did I just instinctively strip? I suddenly don't care as I was already in arms reach of Satya, grabbing her collar and yanking her forward. "Ah…" she whimpered excitedly, her tail swinging behind her.

"Okay. I know why SHE'S dressed up like a kitty…" I noted, glancing at a smirking Angie, "But why are you?" before hearing her answer I rewarded my pet with a deep, mind-melting kiss and she moaned pitifully into my mouth.

"Please Scott." Angie scoffed dismissively, "Cosplay is my thing… when Satya asked me to help her with something kinky… I went a little overboard." She declared, "…Not bad for an hour of work right?"

"Still doesn't explain why you're dressed up…" I added, pulling Satya to her knees as I slapped her beautiful face with my hard-on feeling her tongue against my skin as I sighed in pleasure. FINALLY a warm hole… My hand reached around to Mei's underwear and almost tore it off in my attempt to get them on the floor as she gasped, my hand squeezing her ass cheeks as I shoved my tongue aggressively into her mouth.

"Genji's been in Japan for two weeks with his brother, Scott are you really going to keep questioning why I'm in a tiger outfit looking for a fuck?" she replied snarkily rubbing her crotch as I pulled my tongue from Mei's moaning lips, feeling my cock slid between Satya's as she hungrily tried to suck out my cum, I was long ready to fire but I wanted to feel her mouth more… my hand on her dark hair and guiding her up and down, faster and faster. "Cosplay is my THING." She added huskily.

I watched Angie masturbate for a good minute as I pushed my cock into Satya's throat, again and again, holding her head down into my crotch as I gave her her favorite treat… groaning as my balls pulsated against her chin, twisting her head as she lovingly stroked my pulsating member with her tongue, encouraging out the rest of my first load of the night.

"Haah!" Satya gasped as I let her off, trembling as I rested my cock on her face and clapped Mei's ass loudly.

"Oh!" before pulling Satya up by her collar and leading them both to the couch, winking at Angie as I sat on the couch, gazing at the beauties before me. Satya's mouth hung open hungrily as she wantonly masturbated, her tiger print bottoms already soaked with her arousal as I gripped my cock in one hand and patted the left side of the couch.

"…Come here Satya. Good girl…" she fidgeted erotically, before quickly crawling onto the couch, on her hands and knees facing me, her ass wiggling behind her as I gripped the back of her head and pulled her back to my cock, slapping it against her tongue as she let it hang out. "I want more." I declared, letting go of my cock and her head as she immediately lunged forward, wrapping her lips back around my cock, delving up and down it, drooling over my balls as I curled a finger at Angie. "My balls are cold." I declared as she pouted, but dropped to her knees before me, opening them wide and slurping them lovingly into her mouth as I sighed contentedly.

Listening to them drool around my junk as I eyed Mei and curled my finger at her. "…I want those lips on mine."

"Mmmng…" Satya whined only for my hand to rest on the back of her head, pushing her to the base as she squealed delightedly, her ass cheeks quivering so face the fake tail attached to her bikini seemed to tremble.

"Don't be jealous, just think about how hard I'm going to fuck you later." I took my hand off her head as it began to move again and slapped it on her ass cheek as she squealed delightedly. "Good girl."

"Mmmgn!" she moaned before happily going back to sucking my cock as Mei approached me tentatively and kissed me.

"Mmn… mwah." I smiled at her as she rested her hands on my shoulder. "…That was nice but not the lips I was referring too."

"Oooh!" she moaned, my hand giving her a surprise fingering as she trembled on them.

"Come here…" I pulled her forward as she scrambled awkwardly onto the couch, standing over me as I hooked my hands on her phat ass and pulled her pussy to my lips.

"HAagh!!" she bent awkwardly, resting her hands on the couch for balance as her hips thrust forward instinctively towards my face as he ate her moist little pussy. She tastes good tonight…

I'd make a 'having Chinese for dinner' joke but I think that's racist.

"Ahh… laaa aahh… I'm going to fuck you so hard tonight Mei." I breathed, my breath tickling her wet snatch as she trembled, gasping as I clapped my hand on her ass cheek, feeling her wobble dangerously as she whimpered.

"Ahah-aah! Aaah!" crying out happily as she thrust against my face, my hand going back to Satya's head as her lips continued to stroke my shaft.

POP! "Ahh…" Satya moaned as I yanked her off, "Mew…" she cooed as I grabbed Angie's head and did the same, my balls well soaked as they slipped from her smeared ruby lips.


"You had your cream Satya…" I declared, guiding Angie's lips to my cock, "…Eat Mei's ass…" I ordered, sinking my fingers into My Mei's thick ass cheeks and spreading her as she squeaked shamefully, trying to stop Satya with her hands feebly as my pet obeyed my commands, drooling hungrily as she buried her face between Mei's thick cheeks.

"No-no-oOOH MY GOSH!!" she screamed, shaking in orgasms as an assault from the front and the back turned her upside down as she tumbled forward over me, shaking in uncontrollable climax as I grunted into her pussy, sending a load into Angie's mouth as she hummed delicately on the tip, taking it all in as her cheeks bulged and she slipped off my spent tip.

I pushed Mei over as she flopped helplessly onto the couch, trembling in orgasm as I gestured to a panting Satya, and Angie's face. Such a good girl, she didn't even need to hear my command as she knelt beside the beautiful blonde and hungrily kissed her, swapping my load between their lips as I rolled Mei onto her back, raised her leg, and dropped onto her, grinding on her soft body as I kissed her.

"MMgh! MMNgh…" she moaned as I got harder, and harder… and harder… her body trembling as she felt my tip against her inviting pussy as I stuffed her. "MMGh!!" her insides tightening perfectly around me… she was fitted to my cock for a long time. "MGH! MGNh! MMNGH!!" I pounded into her, harder, and harder. Her body rippling beneath me as I grabbed the arm of the couch, hard fucking that pussy as she squealed into my lips, one of her legs on the floor thrashed helplessly, stretching out as she climaxed again as I held the other up, her toes on the arm of the couch beside her head. "MMghh!! Mmng-hmmn!!"

I finally pulled my lips from her, it was like unmuting a death scene as she screamed in orgasm.


"Ugh! Ugh! OOoh…" I groaned as I felt someone wrap their warm lips around my balls as I slammed them against Mei, Satya slurping lovingly as I pounded Mei harder, and harder…

"OH! MY! GOOOOSH!!" she whined, her eyes rolling from her askew glasses as he slammed deep into her. "NOOOo! MOOOOORE…" she whimpered.

"I'M! CUMMING!! MY! MEI!!" I growled, arching my back and getting as deep into that body as Satya's lips would allow. Mei twitched violently beneath me as I shot my load deep into her. Satya's lips encouraged out a couple more ropes as Mei twitched, blankly staring at the wall with an open, drooling mouth, twitching blissfully as I leaned down and lovingly kissed her cheek over and over, grinding my body against her as I made sure she took every drop. "How about those fireworks?" I teased as she shuddered, lips stretching into a mad smile as she heaved a gasp, closing her eyes…

"…I think I made her pass out." I declared, pulling my cock from her as Satya licked my hanging meat rod. Angie crawled like a cat on the carpet getting close beside her for inspection.

"…Yep… you fucked her unconscious." Angie mumbled, "…She'll be fine. Probably." She added as Mei wiggled…

I got off the couch as Satya sat on her legs submissively, slapping her extended tongue with my cock. "Who gave you permission to suck my balls?" I teased as Satya released a long, moaning whimper from her throat as her mouth hung open. "Bad kitty."

"Mew." She moaned piteously as I hooked her collar with my finger and yanked her to her feet. "Mew…"

"You're sorry?"

"Mew…" she nodded her head cutely as I squeezed her tit. "MMmng!"

"I know you want to be a good girl…" I declared, my cock throbbing as she wiggled her shapely hips. "But I was playing with my Mei and you needed to wait… now I got to teach you a lesson." I grabbed Angie by the arm and yanked her to her feet as she gasped in surprise, shoving her toward Satya's bedroom and leading my pet around by the collar behind me. "On the bed kittens." I shoved them forward before getting on myself… "Face the door and show me those tails…"

Caramel and Vanilla, side by side and still very tasty as they wiggled their tight striped behinds at me as I walked on my knees towards Angie, taking her suit and carefully moving it aside as she gasped, my hands grabbing her ass cheeks and spreading her. "For treating my pet so good." I praised, massaging her ass as I watched her rear hole gasping excitedly. "I'm going to give you your favorite treat."

"MMGh!" Angela bit her bottom lip and set herself determinedly to say NOTHING… but the way her ass was shaking, her body trembling, she wanted this… I grabbed her blonde hair, almost yanking off the kitty ears as I got a better grip and pulled her hair back before slamming my cock deep, raw and quickly into her spasming asshole. "mMMAAAGGGH!! YES! AH! AHH! AHAH! AAAH! GOD!! SCHIESSE!!"

"Nasty kitty! Making a mess already?!" I teased, feeling her tighten as her pussy dribbled arousal onto Satya's bed. "BAD! KITTY! BAD! KITTY!" my thrusts were deep and determined. Slamming against that tight ass as her tongue lolled from her mouth flopping degradingly as she already surrender to her inner anal slut…

…I really do LOVE fucking Angie in the ass… she's such a sweetheart.

"FUCK IT! FUCK IT! FUCK ME! YES! IN MY TIGHT LITTLE ARSCH!-AAAGGGH!!" she spasmed on my cock but I kept fucking her through her orgasm as she squirmed wildly, not even a few yanked platinum blonde airs stopped her from enjoying herself as I rapidly bucked away. Satya watched jealously, whimpering and moaning as she rubbed herself.

"You're a nasty kitty! Say it!" I smacked her ass so hard the tail flopped about like it was really alive.

"I'M A NASTY KITTY!" she squealed happily, "Fuck my ass! AH!" I smacked her other cheek.

"It's a tail hole!" I declared teasingly, "MEOW BITCH!!" ONE-TWO-THREE thrusts into her ass and she was DONE.

"MEEEEEEOOOOOW!!" she yowled, milking my load into her body as she hung halfway off the end of the bed and I let her go, fwump… she flopped to the floor, twitching and shaking as I shoved her off my cock… her whole body flopped to the carpet as she happily writhed like a kitty on catnip…

…Well… anal is kinda her catnip…

"Meow…" mewled Satya piteously, lying her upper body on the bed and spreading her legs, pushing her tiger bottoms aside to expose her tight little pussy.

"Does my pussy want it in her pussy?" I asked as she stuffed her fingers into her wet hole, masturbating greedily as I waddled behind her.

"Meow…" she purred.

"…You are just the perfect pet Satya…" I sighed, caressing those smooth round ass cheeks, pushing my tip slowly inside her as she panted, wiggling her body as she tried to get me in deeper, faster, but I held her firm. "…One day…" I said softly, slowly bucking my hips. "I'm going to tie you to my bedpost…"

"Mmgh! Mmeow…" she whimpered, grinding her tiger ass on me, tightening around me.

"So that every day when I wake up and I don't want to disturb Fareeha…" I teased, feeling her insides tremble around my girth. "I' get to use you…" her eyes rolled in sensual pleasure, "I'm GOING to use you." she clawed the sheets as she tried to hide her orgasm but her body never lied to me. "Your mouth." THRUST


"Your ass." THRUST



"Aaaaaah!" she trembled, smiling lovingly as her eyes gazed blankly off into the wall… perhaps she was seeing her own future.

"I'm going to play with your holes at least once a day." THRUST.




"As long as I can get it up!" THRUST!"


"But until then my perfect pet… my absolute good girl." I grabbed her waist with both hands, tightening my grip and taking a deep cleansing breath as I prepared myself, and so did she gripping her bed tightly as her insides clung perfectly around me. "I'm going to fuck you like I want to break you…"

And I did.

…Satya later told me that she got a few noise complaints… but I didn't care. It felt way too good.

I flew in and out of her tight moistened hole, her screams of utter pleasure echoed around the apartment as she tore her sheets. I didn't stop, I didn't relent, I pounded and pound and pounded that beautiful shapely ass until I was certain that I made it a size smaller by sheer compression. She made no cognitive semblance of words, only animalistic grunts and screams as I finally fucked her off the bed but simply kept going, plowing her into the floor as her arms gave out, her legs went limp she lay flat on her pristine carpet as her pussy oozed her arousal and perhaps other fluids as I went in and out of her scraping her insides like I was bailing out a boat…

Then everything went white… ESPECIALLY inside her as I lied on top of her beautiful sweaty body and soaked that womb with my plentiful load as she went vacuum tight around me and TOOK it. My hips instinctively slammed against her catatonic form as I kissed her… I think. I wasn't sure… I did a lot of things to her I shouldn't be proud of, but I was…

I planted my feet, I got off the floor, and I sent a rope across her body from ass cheek to shoulder. I gazed at her limp form and the loving smile on her features, blissfully asleep… unconscious… or both. My cock twitched as I glanced over at Angie, lying on her back and breathing steadily as I walked over to her legs, crawling between them and thrusting into her pussy…

She moaned, she squirmed… but she was out of it too… I should've saved her ass for later, she always turns to jelly after an ass fucking. I should've known better but I was so turned on I didn't care… I squeezed her breasts and filled her with my load, sighing softly as I heard groaning in the other room… the noises coming closer as I finished giving Angie potential tiger cub.

"O-oh…" Mei squeaked as I pulled out of Angie, a long rope of cum still connecting my tip to her trembling pussy as it snapped and flopped limply onto the carpet like broken spider string. "You… you're not done…" her pussy oozed my cum and her arousal as I approached her. "Mmnh…" I squeezed her breasts, opening her Cheongsam carefully as her naked body was finally displayed. "…Scott no, I want to go home…" she said softly, but kept her lips lovingly on mine as I caressed her.

"…I'll take you home… but I still want these…" I declared as she bit her bottom lip, squeezing her breasts together as I felt them.

"...Okay." She breathed, getting on her knees as I moaned, bouncing my cock on her breasts as she stared at it in awe. "…J-Just one time then you take me home." I raised my hand in a 'scouts honor' gesture.

"Scout's honor." I breathed. "…I want to feel your breasts around me Mei…" she blushed as she slowly injected my cock into her cleavage. "I want to cum all over you." She slid them up, and down, gazing up at me cutely as she squeezed them firmly together, her lips purse in a cute scowl.

"…You always do…" she whimpered.

"That's because you look so damn perfect covered in cum… fucking beautiful." I smiled at her, as she tried not to smile back. Tried to hide the fact that she LOVED it when I fucked her so hard. So passionately… the way she wiggles when I say she's My Mei, the way her breasts always seem to get softer around my cock when I praise her. How there's always a little more pre-cum with each sensuous, firm stroke up and down my cock as the tip peaked out to say hi to her beautiful face.

She knows I love every inch of that plump body and I know she loves how I have my way with it. And I absolutely adore how each time we do this I get to remind her that she's mine. I squeezed her breasts together, and finished myself as she gazed up at me innocently… my cock erupted my load up into the air like a geyser before it flopped back down onto her tits almost perfectly… I was a little disappointed that I didn't get any on her face… but oozing a small lake of cum between her tits from my tip will have to do.

She gazed up at me, panting softly, like she was always amazed I had so much to cum on her tits. Unaware that I always had so much BECAUSE I got to cum on her tits… I admired her beauty until she got adorably uncomfortable. "…S-Scott?" she breathed as my cock slid out of her cleavage, leaving her covered in my goo. "…Are you done?"

"…No. But I promised to take you home…" I said, "…And I don't like breaking promises to you." She blushed, and I helped her to her feet. "I'll just have to make do with the fact that you're still my Mei…" she fidgeted and tried not to smile happily at that statement. "…Go take a bath I'll put the kittens to bed." I said patting her rear before gesturing to Satya and Angie… both comfortable filled with my loads.

"…Okay." She breathed exotically, turning to head into Satya's shower as I contemplated joining her. Only to shrug it off and heft Satya carefully to bed, then Angie, leaving them both on the mattress and stroking their curvy bodies… Happy New Year… no wait… Gong Hei Fat Choy

I continued petting my kittens until Mei emerged fresh and clean, putting her inherited Cheongsam back on as I watched. "…Okay." She smiled as I got redressed myself, taking Satya's key and walking out with Mei, locking the door and slipping the key back through the mail slot. Walking Mei down to the car… and getting her inside.

"…So what was the animal for last year?" I asked curiously as Mei blinked at me surprised.

"What?" she asked as I buckled in

"…This year is the Year of the tiger right? What was last year? I don't really keep track and I'm curious."

"Oh… it was the year of the cow." I frowned suddenly annoyed at the missed opportunity.

"How did I miss dressing you up as a cow?" I asked indignantly as she scowled at me.

"…I am NOT going to let you call me a cow!" she replied still adorably angrily, "…And if you do!" she suddenly leaned over, tugging my pants down. "I will NEVER do this again!" she declared, before slipping my cock into her mouth. "Mmngh!" and angrily sucking on me as I smiled and drove her home… slowly… with my hand on the back of her freshly cleaned hair

Gong Hei Fat Choy everybody! MMmn I love her mouth.


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