
Saint Patrick's Day The Refill: Ms. Moira, Ms. Brigitte

I don't own Overwatch or blizzard things.

"Dad!" I slammed my hands abruptly on the kitchen table as Dad jumped in surprise and spluttered his beer as he stared at me concerned. "Listen to me. Listen to my words… look at my lips!" I pointed to my mouth as he recoiled in confusion. "Don't you DARE tell Uncle Tychus where I am tomorrow."

Dad's handsome but scruffy face cringed slightly before he managed to get out a confused- "What?"

"Do NOT tell Uncle Tychus where I am or what I'm doing." I said firmly. "If he asks if I'm home, tell him I'm hanging out with Jeremy. Or something…"

Tomorrow was St. Patrick's Day… and I just SENSED shenanigans. I've already bribed Ana to keep tabs on my aunt Nova: of which I'm sure just constitutes a LOT of strap on fucking. Olivia's already tied up in her room, that DID involve a lot of fucking: Hana's promised to keep her there until the day after. All that's left to deny the usual squad of kidnapping, screwballs, and all-around shenanigans is making sure Uncle Tychus stays as FAR away from me as physically possible.

Dad seemed to recover and he smiled charmingly at me. "Son…"

"Dad." I replied sourly.

"Your Uncle Tychus isn't planning anything as far as I know. He's still pretty put off by your mother after the last time he lit the lawn on fire…"

I told him it was too much lighter fluid.

"Dad." I replied, "…Don't you dare. Or I'll tell mom you've been eyeing those Draenei cheerleaders at the last away Orgrimmar game."

"Son, that's not funny." Dad noted seriously, "…She'll kill us both." He added, "Me for the implications and you for lying your ass off about it."

True. But possibly worth it. I just want to stay home, relax, and not get dragged into anything fucking weird, so I'm covering my bases. I just crossed my arms, and stared him down as Dad shook his head, smiled and took a drink.

"…Fine if it means that much to you if Tychus asks, you're visiting your uncle Matt. Much less likely he'll go looking for you there." I nodded acceptingly before stretching and heading up to my bedroom for some gaming and inevitable sleep. Expecting a calm, quiet day of not doing anything important…

The Next Day

"Hmmn!! Mmmn…" I awoke stiff but content with my long, uninterrupted sleep. Getting out of bed, doing my morning business, before heading downstairs to an empty house. I walked into the kitchen poured myself some cereal and quickly ate before stuffing the bowl into the dishwasher and tried to decide what to do today before the doorbell rang.


I stared at the door suspiciously and didn't move. No words. No sounds. Just hope they go away.


Nope. Not gonna answer. It's Shenanigans…


I'm just going to go upstairs and-



I slid up to the door and looked outside through the peephole. Seeing only a shamrock hat almost flush to the lens. Ding-Dong.


I opened the door, and paused at the woman standing outside… I managed to register a significant amount of green, green leggings, a green tailcoat, corset, top-hat and a shamrock corsage. "Mr. Snow."

"Whaaaaaaaaoooh…" The Shamrock corsage emitted a burst of green mist that shot across my face, and I remember hitting the ground hard, my vision blurred as I was dragged out of the house by my ankles… down the porch steps… and finally shoved into the back of a van… before it all went completely black.


I spat out a green liquid poured into my mouth. I coughed furiously… it tasted like mint. Or like a shamrock shake. "What?" I glanced around at the room I was placed in… a couch. That was all that was inside it and I was sitting on that. The wall ahead of me was all glass, and a lone figure stood outside of it. The woman dressed as a shamrock-themed showgirl.

"Welcome back to the world of the living Mr. Snow.

"Oh fuck me." I mumbled as Ms. O'Deorain tilted her hat up, smirking at me. "…I forgot about your shenanigans."

"Indeed." She said almost villainously. "Thank you for joining me today."

"Oh fuck off." I grumbled, as she took out a clipboard. "Why are you dressed like that?" I asked indignantly as she studied her clipboard seemingly ignoring me.

"Well, I am very patriotic Mr. Snow." She declared slimily, "Also. You'd be AMAZED what you can get away with when you've dressed up for holidays."

"She's not wrong…" mumbled a familiar voice as I turned around spying Brigitte holding what seemed to be the shamrock shake that was poured into my mouth. "…Hey Scott." She added reluctantly. She was dressed in short shorts, sneakers, green jacket and matching ball cap that said 'Draenor Delivery'

"What are YOU doing here?" I replied then scowled, "Did you help her kidnap me?" I asked skeptically as Brigitte sighed.

"No. I was covering for a friend of mine. She works for a delivery company." She pointed to the un-surprisingly sexy uniform. "And turns out Moira orders quite a lot of magical chemicals. She got me in here before I could stop her."

"Indeed!" Moira replied villainously, "Now that I have two subjects I may proceed."

"Oh god damn it. Why? What is the point of this?!" I shouted angrily at her, "What? Do you have some sort of gender bender gas you need to test?! Hulk juice?!" then remembered how Fareeha got her Sister-mother. "Are you going to make clones of me?!"

Moira just smiled outside the glass. "Oh of course not Mr. Snow… but I may use that 'Gender bender gass' for later that sounds fascinating… No. I need you to test my new batch of aphrodisiacs. There have been reports of diminishing effects, so I need someone who has been introduced regularly to the previous versions."

"Okay why is Brigitte in here then!?" I replied.

"I needed a woman and she was the closest." Replied Moira casually, "Besides I was under the impression you would like to have a hole to occupy yourself with under the effects: I'm not a monster."

Brigitte scoffed. "Wow. Fuck you too." She replied frankly before turning to me almost apologetic. "No offense."

"Oh. No. Non-taken: she's evil." I said casually as Moira clicked something on the wall. "I keep telling everyone that she's evil, but nobody listens."

"Oh. I get it." Brigitte replied casually as pink mist started to get pumped in through the vents and she took off her cap, jacket, and started tugging down her shorts as I watched her surprised. This was fast-acting stuff.

"You're taking off your clothes already?" I replied as she tossed it into the far corner, leaving herself in her tight white bra and panties.

"I borrowed that from Draenor Delivery, I don't want to have to pay for it if you tear it off my body." She said standing there looking… distinctly fucking hot. Her toned muscles bulging, her big breasts wobbling up and down with every breath she took, her pouty lips…

…Wow this shit is fast.

I felt my body heat up, immediately taking off my shirt, and my pants… my erection gorging and bulging as Brigitte stared at my nakedness and licked her lips hungrily. "…Were you always that big?" I glanced down at the baseball bat growing between my legs as it rigidly stood to attention. And honestly, I wasn't sure, but I also wasn't thinking clearly.

"Not sure…" I gasped softly, gripping my cock with my hand and furiously stroking it as I gazed at her, her fingers sliding down into her underwear, openly fingering herself as I approached her. Bucking my hips as if shuffling towards her, ready to pound away at her body as I reached out, squeezing at her tits and yanking the cups of her bra away exposing her hardened nipples as she panted. "Let me know once I get inside you."

We were both breathing hard, gasping for breath as I gazed into her beautiful face. Brigitte was ALWAYS hot, but now she look gorgeous, like she was the most beautiful woman on her. Aphrodite, Helen of Troy, Cleopatra, Fareeha… right up there with the beauties of lore.

I wanted to fuck her brains out.

"Haah… aah…" she gasped, as I took her hand from her crotch, pulling it with difficulty from her underwear and licking her sticky juices from her fingers as she shuddered, face flushed and moaning erotically as her hand smacked mine away from my dick and wrapped her silky fingers around it. Stroking me lovingly as I rubbed up against her body, feeling my length against her abs as she pulled her 'clean' fingers from my lips, gripped her underwear and pulled.

She tore them off like she was She-hulk, one good rip and scraps of wet cloth fell from her body as we passionately embraced, rubbing my cock against her stomach as she shoved her tongue into her mouth, drooling like a broken faucet as we greedily made out, rubbing each other as we wrestled onto the couch, falling onto my back. Bounced off the oddly springy couch and fell onto the floor, but we didn't care.

"Ahh-laaah…" she moaned opened mouth I fell onto her, our tongues slovenly whirling around each other open-mouthed as I bucked my hips against her soft silky skin. I spread her legs, hooking her muscled calves onto my shoulders, pressing my cock against her opening, and ramming in immediately, as she squealed. "HAaah! Ahh! YEAH!! FUCKING GOOD!"

I pounded down into her body, her insides squeezing tightly around my cock as if she was trying to suck me in. Her pussy wasn't just leaking arousal it was FLOODING, flowing down her stomach as her hips were raised into the air as I rammed into her. Her skin glistened as I planted my hands on her chest, squeezing her breasts as my arms held me up. "NGH! Aah! AH-AH-Ahh-Ahh-AAH SHIT!!" she hissed, eyes rolling up into her head as I jackhammered away, her nipples were so hard in my hands I felt like they could've pierced right through my palms.

She came hard, and screamed louder. The glass seemingly rattled as she shrieked, I buried myself inside her as she got tighter and tighter. "Haaaah!" I gasped, feeling my balls contract against her pillow like ass, emptying my load into her body as her toes curled and her leg muscles tightened…

Suddenly I was flying away, a stream of thick semen spraying from my urethra like jet propulsion as I hit the floor. Brigitte spasmed so hard she hurled me off her body in an orgasmic adrenaline rush. Her feet slammed the floor as her back arched, thrusting her hips upward as she clawed the pristine flooring, eyes wide and teeth clenched as she humped the air, shaking in climax before flopping back down into my sticky load. "Haah-haaa…" she rolled over, trembling as she clawed towards the window, climbing up the glass to a stoic Moira. Attempting to gaze into her heterochromia eyes as she pushed her rear behind her, wiggling her ass cheeks like a bitch-in-heat as I mindlessly shot to my feet… but my legs turned to jello.

I fell back down, crawling towards Brigitte's leg. I admired them briefly for a minute. Brigitte has a great figure and she's gorgeous but her muscles are her strong suit. I would've kept staring but it rained arousal onto my hair and forehead… she was 'drooling' all over the place. My fingers hooked her right calf and I pulled myself higher and higher on her leg, pawing up her thigh as she just got more and more slippery. Even with my legs wobbling beneath me I wrapped my arms around her waist and began shoving into her wet warmth as she gasped, shaking as I rammed her against the glass.

It rattled and wobbled as she panted and moaned like she was ritualistically chanting. Her face pressed against the glass, her eyes rolling up in her skull as her shaking arms pressed her hands flat to it, pushing back against me again and again as my toes scrapped the floor. But as my legs weren't obeying my desire to fuck they lost strength again and she pushed back a little too hard.

Hurling the both of us back onto the couch. Her body flopped onto mine as I hooked my hands onto her chest again, bucking furiously up into my body as she bounced on my lap. Hooking her hands on the couch as she rolled her body like a wave. Her hips thrust out from the couch before sliding back onto my lap as I ground up into her body. She squealed, shaking on top of me as she ground her teeth together so powerfully I could feel it through her trembling body.

She planted her feet on the floor, displaying her body to Moira as she hopped up and down on my lap. "Haaah-hah-aah-ah-aaah…" I squeezed her breasts, pulling her down harder and harder onto my lap as she opened her mouth and screamed.

I joined her.


I grabbed her hips as they slammed down onto me, I held her in place as I pushed my load into her body. She shuddered on top of me. "Haah… haah…" going limp on my body as we rolled onto the couch… but she's a big girl, she rolled off the couch. Shaking as she hit the floor and rolled onto her stomach and I followed her.

Didn't seem right I stay on the couch and she lay on the floor… I pawed at her body, squeezing her ass cheeks as I rolled her over onto her back and sucked on her nipples, she squirmed and moaned softly under my tongue as her hand brushed against my length. It throbbed back to life immediately as I crawled on top of her. I popped off her tit and crawled further as my cock dangled over her face as I gripped her head…

It might look awkward as my face hit the floor and my hips wiggled in the air… but it felt GREAT as I delved in and out of her mouth as she sloppily slurped and sucked as I plunged in and out of her, one hand on my ass, pulling me down, the other fingering herself furiously as face-fucked her into the floor, gripping her silky hair as I moaned incoherently…

My balls slapped against her chin over and over as her throat tightened, her tongue slobbered all over me, dribbling down her cheeks as she hummed lovingly around my shaft. I groaned, bucking, fucking, and her sucking tightening my muscles as I clenched my teeth.

"NNNGHAAAAH!" gasping for breath as I buried my hips on her face, shaking as I came HARD in her throat.

"MMngh… mmmh-hmmn…" Her tongue slid from her mouth, curving around my sack before sliding back in. I pulled my hips from her face, "Haah!" she gasped erotically as I pushed and rolled onto my back. As we both lied sweaty and stick on the floor…

I don't know how long I lay there. But my cock kept twitching… it was STILL twitching, trying to get hard again as a voice suddenly echoed around the room.

"…Are you done?" declared Moira abruptly. "You look like you're done." She replied, taking notes. "On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pleasure?"

I defiantly didn't answer. Or perhaps I couldn't… however Brigitte managed a feeble. "…9 probably… nnngh…" she whimpered, shaking on the floor. "Gonna… feel that all.. daa-ahh-aaaah…" she whimpered as Moira clicked something on the wall.

"EXCELLENT results… I'll lower the dosage for next time…"

"NEXT TIME?" I moaned indignantly, sitting up as Moira just smiled.

"Well of course next time." Moira replied, turning around and stepping away from the glass in thought as I felt a distinct sense of rage bubble up in me… my eyes felt hot: red hot. "You are an excellent subject, Snow. So easily tricked and malleable…" My hands gripped the couch and I felt my muscles tense. My cock shot up like a rigid rod as I channeled my inner Ana-Lust and hefted the couch off the floor. As Brigitte could only stare in awe.

"Now I'll give you a moment to-…" Moira turned around, staring at me. "…Oh feck me."

I hurled the couch at the glass as it shattered Moria leapt out of the way as the couch tumbled over, shaking off the tempered glass and landing awkwardly on its legs. I lumbered carefully through the fresh cracked hole. The glass was tempered and shattered into large pieces so I wasn't so concerned about cutting myself as my cock wobbled towards the sexily dressed evil nurse as she gazed at me concerned. Taking cautious steps away…

"Now Mr. Snow. Scott…" she said hesitantly, holding her hands out trying to stop me. "We can talk about this-…" I grabbed her wrists and yanked her forward as she stared at me terrified. "…My what pink eyes you have…" she mumbled briefly before I kicked her legs out from under her. "NGh!" she dropped to her knees as I held her hands above her head and pushed my tip against her lips, she resisted at first but I put both wrists in one hand and knocking the hat away I grabbed her hair. "MMGNh!-GUCK!" she squirmed, "GUK!" gagging on my length as I pulled her deeper and deeper on my cock until I bottomed out in her throat. "MMngh-mnn! MMph! Mmpgh! Mmpgh!"

Her wrists thrashed in my grip but it was like iron, apparently, I was on Super-Ana-Juice… if that 'pink eyes' statement was anything to go by. Regardless, my hips slowly rocked back and forth against her face, "Mmgh! BLugh!" she spluttered around my member as I pulled completely out of her mouth, "Hah-Ahh!" she gasped before her mouth was filled again with dick. "MMNgh!"

"Haah-haah…" wordlessly I pushed in and out of her mouth. Thrusting against her face as she moaned around me. I finally let go of her hands, and she immediately tried to use them to push my dick out of her mouth… buuuut hawked up on AWE juice, I don't think that was happening especially after I got my hands on her head. "MGH! MHG! MHgnh! Mgh! MGNh!" slamming her face into my crotch as her whole body seemed to swung back and forth on my dick.

"Haah…" I buried my cock into her throat, massaging her scalp as she squirmed.

"MGMh! MMngh!" giving her a good shot of cum straight into her stomach as I enjoyed the warmth of her mouth. 'Bwah! HAah-haah!" she gasped as I yanked free of her lips and let my cock rest over her blue eye. "Haha okay Mr. Snow I think-oh…" I hefted her easily off the floor, "Damn it." and hurled her onto the couch, her ass facing me as I pressed on her back, pressing her again it as she squirmed. "Now Scott-NGH!" she fidgeted as she felt my cock press against her ass. "Scooott-OH FECKING! SHITE!" she snarled as I yanked aside her suit, tore through her stockings, and rammed my cock up her ass.

"Haah! UGhhggaaaah! AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH!!" she squeaked and squirmed as I firmly held her to the couch and pounded her ass. "Ahh! AH!" I grabbed at her short red hair as her ass squeezed around me, "UGH! AH-AHhgh!"

Railing into her harder and harder… she came at least twice. I planted my foot onto the couch as her entire body shuddered, then the other as it happened again, gripping her head my finger slipped into the corners of her mouth, hooking her like a fish as I fucked her like a dog. "AMggha-aahlaaha-aooott!!"

She came again, my cock rigid and trembling as her ass squeezed around me, her soaked stockings and costume sticking to my thrusting hips as her incoherent gurgling made me harder, "Ugh! Gaggh! Ugh!! Gooorrdd!" she slobbered over my fingers, drooling onto the couch. She was grunting, and wheezing, tongue flopping about on my fingers. "Haahhn-hughgh!"

"AHaah-aagh! ARGH!!" I buried my cock up her ass, feeling her contract on me. "NGH! UUUgghh-haaaha…' I sighed. Pumping my cum into her ass as I took a breath… I yanked my fingers from her mouth as her head flopped forward, her body shaking as I smacked my hands on her hips… then ripped my cock free of her ass as it gaped with my exit.

My cock hung from my legs as I slapped her ass again, her body limp on the couch as I glanced around, blinking as my eyes stopped being so hot. Like hissing steam straight from my ears as I finally re-noticed Brigitte, snoozing on the floor naked as I hobbled back towards the hole in the glass. I bent over her muscled frame, shaking her. "Hey… hey Brigitte."

"MMngh…" she just rolled over.

"Heey." I mumbled, pinching her ass cheek as she jumped and smacked my hand away, hard. "AH…" I shook my hand. "Damn." I mumbled as it stung before shaking her again.


"Do you WANT to stay in the sex lab?" I asked indignantly as she pushed steadily off the floor and blinked around, rubbing her eyes.

"…Oh… right good point. "she mumbled tiredly before stretching her shapely body. "Ooooh that felt good." She added softly, hearing a satisfying pop. "Where the hell is my underwear?"

"Your bra's over there. But your bottoms are there, there and I think… yep." I tugged a small bit of cloth from between her cheeks. "…Little bit right here."

"…Ugh… Now I need new underwear." She grumbled, "…I'm not borrowing Olivia's and Hana's is too small."

"Who wears another person's underwear?"

"Shut up scott." She replied, grabbing her clothes and yanking on her ballcap. "Let's just go before Moira recovers-why is there a hole in the glass?" she blinked curiously as I myself eyed the hole.

"…Explosive decompression?" I replied, apparently Brigitte wasn't awake for my personal experience with Horny Ana powers.

"Okay. Explain the couch?" she noted as we passed approached it, Moira's ass was still twitching. "…You gaped her good."

"Maybe she'll turn into an anal slut like Angie." I declared passing Moira but not before I swatted her ass to the result of a satisfying whimper.

"MMNg…" mumbled Brigitte tugging on her shorts awkwardly, "Seriously explain the couch."

"…Hulk fuck?" I replied awkwardly as she glared at me.

"…What?" she replied as we finally escaped whatever sex dungeon Moira trapped us in… turns out it was an ACTUAL sex lab. Or at least a lab: Nexus Pharmaceuticals and Magical Adjustments… I hope I don't get fined for throwing a couch through a wall.

…Shit does my family technically own this place? I'll think about it later when Ana is probably down strap on fucking my aunt… I'm getting hard again, I guess the magic juice isn't quite out of me yet. "Hey can I get a ride? Pretty sure I was kidnapped here."

"Yeah… I got to return this thing anyway." Brigitte mumbled, "Oooh…" she grunted, sliding into the driver's seat of the Draenor Delivery Truck. "…I am sore all over."

"It's the magic sex drug." I mumbled, "You'll get used to it?"

"WHY would I get used to it?" she grumbled at me indignantly as I slid into the other seat.

"You live with Olivia, I imagine she'll have an entire supply. Not to mention Mei helps develop it and we both know how great she is at containing her chemicals." I lay forward on the dashboard and sighed.

"…You make a good point." Mumbled Brigitte, putting the car into drive. "…Speaking of Olivia have you seen her? We were supposed to hang out this morning, but she didn't show and didn't answer her phone."

"She's in her room." I replied, "I tied her up last night…" before adding, "…Then I fucked her and left her tied up last night."

She laughed, "…Why?" driving down the road.

"I figured I'd jump her before she jumped me…" I frowned, "…But I forgot about Moira." I sighed, closing my eyes. "Crazy ass scientist."

Nobody ever expects the crazy ass scientist dressed up like a leprechaun showgirl… I'll have to remember that.


Somebody asked me to do Moira again and I intended to, and 'poor' Scott gets kidnapped again, he tried to prevent the usual suspects but the Irish Doctor blindsided him.

Next chapter