
The 1,100 Faves Special

I don't own Overwatch or Blizzard things

…Would it surprise you to know that I was kidnapped again?... it shouldn't. I certainly wasn't surprised. But I was impressed that they managed to do it from my bed. I was tied up, blindfolded, and carried out silently into the cold night air by several tiny men… well I assume they were men. I knew there were several of them because half a dozen tiny hands had carried me off, again, into the night.

They tossed me into the back of their van and we were driving off, the rumble of the car beneath me… I just went back to sleep honestly.

"Good Morning my favorite nephew!" cheered my 'aunt' nova as she yanked the sack off my head. I yawned, fidgeting in my comfy chair as my sexy 'aunt' Nova leaned casually against a desk. I was in an office it seemed.

"Hey, Rexxar." I greeted her usually silent bodyguard as he stood professionally in a corner of the VERY fancy office with a really nice morning view of the city. "Okay, what do you want?" I asked lazily, "Can we hurry this up? I had plans with Fareeha later…"

"Ah-Ha!" smiled Nova in her white suit, pushing playfully off the desk and approaching me before gently gripping my chin and turning my head to face another person sitting in a comfy chair next to me. "And I brought her here! So, don't worry."

Which of course now I was definitely worried.

"Behooooo….old…" she stared at the very similar-looking, but definitely not Fareeha, woman. She was still very beautiful, Egyptian, sexy... similar build and hair... but again totally not my Fareeha. "…Rexxar, those goblin kidnappers kidnaped the wrong Amari. We should've paid for the insurance."

"Sup." Mumbled young Ana, glancing at me. "What did she kidnap you for?"

"No idea, she hasn't gotten to that part yet… but I assume it has something to do with me and Fareeha." I turned my head to young Ana, Fareeha's sister-mother. "But whatever it is, it's probably going to end up with me having sex with her."

Rexxar facetiously shrugged his broad shoulders, agreeing with me.

"But isn't she your aunt?" Ana asked casually.

"Adopted." I replied conversationally as Ana nodded understandingly.

"…She is pretty hot." she replied as Nova smiled politely, "If I were you and not related to her, I'd be tapping that as much as possible." We all stared at her, including a rather surprised Rexxar. She shrugged. "…I was kidnapped after I tended to some bodily business… so those shitty goblins caught me when I was a little tuckered out." Considering she was monstrously strong when aroused that might have been a good call. "…I'm still feeling the after-effects." She notedly eyed Nova like a piece of sexy, fuckable meat...

Nova fidgeted hesitantly as I coughed, clearing my throat and interrupting the awkward silence. "Well… I guess that's flattering." Nova turned a little pink in the cheeks and smiled at me.

"Nova's fuckable body aside, WHY am I here?" I asked indignantly. "And why did you attempt to kidnap Fareeha but have to now settle for her sister-mother?"

"…You know it's accurate, but I really dislike that sister-mother thing." Noted Ana as I shrugged.

"Ahem…" Nova smiled, getting our attention. "…I wanted to invite you to a big party at the Nexus." Rexxar suddenly managed to pull out not only a perfectly tailored tuxedo, but a sparkling blue one-piece dress, holding them up in each hand. "And Fareeha would've been your date… but we'll just have to settle for her equally sexy sister-mother."

"Okay, seriously?-"

"What's the trick?" I mumbled indignantly interrupting an increasingly irate Ana as Nova pouted.

"I want to spend time with my favorite nephew, and I can only do that by kidnapping him."

"That's because every time we do spend time together, we have sex and I don't really like that." I replied.

"Sex?" Ana asked stone-faced. "I don't believe you."

"Not 'sex' overall... sex with her…"

"Why? Have you seen her?" replied Ana confidently, "Give me ten minutes and a strap-on and I'd fuck her brains out."

"…Wow now I'm actually feeling a little awkward." Smiled Nova proudly, apparently not really meaning what she had said. "Anyway. I want you to participate in my party… show up and mingle. As the heir to the Nexus fortune, we just need you to be seen once in a while…"

"…I'm sorry, what?" I replied confused as she waved a hand.

"Well, technically we're supposed to split the ownership but since you're the only grandchild it all goes to you once me, your uncle, and your mother kick the bucket but we won't have to worry about that barring angry dragon attacks..."

"Those are inconvenient." Ana noted agreeably as I groaned.

"…Is this going to take long?" I asked indignantly.

"Well I've already moved the party to this morning to cater to your schedule." She smiled prettily as I raised an eyebrow at that. "So… no. Not really. A couple of hours of you walking around looking handsome, a quick blowjob or two, then back to your house for some cuddling with your sexy Egyptian Girlfriend…"

"He was probably coming to my house for that." Ana noted casually.

"Whatever…" Nova replied sweetly. "Now. Let's get you both prettied up. And don't worry if it's too tight a fit or too loose, Rexxar is an excellent tailor."

One freeing of bindings later, Ana was led off behind a small screen to change as Rexxar helped me with the tuxedo, putting on my coat as I straightened the tie. "… Thanks Rexxar." I noted as I checked myself out in the full body mirror he held up me. "I look like a secret agent… in a tuxedo." I added as a pair of long sexy bronze-colored legs strutted out from behind the screen.

Blue high-heels enhanced her appeal and a sparkling blue one-piece dress that slid down to her mid-thighs, exposed a good deal of magnificent cleavage and showed off her powerful well-built arms. Ana looked amazing. "How do I look?" she asked, knowing full well how she looked: Smoking Hot.

"Smoking hot." I noted as she smirked, checking out her butt in the mirror as she ran a hand over its curves.

"MMn!... damn right!" she praised. "…Not bad for a dress meant for Fareeha."

…Damn Fareeha would also look smoking hot in that dress. Must not increase erection issues right now. "Alright." I noted, trying to get my mind off of my smoking-hot girlfriend and her nearly identical smoking-hot sister-mother. "Let's uh. Get this over with. To the Party Jeeves." I noted to RExxar as he waved a guiding hand to the door and eventually to the elevators…

Nova had left before us, and even as we road down with the massive Half-ogre bodyguard we could soon hear music rushing up towards us as we went down into the hotel. A big elaborate party was already in full swing, dozens of people were hob-nobbing and chattering with each other. I felt immediately out of place…

A string quartet was playing on a small stage set up near the entrance of the hotel, and a large spread of food and drinks were placed strategically around the lobby. People were laughing and speaking poshly to each other as Ana wrapped an arm around mine and we walked out of the elevator.

"What are you so nervous for?" she asked, amazingly calm as Rexxar stepped out of the elevator and stood by it like a guard on watch. "It's just an upper-class rich people party…"

"I'm just keeping my eyes out for the trap. There's always a trap… or pirate gnomes."

"Whatever." She replied. "…Wants some fancy food? I'm starving."

"I'm not sure I'll eat anything out of there but help yourself. I'm going to stand quietly in a corner and try not to get jumped by a horny aunt."

"…You're still going to tap that later right?" she replied casually, then shrugged. "…I'll bring you some crackers or something." She replied as I quietly slipped off to a corner of the lobby, hiding behind an elaborate pillar… now I regret it. Because at least Ana's fun company.

…It was barely five minutes, and I spotted Ana across the room chatting with some posh rich people as they guffawed at whatever she was saying. She seemed to be enjoying herself between shoving crackers with grey paste into her mouth. I sighed, thinking about sitting down out of sight when.

"Excuse me, son." I blinked around glancing around my pillar to spy an older man in a motorized wheelchair…

He was oddly stiff, and his face somewhat contorted. But he looked to have once been in great shape but quickly went to seed. His black, greying hair was neatly combed, his beard was skillfully groomed, and instead of a tuxedo he wore some sort of military uniform, or at least a customized one… which was weird because it kinda looked like a civil war confederacy uniform, only modernized and black and gold, not grey... or seditious. But it matched his voice, a strong southern gentleman accent hissed out of his lips, which were also surprisingly stiff.

"Yes?" I replied as he tried to smile, but his face had some difficulty.

"…Could I trouble you to get me a glass of water?" he asked, oddly polite. "…I would get it mah-self but my chair is giving me some difficulties." His stiff hand fiddled with the controls, but it didn't seem to want to move correctly…

There was something about his voice. It seemed nice enough, but it had this sort of feeling that… if he said 'trust me' you'd want to punch him in the mouth… it was weird.

"Sure." I found myself saying. I wasn't doing much, besides It would give me something to do. So I went to one of the tables, and retrieved a glass of water. Then returned to him, he tried smiling again, but his face seemed to not want to obey him. His other hand managed to reach for the glass and tilt it to his lips as he drank.

"Thank you, son." he said politely. "…Zul'jin."

A tall foreboding troll with long green stringy hair suddenly appeared behind me. He was wearing a nice suit, but a ragged red cloth covered over the mouth of his lime-green-skinned face. He had one bulky, scarred left arm. The other however was fully cybernetic like an omnic… But unlike the three fingers of a troll that he had on his right hand. His mechanical one had five. He glared me down, but silently gave his attention to the wheelchaired old man.

"…I believe I am finished here. Would you kindly wheel me away?" he toasted the glass of water to me as 'Zul'jin' nodded his head in a quick bow before resting his hands on the wheelchair and wheeling the older man away.

"…Who was that?" I jumped, finding Ana holding a serving tray of crackers and sorted meats and cheeses… just scarfing them down like Lunchables.

"…No idea?" I replied, as I looked back… but he had already vanished into the elevator like a VIP. "Has the right idea though." I noted, "Getting the heck out of here…"

"Yeah, I haven't seen your hot-ass aunt at all." She noted practically dumping the remaining crackers into her mouth before tossing the tray lightly onto a nearby table. "…I thought she wanted to show you off or something?"

"No idea." I replied again, "…What is with you and my hot ass aunt?" I added as she shrugged… and fidgeted.

"…Still kinda horny." She replied, her eyes glowing a faint pink. "…Trying to keep it on the down low though." She ran her hands over her thighs, the blue skirt lifting slightly to reveal she wasn't wearing underwear, only for her to forcefully push it back down.

"Seriously?" I asked indignantly as she shrugged. "Why are you not wearing underwear?"

"First. You're lucky I was wearing pants at all when they grabbed me. And Second, your hot ass aunt didn't give me any with this dress."

"…Yeah. That checks out." I sighed as she shrugged. We stood in silence for a minute as she looked around, and stared at the large pillar that pretty much hid us from the crowd.

"…So… want to fuck me against this pillar?" she asked curiously as I blinked at her, her eyes glowing pink as I glanced around… nobody was watching, but seriously?"

"Right now? Right… here…" I mumbled as she pressed her body flat against the pillar, and lifted her dress just enough to show off her shapely brown ass.

"…Be a real interesting party if you said no…" she replied, spreading her ass cheek lightly, wiggling her hips with a subtle shimmy. "…Plenty of other guys to pick from…"

"Would you put that ass away?!" I grumbled indignantly, placing myself behind her so that on the off chance somebody looks this way nobody will notice.

"Why don't you put your dick inside it?" she whispered, pushing said ass back against my fancy tuxedo pants, feeling my obvious erection against her as she moaned softly. Her voice was barely a whisper. "…The faster I cum the faster I put it away…" she slid a hand between her legs, fingering her drooling wet pussy as she hissed through her teeth. "…Doing it myself won't help. I need a fucking dick…" she sneered eagerly. "Either YOU do it or I grab a bunch from the hall…"

…Well I'm not going to say no, specifically, to sexy Egyptian ass… and she looks SO much like Fareeha.

I'm pretty sure regular tuxedo pants don't have zippers. The ones I'm wearing however do... probably planned in advance by Nova. I pushed her flat against the pillar, wrapping my hand over her mouth as she wiggled against me. I freed my cock from my pants, it pushed against her lower body as her hands slid up and down the smooth marble pillar. I wrapped my other arm around her waist, aiming my hard cock against her tight ass hole as I pushed.

"MMmngh!!....MMMMMn…" she sighed into my hand, shaking in pleasure as she squeezed my length, tightening more and more the deeper I went. Her body shuddered as I planted my hips against her firm, curvy ass cheeks, her Pinked eyes widening as they rolled intoxicatingly in her head. I pressed my lips to her smooth neck, sucking loudly as I pulled my hips back, giving me some space to pulled her ass back onto it, jerking her lower body back and forth with my arm as I moved her hips. "MMn-mmn-mmmnghm-mmmn-MMNGH…"

She's such a hot piece of ass: hot, tight, and welcoming…

"MMMgh! mMN…" she moaned hungrily, slamming her hips back down against me as I slammed deep into her. "MMgnh!" I pinned her lower body to the pillar, my feet sliding back as I kept her bucking hips in place.

"You wanted this." I teased as she spasmed around my length. "So we're going the fuck how I want…" I nibbled her ear as she moaned lovingly, her ass clenched and shuddered around me, desperate to milk my cock as her fingers… um…

…Literally clawed the marble pillar. Literal chips of marble scrapped off, leaving light grooves.

"Don't break anything." I hissed into her ear as she whimpered. "…The only thing supposed to get broken is your ass-Hisss!" I sneered in pleasure, hissing into her shoulder as her ass threatened to squeeze so tight it would rip my cock off. "Ugh! Ugh!!" I grunted quietly, quickly loosening her up as I railed into her body.

"MMmn! Mmmn… mmmn…" she moaned happily as I scratched her deep itches with my cock.

"You're going to walk around…" I grunted, slapping my hips faintly against her ass cheeks as she cooed. "With my cum up your ass!"

"MMMMGh!!" she moaned eagerly, pleading for me to cum as I sped up.

"Uh-huh…" we both clenched up, going very still as Nova, wearing a very pretty and similar dress to Ana, but in white, as she leaned against the pillar. "Yes… uh-huh." She was speaking on an elaborate cellphone. "…Hold on." She said politely, before kissing my cheek. "MMmn-mmN!.. finish up." She ordered sweetly, "Yes. Of course I'll come and see you off…" she said speaking on the phone again, before mouthing to me. 'harder'…

"MMn-HMMN!!" Ana moaned happily as I slapped my hips hard against her. Not because Nova told me to, but because I wanted to damn it. "MMMGH-HMN!!" Ana came, hard, her finger making fresh grooves in the pillar as her Pinked eyes lessened as she went limp.

"Aaagh-NNGH!" I buried my face into her neck, squeezing her tightly as I filled her tight beautiful ass with my load. I kissed her neck over and over, burying my drained cock over and over up her loosened ass… before I remembered that she's not Fareeha, so I should stop treating her like a lover, but she felt so fucking good… I'm going to fuck the SHIT out of my girlfriend later.

…Actually, I just fucked my girlfriend's sister-mother up the ass… sounds like a click-bait porn title.

"MMMn…" she sighed as I slipped from her warm hole with a subtle wet pop, sliding my cock back into my pants as she pushed down her dress. "I keep getting a good idea why Fareeha keeps you around…"

"Yep." Smiled Nova. "…My nephew is just the best, isn't he? Makes really good first impressions.. and seconds, and thirds… and usually keeps people wanting MORE…" she cooed as Ana's eyes, becoming decreasingly pink, began to stop, and become increasingly so as she watched Ana in that sexy dress. "Now!" she clapped, "Would you like to leave?" she said cheerfully as I eyed her.

"…I just got here. I thought you wanted to 'show me off?'"

"I did. And you did. And we're done! See? Told you it would be quick!" she added, taking my hand and leading me and Ana to a distinctly more private elevator. "Now come on! Let's get you back to my office and we can discuss how I'm getting you both back home without being shot at by your parent's/twin sister-mother.

We stepped into the odd VIP glass elevator as Rexxar nodded to Nova, who suspiciously nodded back. And she pressed one of the upper floor buttons… We slowly rose up, we turned to look out the glass window getting a good view of the city and the hotel grounds, along with a helipad being boarded in the distance.


…The elevator hummed to a stop as Nova slapped her face with her hands dramatically. "Oh NO… we seemed to be trapped!" she declared in obvious poor acting. She then pulled out her phone, texting something, "…Guess I won't get to see him off…" she added lazily, sending the message and dropping the phone before turning to Ana. "Now… there was some mention of fucking my brains out?"

There was hardly a breath between them as a Pinked eyed Ana lunged at her, "MMGh! MMGnh!!" they violently made out before me, their hands sliding over their fit, sexual bodies, lifting each other's skirts until their lower bodies, dripping with arousal, were clearly displayed… good thing we were about 30 floors up or I might be embarrassed being stuck in an elevator with them… sporting a RAGING erection. "Aaahh…" Ana sighed, their tongues lolling and connected by a string of saliva. "I don't have a strap-on."

"That's okay…" Nova cooed sensually, caressing Ana's breasts. "…We have a perfectly good young man who I just LOVE to play with… Scotty."

"Don't call me that." I noted flatly as she pulled away from Ana, sliding her white dress up, and down simultaneously until it was wrapped around her waist like a crumpled cloth belt. Standing naked before me as Ana licked her lips.

"As hard as you want… as rough as you want…" she turned, facing the glass and pressing her body to it, before sticking her ass out to me and swaying it. "In any hole, you'd like…"

"If you don't fuck us right now Scott, I'm going to rip your junk off, throw you out the glass, and do it myself…" Ana moaned, pressing herself against the wall on the right of Nova, sticking out her ass as they bopped hips gently together trying to encourage me…

It WAS working…

"Morbid. But how about a please?" I mumbled as Nova bounced her rear, I stood behind her, my pants dropping around my ankles.

"Please?-AAHH!!" I slammed deep into Nova's tight wet pussy, clapping a hand onto her ass as she trembled, "Aaah-pull my HAIR…" she gasped as I shrugged, reaching out to grab her silky blonde hair with my left hand, and fingering Ana's wet slit with my right. Both exotic, beautiful women moaned and cooed as I pounded into Nova, yanking her head back by the hair.

"Ah-AH-AH-AH-AH…" she chanted, licking the glass sensually as the helipad began to take off, slowly flying off as she moaned. "NNgh! MMMNGh!! Harder! Fucking… HARDER!! NNGH!" I yanked her hair, slamming into her so hard she bounced off the glass. "Ha-AAGH!!"

"What is YOUR problem today?" I asked confused, pushing into her as she shuddered around my cock, dripping arousal on the floor as she panted erotically, even Ana was looking at her oddly.

"Haa-haaa… Ha-ha-ha…" she laughed rather ominously as the Helicopter vanished. "MMMN! I just wanted to show you off… let all the important people know who the Nexus belongs too… will belong to… I mean…" she purred, rather ominously.

"…Stop being cryptic." I mumbled my cock twitching inside her wet pussy as he whimpered.

"Just FUCK me!" she whined indignantly, grinding against my cock. "UGH!!" I slammed into her, "Ugh! Ugh!! UGH!!" over and over I made her sexy body jump with my deep, penetrating thrusts. "Aah… AHHGH!! Your! Dick! Is! The! BEESSST!!!" she shrieked, clawing the glass as her legs bucked in her climax. "Haa-aaagh!!"

She dropped to her knees, sliding down the glass as she raised her ass, shaking in pleasure as I slammed my hands on the wall and kept pounding into her. "Ugh! Ah! Ahh!!" I lashed my hand back to her hair, yanking her head off the floor as her breasts rubbed against the polished marble. "Fuck! Me! Like! You! Own! MEEEEEE!!!" she shrieked…

I roared my release like an animal, slamming my hips against her as I sprayed her insides. "Haaa…" I jerked her hair tightly, shaking in pleasure as she milked my cock. I pulled abruptly out of her, a dollop of cum oozing from her upraised ass as she clawed up the glass, turned, and immediately put me between her ruby red lips. "MMngh-Mmmng…" She slid her head up and down, caressing my balls and gently stroking my shaft with her fingers.

"That was fucking HOT…" Ana declared, her back against the glass as she rubbed herself, her eyes Pinked beyond recognition. "You blow your load inside her and she sucks your dick when you're done like a good whore…"

"MMmn-Hmmn!" Nova agreed, sliding her lips up and down my increasingly hardening length. My hand rested on her head as she cooed lovingly.

"…Now come over here and treat me nice…" encouraged Ana, spreading her wet lips as I yanked Nova off my cock with a wet pop.

"Ah!" she crawled next to me, gazing at my wobbling length as I spread Ana's legs and slammed deep into her pussy, lifting her up and glass as she gasped.

"Aaahh… MMMGH!!!" she writhed against it, sliding up and down with my thrusts as she moaned. "Aaahhh… where's all the spirit you had when you FUCKED me up the ass?" she gasped, her left leg rising up to wrap around behind me, pulling me deeper. "Fuck my like I'm Faree-HAA AAAGh FUCK!!" she cried out as I grinned.

knew she was going to try that… kept a bit of energy in my back pocket… in my pants on the floor.

"Aaagh-AAGH YEAH!! MMMGH!!" she shuddered and writhed against the glass, her hands lashing and clawing into me as I groaned… because it fucking hurt… but I guess it was better than structurally weakening the glass.

Nova gazed at my cock plunging deep into Ana's tight welcoming pussy, scrapping out arousal to dribble on the floor as she crawled forward, tongue lolling as she tried to catch it in her mouth.

"UUgh NNGH!!" Ana shuddered as I buried my length into her, "Haa…"

"If I… knock you up?" I asked, squeezing her breasts before grinding slowly, "Would you give my girlfriend a Nephew-brother? Or a sister-Niece?"

"Fuck you-ASSHOLE!!" she gasped as I railed rapidly into her body. "Nngh!! MMGH!!!"

"Nah I already used that hole today!" I grunted as we slipped closer and closer to release together.

"Ahaa-AAAGH!! HA!!" she gasped, as I grabbed her ass cheeks, and finished.

Pulling her hips forward and planting my cock inside her I let it ALL out. Thick and warm as she trembled, her pussy squeezing me for all it was worth as it milked me. I kissed her as I ground my body against her, making sure I put every drop into that warm hole before sliding slowly out.

Nova licked my limp tip, before turning her attention to Ana's pussy, burying her face into it as Ana moaned, her eyes becoming less Pinked. "Haaa…" the beautiful mother-sister to my girlfriend sighed happily. "…You are a hot piece of ass…" she praised, stroking Nova's head as she ate her out.

"MMnh-hmn…" Nova moaned in agreement, sliding her hands up Ana's beautiful body, as if in worship to a sexual goddess… not too far from the truth. "Ah!" Nova gasped as I yanked her out of Ana by the hair, turned her head, and shoved it into my crotch as she began to suckle and lick.

"I was using that…" Ana mumbled indignantly, dropping to her knees beside a cock sucking Nova as she longingly licked my beautiful 'aunt's' stuffed cheek. But considering her eyes weren't pink anymore, I imagine she's pretty satisfied… you're welcome.

…But I wanted my dick sucked clean and Oliva wasn't around… or Satya… or Hana… or… fuck it, I just want my dick sucked.

I gripped Nova's head, sliding her onto my tip as I took Ana's in hand, guiding her to my sack as she suckled my balls, both beauties slurping and sucking my crotch as Nova slid up and down, gazing reverently up at me as I held her platinum blonde hair in a tight fist. "MMgh MMn… mmmngh…"

"MMmngh-Aaaah…" Ana made my balls dance with her tongue as she slid it up my length once it appeared out of Nova's mouth, only to vanish quickly back in as she dove her head down. "Mmmgn…" slurping me back into her mouth.

"Haa… ahhh…" my head rolled back as my arms went slack, letting both of them work however they wanted as I groaned. My cock pulsated warningly as their slurps and licks increased. "Haaa!"

"MMMGH!!" Nova slurped up to my tip, her tongue dancing around it in her mouth as Ana sucked hard next to her face, suckling hickies on my shaft as she stroked and fondled my balls until I burst into Nova's mouth. "MMnn…" she hummed as she caught my load, Ana turning her head away from my dick to lick up and oozing cum from Nova's lips.

"MMmmn…" she sighed as I slipped limply from her lips, and she turned… sharing with Ana as once again they made out. "Mmngh-MMMn!!.... ahhh…" they licked their lips together, their mouths empty as Nova sighed happily.

"…It's so NICE to have a hole to share with again!" she giggled, as Ana stretched… both getting wobbly kneed to their feet. You're welcome.

"If I'm feeling pretty and Pinked, invite me over." SMACK!

"Oh!" Nova jumped as Ana smacked her firm ass, hard, leaving a bright red handprint as she pushed her dress down over it and pulled it up, dressing herself, posthaste.

"I'll tap that ass with or without Scott's dick…" Ana replied.

Wow… I'm pretty sure that genetic make-up of hers is making her REALLY horny. Oh well.

I tightened on my pants as Nova bent over, showing off her leaking pussy and grabbed her phone. She tapped a few buttons… and the elevator was moving again as we rode it all the way to her office. "Now..." she smiled, all professional again as she winked at me. "I'll have Rexxar drive you both home. Enjoy the rest of your day!" she replied sweetly as I stared at her suspiciously.

"…Sure you don't want to come with?" Ana smiled, her eyes a little… Pinked… again. "I'm sure I don't need Scott's help with you." She licked her lips. "The Nexus can go a few more hours without you…"

Nova smiled prettily, and… ominously. "Oh… Ana, my sexy, sexy new friend..." She cooed. "…I AM the Nexus." She replied dramatically, dropping into her office chair, and raising her feet up, showing off her pussy one last time, as the doors shut and we went back down.

"…Well that's fucking Ominous…" I mumbled as Ana shrugged.

"Eh. On a scale of Ominousness It was like a 4 out of 10…" she then eyed me. "…So what are you going to do?"

"Go home. Eat. Hang out with Fareeha." I noted. "You?"

"Go home. Eat. Hang out with you hanging out with Fareeha." She replied casually as we walked out of the elevator and towards a patient Rexxar. "…Honestly, making your Smoking Hot Aunt Nova scream in pleasure some more was all I really had planned today after I was kidnapped…"

"…Yeah... That checks out…"

End of chapter

Next chapter