
The Overwatch Easter Bunny Cumming to Town Special

I don't own Overwatch High or Blizzard things

It all started… technically yesterday.

"How, in the name of everything sexy, did you convince me to do this?" I mumbled as a mascot's head was slapped onto mine. "…It smells like puke in here." I noted as Fareeha smiled at me. Dressed in a cute little outfit, not sexy, cute. Like Dorothy from the wizard of oz… only I guess technically that might be sexy for some of you.

"Because you love me, and will literally do anything I say." She noted flatly as I mumbled beneath the mascot head. I grumbled in response, as she was not WRONG… but I've should've drawn the line at the mascot bunny suit…

Because currently, I was 'peter cottontail' and I was to entertain a bunch of young kids with her and a handful of other Teachers. I was just supposed to dance around and look cute… apparently. Big funny face mascot helmet, furry suit with a vest, floppy feet and hands… great.

"You owe me for this." I mumbled as she lifted the mask and- "Mmn…"

"MMmhg-mmmngh…" her tongue slid into my mouth as my fuzzy hands rubbed down her body, caressing her waist before sliding down her skirt to squeeze her ass… but it wasn't the same with the fuzzy hands. Besides she was also wearing underwear… I guess she should since there would be kids that only came up to her knees… and if anyone's going to upskirt my sexy girlfriend it's going to be me.

She abruptly pulled away, then smirked confidently at me. "No, I don't." she noted as I sighed reluctantly.

"You make a compelling if not irritating argument." I mumbled as she pulled the mask back down.

"Just an hour or so, play with the kids, help them find some candy eggs and we knock off some detention time for next week." She noted.

"I don't have detention for-"

"In advance…" she added as I sighed again, picking up a wicker basket full of plastic candy eggs. Fareeha, Amelie, and Angie spent most of the morning filling them up.

"…You make a compelling if not irritating argument… but in my defense. When you said 'bunny suit' yesterday I sort of blanked out after that. So, in fairness, you tricked me." She smiled sweetly at me, that sort of smile she wore when she knew I was scowling at her.

"Tough." She added, bopping the rabbit nose of the mask with a fist. "Suck it up." She added.

"Haaa…" I sighed, as we walked towards the door of the locker rooms. Out into the field as dozens of young kids, orcs, humans, even a big tauren, all sorts running around playing with the teachers. A showing Lena on the sideline with Emily cheered as Mr. Winston went down laughing under a swarm of kids. Amelie and Angie, both wearing similar dresses to Fareeha were happily taking care of their own group. Even Echo was floating around near Mr. Winston, bunny ears and tail holographically projected off her teacher clothing…

"Mr. Snow. Glad you could join us…" PACK! A hand slapped my back hard as I jumped.

"DAaah!…" I fidgeted like a rabbit ready to run. Ms. O'Deorain dressed in the same clothes and carrying a basket of plastic eggs.

"Oooh… look at the cute little rabbit." She smiled evilly before strutting away, collecting a bunch of kids as she went before joining Angela. Principal Morrison dressed in his Sunday best announcing games and prizes on the other side of the field.

"WHY is she here?" I hissed nervously as Fareeha handed a kid a plastic egg as she went squealing off to jump on Mr. Winston.

"Because she volunteered." Fareeha replied, taking my hand and dragging me along. "I Promise we didn't let her anywhere near the candy. "

"That only brings me some comfort." Although she seemed cordial enough. Even popular with the kids… like a drug dealer. "Whoa!" Fareeha yanked me towards Amelie as the purple woman smiled, handing out eggs as she grinned prettily at me.

"Bonjour Peter." She smiled… right. I'm supposed to be 'Peter Cottontail'…

"Hello." I replied passing out eggs as I was rushed by kids. "Whoa! Okay! Okay hang on!" I yelped as I was bum-rushed. "Tell my girlfriend I love her!" I squealed as I went under a wave of kids.

"Ah… that's sweet." Fareeha smiled cheerfully as I was swarmed.

…I… cannot help but feel like Mom would be proud for some reason…

As soon as I was extracted from the kids I blearily moved my head around. "Did we win?" I mumbled as I was pushed to my feet.

"Nope." Fareeha noted, patting my bunny butt. "Let's go." She added.

All in all, it wasn't BAD at least I wasn't peed on or anything. After a long hour of playing with kids, tossing plastic candy eggs, and desperately trying to outrun Mr. Winston as favorite furry person to dogpile on.

"Seriously. You owe me." I noted as Fareeha sighed, both of us taking a breath in the bleachers as the kid's parents began to take them home or pick them up.

"Oh lighten up crybaby…" she replied, chuckling to herself and taking a breath. "…You just want me in a bunny suit.

"I REALLY do… I was promised bunny suits."

"You were not." Fareeha noted, grinning at me. "…Alright you big baby, come on." She grabbed my arm and pulled me up. "Let's get you out of that suit and I'll treat you to a late lunch."

We got into the locker rooms and I expected some… less than child-friendly actions as she turned me around, grabbed the zipper and jerked. I rocked lightly back and forth for a second as she kept jerking, "…Uh…" she mumbled.

"…The Zipper's stuck isn't it…" I replied reluctantly as she jerked it. Fareeha sighed.

"Shut up." She noted, walking in front of me and taking off the mascot head. "…You're stuck."

"Uuuuuuuuuuugh…" I groaned in disbelief. "Seriously?"

"Yeah… it's like it's glued." She walked back around, put her hands on the zipper. And her foot on my back.

"Hurp!" I was pushed against the wall as she HEAVED. "Aah-ow-ow-ow-OW! What are you wearing?! Stilettos with ACTUAL stilettos?!"

"No. Sneakers. UGH!!"

"AAaah-ow!" I grumbled as she waved her hands, the grip on the arguably tiny zipper hurting her hands. "Please stop putting your shoe on my back!"

"Yeah… that's not coming off." she mumbled irately, glaring at the zipper.

"Okay… get some really big scissors." I replied as she flinched. "…You can't cut the suit, can you…"

"We borrowed it from one of the parents, we can't just break it." she shrugged sheepishly.

"…SO much bunny suit." I noted as she laughed lightly.

"You're not wrong." She added as I groaned.

"…Good thing I went to the bathroom before I got in this thing." I tugged at the collar, and quickly checked my crotch, at least THAT had a zipper. But… I just hope I didn't have to take a dump for a while. "So what do we do?"

"…Hold on." She noted, and left me in the locker rooms.

After a moment Mr. Winston entered, followed by Angie and Amelie, both watching curiously as a smiling Ms. O'Deorain slinked in. Like a serpent. "You're stuck, Mr. Snow?" Mr. Winston grumbled, striding around my back and examining the zipper. "…Doesn't seem to be anything wrong."

"But it's like it's glued." Fareeha noted as Mr. Winston rubbed his chin, leaned forward, and sniffed absently. "The zipper won't budge."

Mr. Winston scowled, and sniffed again… and IMMEDIATELY glared at a very undeterred Ms. O'Deorain. "Moira…"

"…Oh… would you look at that?" she noted dismissively. "…I must have still had some experimental adhesive on my hand… how unfortunate." She smiled, nobody really believing her 'apology'.

"UUUGH…" Mr. Winston and I groaned together, the big super-intelligent Gorilla slipping his fingers under his glasses and rubbing his eyes in irritation.

"…WELL. Mr. Snow… the good news is that I can get it off… the bad news is that I need Mei to help me."

"…Joy…" I mumbled as Moira shrugged.

…Which leads me to… Now. About 3 in the morning… and crashing at Olivia's… why? Because I can't get my fucking keys out of my pocket INSIDE THE DAMN SUIT, and Mom and Dad are out of town until noon… I really fucking hate Moira.

"Scott. Scoooooooot." Fareeha crooned, as I sighed, my eyes still closed and lying on one of the many beds that Olivia kept in her house.

"…I'm not opening my eyes unless you're in a bunny suit." I declared. Fareeha sighed.

"…Alright give me a damn minute." She noted, walking out of the room. "She must have one around here somewhere." She stepped outside. "He's not talking unless we're bunnies.

"What Madness is this?!" hissed a distinctly French Amelie voice as Fareeha sighed. "Scott, arrête de faire ta diva!"

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and sat up, spying Amelie and Fareeha walk away, as well as Angie, leading them further upstairs towards Olivia's room. "Come on. I know where she keeps her costumes."

"…How?" asked Fareeha suspiciously.

"The number of times she's forced me into one… don't get me started."

"Forced my purple derrière." Amelie sneered as I stuck my head out to watch said 'derriere' dressed in something of a mini-skirt club outfit. "Like you haven't borrowed one of her costumes before!" she was swinging around an empty beer bottle in one hand. I'd complain that they went out and partied… but I didn't REALLY care. Just because I was stuck in a bunny suit didn't mean they couldn't go out and have fun.

I rolled my eyes, I guess seeing them in bunny suits is an acceptable apology that they didn't really need to give me… I'm not ever going to say no to Bunny Fareeha… or Bunny Angie. Or Bunny-

"Bonjour Peter!" cooed Amelie as she 'hopped' down the stairs.

Apparently… Amelie found the spare 'Bunny Mei' costume, but in black: A furry bikini with furry boots and gloves, her ears flopping on her purple hair. "Oooh!" she swung herself at me and kissed my cheek. "I've been a naughty bunny Peter." She cooed as she leaned against me.

"Oh yeah?" I smiled, as she breathed heavily on me. Beer wafting on her breath as she licked my cheek.


"How much has she had?!" I shouted up the stairs.

"A lot." Replied Angela as Amelie's hand began to rub against my crotch and… well… Bunny Amelie, I was rock hard long before she came down the stairs.

"…Fuck it."

"Oooh…" I carried her into my borrowed bedroom, groping her wonderful purple ass as she pressed her lips to my mouth. "Peter! So Frisky!" she licked her lips sensually as I managed to get her halfway towards the bed only for her to plant her feet, pressing her furry top to my furry… uh… vest. "I want your carrot." She cooed.

…I was… having mixed emotions. Fun ones, but mixed.

I took her purple ponytail in hand and pulled her to my lips. "Mmn-mMMn!" she moaned, appropriately French kissing me as she rubbed my crotch, and unzipped me. Hands sliding into the suit, and unzipping me again… "MMn-mmmn… mwaaaah." She sighed pulling away and grinning as she extracted my 'carrot' silkily stroking me with her furry gloves. "Mmmn!"

"…You do know I'm Scott right?" I noted as she frowned.

"Shut up Peter and let me suck your carrot." She pushed me against the wall and dropped to her knees. "Aah-mmgnh." She gazed up at me, her hands rubbing in the fur of my thighs as she bobbed her head. "Mmngh-mmngh-mmmn… Mmm-mwah…" she popped loudly off my length running her tongue along my shaft and smiling playfully up at me. "Ha-ha-ha… Tu veux toujours que l'on suce ta bite." Her tongue firmly licked the tip of my cock. "Ha-ha Mets ta bite dans ton trou…" She hooked her fingers into the side of her mouth, and pulled it open, letting her tongue hang out. I took her ponytail firmly in hand and pulled her open mouth slowly down my length. "Mmmgh-mmmn…"

"That feels good Amelie." I moaned softly, gazing into her eyes as she devotedly gazed up at me, her head sliding eagerly up and down my carrot as her hands slid over my fur. "Suck it. Keep sucking…" I whispered as she moaned hungrily, burying her face on my shaft, her tongue flicking out and coiling against it as she gazed up at me.

"MMmn. Mmmn… mmn-hmmn." Slurping my length as she inhaled it into her throat. "Mmhg! Mmngh!! MMn…" She glided up and down my cock, slurping and slobbering, squatting on her furry boots as I held the back of her head. It took everything I had and more not to just explode in her tight, warm purple bunny girl mouth.

"Scott are-I am not surprised." I turned to the sound of Angela's voice as I instinctively held Amelie's face to my crotch and lost control.

"MMMngh! mMmn…" Amelie moaned, her tongue slithering around my length as I filled her warm mouth gazing at Angela's body.

She was wearing some sort of… reverse bunny suit? That's a thing apparently… her legs were wrapped completely in black leggings, brushing against her bikini briefs wrapped around her modesty, her arms were wrapped completely in black gloves to the shoulder, and her breasts were covered by some attachable pasties. Along with white bunny ears poking up from her blonde hair.

"Mmgh-mmnwah!" Amelie gasped, pulling off my cock and opening her mouth, tilting her head back. "Le lapin avait beaucoup de crème à l'intérieur" she chewed my cum, sloshing it with her tongue before closing her mouth. "GULP! Ahh…" she flicked her tongue on my shaft as it twitched back to hard life.

"What are you wearing?" I managed to gasp out as I nearly poked Amelie in the eye.

"Ooh… oui…" she cooed, sliding her lips along my shaft as Angela sighed.

"I couldn't find any others." She glanced at Amelie as wiggled her cotton tail, her face a little pink. "Wow look at her go." She mumbled as Amelie opened wide, taking my dick back into her mouth.

"MMmngh! MMnngh! MMn…"

"She's usually so good with her drink…"

"MMng-MMGh!" she pulled off my dick, slapping my stomach, "Peter! Pay attention to me! You're worse than Gerard!" she scowled, pouting adorably as she continued to lick and suck on my length. "I'm sucking your dick not her!" she scowled, "Mmngh-mwah…" My cock shuddered against her slobbering lips, before taking her by the arm and pulling her up. "Ah…"

"You are absolutely right." I replied, squeezing her ass cheeks before turning her around and pushing her towards the wall.

"Ahhh…" Hands on the wall and sticking her big, beautiful purple ass towards me I rubbed my hands on it. "MMmgh!!" I hooked my hands into her furry bottoms and pulled them down just enough to expose that tight purple ass hole. And pushing my cock towards it. "Non! That's Scott's hole!"

"That's what now?" mumbled Angie, a little out of sorts for a minute as I laughed.

"That's so cute!" I teased, "Who's hole is it?"

"…It's for Scott…" she pouted adorably drunk. "Aaah!" she gasped as I pushed deep into it, one quick thrust as she shuddered, "Nooooon…"

"This Tight! Purple! Ass! Is for Scott?" I teased, pounding away as she gasped, clawing the wall and moaning as she trembled in pleasure, her tight French ass squeezing my cock as I railed into her from behind. The slapping of my hips on her ass was muffled somewhat by the suit but the tight warmth of her backdoor more than made up for it.

"Ahh… aha…" gasped Angie, watching me anally fuck my french teacher. Fingering herself as she watched my cock vanish up my French whore's ass over and over.

"Merde! Merde! NON!!!" Amelie's knees buckled as her ass spasmed around me, her body shaking in climax as I held her hips tightly. "Je jouis! Je jouis avec mon cul!" her eyes rolled in her head as her tongue lolled. "Aaaagh!! Je jouis! Je jouis! JE JOUIS!!" I buried my length into her, moaning as I enjoyed her tight rear spasming warmly around my cock. "Noooon…" she moaned erotically, clawing the wall as her knees buckled, she half squatted, standing bowlegged as her tight purple ass gaped.

"HAaaaaa…" gasped Angie, shaking herself, her fingers deep in her pussy, worming beneath her bikini briefs. I took her free arm, pulling her next to an ahegao Amelie, then pushed her forward. Her bikini briefs were a bikini thong, the cute little white cotton tail wiggling just above her ass cheeks as I pulled the G-string aside. "Haa-haa…" she panted excitedly, her pussy oozing arousal down her leather leggings, glistening the shiny black material as her soft ass cheeks wiggled left and right. Inviting me inside…

"Aaah…" I sighed as she shuddered wildly, her eyes rolling as she grinned. "…Good to be back." I grinned, swatting her rear lightly as she wiggled on my cock.

"Fuck my ass. Fuck my ass. FUCK MY ASS…" she breathed heavily as I stayed inside her, unmoving as she began to roll her hips. Finding her 'switch' balls deep in her as usual. But, I kept her wanting, reaching down and sliding my furry fingers into Amelie's gaping hole.

"Non-non-non…" she whimpered, shaking in pleasure as I held her up, fingering her ass as I began to give Angie a good buck.

"Ugh! UGH!! oOooh…" moaned the beautiful swiss miss. My other hand reached out to get a grip of her hair, careful not to remove the bunny ears as she clenched her teeth, hissing erotically as I slowly pumped into her. "Haa-aahah… aahhh… faster…" she moaned, slow and steady I went however. Feeling Amelie's ass spasm around my fingers as I kept pumping.

"OOoh… Oooooh…" Amelie clawed the walls, crooning erotically as she gazed dazedly at the ceiling, her body shaking enticingly. Her ass cheeks wobbling around my hand…

"Scoooott…" whine Angie, pleading, "Fuck my ASS…" she whined, her face pink, grinding her rear against the suit, tickling her ass cheeks with cheap fake fur.

"Yeah Scott fuck her ass." Noted Fareeha, finally making her sexy black bunny suit body known to me as she walked in, her high-heeled fishnet stocking legs carrying her body towards me.

"OOoooh…" Angie trembled as my cock throbbed inside her. I let go of her hair, grabbing Fareeha around the waist and pulling her close, pressing her big supple bunny girl breasts against my chest as she sighed. "I'm barely changed and you're balls deep in a bunny girl's ass…" she glared at me scoldingly. She grabbed Angela's hair, yanking it as she gasped. "Fuck her." she cooed as I gazed at her, pumping my hips into Angela's ass.

"HAa-aaah! Aah GOD YES!! YES!! MORE!!" bucking rapidly against her body as I caressed Fareeha's fingering Amelie as I gazed into my Beautiful girlfriend's bunny girl face. Angie slammed her ass back against me, Fareeha put her hand on my back, pushing my pounding hip forward. "AGH!! AGH!! AGHh!! AAAGH GOD!!" shaking wildly as she climaxed, Fareeha and a moaning Amelie watching her in jealous awe as the queen of anal enjoyed the best orgasm of the night.

"AHaA-AAAGH!!!" she smiled broadly as Fareeha yanked her head back, her ass cheeks quivering against me as I held my cock inside her spasming hole.

"Excuse me beautiful." I kissed my sexy Girlfriend as she smiled with an eyeroll "But I need to take this." Getting a good grip on the Swiss Miss's Hips, I lifted her shaking body up. And fucked her up the ass like it was going out of style.

"AAGH!! AAGH!! GAWD! DAMN IT!! FUCK!! FUCK! FUCK!!" screaming erotic bloody murder her body when limp as I lifted her feet an inch from the ground and railed into her as she blearily pushed back against the wall. "Haa-aahaaaAaAAGGHGHH!!!"

"Take my cum! Take my cum up your tight ass!!"

"Pump me full! Pump me full!! Pump me-FUCK MEEE!!!"

"Aaagh!!!" he fell against her as she clawed wallpaper from the wall with her fingers, shaking as her knees buckled and I lowered her back to the floor, my cock pumping my load into her ass. "Haa-haaa…" Angie drooled lightly, shaking in pleasure as my cum flooded her guts again.

"Oh fuck…" gasped Fareeha, watching in some awe as Angie's legs gave out beneath her, and she dropped to the floor. Shaking in orgasmic bliss as she rubbed her sensitive body. Her ass leaking my cum as she cooed happily. "…Does getting fucked in the ass feel that good?" she asked toing the living orgasm that currently was Angela.

"OOoooh…" moaned the beautiful doctor as Amelie stared at her in awe, fingering herself.

"Well Angie's a special case…" I replied, taking Fareeha and pulling her towards me as I kissed her. "MMngh…."

"Mmmng…mmwah…" she pulled, gazing at me sensually as she rubbed the furry arms.

"…Want to try?" I whispered, my cock throbbing against her bunny body. "…You know… before your traditional breeding?"

"Go in me raw? No lube? Like a freak?" she breathed as I turned her around, then spun us towards Amelie.

"…Well…" I pulled her bunny suit aside, showing off her beautiful brown ass as I spread her cheeks. "Some lube…" I knelt down behind her and sighed. The things I do for my girlfriend.

"Aha-AAAH SCOTT!!" she gasped in surprise as I rimmed her, my hand rubbing her pussy as Amelie watched. "Aah-aaahhhh…" I pulled away from her back hole, nice and tight as I curled my finger at Amelie.

"Eat her pussy." I said as Amelie fidgeted, crawling towards my beautiful bunny, kneeling before her as she slid her tongue into a shaking Fareeha's pussy. I returned to her ass, licking her out before sliding multiple fingers slowly into her shaking ass.

"Aah-aaahhh s-shit…" she hissed, clawing my face as I buried it into her cheeks. "You're freaks, you're both freaks! Haa-aaahhhh…" her body shaking, her head rolling. "Aah-Aah! Going to! CUM!" her teeth clenched. I pulled my fingers out as Amelie moaned into Fareeha lovingly, I stood out, putting my cock against Fareeha's saliva-soaked hole. "S-Slow go SLOooooo-oH!!" holding her hips as I slipped my cock deep into her amazingly tight ass.

"Got to get balls deep baby." I cooed, sucking on her smooth bronze-skinned shoulder as she trembled, gasping in pleasure and pain as she sealed around my cock, her hands clinging to Amelie's hair as she continued to drunkenly, but skillfully, eat her out.

"F-Fuck fuck fuck… were you always this big?!" she hissed as I laughed.

"You just have a tiny little hole." I replied, "It's tight. Warm. And all mine… mmmn…" her ass spasmed around me approvingly as Amelie continued to slurp up Fareeha's love juices. I slowly moved my hips…

"Aahh…Aahh shit…" she hissed, shaking in pain and pleasure. "It feels so fucking big inside me! Ahh…" my cock shivering eagerly inside.

"…I got to start moving Fareeha." I hissed, "I need this body…"

"Haa… Ah…AH!" tightening her grip on Amelie's hair I pumped steadily, but slowly in and out of Fareeha, her ass contracting around me. "NNGh! MGMHF-FUCK…" she slapped my hands cupping her tits as she gasped. "S-Slow!"

"This is slow." I moaned, "I want to go harder!" I hissed, keeping my pace. Slow, steady, feeling her ass spasming wildly around me.


"MMMGH!?!" Amelie moaned as Fareeha tightened around me, and her grip on the purple beauty's hair.


"Shit!" I hissed, pumping faster, her ass pulsating around my length as she climaxed. "UGHH!!" I shuddered, pulling my cock to the tip, spraying my cum into her bowls as she hissed through her teeth.

"Fuuuuck.." she pushed me back, my cock popping out of her ass wetly, as she wobbled, leaning against the wall and gasping. "Haaa-aaahh…" she took a breath. "FUCK… not what I expected…" she moaned, shaking erotically as her ass cheeks clenched.

"It was your first time… I think…" I mumbled as Fareeha groaned. My cock throbbed back to life. As Amelie leaned forward, kissing my tip red-faced as she gave it a lick. "MMmn… ready for bunny breeding?" I cooed as Fareeha held up a finger.

"Could you… just… let my ass close first?" she mumbled indignantly.

Amelie's lips wrapped around my tip, "Mmnn-mmmgn…" she moaned sensually, slurping and stretching her lips on my glands. Gazing up at me as my cock twitched… I put my hands on her shoulders and pushed her onto her back. "Mwah-aah!" she gasped, flopping onto the ground as I pulled her bottoms off complete, spreading her legs. "Aah-OUI!!!"

Fareeha watched as I pulled back, and slammed deep into the beautiful French bunny as her legs slowly wrapped around my pumping hips. "Ah-Ah-Ah-Ahh!!" her breasts jumped in the furry top as her eyes opened wide, staring at the ceiling "Ah-AH-Ah…" lying submissively beneath me as I drove my cock deep into her bunny body.

"Couldn't wait?" mumbled Fareeha, strutting towards me, pulling down her top to expose her breasts as Amelie moaned encouragingly.

"I need to breed a bunny right now." I declared, leaning down and licking a cooing Amelie. "Look at her… she REALLY wants it."

"OUI!!" squealed Amelie, grinning broadly, "Peter more!" she cooed excitedly.

"…Just ignored that…" I grunted, putting my hands on Amelie's shoulders, "Ugh. Umph!" he drove deep into her tightening body, her head rolling dazedly around, eyes wide and manic as her legs squeezed around me.

"Oui! OUI! OUI!!" she squealed happily as I drove my throbbing length deep inside her again and again. "Merde." She gasped, shaking in pleasure, "Merde! MERDE!!" her back arched and she screamed in pleasure, "Haaaa-waagh!!"

"UUUGH!!" I fell onto her body, my balls working overtime and pumping the purple French slut full of cum. I watched Fareeha as she fingered herself, kissing a limp twitching Amelie as she cooed.

"Ha-haa… Peter's cock is the best…" she whined erotically, "Give me lots of bunny babies!!" she licked my cheek, a little out of character for her, then dropped to the floor with a sigh. Dozing quietly as her pussy continued to squeeze out my load. Her legs flopped ingloriously to the floor around me.

I slowly pulled out of her, my cock limp against the outside of the suit. Then I blinked at a grinning Fareeha. "…Don't say it."

"Peter cottontail came to town?"

"Damn it." I mumbled as she kissed me.

"…Did you… forget anything in 'town' Peter? Might have to go back for another visit…"

I wrapped my hand around her ass and squeezed. "Oh I think I'm down with this 'town' tonight." I said, pulling her towards and sitting on the bed. "But this town has plenty of eggs to stuff with candy…" I said rubbing her stomach with my other hand.

"…This isn't working for me." She said adorably, before straddling my lap. "Haaa…" she engulfed my length. "Nice try though."

"I thought so." I grabbed her hips. "Now hop for me, bunny girl."

"Aha! Ahh!! Ahh!!" she rode up and down on my cock, sitting on her knees as she bounced up and down on my lap. "Ugh!! Shit…" she hissed, her breasts on my face as she clawed my back. "Haa-Aah-AAAGH!!" Sultrily gazing at me as she ground her hips on my lap. "MMmng-mmn you like Bunny girls?" she moaned.

"I LOVE bunny girls…" I moaned into her tits.

"Do you like Horny Bunnies?" she giggled pushing me down onto my back, and placing her hands on my chest. "Do you like it when I hop on cock?" she gasped as I swatted her rear, bouncing her up harder and faster. "Haa! Haa!!"

"YES!!" I cried out happily, bucking up into her ass she grabbed my face. Grinning proudly into my eyes, almost… insanely.

"What! Are! bunnies! FOR!?" she hissed, "Haa-AH-AAAH!!!"

"Bunnies are for!" I began before we cried out together.


…I don't think I could've cum any harder, or any more, if I wanted to… I think I would die. Fareeha dropped onto me, passionately and furiously kissing my face as she sucked on my lips.

"Mmmngh…mmmn…" my cum pumping into her bunny girl body as I smacked her ass, "MMGh!! Mmmn…"

I'm not sure when I fell asleep… but she was STILL kissing me.

…I had a weird ass dream… not as weird as the My Small Horsie dream... and I'll tell you about that one some other time. But essentially… the Cadbury egg bunny… the sexy one. Was giving me a blowjob… but she sounded like Fareeha, and she kinda LOOKED like Fareeha… I put my hand on her head, and proceeded to treat her like she WAS NOT Fareeha…

"Suck my fucking dick." I ordered, jerking the brown furry bunny up and down my cock, her ears flopping back and forth as they slapped on my hips. Her eyes wide.

"MMMPrgh! Mmmgnh!! MMGh!!! MMRGH!!" her eyes rolled in her furry head while I throat fucked her face, gliding my cock into her throat wildly as she spluttered and splurted around me.

"Ah-Aaah-UGH!!!" my eyes opened as I thrust my hips up, holding however was giving me a blowjob down on my length as I filled her mouth with cum.

"SPLURT!! mMGH!!!" Angie's eyes widened as her throat gulped my seed, a small amount bursting in surprise from her lips as she coughed.

"Haaa-aaah… sorry…" I mumbled as she dazedly sucked on my cock. "…I thought you were a sexy anthropomorphic bunny…" she raised an eyebrow at me, getting balls deep on my slippery length as I shrugged. "…Yeah I have issues…" I mumbled, holding Fareeha in my other arm as she snoozed next to me contentedly. I glide Angie's head up and down my cock. "Don't stop."

"Ahh…" she slid up, then kept sucking, her eyes a little glazed as she salivated and slurped up what cum she managed to spill.

"That feels so good…" I praised contentedly, enjoying her blowjob before the door was kicked open…

"Get em!" declared Mei as suddenly we were… uh… hosed.

Mei, Brigitte, and Hana dressed in essentially ghostbuster's jumpsuits and holding some kind of jury-rigged reverse vacuums sprayed hot, bubbling, thick water at us all. Amelie, Angie, and Fareeha screamed, but noooooooot as loudly as me… that shit was hot and I took a direct hit on my dick.

"…Did it work?" asked Mei curiously, adjusting her prescription goggles as Hana strutted in, toeing a very dishevled-looking Amelie.

"How you feeling, Amelie?" she asked as she cursed rapidly in french, rubbing her face as she moaned.

"…What the FUCK did I do?"

"You went out drinking with Moira." Hana declared. As is struggled to get my sensitive, and possibly bitten penis back into this fucking suit. "Before Mei finished the solvent. I get it Moira knows all the best drinking songs but seriously? That just screams silly idea."

"Good thing we managed to convince Winston to go to your place Scott." Brigitte smirked, "…Having furry sex might be the easiest thing to explain…" Yeah... having sex with my teachers would definitely be the harder sell.

"Somebody mentioned solvent?" I asked as Fareeha and Angie both rubbed their heads irately and-

"What the FUCK am I wearing?" hissed Angie indignantly. "…SCOTT!" she glared at me and suddenly I felt very alone.

"W-what? You all came at-OW OW!!!" they hit me repeatedly and irately as I frowned. "…Should've kept the mask on…" I sighed coving my head as slapping and pillows whapped about on my body.

After a good minute of not helping Hana finally said, "Wasn't his fault. Moira gave you guys tainted candy… it's a fun pastime she shares with Olivia…"

"Good thing we spotted the tells and called Mei to hurry up." Brigitte declared confidently. "And bring some anti-Moira juice…" she wiggled the nozzle of her 'proton pack'. "…She's got a lot now apparently."

"O-kay…" I mumbled, rubbing myself as Angie and Amelie both stormed out. "That… doesn't really matter to me, somebody mentioned Solvent?" I repeated as Fareeha smacked me again. "Ow!"

"Don't be a dick." she declared.

"Okay… Okay… I'm sorry we got suckered by Moira…" I mumbled apologetically. "Can we please get me out of this suit?"

"Yep!" cheered Mei happily. Practically skipping behind me. "Hold still…" I waited, and waited… finally.


"Ahh…" I slipped free of the suit and kissed a blushing me on the cheek. "I feel free!"

"You're dicks still out." Hana noted.

"…I think it still stands…" Brigitte joked.

"It better…" Fareeha grumbled, also contributing to the joke now. "…Because I'm wearing a bunny suit and I don't remember what I did." She grabbed my shirt. "Luckily you need a bath…'

"…I'll never say this again but… help?" I asked as the other three girls shrugged, Mei sheepishly waved as I declared vengeance. "I'll get you next time MEI!"

She jumped nervously "Wh-why me!?" she eeped as I was dragged out of the room.

"Because Bunny Mei is SEXY!!"

…End of chapter

I'm not going to lie… this one got kinda weird… I have excuses but I'd rather not say. I'm pretty sure it's mostly the fur suit, but hey… What are you going to do on a Moira drug trip… anyway. Ummmmmmm!... I may shove Mei into a bunny costume anyway… for… reasons… and Satya… same reasons. But for now, it's good…

Le French Butchering. Corrected as usual by masudo

Scott, arrête de faire ta diva! = Scott stop being such a drama queen!

Tu veux toujours que l'on suce ta bite. = You always want your cock sucked.

Mets ta bite dans ton trou. = Stick your dick in your hole

Le lapin avait beaucoup de crème à l'intérieur = The bunny had a lot of cream inside

Je jouis! Je jouis avec mon cul! = I'm cumming! I'm cumming with my ass!

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