
Riding Class: Ms Ashe

I don't own overwatch.

"All right you dandies. For some stereotyping reason, I'm going to be teaching you how to ride an actual horse…"

Ashe, to her credit, managed to make jeans and a buttoned-up shirt look classy, her pretty silver hair topped with her signature hat. Her cowboy boots alone looked like they cost more than the horse standing obediently beside her… and Thunder the jet-black Shire draft horse was pretty darn expensive looking. B.O.B. her big butler Omnic companion, repaired and helpful stood holding Thunder's reins, his jaunty bowler hat placed carefully on his head as he watched Ashe strut before the mostly female students.

I say mostly because I was here. And not because I wanted to ride a horse, not that Thunder wasn't cool or anything, but I could be doing other things today… and admittedly I wasn't the only guy, there was also McCree. He however was brushing down a white thoroughbred female, apparently she belonged to McCree, her name was Grace.

…How the hell does McCree own a thoroughbred horse?... What does he actually do here?

"Riding is easy, it's not complicated, ladies." Ashe said mounting Thunder as easily as breathing, "Just watch me go around, then Jes-McCree will help you get all saddled up." A collection of the girls giggled as B.O.B. stepped away from Thunder and Ashe darted around the large open paddock. Thunder was aptly named. His hooves stomp the earth like an oncoming storm cloud.

McCree sighed as he watched Ashe ride like she was being chased by the law. Not a hard thing to picture all things considered, but apparently what she was doing wasn't exactly 'easy' doing all sorts of tricks like switching riding positions, standing, and even jumping a couple of low hurdles. She soon trotted back in front of us, McCree adjusting his hat as the girls clapped amazed at Ashe's talents.

She smirked smugly at them as McCree rolled his eyes, "Any questions?" she asked as I raised my hand. "What?"

"Why am I here?" I asked flatly as the girls giggled. "Laugh it up." I added, only serving to get them to laugh harder.

"Detention." McCree noted with a helpful reminder and a surprisingly charming but still smug smile. And thinking on it, I tried to figure out how I got detention… I wasn't exactly sure how.

"Alright, Ladies let's start with you and you. Come on up." She patted Thunder's massive flank affectionately as the two girls immediately rushed towards McCree. "Hey!" she shouted as they skidded to a halt. "YOU." She pointed to one of them, a blonde girl named Leslie. "Come here…" she said firmly as Leslie, looking absolutely dejected that she wasn't going to be taught by McCree, walked towards Ashe. "B.O.B."

B.O.B, bowed slightly to Leslie, holding out his massive metal hand as he assisted her onto Thunder. He was a MASSIVE horse. "Alright now keep those feet in the stirrups and just let him walk you around. He acts like a stud but he's a giant pussycat." Ashe said, patting Thunder again as McCree let out an odd cough as he helped bell, the other girl, onto Grace. Grace shook her head and snorted, sounding annoyed that anyone other than McCree was in her saddle.

I started to walk forward towards the horses myself, but McCree clapped a hand on my shoulder, "Not you." He said rather casually, leading me away towards the stables. "This is detention after all."

First thing I noticed was the smell. Then the distinct lack of other horses. There were at least a dozen stables in here. McCree led me down half of them before opening the huge Thunder-sized gate and suddenly being hit with a massive rank smell of wet hay and week-old shit… I've been on a few farms. Dad has a few farm friends down in Mar Sara, and that was a very familiar smell of somebody not cleaning up.

"Good lord how long has it been since somebody cleaned this stall?" I asked as he handed me a shovel, a broom, and dragged a large trashcan towards me.

"…Oh… Bout a week, just for you Snow." He said with a grin, tilting his hat towards me and walking away back towards the girls and the horses they were riding. "Get to cleaning… I'll come back and get you when we're all done."

"I can't help but think you didn't clean up on purpose!" I shouted, frowning as I kicked the trashcan closer, put on some work gloves hanging by the stall door, and began to work. Shoveling and sweeping as I mused to myself how I got here… was it that little ass-kicking I delivered to a group of bullies? Or maybe when I accidentally assisted Mei in yet another chemistry explosion? Did God-Help-Us-All Vice-principal Reyes have a bad day?

Thinking of the many things I could have done I didn't notice what I did. I tied up the bag of old hay and horse crap, slammed the lid on the trash can, and finally took in a breath of fresh air as I viewed the empty, and practically sparkling clean stall. I took off the gloves and hung them back on the hook near the door and began to tug at my shirt, it was pretty damn hot and the labor didn't help.

"Not bad there, bronco…" I turned to glance at Ashe, leaning on the gate and watching me absently, a smile on her bright red lips. "You ought to have McCree hire you on as a part-time janitor."

"Yeah, because I enjoy doing other people's jobs for them…" I added sarcastically, picking up the shovel that smelled like horse crap and the broom that smelled slightly less like horse crap. And taking them out of the stall to hose both of them off. "Don't count on it." I noted as she smirked, watching me clean the tools. "So how come you're in here and not teaching those girls how to ride a horse?"

"I'm checking up on you. Besides, he might not say much but B.O.B. is the one who taught me to ride so they're in good hands."

A couple of those hands belong to McCree so… pinch of salt there I suppose.

Satisfied with my cleaning effort I leaned the tools in the sun to dry before stretching broadly again, "I better get McCree and see if I'm done…"

"Now… you could do that…" she said, as one of her hands began to slide down the center of her surprisingly expensive-looking button shirt, brushing her fingers over the shiny buttons and lingering on the clip of her jeans. "…Or. Maybe I could give you a reward for all your hard work?"

Knowing her game at this point and trying to cut back on the 'fuck all of my teachers as often as I want' thing, I tried to politely decline. "This was supposed to be my detention you know…" I said absently as her cowboy boots sashayed her body towards me. Her jeans hugged her shapely legs and ass majestically.

"…Well… would it make you feel better to know that the reason you have detention is that I said you kept interrupting my class?" she said with a devious grin.

"…I thought I got detention for no reason…" I mumbled as she pressed her seductive body to me. "Okay fine, I'm a little pissed, but what if McCree tries to check on me?"

"B.O.B." she said simply, "Plus a couple of dozen fangirls will keep Jesse busy till we're done…" she tugged on my sweaty shirt, dragging me into the now pristine stall. "…You wanted to go for a ride to… didn't you?" she asked lazily, licking her bright red lips as she ran a hand on her tightly wrapped ass…

…I always did want to go for a real 'roll in the hay'…

My hands slid onto her ass as she moaned, her mouth opening slightly as I caressed her firm rear in her jeans. My forehead bumped slightly against her black hat as I kissed her, her own hands running on my back as I groped her wantonly, her mouth opening to wrestle her tongue with mine as I clutched her tightly to me. My erection soon made itself known, rubbing through my pants firmly against her skin-tight legs.

I pulled away from her lips, a trail of saliva still connecting us as I severed it with a lick of my lips, it dropped onto her shirt as I clapped a hand on one of her ass cheeks, "Come over here." I said, leading her to the stall door, her hands grabbing the top of it as she bent over, firm tight ass out towards me as I knelt behind it, caressing it tightly in my hands as I unbuttoned the clasp.

They must have been hard to get into because they were tough to get off. I barely pulled it away from her waist as her black lace panties came into view, barely covering that smooth white ass as I kissed one bare cheek before pulling her jeans down further until they were halfway down her thighs and I figured that was good enough…

Openly groping her ass cheeks I molded them up, down, together, and apart until her underwear was bunched up between her cheeks like a cheap thong, she moaned and wiggled her ass in my face, so I ran a finger up and down her quickly dampening slit. "You're getting wet real quick." I noted, leaning forward and getting a good whiff of her scent, lilac with a hint of gunpowder. I pulled her panties aside as she opened her mouth to speak… only to be interrupted by her own gasp of pleasure as I buried my tongue into her pussy.

"Oh! Shit…" she sucked in air as one of my hands slipped towards her tight little ass hole, gently prodding with a finger as her knuckles tightened on the gate, whitening as it rattled in her shaking grip. My other hand, feeling lonely, slipped up her inner thigh and pushed my thumb inside her pussy with my tongue as her head suddenly leaped back, suppressing a scream as her ass wagged against my face, bouncing slowly up and down as if her body was arguing with itself. Part of her wanted to enjoy it, and the rest of her wanted to get away… it was still pretty sexy to watch. "S-Shit…" she moaned, head down and body lowering as her hands continued to cling to the gate, holding her up. "You're real good at that…" she whimpered, shivering slightly as I felt her spasm around my fingers. "Oh god…" she clenched, "Ah! Ah! Ah!" she panted rapidly, her knees buckling as she came. I held her up, letter her pussy flood her arousal down into her jeans, which was going to feel awkward later. My hands clapped loudly on her ass cheeks.

"Ah!" she yelped, flinching as I spread her firm cheeks apart, her pussy opening and closing invitingly. I stood up, unzipping my fly and letting my cock slap audibly against her wet slit, she smirked confidently over her shoulder at me. A coy grin on her face as she felt my hot hard dick against her lower mouth.

I pushed it between her legs, rubbing it back and forth as she drooled all over it, lubing it up and brushing against her clit. "Nice and wet…" I praised, feeling her wiggle her end again, her thighs rubbing up and down my length.

"That's right bronco… come on, take me for a ride…" she purred, my cock throbbing between her thighs as I pulled back, pushing against her tight pussy, hissing as I felt her slit drool over my tip before I pushed it all the way into.

"Ahoooh…" she howled, eyes rolling up slightly as she clutched tightly to the gate to stay standing. She was tight as a vice, perfectly fitting around me as I quickly adjusted to her hot insides, "Mmmn come on bronco get on it…" she growled, her red eyes twinkling once they refocused.

I pulled out slowly until just the tip remained inside her before I rammed balls deep into her once more. So hard, that I lifted her from the ground and pushed her against the gate, pinning her as I quickly pulled out again, and rammed deep inside her again. the gate rattled loudly as Ashe yipped, and squeaked with every thrust. "Ah! Ugh AHHH!" she was getting louder, one of my hands clapped over her mouth, and the other braced itself on the gate to hold it as steady as I could so it wouldn't rattle as I fucked. Her. harder. Going as deep as my cock was willing to go.

Her legs bound by her jeans, my hand suppressing her moans and my body pinning her to the gate as my cock rammed against her womb, I suckled at her neck as I kept pumping, riding her harder than she rode thunder. Her hat wobbled off her head, covering her eyes as her silvery-white hair bounced around from the force, I readjusted her hat, and kept going.

She came, screaming into my hand as her pussy convulsed, pushing me to the edge as I rapidly slapped my hips against her ass, out smacks echoing around the stables as her muffled orgasm died away. "I'm going to cum Ashe." I moaned, my cock pulsing in excitement as it readied itself to fire. "I'm going to cum here it cums!" I said quickly, wrapping my arms around her neck and body, holding her tight as she gasped out a low moan. Gazing up at the ceiling as my cock pushed deep into her tight sexy body and released deep inside. Fuck it felt good…

"…You like that?" I said softly as she moaned, griping her chin gently in my hand as I kissed her sweaty cheek, she panted erotically as my cock softened slightly inside her. "Being fucked like a broodmare?" my cock squirted out one last surprise shot as she flinched, feeling it inside her as she laughed.

"Are you implying… that you're a stallion?" she grinned between breaths. Glancing down her body as she suddenly felt my cock twitch back to life.

…I have to admit. I like the implication…

I slipped out of her, spinning her around and kissing her as I pulled her away from the gate, walking her towards the stall wall to the right. Slapping her back against it as I kissed her, rubbing her crotch and feeling my load leak from her insides. Taking a small trace onto my fingers I held them up to her lips, she recoiled, frowning slightly but I pushed them between her lips and felt her tongue lick off my seed. With my fingers still in her mouth and a slight look of digest on her face, I pushed my quickly revived erection against her slit and slipped right back in.

"Ahggulp!" she made an odd nose as I felt her teeth clamp lightly down on my fingers in surprise. But I quickly yanked them away, clean of my cum as I gripped the top of the stall and rammed away once more. Her ass slammed against the wall as I pumped in and out.

"Maybe! You! Are! A! Stallion!" she yelped with a laugh between thrusts, her hands flat against the wall as she went up and down with my motions. "Oh! Shit!" she hissed suddenly shaking erotically against the wall as I suddenly pulled out and thrust my fingers in, pumping them rapidly in and out of her leaking pussy. "D-Damn it!!" she squeaked, riding her orgasm as she squirted all over my nice clean floor!

"Aw! bitch!" I said teasingly, already sliding back into her wet pussy as I gripped her face, it was currently locked in pleasure as her eyes rolled and her hands slapped against my chest to stop. But there was no stopping, she broke the dam and now I had to clean the floors again!... admittedly that was my fault, but still.

"Oh fucking damn!" she hissed gazing up at the ceiling in bliss as her hat flopped off her head, Oh damn bronco!"

"Say I'm a fucking stallion…" I growled hungrily, pussy deep into her spasming pussy and rotating my hips. "Go on. Say it." I gripped her face in both hands as she panted for breath, squeaking as my hips swiveled my cock inside her.

"You're a fucking STALLION." She growled, as she bounced rapidly up and down the wall as I began ramming her harder again. My cock ready, and willing.

"Who is my fucking broodmare?" I asked, lazily, pinning her firmly to the wall and quickly thrusting in and out, giving her no rest as her legs struggled in her jeans.

"I'M your fucking brood mare!" she hissed, "Give me your foals. Give em! Give em to me!" she hissed as I approached my release. "I fucking want those foals!" she growled erotically, licking her lips hungrily as her inner walls practically begged me to cum, convulsing up and down my invading shaft.

"Ashe?! Where the hell'd you go!?"

…If she had gotten any tighter… she'd have pulled my dick right off... We had forgotten in our… passion? I'm going to say passion-exactly where we were. her eyes widened in shock and horror and her biggest orgasm yet hit her like a runaway train. She thrashed and writhed madly in orgasm as my cock pinned her ass to the wall and pumped a thick torrent of well earn cum deep inside her as her dangerously tight hole pulled out every last drop and KEPT it there.

"Ah-I'm right here!" she hissed, her voice a little broken as her climax hadn't quite worn off. I yanked my pulsing cock from her pussy and shot the last few drops down in her jeans, before yanked them abruptly up to cover her ass again. She gave me such a LOOK. But I spun down, grabbed her hat, and slapped it back onto her head as I grabbed the hose and sprayed her pussy juice on the clean floor away.

Just in time.

McCree turned the corner and glared at us as before his attention was turned to the rest of the stall, and he nodded slowly. "Not bad kid." He mumbled, before glaring at Ashe again. "The hell are you doing?!" he asked annoyed as Ashe brushed a loosened strand of her white hair from her eyes.

"Nothin! Just botherin the brat!" she said, slapping my shoulder rather hard. "What?! I'm not allowed to have a bit of fun?!"

"Not when you're supposed to be workin! Get your ass out there and do your job!"

"You're one to talk!" she replied mockingly as McCree snorted, and waved his hand.

"…Anyway. Kid. Good job, detention's done." He said abruptly. "Roll up that hose and you can head out."

"…Can I ride one of the horses before I go?" I asked as McCree seemed to think about it, and gave me a small smile and a shrug.

"Ah don't see why not…" he mumbled, "When the rest of the girls are done." He added glaring at Ashe. "Let's go." He said, turning and heading back out of the stables as Ashe and I sighed in relief.

"Fucking shit I thought he caught us for sure…" she mumbled, wiping sweat from her brow as I shook my head.

"…You got really freaking tight when he shouted, that really hurt!" I mumbled, walking a little funny as Ashe did the same, although probably for a much different reason.

"My underthings are all bunched up!" she hissed soft, trying to spread her jean-covered ass cheeks with her hands and groaning, "AND I feel all sticky in there." She flinched a little disgusted, "Ugh its… rubbing all over me."

"Ashe hurry the hell up!" McCree shouted from outside and I took this opportunity for a lovely cliché.

I raised my hand back and gave her firm ass a good smack, "Yah! Get on there!" I said with a chuckle as she bounced forward from the ass smack, turned, and glared at me. But I just shrugged.

"You're going to regret that one." She said warningly, I scoffed at the notion.

"Considering you framed me for detention, we'll call it even." I noted accurately. She scoffed in return as we got out of the stables to see McCree and B.O.B. help a couple of new girls onto Thunder and Grace before I added under my breath. "…I'm going to want to ride my 'mare' again when we're done here…" I said teasingly, glancing at her tight butt again, but she gave me a dark smile.

"Careful there 'stallion'… I BUCK when angry."

…She certainly looked like she did…

End of Chapter

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