
Dance Class?: Ms Steel Maiden

I don't own blizzard things of anything

First thing I noticed was a distinct headache… second thing I noticed was my head was in a sack… third thing? I was in a car or a truck. And I was moving.

"What hit me?" I said it out loud apparently because I was met with an ominous chuckle. For a moment, I was concerned when my memory came flooding back to me. It was Saturday evening, somebody rang the doorbell and I went to check, then next I knew I had a sack thrown over my head and I was carried away by someone huge… shit… I mean we weren't loaded with money (well... ridiculously rich) or anything, but dad was a huge football player, maybe this was some sort of kidnap attempt to get him to throw a few games or, god forbid this has something to do with mom's family which is another giant pile of crap…

Before my mind wandered too far in terror land, however, a firm muscled hand grabbed that sack and yanked it off. "Welcome back boy." Came the familiar southern drawl of my 'uncle', Tychus Findlay.

…Suddenly everything seemed so much worse.

"Uncle Tychus what the hell?" I asked, my eyes blinking and adjusting to the flashing lights passing by outside his truck cab. "…Where are we? And why does my head hurt?"

Tychus cleared his throat a little sheepishly, "Well I might have accidentally dinged your head trying to get you back there…" he said absently, "Sorry bout that, but the good news is I'm going to make it up to you." He winked at me with a crooked smile as he kept his eyes on the road… at first I didn't recognize where we were, it was dark outside and the lights kept flickering by quickly as my eyes focused but soon I noticed very distinct buildings.

"Are we in Orgrimmar?" I blinked blearily outside as he nodded his head.

"Pretty close." He said still smiling that crooked smile.

I recognized a few buildings from when we once had an away game here, however instead of turning towards Azeroth High Tychus turned his truck in the opposite direction, more towards the shoreline where in the distance I could see the dark sea and a lighthouse flashing in the distance. "Where are we going?"

Looking kind of proud, Uncle Tychus sat up straight and began talking in a serious, for him, voice "Son." Oh no. "There comes a time in every young boy's life when a boy becomes a man." Oooooooooooh no. "Now when I was your age, me and your daddy were living life to the fullest, of course, your daddy had your mom, so he was pretty set." I am not having this conversation with YOU of all people, dad barely got through it! "Me on the other hand, well…" he chuckled, "I had my hands full with all sorts of pretty ladies… and if you know where to look you'd have your hands full too. In the best of ways."

…He had no idea. But if I was going to tell anyone, ANYONE about my 'after school curriculars' it would NOT be Uncle Tychus.

"…Please tell me you didn't buy me a hooker…" I sighed in disbelief, "Because mom will KILL US BOTH if you did that."

"Hookers are a little much for what we're going to do tonight…" he said as he pulled into a wide parking lot in front of a large building. It had a bright pink neon sign over its large ornate double doors. The sign had what looked like to be a silhouette of a… troll woman I think, with her back facing us and a very, very big butt and I can't lie. It flickered in the night and for a moment I thought it was run down, then I realized that the silhouette was 'moving'. Her hip lights altering, off and on, back and forth as if swaying. I then read the words and my forehead hit the back of the passenger's seat.

"…Booty Bay?" I asked in an 'oh my god you're so embarrassing' sort of voice.

Uncle Tychus grinned proudly, "Oh lighten up boy, how many kids your age go to a gen-u-ine strip club!" he opened his glove compartment and produced a stack of dollar bills, his flicked his thumb over the edges, grinning at me like an idiot.

"…Mom's going to kill us." I noted, knowing full well that she was going to kill us. At least I would have the pleasure of watching Uncle Tychus go first.

"Then you ought to enjoy yourself." Tychus said rather 'sagely'… actually, he had a sort of point. "Last day on earth and all that. Come on." He shoved the stack of bills in his pocket. "We go in, watch a few girls, get you a private dance then we'll head home, keep our mouths shut, and no one will be the wiser!"

"Wait, what was that about a private dance?" I asked but he was already exiting the truck and halfway towards the club before I managed to get out and follow him.

'Uh I like it like that she working that back I don't know how to act'

The music echoed around the room as I glanced around from my Uncle's huge shadow, there were half a dozen smaller stages, with varying girls dancing on them for varying men watching from comfy armchairs as bikini-clad women covered in body glitter wandered around with trays of drinks and food, some of them with dollar bills pinned to their sides by their bottoms, obvious tips.

'Slow motion for me, slow motion for me, slow motion for me, move in slow motion for me'

My eyes were drawn to the center stage, it was a large roundish area that had a pole in the middle, and a pathway that lead to a curtain where obviously the girls would appear from. Currently, there was a tall blue-skinned troll woman with a long, thick, pink mohawk, not that you were looking at her mohawk. She could've been used as the template for the neon sign. Her large round ass was huge, and as she moved her body up and down the pole she shook it like a rap video girl for the large collection of men tossing dollar bills on stage, although some of those dollars had made their way into her bottoms like the waitresses. Her gigantic booty had devoured her high riding bottoms as she squatted down on her stripper heels, twerking it for a group of human businessmen as they tossed singles onto her jiggling ass cheeks. One hand on the pole, and the other high in the air, she smacked her ass hard with her free hand before standing up, jutting her ass out and swaying it slowly from side to side to the music.

"He he he…" my uncle chuckled as I watched the show. What? I was still a guy and I was in a strip club. "Just in time for Ma'Jin." He said shoving me down in front of the stage as the troll woman's eyes flickered to Tychus, "Let me show you how its done boy." He said, she watched him expectantly, not breaking her body's rhythm to the music as Uncle Tychus, pulled what was obviously a hundred-dollar bill from his stack.


He then obviously, slapped it on 'Ma'Jin's' jiggling booty, slowly pushing it into her bottoms. She stilled for a moment, not from surprise, but apparently to grant Uncle Tychus permission as he smiled and patted her gigantic rear almost fondly. She stroked the pole with both hands, suddenly her ass began to rapidly wobble as if she was kicked into high gear. She crawled towards us like a cat, her ass waving in the air before she faced it towards us, gave it a shake, and slammed it on the stage, bouncing it up and down onto a pile of money that had collected there. Moaning like she was riding us reverse cowgirl.

"I think she likes us." Tychus said lazily, tossing her a few singles as the other patrons cheered at the show. "You miss me baby?" he asked with a grin as Ma'Jin leaned forward onto the stage. Presenting herself as she raised up her ass and shaking it, it wobbled erotically before us. Uncle Tychus lightly and rhythmically slapped her ass cheeks as if playing bongos as she and the rest of the patrons laughed. "You come see me when you're working the floor, I want you all to myself…" he then shoved another hundred into her bottoms. Bouncing her ass up and down as if using it to nod, she stood up, tugged away her top and tossing it to him to cheer, she slid up the pole, and twirling she began to dance for the rest of the crowd again.

"Ma'Jin here is my favorite girl. She loves me." He said almost fondly as the troll woman winked at us as if to confirm Tychus' words as fact. Still twirling around the pole as drunken men tossed more dollars on stage. "You see a girl you like, you let me know. Tonight's on me." He suddenly lashed out, grabbing a platinum blonde human waitress by the arm who looked suspiciously like Elsa from frozen, but with bigger, faker, breasts. And pushed a five into her bottom string, "Grab me a beer would you gorgeous?" she gave him a polite smile before she wandered away and he let his attention return to Ma'Jin as the music slowly died away…

Ma'Jin, smiling to the crowd, began to scrape up her earnings from the stage, wobbling her ass as she crawled around. Before standing up, a fistful of dollars heavier and strutting to the back curtain, her ass waving goodbye, and vanishing as the DJ's voice echoed around the room.

"You mons are in for a treat tonight…" he said with a heavy troll accent, "She only dances once in a blue moon, here she is! The Steel Maiden!"

She walked abruptly through the curtains as a heavy beat began to drop to raucous cheers. She briefly looked comical, wearing what looked like armored arms, and a half-helmet hiding the upper half of her face. But her body was nothing to sneeze at. Wearing laced-up black leather boots and thigh-high black stockings, she wore a high-riding black bikini bottom with a matching top as she practically marched to the pole to the eager cheers of the crowd. She was apparently very popular. Her bright red lips stretched in a friendly smile as she spun surprisingly easy on the pole while she wiggled her ass, beginning to dance. Upon closer inspection, she was a muscular girl, but damn sexy, with thick sturdy thighs, well-toned ass, a six-pack stomach, and bulging biceps beneath her armor straps that would make Jeremy drool. Hell, I was having difficulty holding back my own drool as I leaned forward almost instinctively to get a closer look at her gyrating against the pole, running her free hand up and down her side.

Uncle Tychus thanked the returning waitress as he took a sip of his beer, watching me almost fondly. "Here. Boy." He handed me a small wad of ones, "Show your appreciation." He said, as The Steel Maiden's long brown locks poked from beneath her half helmet and waved to me as her ass swayed enticingly, grinding against the pole. She glanced over her shoulder and saw my fist full of ones, however upon looking at me directly she froze. It was brief but it was there, that was surprising, but she wasn't surprised by my obvious youth…

She recovered quickly pulling away from the pole and dropping to her knees, clutching at her breasts as she watched me beneath her helmet with bright blue eyes. Her mouth opened slightly as she panted, obviously trying to look as aroused as possible considering only half her face was on display. Slowly, knees on the stage and lying on her heels, she leaned back, rubbing her hands up and down her muscled body as if showing off how hard she worked out, I began to toss dollars onto her. She caught them with her hands and rubbed her body with the money as the other patrons cheered.

But I couldn't hear them, the noise seemed to die away as I watched her work. She cooed softly, reaching out with one hand towards me, and curling a metal finger towards her over and over, obviously inviting me closer as my Uncle Tychus shoved me forward. With great muscle strength, she slowly sat up and wrapped her arms slowly around me to cheers, she pulled me into her firm round breasts, pushing them together around my face.

"What the hell are you doing here Snow?!" she hissed suddenly, and I blinked in her cleavage.

"…Brigitte!?" I said in reply.

I fucking KNEW those muscles looked familiar!

"Here boy!" Uncle Tychus said suddenly, slapping a hundred into my hand, "Let the girl play with you!" She had a charming smile on her lips, but her eyes were angry beneath the helmet, luckily nobody could see them but me.

But now… now I was a little more confident in myself. I was nervous before but seeing someone I knew allowed me to feel more at home… probably a little weird and I should question it, but now I felt I could enjoy myself. I pressed the hundred against her muscled stomach, smiling at her as her eyes widened beneath the helmet. But she kept up the illusion, holding my head tightly between her breasts as I slid the money down her body and into her bottoms. Before reaching around and groping those firm ass cheeks as the crowd and especially Tychus cheered, before she 'playfully' shoved me away and returned abruptly to the pole, pulling away her top and tossing it absently to me.

Tychus chuckled as Ma'Jin, still topless appeared from nowhere and approached us. Uncle Tychus stood up and handed her her top, wrapping an arm around her and giving her gigantic blue ass a squeeze. "Meet me right here when your done boy." He said, cryptically as he began walking away with Ma'Jin towards a curtained-off hallway covered by a large two-headed ogre bouncer. I briefly wondered what he meant by that, my thumb rubbing Brigitte's top, but I quickly figured it out.

Private dances. Ma'Jin gave Tychus her top so she could come back, get it, and then give him a private dance. I guess I could compare it to taking a number and waiting, only there was just one number.

Cheers erupted and my eyes were brought back to Brigitte as she did the splits on stage, gripping the pole with both hands she bounced her flexible body up and down as it rained dollar bills, I sighed to myself, before taking what I had left and letting it join in her money shower.

The Steel Maiden finished her dance, back to the pole she slowly slid down it, rubbing her muscled body with her hand as dollars rained down her body. She began to gather up her earnings, before strutting back towards the curtain.

"She freeze your heart and make you stiff. It's the Frozen Princess…" came the DJ as slow music began to play. The Elsa-looking waitress slid through the curtain, held up her hand and blue. A brief flash of white powder peppered on stage before she began to dance in her white bikini and stockings, The Steel Maiden was forgotten almost instantly as the other patrons gave her their full attention, her braided platinum blonde hair waving as she spun on the pull.

"Come on. Hurry up." Came Brigitte's familiar voice. My attention was pulled away from the stripper who had just tossed her top to a heavyset trucker with cash to burn apparently. The Steel Maiden took my hand and quickly lead me to the back rooms, passing the two headed ogre who on closer inspection, one head seemed to be asleep. The other was locked onto a purple-skinned night elf stripper on a smaller stage, apparently appreciating his attention.

We passed a few closed curtain rooms, however, one was still up. Uncle Tychus, drinking what looked to be his third beer, kept his eyes on Ma'Jin as she danced on the sturdy table before him, facing us but watching him over her shoulder. He glanced at me briefly, smirked, then reached out, grabbing Ma'Jin's waist and pulling her onto his lap, she immediately began to grind her body on his lap as he pressed a button on the couch. Giving me another wink as the curtains closed to the sound of her ass being smacked.

"Come here and show Tychus how much you like him…" I heard him say, his voice surprisingly muffled by the curtains. Good thing I already considered him a creepy Uncle.

The Steel Maiden dragged me into the last of the rooms, pushing me onto the couch and slamming the button. The heavy curtains brushed across the floor as she yanked off her half helmet to glare at me. "What are you doing here?!"

"Now? Enjoying the show. But more accurately my uncle kidnapped me to show me a good time.

"Your uncle?" she said, her face contorted in confusion, as I waved my hand dismissively back towards the front of the VIP rooms.

"Tychus Findley. He's my dad's best friend, I've always called him Uncle Tychus." I said, although I was seriously considering removing that title...

"Oh my god, Tychus Findley is here?! He watched me dance?!" she said a little surprised and a little mortified. Oh right… I forgot she's a fan.

"Yeah, he's with the Troll girl, Ma'Jin. Probably putting the creepy in creepy uncle right now." I noted, "…I never really wanted to know what my uncle having sex sounds like so-"

But she cut me off, "We not supposed to have sex in the VIP rooms, we're not supposed to have sex her at all… but I wouldn't put it past Ma'Jin…" she added huffily under her breath as I decided to get the subject away from my Uncle and his… friend… and asked the more prominent question.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, "Does the school not pay you enough?" I blinked for a moment and scowled at the sheer absurdity, McCree has a fucking horse and he's a janitor! Maybe! Still though."

She rolled her eyes, "I got bills to pay and I'm not a 'full-time' teacher yet. It was either strip a couple of days a month or move back in with Mama and Papa…" she mumbled, "If I have some good nights and I become a full-time teacher, I should be set in three to four months and I won't have to shake my ass for a bunch of pervs.…" she then pointedly glared at me, subtly calling me a perv apparently, but I raised my hands defensively.

"Kidnapped. By. My UNCLE." I repeated firmly, "I didn't even know I was coming here until I recovered from getting KNOCKED OUT."

"Uh huh. Scott Snow, sex machine, didn't know he was going to a strip club?" she asked, I could just imagine her eyebrow rising skeptically beneath that helmet. How could she look so imposing while being half naked? "Why don't I believe you?" she almost smiled, I could see her lips twitching.

I sighed reluctantly and shrugged, lying back on the wide, curving couch as I looked up and down her body, "…Yeah thinking on it I wouldn't believe me either…"

She sighed crossed her armored arms across her body, and stood there for a moment, "Well… fine. I guess I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, we'll just wait for your time to run out and-"

I blinked at her and gave her a rather mischievous smile. Nice try. "Whoa… hold on a second." I sat up, from my 'relax' position, and leaned forward, my face inches from her crotch as I smelled her perfume. Like lavender but with a hint of sugar. "Who says I don't get my private dance?"

She frowned, glaring at me but I then held out my hand. "Well. If you're going to ignore me then you can give me back my down payment…" I said, waiting for a refund that, judging from her body language she wasn't going to give.

She watched me for a second, sighed, then turned around, letting me look at her thong as she stepped onto the low, sturdy table. And began to make it shake, swaying it back and forth as her metal hands slid up and down her body, accentuating her curves as her hips popped her shapely toned ass.

"What's with the metal arms anyway?" I asked, she leaned forward, jutting her rear out to me as it gyrated up and down now.

"I needed something to cover my tattoo." She said, flexing her left arm and slapping her armor with her other hand, making a loud clanking sound. That's right, she had a gear tattoo on her bicep. "If I meet someone I know…" she said emphasizing the last word noticeably as she glanced at me, still shaking her ass before turning in place and rubbing her thighs as she ground her hips back and forth, "They'd be able to recognize me."

"Well… then maybe next time you shouldn't call out to them on stage." I said notedly, "I wouldn't have recognized you until you talked." I added as she stepped off the stage, placed her hands on my shoulders, and pushed me back onto the couch, turning around and slamming her ass onto my lap and grinding on me as I watched it move hypnotizingly. My hands aching to touch her smooth, soft skin as it bulged around my rapidly hardening erection. There was no way she could ignore that, but obviously, she was used to it working here.

"I'll keep that in mind." She said resting her hands on her helmeted head and flexing her back muscles as she shifted back and forth, rubbing my hardon through my pants with her crotch. I couldn't help myself, I reached out and let my hands rest on her ass cheeks. My hands gave her ass a firm squeeze before she was up and flicked my forehead with a metal finger. That actually hurt. "No touching." She said coyly, leaning forward onto the table and pushing her ass out to me as it made a sort of, 'V' motion as her legs bent it up and down.

I quickly glanced around the room, as far as I could tell there were no cameras… "Come on, just a little?" I replied smiling, "It's my first time in a club…" I said, trying very hard not to laugh as she spun on her heels and sat on the table, lying back, lifting her legs up straight in the air, and spreading them apart with the flexibility I honestly didn't expect from her, her panty covered crotch bared before me as she slapped it lightly with her metal hand.

"I could get in trouble if someone finds out…" she said firmly, but I just leaned forward, on the floor now, my faces inches from her crotch as she began to rub the cloth. She was like a plate of food about to be eaten… not too far from the truth.

"Then just be real quiet." I said simply, and before she could stop me my face was in her pussy, her hand slapped onto my head but stayed still as I rubbed her crotch with my face, my tongue absently lolling out to give her a lick through her panties. "You taste so good…" I praised, resting my hands on her inner thighs and rubbing them through her stockings as she fidgeted nervously on the table.

"No no nooo-MMNN!" she bit her bottom lip as my tongue pushed aside her bottom wrappings to get to the real treat inside, slipping between her quickly damping folds as I slipped my tongue into her warm tunnel like a burrowing snake. My hands slid up her body to rest on her big breasts, squeezing them gently through her bikini top as her helmet clanked onto the stable.

"Shush!" I teased, smiling at her before returning to her womanhood, licking slowly as her lower body wiggled and shivered, my tongue gently licking up her fluids as her tunnel flooded with arousal. Her metal hands resting in my hair suddenly, she seemed to be torn between pushing me away, or holding me down. I gave her breasts a firm squeeze before sliding back tone her abs, and pushing my fingers into her pussy and ass, thrusting slowly in and out of both as her mouth opened wide. Panting heavily as her metal fingers curled painfully in my hair.

"Pfft!" I pulled away as a jet of squirt splashed onto my face. Holding in her scream her hips thrust up and down, an orgasm surging through her body as I pulled away and sat on the couch, watching her body spasm erotically on the table. I leaned forward, rubbing her pussy with my hand as she whimpered, thrusting up against it as I pushed her down, soaking my hand.

"…Ah… fuck…" she hissed, her ass bouncing on the very sturdy table as I smiled. Licking my lips of her surprising sweet tasting squirt. "Little bastard…" she hissed softly as my erection, ramming against my pants, reminded me that 'yes, it was still there'.

I pulled her to her feet, she wobbled uneasily for a moment before I pulled her onto my lap, she straddled me, her pussy lips rubbing against my obvious erection as I grabbed her hips and pushed and pulled her, grinding on my lap. I wrapped my lips around her nipple, sucking loudly through her top as she moaned. Her hands were on the back of the couch and clutching at the cushions as I stimulated her body. "My turn now… right?"

"…Ugh…" she grumbled, her cheeks red as she reached into my waistline and tugged my pants down beneath my cock as it shoot from its bindings, throbbing as the cool air brushed against it. Glancing over her metal shoulders, she lifted herself up, my hands slipping onto her ass cheeks as my lips pulled away her top. She guided my cock to her exposed pussy, my tips spreading her slowly before she suddenly dropped down. I growled as I felt her inner walls clap tightly around my cock as it quickly rushed deep into her body, her fingers clutching at the couch again as she released a low moan, "H-Hurry up…" she whimpered as I returned to her exposed nipple. "And don't make a sound!" she added as I grinned up at her, my noises effectively muffled by her tits.

My fingers bit deep into her ass cheeks as she leaned forward onto me, moaning softly as I slowly lifted her ass up my length. She let me guide her body, but she was unbelievably tight, the thrill of doing something we weren't supposed to, (or… I guess more of the same but just enhanced, she was still my teacher) exciting her with some primal urge. "Oh shit, oh shit!!" she hissed softly as I held her on the tip of my cock, wiggling her in my grip, before suddenly and firmly slamming her back down. "Ooh!"

That was louder than necessary. My hand clapped her ass cheek suddenly, the smack echoing around the room as she shivered, "Shit!" she cursed, trembling as I lifted her up and did it again. "Oh! You! Turd!" she growled, her hips lifting up and down, slapping wetly on my lap as my cock rammed deep inside her. "Doing whatever you want…" she growled as my hands molded into her bouncing ass, I grinned around her tit, before quickly switching to the other one, my hips thrusting up to meet her movements. "Hurry up." She moaned, trembling slightly as she came. "A-and you better not tell anyone about this! Ugooh…"

Like I would tell anyone about this… Well… MAYBE Jeremy he's got a thing for Brigitte, but I wouldn't tell him that it was her, that would be her own decision.

I stood up from the couch, she squeaked, tightening around me like a vice as her legs locked around my waist, "W-wait what are…" I lied her onto the table, pinning her beneath me as I reached over and gripped the far edge, pulling back slightly before ramming deep into her again, speeding it, it was my time.

"I'm not telling people about you…" I growled as she panted rapidly, her legs tightening around me firmly as her teeth ground together, she was cumming again. her pussy pulsing around my throbbing length, ready to finish me off. "I'm FAR too greedy for that…" I added, as she blushed, I gripped her helmeted head, I kissed her. Pushing my cock to the hilt and pumping her full of seed as she screamed into my lips. She stopped screaming, sucking on my lips as I pulled away, sighing contentedly as I softened inside her. "Whoo…" I sighed pulling my hands from beneath her ass as I gave her a last couple of feeble thrusts, "…I mean really I can keep a secret…" I noted, nibbling at her exposed neck as she cooed softly. "But then again… Jeremy might want to watch you 'work out' on stage."

Clang. I flinched as her metal hands slapped on my arm, and she hit me. "Ow! What are those made off anyway?" I said, wiggling my hips inside her to make sure I was fully drained, it would do any good to leave a trace of our activities in the room.

"Aluminum." She said absently, I wouldn't wear them to battle but they're light. Get off me." She noted, her face a little red as I kept wiggling my hips, brushing my cock against her inner walls.

"Just need to make sure I'm drained…" I said, kissing her before pulling out, slowly. "Don't want to get you in trouble…" I pulled my pants up and adjusted her bottoms to cover her wet pussy. "How else am I going to watch you dance again?" I said, pulling her to her feet as she rolled her eyes.

"You're not." She said coolly turning as my hand lightly clapped onto her ass, "Ugh. Really?"

"What? I kinda like the idea of my own personal stripper…"

"…You literally sleep with most of the female faculty!" she said scathingly, as I shrugged.

"Personal. Stripper." I repeated, "In fact… come here for a second." I dragged her to the wall by the closed curtain and leaned her back against it, posing her slightly, as I stepped away and held up my phone. "Smile." I noted as she rolled her eyes beneath her helmet and gave me a very seductive grin.

I took her picture. Making a mental note to hint to Zarya that maybe she and Jeremy should go for a 'night out' at 'Booty Bay' when a certain Steel Maiden was on stage… I was nothing if not a good bro.

"Hah!" I suddenly laughed, grinning at her.


"I made the Steel Maiden a Steel Woman!"

"...Ugh. Don't be weird." she added, her cheeks just a little rose-tinged.

We finally left the VIP just as my uncle Tychus excited his room as well, Ma'Jin looking humored as he carried her over his shoulder, like a Viking kidnapping a maiden to take home. Her big blue ass jutted out towards me as Tychus grinned at me. The Steel Maiden kept walking, passing by him without a second glance as Tychus clapped a hand onto Ma'Jin's blue booty as she squeaked adorably. "Well Boy you have a good time?" he asked, grinning as we walked out. He dropped Ma'Jin onto her feet, and she bounced, all her soft bits wobbling erotically as she pushed up onto her tip toes and kissed Tychus on the cheek, walking away with several dollars stuffed into her stockings. Our gazes lingered on her jiggling blue booty as it vanished into the back before I looked back at him.

"…Yeah I did." I noted, as he clapped a hand fondly on my shoulder, leading me to the entrance as he jacked a beer from a tauren waitress' tray and together we left Booty Bay and walked towards his truck.

"Well son." he said, almost in a fatherly fashion, "As your role model-" No. He's really not. "I felt it was my duty to introduce you to the pleasures of a beautiful lady-" Just a bit late on that part. "Troll, Orc, Tauren, Nightelf, Omnic. I just want you to know that whatever your tastes are its perfectly alright to like who or whatever you like…" That almost sounds profound. "And clubs like this are the best place to indulge." He grinned. There's the creepy factor.

He was about to get into the driver's seat when I took his keys, "Uncle Tychus how many have you had?"

"What? I'm fine." He mumbled, trying to do math in his drunken head. Not helping his case by drinking his stolen beer. "Like six."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm driving." I noted as he snorted indignantly.

"Boy you better not try to take a Mar Saran man's keys withou-" however, ominously our phones buzzed interrupting him. I blinked at him as he fiddled with his pants pocket. He finally pulled out his phone and blinked blearily at the words, "…You are a dead man?" he said confused for a moment, eyeing me confused as I looked at my own phone.

Mom: Tychus is DEAD.

"Oh Mom's going to kill you…" I noted blinking at him concerned as he frowned thoughtfully. He was quiet for a very long time. Then he nodded, coming to a decision.

"Well Boy, time for me to go on the lamb. Hold onto my truck for me until she calms down…" he said, suddenly turning and drinking heavily as he wandered back towards Booty Bay just as my phone rang and I answered it.

"Hey mom." I said.

"Scott Eugene Snow... you get you ass OUT of that Strip Club right now, before I do to you what I fantasize about doing to my 'father!'"

"I'm already leaving Mom, it wasn't my idea it was Tychus." I said, tossing uncle Tychus quickly under the bus. "But how did you even find out?"

"Friends of Friends Scott." She replied quickly, "A friend of Fareeha's saw you and told Fareeha to tell me." I blinked for a minute, well played Brigitte. "Scott? Are you listening!?"

"Yeah. Mom. Yeah." I said, getting into Uncle Tychus' truck, "I'm heading home right now."

"Good. We'll discuss how much trouble you're in when you get home." I sighed as she hung up. well… at least it can't get any- My phone buzzed again, and a picture of a VERY annoyed Fareeha appeared in a selfie.

"Aw man…"

End of Chapter.

Next chapter