
As Jin Mori in Solo Leveling

Author: yahboi1212
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 684.7K Views
  • 13 Chs
  • 4.2
    14 ratings
  • NO.200+

a Guy gets reincarnated into Solo leveling as Jin Mori

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Chapter 1Cp 1

"So in exchange for your fuck-up..." The human speaks, looking up to the towering body of light in front of him. "I have to forget everything?" He asks, to which the light nods, or at least looks like it did. 

"I'm a God. I could've just ended your existence without any fuss, but I felt pity." The god said as he sneers at the human. "What will it be boy? I will send you to a random world with nothing but memories that'll help you in that world... Or I can just end you here. Choose." The god hums. 

"God!" The human throws his hands up in exasperation. "Wait. What worlds are we speaking here?" He asks. 

"Worlds that seemed like nothing but fantasy in your previous life." The god answers. "Books. Movies. Such things." The god sighs, tired of explaining to the human. 

The human raises his hand into the air carefully as he saw the god's annoyance. 

"Speak." The god commands. 

"The movies and books I watched are all full of dangers and powers and stuff..." The human lets out. careful as to not get on the god's nerves. "So... does that mean I'm going to get powers? If so do I get to choose?" The human bites his tongue, firing off questions. 

"Hmmm." The god strokes his chin. "Very well. I will let you choose your own powers, seeing as how you are speaking the truth." The god says.

"Facts." The human murmurs.

"But!" The god continues. "I will then choose which world you will be going to seeing as how you chose something." The god nods to his own words, seemingly content with each choosing how the human's life will be. 

'So unfair!' The human cries internally, but continues speaking to the god. "Who's going to go first?" He asks the god. "Cause I want to go first. It'll be much easier for me." He says, while hoping the god is as childish as he seems. 

"No!" The god booms. "I will go first... The most dangerous world you know of... Yes. Let's go with that!" The god exclaims. "Solo-Leveling!" He announces, proud of his choice. 

'a World which was created by Gods for their entertainment if I remember correctly.' The human thinks. 'So a world filled with gods and beings that are close to gods... Not to mention the whole reincarnation cup thing. So I have to pick someone that could rival gods...' An idea popped into his head. There's one character that comes to mind when thinking of fighting gods. 

"I pick Jin Mori as my character." The human declares. 

"Jin Mori?" The god questions before rummaging the human's surface thoughts. Seeing the beginning of a manhwa called God Of Highschool. "a Human slightly stronger than normal humans?" The God asks, bewildered. 

'Yes!' The human cheers internally. 'I thank the heavens that this god isn't like the gods I thought of. At least he isn't all knowing.' He think. "Yes. That's all I need to live a normal life." The human says to the god. 

"Alright then." The god says before waving his hand, not caring about the human anymore. "Off you go then." 


a Feeling of emptiness envelopes the human before darkness takes him. "What the fuck?" He speaks as he feels his 'nothingness' start to grow into something. The darkness shatters open, revealing the blue sky. "Sky?!" The human's eyes bulge at the sight, Feeling himself falling. Turning around he sees the ground getting closer and closer. 

"Help me! Oh god!" He prayed as his body collided with the ground, sending debris in the air. "Huh?" a Head pokes out of the hole, unscathed. "I'm fine..." He mutters, looking at his body. "177 cm tall. Athletic build. Seems I am Jin Mori..." He spoke before skimming through his memories, perplexed. "Am I not supposed to be missing memories?" He asks nobody as he has all his memories intact.

---With the god---

a Pale and dried up corpse sat atop a throne. Unknown to Jin Mori, the god that reincarnated him was a new god. One that had yet to understand it's powers. So when it reincarnated Mori as the monkey king, it drained him of his powers. The same powers that gave him life. 


"Anyway... Where am I?" Mori asked, patting off the dust on his clothes. "Let's go find out." He says before walking in a random direction. 

After a few long minutes, "Or hours." Mori says. Of walking, Mori spots a village up ahead. Sprinting towards it, Mori spots an old grandma walking with a bucket of water. "Oi grandma!" He yells, gaining the attention of the old woman. 

"Hm?" The lady looks to the source of the voice, only to spot a disheveled looking young man with a crazed look on his face. 

"Where am I right now?" Mori questions as he stops in front of the lady, grabbing her shoulders. 

The lady shakes in fear at the man. "S-South Korea." She stutters out. 

"Yes! Thanks lady!" He exclaims, kissing the lady's cheeks before rushing off into the road. Leaving an old and confused lady. 

"Okay first matter of business!" Mori says as he runs on the road. "Hitchhike to Seoul!" 

--- 30 Minutes later--- 

(First person)

Holy shit. It seems I ran the wrong way. But luckily a friendly man drove me to Seoul. Which was somehow 16km away. What luck!

"Bye Mr. Friendly man!" I wave to the car driving away from me. I look up and look at the tower in front of me. "Korean Hunter's Association" I mutter the name. 

Come to think of it, I somehow speak, understand and can read Korean. But who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth. So I just went with it.

Throwing the stray thoughts out, I walk into the building. Bustling with activity, one could see many people wanting to register as hunters. Ignoring them, I walk to the receptionist desk and speak to the woman there. "Hey I want to register as an awakened." I smile as she looks up from her computer. 

"Name?" She says, looking down at her computer once more. 

"Uhhh... Jin Mori." I say as I hear rapid typing. "I don't think you'll find me as I have some unfort-" Before he can continue the woman cuts him off. 

"Go to that line Mr. Jin." She speaks. 

Leaning over the counter a bit, I look at the screen of the woman where my name is present and a picture of me. Only taking a quick glance, I saw the word 'orphan' written. 

So I have an identity here... Seems the God wasn't as stupid as he seems. 

Walking to where the woman pointed I see a few people sitting on chairs in front of a door. Seems this is where people measure their ranks, seeing as how all of these people are quite anxious. 

Waiting a few minutes as the people enter and exit the office. Some with cheerful expressions and some crying, I get called in. Walking in, I spot a big black sphere. 

"Just put your hand on the orb and exert your mana." The woman says nonchalant. 

Doing as she says, I put my hand against the orb as it reacts. 

"E-Rank" The woman says, pity lacing her words. 

So I'm E-Rank without unleashing the powers of Sun Wukong. 

Closing my eyes. I tap into the Monkey King's powers. a Weird crown materializes around my head. Sparks fly across the orb as my power courses through it. 

"W-What?!" The woman stammers as the rating increases. [D-C-B-A----Error!!] Her eyes widen as the room shakes. 

Stopping the show, I turn to the woman with a smile. "E-Rank? Damn. I thought I'd get higher." I say playfully. 

"I'm sorry sir... Our device can not accurately measure your mana. We ask that you come back in a week for a better evaluation." The woman says, bowing in front of me. 

"It's fine." I wave her off, walking out of the room. I knew this woulda happened. Let's just get out of here before some cliché event happens that gets everyone involved in my rank. 

Zipping out of the building I sigh. 

I have no money and I have to survive a whole week. If I wanted to make an ass out of myself I'd cry out loud right now.





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