
Cp 2


I wipe a tear off my cheek as I stood in front of the Hunter's Building. a Week had passed so slowly. I had done unspeakable things for money. Begging being the best thing I've done this past week. 

Shaking my head, I push those memories away. 

Let's just get it over with. 

I walk through the crowd of people around the building. I know why they are here. Because just as I had said. The cliché scene happened. a Week ago when I got my rank evaluated, it somehow got spread that my rank wasn't readable by the device. Nobody is stupid. It meant that I was S-Rank. So they all camped outside the building today to know who it was. 

"Sorry. Excuse me. Sorry." I push through the crowd. Getting through them, I walk to the security guard in front of the door before smiling. "Hi! I'm Jin Mori. I have an appointment here." I said as he nods and opens the door for me, causing the people behind me to take millions of pictures at the revelation.

Walking in I spot three people standing and chatting in the empty building. One turns to me with a smile and walks to me. 

"Mr. Jin Mori?" He says, stretching out his hand for a handshake, which I accept, nodding to his question. "I'm Go Gun-Hee. I will be overseeing this Evaluation." He says with a smile. "The evaluation is just so we can see your abilities, but it's more of a window for the top Hunters to find out more of the new S-Rank Hunter." He explains. 

"Alright... So when do we start?" I say, glancing at the man with a clipboard in his hand. I was quite eager to start Hunting, seeing as I need money.

"Let's start immediately." Go Gun-Hee says, leading us all to an empty gym hall. Standing next to me, Go Gun-Hee speaks, "You just need to show us your abilities."

Stepping to the middle of the hall, I close my eyes. There was one thing I was excited to do. The loop of binding floating at my head and yongpyo replaces my clothes. 


Instantly Go Gun-Hee's smile fades, his eyes widening. 'This mana!' 

Jin Mori lifts his hand and reaches to his ear. 'I wanted to do this iconic scene ever since i felt it's presence.' He thinks as he pulls a small pole out of his ear. 


Instantly the small pole grows to the size of a normal staff. Jin Mori altered it's size to be the length as his body.

Go Gun-Hee frown at the sight of the staff. "What's that?" He questions, not commenting on the fact that Jin Mori pulled it out of his ear. 

"This is a staff I feel inside of me." Jin Mori says, berating himself inwardly for the usage of words. "I just had it since I awakened." He says bluntly. 

 Go Gun-Hee nods and sends the man with the clipboard to get a training dummy. 

After a few seconds a training dummy stood in the middle of the hall. "Just use your powers against that dummy. It's resistant enough to withstand the full power of a peak A-Rank Hunter." Go Gun-Hee explains. 

"You got it." Jin Mori walks up to the dummy and lifts his staff into the air.

Gun-Hee lifts an eyebrow seeing Jin Mori a few meters away from the dummy.

Striking the staff down, Mori lengthens the staff as it came down. 


Dust picks up in the hall blocking everyone's view, but Go Gun-Hee saw what happened. After the dust settled, the sight of the destroyed ground and walls could be seen. 'This kid.' Go Gun-Hee thinks, excitement bubbling up. 'He didn't use any strength for that hit.' 

"Are we done?" Jin Mori asks, snapping Gun-Hee out of his thoughts. 

"Yes." Gun-Hee confirms, taking the card from the man with the clipboard. "Congratulations on becoming Korea's 10th S-Rank Hunter." He says, handing the card to Jin Mori, who takes it and inspects it. 

[Jin Mori] [S-Rank] [Fighter]

'Step one done.' Jin Mori smirks, but it quickly fades. 'Now I gotta figure out what;s step 2...' 

Gun-Hee pats Jin Mori's shoulder. "Have you decided on what guild you'll be joining?" He asks, wanting to continue with his speech about joining the Hunter's Association, but get's interrupted as two people bust into the hall's doors. 

"You made me late!" The first person growls. a Huge built man with spikey orange hair and orange eyes. 

"You think I'd let you come here alone and snatch him like that?!" The second person retorts as the but heads. a Lanky built man with neat red hair, sporting glasses over his red eyes. 

'These two really are opposites.' Jin Mori muses as the two fight.

"Beak Yoonho, Choi Jong-In. Glad you could make it." Go Gun-Hee speaks up, stopping the fight barely breaking out. "This." He mentions to me. "Is Korea's 10th S-Rank. Jin Mori." 

By now, Jin Mori had already undone the Monkey King transformation. Only supporting Ruyi Jingu in his hand. "Pleasure to meet you." Mori waves at the two with his free hand, a friendly smile on his face. 

"These two are Beak Yoonho and Choi Jong-In." Gun-Hee introduces. "Guild Masters of White Tiger Guild and Hunters Guild respectively." 

'Step 2!' Mori's mind snaps to his next step. 

"As I was saying before I was interrupted." Gun-Hee glances at the two guilty men. "You can choose to join any guild, but these two are of the top 5 strongest guilds in Korea." He explains. "You can get acquainted with these two on your own time. I wanted to speak to you about joining the Hunter's Assoc-" 

"What do I have to do to start my own guild?" Jin Mori questions, cutting off Gun-Hee's Hunter's Association speech. 

Ignoring his growing irritation, Gun-Hee explains calmly. "At its most basic, a guild consists of a leader, also known as the Guild Master, a Vice Guild Master, and a member. The Vice Guild Master doesn't have to be a hunter, but the Guild Master and members have to be awakened Hunters. It'll be even better if the Guild Master is a high-ranking active hunter." Gun-Hee says. 

"So I can just create my own?" Jin Mori questions, to which Gun-Hee nods, not questioning Jin-Mori's decision as it was expected. 

"It was nice meeting all of you!" Jin Mori says as he starts walking towards the two Guild leaders. "Here's my number. Call me if you want me to join a raid or two." He says, handing the two of them a piece of paper with his number written. "I really need money right now, so please consider!" He speaks, not stopping and exits the building, instantly getting blinded by a stream of camera flashes. 

"It's Korea's newest S-Rank Hunter!" 


Hey! Author here. I'm new to this, but I just wanted to write this as I thought it'd be a nice concept. I'm Going to post the first two chapter to see if people are as interested as me in seeing some new solo leveling fanfics. Idk. I will accept any tips on what I can improve. 





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