
Chapter 15: Motion Sickness x Lucy and Brandish

Albion POV

After I completed my conversation with Wraith, Anna-sensei, Layla, Gramy and the king come my way. it seemse they finished their conversation.

Anna:"Sorry to tell you this, but I would like you to stay with Layla while I search for the other children. I know that you can likely handle yourself but I don't want to put you in any unnecessary danger."

It would seem that despite my attempt to comfort her, she can't help but worry about Natsu and the other dragon slayers. I couldn't exactly blame her since 3 out of hose 5 are very young children.

Layla:"We agreed that you would stay at the Heartfilia estate. It would be nice for Lucy and Brandish to have more friends."

Gramy:"I agree, I don't want My daughter to become anti-social because of a lack of friends. Even though she and Lucy only met today, it would be nice for her to have more friends."

Oh? Now that is interesting. Apparently when Mom used [aqua aera] to teleport Gramy to Layla, she brought Brandish to meet Lucy to keep her company while they opened the Eclipse gate. With this I wonder if Brandish will still become a member of the Spriggan 12.

Me:'Maybe I could teach Brandish and Lucy magic.' I thought to myself.

Gramy:"Ah! I almost forgot." she said as she took off the bag and presented it to me and continued. "Your mother wanted me to give this to you, She said it was called a [haven bag]."

Me:"No wonder it looked so familiar." I said as I took the bag and continued."Thank you."

Gramy:"Your welcome, Albion. so you know what this [haven bag] is?"

Layla:"I am curious about it as well."

I then proceeded to tell them about the [haven bag] being a bag that is a lot bigger on the inside, so bag that pepke can enter it to rest or use as a workspace. They were surpised to learn that such an item can exist, especially since it is item from another world.

Me:"I asked mom to get me this bag and other items from other worlds along with items from this world that could I may need for the future."

Toma:"Excuse me child but who is your mother?" he asked with a nervous tone.

Me:"My apologies sire, I am Albion Nava. My mother is the moon dragon d Selene. She along with the star dragon king Veldanava adopted my four hundred years ago. and a week before going through the Eclipse gate She went to the northern continent of Gultina to avoid being hunted by the black dragon of the apocalypse, Acnologia." I spoke in a respectful tone.

This revelation caused everyones eyes, except Anna, to widen hearing that I was raised by a powerful dragon.

Toma:"You know one of the dragon gods of Guiltina!?" he exclaimed.

Me:"Actually I know three of them; the wood dragon Aldoron and he water dragon Mercphobia. They taught me their magic as well."

Toma:"Three!? I-I see..." he said looking even more nervous.

I get the feeling that he's nervous about disrespecting me after finding out I know more then half of the dragon gods of Guiltina. Well they are known as gods because of the measure of their power and hes worried they'll destroy this country.

Me:"There is no need to be so nervous your majesty. Selene and the other dragon gods hardly ever get involved ith the affairs of humans unless something major happens." I said to reassure him.

Toma:"Like what?"

Me:"Like if someone attaked them directly or if the world is in danger. Besides, my mom and my teachers are not hostile towards humans. If they try, I will stop them. So don't worry your majesty."

Toma:"That does put my mind at ease. Thanks Albion."

Me:"Your welcome your majesty."

that was when Layla walked up to us started to talk.

Layla:"We should head back to the Heartfilia estate."

Me:"Do we have to take a train?" I asked worriedly. I remember that first to third generation dragon slayers suffer from motion sickness.

Layla:"Yes we do."

Damn, hopefully I can tough it out. I know that I could possibly use [aqua aera] to get us there but sometimes its nice to take your time.

Anna:"Your majesty, I need you to do one more thing. You must destroy the gate."

Toma:"Oh. Of course"

Then Anna-sensei turned to me and said-

Anna:"I'll see again Albion."

Me:"Yes, see you later Anna-sensei."

That was when Anna-sensei separated from the rest of us to look for the other dragon slayers. Meanwhile me, Lalya and Gramy head to the Heartfilia estate.


1 hour later on a train

UGH, dragon slayer motion sickness is no joke. Now I understand why Natsu hates vehicles so much and refuses to get on one.

When they saw that I was suffering motion sickness, Layla and Gramy took turns trying to comfort me.

Layla:"I didn't known that you were prone to motion sickness." she said while petting my head.

Gramy:"Is it because of your [dragon slayer magic]?" she asked me.

Me:"Y-yeah. Those who wield [dragon slayer magic] suffer from motion sickness on vehicles." I said while feeling woozy and nauseous from the motion sickness.

It's obvious that they wouldn't know that, since by this time [dragon slayer magic] is considered [lost magic].

Me:"I could have used magic to teleport us to the estate but sometimes its nice to take the scenic route. I thought I could tough if out but-"

Then Layla just placed my head on her lap and continued to pet my head and spoke.

Layla:"You don't have to act tough, just rest and we will wake you up when we get to our stop."

Me:"I'll try."

I try to take a nap when I feel how magic power coming from Laylas hand. It feels so soothing; I would say as expected from someone who is both a mother and a wizard. I then start to feel the drowsiness and fall to sleep.


Third POV

When Albion falls asleep with the help of Layla's magic, she and Gramy look at the sleeping boy and started to giggle.

Layla:"To think that a child with this much magic power had such a weakness." she said with a smile.

Gramy:"When he is asleep like this it reminds me of Brandish."

Layla:"I know what you mean. Something tells me that he will be a good friend to our daughters."

Unbeknownst to the two mothers, the spirirt dragon slayer known as Wraith was standing nearby.

Wraith:'When he let me pssess him, I felt that we had an extremely high synchronization. What has he gone through to achive such a thing?' he wondered to himself.

For Wraiths [possession] spell, if a person has a high "synchronization" the stronger he will be. there are only three ways to have a high synchro.

1.) they must have the same level of magic energy as him or higher

2.) they must have been on the edge of death before

3.) they must be a relative

Due to Albions training with the dragons he has a high level of magic energy. Since he has memories of a previous life, he's had experience with death, that may be a factor in their high synchro. Of course, Wraith had no way of knowing this.

Wraith:'I will ask him about it later.' he thought to himself.

Layla and Gramy spent the rest of the ride looking at the sleeping Albion.


1 hour later outside train station

Albion POV

Me:"I've decided that I will not get into another vehicle until I make a way to stop my motion sickness." I said aloud after leaving the train station.

Layla:"I am sure you will." she said while giggling with Gramy at my statement.

Me:"Next time I take the Scenic route I will walk or fly."

Gramy:"Fly?" she said while tilting her head.

I decided to show off my [transformation magic] by using my [adamai form], causing them to be widen their eyes seeing a boy become a humanoid dragon thats as tall as them.

Me (adamai form):"I can use [transformation magic] to take on this form and-" I spread feathered dragon wings and continued. "use these wings to fly. How long would it take to get to the estate from here?"

Layla:"A-about 30 minutes or so in that direction." she said pointing to the northeast.

I then used my [clairvoyance eyes] to look ahead, with my [Adamai form] I could teleport myself and anyone I am touching. So I retract my wings and explained.

Me (adamai form):"When I am in this form I can teleport myself and whoever I am touching to anywhere I want if I know where that place is. it would only take a second." I said as I walked up to them and placed my hands on their shoulders and to use teleportation. But not before signaling Wraith to possess my body so he can be teleported with us.

I then used teleportation and brought us to the front of the Heartfilia estate. Layla and Gramy look around in shock while I turned back into my original form and have Wraith leave my body. It took a couple of seconds before they snapped out of if and decided to enter the estate. When the doors opened, I see maids waiting insided with smiles on their faces.

Maids:"Welcome back Lady Layla and miss Gramy." they said s they bowed their heads.

Layla:"Thanks for the warm welcome." she responded.

Once the doors closed, I could hear tiny footsteps coming from upstairs and I see two little girls running toward us; one girl has blonde hair while the other has light green hair and they are both wearing fancy dresses.

???:"Mommy/Momma!" they yelled as they ran up to their respective mothers and hugged them.

The mothers looked at their daughters with loving smiles on their faces while petting their heads.

Layla:"Did you behave yourself Lucy?"

Lucy:"Yes Mommy."

Gramy:"And you Brandy?"

Brandish:"Yes Momma."

When I see their interactions, I am reminded a little of Wendy and Grandeena, making me feel sentimental.

Me:'I will go to Tortus and learn the [ancient magics] so I could reunite Wendy with Grandeenay. If Ehit gets in my way, I will slay him before Acnilogia.' I reconfirm my resolve.

As I was immersed in my thoughts, I notice the little girls looking at me with curiousity but also seems nervous.

Lucy:"Mommy, who is this boy?"

Layla:"He is a boy I found while I was out. I was asked to look after him for a while. I was hoping that you two would become friends. Introduce yourself."

Gramy:"You too Brandy."

Lucy & Brandish:"Okay." they said as they walk up to me and introduce themselves.

Lucy:"My name is Lucy Heartfilia, daughter of the Heartfilia family. It is a pleasure to meet you." she said with a Curtsey.

Brandish:"My name is Brandish μ, it is a pleasure to meet you." she said while mimicking Lucy's movements.

Me:"My name is Albion Nava, adopted son of the moon dragon Selene and the star dragon king Veldanava. It is a pleasure to meet you both." I said while placing my right hand on my chest and bowed.

Both Lucy and Brandish had wide eyes after hearing that I was the adopted son of two dragons.

Lucy & Brandish:"You were raised by dragons!?"

Me:"Yes, they taught my many things, including magic." I said the last part as I used the friendlier version of [moonlight butterflies].

Everyone watches with a sense of wonder in their eyes seeing these butterflies fly around and even landing on some of them. Some of them, including Lucy and Brandish, lifted their hands and stuck their index fingers out causing the butterflies to land on them.

Lucy:"So pretty." she said with the butterfly on her finger.

Brandish:"What kind of magic is this?" she asked with curiosity.

I went on to explain that what they saw was a non-lethal spell I created with [moon dragon slayer magic] along with other magics and trained my body to be strong. Perhaps, I could help them train their bodies and their magic power; maybe create lesser [heartless] and [nobodies] from the kingdom herats series with [arc of embodiment] to help them gain combat experience. That could make Lucy as strong as either an s-class wizard or even as strong as a wizard saint. I would have to ask for their parents permission.

Me:'What if I used the [personality enchantment] on Lucy's doll, Gonzales? In the cannon I remember that Imitatia/Gonzales had memories of Lucy playing with her, essentially becoming a [Tsukumogami].' I start to wonder to myself thinking about the infinity clock arc.

Now that I think of it, perhaps I coud use [personality enchantment] to create guardians to protect the infinity clock pieces and seal them away if necessary.


As I was mulling in my thoughts, I hear Lucy and Brandish calling me, bringing me back to reality. Noticing that the butterflies have dissapeared, I must have been so distracted that the spell was broken.

I was about to apologize for being distracted when...

Lucy & Brandish:"Please train us!" they said while bowing their heads.

I was taken aback at their sudden request; I mean I was thinking of training them and then they ask me to train them.

Me:"Hahahahahahaha." I start to laugh at the irony of the situation causing them to make a cute pouting face. After I stopped laughing, I continued. "Sorry about that I was just laughing about the irony of the situation."

Lucy & Brandish:"Irony?" they asked while tilting their heads.

Me:"I was thinking of asking your parents permission to train you in magic and make you stronger. But then you suddently asked me to train you." When I said that, the 2 girls get excited as I continued. "Anyway, it is getting late so we should go to sleep for the night and continue this discussion in the morning, how does that sound to everyone?"

Lucy & Brandish:"Okay!"

Gramy and Layla:"Agreed."

Layla:"Now lets get ready to go to sleep."

Then everyone went to get ready for bed while I was taken to a guest bedroom. I then put the [haven bag] near the bed and look out the window and see moon and the night sky and eat some [moonlight] as a snack before going to sleep. I then get into bed and close my eyes and let myself slip into dreamland.


A/n 1: current exceed poll results

last chance for new votes

1) Yoruichii (bleach) 9

2) Kuroka (high school dxd) 8

3) Intress (chaotic) 1

4) Blair (soul eater) 1

5) other suggestions that you readers may have, I am open to ideas.

for suggestions and ideas, either comment here or send mesages through discord.

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