
Chapter 16: Inventory x [Training Gate]

Third POV Before Albion goes to sleep.

Heartfilia's study

In the Heartfilia family's study the man known as Jude Heartfilia can be seen at his desk finishing his work when...

*knock knock*

Jude:"Who is it?"

Layla:"It's me dear."

Jude:"Layla? you can enter."

After Jude gave the "okay", Layla opened the door and entered the room. Jude then got up from his seat and walked up tp his wife and gave her a hug.

Jude:"Are you feeling okay Layla? Did everything go well?"

Layla:""Yes, everything went perfectly."

She then began to explain that she met with her ancestor Anna heartfilia and that she was accompanied by a young boy with a large amount of magic power. Layla then told her husband that Anna requested that they take care of the child since she had to do something and did not want to put the child in danger..

The man was surprised to hear that his daughter asked the boy to train her and make her stronger.

Jude:'Why would she need that kind of strength?' he thought to himself. before turning to his wife and asked."What is the boys name?"

Layla:"His name is Albion Nava. When he was a baby, he was raised by 2 dragons, a male and a female. The female is on another continent and the males location is unknown."

Jude:"He was raised by dragons?" he asked in shock.

Layla:"Yes and his level of magic power could reach the level of a wizard saints if he continues to train himself."

The man wondered if letting an unknown child associate with his daughter is really the best idea. Especially if he when considers her future and the future of the Heartfilia Railway. He is not sure what the best way to see the boys character.

Jude:"I want to meet this boy myself and see how he intends to train my daughter."

Layla:"kukukuku. I had a feeling you would say that." she said while giggling.

She realized that her husband was trying to not show that he was worried about his daughter but it does not escape her notice.

Layla:"Lets get ready to sleep. You've been working most of the day haven't you."

Jude:"You saw right through me again." he said with a smile.

Layla:"I wouldn't be your wife if I couldn't."

Jude:"True, lets get to bed."

After that they decided to get changed and head to bed.


early next morning

Albion POV


I yawned while stretching to help wake myself up from a good nights sleep. It has been ages since I slept in a real bed, since my past life now that I think of it.

Me:'Is anyone awake at this time?' I thought to myself before turning to look at my [haven bag].

Maybe I should go into my [haven bag] to see what is in there, I would need a change of clothes anyway. So I decide to turn into a cat and walk up to my [haven bag] and climb into it.


Inside the [haven bag]

I look around with amazement at how spacious the inside of this bag is, there are many boxes in here that are labeled. There are some labeled in categories and even by world of origin.

There is no dust in here, which could only mean that someone has been cleaning in here and maintaining everything. Then I hear footsteps coming from my right side and see a humanoid figure approaching that appears to have some mechanical features.

???:"Are you the individual known as Albion Nava?" she asked in a monotone voice.

Me:"Yes I am. and who might you be?" I asked.

Athena:"I am known as Athene, an alchemical doll created to defeat the 5 dragon gods of guilina by Elefsaria and Barbaroa. But Elefsaria sealed me in a magic barrier but the moon dragon god Selene too me in and asked me to assist him in his endeavors."

The Alchemical Doll known as Athena, who takes form of a voluptuous woman with long flowing light-colored hair. She wears a form-fitting suit of white armor and long robes.

If I remember correctly, she was sealed because she caused too much collateral damage while fighting dragons with no remorse. Then Athena expressed the desire to become more human and understand emotions but Viernes used that to make her into his weapon.

Me:"Well, it is nice to meet you Athena. Also thanks for taking care of this place."

Athena:"Your gratitude is appreciated but not required."

Me:"Well regardless, I will do my best to teach you about human emotions." when I said that, Athena's eyes widened in response as I continued. "I know more about you then you think. I will explain everything to you later. For now, I want to find the clothing and magic ärm, please take me to them."

Athena:"Understood master."

She then led me to where the clothing are, I notice that they bare the scent of my mother mixed with something else.

Me:"What are these clothes mad from? Their scent is familiar but different at the same time."

Athena:"I was told that they were made from the fur from the moon dragon Slenes wings and scales she has shed."

Me:"I see...That explains why they have moms scent, but what is the other scent." I said aloud as look at the clothes in front of me.

I picked the clothes that look similar to the Shihakusho from bleach. After I got changed, I looked in a mirror and see the contrast of my white hair with the black shihakusho.

(A/n:I made the Mc look like Vali Lucifer with white hair and blue eyes, couldn't think of a better look.)

Me:"Now I need the ärm from MÄR, Athena please take me here."


She then led me to the MÄR section where the ärms are on shelves based on what type they are. You have simple ärm, sacred ärm, weapon ärm, darkness ärm, dimension ärm, guardian ärm, nature ärm, ghost ärm, and unique ärm.

(A/n: search for marchen awaken romance ärm for their wiki, for those who do not know.)

First I look to the dimension ärm, for an item known as the dimension ärm: [training gate]. Like the name suggests, it creates a dimension that is used to train its user or their allies and it lookes like a short chain with a dragon head holding ring on one end.

I also look for the dimension ärm [andata], and the guardian ärm [ring armor] just in case. [Andata] is a ring used for teleportation to places I have been to before and the [ring armor] is a ring that turns into a moving suit of armor, to see if Wraith can possess it.

After I put on the ärm rings on my right hand and hung the [training gate] ärm on my right side, Athena brings me what appears to be a lacrima the size of a softball.

Athena:"Excuse me sir. I was told to give this to you, it is a lacrima that will send a signal to lady Selene. This is so she can come to you, she has been wanting to see you for a while."

Me:"I see... Thanks for letting me know Athena." I said as I took the lacrima from her.

From moms point of view she hasn't seen me for 400 years while its been a week since I've seen her because of the eclipse gate. I'll use the lacrima later.

As I look around I see boxes that contain materials from dragons that have magic cast on them to preserve them, maybe if process the hearts of dragons from other worlds into lacrima, would they give people [dragon slayer magic] if implanted in them.

That reminds me, I decided to put the cards that have Igneel and the other dragons bodies into my [requip space].

Me:"Okay, I think I am ready. I should head back to the room before one of the Heartfilia servants enters my room and sees that I'm not there. I'll see you later Athena." I said after turning to Athena.

Athena:"Yes, I will see you later sir." she responded.

Me:"[Heaven bag], I wish to leave." when I said that I feel the [haven bag] send me outside.


Heartfilia guest room

Me:"ooh." I stretched after coming out of the [haven bag].

*knock knock*

Then I heard knock on the door.

Me:"Come in."

After I said that, the door opened to reveal a maid with black hair that reached her neck.

Maid 1:"Excuse me, I was asked to guide you to the dining room."

Me:"Okay lead the way miss." I said as I pick up my [haven bag] and slung it over my shoulder.

After about 6 minutes, I was brought to the dining room where I see Lucy, Brandish, Gramy, Layla and a man with blonde hair and a blonde moustache. I am sure that is Lucy's father, Jude Heartfilia.

Me:"Good morning everyone." I said before turning to the Lucy's dad and contined. "You must be Lucy's father, it is an honor to meet you sir. My name is Albion Nava." I introduced myself with a bow like I did last night.

Jude:"I am the current head of the Heartfilia family, Jude Heartfilia. I heard a little about you from my wife Layla, but I didn't know that you knew about formal etiquette." he said in surprise while giving a passing glance to his wife who giggled with her right hand covering her mouth.

Layla:"I wanted to see the look on your face when he gave his polite introduction. He is rather mature for his age." she said with a smile on her face.

Me:"My dragon parents have knowledge about human society and they passed that knowledge to me, including how to speak during formal occasions."

Jude:"I see, that does make sense. I heard that my child wants to learn magic from you, I would like to watch the training session to see if your methods."

Me:"I understand sir. After all, you want to make sure your child is safe. We can begin after we finish breakfast." I said as I walk up to the seat next to Brandish.

As we ate our meal, they were curious about my clothes, to which I told them that they were in the [haven bag] that was given to me by Gramy who recieved it from my mom. Of course, as a business man Jude Heartfilia was interested in the [haven bag] since it can be used to carry a ton of items and can be used like a tent or as a workspace.

We then went to the back of the manor after I had everyone change into clothes that they didn't mind getting dirty, so we can begin the training. I picked up the ärm hanging on my side to lift it up to activate it, causing Lucy and Brandish to tilt their heads.

Lucy:"What is that Albion?" she asked while pointing to the chain.

Me:"It is a magic item called an ärm, it will be used for our training. but first." I said before turning to Lucy's dad and continued. "Mr. Heartfilia, how long until Lucy's next lesson? I need to know before activating the item."

Jude:"2 hours, then she'll have lessons on economics."

Me:"Understood, now then. Get ready for a fall." I said as I close my eyes and channel my magic power into the ärm in my right hand with the time limit of 2 hours. I feel the magic energy in the ärm synchronizing with my magic power for I continue. "dimension ärm: [training gate]!" I yell as the chain glows.

When the glow subsides, a door appears underneath us and opens to reveal what looks like a swirling vortex.

"aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh" x5 they yelled as we fall into the door.


[training gate] dimension

As we fall, use my [arc of embodiment] to create a cushion to break our fall so no one gets hurt. The 3 adults and 2 children, got off the cushion with me and looked around seeing what looks like ruins and what looks like a yellow vortex in the sky.

Layla:"Albion, where are we?" she asked with curiosity.

Me:"We are currently in a pocket dimension created by the magic item I used, known as the [training gate]."

Lucy:"[Training gate]?"

Me:"Yes, like the name suggests, it creates a separate dimension for people to rain and become stronger. The dimension lasts until a certain amount of time passes outside."

Jude:"What does that mean?" he asked.

Me:"In this dimension time moves 60 times slower; by the time one day passes outside, 60 days will pass in here."

Lucy:"Really!?" she said with an excited tone.

Me:"That's right. But for this session, we will be in her for 2 hours which is 120 hours in here. That is 5 days, there are fruit and fish to be found and cooked so we won't go hungry. Also there will be time for work and play while here."

They had a look of surprise after hearing that they will be in this dimension for 5 days while the children had a look of excitement. But first I should give them a warning.

Me:"Also it must not be deactivated prematurely no matter what."

Brandish:"Why not?" she asked in a curious tone

Me:"Because if that happens, all the people who are still in this dimension upon premature deactivation, would be trapped in this dimension forever. but with me operating it, that won't happen."

Their eyes widen when hearing what could happen if the gate was released before the time limit. However, Lucy and Brandish still look excited to hear that they could work and play while in this dimension.

Me:'Oh, this is a good opportunity to intoduce my mom to them.' I thought to myself as I bring out the lacrima from my pocket and channel my magic energy into it.

After that a portal made of water appeared before us as I notice two figures in the reflection of the water. Everyone looked at the water with curiosity as I spoke.

Mom:"It has been a long time since I last saw you Albion." I hear my moms voice as she came through the portal with another person.

Me:"I know, it has been a while for both of us, mom."

When I call her mom, everyone looks to her with a look of shock since they know that I was raised by dragons and now one of them appeared in front of them.

I notice that the person with my mom has the scent of a dragon, is this dragon related to my mom in some way? As I was thinking this my mom spoke.

Mom:"Albion, I wanted to introduce you to your new sibling, Kurnugi the sword saint dragon."

Oh, that's right, I almost forgot that Kurnugi was her child since the only mention of this dragon was that he was killed by the master of Diabolos and fed to someone named Suzaku. But since I warned mom about the dragon eater guild, she was able to keep him from becoming their prey.

Makes me curious on what differences there are between this earthland and the one I know of.


A/n: I need ideas for the human and dragon form for Kurnugi the sword saint dragon.

What point in Arifureta should MC teleport to?

before hero summoning or same time as hero summoning?

Who should go with him? aside from Athena and Wraith. or if he should bring anyone else with him?

if anone has any ideas post a comment or send them through my discord server.

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