
Chapter 12: learning from Irene x Ideas

Albion POV

Now I am learning [enchant magic] and [sage dragon slayer magic] from Irene Belsarion.

Irene:"I heard you've already learned a few enchantments from the sky dragon Grandeena, right?"

Me:"Yes. I've learned the enchantments [arms], [armor], [vernier], [lle arms], [lle armor], [lle vernier], [raise], [re-raise], [deus eques] and [deus corona]."

Irene:"That is quite a few enchantments but they are only basic enchantments. I will teach you advance enchantments; such as [deus zero], [separation enchant] [magic enchantment] and [personality enchantment]. When I am done, you'll be creating your own enchantments."

Me:"Okay Irene-sensei. let's begin."

Irene:"Lets begin with [deus zero] a type of [separation enchantment], first we need a item to enchant."

Me:"I can handle that." I said as I make the hand sign for [maker magic] and chant my spell. "[wook make: cane]"

As I said the spell, a magic circle appears in front of me and I see a wooden cane that I make to look like the one that Genryusai Yamamoto from bleach used to hold his zanpakutō.

Irene:"Oh? Looks like you learned [maker magic] too, that's impressive. Now lets continue." After she said that sense that she used a small amount of magic power to place an [encahantment] on the cane. once she was finished she explained. "I just enchanted the cane with [dragon slayer magic] I want you to use the try to use [deus zero] to remove the enchantment from the cane."

I sensed the magic power used behind the enchantment on the cane and focus the image of removing or separating the magic from the cane. I raised my hand, pointing my palm toward the enchanted cane with the image of removing the enchantment.

Me:"[Deus zero]." when I said the spell, I sense the magic power drain from the cane.

However, there not all of Irenes magic power was not drained from the cane. It seems that my attempt was close to success but was still a failure.

Me:"It seems to be a failure."

Irene:"But you did manage to remove most of the magic power I used to create the enchantment." she said as if trying to reassure me.

Me:"Maybe but I still have a long way to go to master [enchantment magic]. But like I said to you, best to take my time learn step by step." I said.

Irene:"Considering what I have seen, you will be able to master what I teach you in good time."

I notice in my Peripheral vision that my parents are watching with smiles on their faces and a warm look in their eyes. They seem to be happy that I am "practising what I preech", so to speak. Though most living things with human level intelligence tend to be hypocritical.

I had an Idea that I would like to talk about with my parents but that can wait until after my lessons with Irene.


2 hours later

After my lessons with Irene finished, I pulled my parents aside to asked them something that piqued my curiosity.

Dad:"What is it that you wanted to talk about son?"

Me:"I had a thought about the [dragon seed]; from what I remember, the [dragon soul technique] lets a dragon enter the body of a dragon slayer and create antibodies to prevent the dragon slayer from turning into a dragon."

Dad:"What are you getting at Albion?"

Me:"When the [dragon seed] grows the dragon slayer becomes a dragon. That makes it sound like a regular seed growing into a tree. If the [dragon seed] is like a regular seed, what if it becomes a bonsai?"


I explained that the concept of bonzaing is the art of growing and shaping miniature trees in containers. then I continued.

Me:"If the [dragon seed] is the tree and the dragon slayer is the container, what would happen if we let the seed grow a certain amount and then shape it. I get the feeling that the dragon slayer would become a dragonoid like Milim instead of a full dragon like Acnologia."

Dad:"That is an interesting theory but..."

Mom:"How would you verify this theory?"

Me:"I will be the test subject."

Mom & Dad:"Are you serious!?" they said with shocked expressions.

Me:"This is my theory, I won't the others risk their lives to prove my theory. Though I am sure that Igneel woul not approve of this."

When I said that, I remembered that Igneel did not agree with Wiesslogias and Skiadrums experiment to alter Sting and Rogues memories to give them experience slaying dragons.

It would be interesting to see if I could become a dragonoid if the bonsai method was used on the [dragon seed].

Dad:"Yeah, since there is no guarantee that it would work."

Mom:"Are you sure you want to do that experiment?" she asked in a worried tone.

I can't blame them for being worried, there's the chance that I could be wrong and become a dragon just as bad or worst then Acnologia. Although I remember that Elefsaria also became a dragon due to over using [dragon slayer magic] but I have my doubts about his sanity since he sent many people to their deaths to defeat the dragon gods of Guiltina. The guy could have tried to develope new magic in order to achieve his goal but he chose not to.

When I remember that Milim was able to destroy a nation out of rage and grief, I think that if I had that kind of strength I could protect the people I care about. I know that he experiments has risks but sometimes you have to take a little risk for a big payoff.

Me:"I am sure. I know that this experiment is risky, but if my experiment is successful and I could become stronger without losing my sanity. I won't let those I care about get hurt because I didn't have the power to help them." I said with determination in my voice.

They had a look of contemplation on their faces, most likely having a telepathic discussion regarding my idea. Thinking about what could happen to me; since Dad has knowledge of the [demon lord seed] while possessing knowledge about the [dragon seed] like I do. The [dragon seed] is not like the [demon lord seed] from tensura since one grows from using magic ane the other requires human souls.

After about 10 minutes, they had a look of resignation as they begin to speak.

Dad:"Alright, I will help you with this but we should at least tell Igneel about this."

Mom:"Also, you have to promise, no dangerous experiments like this without talking to me or your father. Can you agree to that?" she said with a sense of finality in her voice.

Looks like they won't budge on this, I don't blame them for that so I won't argue with them

Me:"I promise I will talk to you before doing any dangerous experiments." I said while putting my hand to my chest.

They had a look of relief that I made this promise not to do any dangerous experiments. I not reckless or ignorant, I always take careful consideration before taking any decision. To borrow the words from Phil Colson; "I'd rather use a scalpel then a shotgun."

Dad:"Then let's inform Igneel about this development."

Me:"Very well."


2 hours later

Igneel:"ABSOLUTELY NOT! How could you think of such a dangerous thing!?" he yelled.

My parents and I went to Igneel, one of the brains behind the plan to defeat Acnologia to inform him of our experiment. Needless to say, he wasn't happy about it.

Dad:"It was actually Albion who came up with this theory and experiment. He has agreed to being the subject of the experiment."

Igneel:"He did!?" he said with a surprised look on his face and looked toward me and cotinued. "Are you really okay with that?" he asked me.

Me:"Yes Igneel. I am not blind to the risks. Unlike Natsu, I use my brain. I already knew about the affects of [dragon slayer magic], the [dragon seed] and the truth about Acnologia. I also met Irene, the first dragon slayer. I wondered if the [dragon seed] can be treated like a regular plant using the [dragon soul technique]."

Igneel:"I see... So you met the first dragon slayer and came up with all that on your own?"

Me:"Yes and there is another way to stop the [dragonification]. It requires using a [separation enchant] to remove a dragon slayers magic power while they are turning into a dragon."

Igneel:"Did she use that spell on hersell?"

Me:"No. Due to certain circumstances she was unable to and became a dragon."

I then went on to tell Igneel about the suffering that Irene went through at the hands Rung and her soldiers. He had a sad look on his face after hearing what that kingdom did to her, especially when hearing that Irene was and is still pregnant. Finishing with the fact She became a dragon to protect her child.

Igneel:"To think that she went through all of that. It's no wonder she didn't think of that since she was an expert at [enchantment magic]."

Me:"Yes, I am trying to restore her faith in humanity. I am also in the process of teaching her [transformation magic] and she is teaching me [enchantment magic] and [sage dragon slayer magic]."

Igneel:"I see... So once you learn her [enchantment magic] you will be able to use that to stop the [dragonification] process. But if you become a dragoniod because of your experiment you may not need to use that method on yourself. You really understand the risks you're undertaking?" He said the last part while looking me in the eyes.

Me:"Yes I do." I said with a serious look on my face while looking at Igneel.

After engaging in this battle of wills, the fire dragon king in front of me starts to sigh with a look of resignation on his face.

Igneel:"I can see that you have the resolve to see this through. but just remember-"

Knowing what he was likely going to say, I interrupt him.

Me:"I will be careful, I already spoke to my parents about this and promised them that if I would talk to them before doing any dangerous experiments. I will take the proper precautions." I said to reassure Igneel.

Igneel:"I can see why your parents compliment you so much. You are smart for your age on top of how quckly you learn magic. If only Natsu was like you." he said the last part with an exasperated look on his face.

Me:"I can understand what you mean, but it's best not to compare your child with someone else or they could develope a complex that could hinder their emotional developement. After all, everyone is different." I advised him.

Though I never raised any children, but I've seen stories about children developing a complex because someone campares them to someone they think is better. But that usually does not end well, and it especially wouldn't end well if that happens to Natsu.

Igneel:"I see. Well I'll try to remember that." he said while considering what I said.

As he said that as I look at my parents who have proud looks on their faces at me giving the fire dragon king parenting advise. Well, considering my dragon parents have experience raising children they should be advising Igneel.

Mom:"He's right Igneel, I have raised other children before and if to do that it will cause your child to feel like you don't love them." She said offering her 2 cents as a between parent.

Igneel:"Right. Well I have to get back to teaching Natsu. Good luck with your experiment." He said as he turned around and left to teach Natsu.

Considering how thick headed Natsu And Gajeel are, I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for Igneel and Metalicana. Not so much when they keep trying to fight me every chance they get, even though they never won but it still gets annoying. I am starting to understand how Gildarts feels when Natsu keeps challenging him to fight.

We used [aqua aera] to return where Irene was staying so we could continue our training. Maybe I could use what I learn from Irene to help me develope my [celestial law] spell; maybe combine [law] with [separation encant] to sever the contract between a celestial wizard and their contracted spirit.

I still have time to work on it during my training to figure it out.


A/N: If I bring the dragons from the dragon maid anime and manga into this fic, what [dragon slayer magic] should they have.


Kanna Kamui? thinking of [lightning dragon slayer magic]



Elma? thinking of [water dragon slayer magic]


A/N 2: possible worlds for the MC to travel to in the future


Marchen Awaken Romance


Moonlit Fantasy


If anyone has any ideas on what worlds to use that have magic, let me know.

please check auxiliary chapters if i post a poll or announcements.

John_Dosecreators' thoughts
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