
Chapter 13: Preparations For Departure

After almost 2 year of training, I learned plenty about of [enchantment magic] and [sage dragon slayer magic]. I was also able to figure out how to mix [sage dragon slayer magic] with my other [dragon slayer magic]; causing them to become stronger as a result.

I also continued to train in my other magics, in my [clairvoyance eyes]; I am now able to see the past will with no problem. Though it still takes finese to see specific visions. I also learned to use [requipe magic] and [card magic], since I figured out how to create cards with [wood magic] since the paper used to make cards comes from wood.

During my training, I came up with my own enchantments, one of which I created for when the Igneel and the other dragons fight Acnologia. Today the dragons are having a meeting that they allowed me to attend thanks to my mom and dad.

Igneel:"In 7 days the [eclipse gate] will be completed and will be used to sent the dragon slayers through it."

Metalicana:"We will soon head off to fight Acnologia, and Albion is the one with information on him thaks to his [eye magic]."

Me:"I will tell you everything I've learned about him through my visions."

I begin to explain how Acnologia became a dragon slayer, when his town was destroyed by dragons. Also like Elefseria, Acnologia was self trained in [dragon slayer magic] but his started out as [black dragon slayer magic]. But due to killing so many dragons, bathing in their blood and possibly consuming their flesh, he obtained other elements added to his [dragon slayer magic].

Me:"There is likely no of you will survive in a fight with him. So I would recommend not fighting against Acnologia."

Grandeena:"I can understand your concern, but we feel responsible for the creation of Acnologia."

Me:"But that wasn't any of your faults." I said gesturing to each dragon as I continue. "You can just use the [dragon soul technique] but leave your bodies in a safe place."

Weisslogia:"In theory that would be good, but with the [dragon soul techinque] we wouldn't be able to return to our bodies."

Me:"I know that but I have knowledge of magic that could put your soul into your body old body or even a new body. " I said referencing the [spirit magic] from Arifureta as I continue. "I don't know how to use that magic yet, it would take me a while to find it."

When I said that their eyes widened at my statement about [soul magic]. I can't blame them from being surprised, hearing of a magic that could a sould from one living body to another. [Seith magic] and [take over magic] I think works on the same principle as [spirit magic].

I wasn't lying, I would need to go to that world and clear the [Divine Mountain Great Labyrinth] to obtain that magic. But I would need to become strong enough to use [aqua aera] to travel to that world. With the magic I've learned from Earthland I should be able to conquer the Labyrinths. Maybe I could recruit a god slayer wizard as my ally and have them kill Ehit and his subordinates if they give us any trouble. Although I could use [arc of embodyment] to use dxds Longinus spear or other weapons known for killing gods to kill Ehit.

If I obtain [spirit magic] and [restoration magic], I could restore their bodies and place their souls back into them, essentially reviving them.

Igneel:"If we were killed, do you have a way to keep Acnologia from consuming our flesh?"

Me:"Actually, I have developed an [enchantment spell] that would take affect what the target of the spell is killed or their soul leaves their body. Once the enchantment is activated it would teleport the target to a pocket dimension that would preserve the bodies while your souls are within Natsu and the other dragon slayers."

Grandeena:"Do you know of a magic that could restore the damaged bodies?"

Me:"Yes but that would also take me a while to find it as well." I said thinking about the [restoration magic].

Now that I think about it, theres a spell from the Arifureta novel that combines [metamorphosis magic] and [spirit magic], if I use that with the [dragon seed] and blood from my dragon parents I could become a dragonoid. If that is the case what if I include the blood from highschool dxds Albion, food for thought, I'll talk to my parents about this later.

Metalicana:"Are you sure you're not lying to us?" he said, doubting my words.

Grandeena:"Metalicana!" she yelled, admonishing the iron dragon.

Me:"I know what I am saying sounds crazy. But tell me Metalicana, have I ever lied to you before?"

Metalicana:"No you haven't." He said with reluctance and continued. "Fine, I will gice you the benefit of the doubt."

Me:"That is all I ask. Besides I did test the enchantment." I said as I took out a card that has a pickture boar that was decapitated and continued. "This card contains a boar that I defeated to test my enchantment. after the boar died, its body was sealed into a card where it is preserved and does not decay. it has been in this card for several months."

As I explained the process behind the enchantment, they had a look of amazement at the card i was holding. I figured it out by combining [requipe magic] and [card magic] using [echant magic], so I could keep the big creatures I kill in a small card making it easier to carry.

Also if Igneel and the other dragons chose not to fight and just used the [dragon soul technique] after I perform the echantment, I would be holding onto their empty vessels until I learn [spirit magic]. If they chose to fight Acnologia after I perform the enchantment, I would be holding on to their damaged bodies until I learn [restoration magic] and [spirit magic].

Me:"I would cast the enchantment on you regardless but I would prefer that you guys didn't fight for Wendy and the others sakes. It is up to you but remember there is no shame in not fighting." I said giving them the choice of fighting Acnologia or just using the [dragon soul technique] without fighting and preserve their bodies in prestine condition.

They spend about 30 minutes discussing the matter [telepathically] on wether to fight or not. I notice the slightest changes in their expressions during their mental debate, then they each tell me their choices.

Igneel:"I am going to fight Acnologia."

Metalicana:"I will fight too."

Weisslogia:"I appreciate your concern as your teacher but I will fight Acnologia as well."

Skiadrum:"I will joining the fight too."

Grandeenay:"... I appreciate your concern as your aunt and you convincing me for Wendys sake. But I will fight as well"

I kinda expected that Igneel, Metalicana, Weisslogia and Skiadrum were going to choose to fight. But I was hoping that Grandeenay would chose not to fight since seeing Wendy cry in the anime hurt my heart and dont want her to go through that with her mother. And Grandeenay figured out my reason for trying to get her to not fight yet she still chooses to fight.

Me:"*sigh* Very well, I'll respect your choices. I will place the enchantment on you now. It will activate when your soul leaves your body."

The dragons then gathered around me and I begin channeling my magic power and form magic circles under each dragon including my father but not my mom.

Me:"[Preservation Enchant]." I said the name of the enchantment causing my magic power draining at a fast rate since I'm still young and I am using this enchanment on 6 dragons at once. I feel 80% of my magic power drained out of me before the enchantment was completed. "It is done." I said feeling exausted using so much magic power at once.

Dad:"I will now use the [dragon soul technique] to help with the [dragon seed]."

Oh I see, by using that now it will It would show that the enchantment works.

Dad:"[dragon soul technique]." He said as his magic power flairs up and a stream of light went from his body to mine.

After the spell was finished his body glowed again, then his disappeared and a card appeared in my hand. I lift up the card to show everyone that the enchantment worked without any problems. They had a look of astonishment at the fact that Dads body became a card.

I would have liked to have told Dad my new ideas but I can talk to Mom about them later. And I could take the blood from Dads body once I've learned the magics I needed.

Igneel:"It is impressive how far you've come." he said with an amazed tone.

Metalicana:"Yeah, I apologise for doubting you." he said in a regretful tone while bowing his head.

Me:"It is okay Metalicana. After all what I was saying sounded so absurd that you would be crazy if you did believe right away."

Metalicana:"Thanks for understanding."

Me:"It's no problem."

Igneel:"Now that everything is settled lets adjourn the meeting."

After Igneel said that, he and the other dragons left to prepare to fight the black dragon Acnologia, which just left me and mom.

Me:"Non , I have something important to talk to you about."

Mom:"What is it Albion?"

I proceeded to tell her about my ideas of using hers blood, dads blood, and dxd Albions blood with [metamorphosis magic] and [spirit magic] from Tortus to become a dragonoid. If I learned the magic and skills from Tortus, it could prove useful in other worlds or even against Acnologia.

She, dad and I watch the Arifureta anime and I showed them the light novel so she remembers the information about that world. I then proceeded to tell her that I would lke to clear those labyrinths to learn the magic myself.

Mom:"Are you sure about that Albion? Those labyrinths are dangerous and theres the church and that sadidstic god Ehit." she said with concern in her voice.

Me:"I have [arc of embodiment] to create a weapon that can kill Ehit. Though I did think of recruit someone who wields [god slayer magic] but they are even rarer in the future then us dragon slayers."

Mom:"I see what you mean but I don't like you going there alone."

Me:"Who said I was going alone. I would have a couple of celestial spirits with me at the lease. I am not sure who else would come with me."

When I said that, I wondered if i should bring someone from Earthland to Tortus or recruit people from Tortus and bring them to Earthland later. Either way, they have to be someone I can trust to have my back when thinks get intense. Also whoever I bring may also gain the [ancient magic] from the labyrinths as well making them stronger.

I would also need items to help with making myself and my allies stronger quickly. Like the [training gate] ärm from Marchen Awaken Romance since time moves slower in that dimension; after all 60 days in that dimension equals a day outside.

Maybe I could learn the synergist skills from Tortus so I could create my own weapons since we couldn't find a blacksmith to teach me their skills. If I could use those skills in Earthland, I could recreate weapons from other fiction works wothout having to rely on [arc of embodiment] since it requires constant concentration and constant magic power to maintain the constructs I make.

Mom:"Maybe I can find people who can be trusted from the worlds you told me about and send them to you. Maybe Ehit could be persuaded to let us use the labyrinths if we agree not to interfere with his [fun]. I could also find some of those items from those worlds as well."

My eyes widened in response to her idea, I was just about to ask her about some of the items, yet she suggested it first.

Me:"I stunned, I was going to ask about items from other worlds. but it seems you've beat me to it. I really appreciate that."

Mom:"Of course, you are my child. Just tell me what items do you think would help."

I then ask her for some ärm from MÄR, some select metals to use with the synergist skills, a haven bag from the world of 12, blood from highschool dxds dragon emperors before they become sacred gears, dragon slayer lacrimas from dragons killed by the Diabolos guild, and other things.

(A/N 1: open to ideas on what to have selene bring to mc.)

I also requested that one of those dragon slayer lacrimas to be sent to Irene so Erza can become a dragon slayer. This would help Erza become stronger then she was in the canon. I requested her to keep an eye on Elefseria as well since he and his friend Barbados created the alchemic doll known as Athena and sealed her away, Athena could prove helpful and recruiting her could prevent the creation of the white magic cult rebellious.

I also asked Mom to keep an eye on Anna-senseis family, specifically Lucys mom Layla and her servant Gramy. With Moms [aqua aera] she can get Gramy to Layla to give her the Aquarius key so she doesn't have to use her life force as a substitute to open the eclipse gate on july 7, year 777. That way, Lucy would have more time to spend with her mother and Zoldeo would have no reason to kill Gramy.

Mom:"That is quite the list son. You might run me ragged." she said in a joking tone while writing down a list of items I want.

Me:"You've fun me ragged during my training, consider it payback." I said in a joking tone. Causing both of use to chuckle before mom had a serious look on her face.

Mom:"Well, I will see you in 400 years." she said as she came to give me a warm hug and continued."I will miss you." she said as I feel the warmth behind her hug.

I am then reminded that using the [Eclipse gate], a moment passes for me but 400 years will pass for her. Not seeing your loved one for so long does not sound easy, that goes to show that a long lifespan is both a gift and a curse.

Me:"There is not a doubt in my mind that you will see me again Mom. It is okay." I said as I returned her hug.

After a few minutes, I was released from the hug and she wipes her eyes and starts to talk again.

Mom:"Right, thanks for that. You will be staying with Anna with the other dragon slayers until you get to the future. I have already made arrangements with her in advance."

Me:"I understand Mom."

She then used [aqua aera] to create a portal to send me to Anna-sensei and before I step through the water I remember something.

Me:"Before we part ways temporarily, I should remind you to be careful of the dragon eaters of Diabolos."

Mom:"I'll be careful." She said with a smile on her face.

I smiled at her as I went through the portal to Anna's ended and she went with other dragons to Guiltina while I prepare to go through the eclipse gate in 7 days.


A/n 2: current Celestial spirit poll

Which celestial spirit should the MC form contracts with. I already have my heart set on having him contracted to Aries and I'm not taking yukinos spirits from her. I'm letting Lucy keep Aquarius, Cancer, Taurus, and Capricorn.

the spirits that recieve the 1st and 2nd most votes will be contracted as MCs celestial spirits.

Virgo? 1 vote

Scorpio? 2 votes





A/N 3: If MC goes to arifuerta world, should he go there before nagumos class is summoned or around the same time?

Before summoning?

Same time as summoning?

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