As we get back home we see ryuko in her underwear changing into her junketsu,and when she sees us,she blushes red.
"Morning ryuko,did you sleep well?" I ask her,handing her a couple sausage rolls,which she devoured.
"Yeah I slept pretty well,thanks for the grub by the way,you didn't need to do that." She says drinking some strawberry milk I got for her.
"It's fine,Karla and I wanted to treat everyone to breakfast." I say as yusuke walks in with a yawn.
"Morning." He mutters as he grabs two of the cheddar jalapeño sausage rolls and a carton of white milk and begins to eat.
"Damn these are good." He says throwing the wrappers away,while I go to the fridge to make bento's for everyone.
"Okay guys,we got an hour and a half till school starts,so I'll make us some bento's!" I shout to the others who were talking to each other.
"I'll help yoriichi!!" Karla says putting on an apron and grabbing the rice cooker.
"Okay then,I'm thinking fried chicken coated in a sweet teriyaki sauce with rolled omelettes,and rice on the side…what do you guys want for the vegetable side?!" I ask everyone.
"How about stir fried peppers and cabbage?"ryuko asks getting nods of agreement from yusuke and Karla.
"Coming up!" I say as i begin deboning the whole chicken and coat them in egg,miso paste and panko with some curry powder and gently place then in some hot oil .
"Hey Karla mind watching the chicken? I'll begin the omelettes." I say getting an okay from Karla.
Using the other eggs I carefully roll my eggs,adding small bits of sesame seeds and cheddar to the eggs giving them a more savory taste.
As I look over I see Karla laying out a bed of rice in each bento,she looks over and sees the omelettes,and leaves a small spot of the omelettes.
And after placing them I go over to the fried chicken.and using a pair of tongs pull each piece out to rest as I begin making my sweet teriyaki sauce.
And soon after I finish making the sauce I grab the chicken and using a bowl I toss the chicken until there was an even coating to the sauce and place an even amount for each piece in the center of the bento's.
I then begin making the stir fried peppers and cabbage making sure to not overcook the peppers.
And after one hour I finish making the bento's and hand each of them their own bento.
But noticing I had some leftovers I go over to the chat and say morning to the others.
(Yoriichi) morning guys what's up?
(Belalaika)I'm testing the full capabilities of my gift by tracking a maid.
(Yoriichi) oh so you're about to meet Roberta.
(Belalaika) yes,I'm moving to the pier,and about to stop her from killing rock.
(Yoriichi) good luck then.
(Belalaika has logged off)
(Yoriichi) hey Mr.popo you on right now?
(Mr.popo)I'm here,just got finished with a booty call,now I'm hungry.
(Yoriichi) well I got some leftover food I just finished making,you good with that?
(Mr.popo)yeah send it over.
(Yoriichi has sent bento to mr.popo)
(Mr.popo) this tastes great! Now I feel like training krillin some more.
(Meanwhile on earth,dragonball universe)
A bald monk shivers intensely,"I think…I received a bad omen."
(Back to chat)
(Yoriichi) hey Mr.popo I'm curious,is that actually your training?
(Mr.popo) nah,I just send people I don't like to my torture chamber and call it training.
(Yoriichi)huh? Well I got to head to school,see you later.
(Mr.popo)see you then,I got corpses to dispose of.
(Mr.popo has logged off)
As I finish packing my backpack we begin our walk to school.
As we walk I see gamagori walking out of the convenience store with his bag.
"Yo gamagori! You feel like walking with us!" I offer, catching the attention of the discipline committee's head.
"Sure,just let me close up shop." He says pulling out a key and locking the door behind him.
As he walks towards us I see ryuko and the others glancing at the giant of a man that is out classmate.
"So how was the coffee?" I ask gamagori,trying to make small talk .
"It was good,I honestly prefer black coffee." He said getting a nod from me.
"Oh yeah i was curious,I was thinking of starting a martial art studies club,where various people who study any fighting discipline can join and spar with other like minded people." I say to gamagori,who glanced at me.
"You'll need to meet with the council president and fill out a form,and as the bylaw of the rules,find at least one person to join to make the club official." He says as I turn to the others.
"So you guys want to join?" I ask the others.
"Hell yeah!!(karla)
"I don't mind,I fight with kuwabara all the time."(yusuke)
"I don't mind."(ryuko)
As I hear them agree I see the gates to the school.
And as we pass the gate I see a white limousine pull up to the school gate and satsuki coming out.
As she walks to the gate her eyes glance at me.
"Yoriichi I'd like for your to meet me at the council office during lunch,I wish to discuss…what you said." She says to me before walking into the school building.
The others glance at me before gamagori pats my shoulder,"ill come by later and help get you there." He says before walking to his class.
I turn to the others and ask which class they were sent to.
Yusuke got 2-b,Karla got 2-d,and I got the same class as ryuko in class 2-a.
"Alright then,we'll convene at the school gate after school,try to stay out of trouble." I say to the others who nod at me before we all head off to our classes.
Well it looks like satsuki is wanting to know more about her mother,but I want to ask,is my pacing of the mission too fast?
I didn't want to have the missions got for thirty chapters before they finish,so I'm going to finish it in a reasonable amount,and I already got 4 chapters done,so I'm needing thoughts on pacing.
But with that I hope you enjoy my chapter,and I'll see you lovely folks next week,peace😁✌️