- OC alpha wolf, with some noticeable differences to the world. - The OC and the pack will be the main focus with Cullens and the rest in the background. - No Harem - OC x Leah - A completed version can be found at my - patreon.com/Nevvan - If you wish to show support or are impatient. - patreon.com/Nevvan
Harry pushes Billy towards the campfire, glancing over at his daughter's welcoming grin whose eyes never truly seemed to leave the object of her desire, still fondly watching the imposing young man stoking the pit.
"Harry, Billy, to what do I owe the pleasure?" The young man asked without getting up or turning around, focusing on the cooking fish and the flames.
"Leah," Giving her a nod, "Dean, we come bearing bad news I'm afraid, the Cullen are back," said Billy mournfully.
Dean sighed, standing up, "That's a shame," he said looking over at Leah who gave him a reassuring look as he turned to face them.
"But I'm guessing that's not your only reason for being here, is it?" he asked knowingly, his hand opening and closing threateningly thinking of the golden-eyed vamps from the stories.
Leah intuitively went over and took his hand into her own with a loving smile, calming him, much to Harry's irritation.
"We came to remind you of the treaty!" Harry snapped seeing his daughter growing so close to this fiend.
"Dad," said Leah exasperatingly.
"Harry," Billy warns equally fast.
"What Harry means, is, the treaty has served us well, though we are loathed to admit it, and we owe it to our ancestors to uphold it," Billy explains.
"Well, there goes all my hard work, you are of course aware of what comes next, a lot of young folks are about to have a very rude awakening," said Dean.
"We've done the best we can to prepare them, but it's been a while since there have been wolves amongst us, and no one believes in the stories anymore," said Billy concern etched on his face.
Dean shook his head, "And whose fault is that, I could easily show them the truth."
"And deprive them of their blissful youth, I'd expect nothing less from you," Harry sneered.
"That's enough dad, Dean only wants what's best for us," said Leah.
"Please Leah, I only want what's best for you," Harry pleaded.
"I don't understand your disdain, the spirits choose him for god's sake, what more does he have to do for your approval?" asked Leah.
"They didn't choose him Leah, they..."
"Harry!" Billy growled.
"What?! You know what he is! What he does!" shouted Harry.
"You mean protect us!" yelled Leah.
"Oh, he does more than that, he..."
"Enough!" Billy shouted, carefully watching Dean's reaction, who surprisingly wasn't, still calmly holding onto Leah's hand.
"Enough already Harry, it's time we left, and it's not up to you to question what the spirits do or why they do it, all we have to do is trust them," said Billy.
Harry scowled but kept his mouth shut as he took hold of Billy's chair.
"Before you go, you should know that the spirits took the chance during the break to do more than just make me, they also reevaluated their previous mistakes and rectified them," said Dean.
"Meaning what exactly?" asked Billy with furrowed brows.
"Meaning that while the wolves won't be like me, this time around will be different. The spirits realized what they did wrong in trying to copy the werewolf curse and have fixed it or perhaps perfected it is a better term. Things like anger, thought sharing, and imprints will no longer be an issue, and they will be stronger, immune to venom, more resilient, and less weak as a human, but in so doing all of this, they have burned themselves out. Going forward we will now truly be on our own, they have given everything for this, and while they're not gone, they are greatly diminished and will no longer be able to interfere for the foreseeable future," said Dean.
"Now if you'll excuse us, I think the fish are done," said Dean turning around.
"You have given us much to think about, we expect you at the emergency council meeting this weekend," said Billy signaling Harry to take them back.
Dean was still able to hear them as Billy chastised Harry a good distance away, "What were you thinking, I brought you along to help smooth things over not to alienate him further."
Harry grumbled, "Easy for you to say, he's not with one of your girls."
Causing Dean to chuckle as he handed a fish skewer over to Leah.
"What's so funny?" she asked, taking a bite.
"Nothing," he smiled, sitting next to her.
Finishing their meals, Leah leans into him resting her head on his shoulder, enjoying his naturally high body temperature, "Thanks for not getting mad at my dad."
"Hm, one of the last things I'll do is get mad at your dad," said Dean, draping his arm over and holding her tight, snuggling together as they looked up into the evening sky.
Suddenly Leah sat up and looked him in the eyes, "Oh, and don't think I forgot about earlier, what was my dad going on about exactly?"
"I already told you everything, he just doesn't think you know, he was probably referring to how I was made untraditionally and eat vamps," said Dean.
A look of disgust crosses her face, "As long as you only eat them in wolf form."
"So if I did it as a human that would be a deal breaker?" He asked thoughtfully.
"Maybe," she said coyly, before the look of disgust graced her features once more, "Definitely if you try and kiss me afterwards."
He chuckled, giving her arm a gentle rub, "Duley noted."
"Hey Dean," she says putting her head back on his shoulder.
"I love you.," she says looking up.
"I love you too," he says leaning down and kissing her.
"Taste like fish," she comments, licking her lips.
"Good fish," he said making her grin in agreement.
"When did you know I was the one?" she asked.
He smirked, "Are you sure you want to know? You're not going to like it."
She sits up sharply, "Now you have to tell me," Staring at him with burning eyes.
"How about you tell me yours in case you decide to change the story after," said Dean.
She smiles, "Simple and boring, I knew the minute I saw you."
"Boo, how lame," Dean joked.
"Shut up," she said hitting him playfully, "I know but it's true."
"Uh huh, right, what would you say if I fed you the same line?" asked Dean.
"Get real, I told you it was boring, but don't think for one minute that I'd believe it was the same for you considering the shit we went through," she said.
"The shit we went through huh, well just don't get mad when I answer," said Dean.
"Come on, out with it," urged Leah.
"It was when we were with the twins, right after I came in you, I was sitting there with one of them blowing me while the other was eating my creampie out of you, and then it hit me, I'd be just as happy if it were just you and me," said Dean carefully looking over at his girl who was doing her best to scowl at him over her growing blush.
And he broke out laughing as she buried her head in his chest mortified, "I can't believe you just said that."
"Believe it, babe," he said with a massive grin.
"You would be just as happy huh?" she asked, trying to dig herself out of the embarrassment and turn the tables on him.
"In my humble opinion three chicks is the best any guy can ask for, any more is too much any less and you're just not good enough, but three that's where it's at for exactly that loving scenario I just painted for you, and you, my dear are worth three, hell you're the only one I need, I am truly and deeply in love with you my sweet beautiful Leah," said Dean lifting her head to stare into her lovely eyes.
Leaning forward he captured her lips in a deep long kiss.
Opening her eyes, she grunts, "You're so full of shit, I can't believe I love you."
Then they both had a good laugh.
"Do you miss them?" she couldn't help but ask, breaking the silence.
"The twins," she said.
"No," he said flatly, putting her worries to rest.
"Do you?" he asks.
"No," she said unsurprisingly. "I got what I wanted."
"Me too," giving her head a loving peck, putting a massive grin on her face.
"So, who do you think will turn first?" she asked.
"The oldest viable candidates will turn first," said Dean.
"Which means Sam more than likely, poor Sam, he was working so hard too for a better life, I hope he and Emily can get through this," said Leah.
"If she's anything like you, she'll be great for him," said Dean giving her a comforting squeeze.
"Yeah," she agreed. "Emily's strong, she'll support him, and she'll be more than happy to cook for him and the pack."
Suddenly he felt her stiffen at the sounds of dogs barking in the distance. The tribe's new early warning system at the border against intruders. An idea he came up with since he couldn't be everywhere at once, giving him a chance to sleep.
"Could just be the Cullens you think? Or a bear possibly?" Leah couldn't help but ask worriedly despite having complete confidence in him.
"Maybe, I'll be fine regardless, trust me, I was made for this," said Dean standing.
The instant lack of his warmth made the bite of the cool evening breeze all the worse as a frown mars her otherwise beautiful face. "I know, I know, I never thought I would be one of those girls, dammit, but I am, and I still worry regardless, I'm only human," said Leah sadly, wishing more than anything to go with him and be by his side, silently cursing the spirits for only turning males.
He leans over giving the top of her head a peck, "Don't wait up, I'm going to do a few passes before heading back, I'll see you tomorrow."
Taking off at a run his form shifts as a giant golden wolf emerges in his place and sprints away.
Sighing, she gets up and collects the clothes, marveling at his genius in coming up with velcro pants and shirts that split apart in half saving tons of money on torn clothes that were now a thing of the past. Now all she needed to do was work with her mother to help make them a bit nicer and more comfortable.
Racing through the woods his ears perked up when he heard a painful welp as one of the dogs got hit. Picking up speed, he burst through the trees spotting Chipper down but alive, his eyes landing on the nearest of the two vamps.
It didn't even have a chance to react as he lunged, soaring over and taking its head with one clean bite.
An eerie silence descended as the dogs went silent.
The other vamp's eyes widened in shock at seeing the beast. Their eyes met as Dean bit down crushing the head, sending an unheard-of chill down the vamp's spine. It sped away in a flash.
Swallowing the head with a wolfish grin, Dean gave chase. Catching up to it in no time at all, he began to play. Nipping at the heels of the vamp trying its damndest to flee.
He wanted it to suffer for what it did, daring to harm one of his in his territory was unacceptable.
Soon growing bored and tired of hearing the endless strings of curses and yelling, his jaws clamped down on a leg ending it. The vamp spun around with a fist which he gracefully dodged back and then lunged through the opening taking the head.
After eating the upper parts of the two, enjoying the crackling of the marbled skin and bones, he finishes licking the delicious remnants of venom from his chops and then dragged the lower parts into a clearing where the evening sun was still bright enough thanks to the clear skies, allowing the venom to eventually catch and burn the remains.
Finding a nice place to rest and digest, he lets the euphoric feeling of his increasing strength wash over him. A minor almost unnoticeable amount to anyone but him that happened after every feeding, making him wonder just how strong he could become.