
Chapter 17

"Mr Henderson.... ?"

Before I could make up a flimsy excuse, he punched Derrick hard in the face.

He dragged him up by his collar and hit him repeatedly against the wall.

I was in a state of utter shock. I never knew John, a man I knew even if for a few days, to be gentle and nice could react this way. Anabelle walked slowly into the room.

"No means no" John screamed in his ears "You hear me?"

Derrick fearfully nodded his head.

"When a girl tells you she isn't interested, leave her the hell alone"

He angrily flung Derrick to the other side of the room making him land on the floor with a heavy thud.

"Get out!"

Derrick hurriedly ran out of the room without any form of hesitation

John's eyes were red with rage. His hair was wild and scattered due to the fight. His breathing was rugged and heavy

"Mr. Henderson... " I started

I stopped mid sentence when he looked at me with blood shot red eyes.

"What the hell were you thinking?"

There's no use arguing or making up an excuse.

"I'm sorry" I muttered

"You lied to the principal and sneaked out of school. What if we didn't come? You could have been raped!"

I silently shed tears as the realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I can't even imagine what would have happened if they hadn't found me. The experience would have been traumatizing.

"Your parents sent you to the school because of these wayward ways of yours and you're still not willing to change" he continued "Have you no conscience? Are you that heartless?"

"I didn't know... "

That was when he really snapped. I should have just kept my mouth shut

"You didn't know what Ruby?!!!" He shouted "You're the president's daughter for Christ sake. You're an easy target plus you went out on your own without an escort, all because of some dumb party. Don't you know how risky that is. You could have been kidnapped or killed"

"I know. I'm sorry"

He raised his hand indicating that I should be silent.

"Save it. Meet me in the car in ten minutes. Both of you"

He stormed out of the room. I badly wanted to curl up in a ball and cry.

Anabelle hugged me tightly. She was crying too

"I'm so glad you're okay" she sniffed 'I was so worried about you"

I hugged her back tightly

"Thank you"

She handed me a bag full of clothes.

"I brought this so you could change into your uniform"


We conversed as I stripped to get dressed.

"How did you guys find me?" I asked

"You were gone for over three hours. Mary was about to raise alarm. I knew I should beat her to it. I rushed to Mr. Henderson to report the case to him. He told me that the principal told him about your outing today but since you've been gone for too long we should probably try to find you. We sneaked into the admin office, checked your file and got your number. He called numerous times but you didn't pick so he tracked your location down instead"

I've only known these people for a week yet they cared about me more than my parents have. I don't think my mom has ever bothered to call me if I stayed out later than I was supposed to. They never really cared.

"Thank you" I told her "I'm grateful

"You're welcome"

She was smiling. A kind of smile that meant something. How can she smile at a time like this? I arched an eyebrow.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Fine, I'll tell you" she rushed "I have a feeling Mr. Henderson has a crush on you"


"He cares about you so much. He got worked up when you weren't answering. He even drove above the speed limit just so he could get here in time"

"Of course he cares. I'm a student"

"I don't think that's the case. Whoops, ten minutes is up and I've said too much. Let's go"

Immediately I put on my shoes, she pulled me out of the room and down the stairs till we got to John's car. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to my friends.

Anabelle sat at the back seat. I pleaded with her to sit in front but she just smirked. The little bitch knows what she's doing. I had no choice but to hop in the front seat.

"Mr. Henderson..." I began "I... "

"I'll appreciate it if you kept quiet" he said quietly "Please"

I sunk lower into the seat

"Okay" I whispered

"Awkward" Anabelle mumbled

The drive back to school was long, quiet and unsettling. I felt so embarrassed and ashamed of myself. I wish a big hole could swallow me right now.

Who knew that my rebellious actions would get me into trouble? What if that boy had raped me? Apart from the trauma, it will be all over the news.

How would I explain to my parents what I was doing at a party when I was supposed to be in school? I would have gotten expelled.

How could I be so naïve?

There wasn't much traffic causing us to get to school in about forty minutes. He parked farther away from the school building probably so that no one could see us.

"Thank you sir" Anabelle said "See you upstairs Ruby"

She got down from the car and walked towards school.

John and I stayed in an uncomfortable silence. I was too scared and embarrassed to move

What does he think of me now? Is he judging me? I highly doubt that. It's a sin to judge, isn't it?

"I'm sorry" I mumbled

He sighed

"You shouldn't be telling me sorry. I'm just glad you're okay"

I wiped the tears away from my face

"Thank you for coming" I sobbed "I don't know what would have happened if you didn't"

"Hey, don't cry"

He reached out to hold my hand.

"You're stupid for going to a party, I admit" he joked

I giggled. That made me laugh.

"But one thing you should know is the fact that it wasn't your fault. You were a victim. Rape is never the victim's fault"

"I probably tempted him"

"Don't think that"

"Maybe if my clothes weren't so short or revealing... "

"And so what? Even if you're in a bikini. You want to look sexy in a club for yourself, not for men. He doesn't have the right to take advantage of you"

"I do have a reputation as a slut you know"

It hurts to say it but its true. Maybe if I hadn't been so easy, men would have respect for me.

They're supposed to. I am the president's daughter after all but I'm the cause of my own problems.

"It doesn't matter. You're a beautiful girl Ruby. It doesn't matter what you wear or who you sleep with, men should learn to take hints. Every man in their right sense would be attracted to you"

I wasn't thinking when I asked

"Including you?"

He stayed still for a moment then answered me
