

It's a story about the boy who came to Japan to heal his wounds. He's Gabriel Cooper. He was suffering for his whole life. His family don't love him and always blamed him for everything happened. He's lover abandoned him. Nobody wanted him. He lived with his mother's family in Sapporo, Japan. With he's uncle and his wife. He finally could feel the love and warmth of family. They loved him and excepted him just the way he was. One day he meet someone in convenience store near the neighborhood who was fierce and he had scars on his face. A mysterious man. Gabriel thought he was a bad guy. They often met. But they never talk or greet. Once Gabriel greeted him but he remained silent. He always there, every day and staring at the house. It was a mystery for Gabriel. Until two weeks before Christmas, that man came to his uncle's house. Who is he? Is he a really bad guy? A murderer?

Bumblebee_7614 · LGBT+
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5 Chs

30 Days Before Christmas

My name is Gabriel Cooper. As you know, Gabriel is a name that means "God is my strength" or "a hero of God." The name has significant meaning to those of the Christian faith because Gabriel is the guardian angel in the Bible. Earlier I didn't know why my parents gave me the name of angel because I don't feel like an angel. But according to the situation of my family I really know now. I have to be a guardian angel for my sisters. Maybe it's fate, At least I guess. 

I've been living here in Sapporo,  Hokkaido Japan since two years ago with my uncle Akana Akihiro. I finally escaped from my own cruel family with my uncle's help. From my dad and my step mom. And these two years were my first peaceful days in my life since I was born. Why?  Yeah,  to be honest my dad, Benjamin Cooper was a bastard. He didn't have a responsibility for his family. My real mom was passed away since she gave birth to me. And that bastard,  my dad, after a month my mom died,  he married again to a cold hearted woman who doesn't have a heart to raise me and my step-sisters well. Oh yeah,  I have twin lovely step-sisters. And I felt sorry to have to leave them both. They were still 3 years old when I left them and I still love them so much until now. I cannot imagine how they live now without me because our parents were always fighting everyday. And when they were fighting,  there  was always something broken. And my sisters always cried out loud. I used to calm them down when I was there. It was a dilemma for me to leave them alone with our parents but I swore someday I will take them away for me from our parents. As I settled everything in my life here I will go back to Seattle and bring them here to live with me. I will take care of them. I have to finish my education first and get a job soon as possible. 

My stepmom was the same as my father. They both spent a lot of my mom's savings. Which money should be used for my education costs? But I don't care now if they spent the money until they broke. I don't care anymore. I have to focus on my life now until I settle here. My uncle loves me and so does his wife,  Akana Sora, my aunt. They don't have any children. They treated me like their own child. How can they treat me like that? It's ironic,  isn't it? it should be my own parents to do like that. They promised they would take care of me as their own son and my uncle also promised me to get the job as soon as I finish my education here because, as it turns out, I am the only heir of my mom's family company. I'm sure one day I will have my sisters in my arms. 

My mother, Akana Yumiko was the daughter of a rich man in Sapporo, Japan and she was one of the heirs of my grandparents.  My late grandparents had a beer company here. It is a huge and famous beer company  And for you to know it is the best beer in Japan. 

For you to know again, Sapporo is famous for its beer next to its skiing. And it's a beautiful city for me specifically in the winter time. Even though it's really cold here in the winter time. You can see the first snowfall in November, and snow will start to accumulate in December, and the city of Sapporo will remain snow covered until mid of March. The coldest days are common here.  And it starts in early December through February, with maximum temperatures below freezing, but this is still the season where you can enjoy the uniqueness of Sapporo.  Like me, you will like it.

Okay. Enough for Sapporo I will continue my life story again. During her life my mom was always eager to save for my future living expenses.  Maybe because my mom knew that my dad was an asshole who had no responsibilities towards his family.  I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult my own dad but that was the truth. But as his son I didn't hate my father. I love him. Yes,  indeed I love him even though he was so cruel to me in verbal or non verbal. I even longed that one day my dad would love me.

I didn't know what my late mom was thinking when she married my dad.  But.. not denying the fact, my dad was a very handsome man. He had a good body shape and was sturdy as well as tall.  With his dark blue eyes and  his slightly wavy dark black hair, I believed  he would be able to captivate any woman's heart. My uncle said that my dad was a famous former model of his time.  He used to live in Tokyo, and worked as a model there legally. I didn't know how he got the legal job but for you to know my late grandfather from my dad's side was an attache, he often traveled abroad and stayed there for some time. And my dad was a spoiled brat who likes to spend money a lot for nothing and of course he was a party goer. That fact I got from the information provided by my dad's sister, Natasha.

So my father met my mom in Tokyo. My mom was Japanese and she was also a former  model. She met my father at the catwalk, my uncle told me that. 

I didn't blame my mom for falling in love with my father because he's so gorgeous. And I adore my dad according to his appearance, not his personality. But I felt sorry for my mom.  She was too naive to choose a man based on his appearance not on his personality. Maybe because she was so young when they married. I didn't want to follow my mom's wrong path. I don't want to be a naive person. 

Since I live here and have peaceful days,  I have started saving money for my twin sister's future. Indeed, I seriously have a plan to take care of them. May God bless me for that.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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