
3 Reasons To Survive In The Apocalypse With A System

Leo, a gamer and streamer, woke up one day to find the world around him had collapsed. And the one to even make him realize this was a six-inch tall girl? "Your first mission is to find three reasons to survive in this apocalypse." This was what he was told once he came to terms with the world coming to an end. Now, in order to survive in this new world, he had to make use of this system and try to complete the missions he was given while also trying to level up by killing zombies. Can a normal guy like Leo live long enough to even complete his first mission? Can Leo fight against the odds and build a safe haven for himself? Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/79yyJSD Show your support and buy me a coffee or join patreon! https://ko-fi.com/invayne https://www.patreon.com/invayne Follow on twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorInvayne Follow on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/invayne/

invayne · Sci-fi
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23 Chs

An Even Better Plan Part 2

Rebecca came out of the shower with her hair still wet. Normally, she would use a blow dryer to dry her hair, but right now, she could not. She rubbed her hair with the towel only to stop when Leo put his hand in front of her face, "Eat these. Your infection rate is five percent."


Rebecca nodded, took the gummies, and popped them into her mouth. She knew where they came from, but because they could keep her from turning into a zombie, she had no issues eating them. Luckily, they had a sweet taste. "Are we still fortifying this place today?"

  "Yeah. In order to leave this place feeling secure, we will need to fortify it. We will block off the front door and start using the emergency ladder of one of the other apartments. We can just get to them by using the balcony. However, we will still need to secure our own balcony.

"That doesn't sound too feasible." Rebecca frowned. There had to be another way.

"What about this? We will still use another apartment's balcony and only access it from our balcony. But the entrances leading out we boarded up. If we block off all the entrances to the balconies to the left that we know are not occupied, we can easily make things more secure for us in the long run. We will just need to figure out how to put the ladder back up and pull it down." Leo tried to come up with a secondary plan. He really had no idea what he was doing.

"I don't know…." Rebecca thought for a moment before walking over to the balcony and looking outside. There was a box truck parked near the building. It was about three feet from a tree, which could be used to reach the balcony. "What about this."

Leo got up and walked onto the balcony with Rebecca and looked at the tree she was pointing at. "If you use the truck to climb onto the tree, that big branch is right next to the balcony."

" I am not a monkey," Leo replied. Just the distance to the branch would require luck for him to grab onto it, and then he would need to spin his body around and try to climb onto the branch. He was not that good! "But…. I think I can use the small roof over there to get up. I will just need you to help boost me up unless you want to be the one climbing. If that is the case, then I can just lift you up to our balcony, and you can grab the ladder and make it fall." 

  "Why didn't you say that before!?" Rebecca pursed her lips and held back her urge to kick this stupid man.

"It just came to me now!" Leo retorted. He looked at Rebecca's puffed-out cheeks and couldn't help but reach out and poke one side.

"Stop that!" Rebecca smacked his hand away and went back inside. 

Leo chuckled as he walked back in as well. He looked around and wondered just what he should be doing. First, "Let's use the bathroom door to secure our apartment. Then we can start using materials from the other apartments to keep people from being able to cross over into our balcony."

"The bathroom door…." Rebecca frowned slightly but still nodded her head. Sooner or later, they would need to get used to such things. 

Leo really did not have any other thoughts when he said this. He just wanted to secure the room. "Let's go get what we can use then. I have two hammers and a crowbar in the toolbox, in the corner." 

"If we have an extra door, we will keep the bathroom door on." Rebecca decided without even looking at Leo as she walked over and went to get the tools.

Leo scratched his head. He was not sure if they would even be able to do that. He still planned to seal up the doors to at least the two apartments next to him. He let out a sigh as he went to grab his sword and leave the apartment with Rebecca. He locked the door behind him, and they headed over to Rebecca's apartment first. "This apartment and the one next door will be sealed up to make things harder on anyone trying to get into our apartment."

"So you want to use the bathroom door?" Rebecca asked.

"That and push as much furniture as possible in the way. We will do our best to make it as hard as possible to get to our apartment." Leo explained as he walked over and looked at the door hinges and felt like he really needed to hit himself. "We need a screwdriver."

  "I have some in a drawer in the kitchen." Rebecca hurried to her kitchen while Leo began prying the trim off. But frowned when he saw how short the nails were. He needed longer nails or screws. He just needed something to secure the makeshift barrier up. 

When Rebecca came back, she began helping pry the trim off the walls. She saw how skinny and shirt the nails were and wondered if they would even work. "Leo, I don't think this is going to work…" 

"I know. But at least we can get what we need for now. As for bigger nails…. The maintenance shed outside might have some. Leave the trim." Leo stopped working and felt like he really needed to think about what to do. "Let's head downstairs first. If we can get nails, then we are good, but if not, I am not sure of what we can do. It's either we stay home until we only got a little bit of food and water left and just risk it all and hope things work out, or we try to secure things." 

"I say screw even going out now," Rebecca said. "We got enough food and water for two weeks. While yes, it would be better to check things out ahead of time, we also have someone downstairs who might try to take everything we have as well. If he is forceful enough no matter what we make, if he is willing to risk it all, we will end up coming home to nothing."

Leo had not thought of that. "You are right. I know I would push my luck. Even if it means drawing zombies near me, I would do what I could to survive."

"See. So, let's just forget it for now. We can just keep the door sealed in our place." Rebecca felt a little better. She did not wish to start making too much noise at this time.

"Alright. We will do it like you suggested, but we need to make sure we have enough food to take with us to last at least three nights. We have no idea what we might run into."