

In my world, I’m a reader, and you’re the unfortunate fallen hero of a novel. In his world, he's a gamer, and you're a brave hero who’s later shrouded in tragedy. A hero whose role in the world was stolen by him. In the search for a better ending, the world was engulfed in greater ruin. But why must you share the same fate as the rest of the world? In your world, what am I? A third protagonist who will hasten the world to brick? Or someone who will return the solace you lost? Was it the world of a game or a novel? Perhaps a reality hidden behind fallacies. Would the answer for the correct end reveal itself? *** Slow-paced story focused on the third variable's daily life for a while. Litrpg was only applicable for the second protagonist, the MC of the novel, as he's the only one that possessed the system. Also, it will take time before the paths of the three of them cross. It's not a great novel, though I try to improve it whenever possible. Bear with me, and I hope you like it. Updated schedule: Tuesday and Saturday. posted on: SH and RR

J_Carus · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 42: Hero Lucas, the Capital, and the Ghost. (part: 2)

Hero Lucas, the Capital, and the Ghost. (2)


Sky Capital is a prospering, advanced city in the fantasy world. Most of the Grandian Empire forces were centered here, and literal big names reside in this place. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but it only takes an hour for the city to resume functioning.


As if nothing happened, the smile from Citizens returned, enjoying a morning walk, while the earlier catastrophe was reduced to a chat topic. Praising and admiring Lucas here and there, even the madmen from earlier have satisfied faces as if they're grazed with holiness.




Now that I think about it, when a dimensional fissure opens, it tends to leave useful items behind. They threw the battle's remnants near here. I guess I pay that a visit; they might have missed some; if not, I can just observe and refine the high-quality mana left behind by Leyline.






{"Putang ina!!!! "}/(Son of a bitch!!!)


I gasped, instinctively jumping back. My sudden outburst caused surrounding people to have their attention on me. Scratching the back of my head, I awkwardly laugh, making them lose interest.




I accidentally blurted a curse word from my past life out loud. I hope no one catches on to that.


The reason behind my sudden reaction was because...


A white figure suddenly appeared in the corner of my eyes without me detecting it. It gives me chills, causing every single hair in my body to rise.


What the fuck is that? Horror in the Isekai genre, really?!!


Wait, now that I think about it, specters and undead exist here.


But what the hell is that? There's something wrong with that! It's entirely different, as if it came straight from horror movies. I panic on the spot, and I think it smiles at me eerily.




Making steep steps, I try to shake it off from me. I'm not good at horror, so please give me a break.


"Huh…..? Eu….?"


My step came to a halt as I sensed a reaction from Eu's mana inside. I don't know what that magic is, but since that day, we have been able to sense each other. It's fairly useful most of the time.


This time, I'm sensing that Eu' was irritated.


What is it this time? Haven't we already reconciled earlier?


For some reason, after coming back from my discussion with Geezer, Eu seems to be mad at me. Thus, I spend the day coaxing her, but I'm sure she's in good mode before I leave her earlier.


Should I've bring her with me?




The undecipherable voice of a young woman reached my ears. It's so clear; my limb is numb just from hearing it. Moreover, I hear it—'you'.


Without a doubt, it's referring to me.


"Haha, ha…fuck.."


Deprive of collective mind—I made a run for it.


Shit, shit, run. I'm not good at this thing. I should've brought Eu.


As I'm making a run for my life, there's a reaction inside me.


What the hell is happening?


Cilestia help!!!!!


As help seems to not be coming my way, I look around in hope. Stopping my feet, I notice I have gone far enough; maybe I used mana without realizing it. Catching my breath, I scrutinize my surroundings.


It seems like I'm in a park filled with people; it's good I'm not getting attention. But looking around, there are a few plays I can run to. Those separate places are no good; I wouldn't make the stupid mistake in horror. They run into an empty place just to get killed. Maybe staying in this place would be safer for me.


Without warning, the air in the surrounding area became chilly, despite being a sunny day.


"Found you…."


Even when we were being hunted in the orphanage, I never felt this hopelessness and weakness right now. I lose strength in my whole body without being able to move an inch of muscle.


In front of me was a white figure. I couldn't even bring myself to look upward. Though I can see the other people around me, I realized—I'm the only one who can see it.


"hee, hee…."


I don't care anymore!!!! Now or never!!!




I shut my eyes. I can feel a surge of power responding to my wishes. I'm sorry to my surrounding people and this park; Alaric will fix it later.


Ahhhhh! Die again in hell!!!


Swinging my fist, devoid of sight, I felt an impact....?




The same voice that had been hunting my ears let out an unusual cry.




My eyes snap open, revealing several gazes directed at me. However, that's the last thing on my mind right now.


As though the world I was in was separated from the real one, while Cilestia was doing her best to get me back. If I didn't know Cilestia and Lhina beforehand, this person in front of me would be the most beautiful person I've ever seen.


If I'm degenerate enough, I might kneel and lick her toe...


My thought was cut short as Eu's mana constantly burned me from the inside.


She possesses shoulder-length hair with a portion of it tied to the back of her head—black hair mixed with silver—that I'm addicted to. Her gleaming, myriad eyes that melt a human under her ethereal gaze transcend exquisiteness that can't be called human.


No, she's not a human.


Her transparent body was adorned with a shimmering white dress, paired with a fine amount of accessories.


She smiled awkwardly, a faint blush coloring her face. Her beauty was like that of a goddess—captivating and divine. Strangely enough, she was holding her chest.


The impact was soft.


"Ahhh, sorry, sorry. You don't need to get scared. I'm just playing with you for a bit. I just get excited because it's been a while since someone saw me.


The leaking power dissipates instantly as I hear a soothing, lively voice.


"I'm really sorry. You may relax now."


Sensing a warm touch on my cheeks, the depths of her eyes, like stars, illuminated my soul. A dream that slows down time.


A gaze that spoke a multitude of emotions that only my heart noticed.


"Hehe, hello. You're a reincarnator, aren't you?"




"Hmmm, is that how you see yourself?"


"Huh? What do you mean?" Taken aback, I tilt my head.


"No, nothing." She shook her head, as though to remember something. She flashed a wide grin, revealing her canine teeth. "Right, it's nothing; from this point until my last moment, it's all about me."


Her body radiated a myriad of lights identical to those of her eyes, while her hair flowed magically, freed from restraint. Even the dress became more vibrant, flashing her blushing skin. Her lascivious lips restrained me with her words.


"Can you see me?"


"Can you hear me?"


"Can you feel me?"


Warmth—it's something you can feel in a living being. Her hand didn't pass through me like a ghost. I can feel it—her trembling hand holding my cheeks.


How long have you been alone? Unable to bring out such a question, I hold her hands. It's not my intention, but her intense emotion was shared with me. Sadness, loneliness, hatred, betrayal, and relief.


She widens her eyes, urging herself to stop the water from overflowing from it. A surge of comfort and contentment emerges from her. Her lively smile returned to her face, lighting up her face.


"Want to be my protégé?"




On this magical day, I met her. I only have one regret.


I should have gone for a slap.