
3 Peeps, Chillin’ in a Cop Car NOT 5 Feet Apart

In a world full of heroes and superpowers… Great change and great prejudice… You’ll find three idiots(and friends) on a roof. Introducing… Drumrolllllll, please. 3 idiot vigilantes, Dabi, Deku, aaaaaannnddddd Stabby Stabby(i.e. Banshee)! ------- Preview: Izuku doesn't usually spend his Thursday night sitting at the back of a police car, but when you live with a wannabe thug and a Barbie knockoff, perhaps it was about goddamn time. ------- Co-author: Sunset_at_heart on AO3 Idk man, I had an idea and now all y’all get our(my) crackhead energy! XD - Onilily P.S.: I have way too much going on in my life so this will only update about every 2 weeks! Sorry!

OniLilly · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

We Thought We Had All Night

We thought we had all night

There was no need to rush

That's when those cops

Came pulling up

And I thought

Man, ain't this some shh

Keith Urban; Cop Car

Izuku doesn't usually spend his Thursday night sitting at the back of a police car, but when you live with a wannabe thug and a Barbie knockoff, perhaps it was about goddamn time.

The situation was…complicated.


You got a secretive genius analyst, a semi-shady bartender, and a 'normal' high school girl - all seized and taken into custody in a military-grade armored vehicle. The catch here? The trio is a well known, high priority vigilante group called the Dynamic Trio (previously the Dynamic Duo). These three infamous vigilantes, Deku, Dabi, and Banshee were currently tied up and secured with large quirk suppressing cuffs.

Once they realized they wouldn't be getting out of their restraints any time soon, bickering quickly ensued.

"It's your fault for getting us into this situation, you idiot!" Izuku hissed as he tried to shove his shoulder against Dabi's, only to receive a glare from one of the officers sitting in front. Izuku stuck his tongue out at the officer in retaliation. The only reason that he was still here was because of the two in this situation with him. Izuku was brought out of his irritation by a soft pat on his knee by Himiko.

"Deku-chan~ it's not that bad! At least we're not getting arrested for anything too serious," she giggled, leaning forward to try and get a glance at Dabi. "Why exactly were you running anyways, Dabi? It's not like they were going to taste your delicious-mhf!" Izuku interrupted her speech with a cuffed hand to her mouth.

"That's enough from you." Izuku chastised before he yelled to the front seat," Are we almost there? I need to piss and you guys don't want me to go in here!"

"Oi! Shut the fuck up!" The same officer who glared at their direction earlier yelled back.

"Sorry about him," the second officer sighed, turning to the trio with a slight grimace. "Your case came in right at the end of the night shift- this guy hasn't gotten any sleep in like, two days."

Turning back to the front, the officers continued the drive to the police station in silence. A silence broken only by the occasional scuffle from the captives.

Reaching over as best he could, Izuku kicked Dabi in the shin. "Ay, ye feckin gobshite, how the hell you get us in this situation anyway?!"

Looking a bit sheepish, Dabi started, "Well…"

-/- Flashback Start -/-

Dabi had been walking down a dark and dusty back road after completing a mission. (He was really just trying not to look like an ass when none of the heroes had stopped to help this poor man who was being robbed.) It didn't help that there was a bit of ash splattered all over his front. It was a shame, really; he quite liked this shirt.

As he walked further into the dark, he felt the hairs on his nape rise on instinct, as if there was a threat nearby. If he thought about it, it was a miracle that it was even possible for hair to still grow on his scarred neck.

It became clear after a beat that he wasn't alone, and depending on who it was, that would soon arise to be a larger problem than him simply getting arrested. He sped up, running faster over different walls that blocked his path as he made his way farther into the suspicious part of the district. This was the safest place for them to keep their operation going. Dabi hoped to God that they were elsewhere if this did turn out to be serious. After about a mile of running, it became clear that he wasn't going to lose the follower so he stopped atop an apartment building. In his hand, he lit a burning blue flame that glowed against the yellow goggles.

"Where are your teammates, Dabi?" the other man yelled over the wind that blew past them, making his scarf appear to be floating off to the side.

"None of your business. Let's get this over with."

The small warehouse soon came into view as he ran towards it at full speed, hoping that the light that was faintly glowing inside was simply left forgotten.

When he flew into the main room his heart plummeted as he spotted Izuku on the floor with his legs splayed in front of him as he worked some gadget or another to life. Ever since the younger boy had met Mei Hatsume, he fell in love with building things. This, however, did not explain why Himiko was dancing around in the makeshift kitchen when she had her own patrol to be on.

Blue and red lights along with sirens grew louder by the second. Dabi cursed and dragged Izuku to his feet and grabbed Himiko's shoulder hauling them towards the back exit. "Code red. Eraserhead found me while walking back."

They then proceeded to try and escape but were caught in a sand trap by one of the heroes.

-/- Flashback End -/-

And thus, Dabi finished his tale, saying in monotone, "Aaaand that is how we ended up here."

This promoted varied reactions from the storyteller's listeners. On one hand, you had Himiko, who just giggled before saying, "It looks like we just had terrible luck today! But hey! It's not like it's thaaat bad!"

Izuku, on the other hand, was more pessimistic. "*Merde*." He continues under his breath, "Damnú, that's a base lost…we'll have to find a new one now, assuming we get out of here…and replace the lost equipment… oooh, Mei is gonna kill me for losing her babies… urgh... And Eraserhead… presumably, Dabi, you weren't any less careful than normal… so how could he have tracked you? Hmmm…I'll have to upgrade our stealth equipment…noise canceling boots…less loose clothing? Hahhh… that's not important right now…how will we get out of here? If only we were in a normal police car... that'd be easy to get out of… and these quirk canceling cuffs… they don't actually do anything to me but they are too bulky for me to pick the lock… and Dabi really is too reliant on his quirk…how will be getting out of this one… I guess we'll just have to hear what they say... It's not like they can actually convict me of anything… the others though..."

"-ey -ku! Deku! Hey snap out of it, you're mumbling again." Dabi whispered as loud as he could while still being discreet, nudging Izuku to jostle him out of his thoughts. "I can't even hear you and I'm like 2 feet away, man! If you've got something to say, speak the fuck up!"

Deku blinked, coming back to his senses. "Ah! Sorry about that...you know me, I've never really been able to break the habit. Anyway! With how long we've been trapped in here, and assuming the driver isn't going crazy slow, we should be arriving soon. I can't wait to see Nao-chan! His quirk really is so interesting! Oh, and I bet Dadzawa will be there too!" he says with almost unbridled enthusiasm.

And with that, the car stopped. Officer #1 called out gruffly, "We're here!" Both officers got out of the cab and walked off, relocking the doors behind them.

After what felt like an eternity to the trio, they heard a noise at the back doors. The noise continued, clearly the sound of locks being undone. Soon, the door creaked open, and the light of a nearby streetlight streamed in…