
3 days before death

------------summary--------------- Can i be horny to death or just horny to live?.... i cant believe my first love was a yeini demon, me and my best friend YEIN always dreamed of having as much se**x as we can while we are still in the youth stage. But who knew you cant wish and dream at the same time..so its best we wait to find our soul mate and fu** them in peace.or rather rape them while feeling high and blame it on been  drunk.we all have short time left to live.like the minute hand of a clock ready to hit 12.. LIFE US LIKE A CLOCK "DO YOU HEAR ITS TICKING"everyone  has heard of demons, Angels and Gods..... but no one can say for sure that they can survive in the presence of these beings  due to there immense power .... hence the reason for there seperate realm..   On earth Every being has its followers and every follower has it level of grace leading to the difference in there kind such as PRAISE PEACERS, ARC ANGEL, DELIVERES, SEALERS, AND BAPTHISTS  .   But few years ago the ancestors of the motal realm maked a big mistake in the pursue of power accidentaly opening a misterious magic star ring that collided the three realm together causeing caous and imbalance in all realms.    Special teams were assigned the task of solving the problem but no solution was been administed now the faith of all three realms lies in the hands of an 18 year old boy Kazuya Toshiba (a normal human with 0 grace ) and his 3 friend to seal the star  .But unknown to him As he moves unwards he tends to discover that his grace is different from that of others as he unlocks more skills and as they learn the truth about the apperance of these creatures..

Daoisti3aEZz · Action
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4 Chs

R.O.T.O Chapter 4(road to damascus)

After 17 years of my life, this might be the day,i do the impossible, i had to get to the fence before i was captured by a mob of angry villagers. But the hardest part of all was the path in which the fence was located.

 I ran towards the forest as it was the easiest path to get to the fence. I ran dodging obstacles that were in my way,hitting people who tried to get me,and destroying things that would slow down my current speed.

 I ran far deep into the forest for 2 hours and kept on running untill i sundely fell down like a log.whats happening to me. I knew, running for hours wasnt the best idea.i would have taken a break,now i cant even stand up.i laid there on the ground until i fell asleep.

    Few hours later,with a huge gasp pf breath i opened my eyes, only to discover it was already night time.i stood up feeling hungry, but i continued my jouney towards the fence.

  Unknown to me, i had already crossed into the forbiding forest.The forbiding forest,was a place which was filled with all kind of demons, it was originally a sacrificial ground where sat***nist used to worship in there village.people usually told tales of how people would go in and return mad or see things that weren't there or at most times they would commit sucide. Nobody actually knew what was in the forbbiding forest as those who went didnt live to tell the tale.hence its reason for being forbiding. But i was already in it, there was no turning back enymore. I decided to run as fast as i could so i could get out of the forest safely, but like the saying goes "easier said than done". So i ran and hoped it would.

   I ran few meters only to come to a sunden stop.what is this strange sensation im feeling. I could feel the presence of something close by. Well what ever it was,it wasn't human. Sundely my wrist began to glow, Wow whats going on why is my wrist glowing.sundenly i could feel the presence of this creature as it came closer, and as it came closer my wrist glew brighter. Then i heard in my head,"Run kazuya Ruunnnnnn!!!". Immediatly i took to my heels, i ran,still trying to figure out what the hell was going on when i turned back and behold, a mighty beast which seemed like a lion with 4 horns, 6 eyes and 2 tails, it was huge and twice my size, was after me.

I was shock to my bones at the sight of this mighty beast.

  I tried my best in other to excape the sight of this demon,but it kept on failing. I ran towards the exit out of the forest when i missed my step.oh damn it!, i was so close to the exit,i said these words as i fell straight to the ground.when the demon noticed i stop running it took a huge leap in the air about to devour me when sundly, i relly didnt know what i said,i think it was a psalm or a proverb. All i was aware of was seeing this mighty demon shatter like glass.immediatly i stood up and ran for the exit without hesitation.

  How on earth was that even possible, how could raw physical matter(flesh) shatter like glass.or was it what i said that made it do that, well that doesn't matter enymore as long as the beast is dead im happy with that.

  In 3 hours i arrived at the fence. Wow, i've made it, now this was the hardest part  climbing... how can i climb this mighty fence, i sat down on the floor feeling weak and hungry with no clue on how to go to the top. I sat down there for an hour thinking and trying every alternative i had but non gave me a good result. When sundnly an old man passed me with a basket of fruit. What fruits where did he see fruits in the middle of nowere.so i approached him to find out. Then he repiled i bought them from the top of the fence.

Relly how could an old man in his 70s climb a fence this high. The old man replied saying,my child strength is not the key to living its wisdom, and also i used the stairs leading to the top...  whattt!! There are stairs leading to the top( i said with a chuby fustrated look on my face). I ran towards the stairs,and walked up. I hope my helper has food with him ontop there.

     Few moments later i arrived at the top.It was bright at the top, from it i could see my village. The top was filled with acient statues and sculptures. It was wide and huge and had tall grasses and trees making seeing the other side seem impossible.

Now i was at the top, the only problem was where was my helper.so i decided to do what eny despirate teenager would do... Hello!,Hello!, is enyone here!!(i yelled). I Cant belive this, after all i've gone through, i came here for nothing.

So i decide to yell again. My mother told me to come here that i may find my helper.

 Please can enybody answer me. Then i noticed a temple in front of me, and i decided to have a look in it, when i saw an old man standing near one of the statues on the temple. Good day sir please im looking for someone. Then he replied,go home kid.

You dont understand! I have no home to go back to,i dont have enything.

(Then i broke down in tears) my best friend was killed i  an attempt to save my life and my mom.. was burnt alive.

  What a sad story kid go back to where ever you came from. Nooo! Im not living this place sir. Ill rather die here than to go back.

 How nieve you are,do you even know even know the temple in which you stand. This is the temple in which the believers of higher grace come to worship the almighty God,not  weak believes like you child,go back before you make me angry.well im sorry sir but i refuse to go back,if me staying here makes you angry its fine cause i rather die trying to fulfill my mothers wish than turn back like a carword i once was.( with these words kazuya spoke  made the man even more furious, then the man said) then i shall fufill your wish you ungratefull brat by uniting you with your mother again. I took a battle stance trying to see his next move when sundenly, rays of light from nowere appered in the sky. They were long sharp and pointy. Then the man recited some words, these words where  new to me cause ive never met enyone who peformed magic before,these words were "PRAISEPEACERS GRACE, REVEAL SCALES OF A THOUSAND SHARDS". I stood there suprised when immediatly the rays grew thinner,pointer and thin like threads.

       I'll give you one last chance child.Go back and i may spare your life. Then kazuya replied without hesitation, Noo!!

Im sick and tired of people bullying me because of the amount of power or grace they posses, first i let my best friend down,then i also failed to protect my mother, im sick of been weak because im scared to die, but you know what old man, ive seen death before,it wasnt as scary as i imagagined it, infact im not scared of it enymore so do your worst old man. Fine child, then i'll shall reunite you with your mother in hell.... sundely about a thousand rays in the form of needle like threads peiced through me.

   Ahhhhhhh!! I screemed as i blead round my entire body....