

I remember the Day like it was yesterday, the day everything began. It was raining on a day where it shouldn´t have rained. It was the Magma villages New Years Festival. A festival that celebrated that the Gods have let us Live a Year longer without erupting the volcano that was in range of our village. Magma village is a very small village in the southeast of the Continent Medirealm, we were the last humans in the west. The village was built simple, with roofs built out of straw. There was only one house in the village that was built out of wood and stone, my family's house. Our house looked like one you would typically find in some forest, so it didn't really fit into the pale village, but it was still great. Normally this day of the year the sun is out from 6 am to 1 am but this year the sky was dark, and it rained. The festival consisted of food that we shared with the entire village and a huge fire where people would dance. For consecutive 334 years the people of this village would do this, so even though it rained we had to celebrate anyways. My father a Human was the eldest of the Village. My mom had the role of the wife from the eldest, she didn´t have any duties but was still very respected even though she was an Elve. Considering those two facts, me and my sister were half elves. I was now 5 years old, and my sister was 10. She cared about me well and more than siblings we were friends. Just like my mother she had green eyes and beautiful long brown hair. She had the nose of our father, she was pretty, at least above average. That was just my opinion, there weren't many girls my age in the village, boys neither. I had inherited the black hair of my father, but my eyes were green. All together we lived in the biggest house of the village since my dad was the Eldest. And the festival would find place in our house too. Not the Fire though. The whole village was set, and we started the Party. While we were eating there was a pause in the rain, so we all rushed outside to start the Fire. The fire was enlightened, and the musicians started making music for the people. My sister took my hand and rushed near the Fire where we started dancing together before all the others joined us.

Suddenly the rain fell again but this time harder. A Lightning crashed into the Ground not far away from the dancing people there were no casualties. My father looked terrified and told 2 guards to get his weapons. He told the people to get inside and rushed to the place where the lightning had crashed. And there it was standing, my Fate.

A person with a Black cape on his Head that made it impossible to see his face and Armor stood there, were the lightning had struck the earth. His face was shadowed by the cape, but I could clearly see his eyes, 2 purple shining eyes. He introduced himself: Well, hello there people of the Magma Tribe, you may call me Calamity. I am one of the 9 Elemental Gods, the God of lightning." : What is it that you want here?" Responded my dad.

The God laughed: What I want you ask, you naive human, what do you think I want. I am here to dispose of this village and its people. You see since you're the Magma tribe you are allied with my greatest enemy, The Godes Eralith."

My dad knew something, I could see it on his face. He said: Me and my tribe do not know someone called Eralith." : Of course you don't you foolish humans, but she knows you. And this is what you would call a provocation towards her. And seeing the expression on your face you know exactly what that means." Answered the God with a giant smile on his words: It means a war between the Gods!" The guards came running out of the House with my father's weapons from his adventurer time followed by me. I hid somewhere nearby to follow the Events. My dad took the Weapon, a Sword that looked like a Katana and sent the guards back. The God drew out his Swords that were hidden on his back. 2 swords, that looked like regular long swords that a normal person would hold in 2 hands. That's just the difference between humans and Gods. The God said in disbelief: do you really think u can take on a God?" My father responded: Of course not, but I can gain time for my people." Both of them were ready to fight and wanted to begin but I stormed out of my hiding spot and ran towards my father crying: Daaad!" He looked at me with a depressed smile on his face: my Son, you need to be strong from now on. I would like to comfort you with words but there is no denying it, I will die." I wrapped my arms around his right leg and told him crying: But I don't want you to die, come with us!" : Lucas," he said calm: You need to get your mom and your sister and run, now. It will be very hard for you, but you need to stand through it. We will meet again, my son." With those words he sent me off with a gentle push. I ran inside and told everyone to run away I took my sister by the hand and ran away with her and my mother. It was difficult to escape because everyone was in panic seeing the God standing outside and trying to escape. We finally managed to get outside the house my mom asked: Lucas wait where are we going, and what about your dad?" I knew how she would react if I told her what had and will happen so I lied: Dad said he will win time for us and then join up with us on the way to the Capital Dreris." Smiling she nodded and we began running.

: So, you want to win some time for your family, how brave. But inside, you should know that it's no help, it's a waste of time ha-ha". The God laughed. Erwin the Eldest made a serious Face and said: There is no more need for talking lets just get to it wouldn't you agree?" The God smirked, got in Position and Attacked. His swords had a purple Aura surrounding them now. He leaned his upper body forward; it looked like he was falling. But the moment he gained momentum in his fall he moved 20- no 30 meters in a fraction of a second. He basically teleported to his opponent swinging his sword aiming for the Head. He looked in Erwins eyes and was surprised he could see how he could follow his movements and even manage to block his hit. The God backed of and laughed again: Wow, I see were you got your confidence from, for a mere human to follow my movements, very impressive." Erwin didn't waste time and attacked. At least that's what he tried, since when his sword should have hit the God, the God disappeared. No, he just moved behind him. The God swung his sword at him but Erwin Turned around and blocked it again. Now he could see the Gods face, smiling. The moment he realized why the God was smiling it was already too late. The God struck him in the right side with his other sword. Erwin suffered an injury in the right side of his ribs. But Erwin didn't let that stop him, not when his family was on the line. He stopped blocking the striking Sword dodged it and tried to stab Calamity in the Heart. But again, the god moved. Erwin turned 180 degrees, but the God wasn't there, and in this moment, he knew it was over for him. The god, coming from above him cut off his right arm, with the sword in it. Erwin saw his arm fall of and fell on his knees. Calamity came in front of him looking down on him. : you were very strong Erwin, I shall never forget you. You were able to fight a whole 1 minute and 20 seconds." Erwin spat out blood and said: You should never look down on a human." The God grinned at first, but his smile disappeared when he saw what was happening beneath him. Erwin had without him noticing, picked up his sword with his left hand and stabbed the God in the Stomach piercing through his armor. The God was Fascinated: So, at the end you really were able to get a hit on me. That is amazing you may die without regrets." With those words he pulled the sword out of his stomach and Slashed through Erwins upper body with it. And then just stood there saying: but this is nothing to a God." Before dying Erwin could see how the wound healed and his armor repaired itself in an instant. The last thing he saw was the God walking away.


We were still running at top speed, but suddenly my mom slowed down with tears in her eyes. She knew that her husband had just died. I turned to my mother and asked: Mother can you not keep up with us? We can slow down if you want." She looked at me crying: No, we need to go on quick." I had an idea but didn't know for sure why she was crying. I am sad too that we need to leave the village but crying for it, I thought she was overreacting. But whatever, we had bigger problems, so we ran. A lightning again. But this time a vertical one that stopped right before us. The God greeted us: Well hello Family of Erwin Grayham. You look worn out, why don't you stop running." Without saying a word, completely enraged my mother ran past us and attacked the God head on. She casted a spell, a wind Spell. She threw one wind spear after another and after that she let it rain Speers on the God. The God didn't even bother to dodge. He swung his sword at the spears, and they vanished. The God was about to say something when my mom went berserk and attacked again. She pulled out a Long and a short dagger enhanced herself with mana and tried to stab Calamity. But Calamity dodged and got behind her back. I wanted to scream but my mom already knew it and casted another spell this time it was water; she drew a thin line with her dagger, a slash from above on the God. The spell activated and the thin line turned in to a Water slash. The God blocked it, backed off and with an angry voice he said: If I hadn't blocked that one it could have caused me a bit of trouble, but enough with the Games." Suddenly, my mom was tied up by a yellow chain made of light. She couldn't move, and told me and my sister to get away, but we were too shocked to do anything in that moment. The Gods voice calmed down and he said: those two aren't getting anywhere if they try to run, I will capture them the way I did with you. : Kids, I am very sorry, and I mean that, for doing this. For your info just a few minutes ago I personally ended Erwins life." After realizing what he just said I screamed, I cried, I was angry sad and didn't know what to do. I was about to collapse, but the God was still going: he was a very powerful human, very brave and ready to sacrifice himself to win time for you guys." My mother looked at me: Lucas, you knew that he wanted to win time by dying for us didn't u? Why did you lie to me-!" Calamity interrupted her: don't worry about it, you will join Erwin soon enough." He placed his swords around her neck like a scissor. And without further saying he sliced through her skin decapitating and killing my mother.

The seconds her head was falling to the ground felt like an eternity. But the moment her head hatted the ground something snapped. Something inside of me, inside my head. I began to shine and took off the Ground. Then My eyes turned red. I couldn't control my body anymore. I fired balls out of lava, bullets out of stone and fixated the god with help of plants that would wrap around his arms and legs. He was too surprised to React and took the whole impact. He had major injuries all over his body. His left leg was completely burned, there were 3 holes is his Chest, 2 in the left arm and one in his Head. I turned back to normal and saw what I had done just now. I felt drained. I had no energy inside of me. I fell on my knees and saw the God healing himself. After healing himself his leg was still burned and he cursed: F*CK, a Village Elder that is strong okay, his Wife is a powerful Elven mage, I can handle that, but a 5-year-old 1human boy awakening is too much. I will let you two live for today, but I will kill off the rest of your tribe!" With that the God disappeared, and I fell back into my sister's arms comforting me…