
Crimson Tournament's first step

Today is an important day . Really today there's an interschool competition between the two sinewy teams . On that special rivalry a specific guest is being invited, the nation's first hyper-racer.

*** A hyper-racer is a person who was in the position of a present star space pilot S but these pilots participate in a race between time in space and according to hyper-space their laps are counted.A and the hyper-racing games are treated as cricket and football .Even children and and grand elders also play this game in flyergrons(fifty-forth version of PlayStation )and in real tracks (in outer space between asteroids) respectively ***

Before three months ......

" Once in the Future Street of Drazid there lived a huge hero of time ,hohohoo ! " Wran spelled out his dream asleep. " Wran Wran get up what are you blabbering in sleep ' a shrilly voice came out in his dream. " It's me I'm the hero for sure . No one can stand before me dodododoo ! " no matter what the voice he continued his dream.

And now a precise voice came in " No ! don't murmur in sleep come on wake up" ..... after some time..... " Hmm aunt ? , did I miss something ? , Why are you waking up me so aggressively ? '

*** Aunt yeah that's nothing but Wran's aunt Mrs. Mary Magdalena Tanner ***

"Today you have your basket ball training camp selection , are you not fanatic on playing as a representative of your school in our range"continued by saying a morning."This is not only a force of me it's the only wish of your father's too and he said that he wants to be a great basket ball player too .

.... There is an upcoming basket ball district tournament and the Drazid National Highschool is the district assistant management in this tournament, as Wran is a student in Drazid Highschool he has a chance of playing in the tournament in the upcoming years, even if he is not physically fit. But Mrs Mary Magdalena's yen is to make Wran to play in this year itself. Even though it's his aunt's wish he cognizanced that it's impossible for him to play this tournament for decades ....

Half heartedly he steps towards his areoch for his payment for his training at Drazid Highschool on today evening.

*** Areoch - the thirty-fifth generation of modern laptop ***

"Boom! no one can defeat me in this video game . But as such if I became a member in the basket ball team I can only be a gleaning boy for years, but then too I can't determine for playing inside the court " Wran lamentedly took his joystick and started playing his favorite action game.

" I have a good friend in the sports committee of your school and he had generally agreed upon your selection in first level matches and the only thing now is to accept your physical improvement. " aunt cried on Wran in anger.

" OK OK I don't care none of your words because I knew that they're levels after I got selected in the school team also and there are chances of deselected .So I must be working very hard to change my character and I don't like of changing myself for a single tournament.Then too because of your coerce and my uncle's ambition I try my best even I can't succeed in it " Wran slowly got up towards the cupboard.

" Then why are you starring at the wand-almirah ? " aunt prepared him for his training and pushed him towards the bus stand . Wran slowly got himself towards the door steps and patiently waved his hands from the first step which leads him to the crimson tournament.

Crimson is not the Tournament's name it's an adjective.

Jaguardawrnercreators' thoughts