
3,264th Victim of Truck-Sama

Wisteria, a 16-year-old female who got hit by the notorious truck-sama, was reincarnated into a yandere otome game she had finished. Forced to live under the orders of a self-proclaimed god, and escape the clutches of yandere capture targets, will her quick thinking let her get out of these situations unscathed? Updates: around once a week

glitteringstarlet · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 23: Hints


Upgrade mission has started!

Please complete the mission within the given

time limit in order to upgrade the system.

If not completed, a harsh penalty shall be granted.


Of course, as all things are when the self-proclaimed god is excited about them, I had gotten myself into another miserable, messy situation.

'Why the fudge did I accept it?! Calm down. Maybe the penalty isn't that bad…?' I think to myself in order to pacify my fear. Unfortunately, that statement was so obvious it couldn't even fool me.

"If I don't press it, perhaps I won't have to deal with it?"

My hopes were interrupted by a 'Ding'.

'Subject: System Upgrade

From: God

The timer has already started~

Even if you don't press 'okay' it will still continue :D'

"Why the H-E-double hockey sticks did you add a SMILEY EMOJI?! I am suffering enough without your additional comments!"

I ignored the 'ding' that came in reply and stabbed my finger into pressed the 'okay' button.

'<l Mission:

Find the group that Sage's mother was in and disband them

*if you fail this mission you shall receive a penalty

Time: 6 months

Reward: System-level + 1

Penalty: ???'

I blinked at the screen a few times in disbelief.

"Isn't that a bit too vague?!"

This was kind of a bad situation. How was anyone supposed to find this?! I had absolutely no idea of where to even start. Nothing about this was included in the otome game!

'Well, looking back on the previous two missions with penalties, they did seem much more complicated than they ended up being, so perhaps it is the same with this one? But hasn't Marquis Everflame been searching for the group his entire life pretty much? Would it really be that easy to find? Not to mention, the fact that this seems to be something like a test when you think of it, so it would make sense if it was harder. Additionally the fact that it is 6 months is also unnerving. Is there something that will happen in 6 months, or will it just take that long?

'Well, 6 months is a long time, so I guess we can think of this later' I decided (my habit of procrastinating totally didn't play a role in this...ahahaha why in the world would anyone think that?). My mind was too sleepy to properly think anyways.


I woke up with the slightest hope that yesterday's events were just a fever dream. Unfortunately, the light of hope was (once again) quickly shattered by the self-proclaimed god.

'Subject: Morning!

From: God

Rise and shine!'

"What do you want at 5:00 am in the morning?! My classes begin at 7 so let me sleep"


'Subject: Morning!

From: God

But I'm bored...'

"Oh cool! Nice to meet you bored! Now lEt mE sLeEp."

'Subject: Morning!

From: God

Fine. I was planning on giving you a tip for your mission, but since you are being so mean to me, I won't tell you!

Hmph! ( `O´)o'

"Fine. Then tell me your tip and then I will go back to sleep"

'Subject: Morning!

From: God

Hoo~ What happened to wanting to sleep~'

"Because I have a reason to talk to you now" I duly stated, too tired to react to his provocations. "Now tell me the tip or I won't talk to you for the rest of the day. With how clingy you are being, I am starting to question if there is a reason behind it other than personality."

'Subject: Morning!

From: God

You are no fun D:

Anyways, this quest will be a bit harder than the others,

so I recommend starting it soon '

I read it, too sleepy to really understand any of it, before going back to sleep.

I woke up feeling sleepy and irritated thanks to a certain someone waking me up in the middle of my rest.

Although I may have not been too sleepy if I actually slept properly, when you have had a messed-up sleep schedule for years, adjusting yourself to sleep appropriately is near impossible. Even when sleeping early, I usually wake up a lot in the middle of the night and have a hard time going back to sleep, so it really isn't that helpful. Not to mention, that sleeping in a room that you are not used to can be kind of unnerving

As if it was hard enough going through a day with my busy schedule, going through my day when I was drifting in the border of reality and dreamland, as you can guess, was like trying to navigate your way through an unfamiliar place using a very vague map without even knowing what was up and what was down. In short, pretty much impossible. Thanks to the easy workload, however, I somehow managed to get through everything without getting in too much trouble. Except for ettique, in which I am pretty sure my teacher was going to soon hire people to assassinate me judging by the furious look on her face…

However, finally, after enduring so much I had a break.

Making a beeline towards my bed, I nose-dived into the fluffy pillows. And was met with slightly less satisfaction than expected.

'Well, I guess it makes sense, since normally I enjoy being in my own room due to the sense of security it gives me, so sleeping in a fancy and unfamiliar medieval room with strangers all around me probably isn't the best way to feel secure'

'Speaking of that'

"Hey, self-proclaimed god, when will I be able to return back to Earth?" I asked. Saying my own planet's name sounded strange on my lips. There was never really a need to say it before, as people automatically assumed that I was talking about it. It was a strange thought, thinking I was somewhere else, other than my planet, or at least my planet in the universe I know.

'Subject: Earth?

From: God

I mean, due to how troublesome it would be, I probably

won't be sending you back ┐( ̄∀ ̄)┌

So I recommend trying to get used to this world as much as possible.

Good luck~ \(^o^ )/

And in the blink of an eye, all my sleepiness was blown away, ready to be replaced by something much, much worse.

Hello! Thank you very much for reading!

How do you think that Sage will react to this new piece of information?

Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated! Stay safe and enjoy your day!

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