
2gether with me

Ackreas · Urban
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13 Chs

Campus Sweetheart

*Don't expect much so you won't be disappointed 😅 Idk about this chapter 😬*


"Hello? Win? Where are you? Hurry up, we're gonna be late for P.E. class." 15 minutes before P.E. class would start Fong called to check on me. It's a rule to completely wear the University issued P.E. uniform, any alterations will have the student penalized or reprimanded.

"Err...just go ahead without me. I may have misplaced my shoes Fong." Win sighed scratching his head.

"It's lost? But you just left it inside your locker this morning right? Where did it go?" Funny, Win always puts his P.E. shoes in his locker so he won't have to carry it around during class Fong thought. P.E. is their last subject for today.

Unlike Win Fong can just take his shoes from the football team's locker room since he needs to have it always for practice.

"...Uh, maybe I left it at the dorm. Don't worry about me. I'll come before the class starts okay? Bye."

Win doesn't know what to think, looking at the damaged and forcedly opened locker. Did the seniors do this?

He can't attend P.E. with no shoes. Win has spare shoes but the instructor is strict. School issued uniforms must be worn or nothing at all.

Win searched near the students locker area left and right. Thinking what places the seniors would possibly hide them.

"Oh-ho. Dear Nong looking for something?" The  tall senior said elbowing his friends. They sat by at a table smugly looking at Win.

"Maybe he lost something. His bag? A notebook? Or...his shoes? Haha."

"Aww. That's bad news. Better take care of your things Nong. Since we're nice seniors let us give you a hint, it's high up dangling on something...around leisure garden. Goodluck!"

The senior went passed Win snickering.

Win can only look at them with a pissed off expression running quickly to the leisure garden.

"Damn." Was the only word Win can say when he saw the shoes, laces tied together dangling high up on a tall garden tree. It's too high for Win to grab.

Searching for anything that can help him pick the shoes Win saw a ladder that is used in grooming tall trees by the School gardener.

Win positioned it vertically proportional to where the shoes are. A deep breath and Win slowly stepped on the ladder climbing up.

"Almost...there..got it!" Holding his shoes tightly Win slowly descended from the ladder. The ladder wobbled, losing his balance Win fell hard on the ground. Groaning in pain Win managed to sit up.

A part of Win's right arm slightly bled from scraping a stone during the fall. There will be bruises from the hard fall for sure after this.

Win looked at his bleeding arm. Wrapping the wound with a handkerchief, he will treat this wound at his dorm. He stood up shoes still in his hand.

Skipping class once or twice can't hurt him right?

For the first time since their freshman years Win didn't show up to P.E. class. Fong texted his friend asking why and where he is. 5 minutes later Win replied to Fong saying he won't be able to help the magazine club today coz of important matters.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me, worry about flirting with Pear. See you tomorrow Fong."

Fong read Win's text for the third time now. What important matters is Win talking about? He hadn't told me anything Fong thought. He has to help Pear and Earn move stuffs inside the club room, he can't check on Win at the moment.

An idea came to Fong's mind. He started typing something on his phone. After pressing send Fong went inside the club room to help.

"Psst. Fong texted me just now. Wanna know what it is?" Man said smiling at Bright. They're now heading back to their dorms after finishing 3 rounds of football practice.

"I don't." Bright couldn't care less what kind of things his friends and Fong are texting. He's sweaty and wants to shower badly.

"Okay! I'll say it anyways haha. Fong said Win skipped their P.E. class today. He said it's unusual for his friend to skip "any" class at all. He's slightly worried of him. Win had been acting weird lately he said." Man showed Fong's text to Bright.

Bright snatched Man's phone and reread the whole text slightly scrunching his eyebrows till the end of the message.

Bright took out his phone and typed in Fong's number.

Win gently cleaned and treated the wound on his right arm. The impact of the fall started to manifest, a few bruises appeared on Win's already aching body. Win laid on the bed trying hard to get some sleep ignoring an empty stomach when his phone rang.

The screen showed Bright's name. Pressing the answer button Win greeted him.

"Bright? Are you calling about the love letter? Sorry..uh, honestly I haven't started writing a single word for it yet."

"Don't you know I'm a patient man? Don't worry about it Win, I will wait for it even after we graduate." Bright chuckled shaking his head.

This bunny is so honest.

Win doesn't know if Bright was being serious saying those words to him. He also doesn't know why his heart skipped a beat when he heard Bright chuckled.

5 seconds of silence, Bright spoke first.

"Um...so, Fong said you've been acting weird lately. Is there something wrong? I--I mean I'm not Fong but I just want to let you know I'm here to help you with anything Win." Bright facepalmed. He thought of rehearsing his lines the next time he calls Win. Stuttering is so  out of his character.

Even Fong noticed something is wrong with him. He's acting skills need to improve.

"Nothing...nothing is wrong Bright. Fong is overreacting. I'm--I think I'm fine." If only I could tell you but I won't Win thought. Would one call this bullying? If it is then, this is not new to Win.

I had a bad day today Bright but it's fine since I heard your voice.

Bright isn't convinced Win is fine hearing from the way his voice seemed tired, not lively as it used to be. He wants to ask more but is afraid he's stepping out the boundary of being just "friends". For the time being Bright just needs to trust Win's words.

". . . . "

Bright laid to sleep. Win fell asleep without ending their call. Bright closes his eyes listening to the person on the other side of the phone sleeping soundly.

Fong woke up early waiting for Win at the front of his dorm room. Yesterday Win refused to let Fong visit him after he's done with club duties telling Fong they should come to school together tomorrow instead.

5 minutes passed Win still hadn't come out. Thank god self study is their first class today.

"We're not late yet for first subject right? Sorry, it took me awhile to get ready Fong."

The door opened revealing a tired looking Win softly rubbing his eyes.

"Hey, what happened to your arm? Is this why you were absent on our P.E. class yesterday?" Fong immediately noticed the part of Win's bondaged arm.

Fong looked at his friend with worry.

"Uh..this? It's nothing. I just slipped and crashed into a rough surface while running. Clumsy of me right? Haha." Win awkwardly laughed pulling the sleeves to hide it.

Luckily the bruises can't be seen through Win's uniform.

"What kind of surface is sharp enough to create that? Looks like you bondaged it multiple times!" Fong moved to take a closer look at Win's arm.

Win quicky hid his arms away from Fong urging him to hurry or they would be late for class.

Today maybe Win's luck. First subject was self study while the rest of their day is vacant. Their subject teachers are scheduled for performance evaluation and rating. The teachers cancelled their classes to get themselves ready.

Since Win wasn't able to help Fong with club duties yesterday he told Fong to take Pear out on a snack and let him finish what was left of the stuffs that needs to be moved.

Fong was hesitant at first but Win insisted. Fong gave Win the key to the club, he left looking at Win who is cutely waiving at him saying goodluck.

Heading his way to the club Win saw a bunch of students running towards his opposite direction. They all look both panic and excited.

"Omg! Omg! Can't believe his here! Hurry!" One of the girls said pulling two of her friends eagerly.

"Damn it! And I left my gifts at the dorm. Everyone run like your life depended on it. We have to get to Prince Bright before any group does."

Win stared. Those fan girls should be members of the sports club. They'd win gold with how fast they're running.

"Bright is here? Should I go see him? But what if..." Win contemplated. He wants to see him but what if Bright sees his arm and ask questions? Win sighed and just continued his way to the magazine club.

Mid-way on Win's walk he heard someone clapping behind his back. It's one of the seniors from yesterday.

"What do you want? I'm warning you, what you're doing is against school rules. You might get expelled for it." Win reasoned out.

As much as he like Win doesn't want these seniors to be expelled because of him. How would their parents feel?

This school is famous, being expelled from here it would be hard for their parents to transfer them to other universities.

"Ooh, aren't you brave today? I heard the idiot Bright is coming here. Are you planning to tell him about us Nong?" The seniors snickered.

"Come on guys, Win won't do that. He better think twice if he does." The tall senior grabbed Win's right arm pressing hard on the bondaged part.

Win jolted in pain trying to set his arms free from the senior's grip.

"But if you insist let's just say your friend Fong won't be able to continue playing football for the rest of year. Hmm or probably forever?"

With a threatening look the senior let go of Win's arm making an "I'm watching you" gesture whilst leaving him.

Damn you! Damn you! Why do you have to involve Fong with this!? A bunch of cowards!!

Win wanted to punch the wall to his left so much in anger. Getting Fong in danger, how long will he be able to endure?


Oh dear, Win definitely recognizes this voice. Bright approached Win with a slight worry on his face.

"Br--Bright! Err, how are you? What brings you here? Where's Man and Boss? Are you practicing football again with Fong's team?" Win internally panicked, he tried to distract Bright from noticing his wound.

"Fine. I'm here to see P'Dim. I don't know where they are don't look for those two and yes, soon but not now. There, all questions answered. My turn, are you okay? You look tired. Where did you get that wound from? Don't try to hide it Win I'm not blind."

Bright wants to check the wound badly.

He answered all of Win's questions in an orderly manner. A bit aggrieved looking at the wound. It better be not what he's thinking or else.

"Uh..th--this? I tripped while running back to my dorm and scraped my arm. Don't worry about it. Y--you're meeting with P'Dim for the magazine right? I'll take you to his office. He might be waiting for you already."

Win was about to begin walking when Bright gently grabbed his right wrist. Bright looked at Win seriously.

"I'm worried. Win if you--"

"Why didn't you wait for me Bright? You even arrived here earlier than me."

Bright was cut off from what he was about to say. A girl in gifted class uniform with a golden name tag on her right chest interrupted him. The girl smiled cutely and held on to Bright's arm.

"Meanie. I'll forgive you but you have to treat me lunch tomorrow okay? Oh! Hello? I didn't know you have a friend here Bright." The girl snuggled closely at Bright.

They look good together Win thought.

"Um, nice to meet you I'm--"

"Glad to meet you too. I bet you know who I am right? Great! Come on Bright let's hurry up. That P'Dim is hot tempered he won't like it if we're late."

The girl waved goodbye at Win quickly dragging Bright away from where Win is standing. Win mouthed "goodluck" to Bright as they disappear from his sight.

You're asking me if I know that girl right? Pfft. Of course.



Fair skinned...



Every girl envies her. Her name is Pam, the Gifted Class Student Council President. The famous campus sweetheart. Everyone says things like:

"They're an item already."

"A power couple."

"They should date for real."

"They look good together."

I can see why though. The perfect girl for a perfect boy like Bright. A match made in heaven.

A complete opposite of me.

Win continued to stare at the empty hallway where Pam and Bright went.

A part of Win is hurting and it's definitely not his wound.

*Our bunny nooo!!  Um.. don't hate me? LoL. ILY all ❤️ thanks for the support.*