
Dearest to Me

Chapter 13. Dearest to Me

Harry and Iris were huddled together on the bed.

They were just going to bid each other goodnight and were going to sleep when Iris spoke up. "Brother?"

Harry looked at her curiously, both lying on their sides and facing each other.

"Hmm?" He mumbled idly, combing her hair with his fingers and marvelling at the pleasant silky texture. This had become one of his favourite pastimes.

"What is parselmouth?" She asked cluelessly. Harry couldn't help but let out a snort and continued caressing his fingers through her hair, running them over her soft scalp.

"The correct question is, who is parselmouth? A parselmouth is a person who can talk to snakes and has the ability to control them. Apparently, Voldemort is one. Why didn't you ask this earlier when Daph was ranting?" He asked.

"I didn't want to distract Daphne, and also it was fun seeing her try to scare you." She giggled cutely, enjoying the sensation of his fingers in her hair. He tapped her nose for the comment but otherwise remained silent.

He was too preoccupied with some other serious thoughts to offer a smile at her mischievous remark.

"What is it, brother?" She asked finally, aware of his absent-mindedness.

He sighed softly and looked at her with a frown.

"Can you answer my question honestly? I want you to be totally honest." He demanded, his tone too sombre for her comfort.

She nodded with dread welling up in her stomach.

"Do you like it when we kiss, or do you just kiss me to keep up with the other girls? Think properly before answering. This won't change anything between us. I just want an honest response from you." He said kindly, but there was a slight tremor in his voice as if he was fearing something. His hand slid from her hair to her cheek, cupping it tenderly, his gaze kind and understanding.

She immediately wanted to say 'Yes, I love kissing you', but refrained from blurting it out. He wanted an honest answer, and she would think thoroughly before giving it.

"It is kind of complicated. When I first asked you to kiss me that night, I both wanted the kiss to feel what it would feel like and to keep up with Tracey and Daphne. But there had been a small fear in the back of my mind that it would be disgusting to put my mouth on another person's mouth.

"I mean, wouldn't it be disgusting if some of their spit entered inside yours? Just yuck! But I was also curious because I saw how Tracey and Daphne were enjoying it, so I took a leap of faith and requested to kiss you. I don't regret it a bit. I enjoy kissing you. I love it." She said with a bright chirpy smile, her hand cupping his on her cheek. "My first kiss was magical, just like I had heard in stories of handsome princes and pretty princesses. I felt warmth and love for the first time when our lips met. At that moment, I became oblivious to everything but your soft warm lips."

Harry smiled fondly and was amused at her for thinking that kissing was disgusting. But he knew that he wasn't too different at her age, not finding it appealing either, the idea of kissing Daphne and Tracey on the lips had disgusted him at one time.

"I am glad." He sighed in relief.

"Then may I get my nightly kiss now?" She asked mischievously.

He chuckled and leaned forward, and so did Iris.

He pressed his lips to hers. Soft and light. Their warm breath pooled between them, and a moment later they were kissing each other passionately as no siblings should. Their mouths were attached in a lewd kiss. Her palms held his face while his hands gripped her waist, pulling her tighter against him until her front was squashed against his, until he could feel her barely grown breasts and her hard nipples mashed on his chest.

He had to consciously restrain his hands from creeping down and fondling her butt, keeping them firmly on the curves of her waist.

The lack of air made them pull back after a while, both gasping and panting, but there were matching pleased grins on their faces, indicating the fun they had.

"Goodnight, little one," He wished softly, tracing her soft pink lips with his thumb.

"Goodnight, big brother," She grinned happily, shivering at his touch, her lips tingling. She lightly pecked him on the mouth and turned away from him, nestling against his chest and pulling her knees to her stomach, taking a foetal sleeping position.

Harry placed his arm around her waist and rested it on her tummy, but that hand was quickly seized by Iris, who grabbed it with both of her arms and cuddled it against her chest. Harry sighed in exasperation and kissed her on her neck, trying not to focus on the nipple that was underneath his palm.

Iris giggled. "Don't do that! It tickles."

"Okay." He whispered, closing his eyes.

He was happy that night with her warm body pressed against his. He was happy that she felt something when they kissed and wasn't just doing it for his sake.

He was glad that she wasn't just doing it from the fear of abandonment.


The next day after classes, in the evening, the five were in the Room of Requirement, finishing their homework. Harry was finally done and sighed tiredly. The teachers really needed to rein in their need to overload students with homework.

Astoria and Iris were on the other side, diligently doing their work. The five were sitting on cushions with a low table separating the first and second years.

Harry had gotten this idea from one of those Japanese cartoons where the family sat on pillows around a large table with short legs. He couldn't recall the names of the shows. It had been a while since he last watched TV.

Tracey and Daphne were on either side of him, both doing their work. The blonde was glaring at the parchment while writing on it. She always hated theoretical stuff. Tracey on the other hand was doing it with ease, her brown hair resting on her shoulders in two braids.

He grinned. 'Time for some fun.'

He discreetly pointed his wand at Tracey and mouthed, "Wingardium Leviosa!"

Tracey yelped as she hovered in the air briefly before abruptly dropping into Harry's lap.

The other three girls barely spared a single glance and went back to their work, not even surprised. Tracey's back was flushed against Harry's front. Her head was a little higher than his due to the position, so his face was hidden behind her neck.

"Harry? What are you doing?" She whined childishly, his arms encircling her waist.

"Carrying out my promise. Daphne sat in my lap yesterday, and I don't want to seem partial to her so it's your turn today to take a seat in my coveted lap. I'm just fulfilling my promise. Nothing nefarious." He smiled innocently.

Tracey turned her head and gave him an unimpressed look, but he could see the blush tingling her cheeks.

Harry grinned, and she conceded defeat with a sigh.

"Just don't disturb me while I write. I'm almost done. I don't want to drag my homework because of your interruptions." She told him.

Harry nodded.

She hauled her books and parchments from her side of the table to his and resumed her work diligently.

Harry, in the meanwhile, hummed a catchy tune he remembered vaguely from a TV show. He was enjoying the pleasant sensation of Tracey perched in his lap. He had always craved physical intimacy but didn't know about it until she had made that deal to hug him whenever she could when he saved her. He was thankful for that event. It made him taste the fun of being physically close to someone.

After a few minutes, Tracey announced that her work was done.

Daphne made an irritated noise at them. He watched her with dry amusement. If she didn't waste her time and energy glaring at the parchment then she would have finished it already.

His attention was brought back as Tracey spun in her spot so she was facing him now, her legs crossing behind his back while her arms were around his neck.

"Now, fulfil your promise properly." She smiled playfully and leaned forward.

Harry didn't need any more motivation and he closed the distance between their lips.

Tracey gasped as their lips fit perfectly.


Tracey would use that word to describe the feeling that surged within her. Her soft warm body further pressed into his, her smooth lips working on his.

There was so much heat between them that it felt like they were slowly combusting.

He grabbed the back of her head, hooking his fingers in her brown hair, and kissed her more zealously, his other hand touching her hip, slowly sliding up, dragging a fiery path on her skin.

His touch caused goosebumps on her tingling skin.

She shivered as the kiss got heated.

His palm slid under her skirt and rested on her left plump buttock.

Her protest was stifled by his fervent snog.

She was in a daze, incoherent, her brain melting into a puddle.

Tracey loved every moment of it. The fire burning inside her, his electrifying touch, and even his daring hand on her arse.

She loved all of it, but, unfortunately, the lack of air was the natural interruption of their passionate make-out session. Pulling back her head she stared into his eyes.

Those damn adorable emerald eyes could make her do anything for him.

She was panting.

He was panting.

A pleased grin on both of their faces.

His other hand had also joined the previous one in grasping her pert arse under her skirt, making her bite her lip as he fondled her round flesh.

The clearing of throat drew her attention from Harry's entrancing beautiful eyes. She looked beside her, at Daphne who was smiling smugly and pointing her finger at the opposite side where Astoria and Iris were peeping through their fingers.

"Sorry!" She squeaked, blood rushing to her face, and moaned loudly when his splayed fingers sank into her soft cheeks, squeezing her bum.

The other girls gave her disbelieving looks, shocked at the indecent sound that left her.

Tracey felt that she should have died of shame at that moment. That would have been way better, saving her from the embarrassment.

She glowered at Harry who was stifling his laughter. Climbing off his lap she sat at her place, not looking at anybody and just staring at her parchment.

A second later, laughter erupted around her, drowning her in their mirth. Everyone was laughing, except her of course.

She shot a murderous look at Harry who was holding his stomach as he laughed.

He slung his arm around her neck and kissed her sweetly on the cheek.

"Don't be embarrassed. That was the correct response to my stimulus." He said, wiggling his fingers.

She huffed and turned her face away from him.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. What will it take for you to forgive me? You know that I can't bear to see you angry at me." He asked, bumping his shoulder against hers and placing another kiss on her cheek.

"Ask him to write my homework. Please?" Daphne butted in excitedly.

Tracey snorted and looked back at Harry. She pushed his head —which was too close— back a little, or else she might have given in to the temptation and kissed him again.

"Can I ask you to do anything?" She questioned, raising her eyebrow in challenge.

"Well, yes, except either asking for my life or to become your boyfriend or husband." He half-joked.

Tracey rolled her eyes at him. It wasn't as if she was ever going to ask him to sacrifice his life. And as for her asking him to commit himself to her, that was never going to happen. She was disappointed by it. Very disappointed, but she wasn't going to destroy their friendship for it. It wasn't her decision what Harry did sexually in his spare time.

She sighed, inhaling deeply, ready to say her mind.

"I want us to stop kissing and touching each other inappropriately." She announced in a weak tone.

Harry frowned at that but didn't protest.

"Okay. As you wish, would you tell me the reason?" He asked, unsure of the sudden change.

She nodded.

"We are moving too fast. We are only twelve and are already kissing and groping each other. It is just too fast. I don't want to do something that I'll regret later. So, I want us to go back to when we just hugged each other and kissed each other on the cheeks and not on the lips," She explained half-heartedly as if she herself wasn't sure what she wanted.

"Of course. It is your decision. I'm sorry if I crossed some boundaries. I thought you enjoyed it so I did it." He said carefully, hiding his thoughts behind a sheepish look.

She smiled, shaking her head.

"I enjoyed it and that was the problem," She confessed, her answer barely a whisper.

Harry nodded although he didn't get what she meant by that. 'If you enjoy something then why are you stopping it?' he thought.

Looking at the others, he saw that they all were paying attention to their conversation instead of their homework.

He glanced at Daphne and tilted his head in thought.

"So Daphne, we also have to stop doing these things?" He enquired, making her scowl.

"Why? I don't have any problem with that. We'll continue." She said immediately.

"Are you sure?" He asked again.

"Of course." She grinned assuredly.

Tracey gave her a disapproving look, thinking that Daphne should have followed her example and put on some limits. Both Daphne and Harry were impulsive and rash, and she could see trouble brewing in the near future. She was thankful when Astoria spoke up and made a good point.

"I wonder what our parents would say. Having a physical relationship with a boy who isn't even your boyfriend or betrothed, and all of that at the age of twelve," She said sweetly.

Daphne groaned and stared at her younger sister.

"What do you want to keep your mouth shut and sealed?"

"Hmm. A promise. I want your promise that you wouldn't go all the way until you are 15. I hope you'll mature by that time and will stop this stupid thing with Harry.

"I don't know why you are even continuing it. Harry is indirectly saying that he'll be a playboy and won't have a permanent relationship with anyone. You'll be just a stepping stone in his path to woo many girls.

"I hope you haven't forgotten the lessons and warnings mother had given us before coming to Hogwarts." Astoria implored logically.

She had the utmost respect for Harry, but this was the one thing she couldn't ignore. Daphne was her sister after all, she was obliged to look out for her. His switching between Tracey and Daphne as if they were just clothes had made her insides turn.

Tracey looked uncomfortable at the accusation. She wanted to defend Harry, but Astoria had raised some true concerns. Was she just one of the many girls Harry was going to seduce? What after it? Was he going to abandon her after that?

Daphne was having mixed feelings about her own decision. She knew and trusted Harry absolutely, but Astoria was also telling the truth. She looked at Harry who wore a pensive expression.

Iris, on the other hand, gave them dirty looks. Who were they to question her 'big brother'? They should feel blessed that he was giving them a chance to be with him, and now instead of being grateful they were doubting him. Pathetic. Before she could say anything in his defence, Harry spoke up himself.

"I think you all are misunderstanding me." He started and looked everybody in the eye. "As I have said to Tracey and Daph last year, in terms of relationships, there is the 'best friend/family' category which is above everything else for me.

"You all are in that category. That is the most important relationship to me. You all are the dearest to me, the only people I care about. So, even if Tracey and Daph decide to not have any physical relationship with me in the future then that's fine. It won't matter in the least. They will remain my best friends.

"I am sorry that I assumed that they'd be interested in me. As for my commitment issue, I just don't like tying myself to anyone. I believe in enjoying my life. I believe in the freedom to do anything. So, of course, I may have other physical relationships, or maybe not. I don't know that right now. The future will decide that.

"I won't change my life for one person. I won't change myself for anyone. I won't even question if Daph and Tracey decide to date some other boy in the future. I'll be angry, I'll be disappointed, but I'll tolerate it.

"Daphne and Tracey have the right to choose their significant others. But they have to promise me that they'll still remain my best friends, my family. Just as I have promised them that they'd be the most important persons in my life. I want a promise in return from them that they won't change themselves, that they won't forget me for some boyfriend/husband, and that the worth of our relationship won't decrease because of any other relationship they may have. That I won't be replaced. That I won't be some distant memory for them.

"That is the only promise I need from them because I can't go back from here. They are my best friends, and I'm not going to compromise. So help me, if in future your husbands/boyfriends have changed you, that I have been replaced, that I don't matter to you anymore, then I'm going to fucking torture the shite out of those who have changed you and give them the most horrible deaths in the history of cruelty." He finished his monologue passionately, putting his emotions in words, and banging his palm on the table in anger. The girls jolted back at his sudden anger.

Harry sighed and deflated, closing his eyes, realising that he had almost started screaming.

"Sorry for that," He said after a second, with his eyes open and a forced smile on his lips.

Astoria looked down guiltily. And Daphne and Tracey were clinging to either side, hugging him tightly.

"I'm sorry for even doubting you for a moment. We'll be together forever, and that I promise. And no matter what happens, you'll be one of the most important people to me." Tracey said emotionally, burying her face in his neck.

"Same." Daphne joined.

Harry tightened his grip on their waists, pulling them as close as he could. 'No one is going to take them away from me. No one. There is no going back.'

When they were back to normal and were sitting side-by-side again, Astoria looked at him apologetically.

"I'm sorry, Harry," She said softly.

Harry shook his head.

"No need for that, Astoria. You were just looking out for your sister. You have my admiration and respect for that." He smiled, impressed at her for speaking against him. She ducked her head in embarrassment and went back to writing her homework.

Iris, meanwhile, was glad that everything worked out and her brother wasn't sad anymore.

"Daphne? Aren't you going to promise something to Astoria?" He asked, amused.

The blonde nodded.

"Okay, Astoria, I'll accept this condition. I won't go all the way with Harry until I am 15." She shrugged.

Astoria nodded unsurely.

Daphne leaned into his side and whispered in his ear so only he could hear it. "Doesn't really matter though. We could do so many other things in three years before finally doing it." She smirked slyly.

Harry chuckled and placed a kiss on her head.


The months passed quickly, and it was Christmas morning.

The fear of the 'Chamber of secrets' had vanished after nothing happened for weeks. The five did visit Regina a couple of times in their free time, but soon the basilisk went into deep slumber and was forgotten. Daphne and Astoria went home for the Yule holidays. Tracey also decided to go home as her father had arrived back in England for the holidays. Apparently, her father worked in America and was rarely home. Harry couldn't fathom why he would go to America for work. Wasn't there work available in the British Isles? Whatever, it wasn't his concern.

He woke up early on Christmas morning and was faced with the same problem he faced every day. Iris was huddled against his chest with his one hand cuddled against her breasts. But today was Christmas and he decided it would be fun to spend more time with her, so he didn't feel guilty when he woke her up early.

He shook her shoulder gently with his free hand.

She turned around and opened her eyes slowly.

'Will it be narcissistic to love her beautiful emerald eyes?' He thought with an amused smile.

"Good morning, little one," He kissed her forehead.

Iris just looped her hands around his neck and pulled him beside her.

"Too early!" She complained, pressing against him, her face resting on his chest, and her hands wrapped around his neck.

Harry chuckled and ran his fingers through her red hair.

"Okay, as you wish, I thought I'd give you your two Christmas presents, but since you are not—" He was interrupted as Iris pounced on him, straddling his stomach and gawking at him in delight.

"Presents? I have never received presents before. It will be so much fun." She squealed gleefully, hugging him enthusiastically.

Harry smiled, hiding his sadness and rage at hearing that she hadn't received any presents before.

"Yes. It will be fun. But before that, you must go shower first and wait in the common room. I'll bring you your presents there." He instructed calmly.

She nodded emphatically, her hair flying here and there.

"Okay. I'm going." She said excitedly, kissing him loudly on the cheek, and leapt from the bed. She put on the invisibility cloak and flounced out of his room in haste.

She was waiting in the common room, sitting at their spot on the sofa in the corner. Her face lit up at seeing him enter the common room. He was carrying a long package in his hands.

The few people who were in the Slytherin common room guessed what it was. He plopped down beside her and handed it to her. She looked confused, but after tearing all the packing, her face showed mixed feelings. There was wonder and happiness, but there was also perplexity.

Sitting in her lap was Nimbus 2001.

"Whoa! That's Nimbus 2001. The latest and fastest broom in the market." Draco Malfoy said in awe from across the room.

Harry shot him a glare and Malfoy turned away with a huff.

"But what will I do with it? I'm not in Slytherin's Quidditch team, and I've heard that first years aren't allowed to own their own broom." Iris whispered as other students were trying to glance at the broom surreptitiously.

Harry smiled, placing his arm around her shoulders, and whispered back. "Don't worry, if anyone asks then tell them it's my broom, but in reality, it will be yours. As for Quidditch, you may be selected next year for the team. It's all up to you if you're interested in Quidditch or not. But the broom is not for that purpose. You see, I want us to fly together on the broom and have an enjoyable peaceful time. It'll be a fun activity, no? Are you up for it? Just you and me, flying in the air."

Her eyes widened, imagining the scenario, and she nodded in agreement.

"My second gift?" She asked, remembering that he had said he'd give two.

Harry laughed and kissed her forehead, making her blush.

"For that, you have to come back to my room." He said and led her to his room, sitting her on his bed and standing before her.

He pulled out a beautiful emerald necklace from his pocket and dangled it before her.

A black metal snake wrapped the emerald gem at its edges and bit its own tail. It was gorgeous. She recalled seeing the same necklace sometimes on Tracey's or Daphne's neck.

"Do you like it?" He asked expectantly.

Iris beamed at him and nodded.

"Put it on me." She requested, grabbing his arm and pulling him down beside her.

"Aren't you eager?" He chuckled at her impatient glare.

He scooted closer and placed his hand on her slender neck, moving her red hair to one side and locking the clasp of the necklace behind her neck.

She touched the gem and metal snake reverently. A lone tear escaped her. She wiped it quickly and smiled at her big brother.

He smiled back uncertainly.

She promptly climbed into his lap and hugged him tight, her arms around his neck, her legs crossed behind his back, and his arms wrapped around her waist in return.

"Don't move until I say so. I want to stay like this for a moment." She whispered in his ear.

"As you command, little one," He laughed softly, squeezing her waist. She buried her face in his neck and inhaled hoarsely.

She remembered all of her childhood, and there wasn't a single time when she received a gift. Being an orphan in an orphanage was bad, but being a freak orphan in an orphanage was worse. How she wished Harry, her big brother, had always been there with her. How she wished he had been with her back when she cried alone in her sleep, so he could have hugged her, so he could have comforted her.

She shook her head. The dark past was past and the future was bright. She promised herself that she wouldn't leave her brother's side until she died. He was the only boy she needed. He would be her brother, he would be her mother, he would be her father, and he would be her lover. She didn't need anyone but just him.

"Iris? Are you okay?" He queried as he heard her sniffles, his voice full of concern.

She pulled back, staring at him with unquenchable love, and nodded with a soft smile.

The smile suddenly faded. She didn't give him any presents. She didn't give any of her friends any gifts. Her stomach dropped at that dreadful thought.

"I'm fine, brother, but I just remembered that I didn't give you any presents. I also didn't give others any gifts. I never had to give anyone gifts before so I forgot about Christmas presents," She confessed in a disappointed voice.

Harry cupped her face and gave her a smug smile.

"Don't worry. I took care of it. I gave everybody gifts in your name. I knew you'd have forgotten about it. And as for you not giving me a gift, you being with me is the best gift I can ask for. Who cannot adore a cute little redhead sister?"

She just didn't know what to say. He had considered everything for her.

She only had one thing in mind. She leaned in and captured his lips in a toe-curling kiss.

He was the one, she decided. He was the only one that mattered. The only one she loved, and the only one she would ever love.


Iris was awed and impressed when he explained that the necklace had the power to summon him and that a part of his magic resided in it. She was very happy. A part of his Deus, a part of him was in the necklace. He also explained that he had given one to Astoria as well. Iris was happy that Astoria also got the amazing necklace as she was her friend, but there was a prick of jealousy which she squashed immediately. Her brother had said that he would have many physical relationships in the future so she shouldn't be jealous. It was not that anyone could ever replace her. She was his only sister. Others were his friends, but she was his sister, the one related to blood. The one who slept beside him every night. The one he called 'his little one'.

She shouldn't be jealous. Others had nothing on her.

They spent the time before breakfast outside flying on the new broom.

Iris instantly loved flying. It was loads better than flying on those frail school brooms. She knew she was good, but hearing it from her brother made her puff up her chest in pride. And him sitting behind her with his arms closely wrapped around her body was just a bonus.

A very appreciated and loved bonus.

After breakfast, they were seated in the common room. He was helping her with the remaining homework. They had decided to skip the Room of Requirement that day since the common room had very few students and the atmosphere was peaceful enough.

They were seated at their usual place and Harry was explaining the importance of some ingredients in potions to her. She was great at potions. She was thankful that Professor Snape didn't sneer at her as he did with other students. He mostly ignored her existence in his class. She didn't have any problem with that. It was way better than being the subject of his sneer or verbal abuse. She had seen many other students regarding her with jealous looks for that privilege.

Harry suddenly stopped his explanation and stared at Crabbe and Goyle who were questioning Draco about the Chamber of Secrets.

A sly smile tugged on his lips.

"Harry?" She asked curiously.

He looked back at her, the mirthful smile still on his face.

"I just found two lions in the den of snakes." He smirked and pointed to where Draco was talking with Crabbe and Goyle.

She looked at him questioningly.

"They are Jasmine and Ron in the skin of Crabbe and Goyle. I suspect the use of Polyjuice potion." He further explained.

As Crabbe and Goyle went out of the common room, Harry followed them. And Iris followed Harry. They left the common room behind.

He looked around and saw that they were alone in the hallway. Crabbe/Ron and Goyle/Jasmine were reaching the end of the hallway.

"Jasmine! Ron!" He yelled at their backs. And they turned around to look at him.

Harry shook his head as he walked up to them, Iris close behind him.

"What's with this new guise? I didn't know you were in that type of kinky stuff, Jasmine." He said to her, their eyes widening as they realised that Harry knew about their deceit.

Ron's hand itched towards his robe, but a wand was pressed to his neck, Iris glaring at him.

"Don't you dare attack Harry!" She said coldly. Jasmine also had her wand in her hand, but fortunately, she wasn't pointing at anyone.

"Easy there, dear Iris. No need to blow his head… yet." He joked and turned his attention back to Jasmine.

Iris pocketed her wand and glared at Crabbe/Ron.

"Give me a valid reason why you infiltrated the Slytherin common room and I'll let this go. I'm pretty sure that there will be a serious punishment for using Polyjuice potion to infiltrate another house's common rooms. Just think what Professor Snape will do to you both." He smirked.

Jasmine and Ron shivered visibly. Everyone knew how cruel Snape was to the Gryffindors.

A moment later their body gave a melting impression, and they were returned back to their real body.

"Now you look a lot better. Just Jasmine, not you Ron. I was missing this unique blue hair and the beautiful crystal blue eyes." His lips tugged up.

Jasmine rolled her eyes at him and his try at flirting.

"We just wanted to know the truth behind the Chamber of Secrets. Who better than Draco Malfoy to ask?" She shrugged nonchalantly.

Harry groaned and shook his head.

"Where is Hermione? Didn't she try to stop you from this reckless plan? I thought she was the brains behind your group." He questioned.

"Actually, it was her plan in the first place. As for what happened to her? We don't exactly know." Ron answered sourly.

"It seems your reckless tendencies are rubbing off on her." Harry laughed.

Jasmine made an annoyed voice in her throat.

"Was that reason enough?" She asked.

"Yes. Yes, you can go now. A passing suggestion for you both. Drop the subject of Chamber of Secrets. The matter is already resolved. There's no more danger here in Hogwarts, at least for now." He announced and waved his hand at them, and started walking back towards the Slytherin common room. Iris right on his heels.

"Will you tell us what happened?" Jasmine asked.

"Maybe. Or maybe not." He looked over his shoulder and grinned, and then entered the common room without waiting to see her response.

Next chapter